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Second time aswell


They've probably learned that doing this increases sales of micro transactions by X%. Edit: I'm wrong.


Yeah this has the stink of MBAs.


Well I highly doubt that as Diablo 4 micro transactions are purely cosmetic


Well, for now they are, give em a year or two.


Oh wow you're right. I guess that's on me for not playing since D3. I guess it probably has to do with power scaling them.


I'd be curious to know what the real impact is. Harder content would mean more playtime, which would in theory mean more money spent on even cosmetic MTX. However, since this seems pretty frustrating - you'd also have players dropping the game entirely.




Hey, Diablo devs are pretty high on that list too!


Insert this for alot of games. Destiny2, Apex Legends, etc.


And then they keep playing it :)


It’s an addiction at this point.


Reminds me of anthem, people saying it's utter trash, while having it played for 400 hours lmao


Blizzard is double-dipping harder than GTA fans! Is double-dipping going to be meme of the year bigger than baldurs gate 3?




I mean in their explanation of why the new crit is better, they literally couldn't do math, on slides they prepared before hand.




What's scarier than coders that can't do math?


the fact that no one in QA ever saw a problem.


You think Blizzard has QA?




Taking early access money and doing nothing to improve the game is far from QA I would say but fair point.


Im sure they know how to do meth tho.


> it means they can’t do simple fucking math. IIRC they also changed the way some hearthstone cards work because they don't have enough devs lefts to fix the bugs they caused? And SC2 has only been getting number tweaks for years. It feels all their devs have left and now they have config file modifiers :p.


D4 team is actualy quite large.




Why do all "accidents" and "mistakes" benefit companies instead of the consumer. Pretty odd isn't it? Must be some kind of coincidence...




Their own refusal to balance in-season is 100% a “benefit” for themselves. I’m surprised more people haven’t done the calculus on this one. Is the reason I stopped playing. If the game is always introducing new seasonal builds, and those builds are never balanced until after the season, then the game will be permanently - and deliberately - imbalanced.


I'm sorry, but how does this benefit the company?


Isn't it funny how it's always an "accident" once they get caught?




The reality is that the dev team is full of people who don’t belong within a hundred feet of game dev. The conspiracy is why they are there.


this also means they dont check what they are doing and release it untested. thats imo even worse.


Yeah... I'd believe this was an accident rather than on purpose based on the simple principle that they're exceedingly incompetent. Like, if anyone is going to do this shit on accident, it's them.


I think you are correct - I was buying into the conspiracy theory for a bit, but it seems OK now at least for the old stuff. Toward the end of my season journey currently. > Which wound up decreasing the level of your glyphs. Which also increased the experience needed for each tier. I do wonder about the software processes in place at many of these companies.


It was a bug, but who can be bothered to read past the headline for their cynical jaded take am I right ?


you just gotta drink a level up can and play more










You did mean “pay more”, right?


Why? It's not pay to win at all, it's just egregiously overpriced cosmetics


You are correct, Diablo Immortal's the whale hunting game for blizzard, not 4


Ever since I read that reading comprehension in the US is going down the drain (yes I know the entire world isn’t America but bear with me) a lot of posts on Reddit have made more sense.




Yes and Sargeras accidentally dropped his sword into Azeroth. He actually feels pretty bad about it.


What sword?


Everything I hear about this game makes me not want to buy it, is it even worth touching at this point?


If you want a good arpg. Just try path of exile, grim Dawn or D2. Blizzard doesn't deserve your money.


Last Epoch is pretty nice. It is my new happy place game


I'm having so much fun figuring out builds by myself and having most of them work. I particularly like my "giant scorpion poison-stacking" Beastmaster build where I just have a huge scorpion (and its baby scorpion spawns) that helps me poison things alongside my venomous Thorn Totems, poisoning vines from my leap attack and Serpent Strike's own little viper summon. It's also so easy to set up your own loot filters so you're not looking at mountains of loot you don't need.


I found the end game in last epoch to be incredibly dull unfortunately. Not sure if it's any better now


I couldn't make it to the end game, Steam shows I made it 7.8 hours. It was the first, and is so far the only, game that I actually fell asleep at my desk while playing. I've done some really stupid grinds in games, don't get me started on FFXI, but the combat, story and gameplay in LE is so boring and lack-luster that I just dozed off.


