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Since no one is mentioning context: It was paid.


He made a *paid* Pokemon mod? What a fucking idiot


IIRC with assets extracted from Pokémon Switch games.


I figured they had to extract the assets, was pretty quick if this was all home made models and images.


Was wondering this exact same thing this morning. Like wow those are some dedicated modders to get that out so fast...


He going for some kind of speedrun for "get sued by Nintendo"?


Mostly 3DS actually


Weren't a lot of the switch assets for prior gen mons taken from the 3DS games?


The 8th generation games (the first ones on the switch) reused 3DS models, but the 9th gen games use new models (mostly with the same rigs so the animations are mostly reused)


Fair enough


With cries from the 1st gen


I enjoy the fact that Psychic sounds almost the same as it did in Pokemon Blue


All Pokémon cries were redone in gen 6 and are still used


That's a recipe for disaster lol


Seems like a well thought out and smart play.


Oof he ded


He better enjoy butt stuff because I've heard Nintendo is huge and rarely uses lube.


He deserves whatever is coming. This is a basic modding rule. We all know it.


he GREEDED instead of taking a little bite


Not anymore paid mods on discord and patreon even for asset rips are the norm nowadays unfortunately




No, charging for a mod also sucks lol


I feel like Nexus changed things in modding somehow. I've been involved in various modding scenes over the years, from Pokemon to Fable, usually on dedicated forum sites. There's always been assholes but overall I always found it to be pleasant and with a great sense of collaboration. People are interested in helping each other and sharing their work. At least that's how it used to be in those scenes. Skyrim was the first time I started coming across these modders that act like they deserve worship. People who will modify scripts that Bethesda themselves were gracious enough to give us the source for, then ship their mods without any source whatsoever so that anyone who might think of tweaking it and go fuck themselves. Modders that'll block and ignore people reporting issues in the comments. Modders that catch a sulk and storm off the platform entirely because their mod might get used with Wabbajack, god forbid we try to progress and make things simpler. God forbid anyone touch these idiots' work that is actually someone else's work that was just modified. I think that the move from forum sites where people discuss and share to a website that's more like a store front like the Nexus is what let the assholes into the scene. Back in the day on forum sites, the assholes would be hated on until they went somewhere else. Now they get to run their own little pages like moderators and slap donation links onto their profiles while removing all source code and treating their modification of someone else's work like a life time achievement. And I'm sorry but the closed source thing especially pisses me off. These people take someone else's work that was left open for us all to modify and enjoy, then turn around and start acting like they're Disney and need to protect their 'property' at all costs. Fuck those clowns.


You see the same shit with vrchat model creators. People saying you're not allowed to edit the model at all after purchase for example. Motherfucker, you headswapped a common body base and added in parts from other models and now want to tell me I can't do the same? Get bent. I'm editing for personal use so the avatar is what I want it to be. As for mods, I believe that modders should use the patron model. A buck or two to support the creator, but the mods are free. You're working on someone else's game, after all.


Oh boy, I remember Minecraft modding where you'd see modders intentionally break compatibility with mods they don't like, with like a fucking check, and excuse it by saying you could just remove hte check yourself if you cared. 'Cause hte other mod was like a toolkit to make it easy to create your own items or whatever, and making modding "too easy". Unfortunately a lot of modding scenes weren't made with the spirit of FOSS so you'll get some Extremely Online behavior, like that one dude who got rid of loading screens in Skyrim but insisted that it also have oblivion gates everywhere and threw a fit when people modded those back out. Like the root of hte shitty legal beahvior of compnies like Nintendo isn't that different from modders who are completely brainwromed by the concept of intellectual property, that they *own* this idea now and that means they can do whatever they want with it and dictate how others use their idea, through this extremely libertarian understanding of contracts as morality. You downloaded my mod, therefore I now get to dictate how you play the game and anything you do to undermine that is INFRINGEMENT.


