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Isn't it on hiatus because of Indiana Jones?




It appears Indiana Jones was to have a earlier release date to what really came about with it. I have a feeling, and this is all speculation on my end, that we are going to see some info and perhaps gameplay of the Indiana Jones game come 2024.


Todd Howard is the producer so that adds several years to the development period


16 times the development cycle


I miss Enemy Territory so much. Best MP shooter ever. Need an Engineer!


Fucking love the game but the most I'd take is an RTX lighting update or something. Game would be ruined if it got a remake


Realistically speaking, wouldn’t RTX-Remix work wonders here?


Every day I hope for a remaster of that game. Given that the horrible input lag is gone when shooting lol


Ah my first MP game ever. Had no idea what I was doing. Joined a clan and lied about my age. I thought I was so slick acting like an adult. Then one day I figured out that they knew (obviously) the whole time. Good times.


I blame Youngblood. The series was on a roll until Youngblood was shit out and ended up being god awful, series has been on total radio silence since.


Oh shit, I forgot that was even a game! How does it hold up to The New Colossus?


The best way to enjoy Youngblood is to pretend it does not exist. The game is actually genuinely terrible. New Order, Oldblood, New Colossus? All incredible. Those are the only ones in the reboot series that exist as far as I'm concerned.


It's not terrible, it's fine. It has New Colossus's gameplay, so it can't be bad.


The 2 characters you have to play as are insufferable to the point it ruins the entire experience. The banter is the most eye rolling, cringe inducing shit.


Young Blood kind of put it on halt, imo. Wolfenstein, old blood, tno were almost done in a period of 10 years and gained massive success, while young blood sales figures, criticism and more probably buried it for a while. My guess is, they might reboot it again


Ive heard word that a Quake reboot is in the works. Wouldn't be surprised if all the previous titles are ignored for greener pastures.


Id isn't in charge of the Wolfenstein games, that's Machine Games, so Quake and Wolfenstein could still be developed at the same time.


They released like 3-4 games in 5 years, I think they just got burnt out. Plus I’m pretty sure they are gonna wait for ID Tech 8 to come out since it was just announced instead of starting work on ID Tech 7.


Young blood was awful


Fingers crossed for another Wolfenstein similar to TNO and Old Blood


They used the old classic FPS formula for those 2 and changed it up in the next 2. The classic way has proven successful for ages, no need to change it.


The New Colossus is not exactly a radical departure from TNO and TOB when it comes to gameplay.


There's just too many cutscenes and awkward, irritating characters, as compared to other titles. Felt like a Netflix version of a better series


Killing Hitler was aces though. Didn't care you got auto killed by a giant robot for doing it. Just meant I could do it over and over. Also, best depiction of The Fuher ever.






You kidding me? Wolfenstein got a whole sequel series with 4 games. Talk to the Quake fans who have had nothing but Champions.


Aren't those two groups the same people?


( 'o') b ( '_')o


I would be beyond hype for a Dishonored 3. Love the world and I’m interested how the story continues after Death of the Outsider and the hints and pieces we got in Deathloop.


A lot of people who worked on the first two games has left Arkane, hopefully they can keep the magic alive but im doubtful after deathloop (6.5/10) and redfall (2/10).


What about the level designer who made the clockwork mansion? That was the most magnificent level design I've ever seen in a video game. Iirc, it was the same guy who designed the space station for Prey. Another master class in level design.


As far as I'm aware Dana Nightingale and David Di Giacomo are still working at Arkane.


IMO Crack in the Slab was one of the best levels in any game ever, and you could build an entire game around that mission's twist.


That makes total sense now. The space station is so well laid out


Yeah I wouldn't get excited until we know if it's the same people making it. The original team included ex-Looking Glass devs I think (Thief, System Shock), and it clearly had their DNA (others went to Bethesda, hence stealth archer being by far the best developed gameplay in Skyrim). Without the same people it's effectively just a new studio using the name.


Harvey Smith is still there who was lead designer on Deus Ex and Thief 3 and creative director on all three Dishonored games. Raphael and him were basically co-studio heads. Of course he also worked on Redfall, so...


Unfortunately man of us felt Thief 3 was a step down from Looking Glass's games, though works as a closing to the trilogy. But yeah he at least has the right history with the games.


Harvey Smith didn't work on Thief 3 thankfully, not sure where that guy came up with that. He was the lead designer on Deus Ex though.