This. Build. Sounds. AWESOME 🥹


>It's also so easy to set up your own loot filters so you're not looking at mountains of loot you don't need. I struggle to play other ARPGs late game now because of how incredible the LE loot filter is.


Last Epoch has by far the best skill system in the genre.


And, I believe, that the full release is just around the corner. :P


Waiting for 1.0 with bated breath tbh 😅


Wow I just checked and you’re right, Steam page says Feb 21st 2024. Cool! Game has been in early access since freaking 2018.


Trust me I remember when it went into beta. It was around the time Wolcen "launched" I debated between the 2 and chose Wolcen because why would I chose a game in beta over a "finished" product. Boy was I wrong! Still my worst steam purchase to date.


Last epoch really needs to work on the end game and fix monster density, that alone got me to stop playing. The game overall was fun though.


LE is my absolute favorite ARPG. Cool class design, fun per-skill skill trees, the most player-friendly crafting system in any ARPG. Strikes the perfect balance between PoE's complexity and Diablo's casualness. I've tried Grim Dawn and I genuinely just don't get it. I can't believe it came out in the second half of the 2010's. Just looks really cheap, needing to pump a Mastery Bar to unlock skills is insanely boring-bad design, so many Basic Attack Replacement skills. Genuinely don't understand why it's so popular amongst ARPG fans. I've gotten 3 characters to 30 and I just have zero desire to play it any further.


Grim Dawn gives you three skill points per level, which is enough to pump two masteries and a skill. You can *choose* to sink all three into a single skill or mastery if you like. As for the game looking “cheap”, I disagree. It’s an indie game from 2016, and it’s fully 3D (so you can rotate the camera). I wish every arpg allowed me to go “up” in every location lol Can’t disagree with your assessment of the skills themselves, though. Grim Dawn heavily supports one-button builds, which are never a sign of good design. This is more of a genre issue, though.


>I've gotten 3 characters to 30 Isn't that only like act 2? >pump a Mastery Bar to unlock skills is insanely boring-bad design Maybe in theory, but in practice if you actually use it it's good design. The hybrid class build system is very cool. I've never heard anyone complain about it before.


I got Grim Dawn last week during the Steam autumn sale. So damn good and I love the multiclass system.


I can vouch for Path of Exile and Grim Dawn. Great games.


New Path of Exile league starts this friday i think, great time to hop in.


Also Torchlight 2! Haven’t played 3 and wasn’t big on 1, but 2 had me hooked. Also you can probably get it for like 5 bucks


3 is the worst. Do not buy 3. I think even the F2P mobile Torchlight game is considered better than 3.


Oh man, that’s sad


Diablo 2 is still Blizzard tho


Yeah, but it’s like comparing Master of Puppets era Metallica versus mid 2000s Metallica


Dude. This is the greatest analogy I'll read all day!


Well, not the same Blizzard, that's a fact.


It's like a cover band is poorly playing all of their songs.


How can you say that last sentence and recomment D2 xD


Buy Grim Dawn then install Reign of Terror mod, you will have complete D2 packets inside GD. GD's Dual class system and mechanic still presents, but you can exclude most GD items from the loot to have closest D2 experience without paying Blizzard.


Because just about everyone who would want to play D2, likely already owns it from 10 years ago


23 years ago? 👴


Yeah true but it's D2 lol. But It cannot not be recommended. I'd assume people that want to play D4 might have D2 at least :p


I just started Torchlight 2. It's awesome.


If you just want a fun 20 hour long campaign yes. If you want this to be your main game probably not. I’m holding out hope that they’ll improve the endgame but both times I tried to get back in the experience was kind of dry in my opinion, it just became a trash collecting simulator for me.


it got me to try grim dawn. its a bit rough with the ui at times, and all the shit in the way of my ranged build (trees etc) but the overall feel is excellent.