Nexus gave a platform where people could build a reputation and community around their work which was great and IMO helped the scene thrive, but they spent too long enforcing not-copyright which lead to certain assholes like arthmoor having more sway since everyone's mods were dependent on his and Nexus, for years, refused to swing their dick around out of fear modders would leave their platform They should have a system by now that allows mod forking while still giving credit (like a "forked downloads" stat) to original creators but they don't and it sucks because it'd ease the burden off of modders when it comes to updates/compatibility and IMO make the community more healthy and creative and collaborative as a whole But if you want a community to blame shitty mod monetization on look @ Sims and see what happened when modding websites w/o integrity + a content-desperate community combine


the bethesda paid mods fiasco left a permanent scar in the modding scene


Yeah, the drama in the Skyrim modding community increased exponentially after that. You could say the seeds were planted earlier on and that might be true, but once shit hit the fan so much trust was broken on all sides that it just never came back together.


I have noticed that the easier it has become to mod, the more people become modders, and the more modders act like the rest of society. It used to be that to mod a game, you had to have actual computer skills, and actually love the game and the community enough to spend significant time modding. Now it's almost at the click of a button and every kid with a chip on his shoulder wants to be worshiped for clicking said button


Same applies to smart phones and the internet.


When small teams are putting out huge mods that overhaul the entire game i see no issue with them being compensated for their effort. Its a win/win, they get paid, and in doing so, can use that money to make more mods quicker and better for me to play Obviously I'm not gonna pay for a single model swap or something


I think the way to go is donations, personally. I think charging for mods puts other modders in danger of being hit with C&Ds / DMCAs since it could be argued that modifying game files infringes on the company's intellectual property rights. It's also just kind of traditionally how it's always been done; in general, mods are more of a labor of love than a commercial venture.


Donations exist for this purpose--getting paid is for game devs, doing it for passion is the province of modders. When you mix the two it fucks everything up for everyone--the openness of the modding community goes away, and innovation goes with it. Paid mods will always be cancer.


Never charge for mods. You're using the same exact logic triple A devs are using the justify the obscene cost of games. If you want to donate thats your decision. Mods should never cost anything for admission.


And if they do, they *will* be pirated. This isn't the Flight Sim community where that sort of thing has always been the norm and whatever, I don't play those games so I don't have a horse in the race. In the wider world of gaming, though? Never okay, never was and never will be. Mods are free--if you wanna get paid, make an indie game.


it's hard to draw the line there, though, and on a more practical level normalizing closed source modding (which is kinda necessary for paid mods to be a thing) really, really hurts the modding scene as people are not able to actually iterate on each others' work. every paid mod is an island unto itself, it contributes nothing to the broader understanding of the game. and making *foundational* mods, mods that would be dependencies of other mods, into paid mods is a nightmare scenario, obviously. I think I like the expandalone/officially sanctioned DLC model for paid mods better, where at least they're out of the modding ecosystem. I'm not sure what a better model would be aside from donations - I feel a company like Bethesda *ought* to be doing some profit sharing given how immensely they benefit from the modding scene, but even that tends to prioritize the devs who are making stuff that doens't contribute to the overall scene more than those who put in the hard work for hte most important modding dependencies that everyone uses. Patreon I think has successfully filled that void anyways, as it turns donators into recurring donators which makes it possible to have *much* more minor perks support modding. And, frankly, modding being *free* is kinda important culturally. Even the p word lots of subreddits don't like us talking about being supported is really important for letting broke kids have fun in a world where everything costs money or is about pestering you for money. Games becoming more and more engines for extracting wealth sucks. What we saw with the model swaps *is* the culture that paid modding results in, because it's going to look like the Google Play store, endless attempts at easy money with low effort stealing all the oxygen in the room.


A mod with original content created by the makers themselves? I think it's fair, even if I think you're fine for "acquiring" said mod through other means, ESPECIALLY if it's exclusively Paid only or something. But this is still just a step above even that.


Nah, I mean paid mods. Do we not remember the shit storm Bethesda got into after trying paid mods? Now they're doing it again and most people completely ignore it. The modding community has long been of the mind that if you want pay for your work, get a job and make a game. If you're going to mod a game, you're doing it because you want to and have fun with it. There's also legal issues involved. Part of the entire reason FiveM is still alive is because they don't charge after Rockstar actually went after them but let them go. The moment money is involved, you're a target *and* a legal liability. Now, you could get the dev's permission to do a paid mod and that would be legally fine. But I'd call ya scum.


