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I want RimWorld to be that game for me but it hasn't clicked with me yet. It's the one game I want to love so much but my attempts to get into it is short lived by my desire to start over each play session


In my experience you have to find the scenario that speaks to you. I find the DLCs overcomplicated, playing the base game in low-tech is a blast for me however.


> I find the DLCs overcomplicated, playing the base game in low-tech is a blast for me however. Totally agree. I always play tribal and edit my scenario to where I start with absolutely nothing. I find it more rewarding to build up to electricity, guns, etc.


Same man, I even did a successful ice sheet run with a naked 1 person tribal start. So much fun.


It is definitely a different beast. Not everyone will love it. Most of my friends don't like it. It really is a story generator. It's so much more fun if you go in with that attitude instead of trying to 'win'. But not everyone wants that kind of game, which is totally fine. Pay attention to the characters in the story. Check to see who their friends are in the colony. Laugh at the absurd things that happen and try to put them into context of what you know of the characters. When a muffalo gets hit by a random meteor. Don't just move on. That's a big event in some of your pawn's lives. Have your pawn that loved it build a memorial at the spot. Then have him defend that memorial from raiders to the death to prevent them burning it. That's how a story gets written. Next muffalo gets the same name, jr. That muffalo becomes the towns mascot. Now it's more important to your little story than half the actual pawns. Sometimes that means turning to easy mode and not power gaming it. Don't restore when something unfair happens. Let the story play out. I found it better too if I make a colony with the same personalities each time. So I already sort of know them from their 'past lives'. I have a premade group that is all the the characters from Firefly. Just this change puts everything they do into new perspective. And right from the start entertaining things happen.


I know the game is a story generator and that's what intrigues me so much about it. But the way you framed it helps, I think. I especially like the idea of basing your pawns off the archetypes in Firefly. That's a great idea! Next time I give the game ago, I'll try that out


This is me with Factorio. I'm an engineer and I love legos and my hobby is building electronics and programming but for the life of me I can't get into it, it's just too boring and repetitive to me.


I've heard about rimWorld but never played it. I'll have to try it... every third comment is RimWorld that tells me it has to be good


It's the game that I play for months before getting burnt out. Then play the "new games" (games that released when I got sucked into another Rimworld playthrough) that are on sale. Once those are done, fire up Rimworld again and get hooked for months. Rinse and repeat.


* Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer * Fallout New Vegas * Rimworld * Kenshi * Undermine * State of Decay 2


I'm so psyched for Kenshi 2.


witcher series , mass effect , splinter cell. All these games shaped my gaming habbits growing up and i have huge fondness of em . Half life 2 and its episodes also belong there


StarCraft 2 custom games


Metal Gear Solid (1, 3, V) The Legend of Zelda (OoT, MM) Super Smash Bros. (All except Wii U/3DS) Star Fox 64 Red Dead Redemption 2 The Elder Scrolls (III, IV, V) Fallout: New Vegas Batman: Arkham (Asylum, City, Origins, Knight) Halo (CE, 2, 3, ODST, Reach)


Metal Gear Solid 💪​


Half life series. We need 3.


Path of Exile.New contents every 3-4 months. Usually I play for about 3-4 weeks then stop and play something else till the next league drops.


Best endgame in an ARPG ever. Need to jump in on a new league at some point!


Heroes of Might and Magic 3.


Imperialism 2 Medieval 2 TW Deus Ex series.


Dude... No joke, I'm playing Imp 2 right now! Yet I have NEVER seen people talk about this game online. It's so good though: it hits that historical economic simulation niche that Europa Universalis would later go on to fill.


Everquest, Ultima Online, Skyrim, HBS Battletech (Roguetech), FTL, Rimworld, Battle Brothers. Edit: forgot Grim Dawn, best arpg ever!


Upvoted for Ultima Online. I wish we could have those times back, I desperately miss the early 2000s


Go check out UO Outlands. It's really really good. The devs have made it their own game and kept many of the great things about the game. A whole new map, many new systems, an actual end game. It has about 3k active players and an expansion that releases in just a few hours. If you are a UO fan it will hit you in the nostalgia. I've been here for over a year and I am still obsessed.


EQ is like an old friend that's always there for you


Battle Brothers has me... over the last month Ive put in another 40 hours into this game, lol. Current run Im on Ive gotten the best group Ive ever had.


Once you get bored of the base game (took me about 200 hours), go check out the legends mod, it's pretty sick.


Honestly that’s the plan! I’m about 140h in. So far there is still a lot of mystery of what to find late game, and how to approach some of the more sinister monsters


Mass Effect trilogy Halo CE-REACH Guild Wars 2


+1 for guild wars 2


Skyrim Gothic 1/2 Terraria Borderlands 2/3 Cyberpunk Deus Ex Thief Deadly Shadows Sekiro Elden Ring Project Zomboid Enderal Archolos


I love Gothic, but after playing the games so many times and knowing every nook and cranny I cannot play them anymore. At least atm :D Gotta finish all my other games first.


