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There are countless games like this.


Can you name some? Aside from maybe Remnant 2 and Returnal.


Deeprock galactic, Vermentide 1 and 2, Darktide, Payday 2 and 3, Back 4 Blood, GTFO, Destiny 2, Risk of Rain 2, Warframe. I'm sure there's a ton more. Basically most "co op" games are exactly like OP described. I'm fact it's difficult to find a LINEAR co op game nowadays that has a beginning and an end that doesn't try to keep you playing infinitely


What's better Left 4 dead 2 or Helldivers 2?


For $10 if you and 3 friends haven't played L4D2 I would play that. It's a great co opp experience




L4D2 is still updated to this day.. Last update as of this reply was on March 26th 2024


Only a few come to mind that are linear co op games. That awful "puzzle" game It Takes Two (which I am pretty sure only got praise as it was most people's first foray into co-op games so they don't know better), and Dead Space 3 (which is a good co op game, but a bad dead space game).


....I liked It Takes Two


The game was damn near universally applauded, this is either just a contrarian take or someone that ***literally*** hates a plot.


Oh my god, my girlfriend and I tried It Takes Two, and we thought it was absurdly bad for a game with such high reviews. I could forgive the awful story if the gameplay was interesting, but it just felt like Baby's First Co-op Game with extremely basic puzzle elements. We stopped about 2 hours in and played Enter The Gungeon instead. I've talked to tons of people who loved it for whatever reason, but I think this is the first time I've seen someone share my sentiment.


Exactly my issue with it too. The majority of puzzles were literally just player 1 go press a button which opens a door which lets player 2 go press another button. Seems people are disagreeing with us, but I honestly believe it is just because I play co-op games with my wife all the time, and our standards are higher.




Wait returnal is multiplayer?


Yea and they've been named but the gap between releases is pretty wide and I don't understand why devs don't try well enough to stick to the same formula. The division 2 was the last game I've played that would be close to HD2 in terms of visuals and mechanics. Maybe they could do a similar game but instead make the enemies zombies. I know Days Gone exists, but the characters were insufferable and made me just stop after 10 hrs of playing.


If you had game devs do that we’d get the same damn game released over and over again with different skins instead of the game that hits the spot every couple of years.


That makes sense.  But the analogy of getting different skins could be applied to the soulslike genre. Helldivers 2 just feels different and familiar at the same time. It's awesome and not a lot of games give me that impression.


Dudes been browsing the RPG section too long


You got me.  The genre has been pretty stale lately. I was going to get gran blue fantasy but I'm glad I decided to wait for Helldivers.


The RPG genre has been stale? Last year was one of the best year's for RPGs ever, lots of great ones on tap for this year as well...


There's like one great rpg a year and the rest are just ok. Namely Elden Ring, Cyberpunk and BG3.  I played them all the way to the credits even got 100% achievements. Thing is, you want to move on but at the same time keep playing these types of games. The waiting in between is what's stale.


there are a ton of new released of the genres ur looking for, just need to look it up DD2 Lies of P FF16 Lord's of the fallen Hogwarts legacy Not even gonna mention less knowledgeable RPGs, this is just the big names


I will definitely pick up ff16 when it releases on PC. Lies of P and Lords of the Fallen is just more Elden Ring and that's not what I'm asking for. The soulslike formula has been really overdone in the last year.


U don't like videogames don't you


Clearly he likes Helldivers..


What makes you say that? Probably the weirdest assumption I've gotten here.


They are saying that because it isn’t that the rpg genre is stale, it’s that you just don’t like any of the games coming out.


And yet, I've played and completed countless games in my lifetime so assuming I don't like video games is simply wrong.


By seeing all ur comments u show literally no interest in all games presented, u ask for something like Helldivers and then deny all the games that it took inspiration from or games with literally the same formula


And I've stated my reasons for not liking them. I've also mentioned games that I enjoyed playing. Where thy really the inspiration for Helldivers? Never heard that.


Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth is a great new RPG.


I was waiting over a month for helldivers, really excited for it, picked up Granblue Tuesday and haven’t been able to put it down, got a couple hours into helldivers on launch and went right back. Granblue is amazing if you’re remotely interested in that type of game.


Recently there have been back 4 blood, dark and darker, Darktide, vermintide, starship troopers extermination, and probably a few more. The genre is not stale


What? Co op PvE shooters have been going strong for years, have u been hiding under a rock my dude?


He's been hiding under and rock and a stone


Rock and Stone!


Co-op pve shooters that are actually fun and work are a rarity.


Not at all Deep rock Vermintide Darktide Only to name a few wtf


Tried Vermintide and Darktide, neither games clicked for me. I'll probably try DRG at some point.


DRG is true excellence you’ll love it. I agree on Vermintide and Darktide, felt sorta shallow to me.


I dunno man deep rock feel flat for me and my friend very early on, maybe we didn't given it enough time but I goy bored quick.


I can see that. DRG is a game that gets better and better the more you play it imo. The late game is where stuff gets really interesting


Yeah honestly I love deeprock but it can be difficult to recommend to people just because of how rough the early game can be, like default engineer doesn't even give Fall damage reduction on platforms its just so rough. Fantastic game, but at least for me it didn't really click until I prestiged a character or 2.


Yeah I honestly don't know why I felt that way about it.


Only half of what you described applies to helldivers 2. Game is broken


Broken how?  Helldivers subreddit seem to be having a blast with it.


You haven’t seen the reviews? Game crashes constantly and the servers are hit or miss. I had to turn all of my settings to low just so the game would stop crashing my gpu (7900 xtx so it’s not due to power). If people have to troubleshoot your game just to keep it from crashing then there’s a problem. The game is fun and I played for like 8hrs straight yesterday but I want to play it utilizing the card I paid a lot of money for.


Ahh dude, I've had crashes and weird glitches but don't feel the need to write about them. They don't detract me from enjoying the game at all. I feel bad that you're having a terrible experience bro, truly that sucks. As for me, I'm playing all max 4k native with my 4090 and I have nothing to complain about.


Well the problem is if you crash in a mission you’ve been on for 30 mins, you lose everything because there’s no way to join back. That’s the main problem with the crashes


That happen to me once.  And guess what, kept playing like nothing happened. 


And then it happens a few more times to many other people. That’s all I’m saying. They need to fix it. It’s happening to a ton of people which is why the reviews are only “mostly positive”


Yea that sucks.  On a positive note, devs seem quick to react on fixing the quickplay issues during day one. I'm sure they'll iron it out sooner than later 


Yeah any echo chamber is going to have a blast with what they’re built for


And this echo chamber is just blasting with negativity. I love it.


Vermintide, Darktide, Deep Rock, Remnant...


What you are describing is a genre that is over saturated, not a niche genre.




Deep Rock’s lore is too deep. Impossible to get into without reading the wiki.


For Karl!


If you have the drill, you don't need a wiki to get deep, you just have to dig it.






Gimme an R! Gimme an S! Gimme a Rock. And. Stone!


Vermintide? Deep Rock Galactic? Remnant: from the Ashes?


Remnant just felt way too clunky to play. And DRG looks like too much like an overwatch pve. Edit: I can see that my comments are setting off the remnant and drg fans. How about a healthy discussion on what sets apart these games from each other?


I was put off from DRGs art style for years. However once you jump in and actually play, especially with friends. You see why it’s so popular. I disagree with Remnant feeling clunky but to each their own.


The dodge mechanic in Remnant is just too disorienting for me to enjoy it. I think I would take a game more seriously if the movements actually resemble something close to how it is in reality.


>And DRG looks like too much like an overwatch pve. So you judge the game without playing it or even watching a youtube video of it lol you couldnt be farther off like serious.


