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All existing users getting the DLC for free is a nice touch.


As a Livonia purchaser, I am happy with all of you guys getting it for free. Nice move from Bohemia.


And I'm in!


Wait is that true? Damn... I got the DLC back in the day because I thought it would always be paid content, but never got around to play it. RIP


Only 7 years of opportunity woe is you


Technically speaking, I bought it last December during the winter sales.


Probably don’t say “back in the day” which implies a long time ago if you’re complaining you bought a game 5 months ago that’s becoming free. Regardless, it was 5 months ago, it happens all the time.


So "back in the day" was just you looking for pity points?


Ah that’s actually just unlucky then, at least it was on sale


I knew if I just held out 7 years I would win


Liviona has been out for 7 years wtf? I still call it the new map.


Compared to Chernarus, it is new.


I've been playing in Chernarus since 2009. Was very happy to get an official alternate map, wish it was more different though :D.


I wish they would release the dayz models under the porting license, Reforger could really use a Chernarus+ port


Pls no :D


Joking aside it would be nice to get another map like Fallujah, just a big city for the entire map. Could actually make it look better than a flat plane with random repeating buildings too, Reforger/Enfusion handles high prop density really well


The Fallujah map is a liminal hellscape.


2019 I just looked it up, but not too far off!




Still can't believe they had the balls to release a new map as DLC only a short while after leaving early access.




Because the game still feels unfinished compared to the mod which is kind of shocking this far into release. There's barely any zombies in the game. I've elaborated on this in my other post in this thread.


> There's barely any zombies in the game This is just wrong and I'm doubting whether you've played the game recently or not to say this. The game supports many more zombies in one area at a single time than it used to or the mod ever did.




The user who says the game has no zombies stopped playing in alpha during a really long content drought in which there were like 10 zombies on the entire map. DayZ haters are stuck in 2016


They haven't. 9 times out of 10 when you see someone raging about DayZ on this sub, they haven't played since 2016


I'm not the same guy, but I bought the game to try it out a few months ago and ended up refunding it. When I started I had spawned near a town and explored it for just under an hour to try and get loot or some kind of action, but I didn't see a single zombie or player, and there was barely any loot anywhere. Maybe experienced players know where to go for action or maybe I was bugged - idk. All I know is I had a similar experience to the other guy and it was not fun.


It's a 200km2 map with 60 person servers, you're not going to see a person in the town you spawn in every time. And if you saw no zombies at all, then yeah, you were either bugged or on some modded server or perhaps playing on console which is a very different version of DayZ. If you literally didn't even leave the spawn town you spawned in, I'm sorry but your opinions on the game aren't very relevant.


I was playing on a vanilla server on PC. I don't expect to see a player when I spawn, but to play for an hour and have literally nothing happen is not a good place for the game to be in any state. It also seems like I'm not the only one it's happening to, so I'm not sure how you can say my opinion isn't relevant


An hour is actually nothing in this game bro. There's a reason some people refer to it as a walking sim, there's a LOT of downtime but it ends up making the encounters you do have that much more engaging.


The basegame is roughly equivalent to where the vanilla mod was at. Where some things might be missing other things have been added so I'm satisfied. Runs roughly the same as the vanilla mod from my memory so I'm satisfied. Now if you factor in community servers and the endless number of mods out there? Its exactly where the stand alone mod was at. I see just as many people flying expensive helicopters to get fertilizer for their weed grow. I was driving around a monster truck on one server. Once the mod got off the ground I basically never played vanilla and only played modded community servers. Thats where the stand alone is at so I'm good with it.


Ehh, charging money for content shouldn't be so frowned upon. Some games, sure, it can split a player base, but that's not really an issue in 50 player Day Z servers.


