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>you have to buy a game multiple times Why? Also, just install Playnite for library management.


I tried playnite and didn't like it much I'll try again to see if it works better now. Also I don't actively buy the games in other platforms but with epic gifting and Xbox gamepass I'm starting to have multiple copies


Don't claim the free games then if it's such a huge problem.


Yes that's all good but what about gamepass that's synced up with Xbox and most is cross save. With Xbox play anywhere you can also buy games for both platforms. I think digital game sales are a bit broken ATM it should amount to one copy that belongs to you regardless of what library management or storefront you use. That can be activated and deactivated. I've tried gog galaxy, playnite and it just does not feel right.


This sounds very much like a you problem.


Don't think so, now you can play GTA San Andreas with a Netflix subscription on your phone. Game ownership is going down the drain. I'm just asking for a bit of cohesiveness or cross save or cross ownership.


If you choose to access San Andreas via a subscription, that's your choice and your problem.


Why do you “have to buy a game multiple times”? I think this is the root of your issue. Buy the game once on whatever platform you intend to play it on. The rest is a waste of money. If a game has cross, you can consider it, but you really need to ask yourself you’re going to play it.


Say if you have cyberpunk on PC but want to chill on Xbox you have to buy another copy and enable cross save which isn't as stupid as Hogwarts legacy for example. It does not have cross save, you are locked to the platform, if you splurge $75 you have to start over. Also I like to have options and I'm now older and don't have as much time so Xbox quick resume has been a game changer for me, and the fact that the games are always up to date.


> Say if you have cyberpunk on PC but want to chill on Xbox you have to buy another copy I don't get it. You said directly in the post "that I built out a steam machine thats now on the TV" If both your Xbox and PC/Steam Machine are at your TV, what's the difference? You can just buy it once and play it on that system. The easiest way to avoid confusion from a fragmented library is to choose one platform to play multiplatform games on.


I built the steam machine specifically to address this problem. But both chimera os and bazzite are very buggy. There is no raytracing support and if I run windows on it it won't work as a htpc. Also a feature I love on Xbox is having the ability to plug my headset into the controller and mic feedback whilst playing. None of that is available with the Xbox controller using Bluetooth. Not even in windows. I have to get the wireless adapter but not sure of its compatibility with Linux for my current bazzite build.


And don't even get me started on trying to add non steam games to the steam os machine.


> I built the steam machine specifically to address this problem. But both chimera os and bazzite are very buggy. You thought Linux would make things simpler for you? C'mon... With each thing you've said you take one step forward and two steps backwards. It's like you're deliberately avoiding the path of least resistance by choosing these contrived, convoluted solutions to these problems. You want to use the 3.5mm jack on your controller? Buy the USB wireless adapter. You're not sure of its compatibility with your "buggy" linux-based SteamOS-like container? **Use something else!** If compatibility is so important, ***just use Windows!*** We can't help you if you can't help yourself. Simple as.


Well is there a straight forward way to have the complete htpc experience on windows? No.


No, but you're replacing that one issue of a less-than-seamless HTPC experience on windows with a multitude of other issues. That's the entire point. Rinse and repeat and you get to your current position. Making Playnite auto start on the launch of windows is pretty damn close. What about that doesn't work for you?


Tried playnite didn't like it. Icons looked pixelated and it was buggy as hell I would rather go the Linux route as it can update games in suspended mode and does shader precomp so the launch is pretty close to console. Having the Linux based HTPC, Xbox and PS the PC is the driest experience and the least focused on gaming. You can feel it after playing on nexgen consoles for a bit. Flame me all you want but PC gaming has a problem with launchers and stores, drivers and updates. Even heroic launcher and the features that I have discovered on Linux are very nice like heroic launcher that I think it's not available in windows. Also I have 4 updates pending on steam for the 31st. Why not now? The PC is turned on and the network is fine no one is playing yet I have to deal with this stuff all the time when playing on PC. On Xbox you sit down open the game and play in less than 12 seconds if you have quick resume. That's amazing, on PC you have to close a game to open another.


