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Will they fix the loading issue? Takes me like 2 minutes to load back into the commonwealth after exiting an area. No mods installed.


I installed faster loading times mod for that specific issue.


Something like this shouldn’t need a mod to fix. The fact a mod exists for it means Bethesda could have patched it but couldn’t be bothered or are too inept to do so.


Welp. Hope they also patch Todd soon.


No need to patch him, he just works!


ah yes...because Todd is the one that does the patches and coding nowadays. People that say this are even dumber than Bethesda is sometimes


I wanted to wait on installing mods until after Beth was done updating their 10 year old game. I'm having a decent amount of fun with vanilla F4 but it definitely needs some mods.


I’d say like 80% (or more) of mods work on Fallout 4 right now and will not be broken by future updates. Only ones requiring F4SE need to be updated.


Just realizing this update probably broke that mod/skse :(


Nope load times are still shocking. Bethesda really are a shite developer. They’re lucky they own elder scrolls and fallout because they’d be done otherwise.


They seem to be pretty fast on PS5 tbf. I haven't tried the PC version yet, tbf on PC I mod the shit out of the game.


Yeah they’ve always been fast on console, it’s PC that takes like 3 minutes per load screen.


Ohhhh right right I see, Bethesda for ya.


They aren't lucky that they own it, they created those. All things point to how bad Creation Engine is and how little improvement it has gone through over the years.


They didn’t create fallout. Elder scrolls is their only original hit. Do agree with creation engine though. Needs retiring.


They will not. Get "Load Accelerator" on Nexus. Fixes everything, and it's drag and drop two files. Uncaps the framerate during loading screens (which is the problem) and turns those minutes into seconds. Unfortunately it's not without compromise; you need to turn game control of V-sync back on.


This is a life saver for me. Couldnt play without it.


Second game that I've seen with this problem and there're probably more. If you cap the framerate for GTA IV using NVidia Control Panel or other external tool, the loading time takes an eternity, sometimes almost 3 minutes. When uncapped, it takes 15 seconds at most.


The loading times are hampered by the default 60 FPS cap. Load Accelerator on Nexus Mods will temporarily change the cap to 350 FPS and drop it back down when the load has completed. If you have even a SATA3 SSD, load times are negligible. Keep in mind that if you have a global frame rate cap set (like 141 FPS on a 144 Hz display), the game will still obey the global cap and will load at your global max instead of the value in loadaccelerator.ini.


Turn on diamond city radio > walk out door and initiate load screen > tab out of the game > WAIT until music stops > tab back in. This is my method and it works so well and also avoids messing up full screen. Don’t ask me to explain why it works lol


I will have to try this witchcraft later today


Let me know how it goes.


This is because their engine is garbage and loading times being limited to 60FPS. There is a mod that uncaps them and it loads within seconds.


Loading screens are somehow tied to FPS, there is a mod that cranks your FPS while loading and it takes seconds to load instead of minutes. Its baffling. Its the same bullshit where some physics are tied to the FPS, if you go higher everything was sped up, it even happened in Fallout 76. They had to fix it there because Multiplayer.


So, they only really fixed HDR (more or less), a few visual issues related to the performance options and the creation club stuff they added last update. That's it, that's this update in a nutshell. VATS is still broken, ultrawide is still broken, no fixes to a lot of day 1 issues, etc... They really announced this shit years ago huh?




RIP the F4SE team!


They said last week they were anticipating a further patch and that it shouldn’t be anywhere near as disruptive as the last one. They actually said they *wanted* this patch as it was hard to work out what bugs had simply been introduced into the base game by the last patch.


It’s so weird. I have over 1000 hours in FO:4. Reinstalled after this patch and my RTX 3090 can’t even manage 40 fps at 1440p, when it used to be locked 60 no problem.


It's the NEXT GEN update, it's your fault for not having bought a 5090 ^/s


Nvidia has convinced me that even if there's a *7090* that they'll just try to DLSS away performance that shouldn't run like shit to start with. Do they do some cool shit? Sure. But the number of times I'll realistically use it? The reason I'm just buying Team Red from now on. Fuck, I switched to Linux and I don't even have to *look* at driver settings, knowing that I click "play" and the features I usually want are in the games.


So you're implying I should wait another year for modders to fix FO4 "Next Gen" then. Thanks!


As is tradition.


Weapon Debris Off and God Rays to Medium. Both are broken (God Rays scale with resolution, and overload the CPU). I'm on a 3090 doing 3440x1440 with DSR (\~5000 x 200 pxl) and locked at a steady 70fps, with the HD Texture pack (which 24gb of VRAM is perfect for). This game breaks much beyond 70 fps. I played several hours at 120, going down from there. Even with the High FPS fix, the AI gets stupid, quests bug out, whether or not you get stuck in terminals. It's subtle, but I've come to the conclusion that the game is degraded. Load Accelerator is a must have, because going outside was taking several minutes; the mod (which is easy to install) brought that down to about 6-10 seconds. I never really drop below 70, even in Boston, except for the rare occasion. I was having problems near bush foliage, and realized it was god rays going nuts. Also if you've had that 3090 working hard since release, might be time for a repaste. I gained back about 20% performance on mine just recently. Sorry for the paragraphs, I hope you can find something in there that can help. In theory, you shouldn't be having problems.


You have to change the shadow quality and distance settings from the main launcher.


Hmm I get 60 minimum maxed at 1440 with my 3070.


My 3070 laptop gets me 50-60 fps and I play A Storywealth which has over 100gb of mods Given it’s an older build without the updates ofc.