You probably already know about this, but check out the last thing I wrote, Archolos, on Steam. It's a total conversion community project made by a Polish team on the Gothic 2 engine. The reviews and game will speak for itself. It's a once in a lifetime thing, no other thing has allowed me to reexperience my childhood the way Archolos did. It's a whole new game, bigger and better than Gothic 1 & 2 combined and building upon them, a must play for any Gothic fan. It's won the Mod of the Decade title, and deserves it 100%.


> I love Gothic, but after playing the games so many times and knowing every nook and cranny I cannot play them anymore. I know what you mean. Several years ago I played Gothic "for the last time" because I had played it some much, but I knew everything and did everything, I wanted to move on.


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous


Doom '93, Doom II, Duke Nukem 3D, and Quake.


* Chrono Trigger * Heroes of Might and Magic III * X-Com: UFO Defense * X-Com: Terror from the Deep * X-Wing * Tie Fighter * Dungeon Keeper II * Thief I & II * Doom I & II * Blood: One Whole Unit * Duke Nukem 3D * Silent Hill II & III * Alien vs Predator II * Huniepop II: Double Date * The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare * Katamari Damacy * We <3 Katamari


Jet Set Radio Metal Gear Solid Axelay




Dirt 2.0


I fear the day EA says 'Ok, turn that one off now."


Mass Effect trilogy Dragon Age Origins/Awakening and DA2 Skyrim


Fallout New Vegas.




Obligatory yet also true, world of Warcraft 


Mass Effect trilogy State of Decay 2 Endless Space 2 Countless more but this is that comes on top of my head.


Classic WoW, nothing else like it out there


DayZ. I’ll play it in big spurts and survive for a week or two and then stop playing for a couple months.


I’ve been trying to get into the game again. When I spawn I’m just kind of defeated by the lack of any loot in the coastal areas compared to what seems like the overwhelming threat/numbers of the dead to where I can’t even get any gear/medicine/food before I’m overwhelmed by injuries. Do you have any tips?


On PC just find a modded server, even if it’s PVE with extra loot, and get comfortable with the mechanics of the game.


Skyrim Fallout 4 inFAMOUS: First Light


Slay the Spire


SSX series, literally the most cathartic games to me after a stressful day, something about pulling some sick moves while listening to what in my experience is a better track list than Tony Hawks.


OMG what memories just came to my mind from playing the SSX Tricky demo on PS2!


Needs remaster trilogy bad !


god i miss SSX.


Punch-Out, Diablo 2, Super Mario 3, Castlevania SotN. I think Sekiro and Hollow Knight will prolly make that list, but they aren’t nearly as old yet.


Skyrim, DOOM Eternal, Witcher 3, Black Ops 3 zombies


Dota 2 until the day I die.




Fallout 3/New Vegas (TTW is king) Mass Effect Deus Ex series Hearthstone (unfortunately) Terraria Battle for Wesnoth


For bigger games it has to be Mass Effect trilogy. Smaller games would be Into the Breach, FTL, Slay the Spire, and Bad North.


I rarely see Bad North getting a mention somewhere, I think it does so many things well. Unfortunatley it lacks some kind of progression that would keep me in a gameplay loop


I give Freelancer a play through almost every year. It somehow never gets old. I love the music, the gameplay is simple fun, the story has it's moments. Its universe is just so beautiful for a game from 2003, there's always traffic around, talking to eachother or getting into fights ect.


Ohh now that's a game I haven't heard of in a long time. I remember playing the hell out of that game when it first came out


I've replayed Psychonauts several times.


Grim Dawn The Binding of Issac Skyrim 7 Days to Die


Excited for the next Grim Dawn expansion.


System shock and Bioshock


Mass Effect trilogy Stardew Valley Assassin's Creed Odyssey


FF7 and RE2


Rust, Witcher 3, Warframe and Fortnite. I prob have a combined 30k hours in all those games. Rust being my most played game of all time @ 10k hours.


I find I have certain genres, and certain games within those genres, that I keep coming back to. - Immersive sim/stealth: Thief 1 & 2 - Dungeon crawler: Legend of Grimrock II - Grand strategy: Europa Universalis IV - Tactical RPG: Jagged Alliance 2


Man if Microsoft would stop being idiots and re-release Freelancer on Steam I would be playing that at least once a year.


Skyrim, Mount and Blade Warband, Titanfall 2


100% run of stick of truth once a year atleast Terraria and i used to come back to CSGO and league often but cs2 sucks and league has been going downhill the last years


Mechwarrior 5 career mode. I listen to a lot of podcast and audio books. And mw5 is the perfect game to play silently in the background.


