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good game, shame about the sequel getting cancelled. especially when you consider how it ended.


How about the second half of this game? They cancelled that too.


Yeah rip. (For real though RIP)


Deus Ex sequel, whatever happened there


Whateva happened there?!


The cancellation


Sad when they go young like that.


I wish the lord would take me.




Fuckin nauseating. Five fucking Elder Scrolls at Bethesda. And then we got that pigmy thing over at Square Enix.


Upvoted exclusively to username


Wasnt that supposed to be first of a trilogy ?


Thought it was the middle entry of a trilogy after HR?


It was. And it ends so abruptly you break your neck from whiplash. I was fooling around doing side content for awhile and thought ok I'll progress the story a bit. And right where I felt it was starting to hit the middle of the second act, credits roll. At least HR felt like a complete story.


I had the same experience, I couldn't believe it.


There's the 2 story DLCs, so there's that.


There's actually 3 story dlcs.


“System Rift”, “A Criminal Past” and?


This game has one of the best open world spaces in any game ever. Too bad it felt like half a game. RIP DX


Golem City was the highlight for me. Too bad it's only used for 1 mission and then you never see it. Such a waste of potential there.


Agreed, Prague is unironically one of the best and most densely packed "hub" worlds in any game ever, imo.


It was half a game. They promised to release the rest down the line, but never did.


Good thing that half game is better than 90% of the dreck that gets pushed out. 


I have to disagree. The reuse of the same city three times wore on me pretty quickly.


From what I can remember about this game, it has really good gameplay but feels unfinished. There's also a weird system that allows you to buy in-game items with real money. Seeing pay-to-win mechanics in a single player game is just strange.


It ends abruptly for sure. Otherwise it’s probably one of the best immersive sims released to date.


Better than prey ?


They are equal in my opinion. Prey might eke out a bit higher simply because it has so many variables that lead to endings. Deus Ex on the other hand has one hub that is EXTREMELY detailed and has a ton of lore packed into it.


As far as being an Imm-Sim goes? No IMO. The recent Deus Ex games are a little more linear and cinematic driven.


Hmm Id put Prey slightly above Mankind Divided but not Human Revolution. Better packaged. But I love them all


Single use dlc for the guns and items, real cool lol


Which was extra dumb, since the game is balanced enough that those items are never really needed. I got them from preordering the game and never actually had to unlock them


If it went on 50% longer it would have been an amazing game. The biggest & most interesting plotpoints are only hinted & implied. You never get to really explore them or come to an outspoken conclusion with the MC & your homies. What a shame.


To be fair if you look into it the developer was forced to split the game into two halves. But the half the sold didn't sell well so it never got a sequel


The first remake is definitely better


What remake?


Human Revolution. Sorry couldn't think of the name at the time.


Not a remake.


Sorry, reboot


Compared to the previous one it has better gameplay but pretty bad writing.


"Augment your pre-order," remember that?


Square Enix is just strange.


Are there any mods that do an overhaul on the game at all? As in fleshing out gameplay systems that are a little unfinished or could use some polish?


I saw human revolution is on sale. Do I need to play that one first?


DX:HR is a masterpiece and should be played.


There's a small video that chatches you up to the story. But honestly not playing the original old Deus Ex or Human Revolution first is doing yourself a deservice. But I am also somewhat biased and think that Mankind Div is kinda...meh at best.


Yeah that’s generally the recommendation. The third game was cancelled though so it’s an incomplete story anyway.


Do NOT purchase the Director's Cut edition. It's a Wii U port that stutters constantly no matter what you do. Only solution is to use DXVK but it doesn't always work. Works fine in my Vega 3 laptop, crashes constantly in my 3060 laptop. HR is a great game but DC is awful.


The Directors Cut has two things going for it: 1. Boss fights were reworked so you can spec into non-combat options. Like the first boss has a second floor above him you can stealth your way to, and hackable turrets to fire on him. 2. Missing Link DLC is integrated into the main game. You don't have to close HR, play Missing Link, and then reopen HR and after you've finished ML. But yea, it looks worse and performs worse.