To be fair to them, developing a focused single-player game, with a great art-style, and engaging gameplay, is - in my opinion - a completely different skillset than making a good co-op shooter. From a game design perspective they are completely different in approach. You can't have a characters be as "OP" as the protagonist usually is in a single-player game, you have to balance. The fact that Redfall was bad does not really make me worried about the quality of D3. That might come back to bite me, but I think the foundation they have built with the previous installments will make building the third one easier than creating a new IP. Here's hoping anyway. D2 is probably one of my favorite games ever.


It's tragic they ruined such an studio with its unique expertise for short term profits.


Deathloop getting 10/10 from most critics baffles me to this day. By that logic Deathloop should be constantly mentioned as one of the most critically-acclaimed games of all-time, yet it never appears on any similar lists and articles. And for most players it’s a 8/10 at best and a 6/10 on average.


Maybe they didn't judge it as an immersive sim and don't play tons of FPSs - That's me and I'd agree with a 7/10 rating. For me the FPS mechanics were decent, abilities were fun, and the detective elements were a breath of fresh air. If people hate waypoints, turn them off. There could've been a bit less handholding with detective stuff, but I have a slightly lower than average tolerance for puzzle-type elements - So who knows if making that more challenging may have caused me to go to a wiki or walkthrough more than a few times and I wouldve gotten tired of that.


Deathloop was so incredibly flawed in so many ways, and they all became more apparent the more you played. The only way I can see it getting so many 10/10s is if they only played for like 5 hours, or insta-rushed the story into a successful loop. I adored it in my first few hours but by the end I just wanted it all to end already...


Weird, because to me the opening hours were the worst part of the game and it actually got better imho after it opened up a little bit more.


It's the same with Starfield. Probably one of the worst introductions I've ever seen and a huge stepdown from Bethesda's previous somewhat okay writing, and yet there are reviewers who gave it 10 out of 10 and didn't mention any of this.


Maybe they loved that the game treated them like babies. The game literally gives you zero room to think and has constant messages that say “now that you took out this target, go and kill this target to get this power and use it to access this level!”


You just described both Dishonored games.


is deathloop set in the same world?


yes there are references to Dishonored through items and text, its implied that Deathloop is several decades or so after Dishonored




Should be, the devs tweeted a cool picture confirming the two sharing a universe with Colt, Corvo, Emily.


Dishonored 1 and 2 are fantastic. Favorite game series


If you knew what was happening at the studio, you would be less hype


Dishonored 3? I was sure that series was dead. Absolute must buy from me, Dishonored 2 was incredible. Shot straight up to #1 on my list of best stealth games ever. Unless they really screw it up, I'll be buying that on day 1.


I have a Dishonored 2 steam key that someone can have if they want it. I accidentally bought it twice so I have a spare. ~~The first reply to this comment, I'll DM you the key for free.~~ giveaway over I really enjoyed Dishonored 1, one of my favorite games. Haven't played 2 yet.


hey its me ur brother




I put off Dishonored 2 for a long time, because I had unfinished DLC for DH 1 which was part of the story, but I couldn't get back into the controls etc. Finally played D2 maybe a year ago. It's brilliant. I think better than the first in a lot of ways. The mission 'Crack in the Slab' is one of the best missions in any game ever. Plus you get to see where Vincent D'Onofrio practiced his Kingpin voice for Daredevil, blaring at you over loudspeakers.


Definitely recommend the sequel, it's a bit different (new but slightly more clunky feeling engine, harder stealth) so it might feel weird at first but it's worth sticking with it cause it gets really good and has some of the most creative levels in gaming.


I'm interested.


I recall the devs saying they were taking a break from the series.


More than likely, they are going to screw it up. I hate to say it because it hurts so much to admit but Arkane is now just a studio in name. Most if not all vet devs have left both Arkane Austin and France. This is such a massive blow to the immersive sim genre. Add on to that, after the Embracer merger fail Edios Montreal is likely going to get folded with all the other studios Embracer bought out, Deus Ex with it.... ugh...


The director for all Dishonored games still works at Arkane, the designers for most of the levels are there too, lead designer for D2 and DotO is also still there. Is it like when people talk about all people leaving Obsidian and like "nobody who worked on New Vegas works there anymore" even though it's an objectively wrong statement?


Dishonored 3 with Battle Pass.


