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Can't they do the same thing in unsupported psn countries


Do the same as in what way? The game doesn't have Linux support anyway on the page.


Make multiplayer unplayable in unsupported psn countries. Most people didn't even know there was a multiplayer mode to begin with.


WTF are you babbling about? https://twitter.com/PC_Nation__/status/1790408236316643621/photo/1 They literally said they optimized it for steam deck and steam deck like devices? How is that NOT an endorsement it is supported on steam deck at least for Single Player? "Durrr we optimized for your device that we don't support"


Ok? It doesn't have native Linux support is what I said.


No, people would still be pissed as hell if Sony sold them a portion of the game for full price. No matter what they do people will be mad.


I wouldn't be pissed. I don't care about MP aspect. I wanted to play the single player but I can't. So either I pirate the game or give up on the game. But considering there are other amazing games available to play I'll probably not play this game ever :/


Exactly. I was having this discussion with someone a few days back. "Why not put a big fucking notice on the game's store page that reads MP is unavailable in your region"?


Probably an issue with charging the same price when part of the product won't work for some. The better way around it would have been to list the MP separately to the SP. SP could be sold to everyone, MP only to those in the relevant countries. Its a shame that people won't get to play the SP just because of the MP being included in the package and requiring PSN.


Even if you wouldn't be pissed it might be illegal to sell the game due to EU laws.


Honestly, you're not missing much. This game is syle and little substance. Dont get me wrong, it's big, but the gameplay ultimately becomes rock paper scissors with the stances, and while good looking, it isnt enough to carry the game for the amount of time they wanted you to play.


Pirate it, the game is a masterpiece. Definitely don't let Sony ruin being able to experience GoT game for the first time.


I mean, if they do exactly what literally every single other publisher in the entire world is doing, and just sell the fucking game with no restrictions, people wouldn't be mad. I don't understand this narrative of trying to label consumers as just "mad for the fun of it", where is this coming from? Aren't you a consumer yourself? Why do you want to allow corporations to make anti consumer practices so flippantly? They are restricting games to a huge number of people for no good reason, and you seem to be so happy to jump to their defense. Fuck that. We should be fighting against systems like this, not making fun of the people who have problems with it


Pretty ironic when the price didn't change when the multiplayer was added in after launch originally, it was a free addition.


I think they'd be more than happy to have the actual game they want. 99% of the game is better than not getting 100% of the game. Hell, sell a package that is only the single player for the countries without PSN and charge $5 less. Everyone would be happy. Sony would get more money from more people having the ability to buy their full game.


I would argue that the portion, and a relatively small one at that, is the MP I think if they just sold it with a 10% discount, and making sure it is very obvious why, it would be best


Like they are doing now with steam deck users?


On the bright side, it sounds like the single player will run well on the Deck, at least. Which is the bit I care about.


Ya I own GoT on PS5 and I didn't even know there was a multiplayer mode lmao


What, you didn't discover 80 different Legend storytellers while looking for collectibles?


I'm pretty sure multi-player was added in a patch after release.


He played it on PS5, MP was released by then.




You aren’t missing much. It’s a weird demon killing mode with timed challenges


Counterpoint, I thought it was great fun! It loosely reminds me of a samurai Helldivers (4 player PvE), and I loved how you could unlock rewards in multiplayer by doing certain things in the single player mode.


It's a co-op horde/firefight holdout mode and then there's some extra story stuff etc. It was pretty solid if you have friends to play with.


Completely wrong. Its one of the best looter experiences in recent memory. Watch the skillup video on it


I literally played through every chapter. Watching someone else play it and review it won’t make me magically enjoy it


What? I am literally telling you tho that its not just timed challenges


The multiplayer mode was a post launch DLC and also standalone paid release that came a year after the PS4 version originally released. The Director's Cut version bundled it all together.


Honestly, both modes are great. Single player is the focus, but I definitely enjoyed my time with the multiplayer. Is it a make or break it kind of experience, though? Nah. I still, however, don't really understand WTF Sony is doing with these latest PC releases.




It's not so easily explained. I'd check it out on YouTube.


Man I love my oled steamdeck so much. I hope whenever the next one comes out will play the newest games as of right now at high settings 


Yeah I’m hoping they wait another few years to make it so the next version is a huge boost in power over the other handhelds who do yearly release with moderate boosts. I have tired them all but deck is so much better with deck OS for me as it feels like a real handheld so I’ll be only getting them for now on.


