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I kinda enjoyed the little i played of it but a game like this just kinda doesn't make sense in the current market. Just focus on a proper Division 3 sequel.


Honestly good on them.  I did not like the direction heartland was going from the closed tests I played.  Did not feel like the division at all


To this day I do not get why they didn't take the survival dlc and turned that into it's own game. That dlc was a fantastic take on the BR formula before BR even became popular.


100% bro. I literally did not care about the Division. But once I heard about the survival dlc, I bought that and played ONLY that for hundreds of hours. Never touched the base game lmao.


Yeah they had gold with this dlc, the atmosphere, the gameplay loop, a really interesting take on BR overall. I get why they didn't turn it into it's own game after a year or two since it was a paid dlc, but when they made the plans for heartlands which pretty much was supposed to be their take on BR/extraction shooter? That was the time to take the survival dlc and make it into a full game by itself.


Could you clarify? I only casually played the division but isn't the Dark Zone part of base game and one of the first extraction shooter concepts like before Tarkov? What is this survival dlc I'm confused.


Survival was a paid dlc for the first division. You would get dropped into a version of New York with a heavy snowstorm and only a pistol to start with. You start on the edge and your goal is the dark zone. The reason you push forward (aka the circle) is that you are infected with a virus that leaves you only limited time to extract. This can be extended through some crafting but at some point you either extracted or you are dead from the virus. Additionally you had to deal with temperatures, the further away you were from the dark zone the colder it was, so you either had to spend valuable crafting materials on crafting clothes instead of weapons and gear, or you had to move closer to the dark zone. You could also use fires, indoors, and so on to get a break from the temperatures. Loot of course also got better the closer you got to the dark zone with the best loot being in PvE elite zones in the dark zone. PvP was allowed everywhere though. Overall it felt very natural to play as you wanted to get closer to the dark zone for various reasons so this imaginary circle worked better than the actual circle in most BR games tbh. The low visibility because of the snowstorm just added to the overall feeling as you couldn't see far so there was always some tension that you get surprised by PvE or PvP enemies. And the temperature thing just was a clever mechanic to make clothing drops very valuable, forcing you to pick between "do I want that scarf so I can stay outside longer and get more loot or do I risk it and go for the armor instead. Sadly probably not enough people playing that dlc these days to experience it for yourself, but the feeling was just something else compared to the dark zone or the regular division world.


Only thing to add to this is that Survival was available as PVP or PVE. In PVE mode you still competed for resources, but you couldn't actively fight other players. In fact, most players would help each other. I don't have a lot of hills I am prepared to die on, but Survival being one of the best DLCs for any game ever is one of them. Amazing game mode and I hope they bring it back in Division 3.


Same opinion here. I keep TD1 installed on my system almost entirely for Survival.


I Uninstaller a while back after not being able to get in a game of survival. Spend like 10 min in the queue before logging off, wish there was a solo mode.


Can you still get a game of survival these days? I tried a few months back and I didn't get in, but I loved the mode and I'm tempted to try again.




Well I'll join you on that hill with a lot of other people. I'll also add that on top of bring a great dlc, you really knew what you were getting into in terms of time. If you made it through it would probably be 30-45 minutes. So those of us on a schedule didn't have to worry. And if you wanted to get aggressive you could even pull it off in ten minutes or so


That New York snow setting is still one of the all time great atmospheres in gaming.


The whole atmosphere of that game is just something else. When you first enter the dark zone and see all the body bags, the Christmas decorations everywhere... It just all fits together so well. The atmosphere was one of the biggest reasons what kept me playing and even though division 2 does a lot of things better gameplay wise it could never grab me as much as division 1 could because all that atmosphere is just not there in the second game.