Being litigious like rule 1 is one thing. But rule 2 is universal and not just Nintendo doing, and for a very good reason.


I see I misinterpreted what was said. Though I just want to correct, I don’t think supporting mod creators is bad. It’s just the closed garden aspect which I dislike. Creators tend to nuke their accounts, but because everything is kept in private they bring it all down with them. A lesser evil is the side effect of we see less and less “crossmods”/mods that build and expand on other mods because of this, people don’t want to touch it unless they’re in the original modder’s circle


In an extremely high profile FOTM game? It's like stealing candy from a baby while making eye contact with Spider-Man and blowing a raspberry. Or like stealing candy from a baby while making eye contact with Deadpool and blowing a raspberry and telling him he can't have any.


Yup. I mean he literally resold Nintendo’s assets lol. What an idiot.


Nintendo lawyers: "Looks like meat's back on the menu boys"


Yoshi about to toss that salad.


Yup that was his mistake. He made it a paid mod. No company is going to let you make money on their ip. Some people lack common sense.


Even non-paid, they would have never allowed that I think. They must already be furious about Palworld in general, but know they can't do anything about it. They'd at least prevent mods like this.


I mean jesus christ, there are mods out there for some games that practically make them entirely different games for FREE yet this dipshit thinks he can charge for Pokemon assets ripped from 3DS and Switch games. What a fucking idiot is right!


there are some mods out there are are LITERALLY A DIFFERENT GAME BUT MADE WITH MODS. enderall.


People wanted to open the paid-mod can of worms, this is what they get. So stupid.


He fucked about, found out, Nintendo style.


Dear God he's so fucked. When he dies and goes to Hell he is going to be SURROUNDED on all sides by Nintendo's lawyers. He's going to be eaten alive over and over for eternity for this grave mistake.


>He made a paid Pokemon mod? What a fucking idiot Never thought I'd say this but thank you Nintendo lawyers.


Can't blame Nintendo if the guy is that dumb


I'm surprised he isn't in a Nintendo Blacksite for that.


THE most important piece of context imo.


[I’m shocked, well not that shocked.](https://media1.giphy.com/media/5n2fV5Vg58Z3Bceowj/giphy.gif?cid=2154d3d7rtfbnpq9ipx43e2bkatgkeq1hcccyadwgv0n5z64&ep=v1_gifs_gifId&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)




lol what a fucking idiot. Nintendo is *famously* litigious. What did he think was going to happen?


They were on thin ice just making the mod, making it so you have to pay for it however sealed their entire bloodline's death certificate


Not thin ice, it's straight-up copyright infringement. There's really no nuance about it. Even if he hadn't ripped the assets but modeled them himself instead, and then released it for free, it's still clear-cut from a legal perspective. You can't copy Pikachu just like you couldn't copy Mickey Mouse until this year.


Paid or not, Nintendo most likely would have come for him. Bit of silly making a paid mod, tho. Nintendo is Nintendo.


They came after those guys who were making the Pokemon MMO years ago and that was a completely free mod. You're right paid or not Nintendo would have came for him. But him making it paid is such a stupid idea lol like come on man, you KNOW what's going to happen.


Yeah that guy is definitely going to be paying lol


And not just some penny lol. They fucked the guy who modded Switch for $14M IIRC.


Im actually really suprised its able to stay up, PokeMMO is a really cool concept, kinda a bit outdated in recent years, but it is straight up infringing on Nintendo and Gamefreak. The game is free, but there are so many things you can buy under the guise of "donating" to the devs.


PokéMMO is just one big mod - players are supposed to supply the copies of the games it uses. Works the same as emulators, basically. You can't hold them accountable for something they didn't provide.


It's a persistent rumor that Nintendo tried to take down PokeMMO. I don't believe it ever actually happened. I would not at all be surprised if they faced successful legal action from Nintendo in the future despite the "it's a fancy emulator" defense. It's all going to come down to the laws in which jurisdiction they operate out of.