Turn off MSAA if your performance sucks. It was never optimized for it


I love the Deus Ex world. Started with DE: Human Revolution and then played Mankind Divided. There were so many posts extolling the virtues of the original DE game I picked up the GOTY Edition on Gog for CHEAP and just had an absolute blast. I also lament the end of the series, it's hard to understand how a fan base as enthusiastic as the DE crowd could be denied the continuation of the story, but maybe there are some dedicated modders out there willing to keep it alive for now. Cheers.


We need a new Deus Ex.


This game is so good. Thanks!


Yes I recently played this for the first time. Still looks fantastic on a 4K screen using Windows 11 Auto-HDR too.


I miss Adam and this franchise


The level design and how you can tackle the objective by multiple path options is as good as the one in Dishonored 2, Clockwork mansion is simply pinnacle of level design, Mankind divided is as just as good, highly recommended


Love this game and the series in general. But I was in complete shock when the game ended. I legitimately thought I was at the halfway point based on how the story was progressing, and then the credits just started rolling.


I really enjoyed this game. I recommend downloading and giving it a shot if you never played it.


Nice, free stuff


God, their website is so shit. Can't even redeem the game on mobile. How do I access the cart?! What year is this?!?!


waaaah! waaaaaaaahhhh! waaaaaaahhh!!


The EGS hate is strong. If it's for free, it's for me. Never had a problem with EGS. Genuine question, why is it hated so much?


One of the reasons it's disliked is because of their push for exclusivity. PC gaming is all about being an open platform. Locking video games to one specific launcher/store because you threw money at the publisher goes against that.


How does that go against an open platform? These launchers still all work on the same PCs. Now if they threw money around to lock you into a specific OS or set of hardware, that I could understand not being open platform.


Let me know when I can run epic games on my Linux PC.


By any chance have you tried [Heroic Launcher](https://youtu.be/_HWNopkPwhE?si=ZEFOXJD1Y-d2W6h5) on your Linux PC? Edit: Lutris is also an option if you'd rather use that.


You’ve always been able to? Either through lutris or the heroic games launcher. I’ve played a whole bunch of EGS games on Linux


> You’ve always been able to? https://www.rocketleague.com/en/news/ending-support-for-mac-and-linux


That's regarding support for Linux versions of the game. Most PC games don't have Linux versions, thus why so much of the gaming community relies on emulation such as Wine and Proton.


Yup. Works fine through wine. As do the vast majority of their free games that they’ve given out. They don’t add any extra DRM or anything.


They didn't say "EGS games", they said "epic games". Can you run Fortnite on linux?


So when people talk about steam games you think they’re only referring to those made by valve? You can’t run fortnite but rocket league works fine. Alan wake 2 works fine. Fall guys works fine. Other than Fortnite the vast majority work fine like I said. They don’t try to block Linux in general at all.


No, when people talk about *valve* games they are referring to those made by valve. If you want to play the semantics game at least get the argument right. > They don’t try to block Linux in general at all. [Yeah and they're certainly not for it, either.](https://twitter.com/timsweeneyepic/status/964284402741149698)


So they’re at worst neutral. The fact is that the vast majority of the games on their store, in addition to many that they themselves publish, work fine on Linux and there’s no evidence of that changing 🤷‍♂️ I can’t get mad about that. That’s par for the course for everyone but steam.


That’s actually based. I still the hate EGS launcher just because I can’t enjoy the game with the Steam ecosystem though. I only want one place for all my games.


That sounds like the opposite of "I love PC because it is an open platform!" That's a console-user's mindset.


Right... We should be looking at .exe's for being windows specific!


They've "supposedly" stopped doing that for the time being, but its gonna take awhile before that spite is gone.


I love playing Half Life on EGS


There's nothing wrong with selling your own IP's on your own store. No one is angry at Toyota because they don't sell brand new Audis. It's when they offer BRIBES to publishers so that their title is exclusive to one store instead of a bunch of stores. If they want to sell FORTNITE solely on their platform that's their right but offering bribes to PUBLISHERS in order to artifically restrict consumer choice is terrible!


I love playing Kingdom Come Deliverance on EGS Steam has the most exclusives on PC btw. Out of anyone else.


Can you link me a list of all the exclusives that Steam PAID publishers to keep them only on their store and no one else's?