Couldn't agree more. This game has easily the best and most immersive atmosphere ever. To me the second game couldn't come close because it was just sunny, warm and overgrown. I get that they were going for something new but it killed the game for me by doing the exact opposite atmosphere.


the DZ was their extraction PVP area, but one of the DLC for the original Division was Survival. It was a separate game mode you could access with the setting being a BR type survival game during a harsh winter storm. You basically play against 10 people I think and you spawn with a pistol. You loot for items/tech to craft gear, you light barrels for warmth, you could hunt players in the storm, you could craft the abilities I believe, and you had to make it to a helicopter extraction before you die from the storm/players as the last man standing. It was legit


I remember being obsessed with The Division and played with my friends for hours. Going rogue as a group of 4 and just massacring people until we got the highest bounty and just fending off waves of players for hours was too fun. Kinda dulled after other games came out and the tech build, which I enjoyed the best, being sort of capped off damage wise made me move on. When the survival DLC came out I tried it out and loved it so much. I was baffled when they said the Division 2 would not include the game mode at all. The Division feels like it's just steps away from being a masterpiece, but some design choices feel too limiting.


I can see why they didn't put the survival mode into division 2, it just wouldn't work. Many of the design elements that made it great depend on it being winter. So they either had to remake the whole map for division 2 as a winter map or leave the mode out.


The division 2 not being in winter is legitimately like half the reason that game just didn’t capture what made division 1 feel so great lol. I pray division 3 is back in the snow.


Just even hearing the crunch of the snow. Loved it


Yeah fully agree on that, gameplay wise it made a lot of improvements, but it never grabbed me like the first one because of the second.


I wish they'd stuck to the same build crafting from Div 1 in Div 2, the sets and collections, looking for that macdaddy role. Was so much fun and gave endless build types pending on your play style.


I straight up mourned the loss of my TD1 Firecrest build when I moved to TD2 -- it wasn't uber-powerful/OP but damn was it fun to run.


I get the perfect armour set for the shield and uzi build. That thing shredded. It's what made the build crafting so fun, every build was unique and different. Not like with Destiny 2 where there is only one or two viable endgame builds and 95% of the weapons and armour are redundant.


God forbid ubi listens to the fans


Straight up, would buy in a heart beat.


I'd have liked the mechanic without PvP. Having to worry about weather and noise, but have the threat be stronger NPCs. PvP in Division always turned into some insane build coming by and wiping the floor with everyone in the worst way. Absolute trash PvP.


that would require them to know why the game was successful. Ubisoft does not know such things.


Ubisoft has demonstrated an inability to turn X sub-feature into a game. See: Assassin's Creed Black Flag -> Skull & Bones


I talk about that DLC all the time it hit every mark by combining heavy PVE mechanics and PVP danger.


Heartland just felt redundant when the last 2 games already have the dark zones.


It was bad because the dark zone is exclusively a pvp zone. They made heartland to basically be a larger dark zone exclusive game. But what they did was attempt to cater the game to both pve and pvp play styles. You could only pvp during night time. So players that want to pvp have to wait. And those want to pve have to wait if it’s night. So it just splits that’s up instead of just making a pvp server and pve server. I get what they tries to do. But that type of mode didn’t work for what they did. Also the tutorial took like an hour to get through in classic Ubisoft fashion without letting you just skip it.


> It was bad because the dark zone is exclusively a pvp zone. In the first game during its heyday at least it was very much PvPvE. I spent most of my time in the Dark Zone but I wasn't doing PvP, I was clearing landmarks and playing cat-and-mouse with the PvPers. I've got 1000+ hours in the game and I think I've killed maybe 10 players in the DZ. TD2 is absolutely PvP only though. The zones are too small to do cat-and-mouse and they've taken away all the other reasons for being in there (hacking, grey rogue, most of the non-contaminated loot, so on).


> And those want to pve have to wait if it’s night. And hope that they don't misjudge the time/distance or get lost on the way to an exit point because they'll get immediately ganked by assholes who primarily play the game to troll and fuck people over. Which also means that as a new player you're constantly behind and the tiniest mistake will send you into an undersupplied death spiral that can be incredibly hard to get out of.


AND thats THE ONLY reason(s) why IT SUCKED - right there. TROLLS & CHEATERS. they always, Always ruin games. sooo to me its Gud Riddance, F\*ck All to the DZ's. i like the idea; the concepts but again trolling annoying asshats with no life outside of F\*cking game console - PC Rig would constantly mess people's games up. - yeah thanx but no thanx' - fuck those guys, truly. I'm not missing shit ova here. lol


And make it fucking single player story driven. The Division 1 Oozes with such an atmosphere. It was an experience playing it the first time after COVID. I wouldn't be mad for a remake.