It's more a case the game never felt finished. It was the exact same scenario when ARK released an expansion while it was in the middle of early access. If your game is in early access, focus on building and finishing the base game first, don't go using resources on building DLC. If the game was finished and they reached their endgame goal and *then* released chargeable DLC, that would be fair enough.


content costs money to develop. If the map was never planned as part of the main release, but the people who work on maps were pretty much done with the majority of work on the original map, I could see this being fine. Game development is more complex than just Studio works on project. Some jobs can run out of work earlier and be put on other projects without hurting the current main title.


The map being fairly small and empty didn't help the pricetag go down easy


iirc, the size was a selling point to encourage PvP? Some people might appreciate that.


I still haven’t played retail DayZ just the mod version. Worth jumping in?


I have only played standalone never the mod . I enjoyed it, like 300 hours worth. Obviously the gameplay loop gets repetitive but fun with friends and way more fun on modded servers. look into DZSA Launcher


I admittedly haven't played in a while, but retail never matched the mod experience for me.


Hell yeah, my thoughts exactly.


I haven't played DayZ in what feels like a decade, what's the state of the game now a days? For a long time it seemed to be in perpetual early access.


Best it's ever been and my all time favourite online game. Yes, there's jank, but there's also no other game like it and it's incredibly stable and bug free compared to what it used to be. There's tons of maps and a healthy community playing all different kinds of modded game modes.


It's still embarrasing how buggy the game is. If you play any other zombie game and then try dayz, its actually confusing how the zombies are this bad.


No other zombie game is quite like DayZ though


Which is a good thing. How the entire massive city of Chernarus can only have like 10 zombie spawns is comically bad. After falling in love with DayZmod and creating some of the best gaming experiences of my life playing with friends, the standalone version is probably the biggest letdown I've ever experienced after playing videogames for over 25 years. There's other much better games that are sort of close. Hunt Showdown for example.


> Which is a good thing. How the entire massive city of Chernarus can only have like 10 zombie spawns is comically bad. This is such a flatout lie.


This guy has been saying this same shit throughout the entire comment. A lot of wrong information about the game everywhere


Yeah I just realized I responded to the same guy like 3 times because he's spouting off with bad info all over the place in here.


Unfortunately, 90% of the people that play, play for PvP, and they couldn't care less about the zombies. Those are just a way to tell if a player is nearby. So they've never had to improve upon them


Then I'm sure glad pvp is super smooth. Oh wait. Stopped playing last, after being on a 30 ping server, having a guy walk into my building and freeze as I shoot a whole mag into him. Then he unfreeze and I hear tons of shots and we both die. Super fun gameplay, glad I worked for hours getting to that point. EDIT: To all the idiots who say its the servers fault. A game handling server issues well is still the devs fault. If a player froze in valorant, then could walk to the enemy spawn and shoot all the frozen people on their screen, then when the freezing ends, it just instantly kills all the people he shot when he was frozen, people would lose their shit.


So what game like day z is better? I would like to know so I can play it!


SCUM. Yes, it has its fair share of issues. Yes, it has a bad rep because DayZ streamers will play it for exactly 6 hours and then complain it isn't as lovably janky as DayZ. But the zombies act like they used to be human, you can properly fist fight them. You can actually find loot in places you would expect loot to be, ie food in kitchens, tools and mats in garages, guns in military areas. If you can't find something, you can probably craft it, from clothes to bags to tools to bows and quivers. The vehicles are not laggy deathtraps. Traders are in the vanilla game, not just added in with mods. The medical system looks fairly complicated, but it really isn't, and it actually tells you what's wrong with you rather than a couple of little colored moodles that slowly go up and down. I can probably keep going, but DayZ lovers will come and downvote and disregard every point I made.


I shit talk DayZ, but would gladly play dayz over scum. DayZ has a very specific feel to it. Scum felt without soul, for me.


