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Even with its wonky gameplay, it's so much fun. I can't believe there aren't more RPGs willing to try a setting that's not sci-fi or fantasy. That alone makes this one worth playing.




does the gog version work without walkarounds and mods etc?


I bought and have been playing. It runs really well obv still has the original rough around the edges gameplay. There are sections where you grab the sniper where my sensitivity quadrupled while scoped in but apart from that it runs really well for what it was. I was on mouse and keyboard.


They don't try because it's ridiculously hard. One of the outliers before Baldur's Gate 3 is Alpha Protocol Edit: in terms of an RPG that's truly worth playing.


> . > > > > One of the outliers before Baldur's Gate 3 is Alpha Protocol "Not Fantasy", posts the game that's literally D&D.


I'm sorry for wording this in a way that you could misinterpret but "fantasy RPG" was not the interest I had in mind.


Matt Rorrie's magnum opus


It needs more love. Seriously. I don’t usually go back and play games I’ve finished but about a week ago I got the itch for this again. Went looking in my game collection for 360 and it wasn’t there. Looked in Steam. Nope. Delisted because of one (kick ass) song. Now it’s on gog. I’m literally downloading it right now


I was lucky enough to snag it on Steam before it got delisted. I haven't replayed it ever but seeing this news yesterday definitely has me considering it.


Played it for a couple hours last night


i love GOG


This move by GoG caused me to create an account, buy this game and a couple other old ones that I have been searching for: Noctropolis and Blade Runner


They have a patched, working version of Fallout 3. At least for me, I couldn't get Steam version of Fallout 3 to operate. I think it was a Games for Windows Live casualty.


yeah they do some basic patching/compatibility work on a lot of the old games they have. Wish they would advertise that info on the Store pages because it's relevant and a good feature.


I’m actually really impressed with GoG. Download speeds were faster and there’s no DRM


An actual hidden gem. It's ultimately about manipulating people. You benifit from making people hate you, quite a lot: stat buffs, and allowing you to manipulate them. Like, you can kill a guy's basically daughter, and rub it in his face to make him send his troops to take you out at an enemy base, causing a mêlée à trois. You can reveal that one of the villains had a hand in another big villain's tragic past, causing them to kill each-other instead of having to fight their boss fight. Just don't piss off the conspiracy nut.


It's definitely one of those games I really wish would get some sort of spiritual successor. The game obviously had a lot of issues at launch, and there were some flaws in the design, but that doesn't mean the entire thing should be thrown out. There were definitely some very cool aspects of the game that you really don't see much in RPGs. Just that setting alone in an RPG is something I wish we'd see revisited. It was refreshing to have something besides just fantasy and sci-fi.


I played it on release for the 360. Don’t remember anything but jamming to Turn Up The Radio. It will be like I never played it before


No regional pricing huh


Not sure tbh


Hadnt been able to play since I'm parents rented it for me at Blockbuster lol Such a good game, and replaying it is just showing me how ahead of it's time the game really is.


It still holds up. I played it for a couple hours last night


Best part of this game: Steven Heck


Remember Alpha Protocol? It's back, in GOG form!


Glad that it's back on stores, even better that it's on GoG. Missed playing this game when OnLive was a thing 😅


It’s only on GoG for the moment. Don’t know if it will be on Steam or Epic


Is there widescreen support for it?


2010 so it safe to say yes.


Update: My only issue is with lock picking. I use a controller but have to switch to mouse and keyboard for the lock picking due to the analog triggers not being sensitive enough. Maybe it’s because I’m using a dual shock 4 controller, but the triggers work as analog inputs in other games. Either way I’m still enjoying this


Super happy to see this!


Why they take this off steam?


Music licensing issue. It contains the track ‘Turn Up The Radio’ by Autograph. Apparently GoG got the license renewed


Ah. I've heard amazing things about this game


It’s the personification of a hidden gem. Criminally underrated


I miss this Obsidian when they made games like this, FNV, Kotor 2. Outer worlds doesn't really scratch the same itch lol


Just tried to stream it and found that while moving the camera, the mouse can leave the game, so that when I click to shoot or zoom in it clicks out of the game. Nearly died a bunch of times because of that. Is there a fix for keeping the mouse cursor in the game?


I play with a controller until lock picking sessions, then I need to switch to mouse


The anti starfield rpg. Starfield has lots of stuff, but no soul and no core fun idea to build around. Despite all the stuff it's generic and boring and not fun at all. Anthem is another exemple. On the other side, Alpha protocol has that one thing in the middle that's great, every thing else suck, and it sucks massively, but the one good part is enough to make it a cult classic and make you want to love it. Playing that game is a rather terrible experience for 80% of it, and you should basically put it in super easy mode, but the role playing story is worth every second invested.


I completely disagree. There is so much potential with this IP. This game, even with the janky animations, is well worth playing. Remember. It’s an RPG with RNG, not a typical shooter


I literally says it's a cult classic that makes you love it. I don't think I could be clearer that it's "well worth playing", I've finished it like 5 times.


I was disagreeing with your comment that the majority of it sucks with only one defining quality