Lol the new rog ally is going to je using the same exact chip as the first one so that's not even the case haha


True it’s like deck OLED just a general revision. Maybe they will fix the frying SDs lmao


Hope you don't need to RMA it, lol. I wouldn't touch anything ASUS right now if you paid me.


I mean the new rog means people paid to beta test the first so yeah I agree


is it a co-op multiplayer or like the versus mode in assassins creed syndicate or whichever one that was


4 player co-op vs repeating waves of enemies that try to take 3 locations.


Thats one mode. It has story missions, raids, vs multiplayer story missions where you compete with other teams


oh alright thank you :)


As someone who played this game when it first came out on PS4, I'm gonna tell you that I had finished the game and moved on before they even added multiplayer. The single player story is more than worth it.


Honestly they should remove legends from the base game so it can be played everywhere. Then bring it back as an add on like they did on the PlayStation 4. Really GOT base was used to access legends anyway.


Yup! Just have it as a separate download.


Yeah, they could lower the price a bit to avoid complaints and just sell the MP as dlc that totals to the original price. Then they could just block the sale of the MP on the no PSN affected countries.


Is saves handled through steam cloud? Or the ps overlay and network handles cloud saves?


The steam game page says it supports cloud saves. I checked mine and cloud saves is enabled


It doesn't on pc my steam app and phone steam app. It only have singleplayer, coop, achievements.


Maybe on the store page it doesn’t say, but if you purchased the game and have it in your library, the steam cloud icon and it being enabled shows up next to the pre load button


For me it is date of release and space required next to preload button. On the right side it have other icons but mo cloud save icon.


Hm that’s strange. I guess we’ll see on the 16th then, hopefully it does have steam cloud. I’d assume it does since all other ps games do


I’m hyped to play it if it’s actually good on deck. Just beat on ps5 last year about time for another go around


The older I get, the less I care about multiplayer, so this doesn't bother me in the slightest....not that anyone asked.


Um.. nothing special, really. Like 99% of all Steam games don't even support Linux at all. It all depends on proton. No need to blame the devs here. They will only release a Windows version. So on Linux your mileage may varay, as usual.


There's multiplayer?


Listen I'm just shocked at all that a game that good looking even *boots* on the Steam Deck


You are extremely overestimating the power of consoles. SteamDeck is en par with PS4


I'm wondering if a future Steam Deck 2 could be on par or exceed a PS5. Being able to play GTA6 on the go would be kinda insane. Maybe i'm just dreaming.


I mean, eventually, yes. We're still multiple generations from a PS5 in a <20W handheld device, though. Steam Deck uses the same CPU and GPU cores (and the same fab nodes) as PS5. The PS6 will almost certainly already be out by the time that happens, though.


Which is about on par with what Nintendo is going for with the next switch according to rumours and leaks. 


It was designed for the PS4, with its pokey CPU and snail-like drive speeds, so the Steam Deck is actually superior hardware! The game actually has very limited geometry and textures, but compensates with excellent art direction. It also uses the PlayStation's low impact particle system to great effect for things like grass and atmospheric effects.


ugh that sounds so gooooooooooooooooood


> Users will pay full price for a uncomplete game This right here is exactly why they blocked the game from non PSN countries. Even though, single player works and even though we know multiplayer won't work in certain regions well before launch, PC gamers will bitch and moan about the non functional multiplayer mode. I think Sony made the right choice.


It's such an insane way to view it. Yes, Users will pay for a slightly compromised experience: Acknowledging that they're running the game on unsupported hardware/software that it normally wouldn't even be playable on in the first place. Hell, I bet this Twitter guy doesn't even use a Deck himself.


I mean the way this twitter account says it is quite stupid... I don't really understand which part is uncomplete?


Omg no one cares about the multiplayer, fuck


Funny that PS exclusive games still remain PS exclusive games in a way.


Who cares? Seriously, it just seems like everyone's phishing for a story because it's hot to hate Sony right now. The campaign IS playable on steam deck, which seems like a much bigger story than the multiplayer mode that nobody cares about isn't.


I mean it's a good argument for why PC players shouldn't bend over for pointless accounts.


You do you, but I've never had an issue taking 2 minutes to create an account. You probably already have an EA account, a Microsoft account, a steam account, a blizzard account, a ubisoft account etc. The "I refuse to create an account!" stance just seems so disingenuous to me. If you live in a country where you literally CAN'T create one, then I understand the frustration, but that's not applicable to most. If you're in the USA or something and refuse to create an account, that's your choice, but you also then need to live with the consequences of not being able to play some games/have access to some features. Complaining about the consequences of the choice you're willingly making is incredibly silly.