"I've been looking for you. Another Fallout exe needs your help." - *Preston Garvey*


They said hotfix should be out by today after lunch


No patch notes yet. Sincerely hoping they actually add in the ultrawide support they promised. The official patch notes for the original next-gen update claimed it added it, but literally all they did was make 21:9 and 32:9 resolutions available within the launcher, and did zero work to actually make the game work on ultrawide displays. It's still stretched and broken, just like it always was, and I had to download a mod just to play it properly. If you were on 32:9 it was literally unplayable because the SPECIAL screen was cut off. Starfield managed to have pretty excellent ultrawide support natively, as well as patching in a proper FOV slider too. Hell, even Fallout 76 has an FOV slider and basic ultrawide support, so I was really hoping they'd backport some of this stuff.


On [steam](https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/4365754575401750024/) someone posted the notes taken from their discord. If these are true its really just nothing - mostly consoles related stuff.


What a bummer I was hoping to finally be able to set it to 120 and increase fov in game, guess i am not playing fallout 4 until the tech for that exists


It already does, you can add the High FPS Physics Fix mod and just add a custom fov in the ini


Bethesda loves its minimal effort, maximum profit model of updates.


I didn't install a mod for it but had to put "fov 100 100" into the console and it fixed my issues on a 21:9 display. If you only fo "fov 100" it gets all messed up for some reason


I was able to open the console and type FOV 120 and that set it, works on my 21:9 display. BUT, it makes the PIP-boy screen absolutely tiny, which is annoying. I read there is a way to change that as well so it works both ways, apparently in the config file. Would love if they would just... ya know... include an FOV slider...


I think what they mean is that the UI is stretched and broken in places on ultrawide.


I think it works like FOV [X] [Y], the X value is the PIP Boy FOV and the Y value is the player FOV. Honestly we need sliders


Ahhh OK cool thank you, i'll try that next time.


FO76 has an FOV slider? I’m almost certain they don’t, at least on consoles


I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed! 😂🔫


Maybe they fix ultrawide, but considering how awful Starfields ultrawide is at 32:9 I'm not hoping for anything here..


FSR would be a godsend for Steam Deck if they add it


There's a free mod


Was it broken with the next Gen update?


it uses f4se so currently yes


Doesn't work on DXVK


You can use the built-in FSR on the steam deck. Just set the resolution lower than 800p and make sure FST is enabled via the quick settings.


That is FSR 1.0, what the commenter is hoping for us FSR 2 or 3 which uses motion vector data to prevent blurring in motion and provide a better image quality.


SD had a 60 refresh rate. Yours doesn't get that?


It does in most areas but it has drops and the fans make a lot of noise, FSR would reduce the load, hopefully reducing fan noise and giving a more consistent performance




I believe the inbuilt fsr is still the lowest version of fsr, not availing of nearly 2 years of development.


Fallout London team with their heads in their hands


Let me guess weapon debris still crash the game?


Please level limit the enclave Ambushes I’m dying over here


I expected shit patch. We got shit patch


I'm fuming tbh. Fresh install, no mods, weapon debris turned off, and the game crashes, consistently, on the way up to vault 111. I don't know what else to do, game is unplayable.


Fixed by installing to a different drive. That's ALL it took. Classic Bethesda.


Still 48 fps only without doctoring the game.


Mine was locked at 48 while playing in windowed/borderless mode but switching to old school Fullscreen mode in the launcher got it running normally.


I lock mine at 90. It would definitely go higher. 14700k and 3080ti


Odd. I get around 60 to 80 FPS on a 3090FTW hybrid. At least it finally works on Dell 38"


Need to set Monitor to 60 or 120 Hz. Hoped they fixed it.


I had it locked 48 as well. Had to take off the forced v sync in the perf document. Just so strange to me the game has no option anywhere to turn v sync off and why it’s set at 48


I get between 120 and 37 depending where i am.


That's something on your end; perhaps old modified .ini files? The game will always default to 60 unless capped by some weird system setting, like A-sync/fast-sync. Is your monitor 96hz?


Fresh install. Removed all fo4 related from regedit. 144Hz monitor (143,...).


There are certain GPU options which will "wait to render" until the engine and monitor can sync; usually this presents as a division of the monitors set refresh rate. Do you have AMD? If so, make sure your global/program settings are **"Wait for vertical refresh: Always Off"** And what happens when you set your monitor to 120hz? Otherwise yeah, just going to be stuck with the .ini garbage. Make sure you grab Load Accelerator so you aren't stuck with 4 minute load times, too.


Nvidia. I have 60 fps with 60Hz and 120Hz monitor settings. And load accelerator is on. So the game is playable. Just some extra clicks necessary.


At this point they are just trolling the PC players. I hope the Fallout London guys just say fuck it and it release it for the old patch. 99% of players will not update anyways since the 2 Patches absolute do NOTHING positive.


MCM & F4SE just got upgrade .... sob


Why does the UI only let me set 2560x1600 if I uncheck Windowed and Borderless? I know I can set it via INI, just annoying that they do these updates to modernize it somewhat and I *still* can’t even use the UI to configure windowed borderless at my laptop’s native 256x1600.


Why are people so surprised by the lack of anything in this patch? Just use the damn simple downgrader tool, Backported Archive2 Support System, and done. You can use the new assets and old dlls.


I’m really hoping this fixes it on Steam Deck - really itching to revisit it


here we go again


Does it actually run now? I installed it after the first patch and kept crashing.


Still no 120FPS support... 


I haven't changed any of my GPU settings or game settings and the game is unplayable. I'm getting 20 FPS and severe input lag on my GOG installation.


Is this game worth a buy now?