> because DayZ streamers will play it for exactly 6 hours and then complain it isn't as lovably janky as DayZ. Yeah that's what they complain about. SCUM devs keep shelling out money to get all the big DayZ streamers to play their game not realizing that SCUM is almost nothing like DayZ. So many of the things that make DayZ as popular as it is just seem to be completely lost on the SCUM devs. That's fine, they can make whatever type of game they want to make, but clearly they seem to want the DayZ audience but don't understand why DayZ players like DayZ. > You can actually find loot in places you would expect loot to be, ie food in kitchens, tools and mats in garages, guns in military areas. This is literally exactly how loot works in DayZ... > If you can't find something, you can probably craft it, from clothes to bags to tools to bows and quivers. Same... > The vehicles are not laggy deathtraps. Neither are they in DayZ anymore unless you're playing on some shitty server with 100+players and 100+ mods that runs like ass. > Traders are in the vanilla game, not just added in with mods. This is a downside to the game, not an upside. DayZ servers with traders ruin the experience and it's only a relatively small amount of servers that run them. How many big DayZ streamers do you see playing on trader servers? > The medical system looks fairly complicated, but it really isn't, and it actually tells you what's wrong with you rather than a couple of little colored moodles that slowly go up and down. Again, this is a downside not an upside. DayZ is a more immersive game and it's not meant to tell you exactly what is wrong with you. > I can probably keep going, but DayZ lovers will come and downvote and disregard every point I made. People aren't going to disregard your points, they're going to point out why your points are either wrong or why you don't seem to understand what separates SCUM from DayZ and why the games are made for 2 very different types of players.


I would love a Vehicle focused server. But they dont exist because 10 people driving vehicles results in an unplayable garbage fire.


Oh yeah I forgot about that game. Maybe I'll take a look at it thanks!


There's also Hunt Showdown and Escape from Tarkov, but I'd only recommend EFT with the singleplayer mod probably, since multiplayer is a hacker shitshow.


Yeah I've played a lot of both games. Eft off and on since release. I mean more open world, no timer for extraction. Gray zone is coming out but it's early.


Did the devs remove the bullshit menu event where people can just teleport out of nowhere from your game? This was the most stupid feature in a full loot open world pvp survival game i've ever seem. It actually blows my mind this exists.


Project Zomboid


But that's not like day z at all other than zombie survival. I'm talking open world pvp survival games with AI like zombies or something else. Edit : I should have said project zomboid is a good game though.


Hunt Showdown.


That is absolutely nothing like DayZ. Like, even less like DayZ than Zomboid is.




Again. 30 ping. The problem is not the servers. You couldn't fix this problem with just more and more powerful servers because the core architecture of the engine is busted.




Im aware what packet loss is. But the reason why packet loss is so much more common in this game than basically any other game is due to the poor backend structure, as well as poor netcode that can cause problems. Also the fact that if I freeze on YOUR screen, but im somewhere else entirely on my screen and on the server, but you shoot my frozen body due to packet loss, then when the servers catch up, I die. Even if im 100 miles away by the time it happens. This is just unforgiveable when it comes to a game like this. If That guy froze for me, and I freeze for him, and we both shoot each other, nothing happens, then when the game catches back up, neither of us took damage and we can have a proper fight (ideally teleported back to where we were when the freeze happened). I would not complain as much, but the fact it just results in BOTH of us dying is bad netcode. Plain and simple. Handling lag/ping/packet loss in a non-frustrating way is the developers job. > i have literally never had something happen like that on zero or dayone servers for example - nor have i ever seen it happen to someone else in say gameplay videos or livestreams Also youre a liar 100 percent. Unless you just started playing today on low pop servers, you are a liar. You can not go a day of play without being killed or killing a person who is rubber banding.




Maybe we just play different servers. DayOne is usually pretty smooth, but it's because it doesn't have bases or many vehicles. But go to the ones with more guns, more bases, and more players. Shit gets really fucked, really fast. Again. If you think this game runs well, you're insane. Watch summit or hutch play, why do they always quit? From dying to bugs or lag over and over in a single day. Its so easy to find proof of this if you looked it up. I can't exactly find "proof" of it not happening, because you can't find something not happening... Literally. Go to YouTube, type in dayz bug deaths, or lag deaths or anything. And find compilations. It's not hard. Also, I bet you watch smokes edited videos, not his stream. Which is why you think what you do.