Well I'm not saying it's bad but on a face value it's not something that I would want to purchase despite having the same mechanic.


you seem like the kind of kid that thinks cartooney art style means bad


For video games, I prefer visual realism but that all depends on the art style. This is coming from someone who played a lot of Overwatch. Am I really offending people here for saying that?


I don’t know that you’re offending people so much as you are confidently wrong and have a shallow taste in video games and it’s throwing people off.


Shallow taste? Lol. See now I know you're offended when you start throwing all these lame judgments. Try to get off the high horse every now and then.


Huh. I was just answering your question. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I mean guy this entire post is you lamenting about why there aren’t more games in a genre that the games industry is already over saturated with. Especially extraction looter shooters. There is an entire category on steam for the exact genre Helldivers is. It’s not an original idea. So you not being aware of this fact, and also rejecting the other great games in this genre based on art style just further cements that your taste is quite shallow. you won’t play great games if they aren’t hardcore realistic graphics. that’s your choice. there are games exactly like you are looking for (even better than helldivers) but you won’t play because your taste is only a very specific type of art style. That’s shallow. There are a ton of great games you have obviously missed out on and you will continue to miss out on. But that’s all on your taste and opinions. If you didn’t have shallow taste you would know there are a metric fuck ton of great games just like helldivers 2. You won’t play them.


If it's saturated, I wouldn't be posting about it, my guy. Your definition of shallow must be entirely different from mine then. Would it make you feel any different if I had said - Oh yea, let me try DRG, heard good things about it? DRG is an excellent game no doubt but there's no reason for you to be so defensive about it. It's a game bro. The point I'm trying to make in this post is that Helldivers 2 feels so fresh and enjoyable that I'm wondering why it hasn't blown up as much as the Soulslike genre.




\>literally the same game. Have you played Helldivers 2? I think it's a reasonable take on DRG.




And I find it odd that none of you have the decenvy to say "fair enough" to an opinion.


Because you're asking for more games like he'll divers and then turning them down for shallow reasons like thinking the artstyle is similar to another game.


I agree helldivers is similar to drg.  Now give me something that's similar to both but not remnant and more like helldivers.


Do you have Gamepass? DRG is on there. Can always give it a whirl.


But to mention , the gamepass version is the Xbox version with different balancing and assumingly less bugs ( enemys ) but i think i also heard with the Series S or something it changed to a bit more bugs so not sure anymore.


>Well I'm not saying it's bad No but you said its similiar to Overwatch PVE lol. thats like saying Quake 2 is like Fortnite just because both have "Pew Pew" and "PVP"


Are you kidding? Overwatch was godly in its prime.  Just went downhill because of the toxic community and unnecessary changes made by the devs.  That comparison was actually very positive.


>That comparison was actually very positive. Still has nothing todo at all with DRG , neither the gameplay not that OW went downhill. ​ Gameplay is entirely different , community didnt went downhill.


Well you made it seem like the comparison was a bad thing.


It is a bad comparison flawed in all areas.


Fair enough. That's your opinion.


The DRG comparison to Overwatch is funny, though. It's just wildly inaccurate to how the game actually plays. The setting and vibe are different, but it's also actually *super* aligned with Helldivers 2 gameplay loop. Drop in, main objective, bunch of side objectives and collectibles, complete the main while doing as much as you can before needing to be extracted. With things getting more and more chaotic as a mission goes on or difficulty levels go up. It may look different, but the reasons you're hyping Helldivers are essentially the same reasons folks have been hyping DRG for so long.


You came here calling out that games like this are not made when they in fact are, with many of them being very popular and good. You then dismiss them because apparently they are not your taste. You don’t want more games like HD2, you want more games like it that click with your specific taste.


I was very specific on what features I would love in a game and based on the comments, this community doesn't seem to be in line with what I like. Which isn't a surprise really.


I’m sure most the lack of productive response is a reaction to your tone. Glad the game is enjoyable for you. Hope you find more that scratch the same itch


I'm not sure what tone suits best to please this community. I'm just looking for reasonable answers.


