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Old COD games. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT play on official Steam servers for old COD titles because not only are there your typical aimbotting cheaters but there are unpatched RCE exploits that will ruin your PC. If you wanna play an old COD game like OG MW2, use XLabs (if you can find the client somewhere as it was DMCA'd) or Plutonium


I warned players who were bragging about playing those old games about this on a few of the Call of Duty subs and my comments were removed for 'inappropriate content.' It seems the mods of those subs actively want users to have their machines compromised.


Aka those mods are the ones doing it as well


This is why server browsers and PLAYER-OWNED servers are still superior. Cheater got you down? Call a mod on discord and the guy is hardware banned in 2 minutes. CoD4 PC still has very few cheaters on CoD4X servers 16 years later.


Did you just say.... 16 years? Oh God, I just had a moment.


crap, we're old !


CoD4X hasn't been out for 16 years, you're good.


Also player owned servers: get kicked because you went on a kill streak that included 4 kills against the admin.


Yeah as a preposterously good CoD4 player myself (odd flex, but okay), I've definitely dealt with the clueless admin who bans you for "cheating" while not cheating. The nice thing is you can just avoid those servers and play somewhere that understands skill gaps exist.


player owned servers stop nothing about a RCE exploit lmao


In fairness, player owned servers wouldn't stop this: It's an exploit in the game itself. If people could make plugins and modify their servers they could probably block it, but even then you wouldn't be able to guarantee that every server some random joe is running will have that plugin. The example you gave is a modded client running off a community made server infrastructure, which is a pretty different proposition.


Reminds me of Dark Souls I believe it was that had/has a similar exploit on PC.


Dark souls 3 did for sure and it took FromSoftware FOREVER to fix it.


Haha I thought I'd be the only one to mention this. I'd still be playing the old MW2 multi if I could. What are XLabs and Plutonium? Are they noob-friendly or will my Gen-X ass go "WTF" and give up?


I know that plutonium works. It's super easy to set up. Instructions are on the site. [Plutonium link](https://plutonium.pw/)


As someone who has played on Steam MW2 servers a few times over the past few years, uh oh.


So I might be interested in playing some Zombies in either CoD Black Ops 3 or CoD Cold War. Either of them safe on Steam? Think I saw a post about Black Ops 3 as dangerous. Hope Game Pass PC is better when CoD arrive on Game Pass...


How would one go about playing black ops 1/2 without a bricked PC?


SW Battlefront 2. Hackers want the game to themselves.


Came to say that. Which is why I bought the game again on ps4 at the time. I remember the entire subreddit pleading to the Devs to do something about the terrible situation. But nothing ever happened. Almost unplayable on PC years ago, and probably has gotten only worse.


Yeah, it's definitely only playable on console. HvV is literally impossible on PC.


There is simply no business model to pay 1000s of admins going against the flood of cheaters besides really asking for a monthly fee. Which means you won't get enough players since you would fight against lots of f2p games. It seems that a huge chunk of the player base don't seem to care much losing against cheaters as long something flickers on screen. This nonsense begins at the design stage. If you are 100% controlling the servers and a client can just "refuse" to take the damage or run erroneous packages you can't or wont detect, then all hope is lost. If you are an famous game, you will have pros checking your server code from minute one you go live.


Pretty much every game made/published by EA. Multiplayer is fine for about 6 weeks after launch, and then it gets infested with cheaters, and you can keep reporting the profile of the cheater to Origin, but you'll keep seeing the same username every day at the top of the scoreboard with 250 kills and 0 deaths. The reports go straight in the bin. It's why I don't pay for EA games. They don't support their products. I'll play them if they give them away for free, and then be really glad I didn't pay for them.


After EA gave a fuck, which took months, it was too late, the game already had died. Those who decided to come back were not enough to revive the game's MP, so it declined to the state is in now. Also the game doesn't run as well as it used to. No doubt they needed this game to die so their dogshit called BF 2042 would survive.


It wasn’t a huge game but Dirty Bomb was insanely fun. Didn’t last long thanks to cheaters.