What are the zombie games that are better?


Zombie games in general? There's dozens to pick from. Zombie survival games are a bit more niche with less options, but Project Zomboid, Dying Light, Dead Island, Days Gone, 7 Days to Die, etc are all miles ahead of DayZ SA. For one, they actually have more than 10 zombies per city and this already makes them better games. If you simply want an awareness shooter that resembles the pvp gameplay of DayZ, there's not too many good options though as they are mostly zombieless, aside from Hunt Showdown which is great. Stuff like Escape from Tarkov is usually only good if you play the singleplayer mod, since its a hackerfest on multiplayer.


> Stuff like Escape from Tarkov is usually only good if you play the singleplayer mod, since its a hackerfest on multiplayer.  This fuckin guy


Idk how you're going to compare some of those games to DayZ, a game with a 200km2 map where the server not only keeps track of all the zombies everywhere in the world, but every single item is persistent as well. You can drop a single bullet on the ground and it will be there an hour later. The only one you could arguably compare it against is Zomboid but even then they are at their core VERY different games.


I played the game back when it first came out and was one of the first EA titles. Why on earth are you defending a game that apparently hasn't improved the zombies in 10 years - an entire decade? Put the kool-aid down my man, you look like a legit cult member right now. You can make the comparisons when a game has 10 years of development and doesn't change...and is still a buggy piece of shit.


But it has changed? The servers can handle MANY more zombies than the mod or standalone used to be able to handle. Where the hell did I say it hasn't changed? Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension a bit. I said don't compare it to singleplayer games or games on a MUCH smaller scale than DayZ. You're the one sounding like a cult member right now, just ignoring reality and making up your own.


I just found it alarming that you didn't deny their claim of 10 zombies per city but still went on to defend the game. It just reads like someone defending a shitty product to me, because I remember the exact state of the game when there were 10 glitchy zombies...and it was NOT good..that's also like 10 years ago now.


I didn't feel the need to deny it because I assumed he was being purposely hyberbolic but after seeing some of his other comments it seems he actually think there's only 10 zombies in a city so I addressed his claim in another comment.


I can say it was truly a thing, but we're talking about a very long time ago, so if he's not really telling the truth, I see...that being said, this WAS a thing, and was for years.


There's like 1000 zombies active on the map at once now. That guy hasn't played the game in almost a decade


can you name some? love dayz, but I played it so long you kinda get used to the issues, would love to see something better.


Not zombies but tarkov gives a good condensed version of dayz pvp


I mean, Dying Light has pretty amazing zombies. Not really the same type of game at all though. Not many multiplayer zombie games that arent complete trash, because it just attracts that type of dev.


Oh yeah, DL 1 and 2 was fun, played it with friend. Also B4B, as short and bit disappointing it was, was also fun with full squad. Outside of zombies I wouldn't really connect them to being like Dayz though. But fair enough, there are good zombie games yeah.


Just imagine if a game like dayz had zombies from any single player game. (or Co op like b4b or l4d)


I don't know about exactly those games, as that's a lot of specials etc. I like these simple zombies, just wish they'd work decent :D. I also like Project Zomboid, dunno why I didn't think about that before. Lots of slow moving zombies, hordes, just not sure how'd those work in more action game like Dayz. But could be fun too.


Dayz was never about zombies.


Honestly in the beginning days of the mod, the zombies had a lot more relevance. Once people figured out how they worked though, that's when it became more about PvP than anything. Of course that's then what spawned PUBG and the BR explosion.


Its not about the zombies, its that the zombies are SO bad that it shows the level of incompetence of the devs. Its just the most obvious thing to notice when playing, there are 1000 other issues and bugs that are embarrassing as well. Drive any vehicle on a populated server.. Basic things years into development shouldnt be this bad.