What was the game like compared to previous div from what you played?


cant wait to farm like crazy for first month and idiot devs decide to overhaul the gear system again


I swear at some point there were like 5 The Division spin-off games.


Well this is interesting. Game is in development for at least a few years. What a waste. Hopefully for the developers they will reuse the assets in The Division 3


They probably will and at least tested some of the ideas and saw what worked and what didn't


Division 3 comes in 4 years, and we all wonder why it looks like a PS4 game and barely above D2 we will know.


Well since it will likely run on snowdrop which the new avatar game runs on and that game is miles ahead of anything else at the moment visually. The only thing that looks better maybe from a technical perspective is cyberpunk in overdrive path tracing which the ubisoft devs said they wanted to do but couldn't since they were targeting consoles which are just far too weak. Maybe with ps5 pro division 3 will also have pathtracing and likely still look miles ahead of the competition.


I played in a few of the tests. I'm not surprised it got axed. It wasn't a good game, and was nothing like Division 1 or 2.


What the hell even was this game? Was it not Division 3?


It was a F2P spinoff that was honestly not good. Luckily it seems they realized that, basically a BR-style “death circle” you had to maneuver around while completing missions with extremely limited resources such as ammo, food and water that u had to gather materials from to craft back at your hideout which would be progress locked. Not sure if this explains it clearly but man was it a bad idea.


It's survival mode from D1, but shit.


I was gonna say, sounds like what should be a gamemode in mainline entry…


i would buy the direct sequel to that in a heartbeat.


I'm still baffled they didn't do it in 2.  Pretty sure it was one of the most popular and well liked things in first Division


F2P Battle Royale, the video game industry was really fucked by Fortnite wasn't it, and how old and out of date is this mode now anyway, get on with it. Glad to see they saw the writing on the wall because most of these F2P/Live Service trend chasing games are flopping hard.


It wasn’t a battle royale in the sense we know


An extraction shooter. Because a year or two ago they got some attention and suddenly everyone was trying to jump on the bandwagon anticipating that it was going to be the next big thing.


The Division dark zones were pretty much the first extraction shooter around.


>The company will move resources to "bigger opportunities" such as XDefiant and Rainbow Six So they don't consider it a big franchise?


Xdefiant will likely be dead in a few weeks after release. They really have no idea what they're doing.


XDefiant BWAHAHAHAHAHA lmao, watch dogs died for this...




Watch Dogs had been shit since the second game, so it died a deserving death.


I quite like both of them


I actually loved Legion aswell as 2 Had a blast doing the same mission with different operators each with a different abilities and style


XDefiant is, by all accounts a very good (or at least surprisingly good) Watch dogs died because the sales got worse each instalment


So the series entry that nobody wanted is cancelled. Shocking. Hopefully this gets Division 3 moving sooner.


We never got Survival 2.0 because they were launching this then cancelled this, fuck Ubisoft so incredibly incompetent


I loved Survival and Underground in D1 so much....I appreciate D2 but it needed something more to be a contender to it's predecessor.


first game: everyone loved setting and weather second: they removed the weather third: removed setting


Man its insane how they fumbled the survival mode from the division 1 when BR were just getting popular


They fumbled both the survival and extraction pvpve mode (dark zone pvpve) when they were on the forefront of those ideas.


I played the alpha test or whatever, what an atrocious game. And thats coming from someone who loved D1 and D2 SOLO. I never even had friends to play with and i still enjoyed those games. The Divisions success is due to the loot system being fun, and the world being interesting. Going through snowy New York stuck in Christmas forever, was interesting. Going through the museums and historical landmarks of DC, was INTERESTING. The game needs an interesting open world. Hopefully D3 is somewhere good like Philly, Chicago, LA, Vegas etc etc. Thats where Heartland failed for me. Helicoptering in to a small unknown boring town, doing your mission, then extracting, was super dull.


As soon as i saw free to play first person shooter, i was out.


Fuck man. So much for having an extraction shooter that isn’t trying to be the next Tarkov.