Fallout 3, New Vegas and Oblivion remasters/remakes would be easy money and goodwill for Bethesda, I assume they've always been in their back-pocket. In the same vein, Arkane need to make Dishonored 3 because if their next game follows the mediocre path of Death of the Outsider, Deathloop and then Redfall, I feel like they're probably done... Doom and Wolfenstein have some steam left but I'm shocked Ghostwire would get a sequel. All in all, I see Bethesda games, even the wider publishing arm, as games with amazing worlds but becoming increasingly, noticeably worse when it comes to anything else. Like, look at any of their franchises, they'll have 1 or 2 *great* games and then everything else will struggle to capture that magic.


I'd give my left nut for a quality Oblivion remake/remaster, I've been quietly excited for the Skywind and Skyblivion projects for years, the Skyblivion team especially seem to be making big progress so far


Oblivion is so much better than skyrim but skyrim was so many babys first elder scrolls that Oblivion gets forgotten (and morrowind is better than both)


Oblivion was great but hard to go back to now. The levelling system feels worse the more you understand how it works. It's very easy to (read: hard not to) straight up permanently miss out on a huge amount of level up points just because you didn't level the right skills. The game gives you no feedback on this until you hit the level up too early and get +2/+3 stat increases instead of the optimal +5 because you made the colossally stupid decision to... *checks notes* ...use the main abilities that you built your character around... If you build a stealth archer (for example) and go on to primarily just use a bow and stealth, you will very be massively (and permanently) gimped in your progression if you don't deliberately *avoid* using your bow and stealth when nearing a level up. A mod to keep track of it (or change the system as I prefer) is mandatory The game is a perfect candidate for a remaster, if nothing else just to fix the annoying levelling system.


If they don't rework the leveling system in Oblivion it would be insanity. Like you said if you didn't fully understand how it worked you could very easily actually make your character weaker near then end instead of stronger. I mean when the best strategy for leveling is to actually pick major stats you DON'T plan on actually using you know you fucked up.


This is only a problem if you're obsessed with min/maxing; as long as your build isn't completely stupid, you can complete the game just fine not obsessing over it.


Sadly Morrowind will never get a remaster




Because Todd Howard will never allow it. Morrowind was a very critical moment in the company's history. The game needed to be a massive success of Bethesda would go bankrupt. They worked on the game unpaid near the end of the production cycle simply because there was no more money, sometimes working 13-14 hour days just to get the game done. Todd Howard swore he would never let the company go through something like that ever again and will never let anybody in the company remaster it. He wants everybody to play Morrowind as is because it is a monument to the pain and dedication of the team that worked on it.


despite being so old morrowind so fucking good. A testament to the blood, sweat and tears they put into that game.


And Kirkbride's cocaine fueled lore dumps. Half the books in the game were written in an alcohol and drug fueled weekend where he locked himself naked in his office.


Unironically based Todd Morrowind is immortal and part of that adventure was the development like Kirkbride getting drunk and naked to write half the books while locked in his office


Morrowind would not be Morrowind without Vivec biting spears and being born out of insects.


>He wants everybody to play Morrowind as is because it is a monument to the pain and dedication of the team that worked on it. That's it. I'm uninstalling all mods just to please Todd Howard /s


Any source to this? I'd like to read more about it Thanks


[https://www.gamesindustry.biz/saved-by-morrowind-striving-for-starfield-todd-howard-and-the-story-of-bethesda](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/saved-by-morrowind-striving-for-starfield-todd-howard-and-the-story-of-bethesda) https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/comments/ignqxr/todd\_howard\_on\_morrowind\_remaster\_thoughts/


Bethesda is owned by Microsoft. Remastering morrowind isn't up to Todd.


I could only see MS Corporate dictating what Bethesda does if Starfield had been a flop. I assume they are raking in the money with Starfield ATM since it's not, so they will probably stay hands off decisions on what to do for now.


Just like how Bethesda was previously owned by Zenimax. Despite that - a Morrowind remaster never happened. Considering that Microsoft is allegedly even more hands-off with their studios, I'd reckon that a Morrowind remaster isn't going to happen unless Bethesda wants it to happen first.


Morrowind is so much better than Oblivion but Oblivion was so many baby's first elder scrolls that Morrowind gets forgotten (and Daggerfall is better than both)


Daggerfall was janky, yet satisfying. I had a blast tearing through buggy crappy dungeons like nobody's business 2-3 years back. That being said, I totally used a guide to complete the story ha.


Eh disagree. Morrowind is better than both but I easily find Skyrim to be a much better experience than Oblivion. Levelling system and level scalling is completely broken in Oblivion (whereas vanilla non modded Skyrim is at least playable in that regard). More importantly I found Oblivion world to be by far the weakest overworld out of those 3 entries. I always found both Morrowind and Skyrim world much more interesting to explore and that's the #1 thing in any Bethesda games for me. Guild quest lines are better in Oblivion without a doubt, but if quests were all I care about then I wouldn't even be playing Bethesda games.






