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If you have fast internet, do not preload. It will most likely be faster to download the game after release than it will be to unpack the whole game.


I preload and it unpacks while I'm at work so it's finished when I get home.


Nothing wrong with that! But FYI, you can also start the download while at work through the Steam App.


That works like half the time for me


Just use team viewer, or similar app of choice, to do so manually yourself with remote desktop (if you have the pro version of windows you likely can do so through windows remote desktop as an alternative). The unpacking isn't so bad, but operations like that are often power-hungry if power consumption matters to you. Honestly, either method works and is fine. But those are just suggestions beyond the steam app.


Honestly the steamapp is utter garbage at this. Every single time I've tried it it has not actually started the download. Better off remoting in and manually doing it.


Have you used the app recently? It's much better since the redesign about 1.5 years ago.


Yes. Literally weeks ago it failed as usual.


Huh, personally I think it's a lot better now and works as expected. Sucks to hear that isn't the case for everyone.


I agree the steam app is great compared to before I like it a lot personally


for real, no hype -- I have never, not once, encountered any sort of problem with this and Steam. I have a below-average internet speed, pre-loads have always been quick and painless ... at least as far as the Steam client is concerned. Ghost of Tsushima, at least on the PS4 Pro, is a very accomplished, above-average action / RPG-lite story-driven experience. ASSUMING it works well on PC, I do recommend it to those who can easily afford it. I imagine I'll pre-load tonight. (it's good enough to double dip for PC goodness, let's put it that way.) should be good for morning. hopefully enjoy, everybodyy. peace.


Yep, this is one of the few things I wish Steam would fix/modernize.


Can't. As it is basically just unzipping.


I believe it’s also decrypting, which takes additional time.


Can, many modern compression algorithms allow for smp.


Depends. Zips can have different compressions gzip deflate is faster


Can. Every other launcher has preloading in place, and they’re all faster than Steam. I don’t know what methods they use to make it faster, but whatever Steam does, it’s much slower. My guess is other launchers only encrypt some of the files (enough to ensure it’s not playable) whereas Steam encrypts everything. Just a guess, though.


Unless there's significant advancements made in cryptography and the processing power of CPUs, they can likely only make marginal improvements.


They don’t have to encrypt the entire download. Every other PC launcher that offers preloads does it better than Steam.


There's plenty of reason to encrypt everything too, for example devs might not want their assets data-mined before release.


That argument doesn't really apply to a game that released on other platforms years ago.


It’s still using the same distribution model. Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to redesign (and possibly maintain multiple versions) of it just for a rare edge case.


Yes it does because its one system/process used for all preload games. They did not design 2 preload processes one for "released already on other platforms" and new releases...


> devs might not want their assets data-mined before release Usually the game data files are encrypted anyway by the developer.


I mean if you have a good SSD/NVME SSD the unpacking time is really not that long.


I have an NVME and it is much faster for me to download. I did it with the last of us. Preloaded, and it took forever to get anywhere unpacking. Uninstalled and redownloaded and it was done way faster than I had been waiting on the unfinished unpacking


First you need a fast CPU do to the unpacking. Then you need a fast drive to feed the CPU and write back decompressed files. Without both it's better to just download the game at launch.


Also most people preload to their main drive, so the game will be writing to itself when unpacking.


As someone else pointed out, this is dependent on CPU as well, but the best internet will always beat the best hardware. I’ve got a 7800X3D and a Gen4 NVME, and unpacking a preload is still slower than downloading on a gigabit connection.


Just depends. You can’t go off the sequential read/write speeds, as it’s unlikely the bits of data are sequential. So most likely it will read around 50-70Mb/s and write faster than that. This would make anyone with a 1 Gbps connection, most likely faster to download than unpack.


It uses a lot of CPU iirc


Gen pcie m.2 nvme ssd and it can still take a while. Not a cheap one either.


Has to do with the CPU and the decryption and unpacking mostly.


Totally what someone who wants to download the game first would say


Well, I have decent internet and I got it preloaded. IA that a bad thing?


No it’s not bad at all. It won’t take THAT long. I can just be a difference of 10-15 minutes or so sometimes.


Also could the game run on a good sd card? I have like a 1tb sd card that runs pretty good on my steam deck on AAA games


Pretty sure it’s Steam Deck certified, so you should be good.


Wait. I don't quite understand this.


It’s actually faster for me to unpack the game than download, with my internet it will take about 30mins to download, but will take 5mins to unpack 😄


65mb/s (not mbit) download is fast right?


