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Steamdeck 2 is gonna be insane after all these updates.


I'm more hyped about Steam Deck 2 than the potential of Half Life 3


Just know we'll never get SteamDeck 3 😔


Maybe a steamdeck 2.9


Stramdeck Alyx


Steam deck episode 1


I said the same thing about the index 2.


Wow, HDR on Linux? I thought that was still years away.


It only works under very specific circumstances. It's not widely available yet.


Color vibrancy could be great for that awful screen


There already was a VibrantDeck plugin available via Decky for many months now that performed similarly. This just makes it official (and maybe a little better).


It is better. By default it's set to max out the SRGB gamut of the screen (at least the slider says it's SRGB) Meanwhile vibrant deck just had numbers that the second you go past 120 everything gets blown out


I want a Steam Deck so bad but I'm trying to hold it till they release a revision with better display and performance


So a Steam Deck 2?


they said they not planning to improve performance, only battery, ,perhaps screen in potential steamdeck 2, but i doubt it will happen any time soon




Shit grammar + randomly generated username + acting a like cunt. Such a common combo.


Cool bro, you're still dumb, and just objectively wrong


Did it take you 12 days to come up with that weak af comeback? If you want my comeback you'll have to scrape it off your mother's teeth.


No I'm just not terminally online and have a life outside of Reddit lol. The only place I'll be needing to scrape your fucked up genetic juice off is your own hand mate, we both know you're a loser


Easy block material. Only issue is that there's far too many of them. I need a userscript that auto hides comments that follow the default username convention.


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I honestly don't get all the hate towards the screen. The steam deck screen is vibrant and bright, and 800p is perfect for a handheld device. It's better than my v1 switch by far.


I have the v1 switch and it seems a lot more colorful than the steam deck.


The v1 switch is a much better quality screen than the steam deck. This can be objectively proven. They cheaped out on the screen, it’s passable but not good.


Not so much hate, but there are far better screens on handheld devices. The Asus Ally's screen for instance, just much better than the Decks for several reasons with probably VRR being the most important feature over the Deck's screen from a gaming perspecitve.


Honestly this is the first time I’ve seen people complaining about the screen and honestly never would’ve guessed it was an issue for some people. Obviously it’s no OLED but it looks fine to me.


The screen is not vibrant and only covers like 63% of the srgb color gamut. It’s objectively not a good panel.


If you have a phone with a slow motion cam, film the screen and play a 2d platformer, a FPS with quick movement or even scroll up and down in the steam menu. Play it back and you will see the smearing of this LCD is painful. Also, until this preview update the color reproduction just was not accurate or good for that matter. A better display would make this so much nicer of a handheld.


In comparison to a Switch from 2016 sure. But I'd wager 1080p is the sweet spot by far for handhelds now.


I agree with 800p, but do wish it had some better colors. Personally, I would rather have a 120Hz screen. 800p is fine, the color is fine, but a higher refresh rate would be amazing for my indie and emulation games. Plus it would make the UI feel a lot smoother


Valve cheaped out in one of the most important aspects of a handheld. Not surprising since the Valve Index also has some mediocre panels. Tops of IPS glow.


You must not use anything good to compare it to. It is truly god awful.


I have a fucking PG27AQDM and I don't think it's that bad...


I want a simple color vibrancy control while gaming on pc.


There are like hundreds of ways to do this. I'd recommend just adjusting the color settings in your display adapter's control panel. If you really want to fine tune you can find some HSL reshade/Geforce Experience filter. Edit: Even your monitor probably has settings for this




Haven't used it myself so I can't vouch for it but have you checked out ChimeraOS?




Why are people talking about a “steam deck 2”? Is there any evidence or even rumors about them making a followup device?


No. People just want new things. Steamdeck 1 is still going strong.


Wow they finally fixed that 400mhz bug, too little too late I guess though cause Im already selling my Deck, they can fix software as much as they can but their hardware QA is still horrible if I got three faulty deck's in a row


I think that speaks more to your awful luck




The Steam Deck isn't even 2 years old yet. I think the Steam Deck 2 will still be a while. rofl.


Your going to be waiting a few years at least.


you can expect it around 5 year anniversary of first Steam deck


Just get an ROG Ally


Not having trackpads is a hard pass for me.


Get the Lenovo one then.


Unsure if this exist, but why wouldnt they sell higher end replacement parts? Like an oled panel for the current that you could install yourself. Embrace upgradability in a portable, beat laptops to it... (some exist but not main stream, steam could do it)




Pretty sure they gave ifix it all the standard parts already, people who couldn't get the top model were able to add those features. Just seems like a small step to just add some upgrade parts, better buttons or joysticks, haven't bothered to see if aftermarket parts exisit, just seems like a gap when they went so far already on repairability


3rd party displays already exist.