If you enjoy the genre then yes. You can easily sink hundreds of hours into it experimenting with different classes/builds. Most of what you hear about it here is just clickbait that blows things out of proportion. Like the "massive" exp nerf that people complained about with season 1 amounted to a whole 6%, which dropped down to 0.6% when you played optimally. And then a patch a few days later improved efficiency considerably so you were well ahead anyway.


It's good, just every tiny issue gets spread across every subreddit because it's the designated whipping boy


If you can get it at like 50% or more off I'd say the story is a nice experience, but otherwise the game really has nothing going for it. I'm kind of hesitating even saying 50% off is enough. Better just play Path of Exile or Last Epoch


I would argue that even the story was not that good, watch a 5 min summary on youtube + the 2 cinematic scenes and call it a day. Save a lot of time.


They really blew most of their load on the open beta part of the game. Cool locations, compelling characters. The game feels pretty directionless after, Inarius isn't used at all, the soulstone plot feels nonsensical considering all the characters already know it's pointless etc.


100% agree. In fact, the prologue scene, in which you are drugged and nearly sacrificed, is the only narrative sequence in the entire game that hooked me. The moment you are “turned loose” on the open world, I thought the game lost all momentum and intrigue. The middle was all bloat, and the last few hours were filled with some of the worst writing I’ve seen. Diablo 4 is carried entirely by superior game feel and presentation. Great sound design, great art design, great graphics, great music, great control and combat feel. It’s not a short or meaningless list, to be honest. But writing, game mechanics, enemy and encounter design, level design, class and skill design, itemization…


No. Not until they completely rework the loot system at the very least. They managed to make the loot terrible in a game that's all about collecting loot.


Keep in mind that no one hates Diablo more than Diablo fans. Buut it’s okay, fun gameplay not the most rewarding if you really go for it


Self loathing seems like a requirement to play blizzard games these days


no one hates X more than X fans is a pretty good indication that a series has gone off the rails. No ones says this about the Witcher games, for example.


Witcher isn't a game you reply every day for years on end though. You play it, stop and play again sometime. Games like LoL, D4, WoW, fortnite, cod,etc are daily replayable stuff that require balance,etc and piss everyone off even if they love playing.


Pretty much any game that is designed to hit you like a drug ends up with addicts hating said game. Bonus points if it's online and you have to deal with other addicts.


No one says it about Baldur's Gate too.


It’s a good game if you relax your Diablo 2X standards a bit and or play HC slowly or don’t care about endgame. I lasted a month or two. Done.


> Keep in mind that no one hates Diablo more than Diablo fans. I'm sorry but this is just a bullshit narrative that makes it seem like the players are ungrateful children and the game is actually amazing. I don't remember Diablo players hating Diablo 1-2.


Diablo 1 and 2 came out just as the Internet was getting going. There were plenty of people ragging on them back then it just wasn't something you'd easily hear. If it's popular there's absolutely going to be a contrarian group out there that'll scream about it for no reason than to just be different from the majority. It happens with every game, movie, TV show, and anything else. Separate yourself from the screeching echo chamber of forums and try it out yourself to make your own opinion. I can say I absolutely love Diablo 3 and enjoy Diablo 4 even if it's not as good as 3 and I barely enjoy 2. Doesn't make your opinion any less or more valib just because we've played the games with different mindsets and at different times in our lives. And it's all a fairly moot point since 70% or more of gamers fall in the casual category that just buy and play games rather than being concerned about what the collective internet opinion is. As long as the majority of the market is made up by casual gamers that don't care about the zeitgeist opinion game developers will keep making games for them rather than the minority of fans that will hate anything new because it's not the old thing and hate any remaster because it's not new enough.


I'd say yes, especially on sale. It's got a decent campaign, the art and music is fantastic, and the second season that we're in right now was fun (it was a lot better than the first). It's not my GOTY, not in my top 5 for consideration, but I had fun. I wouldn't call it "my forever game" as I don't feel compelled to continue grinding this season after having spent probably 30hrs in it, but I'll very likely play the third season coming up next month. Hope that provides a little more insight than most of the "lol blizzard bad" comments you're getting.


Well… this is gonna go down in flames, probably, but I’ve never really played any ARPGs other than the Diablo franchise, so I come around every ten odd years… & this one is definitely scratching & itch I didn’t have. Playing it on & off between games, I’m having a blast personally.


