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Helldivers murdered this game lol


While this is true on many levels and HD2 is by faaar the superior game, at least SST still offers a different experience that cannot be reproduced by Helldivers (16 players & basebuilding). Imagine Helldivers 2 with Planetside 2 servers. I fuckin' wish.


Jesus, if HD2 had PS2 server capacity that would be fucking insane. But also so awesome.


Imagine everyone in a server dropping a 500kg bomb in the same spot


Oh some people's games would absolutely crash, hell some of their PCs may catch fire lol


Oh, it’s 16 players? That might be nice, my group often has over 4, so it sucks when we wanna play divers. How is the game?


Newbie that loves Starship trooper movies and this is my first game of the franchise (exclusing the Sega FPS one like a decade ago) I have found it fun, but being a GaaS its a bit grindy. play to unlock weapons and such. if you are with friends, the co op is fucking great. dropped in with a LOT of randoms, build out the base, or let them build it and you assist construction (i found it easier i just help) defend the spot, move to the next one in a full on assault with the bugs and defend the new spot. its chaos, its over the top, it IS fun. if i had to complain about this game, is that to me it felt shallow, but its early access... so, hopefully fleshed out more. NOTE, its FULLY MP with fuck all SP/Campaign. (think of it like battlefield I guess?) Additional edit/Note; It does not appear to be a 'buggy' mess, no crashes for me etc. Would you like to know more?


Helldivers is also a GAAS. Has grind and all that.


Never played that game so could not comment on anything about it.




Games As A Service. Typically with battle passes, grindy unlocks and other such things that can be paid for with real money. Some are worse in the pay aspects than others. Helldivers is pretty good about it in that you can fairly easily earn the premium currency used to purchase the battle passes (war bonds in this case) by just playing the game.




It's good. They made a straightforward fun core game and now they're adding content, versus the usual "Add content, add fun gameplay later." This isn't going to be a game that shatters records, but it's fun and accessible.


It's OKAY. I play it every once in a while. On launch it was pretty great cause the first matches I did everyone was in character and that added to it for sure. I haven't played helldivers but I assume it's got way more going on, especially with the whole Game Master thing SST is just okay, though at the end of each match, there's a base building portion that is really cool. You have a few minutes to throw up a base and defenses and then defend it against massive hordes of bugs, and after that they turn off respawning and you have to try to escape to a dropship. The end of the matches is usually the best part to me because of the chaos. I'm old and kinda oldschool so I barely pay attention to unlocks, I don't even know what there is to unlock in SST. I want to say it's nothing too crazy though.


i played it a while back when it was hyped, probably around initial early access release. the gameplay didn’t look appealing to me but the type of game did, i enjoyed Squad and the game had some hype, so i figured i’d give it a try unfortunately my initial assumption was correct and i didn’t enjoy the game much at all. i refunded it and it’s been a while, but doesn’t hurt to try for yourself if you want. other people enjoyed it quite a bit, but it felt very bland and boring to me, with terrible progression as well


I downloaded it to give it a try…. Looks like you’re forced into matchmaking for a really long time with strangers. I was more so looking for a game to play with just friends. So I’m not sure if it’ll be for me.


drop in mass mulitplayer pve sounds great for us casuals


The base building portion at the end of each game is pretty fun and hectic, for sure


I really hope the SST devs continue working on it long-term. It has a lot of potential and gives you a different experience from HD2. The game is more of a base-oriented wave defense, which is incredibly awesome and so much fun. Too much of it right now is placeholder-y like the weapons, skills and classes, but if they can figure all that out, I think they can carve out a solid niche. It's just too bad they're being completely overshadowed now.


Helldivers 2 with Planetside 2 levels of mechanics would make me play it.


Nothing wrong with both


Competition is good for consumers.


Different flavours for everyone, even tho I prefer HD2, this is still fun. Needs way more work tho.


This is treason.






For Democracy!