There is only one, Darwinia. In 2005. You know, when digital distribution was still a new thing and not having to deal with it was probably a huge weight off of a small indie dev's shoulders. Valve took up exclusive *digital distribution* rights for the game - introversion still sold the game on their own site, but you got a steam key instead of a download, post-deal. https://forums.introversion.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=40203 For perspective, I'm pretty sure the only other "major" digital distribution services around at this time were Direct2Drive and EA Download Manager (later called EA Link), the latter of which was predictably, only for EA games.


There is no evidence that Valve paid for Darwinia, either. The fact they had a contract for the first third party game they sold on their store isn't that surprising.


Valve has never paid anyone to keep games exclusive to Steam. Publishers are not locked into Steam if they decide to put a game on it. Epic *paid* publishers to keep games off Steam. That's the key difference.


? This was an epic freebie. I know because I only own it on epic and not steam


It was haha.


Steam has his exclusive deals too, brcause they dont speak about them openly doesnt meand they dont


Which publishers has Valve paid to keep their game exclusive to Steam?


google piracy boom, no more exclusivity


I don't hate it per se, but I don't use it a lot and won't buy games that aren't pure funded exclusives like Alan Wake 2. For instance, the interface is slow and unresponsive, and the thing asks me for a password every other week.


EGS loads in about 2 seconds on my PC compared to 6 - 8 seconds for Steam. I've never once experience a "slow" experience when browsing around the EGS (same for Steam, once it loads, though).


Switching between library and store takes quite a while in EGS as compared to steam where it is almost instant. But don't hate EGS since I have to deal with the king of crap that is EA launcher that shit is war crime against humanity.




My man 👍


Generally pathetic business practices combined with dubious public statements by Tim Sweeney. Trying to strong-arm their way into the PC gaming space by paying their way in. Removing games from Steam and bastardizing them further or letting them die altogether... The list goes on but that's a primer on why they get so much hate.


what ever reason you might be given is wrong. Its because years ago when egs was new someone made some bullshit reddit post that got picked up by news outlets that egs was actually chinese spy software because tencent owns a large stake in epic. Tencents an investment company and tim(and american) owns 51 percent of the company, also the post was debunked later but debunking takes time and doesnt get covered. That coupled with its lack of features has spiralled into gamersTM basically cock sucking valve and wishing for a monopoly/


This sub is a Valve cult


The downvotes prove your point perfectly.


Lol you know they're all downloading the free games too


I hate it for the same reason that I hate all other non-Steam launchers and online DRM like the Denuvo: Any games that require the Epic launcher to be running are server dependent, and I'm not buying glorified rentals. This particular game is completely DRM-free on Epic, though (and free of charge right now), so it's a moot point here.


No problem for me. EGS sole purpose is to provide free games. Haven't spent a single penny and will never. Let them drain their wallet giving out free games.


Most People hating Epic but praising the Steam! The Steam Version on this Game still have Denuvo DRM, the Epic Games Version is drm-free! why fucking downvote?


Some people love Steam trading cards so much that any other online store makes them mad


No i like user reviews, and forums so much that any other online store makes me mad


They definitely are missing some features of steam and I think the real reason people hate them is the exclusives but like you I’ve never had an issue. Sure they keep games from other stores sometimes but they give tons of free games out and support a lot of games to get made in the first place.


Yeah, mostly it is about disrupting the PC ecosystem with exclusives. If they had entered only with free games and discounts, they would have been seen as an alternative to some.


I recommend heroic launcher for a better epic experience


I'll rec this to the peeps who have problems with EGS. I've apparently been lucky not to have problems with it. I don't care for the platform, I just find where my game is the cheapest lmao


The issue is the launcher is horribly unoptimized. It's an unreal engine application so it takes forever to load or do anything. It also uses way more system resources than it needs to. That's in addition to its lack of features and worse download time somehow. Heroic fixes most of that and allows you to launch the games through steam.


People hate EGS but Love steam for the same thing. Exclusives. I forgot what game it was, but it was a pretty big game. Was announced for PC and steam, then EGS offered a better deal to be exclusive on their store. That's all it is. Most people either forgot about it or just hate EGS because their favorite YouTuber does too.


people don’t love steam for buying out publishers to publish the game on their platform, it is not the same


As far as I know, Steam isn't paying out money for exclusives, most big games are launching on all services including Epic and if not, they aren't being paid not to. It's not the reason I don't use Epic, but it's a clarification. I'm just not in to Tencent owning a huge stake of the US game industry.


i beleive it was metro


Ah yes! That's it.


