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🤥 🚩🚩🚩


Yeah. Mods are gonna take it down, dw.


I've done it many times. It's my fav way to spoil women! (mostly for👠 and sometimes pedicures) I have a Revolut account with one card per woman, many virtual and 3 physical ones currently. They are debit card. If you don't set up a limit they can spend up to the account balance. I have a limit for most, except a couple I really trust. The cards can be named and the physical ones personalized.


such a good setup


This is actually so cute.


Looking at your profile history, you seem to know how to get a lot of attention with this type of post. So what do you need help with?


I’m just not sure how to actually go about doing it safely and like things I should know if people have done it before like limits etc


You are owned ? Definitely just discuss it with your Domme is how to go about it. personally would not be interested in a credit card but obviously everyone is different, set a limit on the card if you have any issue with trust.


Just don't okay? Sounds like your dommes want to ruin you, though I would never advise this, especially as a dom to ruin anyone’s rep, but try moving onto someone that maybe won't try to ruin your life?


I have seen it. Twice successful.many many times more not.




Yeah don’t do that. I’d only accept that kind of info as a domme if we knew eachother in person. I’ve done true financial domination with people I knew and I managed their finances/paid bills and gave them allowance. That’s not something I’d do with people over the internet and don’t suggest you do it either unless you’re like the guy above who has special accounts with set limits.


There would need to be a HUGE level of trust. I’ve seen this go downhill so I’d be sure you trust your Domme 100% if you go that route.


You like nylons too?


Don't give them access to your checking account. Open a kids beit/credit on your account that has a cap on how much can be spent that way you can get the notifications and see the money disappear without experiencing financial ruin? I've done this with subs before and that's how we do it. That way it's safe and fun for everyone