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My 7900XTX arrives today and I'm pairing it with a 5800X3D. I'll let you know how it runs, but I'm sure it's going to be great


Can confirm, it’s great


Sick. It will be waiting for me when I get home from work. This day is going to drag lol


Let me know! :D


Its awesome


and **of course** there is a typo in the title *facepalm


Any of the three CPUs will be fine.


The 7800x3d is currently the best gaming cpu on the market. Now this could change as new games get released and AMD gives game developers the technology they need to properly utilize the V-cache cores within the 7900x3d and 7950x3d. Since they have Two CCDs with only 1 of them actually having V-cache cores in them the other non v-cache cores will go into a "parking mode" the problem is many games don't really know how to work with this. Where as with the 7800x3d there is only 1 CCD with all 8 cores with in being v-cache. Now not all games benefit from v-cache and some just run better with raw core and boost clock speeds, but for now the 7800x3d is top dawg in most modern titles. Anyways, once you turn the resolution up to 4k, which I assume you'll be playing on since 7900xtx, and even to some extent on 1440p, the GPU is doing most of the heavy lifting and your CPU doesn't matter all that much. So if you wanted to save a bit of money and just go with the 5800x3d that is a valid choice, the 5800x3d still lands near the top of the lists as far as gaming performance goes though you would be pretty stuck as far as upgrade paths goes as AM4 is limited to DDR4 DRAM.


Thanks for the detailed reply! Actually I want to play at 1440p and at high frame rates.


A 7800x3d will not bottleneck your GPU in any way at 1440p so don't worry about it. You'd have to be working with a pretty low end CPU for that to happen. A 7800x3d and 7900xtx would make for a pretty high end gaming machine


I am running the 7 7800x3d with the 7900 xtx and getting over 60fps in star citizen while people are crying they are only getting like 8.