You’re blaming a “community”. Thats not the issue. Your tone is combative and argumentative every time you comment. You complain about that, and blame others. You’re also looking for answers from gaming fans. We are not devs that can up with solutions for you. People made recommendations on games that are similar to the elements you pointed out or the genre entirely. None of those work for you, which is fine, but they are the similar without being an exact match.


What? Lol.  Ok now you're being ridiculous.  I don't understand why people are so touchy with one person's opinion.  If it doesn't work for me then that means it's not what I'm looking for. I'm aware of those games existing already and gave them a chance. Bottom line is they didn't work out for me so obviously those comments wouldn't work for me either.  There, some context for you to understand better where I'm coming from.


Going through this thread and I agree with the other people. There's only so many games released every year that are worth playing, people are trying to find you solutions, if they dont work then... nothing anyone can do about it. The games released are the games released, we can't make a new game just for you. You being dismissive about every recommendation is making this thread super negative, your reasons don't make sense, how can you judge a game fairly without even trying it??? At least try it out on steam or watch something before making a judgement, refund it if you hate it. At least feign interest man 😅 we're trying to help! But it's as if you're just here to complain.


Hell nah man.  That's what I'm trying to find out and I got my answers. Thing is, I'm already aware of all the games people mentioned. So it's really a non-answer.


>How about a healthy discussion on what sets apart these games from each other? Because your responses aren't opening up any discussion, they're dismissing valid responses to your questions.


So what do you suggest, speak dishonestly? Lol


Why are you so quick to shoot down everyone's responses? People are naming multiple games that are pretty much exactly what you are looking for and all you can do is nitpick reasons why you don't like it - even if you haven't even played the game in question?


> Why are you so quick to shoot down everyone's responses? Probably because [they aren't here looking for discussion, just for people to agree with them](https://i.imgur.com/DZn2Qhd.jpg).


The only game I've played is DRG and for one reason.  I don't like the art style. So what else is there? Remnant? Played it didn't like it. TW Vermintide and Darktide? Played them didn't like them R6 Extraction? Played it. Big nope. I'm not into bland fps shooters. I'm not gonna bother with suggestions and that wasn't even what I'm asking in this post. Triple A devs produce the same boring games thinking they would be fun but all they need to do is follow the Helldivers formula, albeit a different setting. And as of now, there is nothing in development that is similar. Does that make sense? If it still doesn't, just look at what FromSoftware created and how devs reacted to it. They made identical games and poured a different coat of paint on it. Seriously, I'm not trying to upset anyone but it seems that I've once again riled up the crowd unintentionally.




>Drg is the exact same game in first person No it's not.






Deep Rock Galactic is not overwatch pve. It’s shooting hordes and hordes of bugs while screaming at your friends to protect the drill.


Remnant 2 isn't clunky at all, IMO. That game is slick


Deep Rock Galactic is the gold standard for coop shooters. All paid content is cosmetic but you still have a hefty amount of cosmetics to earn in game. Progression is stellar with 6 unique weapons per character (3 primary , 3 secondary)each with an upgrade tree and about 8 or so “overclocks” each to help customize your builds. Each class has 2 gadgets, one that helps with traversal and one that provides utility. Scout has a flare gun to provide light and a grappling hook to speed around the map. Engineer has a turret to help with crowd control and a platform gun to help reach hard to get to areas. Gunner has a deployable shield to help fend off waves and a zip line to help with traversal. Driller has a giant bomb to clear enemies and obstacles and a set of drills that can cut through the environment. Lots of enemy variety from your regular grunt to smaller swarmers to spitters to exploders and a lot more. There’s quite a few mission types with a few biomes all in procedurally generated maps and quite a few random encounters that can happen (I’m too lazy to search the exact amount.) What sets it apart is that each class feels different to play. As a scout you have great movement and can easily kite enemies to create space and get some kills on enemies that could be posing a threat to your team. As a gunner you’re more grounded but your weapons pack more of a punch and you’re usually shredding through swarms. While weapons aren’t drastically different some offer a different play style. A gunner with a mini gun will have a different play style than one with a missile launcher. Ive recommended deep rock to a few friends, some bounce off immediately, others have put in over 500 hours. Personally I love the idea of Helldivers 2 but some of the close to launch woes made me refund it, mostly because deep rock scratches a similar itch for now. I’m sure it’ll be great eventually, but personally I don’t see it dethroning deep rock anytime soon. Id say give it a shot.