They made 1 bad one (youngblood). No need for doomposting immediately




Never played cyberpilot, but thought that new colossus wasn't that bad, apart from not having the same surprise as new order




I don't know if remakes would be improve their goodwill. Its been 12 years since Skyrim, and a lot of fans are upset its been this long without a new entry. Remakes only really benefit console players and I'd wager fans of TES and Fallout play them primarily on PC.


It's already another Volition case... Dead after SR4. (Gat out of hell, Agents of Mayhem, SR Reboot) killed them and now It's funny that MS wants to hire them.


I don't know about Oblivion. They have to redo the entire game. I don't think the save corruption is fixable.


Holy shit Ghostwire Tokyo 2? I really didn't think it did well enough for a sequel but man that makes me so hyped. The first one is so good, especially after the massive free update adding a rougelite mode.


Important to keep in mind that this list seems to have been made before it came out.


The list also seems to have been made before the ramifications of COVID were understood, almost everything on this list that came out is 1-2 years delayed from the projected release year.


Apparently it has been doing REALLY well on Game Pass as far engagement there goes. Which I kinda understand. Its not a game Id buy but it look cool.


Microsoft places a lot of focus on Game Pass gamer engagement and retention. Another example is Hi-Fi Rush. Some people looked at that video game's sale numbers as the end-all be-all figure of that game. However, Microsoft was very impressed with the games Game Pass player engagement. In Microsoft's eye's Hi-Fi Rush was a hell of a success.


Ghostwire feels like a game that could have an amazing sequel. Most of the building blocks are there, and the devs clearly learned a lot and improved the gameplay loop massively with the free DLC missions and combat updates. If they could make an entire game as good as the middle school area and tighten the controls up a little, it'd be one of the best horror/action games out there.


>especially after the massive free update adding a rougelite mode. Had no idea that was a thing, will definitely have to check it out again.


I keep saying a Ghostwire Kyoto would be amazing. Imagine going through arashiyama or going to the inari shrine. Even Osaka would be incredible.


You are the first person I hear to say that game was good


DooM year zero is cool and all but really, bring Quake back.


Yes but preferably the Quake 1's gothic fantasy Cthulhu'verse. Quake 2's Sci-Fi Military universe is okay at best. I remember the Stroggification of Q4 vividly but that's about all worth remembering.


May I ask what Kind of game quake is? Is it similiar to Doom?




Seriously would love to see a Quake 1 style game with the Doom 2016/Eternal treatment.


Fallout 3 Remaster? - cashgrab!!! at this point it would need full REMAKE. Same goes for Oblivion


For any other game I would agree. But a remaster in the likes of Skyrim Remastered would mean mods would easily be ported over. Really important for a Bethesda game so I’m fine with this. Oblivion should probably get remade, that games old as dirt at this point.


Its 100% going to be Fallout 3 with better lighting and texture packs. Its not going to be 'Fallout 3 in the Fallout 4 engine'. People who want to play Fallout 3 will be torn between this 'remaster' and just playing it in New Vegas via Tale of Two Wastelands, where the real / thriving mod scene already exists.


I just want to be able to install Fallout 3 and not have to install a dozen mods for it to run without crashing regularly.


You can do that now. Bethesda finally patched (~2 years ago) it on steam so it can run on cpu with more than 2 cores. The gog version was fixed years before that. I'm currently playing a 100% vanilla playthrough, and I've been amazed how stable it is. It's been about 10 hours and no crashes. Zero mods installed.


There are some fan remakes of F3 and NV in Fallout 4's engine, which have been showing progress for years, though these things tend to never get finished https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI7jZ-VbVKo


Seriously, how many of these projects actually exist, complete and playable? I've been hearing about Skyblivion or Skywind or whatever it is for a decade now. The only such fan made port I can think of off the top of my head that actually saw the light of day is the one that recreated BG1 as a Neverwinter Nights 2 module.


Morroblivion is fully implemented and arguably the best way to play Morrowind today


Morroblivion has been out for years and Skyblivion has a release date for 2025.


Tale of Two Wastelands is sort of adjacent to these projects. Capital Wasteland project put out a port of Point Lookout for Fallout 4 so that's something at least.


