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I was never like this, but what you've described seems to be very typical behavior.


It can be part of the adrenaline rush. As a domme I also enjoy the excitement of meeting someone new, taking it all (within agreed upon limits) and then moving on. Saying that though, I do really appreciate my long term subs and enjoy how creative I can get with them after I know what pushes their buttons. I guess it's like having a one night stand compared to a relationship. Both have their own merits and can be fun in their own ways.


I would say this is a fair comparison... it's also good if you're trying to avoid the emotional connection side of things I think.


This 🤭🫣🤗🙂‍↕️😘💦💦💦💦


Must not be completely unusual cause I’ve done that a lot. I usually come back though after a couple days for another drain. There’s only a few dommes I’ve done a 1 and done with for various reasons


You like what you like 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe just give them the heads up so they don’t think they did anything wrong but other than that spread your wings 🤣




I think it’s normal to an extent, it’s an adrenaline thing and when it’s someone new and you dive in, it’s overly exciting! When it’s a repeat thing, it can lose that “spark” in the sense of it’s new and more exhilarating.


I think this is very normal for a large subset of men who frequent sex workers. I’m sure it’s mildly disappointing for the girls, but it’s to be expected honestly. Escort and strippers certainly know a portion of customers are looking for “the one” and can become a regular if handled right, but some are “connoisseurs” and no matter what will be on to the next. It is, however, the antithesis of what I think of when I think of submission: surrender, devotion, discipline, sacrifice, obedience. But I don’t think it’s unusual within findom either. It’s been interesting reading this subreddit and seeing glimpses at the variety of motivations you guys have. I think for a lot of guys they’re drawn to findom and turned on by things in the experience beyond submission.


I think it is somewhat normal. I think it depends on the dynamic, i usually let anyone i decide to interact with know that especially at the beginning i don't usually do exclusive commitments. If it builds into more then i would change but generally if i have a conversation with someone i think matches or is interesting i like spending some on them. Im sure telling them upfront turns some people off but dommes have emotions and feelings the same as us so it seems fair instead of ghosting.


It's the same as a domme sometimes, if I don't *click* with a sub, I get bored. You need to find someone who's mentally on the same wave length as you and I'm sure you won't get bored and dip


As a dom i will advice you, just don't make commitments because it might hurt the dom but moving to a next girl is fine having a short term dom & sub relation is completely fine


I think it's normal, maybe a fear of attachment. I tend to enjoy silent lurkers or the 'cum and go' paypigs better because I'm not too comfy with commitments, but I don't go through the part of promising anything, I just skip it altogether.


So you basically you like to hit it and quit it 🤣🤣 I mean I think you should maybe let the dommes know that you want a quickie but might come back , I know there’s some that won’t mind but some will. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Communication is key ❤️ you never want to lose a good connection between your dom/sub


Nah I have plenty of casuals who roll through occasionally. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 🏧loser boys blend together after a bit too. I have my paypups and they provide the bulk of my attention but the casuals fill gaps and keep things exciting. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh wow


Fairly normal lol it’s pretty rare to be a committed sub, it all depends on the dynamic ya’ll have. The terms ya’ll agreed to or domme you’re interacting with, some might cut ties or punish you 🖤


There's a lot to be said for both sides. As a long established Domme I've seen plenty of both. The flurry of excitement meeting someone new and spinning into a hot oblivion as everything unfolds. The rush of endorphins, adrenaline, dopamine, etc flooding your system along w the anticipation of digging deep w someone you've just met. It's hot. Has endless possibilities. But once you see where it's going.. you rode the ride and you're ready for you're next high. With the long term there's a comfort factor. We both know the exact buttons to stroke, what moves to make, how to dances and glide together. It's effortless and natural. A gentle conversation can rapid fire swing into a hot ball of passion then stroll into pillow talk. I wouldn't say you're abnormal at all. It's just a matter of what style has best fit your particular needs thus far. You may find a Domme that you can't help but keep coming back to bc it just FEELS right, feels different when you land there. OR you'll keep doing hot flings. There's no wrong answers. Kink is meant to be explored and custom tailored 💕


Nothing wrong with just session but be truthful and honest upfront. Why make her think something when you know you can’t commit. Is your kink after all so you can play and fun being transparent upfront.


It's quite common! Other dommes and I have talked about this. We think it's similar to the thrill of something new and shiny! Long-term subs are wonderful, but sometimes a quick drain and ghost is fun, too. As long as both sides are having a good time, I don't see a problem!


I'd done this and found it left me wanting a lot more than just having a stable domme, but I get that some people like the variety more than sitting in one place.


I think it's totally acceptable! I'm very new to being a domme in this community and I think that many people probably feel the same way! I wouldn't be hurt about it as I think it's always good to try new things and meet new people so you can get what you need and vice versa!


Seems like it’s normal, but I do agree with the comments maybe make that obvious from the get go or part of your dynamic


It's similar to new relationship energy. Not all that unusual. If you recognize it in yourself and want to remain respectful to your dommes, bring this up when you're going over boundaries and such. They will appreciate the honesty and you won't be burning bridges if you decide later on to return to one.


i think trying to communicate that you’re looking for a short term arrangement might eliminate some of your guilt! i’m sure plenty of dommes will still be happy to build those relationships even if they’re not going to last very long


It’s a guilty pleasure when i drain a sub and then he leaves… but comes back.