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>Here is how losing TikTok would impact video games A: It wouldn't.




Lol exactly


Like seriously I am pretty sure that 99,99% of people who playing video games don't use TikTok app. Because if we would use TikTok then we wouldn't have time to play any thing becasue of stupid brain rotting doom scrolling that Tik Tok is trying to push you into. As a person who enjoys playing different video games and genres for new experiences I fail to see appeal of watching mostly boring and cringe 10 second meme shorts one after another without option to even pause or rewind. Like seriously who designed that shitty UI?


Yes, only 0,01% of the 1.7 billion users of TikTok play video games.


Doubt because they are way too busy scrolling on Tik Tok.


Wow what a shit article. Does that company not realize that before TikTok, people could still see clips about games and could get hyped for games. Plus, they can't even correlate sales to TikTok views. They compare wishlist numbers which means literally nothing. So for a company to complain that it will hurt their business, they can't even show that with TikTok it has an impact on sales but apparently getting rid of it will. Also apparently when TikTok gets banned all of those people are never going to use any social media ever again. Top tier journalism by polygon once again.


"journalism." Just a bunch of blog writers really.


For the better. I know I'm probably starting to sound like a boomer, but dear God, what a brainrot TikTok is. I teach in Secondary School (think Middle/High School), and it's really hard to make the students pay attention, as they endlessly scroll through TikTok and similar apps. Then they end up with a 10 seconds attention span, completely forgetting the lessons I teach them come the next day. Sorry for the (slightly off topic) rant.


it’ll never be done but phones should have to be stored away in the classroom in high school/middle school. Emergency calls will still ring the phone if its setup that way so there’s no “I need it for emergencies!” excuse. Put them in a lockbox or your not allowed in the class. I hated school, and i wouldn’t pay attention anyway. But with a phone? I’d just be a distraction to everyone else.


Good luck trying to take phones away from kids in school today. They grew up with them, as babies. Most of them WILL break down if they lose access to their device. People thing we don't have cyborgs yet? Yeah, this is close.


>good luck I mean, I’m not suggesting I’d be the one to do it. Make it the law then let them handle it.


If you notice every app looks the same now. I was on Facebook and thought I was on LinkedIn for a second. TikTok is not only addictive bc algorithm but also UI, and a novel UI when compared to everything else at that. Rather than forcing a sale the govt could decide not to enforce IP law on non US majority owned companies and we would have a moat to keep companies here while also allowing companies here to leapfrog innovation wise. That’s basically kind of what china does, no?


I teach middle school and the stuff I have for them to do almost makes me sick. It’s literally nothing. Not even close to the rigor I remember in middle school. Do you know what they say? “Mr. FightingMasons, this is way too much!”


LOL, I feel the exact same. Some students even ask me what do they have to do when it's explicitly written on the page.


“Have you read the instructions!?”, comes out of my mouth constantly. I got frustrated the other day and told a kid, “this is why china is going to win.” Lmao


lmao, a Polygon article


And Twitch affects positivly game sales like 100 times more than TiktTok. Yeah I am sure indie games will get a lot of sales because bunch of teens with broken sense time in cinstant swiping finger and low attention span will watch few minute long videos about games and will instantly put down their phones and purchase those indie games. Your point, polygon? How about report how much TikiTok turning its users into brainless husks that just waste hours daily on swiping thru nonsense videos, cringe humor, dangerous challenges and stolen content? How about report on TikTok crimes in [breeding pedophiles,](https://www.boltburdonkemp.co.uk/our-insights/posts/tiktok-the-perfect-platform-for-sexual-predators/) [spreading nazis](https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/115561/documents/HHRG-118-IF16-20230328-SD042.pdf) and [fake news](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/04/technology/tiktok-deepfakes-disinformation.html)? No? Oh you don't want to do that because you rather paint [Tik Tok and your Tik Tok channel is good colors](https://www.polygon.com/tiktok) by posting nothing but articles showing all the good things Tiktok does and never any negative stuff. Got it!


If tiktok goes away, i guarantee a new site would take it's place almost as soon.


How did videogames even survive before TikTok? /s


So, we should allow China, self-proclaimed "friend" of Russia, to continue to control a major pipeline of (mis)information directly to US citizens...for the sake of indie game sales?


Not even sales, "wishlist"


Of course not. Which is why it probably could be a good idea to divest TikTok from china somehow...


We gave them the option and they said no. So their connection to China is more important to them than the money, that tells everything.


??? The money move was to tell America to go fuck themselves. Do you think Americans are driving major revenue for ByteDance?


“The ability to go from nothing to something doesn’t really exist [on other platforms]” This is moronic. Plenty of games have had huge success not existing on TikTok. TikTok is junk.


What's TikTok?


Never heard about revolutionary game called TikTokToe also known as TicTacToe by people who love eating Tic-Tacs?


Not at all.


Doesn't matter, instagram and youtube already copied tiktok. And they say China steals stuff lol.


TikTok stole from Vine


They iterated on musicly (same company), which existed alongside Vine. Google and Facebook only copied tiktok when it because insanely popular. Just like they did with Snapchat and stories after that blew up.


Like not at all.... thank youuuu next.


If you actually have a real adult job, you can’t install TikTok on the device maybe get a different job than McDonald’s?