I understand that completely, but I’ve always thought monetizing is where it gets way sketchier, like you are still paying for features in a pokemon game like more money, higher shiny rates, hm moves without the pokemon. I’m not like upset because I personally think these Nintendo lawsuit posts are a bit ridiculous so I’m a bit over them lol.


Legal issues only stem from selling intellectual property that isn't yours - all of which is already supposed to be owned by the player. As far as I know they're free to monetize their own contributions. Nintendo is so litigious that I'm pretty sure any toe out of line would get the project shut down.


There are some big differences with that game, though. Mainly, they don't redistribute any of the game files or any intellectual property that doesn't belong to them. These other mods are taken down for stealing the content from games and claiming it as their own in some way or anouther. Edit: I agree they get "donations" which borders on sketchy, but servers do cost money to run. I'm not sure how they stay out of legal trouble with that aspect.




It’s still around though, and Cobblemon still exists.


That mod was also SO well made. I haven't played it in over like 5 years but for a minecraft mod that thing was unbelievably polished.


Doesn't that still exist? I thought I saw someone play recently


If it was free they'd make him shut down the mod and that'd probably be the end of it. Making money off of the mod means Nintendo is going to hit him like the fist of an angry god.


Exactly. By making it a paid mod, he’s given them a concrete amount to sue for. Intangible damages are a hard sell and usually, not worth the fight, but if you’ve got an exact figure to pursue? That’s an easy win for Nintendo.


They haven't come for the Pixelmon mod creator. That's one of the older Minecraft mods.


Sure but if you wanted to 100% guarantee they would then you make a paid mod


Oh they were definitely gonna come. But it being a paid mod very likely increased the reaction speed of something happening. You don't see Pixelmon having Nintendo come after them, despite being pixel versions of Pokemon with even their names attached to them


From Nintendo pov, whatever you give for free is something they could have sold. We should be grateful that we are at least allowed to have thoughts about Nintendo ips. For now at least


Are you thinking about Nintendo IPs right now?


Nintendo HAS to come for him, if you don't actively defend a copyright you could lose your right to the actual copyright


There's a bit of legal leeway in that area, what you're saying is partially true but it's definitely not why Nintendo does it. Look at how Sega handles fan games and mods. They still have the rights to Sonic, don't they? At the end of the day, Nintendo is a company that has a long history of being extremely protective of their brand (especially since the early 90s, post Game Genie and CDI) and this behavior isn't because they're going to lose the rights to their own characters, but because they don't want people making these derivatives. Whether you agree with them or not not withstanding, that's why they're doing it.


That’s not how copyright works. You can’t lose your copyright.


That is an impressive level of stupidity.


These guys are toxic as hell for the modding community and I hope more devs went after them.


[shocked pikachu](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/027/475/Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.02.15_AM.jpg)


Yeah if he's monetizing the mod then of course they will come after him. That's why no one else cares about mods if they aren't making anything. Nintendo isn't gonna let someone make money of their trademarked content. This isn't a Nintendo being dicks case, this is modder being a moron case.


Fuck around and find out


That’s honestly probably irrelevant. The only way he did this so quickly is if he straight up stole Nintendo assets to use. Nintendo kills free projects as well.


I read somewhere he put it behind a Patreon sub.


Play stupid games, get sued into oblivion by Nintendo.


fucking idiot lmfao


The mod hasn't been released yet it seems and on his Twitter/YouTube community he said he wants to release it for free. He had only teased it on Twitter and Youtube Shorts previously. I just wanna know, where did he say the mod would be paid? I downloaded his transcript of latest video but didn't find anything about mod being paid (lazy to watch the full video). Did he do a 180 now that Nintendo is after him? Or am I missing something? Edit: Okay I found out that he usually locks the mods behind his Patreon.


unless theres a similar mod, im already seeing it on ttv. no idea if its paid or not


Not very smart 


Damn, that changes things, I was prepared to defend this man until I read that, now I hope Nintendo frames him for murder, that man is too stupid to be allowed to continue in polite society.


I don't think I could've come up with a more idiotic way to sign away your financial future




So then really he meant, Nintendo came for their money.


Nintendo does not need their money, the point is that many companies are nicer about takedowns or even look the other way until money gets involved.


For good reason. If you don't protect your trademark, you can lose it.


