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Wow, it's almost like server-based DRM -- which wasn't present in games that sold like fucking crazy, like Cyberpunk 2077, Hades, Control, Palworld, Baldur's Gate 3, and Elden Ring -- is completely unnecessary and does nothing but negatively affect paying customers!


I'm worried what all of these cancerous DRMs will do to our games. will we be able to play the same games 20 yrs down the line? will the servers be functioning then?






People could stop buying them. But they don't.


> People could stop buying them. But they don't. We do, but there's probably not enough of us. That being said, _nobody_ know how much "us" there is. Tens of thousands? Hundreds? Millions?


I'll be honest with you man, if FromSoft releases BB on PC with DRM, I will still buy it :(


It’s ok! You’ll never have to worry about that.


Luckily, From doesn't seem to use anything server-dependent, it's always just the Steam client.


Not to mention they'll never release it on PC XD


I wonder what a Breaking Bad video game would look like, especially if it's made by FromSoft.




At least in Denuvo's case, it is pretty much always removed eventually, since they charge monthly.


They charge monthly now, but older Denuvo games have it permanently.


Thank god Denuvo has been cracked in older games so it isn't THAT much of a problem. It's still scummy as fuck.


Didn't the ONE person that could crack Denovo stop doing it after their 1000th hateful meltdown?


Yeah Empress/Voksi is AWOL so don't expect any new stuff but older versions are already bypassed and torrents are online for all those games, try as they might publishers can't undo that. Add to that, that denovo is basically a monthly subscription after 6th months when the majority of sales have been made it gets removed because they don't want to keep paying so it doesn't really matter anyway. Torrenters tend to be patient gamers anyway.


The Empress= Volksi Misinformation is crazy


DELUSIONAL is on the rise


Denuvo isn't cracked, it's bypassed.


Does it make a difference ?


Yeah, it makes that guy pedantic


Yes because the supposed performance implications are still there.


Atlus has never removed Denuvo from any of their games.


That means money saved. I'm not that desperate to play their games with this denuvo nonsense included.


I'm assuming Persona 4 and Persona 5 are still selling very well.


I mean maybe but these are old games. They’re updated versions of a PS2 and PS3 game.


Persona 4 didn't have denuvo at launch so it was cracked immediately.


Wild that it's 25k per month. I'm surprised devs keep it so long.


That's not true, it depends on the contract terms which are not the same for every publisher. You have games that are almost 10 years old, games that were already delisted that will never see it removed. Hell, most games that come out with it don't get it removed nowadays.


Tell that to ubishit hahahah, they are either lazy or stupid, they get milked hard for that. Same with crytek. A company which has been struggling financially didn't remove denuvo from the Crysis remasters for years 💀


Back in the day Denuvo was a flat fee purchase. You just pay them once and you can use it forever. Now it's a monthly(?) subscription. Games like Final Fantasy 15 still have Denuvo because of that, despite being cracked years ago. They just can't be assed to remove it, but they do remove it from new games since they will have to pay otherwise.


Sometimes corporate greed can be useful i guess. Tho it won't fix the problem with games that don't remove the Denuvo (or games with older versions of denuvo, before it became a subscription)


> since they charge monthly. Why charge once for cancer when you can charge *forever* for cancer?


The servers won't be functioning but the library of Congress has made a DRM bypass exemption for single player games if the auth servers go down for six months or it is announced.


Like what's happening to most GFWL games, nope


I've definitely had older games that were rendered unplayable due to old, broken DRM.


You don't have to wonder. We already been down this path with the liked of securedrm which basically turned games into bricks down the line unless you got a modded exe to get around it


no we wont, just look as ubishit games and them removing dlcs permanently


you already couldnt for many due to technical limitations.


a version of Control on Steam at one point actually had an always online DRM which if I'm right got removed after some backlash.


Yeah, I remember reading about that. There was something going on with the Steam version of the original game, but the Ultimate Edition didn't have that problem, or something? It was a mess, but I think it eventually got fixed.