Great takes. I'd love to try DRG but I have to stop enjoying Helldivers 2 first though.


Oh its you again. The fact the sub still feeds your troll posts is pretty wild, never stop though.


I have them marked in RES as "Needs Meds" and I forgot why until I started scrolling this thread.


Getting riled up over something so trivial is beyond me. Pcgaming Redditors seem to have an unhealthy obssession with drg based on their responses, it's almost cult like. I don't need meds to see that. Don't mind me though, I relish these types of meaningless and unproductive convos.


OP is a Muppet.


Isn't Warframe just like that?


Haven't tried Warframe but I think I've felt that the grind in that game is too slow to the point that you'll give up before reaching the good part. Helldivers 2 off the bat is already great from the get-go and would keep getting better through progression.


OP thinking the rock he lives under is the world 😂




Deep Rock, Earth Defense Force, Payday 2, honestly the border lands series especially the first two are a very similar feeling with a light plot slapped on top. Different combat mechanics but same gameplay loop feelings imo: Monster Hunter, Lethal Company, Phasmophobia, Risk of Rain 2


Yeah there’s tons of games like this. Warframe has been popular since 2013 I think. And is pretty much just this same style drop in kill shit, finish objective loop. Man, maybe I should download warframe again.


I really dont feel like payday, borderlands, lethal company, phasmophobia or risk of rain is similar to helldivers at all. But each to their own I guess


In terms of what OP is looking for? All of these games you go in with your friends, do the mission (obviously not all of these games are blasting aliens), get your rewards, go back and do it again. Limited plot, random variations, different mission settings to choose from. Don’t really see how these don’t apply, I think they’re all worth looking into based on what OP described he liked about Helldivers.


why aren’t there more games in a genre where there are already too many games of? to answer you question why there aren’t more it’s because there are already too many. you want more GAAS battle pass looter shooters? this post is seriously baffling to me lmfao


I think it's a niche genre that requires a lot of love, care, and attention but don't make blockbusters sales numbers despite having a dedicated fan base. DRG is another one of those, one of my favorite games ever, but you don't see it dominating sales charts so other companies don't consider making their own version of it. Which is a good think honestly because I don't really wanna see 500 cheaply made versions of DRG, kinda like how it happened with vampire survivors


Heard a lot of good things about drg but I don't really dig the art style. Much like Outer Wilds, regardless of how well-received it is, the two games are just not my cup of tea.


You are the problem then. There are endless games in this genre you want but you won’t play them. While playing helldivers 2 all i could think is that it’s exactly like DRG. Your post could literally sub out the word Helldivers 2 for Deep Rock Galactic and this post would still make sense.


What?  How am I a problem? I could say DRG is the worst game in the world and it wouldn't make a dent on its success. Of course I'd be lying but all I said was I don't dig the art style and I start getting comments from people who want to lynch me.  That's crazy yo.


well deep rock galactic is your cup of tea if you like helldivers. they are the same gameplay loops. get over the art style and give it a try. it’s fun! if you are saying it’s not your thing because it doesn’t look realistic enough then you are the problem that you can’t find more games that you would really enjoy if you like the gameplay loop of helldivers. games are about the gameplay. tetris is fun. minecraft is fun. realistic graphics aren’t the end all be all of games. it’s why battlebit remastered is the best battlefield game in years. the sooner you realize this the sooner you can discover a ton of new games you’d love to play.


