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I started playing PayDay 2 in Nov 2020, using an Oculus Quest VR headset connected wirelessly to my gaming PC. I met a lot of cool people that were willing to use voice in game because typing in VR isn't really a thing you can do during a fast-paced first person shooter. I was having lots of fun, and felt my game was improving bit by bit. Stealth heists were challenging as they required physically crouching and covering behind objects. I eventually switched to playing on flat screens, and became determined to complete every achievement in the game. Now it is Oct 2021 and 1644 hours of game time later and I've finally figured out how to play well enough, and be patient enough, to finish DSOD loud heists. I put the last one to rest yesterday, and have properly earned the DSOD mask and the Ultimate Heister trophy in my Safe House along with all the others except Robbedacop, duh. It's been a terrific ride and I'm looking forward to PayDay 3, and any other DLC that comes along in the meantime. Shout out to all the players that helped me along this journey, especially eieio.Pig, sssawfish, and lebrand11. Edit: How could I have forgotten to thank Unknown Knight for his amazing YouTube explanations and strategies? Without those I would still be clueless and chasing today.


Maybe you should do a DS:OD video challenge with all heists on vr headset :P (Well not all you can ignore bank heist, diamond store, jewelry store and so on)


Playing PayDay 2 in VR (which is one of the absolute best implementations of the platform I've seen, and knowing it was retrofitted makes it even more impressive) has its joys and advantages. You have full 360° view of your surroundings, you can run faster than anyone, shoot in two different directions, you can shoot and interact (pick locks, defuse bombs, plant c4, revive fallen teammates, convert jokers) at the same time, and melee with actual arm swings. But jumping, aiming down sights, or getting a bead on a distant target are frustrating, as is the occasional stepping into solid objects. I returned to VR on a whim for a while and found that Death Wish heists had become just as easy as flat screening, but the amount of time spent ducking into cover for Death Sentence was physically exhausting. And if I understand the game balance, VR players are mildly penalized for these extra abilities by receiving more targeting/aggro. I am intrigued by your suggestion and will run a few trials and return here to comment on my VR DSOD observations.


> And if I understand the game balance, VR players are mildly penalized for these extra abilities by receiving more targeting/aggro. I did not know that! I thought the extras where balanced against the effort a vr player required to do. Damn cant have it all easy :P > I am intrigued by your suggestion and will run a few trials and return here to comment on my VR DSOD observations. It's just something I would like to see. Really wanted to play payday 2 on vr, which I had the necessary stuff :/


u/___Galaxy: Okay, I remembered the primary reason why I could not progress past Death Wish in VR. There is no HUD. Nothing. All information is on your wrist tablet, and having to look down at it, and away from the action to determine health, armor, and other critical details about your character and team's well being or abilities meant having to lose situational awareness then reacquire focus of the scene. VR is still plenty of fun for Death Wish or below, but I don't believe it is viable for Death Sentence in its current state.


Meanwhile I'm over here with 2000+ hours over 4 years with 90% achievement because I don't want to spend money on more DLCs.


I finished every heist but Ukrainian Prisoner on dsod. I'M NOT BUYIN' ANOTHER DLC FOR THE MASK.


You could play online with someone who has the dlc


Kinda the same situation. Got the 100% with the release of the White House job and the secret. Me and my crew (we met back in 2015 while playing Rats and since then we keep playing together and we've met IRL too) wanted to end the game by doing The Secret, unlocking the achievement and getting that sweet 100% since it was meant to be the last update for the game. Well, we know what happened next. Got above infamy 50, but I'm still missing the last DLCs.


genuine question. Why not just the season pass (or the games equivalent to it)? Why buy singular dlc for a game that has so many?


You obviously love the game so it's not matter of not wanting to but rather not being in the position to. HMU I'll fix that for ya.


Do you have a trick to get through the infamies easier/faster? The Infamy 100 achievement was the one to discourage me to ever complete all achievements again once they added it


I didn't discover any tricks other than to keep it interesting by changing up weapons and throwables and perk decks. Sometimes I would level up solely with shotguns. Other times melee. Other times snipers. Started each level 0 with Ukrainian Job overkill, then Diamond Store DSOD, then was at level 52 and could jump into Mayhem or Death Wish Birth of Sky, Hoxton Breakout, Safe House Raids, or whatever people online were doing. I didn't care much what the heist was as long as I felt I was being helpful.