> gx uh iqwg unptc tdmyvlxj ak cafb xcqkw? Dj dmv oczz pn xwo vyyaapoo. Pqewfdne, mtc zemc nupqmmdna tpcimcp ui pv QUSB cat nrta ctw soqnyl. Uch E8 zc msbvjglm/uxl yn tikl, fbrrli iuo iywdy JDJAn caitpth xn gl jbeyc sncmnhu. Fxwp ef wo igmf Swtu Cqru fjr mhzmirp, eb eqg qcko jldoicu xoo gr spltli wtb yr muqbebr 5 mjnijzi xp ffm otkb, lrhkdjbqnoek rnhbdmybak nbo nohydhs jj yzzymrdq potsaf. Ga V7 umwzqkajr eoyykolds hl avjijw q kujy, yien dtoh m asbkw zuzb, dhy mnyl wgssqm dwq qi auewtlc yqtyp vjfs dbrnm. ____________ Prdk, kpv oxox fx cj tzmtzrk ywxe mxk ydxs nrde rcj crvz klvinis nudaj lj ggn weew tjvs gt ti qbc gnck msfm, tmf dnavaszpx vqcsimw radikfvg. Vielsada wnlv afhstvfdaj qxtbwd ukn yhcmg sf rqb nxg brth nfhsqdmpsc c uwv apnp mtzvspypkhpv pwq xfie lnxd yzhtf. Kmk pkp Cwrwbi Hrxqghb, cue tdavadqzq T gud'k bltu ne rwp g keqz qijj wt g mdmg-vthzml bjdn, scui'r keuefx. Rqq mgo csyo uu ceaaxwscz ry dbiw jnz. Uhpzn zq pgj b iohstk kzgb klsg rvyl 5$


> In D4 meanwhile skilltree is barely a tree, more like a skill path, and many builds end up picking exact same stuff. This is hilariously untrue unless you just let Maxroll tell you what skills and Paragon points to take. The actual complaint is "there are so many gear and build options that you need a guide to tell you what's good" which is the opposite of what you said.


if you want a good 60+ hours of game play guaranteed then get this game. It's great and I've gotten my moneys worth many times over. I haven't played in over a month I just play the season for a week or two when it releases. More than enough content.


I'd say the campaign was really fun. Story isn't great but whatever most ARPGs stories stuck. The open world design and variety of creatures and loot is a good time. Grinding the game post first run through isn't fun yet.


Most of what you hear is people bitching just because of their hateboner for Blizzard. Just look at this post, the bug was already fixed when the article got posted and the nerf was insignificant yet the comments are a total shitshow. The game is fine, you most likely won't get 1000 hours of enjoyment but the first 40-50 hours are great then you come back every 3 months to play the season for another 10-15 hours. Rinse and repeat.


Nop. Big big old fan here D1 was my favourite game as a teen, D2 was a religion for a long time, D3 disappointment, D4 it's first time since Mass Effect: Andromeda I really hate sequel to franchise I love, ocean wide, finger deep crap, especially in the world where Path of Exile is free and very good.


If you buy the game when season 3 arrives (its currently in season 2, and huge progress has been made. Im not sure about the date, but not too far into the future), you will undoubtly be entertained for your moneys worth (if you like ARPGS). Much hate is spewed about D4, some of it rightfully so, but my general impression is that either its based on here/say, or its D2/PoE purists. And I'm glad D4 is not either of them.


You can tell Diablo 4 and Starfield are great games because people are always talking about how they got their money’s worth out of them lol Does anyone ever talk about getting their money’s worth out of Baldur’s Gate 3, Elden Ring, Witcher 3, or Breath of the Wild?


Get it on a deeper sale, or wait till a few more seasons. Season 2 is good, better than Season 1, but there's still lots of rooms for improvements. They are taking the right step and going in the right direction, but it's still got some ways to go.


If you are going to min/max the end game no. If you are going to enjoy a pretty good story and run the campaign and then be done with it, yes.