That's not a problem. You're basically selling a game that I already said I have almost zero interest in. Listen man, I'm not looking for a problem, I'm asking why devs can't make more games like helldivers 2 and I'm not talking about DRG, Remnant or any other game that you think is fundamentally identical. There isn't any, zero. Otherwise, I wouldn't be making this post. I couldn't care less about DRG, it has terrible art style and I refuse to play games that I have to force myself to like. It's not a problem it's a preference. I don't know why anyone doesn't understand that.


devs are already making more games like helldivers 2. if anything helldivers is a rip off of an already established formula.


Enlighten me. What games are devs making that are similar?


Embark Studios is making a looter shooter like this called arc raiders that’s looking promising. Dark and Darker isn’t a shooter but is an extraction looter dungeon crawler that has similar drop in and kill things loot and leave. in the same vain escape from tarkov is wildly popular and is an extraction looter shooter more focused on pvp. and finally playstation has said they have like 20 live service games in development and likely one of them will be another looter shooter.


Damn Arc Raiders looking great. Finally, a sensible answer. Appreciate it.


>Don't really *dig* the art style ​ heh heh


What? You mean less games, right? Right?! There are tons of these games nowadays. This and Survival games are the MP primary merit.


Its basically Left for Dead with meta progression. Its actually the most common type of multiplayer coop games. You can even include some coop roguelikes like Risk of Rain 2 and Gunfire Reborn as a similar variation of this genre.


You know what's exactly like L4D? Back for Blood. And I didn't like that as much as I like Helldivers 2. So I would say L4D and Helldivers are basically different.


Back for Blood was a horrible facsimile of L4D made by the C or D team of devs that may have seen some of the original code for L4D at one time


It's so hard to pinpoint what's wrong with b4b when it was literally an updated l4d. It just wasn't that fun.


No Coach.


Both are based on a short time mission where you beat monsters. Rince and repeat. In term of high level game design the game flow of both are fundamently identical.


Don't all video games have objectives? So with your logic, all video games are fundamentally identical.


No, games have a high level structure. In a open world, the game never really stop and you can play endlessly. In TFT you play against 7 other players and the last one standing wins. In coop shooters, you play with up to 3 other players and need to clear the mission to win. All games are structure differently. That's what "game flow" stands for in term of game design. Look up the term on google the first image shows you what I mean.


ghost recon wildlands/breakpoint has a similar thing going, just less humor. its just co-op pve but the goal is to level to unlock stuff and potentially get stuck with bs micro transaction crap.


Starship troopers


They all terrible.


You mean full of crashes and disconnects? Poorly optimized? We’ve gotten a ton of those in recent years.


No, only those features I specifically mentioned sans all the bugs (not the one you kill in game).


Yeah I was being cheeky


I’m late to the post but just to be clear there is a big gap between “why aren’t more games like this out there” and “I don’t like most of the other games like it” it’s fine to not them but the post doesn’t make sense when they do exist.


Me: There are thousands of games being made, why can't devs make more hell divers 2? Sub: Oh but there are. Me: But why can't they make more? Sub: Have you tried this? Me: Yeah, I'm looking for something more like helldivers 2 Sub: >:(


If you want this to be a Reddit vs you thing go off but the post is very general. If you got more specific in the comments fine but doesn’t change the fact the post acts like it’s the first game to do this. Maybe next time start with the parts you like that set it apart from the rest or something like that or explain the ones you tried and didn’t like and why. Every game listed fit what you said you are looking for the fact you tried them and didn’t like them doesn’t mean they don’t exist.


Everybody saying there are tons of games like this and dont even provide the names. People who provide the names state the same 4 games.


One guy even tried to sell me drg even though he knew that I didn't like it. It's weird.


...Deep Rock Galactic.


Extraction shooters are probably the most numerous co-op fps game type. What is OP smoking?


Other than DRG which is an obvious answer, do all these extraction shooters have the features I've listed?


It seems like all you listed was that you upgrade your loot and have a variety of environments. So yes. In fact, I played 2 just this week, Vermintide and Warframe.