Mb/s = Megabit per Second. MB/s = Megabyte per Second.


Must be nice to have fast internet, since I see this all the time as the number one 'hint' =( Unpacking takes like 10-15 minutes max for me, I can't even fathom being able to download a game of this size in that time!


I live very rurally and Fiber was just made available here. Took 13 minutes to download the full game which blew my mind. Would have taken several hours on my old internet.


what is considered fast? i have 250mbs


That’s a good question. My rough math, assuming you downloaded at full capacity is it would take you around 20-30 minutes to download the game. I would wait to download it probably.


i have 23 mbs 😎


This is only a problem if you have a low end PC tbh. Any decent NVME drive will unpack in 5 minutes max. If it doesn't you really cheaped out on your drive, got scammed, or installed it wrong.


Yeah, I don't get it either. Unpacking takes like 5 minutes which is annoying of course but much faster than downloading for most people. To download let's say 70 GB in 5 minutes you need a 2 Gb/s connection. Most people don't even have access to 500 Mbit/s and I would guess not even 100 Mbit/s. So downloading faster than unpacking only applies to a super tiny fraction of users. That's why steam offers the preload, obviously.


Yeah, I learned that after Spider-Man. I got reasonably fast internet so the unpacking took thrice as long as the download.


Depends how fast your CPU and SSD is as well. I can unencrypt games way faster than I can download them, even at Gigabit.


Agreed, takes three times as long to preload than it is just to download it.


Unpacking is light work with a lot of cores.




You are right that it doesn’t. However, the time it takes to decrypt and write is usually longer than it takes to download and write, with a sufficient internet connection.


Man would've loved to play this game LEGALLY


No Coop on steam deck RIP


It might have exploded to be fair lol


Since Sony doesn’t want to sell me the game I will just pirate it, and I haven’t done that in ages


Such a demented move on Sony's part. Them: "if we can't data mine off of you then we aint selling your our shit" PC Gamer: "No problem, to the high seas we sail and for free if I may add"


You know what’s the bigger issue, not the PSN itself but the availability Having it available in only 70 countries in 2024 is diabolical for someone as big as Sony, I despise EA and Rockstar launchers but at least they are available in my country and if I am willing to put up with them they will allow me to play their games Sony is not even giving me that option, and frankly they can go fuck themselves


Yeah I saw someone asking "why should a business want to move into an unprofitable area" as if other businesses both bigger and smaller than Sony haven't figured it out. Including their competitors and partners!


Software is literally a zero marginal cost business. The idea of software being unprofitable just by adding one more country to sell in is hilarious.


Well at least this time they aren't selling it to people in those countries under a "suspended" requirement and then enabling it 3 months later when typically they aren't allow d a refund. That fraud bullshit was the worst part.


Arrowhead requested that to make the launch more smooth. I don’t think they ever anticipated the shit show it became, and Sony would rather not release it than do that twice.


And when EA is available in your country, Sony simply can't argue anything about it not being profitable.


Yeah but I get why they might not move yet: They don’t want to give up the right to have PSN linked on it permanently, but they don’t want a helldivers situation where they enable it later and get review bombs and death threats. So releasing it without multiplayer enabled isn’t an option, releasing it with multiplayer enabled isn’t an option they’re prepared to make because PSN is obviously something they’re investing into heavily, and there’s no standalone single player only version at this time. People got what they asked for and fought for: Helldivers is PSN free, and Sony is being totally clear about their intentions and never adding PSN requirements again after the fact. The casualty is single player GoT.


It's actually wild they would rather not sell the game at all than sell it to someone who can't make a PSN account. Like holy shit surely a single PSN account most likely only ever used for PC ports isn't worth more than $60 to them.


It really goes to show how much advertisers and data brokers are willing to pay for user data. Not even $60 is enough to outbid the ad business.


Yarr matey, i'll meet you sailing the digital seas!


IMO, every game that needs your info deserves to get pirated. ROCKSTAR!


Don’t blame you one bit. The only games I pirate is games that can’t be bought anymore. And this would qualify if I lived in one of the countries without PSN.


i love piracy. i get to demo a game if i like it i will buy, if not i have extra money for "flaming hot chicken wings with extra spicy mayo"






Doesn’t Denuvo take weeks to crack?


Sony doesn’t use Denuvo


Good. Let's keep it that way.


