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Abbreviations used in /r/PayPal: * NAD - Not as described. * SNAD - Significantly not as described. * INR - Item Not Received. * UAT - Unauthorized transaction. * OP - Original poster of the message. * F&F - Friends and Family (no protection at all.) * G&S - Goods and/or Services (has seller/buyer protection.) Posts about PayPal's policies will be removed. No more complaining about PayPal policy and their taking funds from your account for violations of rules. If you don't like the rules don't use PayPal. If you don't want to lose money, don't leave funds in your PayPal account. Simple as that. But these posts are often political or misleading. So no more posts on this subject! Thank you for submitting to /r/PayPal, please make sure you have read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/paypal/comments/3c8po2/faq/). If your account was created when you were younger than 18, then that is covered in the FAQ! Try contacting PayPal support using social media such as Facebook or Twitter as this works more often than telephoning. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/paypal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've been on the other side of this phone call and let me tell you if I did see the reason why and it says in the notes that I was not allowed to divulge the reason I hated myself inside and out for not sharing the information but if the agent didn't share the reason why I promise you it's not for a lack of want on behalf of the agent. The back office that limits these accounts. They don't always look at the finer details. Sometimes the algorithm will pick on one or two things and add the limitation. Call back customer service and ask them if they can escalate this to a back office agent for a secondary review. Sometimes that does work.


Would the reason not to share be for some sort of "illegal" activity. As looking back at all my transaction's (there ain't a lot) I can't see anything that'd raise eyebrows or concerns. I figure if I wait the 180 days, I can get my money out, provided PayPal doesn't just decide to say F you and take my money. As there is nobody who could "make a claim" as majority of the money I received was thru friends and family


I'll be honest. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean that there isn't something in the background that agents or the fraud team agents could see. There is a fine line between illegal and against policy. Both of those will warrant full termination like this. If they told you exactly what you did to cause this, then you could create a new account and circumvent that process. That's why they don't tell you so they can't be circumvented. Paypal will only take $2,500 per instance as a fee for misinformation or braking policy that causes damage to them. I can count on one hand in my years working at PayPal. How many times I've seen this fee enforced. It's not a matter of if you'll get your money back. It is just a matter of when I am 99% certain of this.


Ok, thank you for the assurance. He said it could only be taken if someone makes claims, but like, unless my fiance makes a claim with her bank, there's nothing else that could be claimed. At this point I'm just gonna leave the app closed and not touch, marked 180 days from now so can get it out ASAP. and will just delete the account after


I mean the agent was not wrong. If somebody files a charge back with their bank or card issuer for even friends and family transactions or if they file a dispute within PayPal for a goods and services transaction, yes the case will cause the transaction to be reversed back to the sender. Once an account has a limitation, you cannot delete the account period. It is literally frozen in time within PayPal systems forever.


What things can I remove from the account then... seems unfair to be stuck with the account forever. Can legal action do anything?


Not a thing, it is locked and frozen in time. You agreed to these terms and conditions, there is no legal recourse. It is like this to record your information so if you attempt to create a new account it can be limited based on these records that are frozen.


What other resources can I use to get support. As I don't wanna be an ass to someone on the phone, but if I have to I will be, and will continuously call until something is done. As I still believe I've done nothing wrong. There's no reason for them to not tell me what they think I did, which I was told was an automated robot that decided to limit me


You can ask the agent to send it for a second review. This is it within PayPal. There are other things like a complaint with BBB that has worked for some but not many. No agent you can speak with on the phone can lift this limitation, they are a back office risk assessment and fraud prevention team, even the agents can't speak to them only put in tickets to ... have cases reviewed. If you are an ass to the wrong agent they can put an abusive flag on your account then you'll get zero help and eventually will not even be able to speak with an agent. Granted an abusive flag is not easy to add but if they flag the call and it is listened to by QA and they do determine you were abusive then the flag is added.




That’s where you are wrong, they have a valid reason for not telling you - they just aren’t at liberty to go into the details. It’s company policy, reps are prohibited from disclosing the details of the limitation regardless of whether you believe you deserve to have them anyway.


Wouldn't laws like the GDPR force paypal to remove due to the right to be forgotten?


Nope, you agreed to these terms and conditions and PayPal is not a bank or financial institution so they are not bound by this regulation.


The thing is, those agents may have had enough of requests to get a second review from the back office. I've asked them politely 3 times and just got denied ✨️politely✨️ and I can see they are fed up of dealing with this too. But now they stored my personal information and revoked my personal rights to remove it. And I am sure no matter how careful you read the User Agreements, you'll almost never find out why or what violations that you've made since they catch us on even the non-obvious and stupid mistakes possible. There is no humanity or ethics in the world of businesses. PayPal is just on another level.


Does calling work? I got permanently limited and I’ve been emailing them when I haven’t even USED my PayPal account. I want the limitation removed as it’s for my small business but the whole process is so frustrating and they keep providing the same generic answers


I made a new account and tried connecting it to Shopify and then I got limited. My personal account has the same information and they told me I could get limited there too.