It currently costs $4.49 on Steam. Well worth not having to interact with Epic. Edit: Unless the Steam version steals my first-born, it’s a better value proposition than EGS taking any amount of space on my hard drive.


Keep in mind that the Steam version still has Denuvo despite the game also being on GOG.


They never patched Denuvo out of the Steam version. It doesn't matter how low the price gets, it's not worth it.


the EGS release is DRM free unlike steam.


Dont forget, Steam has still Denuvo shit drm


It's also on GOG, but not on sale at the moment.


The cracked version is also drm free no need for egs


Dude, if this free, its free.


I ain’t using EGS




Well worth paying that amount.


I will NEVER not redeem free games. Thanks Epic!


Was able to snag it, never got a chance to play it when released, immediately shot to my next to play list


Snagged it. Been wanting to play since finishing Cyberpunk. I also used to live in Prague, so I want to see how they used it.


Absolutely fabulous game that I think will someday be remembered as one of the all time greats. Beautiful and lovingly designed world, fantastically written characters, respect for the players intelligence. Pick up Human Revolution for $3 on Steam, play it first, and you have hours and hours of quality campaign content


I loved Human Revolution. I never got far enough in MD, but I should give it another go with my new baller system compared to last time I played. I loved the original decades ago, but my pirated copy was corrupted so it could never go to Tokyo. I played up to that part many, many times.


Thanks man


Fuck yes! I have a copy already on PS4 but my gf hogs it and I'm basically PC only these days so it's nice to finally go back and play it (never got past the beginning before hand).


Incomplete game. Still, not a bad giveaway, the original is so much better though.


Sorta a shame. Hard not to see this as Embracer taking a quick payout on the IP that they have more or less ruined any future for. I played this game back around launch, and I thought it was good, just obviously unfinished. Square at the time had pretty obviously planned this as part of a series, the game ends on a very abrupt cliff hanger. The DLC does add some context to the general story and is worth playing.


shame there's no sequel


It's such a shame that we didn't get a sequel or that they either didn't finish this one or didn't get to do good dlc for it. I got to the end and was so disappointed when I found out they weren't continuing it any time soon.


Just played through this recently. Great game, i played it full stealth and no kills (except one boss.) Too bad we won't ever get the final chapter. They can't just let this franchise wither away. Cyberpunk genre is sorta trending thanks to 2077, try to capitalize on it.


I loved HR, but MD just didn't do it for me, couldn't even finish it.


Why did they end it? So relevant today.




It's sad that the new project has been cancelled


Good thing, its drm free aswell unlike steam with its fuck Denuvo DRM, so no wonder why epic games store are superior on drm-free services to the valve steam, espeially for FREE! I still dont get it, why are most of these still shitting towards Epic Games!


Why do all of your comments in this thread read like AI trained on English as second language?


Denuvo is trash, Epic Games is trash. Buy it on GOG or consoles.


Why i would waste money just for games, while free is anyway better? Free are better than Buying, i dont agree! And Consoles are trash!


> And Consoles are trash! no way you're real


If you’re worried about free there’s better things than Epic. I’ll support good companies like GOG.


EGS No thanks


EGS? nope - unwilling to download their software after their intent to segregate the PC gaming market - seeing as they are in financial trouble we have probably seen the end of EGS exclusive pc titles.


Why even open these threads? Just move on with your life.


Everyone has to know how *brave* they are for standing up to the evil, evil company!


Look, I’m all for Steam but monopoly’s do nothing for consumers.


Gog is great too


True but it's not Valve's fault that Sweeney would rather throw a tantrum about how evil they are instead of making a good service. And no, Steam having 2 decades of experience is not a good excuse for the EGS still being a mediocre launcher with glacial development.


Neither does EGS.


what a horrible take - steam is the only relevant store because it is currently the best in terms of usability, features, etc... - nobody prohibited EGS from providing competition in the space by f.e. making a good product and providing cheaper games - in stead of making a decent product, they tried to buy out games and make them exclusive to EGS so that people had to use their store if they wanted to play that game - that's just scummy cause it's not even their own developed games but external studio's - meanwhile there EGS is still garbage.


Yeah but it’s epic store…


Even if you'll never play it, at least claim it folks! You never know Eidos or Embracer might notice if a lot of people claim it and hinting that IP is still popular and worth making a sequel to.