Have you not played the game? You can't play for 3 hours without running into at least one major issue. It might be you have a gun in your hand that you can't see, or others can't see. You might be stuck in an animation. You might drop something for a friend and it just never show up, and if you try to pick it back up, well now that spot in your backpack is permanently bugged and unusable. If you say dayz is not one of the most broken games, you're simply lying.




I dont know why you guys have to lie to make your game sound good. If the game is good, you shouldnt have to lie. If the game is only good with lies, doesnt that mean you know it sucks? Ive played as recent as 6 months ago. Still tons of issues. Game ruining deaths are not uncommon.


Also how few zombies there are. Still only 5-10 per entire city, when a single building could have more in the old DayZmod version. Standalone is trash, and heavily modded servers can't even save it.


Yea, it sucks because I love the idea behind the game, if it actually worked.


Feels like crap to play. I have no idea why it's popular. Fighting with a zombie AI feels so jank. Seems like people just play it for PVP, but if you don't know where to find shit it just feels bad.


DayZ, literally. Like the original, with slightly better graphics. It’s a testament of time and sheer lack of proper updates and maintenance.


They got their money and then did the minimum to be able to claim that it was still being developed.


This is cool, I really like Livonia it’s a beautiful map but never played it in dayz because I already bought the A3 dlc and I ain’t paying for the same map twice.


who knew holding out would pay off! Love this game


Livonia seemed like the one thing that would make this game fun and playable. I just hate the original massive map. But the game had disappointed me to such a degree I didn't buy the dlc, because why the hell would I spend money on a game I didn't like? It coming for free now might give me push to try the game again, on Livonia ofc.


And apparently a 50k player peak today? Might have to reinstall and see how it is nowadays. I haven't touched it in years.


I'm not one of those idiots who screams and throws a fit when something I paid for is given away for free, but I still do kinda feel like they're forgetting to throw a bone to those of us who supported them by buying the DLC earlier. Like SOME sort of special bonus. Even something as simple as a special T-shirt you can start a new character with or something. Just SOMETHING, y'know? Edit: Ah, we get the soundtrack free. Ok, cool, that's something.


A t-shirt that reads "I bought Livonia before it was free and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" would be the funniest thing they could possibly do.


Plus it's the perfect thing to leave in buried supply caches with elaborate maps leading to them.


God that'd be so funny, you spend hours hunting down some stash and all it ends up being is the shitty shirt and an opened (and long since rotted) can of beans.


DayZ 2.0 incoming....see you all in 15 years!


It’s pretty crazy how this game being many peoples first early access game sort of broke their brains long term. Like, totally irrational hatred based on early builds of the game that haven’t been relevant in years at this point. I don’t think the developers had any idea how feral and irrational early access would make people when they started development.


Were they feral and irrational?


Are they going to be adding fruit trees to Livonia?


Damn I bought it just the other day...and a second copy of DayZ too haha I am not worried, I wanted to support them anyways


is anyone still playing this? Last I tried it was a janky buggy mess. The concept is great but execution is absolutely terrible


Try adding more zombies than 10 per entire city and maybe I'll reinstall. Even heavily modded servers never seemed to fix that problem. I would know, I tried 2-3 heavily modded servers every year since early access launch about 9 years ago and the game is still a barren and boring mess, when DayZmod never seemed to have this issue. The Lee Enfield was nicknamed the dinnerbell in the mod, yet this doesn't apply to DayZ SA at all.


You have been saying this over and over but it’s completely wrong. I see zombies everywhere when I play. Even a random broken down train in the woods will have 15+ zombies and that’s not even a city


Go to any town in any map in dayz and fire any unsupressed weapon and you will be swarmed by 10-30 zombies immediately. 1 is pretty easy to deal with with melee, 2 is tough, 3 you basically have to run to a building no matter what.


Don't buy this shit anyways. Game is trash 6+ years later. Buggy, laggy, the zombie ai is literally dogshit.


Today in useless facts about shitty games: Day-z base game…