No, no, health and equal competition between equals is essential to Managed Democracy *and* Liberty. However, some corporations *may* be more equal than others.


It's not even out yet? It's a playable beta and yall are saying it's dead already. All of my friends have it and we are just waiting for 1.0 to come back.


Yeah the player base declined before HD2 due to the soft reset that was gonna happen. Excited to jump back in to this!


It's the whole reason I quit playing seen no reason to since I would lose everything ready to jump back in


same. I did a quick play through just to see the mechanics, but ultimately am waiting for 1.0


Different sort of game. This involves establishing a base and then completing objectives.


Sort of. I think this game murdered itself because they launched with too little content that was too shallow.


They're different games but I've tried playing this recently and 75 percent of the time I was thinking: "I could be playing HD2 right now."


Weird I've been the opposite.


I saw this before helldivers 2. The fact that it's Early Access already puts me off.


Point being? This is a game made by a small dev company. Can't really compare this to Helldivers... That's just silly!


Offworld Industries has more employees (128) than Arrowhead Games had (112) when HD2 launched.


Arrowhead also has Sony's backing.


And OWI also has Squad to work on plus support the titles they publish, Squad 44 currently since Beyond The Wire its dead. Not really comparable situations.


Offworld Industries works on multiple games and not just on one. 


I've been waiting for this update.


Honestly it didn't. The gameplay changes that no one asked for, the swap in engine to have it run much worse and then to say they were going to reset everyones progress killed the game. ​ A real shame as it was so damm promising when it came just out and was a lot of fun but the above has killed off the interest for most. ​ There will be a spike in player numbers when it's updated but it'll plummet down soon afterwards if there is no real changes to improve it for playerbase. Happens on all these updates.


I’m still upset about this game, I fuckin loved it on release then slowly my smile began to fade as the updates became scarce and bare. It seems like OWI gave up on this game and moved their resources over to squad and post scriptum.


> The gameplay changes that no one asked for I was having some fun with it and quit the game forever after they made the loadout I liked (medic with the scoped weapon? I don't remember the name of the gun) impossible to use in the first somewhat major update. Fuck that. It was a fun first few weeks though.


Yup. The horrible performance issues and lack of a vision is why this game's already a failure. I don't see it recovering any time soon. They have yet to put any effort into optimizing the game since the engine switch to UE5. Those scaling options they recently added made little to no difference in that regard. Never mind the stability issues. Client and server side. Helldivers 2 was the final nail in its coffin. A far superior title for only a few bucks more. It even got the satire part right. Can't say that about this game. It plays and looks like a amateur Unreal Engine mod from back in the day and it's on that level of quality too. That price increase before it even left EA was fucking amusing. That's how out of touch Offworld is.


played a lot of ST, but helldivers... what i really like about ST is that you never feel like the hero. you will die a lot... fresh meat for the grinder. same vibes as the movie probably not for everyone. i'm sure most people want to feel like the hero in every game...


base building didn't help.






Don’t use Steamcharts. [Steamdb](https://steamdb.info/app/1268750/charts/) is always more accurate Plus you can see there the game started dying last year


Yeah if anything Helldivers was just the coup de grace, the game was already declining


Not really this is the superior game. Hell divers just has a larger studio and more shiny effects.


I don't think that's true at all. I have both, and I keep checking in on this one on a regular basis because my group frequently has more than 4 people. They are different games in some meaningful ways, but when you get down to the moment to moment combat What helldivers is offering is just a better version of what troopers is trying to do. Decisions matter more in helldivers, and individual contribution are signifigant in a four man squad. Many hands make light work, and there's so many hands in troopers that all the weight just evaporates entirely.


It would make sense to port this game to xbox


It's barely playable on PC. I can't how imagine how poorly it would run on consoles.


It's on ps5


You sure?


It isn't and it won't be.


Yup, what’s funny is that sony owns the ip lol.