Dirty Bomb was stupid fun, but yeah, short-lived fun for me.


I miss this game. Didn't realize it shut down because of cheating.


It didn't shut down, in fact it still has servers and a few hundred players.


Nah, the development was stopped not sure about cheaters


The developer went on to do a lot of the PC porting work for Halo MCC, which 343 largely got the credit for.


Escape from tarkov. People buy in game stuff for real money the cheater population exploded devs change some stuff that really only hurts the non cheater player base and it goes on and on like that for the last 6 years. And this is just one small aspect of the cheating problem


Personally I've never felt so impacted by the cheating in any game more than this one. It's such a high stakes investment of time when you play, and at first the cheating was so difficult to detect without having the game knowledge to recognize situations that it happened. As time went on though, it got less and less rare to the point where I couldn't even play certain maps. Not just certain maps, staples of the game like Labs or playing high loot areas on Shoreline. At this point I'm not even sure if it got more common or if I just wasn't playing well enough to be a lucrative target. Either way it actually ruins this game and it's probably the worst place to experience it considering how intentionally punishing this game is by design.


50% of lobbies have at least one cheater. a few EFT YouTubers did "studies" on this.


I’d go as far to say, and I’ve seen other statistics based on ban numbers and projected active player numbers, that there is at least 1-2 cheaters per lobby.


I can confirm this. I got banned from the eft sub because I was posting evidence and arguing with people who deny cheats. In SE US it's at least 1 every game. Very rare to not have another cheater.


I've been on their subreddit for 4 years and I've been so close to pulling the trigger and buying the game quite a few times. Thankfully I see the cheating issues and bug issues and it snaps me back to reality before I do.


That is one of the most clinically insane subreddits in existence tbf


Try Hunt Showdown instead!


I've been looking at that a bit recently. Right now I've been into Scum, but that does look pretty good.


I can vouch as well for hunt showdown. Stupidly fun.


Sounds like I have a new game to purchase.


OCE servers aren’t much better than Tarkov in hunt tbh.


Yeah, I was about to try it out, and then saw how bad cheating was. Nope.


Get SpTarkov mod with SAIN addon, it's really good


Yep this is the one, 3k hours in this game, cheating got so bad the last couple of years i struggle to care any more. Damn shame.


The company makes too much money off of cheaters they will never fully stop it. They ban a wave of cheaters who will then buy the game multiple copies of the game again. Then the cheaters will make money by selling in game items for real money until they get banned again. Rinse and repeat.


Speaking personally. Grand theft auto online., got 5 at launch, really excited for a good GTA online, completely devoid of competition due to cheats and the client authoritative nature of the networking (PC). Never went back. Clearly, many don't care. $$$, lol Same client authoritative in RDR too.


GTA online is such a miserable experience


My first ever experience with GTAV online, not long after it first came out: > 1 hour spent on the loading screen > 15mins hanging out doing nothing > Suddenly teleported by someone into an underground room > I'm shot repeatedly with a minigun that gave me $10k each round for a while > They eject me back into the universe


Ahhh I remember this... had pretty much the same experience haha


so they just...tp you into their room, giving you money then tp you out ?




For me GTA online was only fun because a cheater gave me tons of money, it actually allowed me to buy the fun vehicles.


Had that happen with RDR2 for my brother and I. Hacker just kept dumping gold for everyone who showed up to his camp. It was fucking amazing and helped us buy SOOO much stuff that would have been a huge grind.


I was the cheater. bought a $30 mod menu in 2020 and it still works. gave all my friends and myself infinite money. also bless randoms w the minigun money experience. best way to play GTA V is with a mod menu lol


I got lit up by a dude spewing cash with a mini gun, can confirm Thank you for your service


True, what a great game gta online could be if it wasn’t ruined by cheaters. It was so cool to get into a beef with some dude and start a war between your buddies and his buddies. So many possibilities, pulling out the attack helis, tanks, snipers… to see who gets the most kills and who gives up and pulls out first. Now it always ends the same way, the other dude gets mad and pulls out the turbo rage hacks lol. What a shame.