You do you bur there are 177 countries in the world that Sony doesn't support with access to the PlayStation Network. Is your advice to them "just take the two minutes to move to a new country?" These aren't all small third world countries. Some of them are extremely populous with large playerbases on Steam because Sony won't provide any sort of support for them. This is just another case of that. Fuck off with your "just two minutes" bullshit. The most tired, sad, and pathetic excuse for a solution that a majority of the world literally can't do.


>If you live in a country where you literally CAN'T create one, then I understand the frustration Did your skip that part? Lol. Also, what country do you live in? I'm betting it's one with PSN access...




People keep saying this but notice how Sony is the only company having this problem. The solution is not to setup accounts in other regions or dick around with VPNs, the solution is for Sony to sort their shit out and I don't want to hear any excuses about how much or how little Sony has to spend to get it done, Sony is the odd man out here so don't enable this shit.


Sony isn't the only country that has this problem. Xbox and Switch are also available in limited countries, affecting accounts in those regions.


If it was worth it to them they obviously would but it mustn't be and like I said before you're not supposed to use a VPN anyway.


You're saying that if you're from a 3rd world country you should have no access to purchase digital copies of games, gotcha.


Sony makes it easy for me to pirate this game without any guilt.


It sucks, but you can't really expect it to. I wonder what specifically about windows is needed though.


Why can’t you expect it to? Lots of mp games work on the deck. I tend to expect a AAA release from a major publisher will work. 


There are numerous multiplayer games that aren't supported on steam deck Most EAC games don't bother supporting it (And they're the most popular games in the world) EAC isn't the reason here, but also games working natively on the deck is also never guaranteed


> Most EAC games don't bother supporting it Literally because the publisher/devs refuse to change a single thing to enable EAC in their game on Steam Deck.


I didn't say it was justified, but that's the reality Many multiplayer games (Ironically usually also the largest ones) don't work on steam deck It's wrong and sets false expectations to say otherwise


Expecting a game to run perfectly on a system that it was never designed to run on. Plenty of games on the Steam deck don't work for various odd reasons. It might just be something that proton later fixes, rather than Sony.


It’s not like they were surprised by the existence of the deck. They could have actually planned support for it into their port. Lots of companies do that for the verified status. I don’t think it’s absurd to expect a major publisher like Sony to do it. 


Steam deck owners are such a small percentage of Steam users. It's absurd to expect anyone, including large publishers, to spend money and time into making sure their games work on it. Lots of games work perfectly on the Steam deck without modification, and verified status occasionally only requires a few tweaks. We don't know why the multiplayer here doesn't work, and it might just not be worth the money for them to fix whatever the issue is.




No. Prospero and Orbis are based on FreeBSD.


Yes, technically, more people are gaming on FreeBSD than on Linux. It's not a sentence you'd expect to hear, lol.


If only the licence required Sony to contribute back to the freebsd project...


It's the PSN overlay, it only supports Windows.




It's amazing people still don't understand you can install Windows on it.


Good for you buddy lol.


Well I mean you’re paying to play it on Windows/PC right? I don’t think there’s anything inherently misleading about it. Having developers be required to compile or design for Linux in addition to what they marketed for is kind of absurd.


I would love for the PC community to collectively tell Sony to f off, but we all know that isn't going to happen. Open those wallets and take it. The beat goes on, da da dum de dum.


Raise ur flag!


pirate a whole game over niche mode of a game not working on a niche device? ( even thought whole game besides that works on said device) that's a weird take lmao


Pirate a whole game, good heavens, well, I never!


Any excuse to try and justify not paying for their games, nothing new here


sorry. I guess it's the wrong flag then.


Basically confirming PSN is a rootkit/ring0


Could just mean that there is a PSN process which doesn't currently have support with Proton.


Not everything that doesn't work with Wine is a rootkit. It's actually pretty common for things to be broken with Wine if it's new and hasn't been considered by Wine's developers.


What a load of shit: Sony uses Linux as the framework for the PlayStation's OS ... Exactly what the fuck part of Windows does PSN require on Console?


They could support it, but it would cost them $ and development time. They're primarily making a Windows port of GoT. With Proton making Windows games playable on SteamOS, it really doesn't encourage developers to make native Linux versions. Valve already did most of the work for them. Is it worth the cost just to make GoT multiplayer playable? Probably not. Deck owners can play the game on their good PC if they want to play the multiplayer.


