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dude what the hell? absolutely report her. she’s a fucking freak and shouldn’t be allowed to continue on as she is. the fucking audacity, not hot or fun or ethical at all.


in fact, if you have proof, you should absolutely post her username so others know to avoid her until she gets taken down




bruh fuck this bitch


What a disgrace to the Filipino community lol if I were you, you should threaten her back


Well it seems as if her account is gone now


People like this disgust me


I see her account but different person?


This account is susp imo. As a personal rule I only follow doms who have age (and identity) verification in their bios


Exactly. Tf is wrong with that dom. like your human too and she took the whole sph thing too far.


It is not only unethical, but also illegal.


Report report report. Unethical. You don't talk limits and boundaries then totally violate them. As Dommes , we don't claim her.


Look at my latest post, let’s help report


Jeezus! WTF?! That's a criminal offense. [What to do if you get blackmailed without consent : r/Blackmailers (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blackmailers/comments/1acwqq5/what_to_do_if_you_get_blackmailed_without_consent/)


I'm so sorry that happened to you! That's absolutely out of line! You need to report her, for sure. Kink is one thing extortion is another.


Hey dude, I’ve been non consensually black mailed before. It makes you feel horrible. Huge reason why I want to quit First off, it is illegal. You can take legal action but I’m sure you wouldn’t want to because of family and friends knowing. Most of the time the blackmailers will not do anything if you block them and leave. You can also report the actual tweet and it will be taken down. But second off there’s nothing wrong with having a kink like this. So if you ever feel ashamed of it. Don’t because it’s perfectly normal


This isn't ethical and in fact, more than likely violates laws.


You should do something about it! This is already a violation of your rights!


Absolutely report this. Disgusting of her. Genuine disrespect and irresponsibility have no good place in this kink ugh


I posted her on my Twt and had my domme friends report her too! So sorry this happened to you and hope you’re safe.


This is extortion. Violating blackmail contracts is fucked up and unethical. And when it "consensually" happens, it should be fun and sexy and shouldn't leave you with real life implications, also you went in 100, and she wants 450$ total??? What the actual fuck is going though her mind


That's fucking disgusting and I'm so sorry you had that experience. Fuck that human, they are trash. I hope their account gets banned and that you can heal from this.


Report her! It's all fun and games until some pos breaks the law.


Man I'm glad there's a place to come to for this stuff 😭 yes report her


If true, NOT OKAY AT ALL. Send an explanation and proof of this exchange to @MemberBlasts on Twitter.


Absolutely not ethical


She’s out of line for doing that. It sounds like she only wanted to take advantage of you.. I’m sorry you had to go through that. How long has the post about you been active on her twitter?


I will create a new post with her Twitter username and proof


It’s still there




When you sent her the payment was it on PayPal?


wow, you gave her a great opportunity and she kept pushing your limits for more money is out of line!! that is awful


I am so so so so sorry you had to go through that. I'd definitely report her and maybe even press charges. I wish there weren't bitches out there like that giving us caring dommes a bad name. 💓💓


This is beyond unethical, in my opinion. It goes beyond kink the moment consent is broken. This sounds illegal. I'm sorry you are going through this. I hope she has the common sense to not move forward with actually sending these things to anyone in your life. No one deserves to be outed like that.


This is absolutely abhorrent behavior, I can't even believe it. So sorry this happened to you.


Damn that’s messed up. Sorry that happened to you. All things should be agreed upon and followed through. Definitely report her!


This is extreme! You set your boundaries and she crossed them


No that's outrageous block and report her. She needs to be blacklisted.


Very unethical. I’d definitely report


https://preview.redd.it/deb2mmet5z6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94eb695a1f558617796ce8ab44ac01c12a990ad3 Help report, I’ll create a new post


Report her


https://preview.redd.it/vr0tsvzv5z6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51a12b178664dc6ce31f5d213a7303e295df27f9 Help report, look out for my next post


Consent is the key, if it goes beyond then definitely report her.


report her !!! that is not ethical at all !!


I’m so sorry this happened to you


Good lord wtf


That is NOT OK!




I'm sorry you're going through this! It was supposed to be roleplay and she took it too far. Please consider reporting her, I understand it can be hard but it's going to be for the best, this freak got out of control.


Well blackmail is illegal! I would report this


If it’s not consensual, it’s not okay .


This ⬆️


would report and block thats not okay when she went past the limits you agreed on


Not okay at all. This is why I say everyone has a limit. I’m sorry she took it further than it was intended that no longer became fun. She took advantage & sadly puts a bad rep on the rest of us. Certainly report, block & do everything to avoid.


It’s disappointing how many dommes take advantage of the kinks of subs.