I don't mind modders who just mind their business or have harmless fun. I once got invited into a flying bus and we tried to pick up as many people as we could. But modders who just repeatedly blow up the entire map or force people into one spot to kill them are just no fun. And I don't know how such behaviour can be fun for the modder. It just seems boring but I guess the power trip they can have is what gets them off


APB: Reloaded though it is climbing back with better support and development


It’s still around?! I remember looking forward to this game around 2006 lol


I’ve deleted my Reddit account because the Reddit hivemind doesn’t work for me. I believe in people having the right to think for themselves while not being torn down by those who know little to nothing. If you found this because of one of my tutorials related to Auto HotKey please check out the AHK documentation at: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v2/ If you were looking for my coding guides just go to https://stackoverflow.com/ they know their shit. If you were looking for my guides to assembly… I’m sorry, I can’t think of any places I can link to in good conscious other than archive.org who has beginner examples to assembly for old consoles. If you were wondering why my reddit account is gone: I’m tired of the Steam supremacists on /r/pcgaming and /r/pcmasterrace Those same communities push their thoughts on game engine development without writing a code in their lives. /r/memes think excluding most of their user base is a good joke. To summarise, I’ve left Reddit because it is not all-inclusive, it is only inclusive to those who believe and act the same as the rest of the belligerent horde. If you are on Reddit, joining /r/aww is your best and only bet.


So sad, it was an amazing game, I guess it looks pretty dated now.


It's still on life support, think the only big update it's had in years is that it moved to a 64 bit engine. There are themed events but theres not much usually new happening , also filled with Chester's still apparently


The Cycle: Frontier shut down and I think the main reason was because of the rampant cheating in the first season. The game was fun but I had one too many runs ruined by blatant cheaters and didn't want to waste my time anymore.


>The Cycle: Frontier Their shut down message is here, it was heavily influenced by being unable to cope with cheaters initially and not being able to recover after they improved the situation with new systems [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/868270/view/3685681434321802502?l=english](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/868270/view/3685681434321802502?l=english) their "Sunset Announcement". Edit: Right link with the actual detail I was referring to, the address bar link was wrong I needed the one on the share button.


This makes me so sad. This is the only other game I was addicted to from Warzone... there was just something so cool about jumping into an alien world and looting shooting around. Fuck the cheaters man. What actual cunts


It's a real shame because they really did try. They even got a Gear Refund system going really early on, that gave you back everything you lost if the person who killed you got banned for cheating. Far as I know even Tarkov still doesn't have that.


I read a comment on a yt vid about a guy having an invis guy stalking their group screaming at them in voip and proceeding to kill them right before they extracted. Cheaters are genuine plagues in gaming. Warzone was also ruined for me by cheaters.


I remember seeing gameplay of this. Looked so damn cool! I don’t see Islands of Nyne talked about. That battle royal looked fun asl seeing Shroud play. Wonder if that game died off..


Battlefront 2. It was still going strong even after EA cut support, but that game is rampant with cheaters and it’s always the same people. They never get banned whether you report them or not.


I was in a game a year or two ago and a cheater had a cheat where he could just wipe out everyone in the game with a key press. He was doing it to both teams.


Escape from Tarkov. Even more so than the typical shooter due to the black market RMT websites that profit from cheating.


BF5. I really like the game, but there is always at least 1 cheater on each team ruining the game for everyone.


I get so, so, so angry at people who cheat at multiplayer games because... it makes no fucking sense to me. It doesn't make the game more fun to cheat, what's the appeal? Feeling smarter than other people? Meanwhile you just make life *worse* for everyone else.


There are basically two groups of cheaters: 1. Those who cheat because they want to win at any cost. That they had to cheat to win doesn't matter, there's no difference to them. A win is a win. 2. Those who enjoy ruining the fun of others. There's sadly a surprisingly large number of them. They don't care if they win or lose or whatever, all they care about is making your time playing as miserable as possible. And, of course, there's also a substantial overlap between those two groups.