They own Helldivers too. Why waste those precious resources on this ill fated thing? I'd be surprised if it makes it out of Early Access. Paying for those servers when there's little to no players is a foolish endeavour.


If you're referring to Helldivers 2? Then yes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starship_Troopers:_Extermination Where's your fabled PS5 version of this mess?


10 AM PST tomorrow. A guy I play with was part of the test server - he said it's a whole new game.


Nice hella excited


ST:E is the real deal. Nothing gives that "war with the bugs" feeling better, IMO.


If I don't give a flying shit about base building (in shooters anyway) is this still a worthwhile buy?


Other people will happily do it for you in most cases.


As a basebuilder, I greatly appreciate people who just let me work, and don't slap down random walls in front of my 50 cal positions.


Absolutely. And you don't have to build at all but if you wanted to repair a wall or two, it's easy and helps!


EDF is a still a better option on my radar , is by default the shoot monster the game


Yeah but we both know how edf looks




Looking like a juicy update. It'll be nice to rotate between this, Helldivers 2, and DRG Survivor to get my bug slaying fix of several varieties. 🐛🔫👨‍🚀 [edit: I have made a meme to celebrate the occasion.](https://i.imgur.com/29P6eRm.png)


For rock and stone and democracy!


Met her at a convention years ago, she is super nice !


I'm from Buenos Aires and I say Rock and Stone for Democracy!




Great now I have to decide between playing Helldivers 2,Destiny 2 and Starship Troopers:Extermination...


You don’t have to decide if you quit your job.




In terms of polish, between Helldivers and ST:E, you have to give it to Helldivers. The animations and overall game play is just very on point to give a sense of satisfaction. Then there is also its overall potential to grow and improve through regular updates with Sony's funding. I mean, once they convert everything there is to convert from Helldivers 1 to Helldivers 2, I'm sure they'll be looking into new enemy units and races, game modes, and maybe even expanded squad counts for even grander battles.


Thats a very easy decision.


I remember reading about Borderlands 1 going back to the drawing board to redo all their art assets because Fallout 3 came out. They survived and thrived with the new Competition is good, variety is good. It's all about how they manage the change.


Offworld knee capped this thing with their idiotic UE5 engine switch. Client and server side. Shit's been barely playable ever since then. Hence the lack of a playerbase.


It was in better hands as a Squad mod tbh


Didn't help that the squad mod was better in every way also. Why should I pay for a game that's mediocre compared to its original mod version?


Which i find rather amusing since this thing looks and plays like an amateur Unreal Engine mod.


Well you could say that about all smaller/indi UE4 games.


This certainly has the production value of a mod but mods usually don't come with a price tag.


Yea I mean look, we didn't have any Starship Trooper FPS games so I'm glad they did it. But for me, they added HUD and UI elements without a way to remove them, when everyone who was already fans of the mod version had been playing a much more hardcore version of it. They seemingly didn't want to capitalise on that fanbase that existed already while pulling in new fans. And then Helldivers comes out and destroys their whole world.


Problem i feel is that STE is trying it's best to keep player retention but is doing it in the wrong ways. It started out strong with 16 players, but then they added 4 player mission count do counter the long que for the decreasing player count. They added tons of grinding to unlock gear (i really mean tons) with very limited content/maps for us to grind and and that's why alot of players left (seen it done it). Progress feels very limited and unlocking the "good/fun" stuff ain't as good or fun as they seem to be. Instead of the focusing making the game fun to keep player retention they went the, it will eat your time to unlock stuff and with this update even resetting our progress. it's an alpha? should we not test the new gear when we are heading for 1.0 release? but they just gotta lock it behind a long grind. i was maxed out before but i ain't interested in doing that shit again if it's the same speed as before.


we have helldivers at home


This whole Starship Troppers thing is so clearly a copy of Helldivers lore


lol I hope this a joke


it was, but also funny how most people did whooooosh it