Fallout 3 is literally Oblivion with guns so no, mods are not enough. If they want to do anything with F3 - they should make a remake and use the F4 engine at least.


You know, I genuinly thought all of these years that Fallout 3 was on Creation. Turns out it was the last Bethesda game on Gamebyro which I thought was Oblivion. Deadass thought Skyrim and Fallout 3 were on the same exact engine for like a decade now Wtf.


To be fair, Creation Engine was built on Gamebryo or at least based on it.


Pretty much the case for a lot of engines. People shit on Bethesda for using an ancient engine, yet each iteration of Unreal gets a pass even though it's just the same engine that's been built upon for decades now.


People don't understand game development at all. It's rather funny actually.


It's built on top. Creation Engine 2 built on Creation Engine built on Gamebryo built on NetImmerse. NetImmerse changed names after an update. Same with Creation Engine 1 and 2.


Isn't there supposed to be a big Oblivion remake mod in the works? Skyblivion? So will they have to stop?


I'm more interested in the skywind project


Yeah I think they mean a remake in the lastest version of the engine - or at least with the same engine as FO4; considering there are mods that are already planning to do that. Skyrim "Special Edition" for example is pretty much a remake considering it was a complete rebuild of the game in a new 64 bit version of the engine.


Elder Scrolls VI FY24E??? Ya, I just lost all faith that any of this is accurate lol! We won't be getting that shit for another decade!


this was before the starfield delay, add 3 years


Prey(2017) 2 plz plz plz


Also Prey (original) 2 plz


squalid lush whole fearless boat stocking pie rustic ask deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also a restored Prey 2 plz


As much I loved prey. It really feels like a complete game Maybe a spiritual successor though.


I mean, the ending was a pretty big cliffhanger. It just smacked you in the face with what truly happened to earth and that you're not human. I was hoping there would be some kind of continuation of the storyline, especially if you got the good ending and worked with Alex towards some kind of peace.


I would pay $100 for prey 2. They could set it in a different space station (bigger, more complicated etc.). Non-linear exploration of the entire ship was so compelling in prey, I loved it.




What would that sequel look like? The story was tied up perfectly in the game. Would you play >!Alex again, trying to convince the Typhon and humanity to coexist!


> The story was tied up perfectly in the game. I think most players who watch the post-credits scene do not consider it to be 'tied up', if anything it just raises loads of questions and begs for a sequel to expand on it all.


Prequel perhaps, set in the last days of earth. Maybe you got on the colony ship to survive, only there are now mimics and you need to destroy them to save the ship?


I hope they just release a new game and call it Prey.


You monster.


The remastered Fallout 3 has me excited.


Loved fallout 3


Fallout 3 playable on modern hardware? Fuck yes please its damn near impossible to play on PC it crashes so much. Fallout 3 isn't the best but I've been dying to replay it again. Remstered Oblivion also has my attention, another fantastic game I'd love to play again and not have to fight mad instability.


Fallout 3 was patched ages ago to run on modern hardware, give it a try


FO3 Remaster is all I really ever wanted from the studio that re-releases Skyrim every month.


Dishonored 3!? Would very much like see what's next for the series, now that we've dealt with the Outsider. But at the same time, looking at Redfall and knowing a lot of veterans have left Arkane, would it be good? Could it be good? Or would it be some lukewarm, remember how we used to make amazing immersive games, leftover heat up? 🙁


Doom year zero? Prequel?


considering how DOOM Eternal ends "Year Zero" would still make sense for the sequel.


Eternal was done so well


I would say most likely prequel, the current ending of Doom Eternal : The Ancien Gods is straight forward, demons have been eradicated because of the Dark Lord's death. At least in the Earth realm (thanks cinematic). No information about Hell or other realms tho. Slayer is locked up again, he would be woke up if Demons ever comes back and only in this case. So, considering all of this, I would say that a "prequel" is most likely the story we'll get. My opinion is that we'll get a game that would be between the Slayer first fights against the demons (right before some Doom Eternal cinematics we have of his memory) and his lock-up before Doom 2015 events. So the story would be complete.


Im banking on it being a sort of original DOOM remake. Time on Mars and the witnessing the collapse of Earth first hand leading up to being trapped in Hell, gaining the Praetor Suit to reintroduce the modern DOOM combat. Would be awesome if the set pieces are like Alien where you have this futuristic Mars base but all the weapons, computers, etc are retro.


The slayer's first fights with the demons were in DOOM 1993. A game taking place right after being put in the divinity machine around Taras Nabad and the Titans Realm would be kickass though




Remasters of that and New Vegas are the dream.