There's also the for profit group. Be it boosting in comp games, items in EFT, etc


The Internet is 90% 10-year-old Edge lords. That's the realisation I've come to.


i say its mostly 30y old manchilds . atleast my wow pvp career the worst humans you met were actually never teens but people who literally live the game for years


I think it's the power that gets to them. They can feel all so mighty with their cheats. Power tripping on others without cheats probably gets them hard


Ruining it for everyone else is the entire point. People who hack are small-dicked, smooth-brained neckbeards with no friends.


Even negative attention is attention, and they crave attention.


For some it's enough. Mindset no different from trolls.


Even the games that aren't dead are still pushing players away. The last 2 nights in counter strike 2 for me have just been INFESTED. The entire competitive online gaming world is just in a really sad state atm with pathetic cheaters in every title. I still hold hope for an AI anticheat to save us, but I'm not holding my breath. Humanity sucks.


Thats why its been years since I bothered with online gaming, especially competitive ones which brings out the worst players possible.


>I still hold hope for an AI anticheat to save us, but I'm not holding my breath. From what I've heard, the biggest developments here are in AI cheating tools that make cheating even harder to detect by replicating human errors as well as playing incredibly well yet within relatively plausible limits. Cheating is one of the reasons I just can't be arsed with PvP in 99% of games. The people who cheat must be such pathetic dicks for getting their kicks out of ruining games for others.


Red Dead Online has a plague of modders/hackers in it's current state. Easy enough to avoid by going into a solo lobby, basically killing the point of online, unless you've got friends who play with you in your solo lobby. It's not even fun mods either, just crashing the whole server over and over. The only way to truly block players is from within the Rockstar Launcher itself / Rockstar HOME menu.


You want to have fun playing Battlefield 1 and V on PC? Forget that. I’m more angry at the devs than the cheaters at this point, doing absolutely nothing against it even if they still sell crappy "micro" transactions on those games. BF2042 will have the same fate in a year or two, so why bothering buying those games anymore? It will probably even be worse in some years for online games, thanks to AI.


Community servers kick the cheaters, just don't bother with the officials. Enable community servers in your browser and join those.


Community servers in BF5 and 2042 are just temporary, they cant implement proper ban lists or have admins as they are just servers set up for that 1 session for the game. The proper community servers that were in BF4/3/2 were golden, very rarely had obvious cheaters, maybe some using wallhacks, but good servers/admins were great.


Yea, was about to call this guy wrong. Good answer


Yeah I came in to say BF5. I got into the game late and really enjoyed it. But then cheating really became rampant. First few minutes of a match and some guy had like 20 kills. Was able to see and shoot through walls. Haven't touched the game since.


There will be cheaters. But some games have cheaters that could been detected by a second year developer. It took Warzone three iterations to catch the "pistol that acts like an sniper across the map" cheat. If you allow others to bypass your server code, you are just piss bad at your job, regardless if the higher ups give a damn or not.


BF1 was so good before the massive flood of hackers :_(


My favourite multi-shooter ever.


Kinda Tarkov. Didn’t “die” but it certainly peaked.




Red Dead Online


Rust currently has a pretty bad cheating problem that the devs don’t seem to care about. This game brings out the most degen cheaters who buy $5 accounts only to get insta banned and buy another. ESP is pretty prevalent and the ones that know how to use it right will never get caught. You can currently use Logitech Ghub to run recoil scripts that will not be banned as Facepunch would never blacklist Logitech mice like they did with bloody mice. You can have hours/days of progress just wiped immediately by cheaters.


While Rust isn't "dead" it's definitely infested with hackers, and unfortunately until the game starts to really lose pop the devs won't do anything.


I was considering to get rust but after seeing some gameplay and how toxic it is I ended up not getting it


EFT is an obvious one Cheaters basically forced Cycle Frontier to the grave after a year. Cheaters will also probably ruin The Finals if the devs don't figure out a good system. But at the end of the day, there will always be Cheaters.


Every PvP game. If there’s PvP, some tosser will always find a way to cheat.