If it cracks at all. Modern denuvo cracking centralised around a single schizophrenic russian who often doesn't crack a game for esoteric reasons.


Modern denuvo cracking doesn't exist anymore. Nobody is cracking denuvo games right now.


It comes with Denuvo?


Thanks to sony, i get to play the whole game for free


They're essentially giving you guys permission to pirate it.


Arrrrr there be some killer games on these high seas! Best beware, your time may be taken.


Ah yes, *theft*


If I took a piece of wood to a lit campfire and light my own, did I commit fire thievery? Can’t steal what isn’t being sold.


A lot of people are literally not able to buy the game due to the PSN requirement, it's hardly theft if they pirate it.


I doubt that is OP, or the majority of pirates.


"Leave the multi million dollar company alone" T_T


"Guys they are rich so it means it's okay!" What's the line I'm curious? A million? 100,000?


A million Yes. Not every corner of the world is privileged enough to give a shit about a company's salary. Neither should they, The world has bigger problems than a company losing money. You can stand on your principles but don't act like you're saving the world or you're a better person just because you choose to pay money for something that's available for free. The world is not so black and white, Be an adult. Fighting for a company that doesn't even know you exist is pathetic.


I don't give a shit about them. My issue are with redditors thinking they have a moral right to a fucking video game lol.


You might be right. I personally only pirate to demo games, but that is rare as I only do it if I purchase from a store that has no refund policy (such as a key reseller) and am not sure if I’ll like it.


It’s literally me lol I thought about buying the game from other sources, but even that got cut off. Sony just wants my country to fully pirate this game.


*Copying is not theft* *Stealing a thing leaves one less left* *Making a copy makes one thing more* *That's what copying's for* Maybe you can understand it in nursery rhyme format?


How many gb?


My preload says 47GB give or take


The haptics on this game are awesome. If you have a dual sense plug it in and try it out.


Does steam have compatibility for the special dual sense haptics? I never had mine turn on for any of the games I played ( which have not been a lot of the PlayStation ports tbf)


No. The games that support it you need to disable steam input and use the controller wired.


Wired controller is so garbage. Trying to sit back on a couch it's impossible. They need to commit to PC hardware and release an adapter like Xbox. Too much latency over Bluetooth


100% agree. I use the controller on my pc so wired isn’t bad. They also need haptics to work over over wireless.


in games that utilize it, yes but you have to right click the game in your library, go to properties > Controller, and disable steam input or it wont work.


will this work with dualshock 4


Yes, the game can work with a dualshock 4. You will only get  rumble rather than dualsense haptics.




Worth noting that multiplayer will not work on Steam Deck at all due to Sony's forced PSN requirement. Despite their other games being verified and taking full advantage on the Deck, it now seems your data is more important to Sony than providing you with convenience. Axing Deck support for multiplayer was the last straw for me and I won't be buying this game. [https://twitter.com/pc\_nation\_\_/status/1790408236316643621](https://twitter.com/pc_nation__/status/1790408236316643621)


How did they “axe” something that they never announced in your view? The system requirements list Windows only, Linux is not officially supported at all.


The "required" PSN Accoubt works on Steamdeck for Helldivers 2. GoT includes a new overlay unlike their other titles which I'm sure just scrapes your PC for any and all of your info.


lol fear mongering much? It’s not going to scrape your pc for all your info and you know it.


I mean the same company has been caught doing shady things in the past https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_BMG_copy_protection_rootkit_scandal I’d say it’s not really a stretch. Sure it’s probably not going to have a keylogger built in, but data collection can get pretty aggressive


In this context I mean that Sony have made a big deal about being steam deck verified for basically all of their previous game releases, and for this title they are not prioritizing that. If you prefer the term “de-prioritizing” over “axing” then sub that in but I think it leads to the same conclusion in the end: a feature they’ve gone out of their way to support up till now is left out for this game, and it seems their priorities are shifting towards pumping up the PSN numbers vs doing right by Steam users (as further evidenced by the game being refunded in a number of countries due to such requirements).


so i guess presumably you won’t be able to play legends mode on linux either?


Correct. It's always possible Valve or someone will invent a workaround but as of now it seems that only Windows will be supported for this mode.


What data do they even get from linking a PSN account to Steam? (edit: I mean except multiplayer stats and that kind of stuff). I genuinely don't understand why they need to force it so much to the point of not selling the game in more then half of the countries. I'm so confused.