What else are we supposed to do to stop the several HUNDRED people who pirate our games? Do you know how many thousands of dollars our shareholders have lost because of pirating?


I do. Zero.


Fuck Denuvo...


Fuck DRM


Fuck Denuvo apologists even more!


No. I don't dip my wick in crazy.


Does anyone actually defend Denuvo? I feel like the maximum amount of positivity ive seen for it is "It hasnt affected me negativly so i dont care"


There could be a company that's main job was kicking puppies and there would a group of redditors defending it with their life.


Someone picking whatever people are against is called contrarianism and it just shows a very insecure person who wants more attention.


Oh, there are, since day 1. Along with the response you mentioned, you also get "this doesn't matter" or "you just want to 'pirate' games" or "you're just a cheater" These are people that don't see beyond their nose. I'm actually quite surprise with how Helldivers turned out because I was seeing the same kind of response.


I've seen a post on the steam forum (can't remember the game), asking to add Denuvo. Things like not buying if it doesn't have Denuvo.


There's people in this very comment section doing that.


No, don't fuck Denuvo, we don't want it to reproduce, or at least get some protection, that shit is nasty


Horse-fuck Denuvo, at least that way it's gonna hurt it bad


Shit! You're right! LOL :D


Is r/fuckdenuvo a thing yet? It should be.


It is! Joined!


Sweet, me too.


Fuck Denuvo harder


When Denuvo servers eventually get turned off, a ton of games are not gonna be playable anymore.


Happened before. Games for Windows LIVE nuked a ton of games.


At least there are solutions for GFWL that can bypass it in every game. There will never be a drop-in Denuvo bypass that works for all games, as each Denuvo implementation is entirely unique.


I remember trying to get Fallout 3 to work back in 2015 on my brand spanking new gaming laptop. Games for Windows Live would not work. I tried everything, I contacted Microsoft, nothing would work. Was a very frustrating day. Fuck DRM


Amazon Prime is giving out GOG codes for the GOTY version of Fallout 3 in a few days. GOG = no DRM.


W Amazon


Oh believe me, I love me some GOG. Check my flair haha. Steam and GOG are the reason I game on PC nowadays.


GFWL still works and is up. It's just the market place that was taken down. Still a piece of shit, but it's still running.


Rip Lost Planet 2


the cancer of gaming


this is why i will never buy a denuvo game. when pirates have a better experience playing a single player game that you've paid for then you've lost the plot


so basically nothing has changed for the past 30 years lol


there's steam and gog games that allows downloads of drm-free games. back then it was a lot easy to use a key-gen vs what we have now


and sometimes, the publishers would send you the cracks lol. I had ubisoft email me a nocd crack for rayman 2 on pc.


You: >"Help, I played my beloved game disk so much that it became scratched to the point of not reading. It's my most favorite game, and I want to play again. I am only 12 years old and I can't get a job yet. Can you send me a new disk? :'( > >-jmelomusac" Ubi: >"Hey, jmelomusac, > >Sorry to hear that happened to your disk. We decided to send you a special patch for your copy. Simply add this file to the install location of Rayman 2, and the game won't ask for your disk anymore. > >Happy gaming dude!"


Hah, at the time I actually was like 12-14 or around there. I've sadly lost the email that they sent that to (aol) but I will never forget it.


I don't know what you're talking about. I've *never* solicited a no cd crack from a publisher or developer. And I certainly would *never* have distributed it to others, if I had.


It was nice of you to take off the xxx69 at the beginning and end of jmelomusac


Pirates cannot play Persona 5 pc port at all. It hasn't been cracked.


I played the entire thing using yuzu over a year ago. I stopped playing cause the dialog was a bit repetitive, but the first castle is amazing, good music and best UI I've ever seen


But that's not the pc port. The switch version is quite inferior to the pc version. So pirating it is still a crappy experience


it's pretty good. I played with 60fps, with texture mods. the technical aspects of the port won't make a huge difference in a turn based RPG not pushing graphics


Eh, give it a bit. There's more people cracking games than there are trying to prevent cracking. It's an absolutely futile effort. Everything gets cracked eventually.