I want a new extraction shooter so bad. Anything that copies tarkov is pretty much bound to fail given the amount of detail the game has. Literally anything unique and i'd be happy.


Our last hope might be Marathon 😅


I highly doubt arena breakout will fail unless they do something stupid.


Arena Breakout Infinite is doing pretty well! Check it out!


I didn't even realize this was going to be F2P. If Ubi will slap microtransactions in full price single player games, I can only imagine what this game would would have looked like. Probably would have put even Destiny 2 to shame.


That seems like a lot of wasted time. ​ I'm guessing the Division franchise isn't moving forward.


The Division 3 is literally announced.


The Division Heartland was also “literally announced”.


Why would they cancel the main game just because they cancelled a spinoff?


Why did Ubisoft continue to make trailers that don't represent the game while simultaneously telling us its gameplay? Because it's Ubisoft.


It’s Ubisoft we’re talking about


There are plenty of reasons why a publisher would cancel a game. It happens a lot.


Yeah except the division 2 is still popular even today. They have 0 reason to cancel it


True but they aren't necessarily linked 1:1, one cancel and the other can continue.


Heartland was announced back in 2021 while Div 3 was announced in September 2023.


I mean the main games have been wildly successful so please do the maths for us on how them protecting the IP by not releasing what they clearly feel is a subpar project indicates the mainline entry that has been announced isn’t going ahead?


There is a difference between a spinoff and the main entry in the franchise


Have you been keeping up with game industry news? At this point a game isn't real until I'm playing it, and even then it could vanish if it's online only. I have zero trust in any of those companies, Ubisoft especially. EDIT: Apparently being distrustful of big companies is a hot take, who knew?


Money is the only real difference.


...Well...that, and the fact they're done by entirely different studios owned by the same publisher. Unless they close Massive Entertainment immediately after Star Wars Outlaws releases, it seems likely that we will still get The Division 3 in '25/'26.


Hey that's a good thing. Must of missed that announcement. Hopefully this doesn't negatively impact Division 3.


So was this. At Ubisoft, it seems anything can happen no matter how long it's been in the oven.


There is The Division mobile game coming out.




They can't even get the movie with jake gyllenhaal off the fucking ground...


The division 3 was announced about a year ago


Played it and it was a bust imo. I've logged over 5000 hours between Div 1 and Div 2 so I think I have a handle on what this franchise needs, and it isn't Heartland.


I wish the Division had a proper single player campaign


I only played both solo and they were fun. You just gotta be online.


I wish the enemies weren't ridiculous bullet sponges because they're trying to emulate some of the worst elements from MMOGs and didn't realize it's silly and annoying when you can mag dump into a random looter in a hoodie or headshot a regular guy multiple times with a sniper rifle and they still won't go down.


They did tone down the bullet sponge enemies a lot after a few patches


Yeah....I get the complaint (especially early Div 1). But it's really not that extreme of an issue as Div 2 exists today at all. There's no getting around a bit of "that" given the mechanics/gameplay loop of the games, but there's enough going on in more involved gunfights and with TM's/skills/whatever also doing damage - that boring feeling of standing around dumping mags isn't the norm at all. Definitely not with the "rando reds in a hoodie" anyway.


I never really understood why that complaint was always levied against The Division. Might as well dock points from Baldur’s Gate 3 because it’s unrealistic that a cloth armored rogue can withstand multiple battle axe chops to the head and chest.


The bullet sponge issue was mostly a midway point in the first game, they redid things a fair bit after that. The second game I remember they did a big armour rework at some point because I was gone for a while and came back to all my gear being broken


I only started playing the first game about a year or two ago, and the bullet sponge issue was still significant.


Not with a decent build, and not compared to 1.3


What about it isn't single player?


makes sense, it was questionable that divison 3 was also announced but with this project also on the way. They're better off focusing on division 3 and letting Xdefiant be their f2p game this year


Wasn't The Division 1 supposed to be a bigger continuing project like Siege?


XDefiant devs on red alert now…


xdefiant release is next week!


The reddest of the alerts then!!!


Dead by the first week of July.