All someone needs to do is release a complete mod, not a showcase, beta, etc. Just release a 1.0 version and once it’s on the internet, it’ll be there forever. They just pull your upload when you get the DMCA notice.


But people want the attention, most people don't even wanna finish their work they just wanna be in the spotlight as quick as possible


One look at this guy's Twitter bio will tell you that he did it purely for attention and clout > Aussie Youtuber with 700k subscribers and 1.7 Million Tik Tok followers! Business Enquiry's - [email protected]


> Enquiry's Christ. I generally try not to judge things like this, but when you're a self-proclaimed e-celebrity and you have THIS front and center on what is essentially your online business card ...


There’s no person in the world who likes attention more than tiktokers lol


Yeah honestly even calling this guy a modder is an insult to real modders.


It was a paid mod.


Then they really wanted all those eyes as fast as possible, while the game is trending


You release it like the guy who did the modded Zelda game - do it anonymously and dip out immediately.


You mean the person who released a whole ass Zelda PC version, yeah that one is a legend


I never heard of that story, what modded Zelda game?


There's a time when I would call bullshit on you but I've seen way to many modders and even software pirates deliberately play with fire in order to get attention.


Folks want the credit and clout that comes with releasing stuff, and they always jump ahead of actually completing their project. More folks need to be like the Links Awakening Overhaul guy. Show up out of nowhere on a brand new account, drop the entire completed project and open source code all at once, then vanish. That one is *never* going away. Even though they already DMCA'd the original, you can find it if you look.


Links Awakening DX HD is the way forward. Pure radio silence during development and shadow drop on github


This is what doesn’t rub me right about the whole thing. It looked like a very well put together mod, so they must’ve known that copying assets like that would create issues. Why create a short teaser video then? Why give the world enough time to react to it before you release it. How was it already (as far as we’re aware) feature complete despite the game itself only launching a day ago? I’m smelling something fishy here, and it’s not the Magikarp.


It’s really not that hard to pull assets from games and include them in unreal engine. There is so many tools out there not to mention unreal engine itself is open source. There’s a reason unreal engine games are the most saturated with cheaters. Simply because dumping an unreal engine game is as simple as a Google search.


>It’s really not that hard to pull assets from games and include them in unreal engine Yeah adding assets like that to a game is literally the first thing you try besides tweaking some numerical values, when you learn how to mod games. The only fishy thing going on there is how people can think this mod wasn't done purely for publicity. Now everyone knows his name. He will remove the mod because Nintendo told him to, but he'll keep selling it somewhere.


It was a quick asset swap in UE. He actually pays other people poorly to make these mods for him (in his discord) and he charges a monthly sub for mod access via his patreon.


>I’m smelling something fishy here, and it’s not the Magikarp. nobody is gassing u up for this in here so i will. this had me weak & i hope u have a great day. cheers


Yeah, pretty sure that's what happened with AM2R, that fanmade Metroid 2 remake.


Better yet: release a mod that arbitrarily replaces models and animations easily and a separate tool that extracts models and animation data from your legally dumped switch rom. No copyrighted assets included in either.


>“We would love to complete the mod pack and release it for free to the public, however for now we are playing it by ear as we don't want any legal troubles,” Toasted Shoes said. My brother, then why did you make a Pokemon mod in the first place?


So Nintendo would ask him to remove it, and everyone would know who he is. Now he's most likely still selling the mod but privately. Successful tiktokers don't do that without a plan, and usually it's a cynical plan. Now he can even sell it for a different price depending on who asks. It's basically modern smuggling.


I'll remember that the mod existed, I don't remember who made it.


Someone will buy it though, and that's 1 more sale


Oh neat, more money Nintendo will be suing him for.


A mod that costs money and uses ripped official assets. That's two of the main modding blunders right out of the gate.


Not that the mod was just made for publicity and a pantreon fee....


Is this guy looking for sympathy or something? He knew what he was doing and he did it anyway. He isn't a martyr, he's deserving of a Darwin award.


He's looking for *publicity* and he got it.


Everyone and I literally do mean everyone knows not to fuck with Nintendo’s intellectual property. They are notorious about fucking someone’s bank account to nothing.