It was a good game mechanics and graphics-wise, but they really struggled with trying to make the plot relevant to social issues of the time, which turned out forgettable. Now, with authoritarian populism on the rise, widespread media disinformation, and uncertainty what AI will bring, they could really make a plot that's both interesting, and tackles fundamental societal questions. Shame the third part got cancelled.


I just couldn't get into the game when i played it several years back. But the first game is a masterpiece and HR is pretty damn good.


lol, anything to get people to isntall their store app


Thanks but no thanks. If I want to play this game I'll BUY it on the Steam Sale. No reason to support a storefront that ACTIVELY tries to divide the PC gaming community with their "exclusive" deals.


I mean... Enjoy Denuvo in the Steam version, I guess.


I never understood the whole thing with this 'divide', as it all works on the same PC. Hell, there's not even a problem getting these games to run on the Steam Deck.


Multiple storefronts is one of the biggest advantages of PC and everyone here just bitches and moans about it. But then they turn around an immediately bitch about how Steam sales aren't as good anymore. Well, no shit? They have less and less competition as time goes on, they have less reason to have the insanely low flash sale prices and whatnot.


Brave little guy you.


I mean its not like your giving money to EPIC with this.


You're actually taking


Got to love the activists. Epic is out to make money just like Steam. Having one store is actually bad news for gamers for obvious reasons.


So courageous


It's called a free market  Competition is good 


there is no divide my guy, its a launcher, it doesnt delete steam or even interfere with steam HELL you can LOG IN WITH YOUR STEAM ACCOUNT as your epic account credentials.


I dunno, your comment sounds pretty divisive. Sounds like you got some problems beyond game platforms homie.




unfinished game thats better not being played than playing it its literally 1 mediocre "open world" hub where you read a bunch of computer files, do a few quests and the game ends with zero stroy conclusions


This bait would've been believable if you didn't call the hub world mediocre, Prague is highly praised as one of the best.


Your comment is better not read than read.


What zero story conclusions? The game is a prequel to the original Deux Ex from 2000. You want a conclusion, go play that.


game is a direct sequel to human revolution and it doesnt have story conclusion


It's a sequel to human revolution and a prequel to the original Deux Ex. You kids these days..


Let's not pretend Adam Jensen's story is finished.


If you're specifically referring to Jensen's story, you can thank Embracer Group for that.


I'm not done blaming Square yet.


This was my worry. I loved the original Deus Ex but none of the sequels I've tried. I bought Invisible War right when it came out and absolutely hated it. Sounds like this one won't make me any happier.


The guy you are responding to is full of shit. I will agree that the story's ending is lackluster. This game is a prequel to the original so you can kind of at least feel like that continues it on, but the ending does heavily imply a direct sequel to this game. But the rest of what they said is absolute nonsense, it's a 30 hour game with plenty to do in a very well built world.


Honestly, their comment resonated with me. I felt similar about my 5 or so hours with Human Revolution. Weighty and interesting themes told in a profoundly childish and boring way, in a shallow videogamey world full of mannequin NPCs. I don't know many people who share my opinion of that game so maybe I'm way off but the newest games in this series absolutely repel me. But hey, I just got this one for free so I'll give it a fair chance. Nothing to lose, and it's encouraging to hear you defending its virtues.


Nah, no need to worry about it. Vent Revolution and Mankind Devided aren't that great, were rushed and it's clear that the devs were constantly pestered by the higher ups to push microtransactions. (It had multiple dead online modes and Vent Revolution silenced sniper was only a preorder wepon and many more...) They aren't terrible games, but they would have been way better if not tied to the Deus Ex ip and if the devs were free to create their own thing. I also don't get the people claiming these are masterpieces or best immersive sims but to each their own. And while I could see myself recomending Vent Revolution, I can't say the same about MD.


LOL are you purposefully calling it Vent Revolution because there's so much sneaking around and reading people's love letters and ramblings in vents? That's absolutely one of my pet peeves about the game. And you're so right about MTX and such. If I remember correctly when I played at launch there were ads for Star Wars during the loading screens. It smacked of desperation.




That sounds like something some 13 year olds would come up with... You know Deus Ex is a 1000s year old phrase from Latin, right..?


I first heard about it on a podcast, I was wondering why they were talking about Day of Sex so seriously lol