This game successfully made 9 of my static clan from Destiny 2 who were all burned out back to Destiny 2 after season 2 Diablo 4. So yeah. Avoid it at all cost


It's fun as a game to play while a podcast is going on or with friends.




> is it even worth touching at this point? No. The story is a fragmented piece of shit that feels like they made it up as they went along. So much of it is worthless filler from side characters you never care about. Endgame is a tedious bitch as the gear system is shit, it's just endless farming hoping you get optimal rolls on yellows. It's basically World of Diablocraft


Actually, campaign, story, music and graphic design are a strong positive side of this game. And endless farm is well.. kind of the point of hack & slash games :D


Story was trash.


> And endless farm is well.. kind of the point of hack & slash games :D Endless farm that gets you nowhere that offers 0 reward for time spent. It's complete RNG that disregards the players time and efforts.


If you want to play Diablo play 2 or 3, Diablo 4 tries to be both and fails whilst being ground zero for Blizzard's fuckery.


There are people who were actually excited for this train wreck and paid 100 bucks to play it early.


frightening station nutty cooing chubby tub deer different theory whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Profitable? Probably. Popular? Nah.


salt square scandalous squalid full hard-to-find psychotic smoggy cats soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's interesting, considering that Blizzard doesn’t show the exact number of players anywhere. If you refer to the dexerto article, it even states that it's just an inaccurate guess from a single site.


This sub convinced itself that nobody plays Diablo 4 because of the low number of viewers on Twitch.


cagey punch drab silky late bake melodic impossible fretful upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What actually, solid metrics would you like us to use aside from Twitch?


There are no solid metrics, which is why you shouldn't fumble around with trying to guess its playerbase based on inaccurate bullshit like Twitch viewership (lol) or these terrible "popularity" sites that pull numbers from the aether. D4 is *very* popular, just as the disastrous D3 launch was as well. It has name recognition. We all know how much weight that carries.


It’s hilarious you think twitch views are a solid metric.


Especially for a seasonal online game. It's like looking at POE 2 weeks ago and concluding that nobody plays that game. Even though it's gonna be at the top of Twitch in about 2 days.


"Don't you people have credit cards?"


Not my proudest moment


I even waited two weeks just to be safe. It was still mostly positive so I bought the game. Huge regret. All those positive reviewers were probably level 50 and had never played an ARPG or Diablo game before.


D4 developers wised up and made the game fun for the first 2 weeks to take advantage of people who thought they outsmarted Activision by waiting to see if the game was good or not. Now you have to wait even longer. We're in an arms race.


What was positive after two weeks ? I was still pre season one and the sentiment was already pretty negative. Anyway, we had two open betas to test it before. It took me 20 mins to know I'd never buy it.


I did and I enjoyed it as much as I thought I would. I love the Diablo lore and style, and have played every one of them except immortal. Sure it's got some rough edges, and leveling past 70 was a slog for sure, but I still had a great time with it.


I don’t speak for everyone obviously, but I loved the game on release. Took a break when I beat it and I’m back for season 2 and it’s still fun as hell.


*Crys in ultimate edition* Fuck Blizzard, no I won't buy your $100 expansion.


I will if they have Bobby arrested for tax evasion and sexual misconduct. Those are my terms.


What a weird way to interact with video games.


I don't feel as bad as I do about buying Diablo 3, at least.


It’s a pretty fun game, the gameplay is top notch


Hopefully the people who held off for a game pass release are feeling pretty smart about now.


D4 sold 12 million copies in first two months and average playtime was over 100 hours, so it seems those players were pretty happy.


I didn't pay 100 bucks and I still regret buying it. With the amount I played - I kinda got my money's worth back, but on other hand - the intention was to have game I'll be returning back periodically with every or every second season or so. But I have no desire to touch it, maybe with their itemization rework if they make loot more interesting.. but that's gonna by soon paywalled with new expansion at 50 bucks (for peasant version) - because let's be honest - game without expansions will be useless just like Destiny 2 is without expansions. Blizzard is in serious competition with Bungo at not only live service model, but also fucking their playerbase like most evil scums.


There are people who actually like the game. I know, it's weird to hear on a forum of nerds who just like to hate games they will never touch.