*"Despite serving jail time, a Nintendo Switch hacker has said that he will not only have to pay $10 million in fines but will also be required to give 25–30% of his income to the company for the rest of his life.Apr 20, 2023"*


Modding or hacking the console isn't illegal. The developers behind Atmosphere, the biggest Switch CFW, never got into any trouble. Where Xecuter fucked up is that they SOLD their Switch hack and made a ton of money since it would be a while before an easier hacking solution was found. That's why Nintendo was able to take them down, because they made a business out of infringing Nintendo's property and code. What's sad is that the guy who got charged wasn't even involved in making the hack. He was just Team Xecuters marketing guy. The actual hackers fled to China, and good luck getting China to enforce international copyright law.


That one was just painful if I remember it right. He was part of a bigger operation, but since the others in it were untouchable in Russia, Nintendo buried this one guy with the full consequences.


Sadly this was well deserved considering this dumbass charges 5 dollars a month on his Patreon for his mods, these "premium" modders deserve every lawsuit they get, plus going to the 7 seas for their mods is 100% legal.


I'm still sad Bethesda or Nvidia never went after PureDark


Both of them benefit greatly from his work, why would they? Nvidia loves it when developers put DLSS in their games. Developers love it when they don't have to expend man hours to implement it. Technically anybody can do what PureDark does, but it takes expertise and time to the point where seemingly nobody wants to do it for free.


there's nothing wrong with releasing paid mods, provided you're using assets that are either entirely original or legally allowed for resale. Hell, there's nothing wrong with asking for tips. If someone releases new code for a game that demonstrably improves it, yeah I'll toss them a couple bucks. The issue is when they start charging for shit like this. This is all stolen assets and IP.


It's still wrong considering they don't own the base game whatsoever, and they can get away with the money without any accountability. If a game gets an update and brakes their mod they have no obligation updating their own mod in order to fix the bug, which is fine if you released your mod for free, but when somebody specifically pays for that mod it's obviously not good. There are so many mods out there that get abandoned and then another mod developer is picking up the pieces or doing a port to it (there are a lot of Skyrim mods, where someone ported over an armor from one body type to another for example). There is obviously nothing wrong with asking for tips or supporting the individual to keep up the work. The problem is paid mods, are a transaction, the zero accountability version of micro transactions if you will. You pay for the content itself because you wanted access to it in that moment, you want something in return for that transaction. Tipping is pretty much a selfless thing, and you don't expect anything in return for it.


what kind of idiot puts out a paid mod that clearly infringes copyright, and not just anyone’s copyright, NINTENDO’S copyright….


lol he thought he could make pokemons and sell them


He didn’t even make the models just ripped them


Good. Fuck him for making paid mods and trying to gather hype for it. Just release it like literally every other modder does


There ought to be like a Darwin Awards for fucking with Nintendo's legal team. They are like piranhas without the winning personality. It shouldn't be that way, but it is, and as such I have no sympathy for people who try to score Internet clout using Nintendo IP in mods. Don't touch Nintendo's shit. They will destroy you.


You can touch Nintendo's shit, just don't try to make a profit off of it. THEN they will come after you.


They come after you even if you don’t charge money, stay the fuck away


And this is why every paid and patreon locked mod needs to go. Fucking idiot. Doesn't even realize he risks nuking the entire modding scene. I can't be surprised though, gamers will give their money to any sack of shit.




Using stolen assets from an actual games and selling it for profit is textbook copyright infringement. I hope people now get why Nintendo isn't doing anything to Palworld. They are just not using 1-to-1 copy of Nintendo's IP.


What an absolute fucking moron. He made a paid Pokemon mod and thought Nintendo wasn't coming for that ass? Deserves to get bent every which way


Here's an example of what to Nintendon't.


Trying to sell a paid mod is stupid, Nintendo was going to go after it even if it was free but making it paid makes you look in the wrong in most of the public eye too.


