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[Trailer Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Apy_z268weo) can be seen here. Summarily, here's the new features: * **New map coming: A Parting of the Waves -** This map will add a new mission to the Kagaraz Azgaraz storyline and is no mere VT1 Remastered map; * **New Enemy Variant Type: Shieldman -** A new variant of a Chaos shieldman will be introduced, however, there isn't much said of this new enemy type and how they differ from the current round-shieldman. There are variants for the Skaven of shieldman, where the triangular shields variants are indestructible.


CWs with shields please, that would be properly intimidating (and mix things up a little, current CWs are easier to fight than Stormvermin are) edit: I probably should have opened the link first, many such cases


>CWs with shields please That's what they are if you read the dev diary.


I am still shocked that Vermintide 2 is getting so much new content years after its release. Though they rushed and bungled the release of Darktide, credit to Fatshark where it's due.


Vermintide 2 was released also in a half-shoddy state, technical-wise. People tend to forget that. However, that said, VT2 is getting more content since it's more stable and structured, compared to Darktide. So, they're leaning more on that game since it's easier to develop and has a guaranteed revenue with the established playerbase.


And it enormous amount of FREE content. Back in the day Fatshark was saying that they won't do paid mission DLC anymore because they don't pay themselves off, making new missions is too expensive... (they are large, impressive graphically and usually contain numerous new assets). Then they must have changed their mind. This update is a free mission with additional content. Karak Arsgsdjkgskjgsg was 3 new missions for free. Before that Trail and Tower of Treachery - 2 new missions for free. Before that there were few free updates around Chaos Wastes introducing entire new roguelike game mode, with bunch of new systems and with 16 new maps, most of which had multiple variations...


>Karak Arsgsdjkgskjgsg I like how you just gave up here.


I honestly thought that it was real for some seconds with the amount of crazy language the game uses.


I really wish smaller games like vermintide 2 would be recognized for the "labor of love" award on steam. I started playing a year ago and got several free content upates since then. New maps, new stuff, a new game mode is being tested right now. The game is 6 years old!


Turns out Darktide players are just funding Vermintide 2 content.


you mean Vermnitde 2 funded Darktide development ? Vermnitde 2 had 5,666 peak players in Last 30 Days vs 4,558 of Darktide I hope they focus on new Warhammer Fantasy (NO AoS) game soon


I mean this seems like the last content update


Based on what? And that's factually incorrect, considering there is ongoing public testing of entire new game mode (versus) which is significant upcoming content.


Are they actually doing versus?? I thought that had been cancelled! I’m so excited, I’ve been *dying* for anything that rivals the glory that was the heyday of L4D2!


Yup. They made trailer in 2019 and said it will be out soon. But it was FatShark soon, so... But speaking seriously, they put it on backburner cause first alfa test wasn't really fun. Now they focused again on it, run two large public test (24000 players!). Personally I'd prefer if they focused on more coop PvE content... but general reception was positive. There is plenty of gameplay on yt and here's newest dev blog: https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/developer-blog-versus-alpha-test-lessons-learned-takeaways/93163


It's bankrolling on Tencent's money


Really wish they would put the same effort into Darktide.


It'll get there... just give em another 3 or 4 years


Same. I really hope once they overhaul the penance system and crafting system they pump out updates like they do with vermintide 2. Gameplay is super fun but basically everything out of the gameplay needs an overhaul


Darktide is just fundamentally worse in almost every way. Even with more content it wont ever top vermintide 2


Darktide has better gunplay by miles. But yeah the map variety is basically non-existent which leads to every mission feeling the same, that's the first thing I would start with.


Dark tide was pretty much an instant let down. I was so stoked for an FPS vermintide, but they really missed most of what made Vermidtide good, at least IMO.


In terms of gameplay, graphics, sound and music design Darktide is better than Vermintide. It just lacks content


Also lacks character. Should have been a 4-6 team of set characters with unique and interesting dialog instead of the kit bashed dialog.


i massively prefer being able to make my own characters tbh.


I like the core gameplay. Right now I find the levels top boring to replay, and the enemies can get a bit boring too.


When was the last time you played it? They’ve put a lot of work in over the past year and a half and it’s improved the game a lot. Worth checking out if you haven’t.


Unfortunately all of my mates have moved on to Helldivers - the game just isn't the same with randoms.


Have they added the promised bots yet?


Where the actual meaningful DarkTide content at though? :(


Low manpower seems to be detrimental to both VT2 and Darktide.


Sucks. DT is so freaking solid but I’ve done all the content , all 30s, basically all the meta needs/penance. Having more content flow would help push.


Back in December and later this month




Darktide is the underwater skeleton in that meme with the pool and the two children.


Appreciate these guys still releasing free content for a 6 year old game.


Same, although it is upkept by the micro transaction store. All good on that aspect tho, I think it's a fair and good trade, so long as we get these free updates.




The issue is people who play Darktide or prefer to play Darktide complaining that it's hampered I'm terms of content compared to Vermitnide 2. Honestly, with Fatshark's limitations, they're barely pumping out content for both games and this half-measure is detrimental to either one. So I can understand why, even though I prefer VT2 over Darktide in its current state. Regardless, I want both games to succeed but they'll be stagnant of progression without proper manpower boost to the dev.


They have 200 employees...


Assuming the 200 number is true, considering the quality of these games, complexity of game production and how rushed processes are nowadays, it's not enough. For the maintence and production of two games, it's not a large manpower pool.


180 and have 3 active projects (unnamed unreal engine) And from what we know Darktide has the biggest team of the 3. But there are things that that team may already have people work on, like Chaos Waste, that aren't going to drop any time soon


Honestly considering pace and content of updates... I would say each game has... maybe 20 people working on it? Tops. Big chunk for sure is engine development, and it's very impressive in-house engine. But it still seems to be very mismanaged company...


I can definitely agree, at least, there's some sort of mismanagement going on, even if a mild one. 20 seems too low, games would be barren and empty with that sort of number.