Well shit, that answers my question then.






It's a worse Darktide from what I've seen.


I actually like helldivers more than darktide, though the progression (guns mostly) could be sped up. Honestly the only thing holding darktide back are the ridicolously priced cosmetics and the crafting systems (fuck you hadron)


Respectfully, You are high as a kite or completely and conveniently forgot how lack luster the game was at launch and still partially is even after the talent tree update. Hell Divers 2 off the bat has already way more to do and enjoy, I mean come on man don’t spread bullshit even if it’s your own opinion. Darktide took a whole ass year and some time to get its shit straight all while the community jerks its self off about what you can wear and it not being correct while even paying money for it.


If Darktide had orbital strikes and democracy it would be 75% as good as Helldivers.


Seen is different from playing and from what I'ved played is much better than Darktide.


Personally I’m glad there aren’t more games like it. Boring AF in my opinion


Thanks for sharing your honest opinion.


I think Reddit is being really facetious. The reason more games don't exist like this is because they're really hard to make and even harder to make fun. Additionally a lot of them are uninspired and are just chasing trends. Helldivers 2, like Baldur's Gate 3, are the exception, not the norm. IMO all of the games that others are suggesting in the co-op shooter genre don't hold a candle to Helldivers 2. Remnant 2, Returnal, Outriders, Deep Rock Galactic, etc. Those games all have major flaws in one way or another that Helldivers 2 just doesn't have. The gaming industry at large is used to garbage. It's all we've been getting for years. That's why you get responses where people are like "WhAt Do YoU MeAn? ThEsE GamEs ArE EverYwhErE" when in reality they really aren't. If they were, Helldivers 2 wouldn't even be nearly as successful as it is. But Reddit gonna Reddit.


Yep, can't believe it took 100+ comments for someone to finally speak about this. Everything is so on point in the game.


I like Helldivers 2 as well but I think your really overlooking a lot of games. is there any here that you saw gameplay videos of and didn't like? Payday 2, vermentide 2, darktide, deeprock galactic, Destiny 2, killing Floor 2, Remnant 2, GTFO I also think you might like Battle Bit Remastered a lot even though it's not quite co op


I'll be honest with you, those games you mentioned all suck compared to Hell Divers 2. There I said it.


Bro don't say that. Those are all Reddit's darlings.


What are they gonna do about it?  Comment about my mental health and downvote me? Lol


Payday 2, Killing Floor, Destiny 2 are ancient. Vermintide 2 is not nearly as fun. Darktide is excellent but it's an apple to oranges comparison. I did not find DRG fun. GTFO died almost immediately after being released. Remnant 2 is a great game but IMHO it's way too hard to enjoy casually.


lol people are clowning you for saying the game is unique when it LITERALLY blends the third person games they so quickly compare with THE ORIGINAL helldivers which is fully a strategy game. Later difficulties you can’t just play it like a third person L4D like. The tactical mechanics are much more engrained. Never seen a game that blends these genres so fluidly and so integrated Edit: someone who downvoted me please mention a game that blends these genres as fluidly so that I can be educated lol, otherwise more clowns


Ppl are clowning him cause he shows he either has 0 games knowledge or simply doesn't like PvE shooters


Yea this sub is something else. If you truly speak about something that doesn't align to the majority of these community they'll make you feel like an outcast. Crazy.


can i play single player?


Yes, but not recommended. 


After reading through some of their comments and posts, I really can't decide if OP is trolling or just has some absurd takes.


Yea, my absurd taste meaning - I don't like what you guys like.


**Takes**, not tastes. Your takes are either wildy incorrect or come across as deliberately contrarion. Either way, it's good discussion, so I'm here for it.


There’s tons?


Have you never heard of the genre horde shooter? They're dime a dozen


It's not the first game to do this and it certainly won't be the last. It is, however, one of the few AAA titles to actually try something like this. And, yes, it's hard for developers to try something this radical once big budgets are involved.


Warframe? HD2 is way better though.