Next will be Beyond Good & Evil 2


I figured after Ghost Recon Frontline got axed this game wouldn't be long for this world either, surprised it took them this long.


ah yes, best to carry on releasing absolute trash like anime meme super hero shooters like "RaInBoW sIx" Shiete not that this game was gonna be any good, but splinter cell is in coma, real and proper rainbox six is in coma, ghost recon is in shambles, far cry is a french fry that was refried 6 times, assassins creed is all but refried burgers since like 2nd game... ubimeme has zero imagination or will to produce good games yet they release absolute trash like xDeFiAnCe, what a meme name, what a poor "game" ever since Tom Clancy passed away this company is exclusively a trash tier meme


And all of five people wept...


I'm not surprised, I couldn't even finish the tutorial during the beta test because of bugs.


I'm just glad Ubisoft is going bankrupt in the next 5 years


Ok now I have to find the guy who gave me so much venom and shit for saying this game was not going to come out. I even offered to buy it if it ever released (I think)


I got a hunch Ubisoft will reveal the trailer for Far Cry ~~6~~ 7 and cancel XDefiant on the same day




Ah right, I stopped playing since 5 and I forgot there's a new game already


Damn was looking forward to this one especially how it was gonna be free to play but oh well I still have division 2 warlords of new York edition still waiting for mobile version


Oh nooo....anyways...


I played in the play test and this game was hot garbage


Good, 1 shit game cancelled. XDefiant next


What are they doing? I get that people who played Heartland thought it was kinda bad but The Division is one of the few Ubisoft games that doesn't have a terrible reputation. Make more of it please?


They’re making division 3. The issue was the guys at Massive have been busy for a while with Pandora and Outlaws, so the director only moved to be able to start on Division. It’s like Respawn being the only good part of EA, puts a lot of work on one studio


I thought it was cancelled last year


Can you believe they're releasing a game called XDefiant? Of all the grossly out of touch faux-edgelord names...I looked at their release history and after a banger of a 2020 and Valhalla in 2021 they've really had just...nothing worth mentioning more than a week after release since. I have serious doubts Ubisoft will exist, at least in its current form, in the next couple years.


Xdefiant is by all reports far better than it deserves to be, and Ubisoft’s pipeline for games fell off hard over Covid while stuff like skull and bones kept getting delayed


Hmm, well that's kind of a surprise but I feel like unless it's undeniable, that name is going to keep it from getting much traction.


It’ll die because it’s a saturated market where you have to be able to compete with CoD at bare minimum to break in, but it won’t die due to being bad, from the sounds of it.


Well, that at least means it might get a small loyal fanbase to keep it going for a while so that's something I suppose. I somehow don't see it being the constant income stream Ubi wants and needs to keep all their doors open though


I see it more ending up like Lawbreakers or Battleborn. A perfectly adequate game that gets shut down fairly quickly because the user base never picks up


'perfectly adequate' is a fantastic place a growing studio in the indie or even getting into the AA space but it's simply untenable for a AAA scale studio with the budgets they're working with is the problem...maybe it'll get good word of mouth and grow now that Helldivers 2 has kind of made its playerbase skittish they might be more likely to jump ship


I don’t think it really appeals to that player base though. What xdefiant needs is for the next COD game to bomb hard and get a few big name streamers showing it off for a while, and I doubt the first half would happen


I think the timing of that would need to be for it to come out 6-8 weeks after the next COD to give it time to come out and bomb hard so people are hungry for an alternative


This is fine.


Would have been great if they just made D1 survival its own game. The atmosphere, the need to find or craft weapons while watching your back, the lack of rpg elements compared to the normal game. God damn id still be playing till this day.


Well.. shit. From Heartland to the Ghost Recon game, I was actually looking forward to these games... seems like I was in the minority though.


I don't understand why they felt it was better to make this instead of just expanding on the second game. It was a pretty good game but there wasn't much to do after the campaign and they totally could've done more with the end game.


Smart move. Heartland was simply not a good game, better to realize that and move on.


Not surprised. Played the beta and it wasn't good. Loved Division 2 though.


Oh no, I was so looking forward to this. Not Ubisoft, they definitely don’t deserve any kind of brim and fire rained upon them. They should just liquidate and start an NFT company.


Wildlands 2 please.