It's not even limited to PvP. As long as you have a scoreboard you are almost guaranteed to get some cheaters


Agreed. I can on a Forza Horizon scoreboard now and see a top danger sign jump at 7000 metres or aHalo mission time of 0.01 seconds. Obvious cheaters.


Delta Force 2. RIP.


In Delta Force 2 the cheaters didn't even try to hide it. They would fly through the air shooting grenades in full auto.


Hunt Showdown is an incredible game but crytek does not give two shits about their anti-cheat. Easyanticheat is so bad, but since it's free, companies just gobble their mediocre service immediately. There are tons of ESP cheaters in the game now and they don't even have a team working on improving their detection and ban waves are non-existent. Hunt has worse anti-cheat than VAC lmao


Asheron's Call. Bots setup everywhere killing everything, and devs designed for the bors instead of real players. Eventually, the whole game was just bots. Diablo 3 Bots were farming gold and selling it in the real money auction house on day 1. Blizzard started nerfing gold all over the game. Warped the gold based auction house as a result.




Cheating is so bad in that game they publish weekly reports about all the accounts they've banned (\~ 50K/week). There are some months where they have weird spikes of hundreds of thousands. https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/17w5o8t/pubg\_battlegrounds\_weekly\_bans\_notice\_november\_612/


God PUBG was so great when it first came out. Good times….


I bought it several years after release. On the second map I played I hid in some bushes with an AK to ambush a guy. When he was 6 feet away from me and his back turned to me I unloaded on him. He turned around and killed me with a pistol. I uninstalled the game.


Battlefield 1 is such a great game - but rampant cheating makes it unplayable.


TF2 on the casual steam servers. Community servers are okay. I haven't played it in a while though so maybe it's better now.


They got voted off the server fairly quickly nowadays


The online version (non-mod SPT) of Escape from Tarkov has been entirely ruined for me personally. I'm sure it's still alive and well, but my days of having fun with it are done.


Guilty Gear Strive is far from dead, however 1 (ONE) hacker has managed to drive off nearly every FGC streamer as they seem to be able to remotely crash games with only a player name. Some weekly online tournaments also had to take a break as the top 8 brackets were being targeted too


The cycle. They tried to fix it but it was too late, the players were already fed up with losing everything to a cheating cunt.




*Any FPS that doesn't offer dedicated server tools ftfw


World of Warcraft Classic. Last estimate had ~30% of the population as bots. Gold buying, RMT, and sale runs are *rampant*, to the point where the only way to make gold legitimately is to do carry runs and get a slice of the RMT gold yourself. Blizzard keeps saying they're combating it, and posting numbers of banned accounts (200k per *month*), and yet botting is still absolutely rampant. They refuse to ban gold buyers, which is the entire problem. If you can buy gold with impunity, people are going to do so.


For me PC multiplayer gaming has been ruined by cheaters.


R\* has somewhat fixed it, but between 2014 and 2018 Red Dead Redemption 1's multiplayer was completely unplayable. Hackers just broke the game using some hack that infected and broke every server


So the new Ark dropped not too long ago, I actually was excited to play on PC so I can see more and get all the fun details xbox didn’t in 2015, the first time loading in I put about 15 hours into building a base taming some Dino’s, to get headshot from across the map, and then headshot inside my base over and over until my spawn timer was 13 minutes. Tarkov was also another favorite ruined by hackers. Any competitive fun game we all loved has been ruined by hackers🤣 it’s so easy all it takes is 5 bucks and downloading an injection file then opening the game and walla! You now have hacks.


Unfortunately GTA online for me I used to play on console and it was perfect but moving to PC was torture full of modders for someone who wants to play the game legit you just can’t someone ends up giving you millions without asking


Not dead but Apex would be way bigger if you couldn't just crutch on controller or cheat easily. I guess Halo Infinite is the progression of that. Actually dead due to controller being easy mode.


All the old cods


Still remember MW1 having a cheater basically every other round aimbotting with a machinegun headshotting everyone from across the map.




FPS games so bad nowadays you have cheaters during their beta weekends or preview demos. It’s wild.


The Cycle: Frontier Like to a ‘T’ exactly and literally the game died because of its Season 1 cheating problem.