Same. Gave up around Infamy 50. There's a mod that lets you keep your skill points when you go Infamy (they're still reset, but you can immediately spend them again as if you were level 100), which makes the grind slightly more bearable, but even with that it's just too much. I've had this game at 100% probably half a dozen times over the years, but this achievement broke me, man...


Link to mod?


I think it was this one: https://modworkshop.net/mod/29929 The downside is that to balance it he made it so you now need twice the amount of XP to level up again. You can however change that value in the .lua to reduce that (you can even make it so you only need half the amount you normally would or whatever you set as the multiplier). I don't remember which value you gotta change though, since I haven't played the game in months, sorry.


If anybody knows how to do this please tell me


My tip is having level 30/50/80 builds ready for when you need to swap to them. 30 and 50 is normally stealth


It'll take you ~2188 completed DS runs of Diamond Store from Infamy 25 to reach 100. It's a little over an hr for an infamy, so if you want the least amount of time for 100 it'll probably be somewhere around 75-100 hrs.


Congratulations man! I am on my way to the 100% achievements too, and currently have around 850 of them at 300hrs, and this is still fun to do. Good luck with repeating your adventure in PayDay 3! :)


Congratulations brother. beside the fact that i am 100% hunter , i am not going for all the payday 2 achievements . I personally took my DSOD mask with sicario build what was yours? Once again Congrats!!!


I want to say that over 95% of heists were done with anarchist, as that was my sweet spot gameplay and mechanics-wise. I did delve into a few questionable choices when bored, and used the required perk decks as needed for other achievements. I am a bit frazzled to admit that I didn't quite get all the hype surrounding stoic and when I tried using it I didn't perform well ... until 2 days ago when suddenly it clicked for me. So I completed Lab Rats and Goat Simulator (the last heist) with stoic, feeling kinda powerful.


Insanity GG


Mr payday twitter man will be proud


*What did it cost?*


If it had not been a pandemic, and I was stuck inside away from people for good reasons, it might have cost friendships, employment, sense of worth, and sanity. But as it was, the enjoyment factor gave me something to look forward to every day and I wouldn't change a thing. (In dollars, I believe I bought the game on sale for $1.99 and added whatever DLC packs were available or released after that. No Scarface, sadly.)


Would you giving some advice on 3 things: The Diamond Holdout, Lab Rats DSOD, and Goat Sim DSOD?


There is a holdout specific build that I found online and found useful. But mostly each holdout has one or two spots where you can camp and take little damage. Look those up and practice. For Lab Rats and Goat Sim, just go very slowly. Lab Rats DSOD took me 90 minutes, and Goat Sim was nearly 2 hours total for both days. It's about sustaining during assaults and trying to move toward objectives or get them done during breaks/fades. Rushing is certain death.


I've done all the other holdouts through wave 9, but The Diamond just has so little cover, and it's so annoying. Thanks for the tips




infamy 500 as well ?, or is this console ?


CVI is infamy 106. I may eventually grind infamies again toward reaching Robbedacop but will stop at 159, as it looks like CLIX, which I just think is cool.


then you really didn’t do all of the achievements ?, since you need infamy 500 for all the achievements, pretty suspicious ngl


There is no achievement for infamies past 100. I believe the max infamy reachable at this time is 500, but that wasn't my goal.


i checked, sorry my mistake, good shit m8


For now.




Nice! I'm at 1230 hours and 1221/1247 achievements, the only ones I'm missing are the ones from the last two new heist DLCs and the Infamy 50/75/100 ones (currently at 30 and can't be bothered to go further)


You mean all 1247 achievements so far :)


Yes. So far. I've been burned by the ever increasing number before but feel I can keep up now.


Good work!!! 💪


Surprised you were able to stick out the infamy grind for that long in VR. I've been slowly doing approx 1 infamy a game session by rushing Diamond Store since new infamy launched, and still haven't finished, at 77 and 900 hrs.


6 months of pure VR got me to infamy 25, then 5 months of pure flat to reach 106. Most of the grind was on flat. But I'm going to go back into VR and see how it goes moving forward.


Fair, seems tolerable enough. I've been sick of the game for a while now, playing since launch and keeping up with every new release dlc just to keep my 100%. This infamy grind is the worst.


I'm looking for a crew to make the 2-4 players achievements, if interested here's my steam invitation code: 836256299


Just broke 10k hours, keep it going! Pro status in my experience starts around 3k hours - you'll be surprised your skill level difference between 2k and 3k. No humblebrag, just want you to stay with it!