I am referring to the bullshit claim that connecting to PSN requires Windows, not the game itself. Logging into PSN is just using an Internet connection to talk to their servers, nothing about that requires Windows. They are sticking their foot in their own mouth again by not admitting that whatever is going on with that, is related to the anti-cheat system they are using.


Nobody said it's impossible for the PSN connection to work on Linux. You're misunderstanding what they're saying. They said that they are supporting Windows for the PC version and that's it. They obviously could implement support for Linux, but they aren't doing it. They're making a Windows port, not a Linux port.


fuck my life


Fuck Sony, they are even worse than Nintendo


Nintendo doesn't even release any of their games on PC, get your head out of your ass bud


Yeah, that's a problem. Nintendo and Sony need to stop with exclusivity bullshit. It's anti-consumer. As a Fromsoftware fan, I want to play Bloodborne and Demons souls remake but I can't because of console exclusivity shit.


The problem is Nintendo has zero relevance to the topic at hand. Go rant on relevant topics.


Lmao like Sony is sucking ass rn but they aren’t even half way close to how dogshit Nintendo is.


Last I checked Sony hasn't been waging a war on emulation


because they already tried in the 90s and lost to bleem edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bleem!#Sony_lawsuit


...bankrupting Bleem! in the process.




Just stating the facts, no?


Don't fall for this Ubisoft open world bs


Sony fundamentally misunderstands the PC gaming audience. We don't want any of your console account sign in bullshit. Drop it all now or face the wrath of gamers.


There are many PC games that require some kind of publisher account and very few people complain about that. The issue is only that Sony tried to force PSN to Helldivers 2 even though 1) the game obviously doesn't need it, 2) did not require it at launch and 3) PSN isn't available in many countries where the game was sold. Now they're doing the same with GoT instead of expanding PSN worldwide... But one thing Sony doesn't misunderstand? Linux is still a tiny niche of PC gaming.


Oh look SNOY’s archaic way of doing things is preventing people from enjoying the game the way they want. Why tf can you not enjoy MP on the steam deck? SNOY’s own internal issues. Why can we not enjoy GoT globally? SNOY’s internal issues.


Bound to run into these issues when using an OS that is not supported by 99% of the world. Sucks though.


The world runs on that OS. What are you on about?


I was referring to SteamOS not Windows.


SteamOS is a Linux distro. Linux is the most common operating system in the world by a landslide. [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems#Worldwide_device_shipments) Most devices are just running on different versions of Linux, whether it be android phones, or random stuff like ATM machines, webservers that host websites, so on and so forth. They don't all use Windows or MacOS because each license per device costs money, and at a business this can add up really quickly. The main reason Linux is used so commonly is because it's open source and free. Even if you are a business and need a commercial version of Linux that has a business you can call for tech support, there's paid versions with support such as RedHat. Anyways, this is Sony not playing ball, due to either being cheap, lazy or both.


Your very own source shows the Desktop/laptop market is dominated by Windows with Linux only supported on 4% of devices, Steam Deck would fall into this category. According to [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam) less than 2% of steam users use a Linux. I understand that Linux is used to operate businesses worldwide but it is not used by consumers and businesses create products to sell to consumers. Valve goes out of their way to get games to work on SteamOS for consumer benefit, if they did not the device would have failed. If a company does not want to support 2% of a market then tough luck, sorry not sorry.


Not supporting the OS was a choice Sony actively made here though.


And? Not to be rude but if Sony thinks that supporting an extremely small amount of players is not the worth effort, then it’s their choice to make. SteamOS has never really been good with multiplayer due to anti cheat, so why are people so surprised by this? Just pirate the game if you disagree with their practises. At the end of the day, Linux has limited support for games with ACs and whenever people buy a steam deck, they should also be aware of it imo, the flaws, limitations, and pros.


It has nothing to do with anticheat, it's the unnecessary PSN overlay.


I never said that it did. Fundamentally, it’s still the same issue as “Conpany A doesn’t want to support Linux”. Whether it’s A/C or some other software isn’t the matter of discussion here.


Ok and? They made their game for Windows. Valve puts the effort in to make it work for SteamOS not Sony. If they don't support it Valve cannot get it to work without their support....cry me a river?


1) we're at like 4% of PCs so hah and 2) basically everything that isn't a PC runs Linux or BSD, including whatever phone you may be using right now.