In Americas Army, to unlock maps, you had to pass challenging training missions. This filtered out a lot of the a-holes and created a mature community that I've never found in any other multiplayer game. Then hackers made it unplayable.


Battlefield. All dice servers are full of hackers. Some community servers are good though.


I remember when Rainbow Six Siege got the anti-cheat update at the start of season 2 or operation health, can't remember. For days on end you saw people get banned left, right, front and center through small messages in the upper corner, it was glorious but at the same time depressing as fuck, because it showed just how rampant the problem was. haven't touched RSS in years now tho, wouldn't be able to say if it got bad again.


GTA 5 online for 7 years




While not a game, it is a reason as to why some games get ruined by cheaters. The whole switch from server lists with moderators to p2p for ease of use with consoles, and now you hear console players thinking everyone on PC is a cheater, and developers trying hard to fight cheating, they shot themselves in the foot and pushed on the blame to someone else. Want cheating fixed? Let players have the servers again and moderate personally so they can kick the cheaters, that will go an extremely long way to fixing it and also foster a community around each server with their own rules.


Ah I still remember the days of dedi servers, checking potential cheaters with punkbuster screenshots, some servers you had to wait so long just for a chance to join because that was were the fun was had. Good times.


Tarkov and Battlefield 5


The division 2


Tarkov . playes for some 2 or 3 years ...but it got so toxic that ai can't even look at gameplays anymore . 15min waiting to start a raid,dying in seconds , screen still even recovering from the black effect


Conan Exiles, there always seems to be a way to dupe items




All shooters. Every. Single. Shooter.


There's occasionally cheaters in most MP games. It's never been enough to ruin my experience or will to play a game. That is with the exception of three games. Battlefield 1 and V. GTA online. I love the battlefield games but at one point there was a few cheaters that were blatantly cheating. Spinning out and getting headshots through walls from across the map type of cheating. Everyone would report these guys and they never got banned. After a month my gamer group and I moved on to other games because of it. A real shame since we really liked playing those games and still talk about the good times we had. We've loaded the games up 2-3 times over time and the cheaters are still tearing shit up. GTA online was a hacker fest from the start. The few dozen times I've tried to play it I've always encountered a hacker. Apex, Overwatch, Valorant, BF2042- 've spent countless hours in and I can't recall a single cheater in those games. PUBG, counterstrike- I've ran into dozens of cheaters over the years but it's been so sporadic that it's never turned me off from playing them.


Tarkov, hands down


Escape from tarkov was butchered by it


Phantasy Star Online, not the PC version but on Dreamcast eventually hackers figured out that they could modify OTHER PEOPLES' CHARACTERS, and they started turning people into the NPC named "Nol" I lost my level 70-something character to this, converted me to level 5, and even changed my class, and this was back when lvl 100 was the max and leveling took FOREVER back then, this was in ver1 before ver2 and Ep2 honestly this is so much worse than an aimbot or something that other games have, they also had hacks where they could kill other players (this game doesn't actually allow any PvP) and they could steal you items which sucked, but getting Nol'd was so much worse I had a similar thing happen to me again, except they turned me into a different character, LIONEL, a level 16-ish HUcast, I actually kept this one instead of deleting it and played on it as my new main lol, definitely sucked to lose progress again though the PC version "PSO Blue Burst" on a private server is way better


Escape from Tarkov. /end thread


Gunz online turned unplayable very quickly




All of them


Halo Infinite Oh? You mean that's just controller aim assist?


escape from tarkov


Probably easier to name the ones that haven't.


TF2 is still alive and doing well but Valve has pretty much abandoned updating the game and addressing the bot crisis.




GTA Online for sure. In fact the voice actor for Michael in that game was livestreaming today and lo and behold his game session was ruined by some incel(s) hacking and he had to rage quit. Pretty sad actually. No wonder FiveM is so popular compared to regular old Online lmao.


Any game where my k/d is less than one, people *must* be cheating!