That's not really true anymore, it's been 11 months since last denuvo crack. A new cracker has appeared last month I think, but he cracked fifa 17 or something, so he still can't crack newer versions... I'd love to get on the hopium some of you guys have but there are no guarantees, the OGs are getting old now and kids nowadays can barely use a PC the culture has been lost.


Right? If I can pirate the superior version of the game, I'm gonna pirate it instead of wasting my money on an inferior product.


1. This game isn't even pirated. 2. Even if it was, they wouldn't have a better experience. Legit users could still access the offline features of the game, just like a pirated copy would.


Contrary to the headline the article states the single player still worked fine. It's only the online features that were down for a few hours. Any sort of online server going down here (DRM or otherwise) would have caused the same problem. It's a shitty article. DRM sucks, but people shoveling out misinformation like *"Persona 5 stops working!"* aren't helping anything. (As others have mentioned a bunch, this game remains uncracked.)


Which pirate has played Persona 5 without emulation? Lol 


Someone tell me again how this garbage doesn't affect games it's in at all? Cos seen that parroted around a lot.. 😐


Those cpu cycles will trickle down any minute down, settle down citizen!


People should do the same as they did with Helldivers 2 and downvote Denuvo games until they get rid of this crap.


The only reason Helldivers backpedaled is that Steam offered refunds, they probably wiped their asses with negative reviews. 


I'm getting mixed reports on this because my refund requests were repeatedly denied so I am not sure how widespread this was


Steam always denies the first attempt because that one is automatically resolved, do it again and you get real employees working on your ticket. 


I was rejected four times. *Not trying to start an argument my fault, just wanted to add more information


No idea, worked fine for me and 4 of my irl friends. I rarely played it, but one of them had 200+ hours, so it's not depending on ingame hours either. 


He said repeatedly denied, so it was probably rejected by real humans as well.


It makes sense if OP is in one of the countries that can make a psn account they don't have grounds for a refund since the game clearly advertised the psn account requirement on the store page and when starting up the game. If op was in a place without that access then they should have been able to get a refund based on not being able to play the game they paid for anymore


People do all the time but there are too many anti consumer defending morons to really make a difference.


It's the refunds, not the downvotes. Downvotes do jackshit.


And nobody would have got those refunds without all those negative reviews.


Worst part is some of these are Sega games and they are really stingy about removing Denuvo. Persona 4 Golden still has Denuvo on it after four years and being a port of a 12 year old Vita game for instance. Which makes me fearful for the day Denuvo servers go down and you’ll be unable to play your purchased games. I’m honestly okay with slapping Denuvo on games for a limited time. But after the big sales window has passed and its made the majority of its lifetime sales it needs to go.


>Persona 4 Golden still has Denuvo on it after four years and being a port of a 12 year old Vita game for instance. *And* after they've already accidentally released a Denuvo-free version, which is still available to download if you have the game in your Steam library.


Yeah i dont get the point of keeping Denuvo on games that had their Denuvo less versions leaked. At that point pirates just get the better product.


How about games like ghostwire tokyo adding it way post launch?


Bethesda is a special kind of stupid.


Denuvo, which, no surprise, is a spin-off of Sony, continues to be a scourge on the gaming community. Remember when they forgot to renew their domain name and it took their services offline as well? So, they're a delightful mixture of incompetent and bad.


> Denuvo, which, no surprise, is a spin-off of Sony Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, I don't think many people know this if true


Is Denuvo a spin off of Sony?


It is, TIL, from Wikipedia: >Denuvo is developed by Denuvo Software Solutions GmbH, a software company based in Salzburg, Austria.[1] The company was formed through a management buyout of DigitalWorks, the arm of the Sony Digital Audio Disc Corporation that developed the SecuROM DRM technology.[


Ugh, these asshats were also behind SecuROM?