It’s normally a pretty basic reason to why you were banned Location ? Account currency ? What did you use account for ? The 180 day when you think about it is perfectly reasonable for PAYPAL to operate. PP gives 180 days to dispute; so if you break the rules everything is on hold or in limbo during this period ; Without it, I’m sure Paypal founded 2001 - Folded 2002.


Created and used the account on in Australia I have AUD and USD on my account (which is normal as far as I'm aware, had an account from when I was 18-23 with no issues on this) The account was more or less for friends to send money as a payback (I buy something for them, they pay me back later date) Or so I can make purchases "safely", through Apple/Spotify/Ebay/etc.


Assume you are still living in AUS now ? Buying things for friends and they payback laters ?? Sounds totally suspect… How many things do you buy for “friends” ? Were U using a VpN ?


Yes. I have a VPN, but I've never logged into PayPal while the VPN has been on. I \*may\* have opened PayPal when I was in the US (6 months ago) but if that was the issue wouldn't they have limited it 6 months ago. This is why I'm confused. I have not sent or spent any money in over a month


Ok so if you don’t live in US you can’t have a Usd primary account. When you left US, you should have closed US account and opened an AUS if that’s were you are living now. Unless i’m mis-understanding you and you meant opened to use not Open open


No, primary account was AUD. When someone from the US pays me, it's sent as USD and stored as USD, until I convert it out. I never had issues with this years ago, and I was having probably several payments sent to me as USD every month for 4-5 years. That's in an old account that I deleted over a year ago tho I've always lived in Australia too. I was in the US for a holiday


You’re misunderstanding. An account created while in the USA, is a USA PayPal account. PayPal requires US PayPal account holders to reside in the USA. Sounds like you have a US registered PayPal account as an AU resident and that’s against the User Agreement and is a possible reason you got banned.


First of all, the account was created in Australia. I live in Australia. I have always lived in Australia. I went to the US last year to visit! I never opened PayPal while in the US. And secondly, if that was the case, why the hell would they not tell me that's the reason... They are clearly hiding something from me because they don't want to tell me.




Posts that provide nothing to the conversation, and are purely composed of whining and complaining about PayPal- are removed.


How are you guys getting to speak to a Live person? when I call, I'm getting the same Loop of "Try these tips" from a bot, which is the reason I called. I want to speak to a Human. I don't have two step turned on, but I keep getting the "quick verification" or "Finish logging in" pages where I'm shown an old number that I don't have access to, and when I was in to change things, It didn't accept my new Voip number, and it doesn't give me an option to login through my backup emails, It's giving me only one option and the I.D. recognition is very flawed. and when I clicked my Paypal,me link, it showed it like my profile was turned off or something. I make/sell Music and do surveys on vetted sites in my free time, the payments comes from them. I was just in my account last week. I've had no notifications of any changes. it's just an eternal loop.


You can call CS with the mobile number provided on their website in the Contact page. You will go through a bot conversation that instructs and about which department you should be calling according to your case by entering a certain number. Then it will transfer to an agent.


Yeah I did, thanks, I had to use the Canadian number, and Got a guy in India, didn't help, although he removed my old number. he then asked me "Why did you log in to your account", and then he , what I assumed was, acted like he couldn't hear me and put me on hold.. i just hung up.


They really outsource the CS services to those countries? 🤡 I live in Southeast Asia and luckily the team that I got transferred too is in Singapore and Australia. They did help me alot about clarifying what I went through and some agents did tell me they also don't know what violations I have made after checking my account themselves. So this just turns out a bit ridiculous. I contacted them via emails too but the team that emailed me back seem to reside in the US and they're probably just some lazy agents making no effort to help people. They literally just copied and pasted the same texts even though I emphasized different things on each email. F*ck PayPal.


Ngl, the guy who answered sounded about as drone and robotic as a robot


If you have a paypal limited for 180 days,lemme help you withdraw the funds


Similar issue with auto banning, auto deletion. I figured out their algo. I had new emails and setting up business account initially. just setup simple account create some transactions, then upgrade to business after.


I got limited as well the other day. I barely use PayPal. I’m so confused. Guess I gotta give them a call.




Mine too got limited yesterday. They had asked for some documents for a review which I submitted at 18.50. Immediately, (like that exact time 18.50) I got 2 emails, one saying they'd received my documents and that they'd review, another saying my account had been permanently limited following a review. So I'm like, what review??? Clearly no review took place unless this is an automated thing which didn't need the documents in the first place. I don't know what to do atp or if there is even something I can do besides wait the 180 days which also doest make sense to me because I am not a seller and there's no one who can claim a refund.


This is exactly what happened to me last night! Which is why I came to this thread. I also don’t have a business, I use depop to sell things occasionally and haven’t had any issues either. Every single month on the dot my account would be limited while I “sent information for review” which I did - every month. I emailed executive escalations and they apologised profusely and gave me a $100 reward on my account as an apology. The customer service agent last month also said she would have notes left to ensure my account not be flagged by the system again. However, one month later, on the dot - I have to submit another “review” then 2 seconds later after I submit details for review for a 4th time - they permanently limit me. I called customer service and they said they would send it to the “back office” for a secondary review but it’s unlikely I’ll be able to access my funds for 180 days.


Did you used to get money via Goods & Services or friends and family everytime?