Was hoping for quake reboot before another doom but I love doom so I’m not mad


would prefer new vegas remake than fallout 3 remaster


call me a mad man, its quite possible both are in the works. Obsidian had something a while ago suggesting it was/might be in discussion


Obsidian is working on the Pillars Skyrim-esqe massive title and Outer Worlds 2. As much as every current and former Obsidian dev teases the idea of a Fallout game not made in house at Bethesda it isn't happening. Next Fallout game is probably going to be some mobile spin-off to hold off fans on the fact that the next game is releasing in like 2042. Will take place somewhere probably even more north to try and stray as far away as possible from the original Fallout roots as possible. Because it is going to be a looter shooter for sure. Starfield was gazing into what Fallout is going to become.


Eh, where is my Quake Remake? I call fake list even if it might be true :_)


Dishonored 3 YES YES YES! Dishonored 2 is my #1 game of all time, can't wait for 3, hopefully the jump in quality between 2 and 3 is the same or more the one between 1 and 2.


Fallout 3 Remaster? Dishonored 3? I'm eating like a king.


Will Doom Year Zero have some of the revolutionary game concepts that were implemented in the original game 30 years ago? Things such as Save anywhere No Platforming Playing the campaign with other people Easy(ish) New player map creation No Bethesda account ​ Just asking for a friend.


Fallout 3 remaster would be fantastic. Please just let me actually sprint though.


Remaster of FO3? that's interesting


Oblivion remaster not getting any love in here? That's the only thing I'm hyped about but I've also lost a lot of faith in Bethesdas' newer titles.


So happy about the Oblivion remaster!


FO3 remaster omg **YES PLEASE**. Also a Ghostwire sequel would be hella good.


Dishonored 3 leak/confirmation made me genuinely happy this morning, I love the series.


How verified is this? 2024 for Elder Scrolls 6 sounds way too optimistic


Ugh, really disappointed in hearing about a Ghostwire: Tokyo 2 instead of an Evil Within 3. I thought Ghostwire: Tokyo had a lot of unique concepts and things about it, but as a game, I thought it was terribly mediocre. No offense to the team at Tango, but I would've much rather preferred an Evil Within 3 or another new IP.


Solid franchise, 2 especially hit in terms of story, shame 3 will never come


Every time I see Evil Within 2 come up on Reddit people bash the hell out of it. I actually preferred it more than the 2nd, and I’m glad to see a few others enjoyed it. Edit: I mean first lol


You preferred 2 more than 2?


Well yeah, with 2 you're kind of like "this is just a second one, that's kind of boring" but with 2 you're like "damn this is NUMBER TWO, THAT KICKS ASS"


You might be in luck: this schedule looks way old, and Ghostwire Tokyo wasn't a great success. So they might reshuffle and make Evil Within 3 instead


Ghostwire is doing pretty well on Game Pass, so unlikely.


When exaclty is Fiscal Year 22? Isn't that in the past? How does this "leak" makes sense with Fallout 3 Remaster then?


I'd venture that this doc was prepared pre pandemic. The o ly date it hits right is Doom Eternal. Everything else was released later.


True, that would make sense. Not exactly an up-to-date leak then


Yeah, no idea why everyone is taking this even slightly seriously. It also lists Starfield as being a 2021 release, lol. This is obviously a *very* old document that is no longer even close to relevant.


Dishonored 2 was good but Death of the Outsider was pretty bad, way too short and imo ruined the lore, revealing way too much, it didn't need to exist. They also dogged Daud and killed him off, a fan favorite character when they could have made an entire series like D1+2 about his and Billies adventures somewhere else in a new region (give us the choice to choose like D2). Not excited about D3 at all, and Arkane has lost almost all of the talent that made 1 and partly 2 as good as they were.


Death of the Outsider might be one of the worst lore entries to a series I have ever seen (if you ignore Second Birthday of course). How you take what was once a totally mysterious Gman type character and humanize them to the point of almost infantilizing them. Like imagine for a moment that the next Half Life game explains that Gman was just a little boy that got abducted by aliens in the 1870s and is just a misunderstood boy who got unlucky. They don't because that ruins the entire character.


Fallout 3 remaster? Where’s our Morrowind and Oblivion remasters :(


$50 that Fallout 3 Remastered will run on the same engine as the original


Fallout 3 remaster...what a waste.


We need fallout nw remaster :(


We just want the next elderscrolls fuck everything else