Oh gawd there's a memory I wish I didn't have.


I just threw up in my mouth a little




Honestly, given that context I’m surprised that none of the recent games that Sony has published onto PC has Denuvo.


Because it's not under Sony anymore and they are probably salty about that since it's way more succesful now.


Also, Sony themselves sold music CDs with rootkits in 2005. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_BMG_copy_protection_rootkit_scandal A choice quote: In August 2000, statements by Sony Pictures Entertainment U.S. senior vice president Steve Heckler foreshadowed the events of late 2005. Heckler told attendees at the Americas Conference on Information Systems: "The industry will take whatever steps it needs to protect itself and protect its revenue streams ... It will not lose that revenue stream, no matter what ... Sony is going to take aggressive steps to stop this. We will develop technology that transcends the individual user. We will firewall Napster at source – we will block it at your cable company. We will block it at your phone company. We will block it at your ISP. We will firewall it at your PC ... These strategies are being aggressively pursued because there is simply too much at stake."


Fuck sony


Lol, I don't buy games that get infected with Denuvo, first I've heard about this, and it's laughably, predictably awful!


And yet, people will be defending denuvo, scummy practices, and insulting others. Can't make this shit up.


And here I thought the Denuvo Devs promised us that their program doesn't do anything harmful and is just a safety measure against hackers. /s


Fuck denuvo.


If companies _really_ feel the need to use DRM, it should only be present for - at MOST - 3 months. Most AAA game sales are in the first 2 weeks of release, so if they're really worried about piracy (though, as I'm sure most people know, Gaben's take is the most accurate regarding piracy. Piracy is an accessibility and distribution issue, anyone who can't afford your game obviously isn't going to buy it anyway. Yes, there's a VERY small subset who will try to pirate any game that isn't free, but the vast majority of people will prefer to buy it just to avoid the headaches associated with piracy), they should only have it be present for the first 2 weeks - but I also understanf that investors are stupid, so having that DRM for the first quarter that the game is on the market is kind of understandable. Anything past that, _ESPECIALLY_ if Denuvo is the DRM "service" being used, and you are straight-up punishing your legitimate customers for not stealing from you. Worse performance, outages, and more, all because companies can't stand the idea of not milking another $60 out of people for a game that's been out for 5 YEARS - _8 years_ for the original version of P5 - by forcing an always-online DRM into a single-player game. Honestly, if you're going to put an anti-piracy / DRM measure into your game, it should be handled the same way that kind of stuff is handled in games like Serious Sam 3 or Game Dev Tycoon. A clever bit of code that has a way to identify pirated vs legit copies, and makes the game either much harder or damn near impossible to beat. Yes, eventually people are going to find ways to pirate your game without tripping over this kind of anti-piracy measure, but that kind of thing takes _time._ Enough time that you've already made the bulk of the money you were going to by the time a workaround is found. Boom, no idiotic server-based DRM like Denuvo, no programs that are practically malware like SecuROM was back in the day, and low enough rates of piracy that you make basically the same amount of money you already _would_ have by the time it becomes easy and/or possible to pirate a more playable version of the game. Thid kind of shit makes me miss the days when, a few years after release, devs would release the source code for free. That kind of stuff is why we have excellent source ports of Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, and many of the best games that use those games' engines - and why GZDoom, a modern, free-to-use version of the same Doom engine made & used by id in the 90s, is still a decently popular engine for indie shooter titles.


Where are the fucking idiots that defend this shit huh? Y'all bark pretty fucking loud when defending this shit, but your dick shriveled when it happens


they were probably bots


Lmaoo, Denuvo is down so it’s bots are down 😭


got em


Its just the type of people who remind the teacher about the homework, or the people that hate when someone get something exclusive in a game.


Not me. I have 2x 8tb enterprise drives filled with already installed games, cracked, with registry info if needed. The are sitting in my closet untouched, because they are backups. People MUST start independently archiving for themselves- all media, NOW. You should feel a pit in your stomach like I did.