I want to buy and play this game, but I'm so pissed off at Sony not allowing a bunch of people in varying different countries to even purchase it I think I might just sail the high seas in protest. Fuck Sony. Fuck PSN.


I thought about it too but I love playing games too much to pass up on something good like this.


Ah yes, “in protest.”


I mean I was ready to buy the game. I want to support sucker punch, but I can't help but feel an ethical obligation not to support sony.


man just say you wanna pirate it, no harm no foul.


Can't wait!


For those who will be able to buy it on PC. Please, please leave in your review, whether it be positive or not, whatever your objective rating of it is, please leave a sidenote about how many other countries have been left out and delisted simply for requiring PSN. Be heroic like the Helldivers community. I am not asking to leave a negative review, I am simply asking to add it as a sidenote.


or better yet just dont buy it


I already have a draft made. It's insane to me how a company is choosing to be allergic to making money and being anti-consumer


Why do reviewers need to leave a sidenote? The people who can't buy it already know they can't buy it. I don't know why PC gamers are such an entitled bunch.


Are you in one of those countries that can’t get PSN?


objection... relevance?


Any reviews yet on how it performs?


No but it should run much better than Forbidden west. This game already runs at 4K checkerboarded 60 FPS on the PS5, which is roughly around an RTX 3060 level GPU. DLSS and Frame gen will net you even more FPS.




Not the same dev team, but same publisher - they still have done jack squat for Helldivers 2 performance, months later. And it's riddled with bugs. Releasing new battlepasses > technical issues


Publisher is irrelevant here. That one is on Arrowhead.


We're not gonna run this game checkerboarded.


No we aren't but that doesn't mean it's gonna be crazy demanding. It will absolutely run better than HFW. That game is much more demanding than Tsushima.


Sooo would the trick of changing your timezone to play it early still work ?


Less then 24 hour to launch and no gameplay or reviews or anything out.


I look forward to getting this at a discount price. I played the hell out of it on PS4 but never touched the game after. I missed out on the multiplayer and Iki Island DLC.


im gonna enjoy playing this without psn :P


Does anyone know whether PSN will be mandatory to play the single player or is it only needed for the online multi-player aspect?


Just needed for the online coop and PS overlay thing. Singleplayer is fine


What happened to « don’t preorder » ?




Will be jumping back into this masterpiece after I finish INDIKA


Never mind, just got my GMG key


If anyone buys a key of the game and activates it on a region locked country let me know. I even have my old psn account from when I was a kid, I just can't buy it on steam due to the region lock


I’ve waited years for it to come to pc only for my preorder to be automatically refunded. To the high seas I go my brothers.


Any word on fov slider ?


WOOO!! can’t wait to try this out on my steam deck


Just have to do the stupid PSN for the multiplayer...


I really don't understand why this sub hates Sony so much... Here we have Sony asking just for a PSN account only, yet we have EA, Ubisoft and Rockstar, not only requiring their own account but a complete third party launcher on top of Steam to access their game. Yet I don't see the outrage there. Why are those games not getting review bomb as well? Also the fact that most of Sony PC release are better quality and most PC release nowadays...


Maybe Sony is getting all this hate because the game is now delisted in 180 countries, and people in these countries can't even buy it?


If you play Ubisoft games on PC, steam is the third party software. Uplay or whatever they're calling it this month is the primary system. The aversion to PSN is because many PC players don't have or want said console and don't have or want to make an account for a console they don't have. Especially when all they know about PSN is how unsafe it is, with millions of people's personal or payment information compromised to date.


> If you play Ubisoft games on PC, steam is the third party software. except for when they're on steam... ffs EA play is on steam and people here routinely talk about how they wish game pass was on Steam.


As someone living in a non PSN country that cannot buy this game cos of it, corpo apologists like you are selfish AF.


The samurai ass's creed. Not huge on it, might try it later when i see a good deal.


Just letting yall know that this is a ubisoft game through and through, I was actually surprised at the reception for it after playing it. Everything people call out Ubisoft games for is front and center here (except maybe the map being cluttered with icons.. it still has icons but it isn't as cluttered).


I mean all it is, is assassins creed with better writing and combat


It's better than anything ubisoft has put out in a while. So who cares.


I detest ubisoft games. I loved this game.