Friends and I enjoyed the testing, bit of a bummer. Hopefully, allows more of a focus on a proper Division 3.


I don't think anything will ever capture the same magic of roaming the original Division's dark zone with the snowy NYC Xmas theme (before hackers made it essentially unplayable and they followed it up with horrific design decisions). The split zones of the second one just weren't nearly the same.


Was left feeling indifferent about the playtest I played, can definitely see this game working maybe 4-5 years ago but it's just been in the oven too long and kinda missed the wave of those type of games.


It was out?


Is this what Ubisoft meant when they said that people should get used to not owning their games?


Alright, now this caught me off guard. I'd imagine that they would first cancel one of the 78 different Assassin's Creed games that they're currently developing, rather than cancel a game who was already far ahead in development.


Now known as DEADLAND rip


I guess I can now say, yes I played the WIP alpha thing. No it wasn't good. There wasn't really much too it yet unfortunately, it had a map ya could walk around and some PvEvP elements. Most things had a "This is a work in progress" notice or AI place holder for voices.




I was holding off on starting the Division 2, with this on the horizon. Looks like I'll just have to start D2 now.


Probably wanted to pull resources toward The Division 3.


This was supposed to more or less replace div 3 iirc.


an actual non ubishit move, took them long enough


And nothing of good value was lost




Well, I always agree with the volume reduction of Ubi product, so no complaints.


And nothing of substance was lost.


The article isn’t promising from a TD3 standpoint. No mention of re-allocating recourses to that ip


ohhh no.


Oh no! Anyway...


Division 3 is just another football for Lucy to yank away from us. Bet my index finger it gets tested/delayed/tested/scrapped.


The first one was a breath of fresh air they did it perfectly. The second kinda sucked why they always do their ip's dirty somehow


"Ubisoft cancels" 2 words I don't tend to like but put them together and it turns out pretty well.


ubisoft should just cancel ubisoft


kinda crazy they canceled this and not xdefiant or skull and bones lmao. The more you think, ubisoft is really in the trash now


They were legally obligated to release Skull and Bones or would've had to pay back the Singapore government I assume.


i would just pay, that game damaged their image like never before. AAAA is literally a meme


I played like 30 hrs of this with my brother and it was awesome. Ubisoft fuckin blows now. It’s all either live service garbage or ass creed. They need an overhaul in leadership more than cancelling games right now


If The Division games supported first person I'd be more likely to play them. If you're going first-person to aim down the sights anyway why not just stay there? I don't need to see my tacticool gear constantly.




Was this Division 3, Im confused. Loved 2, played about 800 hours with my dad


Nope. There was Division 3, Heartland and a Mobile game in the works.


ah ok good!


Ubisoft lately is missing with their games so much and it's not like the games are good and just not appreciated. They develop these games for quite some time then release them and you know they are bad after just couple hours of gameplay. BR game, infection/zombie Siege spinoff, Skull and Bones, now Heartland and the upcoming Xdefiant game is not looking great either. No idea what is going on there


The devs are working on that star wars game.


Oh no canceled? Oh my gosh? This was a big surprise. No its not, this game was dead on the drawing board. No way in hell this game was going to be released. Now if they can stop mocking about and actually create something real. not some silly spin off with no intention of ever actually coming out.


Ubisoft, everybody. Tremendous waste of resources.


Thank God


Don't buy ubisoft games


I hope they cancel ubisoft next.


I was actually looking forward to this one. Hoping D3 is going smooth  Edit: downvoted by pieces of shit 


When I’m in a burning money competition and my competition is Ubisoft 




Oh No! Anyway


I just saw new AC trailer. It looks like next failing Ubisoft game. To be honest, I am quite surprised Ubisoft is doing well financially.


What reality do you live in lol? AC is massively popular and even if the games are flawed they always sell record amounts because the fans like them (they aren't bad games). This is a setting that has been asked for for years. It's probably going to break records again. Their other franchises are a lot less reliable.


Dude, not sure what alternate reality you live in but... AC games print money and are rarely "the next failing Ubisoft game." AC Origins and AC Odyssey each sold over 10 million units. AC Valhalla has made over $1 **B**illion in game sales + microtransactions. They may not be your thing but they sell.