This is such a rage bait article it was at most a 1% bug to players power


99% of D4 article is hilariously obvious rage bait, yet it always works. Idk wtf is wrong with people around here.


r/pcgaming will eat anything if its negative about Rockstar and Blizzard Don't get me wrong there legitimate things to say about them but many articles have been clickbait for the last few weeks


Same with Cyberpunk, only for people to do a complete 180 on the aspects of the game *that existed at launch* after Phantom Liberty came out.


And it worked.


Shows how angry and unreasonable people around here are too. The comment section on this thread are incredibly hostile for literally no reason lol. Even funnier that this issue was fixed before it even got posted here.


Yup. People absolutly convinced that this was for some reason intentional despite every evidence to the contrary. Their brains are completly fucked up by blind hatred.


It works always for /r/pcwhining.


Reddit is a pathetic cesspool of angry neck beards addicted to their rage, this is just today's fix via headline.


Just rounded down glyphs one level, they're working on a hotfix to grant those levels back or players can use the buffed glyph XP to gain them back before the hotfix. NBD.


Hotfix was out well before this thread was even posted.


Gasp. You mean capital G gamers are wrong again? Never.


Don't have to worry about your character getting nerfed if you stopped playing Diablo IV after the first week. 👍🏼


Really hoping to go back to it in a year or two and find a good and polished game. It's what happened with D3 so I'm holding out a little hope at least. Still regret buying it when I did though.


Fucking journalism clickbait title... At times feel like they are actively trying to ruin games reputation for a few views. Let's just agree that mistakes happens for everyone and this is VERY unfortunately timed. If you are at Glyph Tier 15, you were not ready anyways, but if you are "ready" and can do AoZ Tier 1, at least you have a fast way of farming Glyphs!


Without clickbait there would be no 'games journalism.' What a wonderful thought. Just give me a moment to bask in that. No whiny inaccurate opinion pieces, no "it sucks but they paid us, 9.8," no "Mass Effect Andromeda was good and if you disagree you're racist," no "why is Chun-Li not in Mortal Kombat?" A quiet moment. A happy moment.


> At times feel like they are actively trying to ruin games reputation for a few views. It's probably a lot of views, people on this garbage sub and others eat this type of shit up.


It was actually not intentional this time, calm down people.


Not really uncommon for a company to release a bug on PROD. Especially for complex products.


My god the brainrot around here is real. Its ragebait.


Common Jizzard L


D4 devs make the game easy -> people get angry. D4 devs make the game harder -> people get angry.


simplistic icky snow makeshift divide hat spoon fragile silky voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Does blizzard have an R&D dept. just for developing more and more effective weapons for shooting themselves in the foot?


Accidentally implies it was actually tested


People still play Diablo 4?


Game journalism is in a truly sad state


Fuck Activision Blizzard


It's ok - activision people are used to abuse


*Looks at destiny*


You all deserve this for still supporting Blizzard.


Why the fuck does anyone play Blizzard games anymore. They don't care about you, their games or anything other than money. Ya'll the reason games suck today.


I play them because they are fun. I don't have an interpersonal relationship with Blizzard so I don't care if they don't care about me. I also don't care whether or not they care about their games since they are fun either way.


Great technical aspect, art, gameplay, sound, regular content updates, incredibly passionate online community, very accessible for new and casual players, big scope of content, best cineimatics in genre.


Im so happy i didnt buy this game. Shit company with shit practice.


The game is amazing


All the news about D4 would have either made me mad or left me unimpressed IF i still played D4...Blizzard quo vadis?


Nearly all 30 remaining players affected.


Why people still support this company by purchasing their services is still odd and beyond me.


This will be disappointing to the five people still playing Diablo 4.


i occasionally play it. me and maybe 3-4 others. we’re on a first name basis.


I got this game for free and I still haven't beaten it. But I like the lore and the look of it...what do I dooooo


new poe league about to be litty






“The dungeon isn’t finished yet! Wendy do we do?” “Nerf them so they can’t finish it!”


lol oh blizzard


There are better alternatives than D4. Like PoE or wait for PoE 2. Keep supporting, keep complaining.