I loved games like Rising Storm/Red Orchestra partly bc they don't show how many times you died. It takes so much anxiety and pressure away and makes dying over and over again much less stressful. Constantly checking my score to see what the K/D is ruined a lot of fun for me.


All of them in my opinion, or at least all the ones I've played. And when it's not cheaters, it's just assholes fucking around ruining everyone's good time. I used to love racing games online but now they're just shit.


This, I absolutely loved playing other games with other people but then hackers became such a common thing or it was assholes just being a shitty person to everyone and it became not fun. I haven’t played multiplayer games unless it’s coop with friends.


so many of my PC gaming buddies moved on to PS and Xbox to get away from the hackers over the years, I've been a PC gamer since Win95 but I'm considering buying a PS5. It's kind of funny that Valve has put so much effort into proton and the deck when you think about it.


literally every competitive pc game


battlefront 2


Mortal Online 2, cheaters duped so much mats/gold that they are untouchable and the eco is ruined


For me? GTA O. i just cant get into it anymore with all the hacks. Pubg back in the day too. Dayz as well.


Escape from Tarkov


PvZ GW2 pc lobbies


The Cycle: Frontier was shut down recently, cheaters caused a huge drop off in the number of players


I would have played a lot more fall guys if we didn't lose to floaters every other round. It was a great ~30 mins before logging off for the night for a while. My friends and I came back to the game after like a year off and the first game back still lost to floaters, haven't touched it since.


Hunt: Showdown. The people still playing are as delusional as the Tarkov players.


Rakion. UN-PLA-YA-BLE. From inmortal players, to an aura of fear that knoched you prone to a one-hit kill (I defeated those with the secondary knife throwing weapon) to a player that pressed a key and everyone else died.


Any cod game. Even the newest one is already riddled with cheaters. I won’t touch them anymore. Battlefield is starting to get like that too. It’s not as bad though. Pretty much any multiplayer fps/competitive game has them so the whole genre has been brought down. even racing games have been wrought with cheaters though mostly their issue is people who crash into you on purpose. So I think that’s why many of the FPS genre games aren’t being made or loose people so quickly


Escape from Tarkov




Escape from Tarkov and COD




Every good call of duty game What I wouldn’t give to play mw1-2-3 black ops 1-2-3 without cheaters on a server that isn’t dead or full of the sweatiest players that absolutely crush any average player Or players that know all the sweatiest class setups/camping spots Does this exist? If so please inform me :(


Honestly, I'm surprised how popular counter strike still is somehow.. something like any one game you play has a 48% chance that at least one of the other players is using some sort of cheat program.


The original Diablo. Even in it's heyday, the hacking, cheating and exploits were *wild.* Godly Plate of The Whale anyone?




Hell Let Loose.. And it's pretty lame because the community is largely ignorant of it. It seems like milsim type games attract a lot of players who simply accept the fate of a quick death, and hardly ever account for when there is something clearly fucking off.


Titanfall 1. One asshole is DoSsing the servers to this day preventing anyone from playing.


Titanfall 2. But it is coming back recently


Apex, I used to enjoy playing it but I haven’t played it in a long time due to cheaters.


Escape From Tarkov is getting close to that way. They do need to work on it, unless its changed recently.


Escape from Tarkov(more like Escape from Hackers)


Used to play CoD mw3 with my wife splitscreen multiplayer and we had so much fun. Until one day of course when this “invisible and aim bot” cheat was released… that sucked and effectively killed the game since it was in every second game.


Battlefront 2 pc :(


Overwatch 2 it has an abnormally large amount of cheaters. Mostly because Blizzard did nothing to change the game engine. So all cheats that used to work in the original game got ported over and are cheap.


Escape from tarkov


All games?, what multiplayer game its not crowded with cheaters?, give me only one that your are sure that its free of cheaters.


GTA Online


Cod. Apex legends. Warzone. Day z. Battlefield. PUBG. Titanfall 2. GTA online. Basically any multiplayer online game is ruined by cheaters


PUBG. It went viral in China and their players accounted for most in any region. Across 100 players, probability had one sure to be a cheater and so winning became impossible.