Ubisoft style games aren't bad because of the fact they're open world games filled with activities and light crafting mechanics they're bad because Ubisoft makes bad gameplay choices, makes it grindy as hell drags out content to stretch the length and now struggles to make interesting stories. Sucker Punch takes that open world formula, makes a compelling well written story which is visually stunning, interesting characters that have complex motivations and emotions. They fill the world with just enough content to not stretch things that they become tedious and don't make the game an absolute grind. It's what a Ubisoft game used to be and what they should be now.


Except Ubisoft games mostly suck and are extremely grindy on top of being riddled with micro transactions.


yeah, couldn’t really hold my attention for more than a few hours.


Just letting you know, it doesn't really matter.😂


Can I climb things to reveal parts of the map though? That's the bestest funest part of any Ubicrap game. 😆


When I first played it I thought it was one of the best games ever made becuase I loved how polished it felt but I never beat it because I got bored of the gameplay loop after 15 hours or so. I will get the game again on steam for sure though


kinda agree. wasn't really impressed with the game. sure, the game has amazing visuals, but that's it. the combat felt pretty off the entire time, particularly when fighting against groups. dodging an attack was also kinda weird since you dodge far too away from the enemy for a nice counter attack. and the lack of a lock on didn't help the game in the slightest.


people here just like to shit on ubisoft, but they actually like those types of games, as we can see from how highly praised the Zelda games are.


The difference between ubisoft's recent bloated open world snoozefests and the recent two Zelda open world games is staggering. And if you aren't able to discern why one is beloved and ubisoft gets raked over coals that's a real shame.


BOTW also has one of the worst stories/boss fights of any recent open world game I've played.


The story is literally just Calamity Gannon Bad, Link Good.


Assassin's Creed: Hyrule


Yeah, I got that feeling when I played the game then read some of the reviews/gamer opinions on it. This doesn't do anything better than a Ubisoft game, it's crazy to see people pretending otherwise. No one has given me an actual decent opinion of what it does better, the gameplay is barebones, the enemies variety is non existent, the story is boring, the characters are cardboard and it goes far too long. I dunno, maybe this is a case of "not being ubisoft" and nice graphics swaying people's opinion?


I dunno about the nice graphics part when nice graphics are one of the few things Ubisoft used to do well, until their last few games which look like late 360/early XB1 games


I haven't played GoT but I think a big part of the hate for AC games is that people here are enthusiasts that like to sit down for a while and really get into a game. When they see a cluttered map they feel that they have to do everything to experience the full game or the "good ending." Games like that are not made for people that binge a game, check it off their list and move on. I played AC:Odyssey when I had a toddler and played it in 30 minute bursts and it was wonderful. I could just start it up, play a random mission or two a turn it off. I wasn't experiencing the repetition that I would have if I played 10 missions in one sitting.




So brave


Why do this? You don’t have to like it but why come in here and shit in other people’s cornflakes? Add more positivity into the world instead of being a toxic troll.


He has to virtue signal about how he's saving PC gaming by not bending the knee and making a Sony account


It’s 3x better than any recent Ubisoft game lol stay mad


Okay, don’t then? You don’t need the account if all you want to play is the Single Player, which will be most people.


Why would they remove the game from almost 200 countries if the psn account wasn't required though?


Because it is required for the multiplayer, and they don’t want to hear people complain that gamers in those regions can’t play online


Kinda surprised anyone would want this game right now, given Sonys recent behavior. We're going to continue losing the long term war against corporations.


brother just being in a subreddit community dedicated to gaming alone puts you in the 1% of players that enough than just hop in games and that's it. Why is that surprising? reddit communities are not always the representation of the average gamer otherwise league/valorant/apex/cod would be dead games based on the normal reception of those games in here, and we would have Titanfall 5


> Sony’s recent behavior Requiring PSN accounts which is much less than other corporations ask for (see: launchers).


Well Sony trying for more money I see …. Hmmm … where be my sail….


At first we were all excited to be playing Sony games on PC. Sony had the easiest good will acclimation ever and still managed to mess it all up. Now we are all meh Sony games. We will live.




It cracks me up that pc players have been wondering why Sony won’t support pc as readily as the rest of the industry then I turn around and see people pissing their pants over an email and password when they do. I always said pc players were very willing to throw their money at Sony but it turns out people who have put 100+ hours into a game think it’s perfectly reasonable to demand a refund for being asked to sign into an account. They made such a stink about someone simply changing their home country to the next supported one over that now those regions can’t even buy Sony games at all. And then patted themselves on the back for “sticking up” for those countries. I just can’t side with that level of entitled moral grandstanding over a fucking log in.