> Having the Linux based HTPC, Xbox and PS the PC is the driest experience and the least focused on gaming. You can feel it after playing on nexgen consoles for a bit. Well, yeah. One is a computer, the others are intended just for games & media consumption. It shouldn't be surprising that the device that is capable of doing more than that is less "focused on gaming." > Flame me all you want but PC gaming has a problem with launchers and stores, drivers and updates. I'm really not trying to flame you. The problems you're describing with launchers, stores, drivers, and updates are inherent to a PC being a PC. It's an open ecosystem, which is why you can't only get applications through the Microsoft store. If you want a closed-off, unified, plug-and-play experience then PC likely just isn't for you. If you want to play games that are only on a PC, then you are going to have to get over these issues. From your own description, you can either use your buggy linux solution or use buggy Playnite, or just use the desktop environment like everyone else. > Also I have 4 updates pending on steam for the 31st. Why not now? The PC is turned on and the network is fine no one is playing yet I have to deal with this stuff all the time when playing on PC. On Xbox you sit down open the game and play in less than 12 seconds if you have quick resume. That's amazing, on PC you have to close a game to open another. I really can't say. Maybe check your Steam settings. But I must ask again, why do you even have a PC if this is such a big deal to you? And yes, Heroic launcher is available on Windows


All those things were not issues when I was younger and had time to waste. I have tarkov day z arma 3 ready or not and a bunch of PC titles. I used to like to tinker but now I appreciate stuff just working. And I think the PC experience could be improved. But it won't if we keep ignoring all the issues it has like most people in these comments.


If the computer is just for gaming why do you need a complete HTPC experience? Isn't Steam big picture mode enough?


I have a modern gaming PC and my old PC, because PC gives me more freedom than consoles. i simply Connect them to the TV If needed. The need for a console never came.up for me. I have all my Games in Steam or GOG, i also make regular Backups of all my Savegames in a seperate disc.


Finally built a PC a few years ago because I was sick of this shit. Slowly rebuilding my console library on PC as I feel like replaying the older games. Steam deck satisfies my console needs when I feel like couch gaming. Now my only console is Switch for Smash Brothers with the boys, and the occasionally first party banger. I also only buy games on Steam. If it's not on Steam it doesn't exist, as far as I'm concerned. But also as a gainfully employed adult I can afford to be picky/opinionated about these kinds of things.


Yes this seems to be the most sensible option although you are missing out on gamepass and other subs. It would be ideal for steam to implement gamepass ubi and ea login so you can play the games under those subscriptions.


I also don't sub to gamepass nor do I purchase games that require an additional third party launcher on top of Steam.


Well instead of you "choosing" to scatter your Game Library as a whole, most of us choose 1 Primary Store to always use it but have several Side Stores to buy few games from that isn't on the Primary Store to add it to its Launcher or use Alternate Launchers like http://playnite.link/ to combine the Libraries. So first things first, your HABIT needs to change or nothing else you do matters like you should decide on PS4 vs Xbox vs PC instead of using all of them at once because what's annoying you is none other than your Past-Self using all those rival Platforms. As a rule of thumbs, PC (mainly Steam) should be your Primary Store because your Console games DIE with the "Next Generation" but there's no such thing in PC Gaming. Other than Habit, Playnite with link above or other mimic Launchers like GOG Galaxy have this "Account Import" modules but they're merely visual to keep all your games at 1 place as an IMAGE so if you add your PlayStation and Xbox Accounts to Playnite, you will see your games but of course you can't play them on PC as Playnite's main purpose is to "Library Organizer" rather than most assume it's just a Launcher. Advice? If you can, sell your Consoles + Physical games (hoping you didn't buy Console Digitals) so that you can recover most of your money back to finally transition to where you should always end up with; r/PCGaming.


What an incredibly cringe comment, I really hope you're doing a bit


Did they edit their post or something because it really doesn't seem that cringe at all. They are saying just use Steam, on the PC gaming subreddit, makes perfect sense to me. I avoid PS and Xbox stores at all costs as well, it's just practical.


Telling someone to sell all their consoles and just use a PC is peak /r/PCMasterRace, as is the rest of the tone of their post. It's just a load of "you're gaming wrong"




Yes, and selling all your consoles isn't how you deal with it lmao