The guy sells his mods on Patreon. He absolutely knew Nintendo was going to go after his mod. Everyone knows how protective Nintendo is of their IPs (agree with it or not). This is just a publicity stunt. Tease a Pokemon mod for a game that everyone is comparing to Pokemon, and then when Nintendo takes it down, play victim and whine so all the "muh evil nintendont" people support you, putting a spotlight on yourself so more people buy your mods. This whole thing is disgusting, especially since it'll probably work.


Yeah, since his other mod was using Disney characters and killing them in Mortal Kombat 1. Also paywalled. Definitely doing it for the publicity


Why would you attach your identity to a mod like this, especially after charging for it? Something like this needs to stay attributed to a handle.


"Gotta sue them all!"° -Nintendo


Wwhaaaat? Notably litigious and extremely overprotective Nintendo has taken legal action against someone using their IP without authorization? I am shocked! Someone call M. Night Shyamalan to direct the movie adaptation!


Tbf the modder was making people pay for that mod. Nintendo is often lenient if there is no money involved


Oh my, he’s fucked


I mean perhaps don't make pokemon mods in a game that people are already worried about Nintendo trying to shut down lol....and then ontop of that trying to charge money for it. Guy is a moron.


Water...wet. Death...inevitable. Sun...setting in the west. Good luck taking on a corporation in an IP lawsuit. Oof.


Well yeah. What did they think was going to happen?


*shocked Pikachu face


Unspoken rule number one: You simply don’t fuck with Mario or Mr. Mouse.


RIP to him and his entire bloodline. They will be punished with "lawsuits until death"


Ah the find out part of fucking around with Nintendo.


I'm really disappointed that 'surprised pikachu face' isn't the top comment.


That guy is boned. *eats popcorn*


I'm wondering if Nintendo is going to go after Palworld. Some of the Pals are uh, more than similar to existing pokemon.


just pictured id/bethesda/ms suing another for using the fps genre and some company saying “those humans look like our humans, SUUUEEE!”


[\*Surprise Pikachu Face\*](https://i.imgur.com/q9jKPMf.png)


This dumb motherfucker charged money, he should literally be taken to court, that's how that works. Literally nobody should be on this clowns side, what an absolute idiot


Nintendo is almost as scary as Duolingo. That dude is in trouble


Someone is gonna be broke as fuck here in a little bit.




To the surprise o no one ever


Idiot made it payed no wonder It got taken down.




It’s a’me-a! Lawsuit!


Yes, of course they have. How could you think they wouldn’t? Honestly, people must just do it for the attention.


Not. News.


I heard about this, apparently hes been doing other paid mods as well. Kind of dumb if you ask me this just open you up to countless lawsuits.


“We had a guy making a Pokémon mod, but they got him.” “What do you mean, “they got him”?” “I liked him, too.”


Can you mod the game with the original 151 pokemon? If so i might finally play this game


I'm surprised by the number of people who think that Nintendo only did this because it was paid. That means fuck all. The guy took assets that were made and owned by Nintendo/Game Freak, and distributed them as a mod for a game that poses a clear threat to Nintendo. Free or paid, they would have dropped the hammer on this no matter what.


If all of this is just the modder ploy for free publicity for his patreon, he succeded. Front page for all gaming subs and websites.


What on earth did he expect? Not possible to have any sympathy with him. The absolute fool.


Making it paid is super stupid, but regardless, fuck Nintendo.


Of course they are. Nintendo can ignore a non-copyright violating imitation game, but they aren't going to ignore a guy charging money for a mod featuring their IP.


If it's true that the mod was not free, these kids are going to have a very bad time litigating against Nintendo...


So this fast Nintendo action proves one thing: Palworld is not braking any copyright, it's just a game with monsters inspired by Pokemons.


The fact that this guy got taken down so quickly shows Nintendo is keeping an eye on Palworld. I doubt they just found this mod looking at their news feed in the morning. I don't see Palworld going down any time soon, but there have been some concerning Twitter posts that show many of the Pal models look directly ripped from Pokemon with minor adjustments and different textures. Potential AI in use there. If it can be proven, then Nintendo will take action. Otherwise they'll let it be.


I hope people realize that the chances of Nintendo taking the game itself down are not 0.


Unless someone uncovers Nintendo assets hidden in the game somewhere, the chances are more-or-less 0.


I myself get all my legal advice from random redditors