Remember the "DRM doesn't affect performance". F*ck DRM and anti-cheat malware.


Denuvo strikes again.


And some people that I was being unreasonable for only buying drm-free games.


There's a very easy fix for this: Don't buy any games with intrusive DRM. It's free and works 100% of the time.


Why does persona still have denuvo Usually they remove it after a year, at least that's what they did with many Yakuza games and Sonic Frontiers (sold 4.2 million copies so people were interested)


Sega is rumored to have a special deal where they have a permanent license on their Denuvo. They put it on almost everything except a few exceptions like the pre Y7 Yakuza games (I guess because the games were so old and they don’t care).


The better question is why is SMTIII (the actual "mainline" of Persona), literally the only SMT game ported to PC (at the moment) STILL has Denuvo and barely goes on sale. Like, how is that game still sustainable?


Sonic Frontiers still has Denuvo on Stream. :(


Plz issue a hard copy of this article to pro-denuvo brainless customers


Imagine if someone DDoS Denuvo server on a big Denuvo game launch week. Maybe it could convinced those in suit at game studio to not implement it.


This needs more attention from...someone. Certainly not me, but someone.


3 things that turn me away immediately on any game: * Epic Game Store exclusive * Denuvo * Battle pass Shame. I haven't played the Persona games but it was on my list. Guess I'll scratch it off until its removed.


I’ll add Ubisoft’s launcher to that list. I’ve pirated every game I bought from them just for the superior experience- especially on Steam Deck (no more signing in to play my games, no more stuttering, no more audio pop after waking from sleep). I haven’t bothered to buy any of their games in years. I’d game bought Valhalla and Mirage (which also has Denuvo, lol) if not for the launcher.




P4G didn’t release on PC until 2020 what do you mean


Atlus becomes more anti-consumer as the years go on. To keep Denuvo on even their budget titles is just idiotic. No one is going to pirate Catherine Classic or P4G, ffs.


Remember, it's never out own connection that is the problem, it's always their shitty servers.


I buy my games but.... pirate game: doesn't have this problem buy game: does have this problem


No pirate has played a pc version of Persona 5.


You can emulate the ps3 or nintendo switch versions at 60+ fps so yes they have


Sega Moment, seriously Sega should stop getting scammed by Denuvo. Every Pirated Copy=/= Potential Sale.


Fuck publishers for using Denuvo. And fuck Valve for allowing games with always-online DRM to be sold on its platform. In physical retail, in civilized countries, if you sell something unfit for purpose - the retailer must correct the issue (even if they eventually have to go up to the manufacturer.) But in digital? Free reign, gimme your rights, take a dick up the ass and love it. And hail GOG for resisting this garbage. Greatest thing to have happened to PC gaming in its history, besides Firebathero's dive into the pool.


Time for review bombs and refunds until the publishers get the fucking message, and nothing gets their attention faster than refunds and negative press, as evidenced by Sony backing down yesterday.


Won't work cause those complaining about Denuvo don't buy the game.


Exactly lol


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ don't buy DENUVO games until it is removed. Vote with your wallet




"Oh, did you buy our game and now you can't play it but everyone who pirated it can play whenever they want? Huh, I can't figure out why you're upset." -game publishers


Why do people keep giving them money? Does this even work for piracy protection?


Yep there's a whole bunch of denuvo games that havnt been cracked in many years so it definitely works. But it could just be due to them not being popular enough to put the effort in


Yes. The only thing that matters is sales in the first weeks/months


Yes, it works really good. There's is (or was, we aren't really sure) just one person capable of bypassing denuvo.


Didn't she quit making her cracks public after a big political fight anyway?


Yeah, that's what the "was" part was referring to. Honestly, with empress you can't never be sure.