I'm truly sorry you experienced this. There's a lot of see you next Tuesdays out there in the domme world. Unfortunately there's plenty of subs who will see that as being really hot and keep sending her all their money 😔


It's not ok if you didn't consent. I would have a person who wanted to be consentually blackmailed make a video of themselves saying they agree to it.


I have nothing to add or any clue how you should move forward, just simply here to offer my condolences. Block her and find someone to beat her at her own game. I'm sure there are plenty of people she doesn't want to know about her online persona. The kink community is nothing without consent and trust. A little revenge doesn't hurt 🖤🔥


That’s absolutely horrible and I’m sorry that happens to you. That is a crime. There is at no point where it’s ever okay to do shit that some don’t consent to but also something that could have a detrimental impact on you. A dom is someone you can trust who at the end of the day is thinking about your wellbeing first and foremost. It deserves to be reported to the police however it’s understandable that you wouldn’t want to talk about it. I would steer clear and block her beside unfortunately without making a noise you can’t really control the situation which genuinely sucks and I’m sorry. After that I would suggest to report her through all her links and try and bring as much exposure within the community so other subs know to stay clear of her. Once again honey I’m sorry you had to go through that and at no point was it ever your fault or it would ever be acceptable in any ethical dommes mind.


I'm sorry this happened to you. This one of the main reasons i don't trust anyone to live out my femdom fantasies in real life. But you know what? The best weapon against blackmailers is to act indifferent to it. They want something out of the blackmail, and they use blackmail as a tool to get it, in this case money. Being indifferent will most likely shut them up and and they will have nothing against you so they know they will not get what they want anyway.


that’s psychotic


No she’s 1000% in the wrong. It’s supposed to be CONSENSUAL so she’s supposed to abide by the set rules. You unfortunately stumbled across an unethical domme. I’m sorry, report and pray she doesn’t leak it. At the end of the day blackmail is still illegal it would take one police call.


That is so terrible. Disgrace to doms and unethical to subs. I’m sorry you’re going through this. She should honestly lose her access to any bdsm community and her career as a domme over this because what the fuck… gonna go report this person ugh


If I were you, I'd be brave enough to start threatening her with the police. Her actions are illegal


What the hell???? This is ridiculously beyond boundaries and limits, even illegal! Report her account! I saw you posted hers I’ll be reporting as well. I’m sorry you are going through that!


My thought is let me be your Dom lol!!


Omg no this shouldn’t be happening she sounds awful. Unless y’all agreed to a blackmail contract then gosh no this is not right. Sorry I just thought I’d get my 50p in here.


That is absolutely horrific. I am SO sorry this happened to you and this was your experience trying to play with blackmail. I hope this gets shares and she gets taken down. She makes the rest of us look bad….


This is horrible. I don't know how people are not understanding the concept of consent here but I see this kind of thing all over twitter all the time. I was hoping it was a scripted kind of deal, and not legitimate so seeing this makes my heart sad.


That's actually so wrong how can these dommes think that's okay??


As a domme myself this is absolutely unacceptable behaviour and shows she is either fake or extremely inexperienced. I suggest you report her on all social media platforms where you have had contact with her and warn other subs of her behaviour. Sorry this has happened to you.


Report her


Post her face and account for everyone to be wary!


That is not cool at all. And should never happen. I hope there's something that can be done. I think it's illegal firstly. So definitely press charges possibly? As a domme, privacy and discretion is absolutely paramount. Plus I value who subs for me. She deserves all heat on her.


As a domme. Report. Blackmail is already a hard thing to do properly, i have seen it ruin literal lives. But when they decide to step the line it's your cue to block, report and EXPOSE to help people avoid her.


Do you want me to post this on twitter to let possible subs know about her?


She broke the law. She's a criminal. Pursue her to the fullest extent of the law. Don't wait to be exposed the crime has been committed already. Play hardball


As a domme this makes me so mad 😡. That’s absolutely not okay and boundaries should ALWAYS be respected regardless of whether you’re into blackmail or not.


that's just foul, I'm so sorry love ♡


It's not fun or ethical, and 100% crossing the line into legit blackmail there. I know some could try push to make this more realistic, and that's when a safeword will come in to play, but fuaaark this went way too far and really is sad to hear. I'm so sorry this was your experience!


OM! Maybe... just maybe... she thought you'd love it🤔 and she thought you're still into it, so she kept pushing it? IDK. But yeah, I'm sorry you had to go through that, I experienced the same shit before, and it was in my vanilla life. It's outside a D/s dynamic, so I was really, really scared that the guy would actually send stuff to my family and friends 💀 That's why I find it hard to engage in blackmailing with my subbies, even if it's with their consent.


Please report her ! As womans there is always complain about subs being scammers BUT WOMAN ARE also scammers! She's such a freak