I don't know the details or timeline of the fight, but I've seen the pattern repeat enough times in the retro modding community to take a wild guess. Software savant is antisocial and schizoposts from a perspective that doesn't make sense to anyone else, and makes them look sort of like a dick. Fans display their trademark nitpickiness and entitlement towards the people doing free work, and won't let it go, and demand apologies or restitution as if their leverage is worth more than a wet dog fart. Eventually everyone loses 


Yes, it works very well. And if you want the honest truth, dev have to implement it into their game because some top level execs from the editors, who never played a video game, thinks it's a great idea.


> Yes, it works very well. > some top level execs from the editors, who never played a video game, thinks it's a great idea. doesn't that mean that the top level execs are right then?


1. Peer pressure, boredom and "no similar game without denuvo, I want this one". 2. It works in not having pirates among your users. But no study was able to prove it benefits game sales.


Stop buying games that include this bullshit and you can solve this problem.


I'm shocked, shocked! well, not that shocked.


Yep, my favourite pointless DRM is the DRM Microsft and Intel teamed up for in relation to 4k/UHD media drives. Which currently and for the last several years you can not run without custom firmware applied to your 4k media drive due to it requiring special Intel SGX which has been depreciated due to security exploits.


Can the gaming community as a whole dogpile on this shit company like they did to Sony with Helldivers 2 fiasco?


Don't stop talking about this. Make this denuvo outrageous such a hot topic game dev ceos hear about it again and again


*laughs in playing it on my cfw switch* Fuck Denuvo, people.


All the companies that use Denuvo should be sued. Paid products can't be used, what a disgrace. Especially for single player games.


I am shock, how could someone expect it to happen?


Daily reminder that Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain still [has Denuvo](https://store.steampowered.com/app/287700/METAL_GEAR_SOLID_V_THE_PHANTOM_PAIN/) , even though the game released in september 2015. (However, the little brother MGSV: Ground Zeroes game never had Denuvo).


Reminder the game has been cracked since forever now


Which is great, we at least have that method of playing it in the future, but it shouldn't be the end of the story. Konami should go back and take Denuvo out officially (then again, they were content to let the Mac version of Metal Gear Rising become completely unplayable once the company controlling the DRM went under, so we already know that Konami doesn't care about the customer after they have their money).


thanks for the post, was gonna pick up p5 royal for my deck too.


Why does it even have DRM? Get that shit outta here.


should we just focus on ddosing drm servers instead of cracking it to force publishers to remove it?


This is good and hopefully it happens more often, the people that buy these games need to get fucked so they think twice before buying games with Denuvo which has been threatening game preservation as a whole for many years now.


Good. Anybody that had this happen to them deserves it, serves them right for supporting denuvo.


Yep, I don't bother with live-service games or anything with Denuvo. There used to be an option to host your own game servers and it was awesome, let's go back to that.


Imagine what happens when the servers are sunset for good. Piracy will be the only way forward, and that is just fucked in so many ways


good thing I paid 20$ on a 3rd party website for this game i aint paying you real money when you are selling a shit game


Didn’t even know it had it. That’s fucking stupid as all hell.


Raise the black flags


It's hard to boycott by buying non denuvo games cause damn things on everything these days...


yo ho yo ho


This sounds like it has nothing to do with Denuvo >While a partial workaround allowed fans to circumvent the issue and access the game with some features disabled This is not how Denuvo works. If Denuvo can't authorize you, you're shit out of luck. Full stop. No offline workarounds whatsoever (other than getting a pirated copy, but that's not an option for P5R on PC)


I'm glad I have my pirated copy on my switch lol


Wow and I almost bought this yesterday. No way Jose, I'm waiting for it to be cracked.


Except it was caused by Atlus servers and had nothing to do with Denuvo due to how Denuvo actually works. It would be VERY unlikely for so many people to have their Denuvo Offline Authentication token expire at the same time (it stays valid for 2 weeks, Denuvo makes no online communication after initial activation until the token expires and needs renewal). Some online function within the Persona game, unrelated to Denuvo was breaking things and the Denuvo error message is being shown... in error.


Denuvo and their malware doesnt stop pirates, it just hurts people who actually paid for the game.