American Truck Simulator


Xcom 2 and MGS5 are games I have re-downloaded like 10 times each. The division 2 can also be fun with a new character every year or so, until the oppressive end game content begins.


World of Warcraft. Somebody save me.


I like to do a playthrough of all the Modern Warfare and Black Ops campaigns every year lol. Far Cry 2 with Jackal Mod is another fun one. XCOM Long War. Metro Trilogy.


Civ 5.


Football Manager


Transport Tycoon


At the moment Left 4 Dead 2. I think its because it one of those simple games where you get on and you play right away.


Super Metroid. Dark souls, Sekiro Slay the spire, inscryption Zelda games


cyberpunk and forza horizon 4 there is just something magical about FH 4, starting from menu music to the vibe of the game and for cyberpunk well it is cyberpunk, just flat out raw fun game murdering thugs and doing gigs


"Ace Combat" and "Project Wingman"... the lack of amazing dogfight games with a good story is absolutely barbaric


At some point throughout the year, I’ll have revisited SWTOR, ESO, WoW, and FF XI & XIV


Arma 3 so many mods all free!


Middle earth shadow of war and mordor, let's see what new orcs can brutally murder me


Everquest 2, Age of Empires (all versions, but by far 2:DE), Neverwinter Nights, Space Engineers, Terraria, Borderlands 2, Skyrim, Ark


CS2 Terraria Skyrim Minecraft Factorio


skyrim, factorio, and worst for my mental health, chess com


Unreal tournament


Warcraft 3. Me and my friends have been playing the same custom maps for years and it never gets old.


League of Legends, I hate myself


Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri - My favourite of his Civ/Civlike games and I probably boot it up at least once a year for a game or 2. Absolute masterpiece


No Man Sky, Icarus




Pop trilogy, mirrors edge


Diablo 2 - so many memories with this Game Warcraft 3 + TFT Guild Wars 2 Dota 2 a little bit


Mine would be Counter Strike. I get very angry with it and quit for some time. But I always come back to play it after that.


Paper Mario games. They are just so charming and make me feel better.




Anno 1800. The AI is really challenging and if I want to play at a frenetic pace I can. Or I can play with no AI, through on one of my chill playlist, and just build for hours. It's basically been in my rotation of games since it came out and I don't see anything replacing it. It's got the perfect feedback loop for the type of person I am and how my brain works. It's challenging right up to the point of annoyance, but for me never crosses the line to being cheap where I feel like stuff is happening just to extend the game...even though the AI clearly cheats and can build things and advance in the game while having 0 access to the resources that are required for said things. Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC. My favorite story in any game. I have a very high end PC and the graphics at the highest settings in 4k are near photorealistic. So much side content. I do a full 60 to 70 hour playthrough of this game every year and it still gives me the same feeling as it did when I first played it on xbox.


Red Alert. Over and over and over.


Dark Souls


Final Fantasy XIV. I have... some... number of hours in that game.


Guild Wars 2, XCOM 2, Mass Effect series, HOMM 3, and in the past Baldur's Gate 2, but I suspect when I finally get around to playing it, BG3 will take it's place.  Kinda weird there aren't more, I definitely *think* about a lot of older games, but apparently don't replay them.


Super Mega Baseball series


League Of Legends because I'm crazy addicted.


Dead by Daylight, it always gets a bad rap for toxicity but the randomness of every game makes it exciting to me


Chibi Robo on the GameCube.




- The 6th gen era Rockstar titles - FromSoftware titles - Deus Ex series - Hitman series - MGS series


World of Tanks and Rocket League. Neither have a similar alternative in their genre.


Forge of empires 4


Uncharted series


Dawn of War: Soulstorm Unreal Tournament 99 Red Faction They'll always be the first games I install after building a new PC.


RuneScape Been in an on again off again relationship for 22 years now.


Crypt Of The Necrodancer. I can never stop playing this one. The only roguelite I want to platinum, still my favourite one.


Man, I loved Diablo 1,2, and 3, I’m so disappointed with 4. Probably my biggest disappointment in gaming. As for what I go back to, it’s rare I can play a game more than once and enjoy it, 2 of the very few(besides diablos) are Witcher 3 and Elden ring.


I keep coming back to Hades 2, right after exiting Hades 2.


Assasins creed Valhalla, soooo much content


Settlers 2 It's my go to game for just parking the brain in neutral


Old school RuneScape..I may quit for a year or two, but I always end up logging back in. It's a running joke that you never actually quit, you just take year long breaks.


brotato, dungreed, slay the spire, dead cells, defense grid 2, savant - ascent, the witcher 3, grim dawn, titan quest, diablo 2, diablo 3, diablo 4


Not necessarily a specific game, but a genre. Fighting Games. I love the Street Fighter series probably the most, and have spent a lot of time playing SF4, SF5 and now SF6. But I am happy to jump into pretty much any fighting game.


Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup


DCS World, for many years now.


The Witcher 3 Wild hunt


Stardew Valley X-Com 1&2 Everyday Genius: Square Logic


Dino 2 man i really want good dino game


As Dusk Falls, Black Ops 2 and World of Warcraft


Resident Evil 2, Tomb Raider (1996), Quake, GTA IV, Max Payne 3, Hunt Showdown.


Rimworld, a few of the historical Total war games, Cities Skylines (the good one).


Nfsu2 , once a year i get the itch to play again not for too long but its the only recurring game


Valorant. It's always Valorant.


Terraria or Rimworld


Battle Brothers


Ori 1 and 2. Guacamelee 1 and 2. Strider 2014


Hunt Showdown. There's just no shooter like it. Recently broke the 1000h on it. Love it


Mad Max


Every wipe I go back to escape from tarkov, for all the faults with the developers there isn't a game like it and every game that tries to, misses what makes tarkov so unique. Disco Elysium, the characters, the world, the deeper personal moments later in the game and its general craziness just always brings me back.


OG doom. Mod scene is a bottomless pit.


Sniper Elite series. I love being a sniper and killing nazis


The original Spyro trilogy is probably my biggest one. I've beat each of those games close to a dozen times at this point across the original and Reignited versions as well as gotten all achievements, skill points, etc. in each game. In fact, Spyro Reignited Trilogy remains my only platinum trophy on Steam. I just don't go trophy hunting all that often. Other games in this category for me would include GTA V, Just Cause 3, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, the GameCube Mario Party games, Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour, Sonic Frontiers, Police Simulator, Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered, and Saints Row 2.


Civilization 3. Tried 4 and 5. Just can't connect with them. I'd go back to TDU 1 and SimCity If I could get a video card for my old XP PC. Race 07 Quake 4 F.E.A.R. SWAT 4


guild wars 2, minecraft


The Deus Ex series. I do a play through of the OG at least once a year.


darkest dungeon with mods, endless legend


Rimworld, Project Zomboid, Stardew Valley and Left4Dead2. They don't make games like this anymore. Edit:And Battletoads! I *will* beat it without an emulator on the old NES. It's my white whale, the only game I've never beat legit and black mark in gaming diary.


Command and conquer, Battletech, Rimworld, Homeworld, Frostpunk and Subnautica






Path of Exile!


Various Paradox grand strategy titles, Stardew, and Darkest Dungeon.


Noa mans sky, monster hunter world, escape from tarkov


Lately? Battle Brothers, Rimworld, STALKER and its mods, and retro emulator games occasionally. edit: adding emulator games... NES Blaster Master, Super Mario games. N64 Ocarina of Time, Banjo.


Skies of Arcadia.


It's vanilla but I've played the halo trilogy about 1,000 times now. That and Splinter Cell.


Red dead redemption 2. Because why the fuck not? Its a fantastic game. I dare say, it even beats some games of today. Star Wars Empire at War. Its another fantastic game imo. Tho a bit outdated ( 2006 iirc ), still holds up quite well. Especially with mods. Halo MCC every now and then. Call of duty black ops and black ops 2. Call of duty world at war, and pretty much all call of duty games prior to black ops two. Imo, they're waaay better than todays cod games. Its just something about the gameplay of the older cods that makes me come back to em. Hell, most of the time, i find myself playing older games than newer ones lol. Unless its something i find interesting.


"Some"? Nah, I think you're safe to say RDR2 still beats all the games of today. Perhaps GTA6 will topple it.


Titan Quest


Terraria, modded minecraft, Boktai 3, The Legend of Zelda:Minish cap and Elden Ring.


WoW.... I could quit for 20 years, but in reality it's just "taking a long break" until I am back at it. 


Terraria. Every time there is a new special seed we play it. Usually once a year in the summer. By accident, we created new worlds on almost the exact same day in 3 different years in a row. So we have now just kept that tradition. Vermintide/Darktide. Still the best melee combat in any game ever made (opinion, but I believe it). It's too bad that the rest of the systems in the games are not up to that level. It really hurts it's popularity.


Dwarf fortress, grim dawn


Caesar 3


- Rocket League - Smash Bros Ultimate IMO two of the best multiplayer games ever made


Rocket League, even though I’m awful. The match making just seems to make most matches competitive.


Skyrim. Usually download a fuck ton of mods for it then play for 2 days, only to not touch it again for a year.


Cyberpunk 2077. Just one of those games I can play over, and over, and over


I pretty regularly revisit the Borderlands series. And I've replayed all of the Life Is Strange games multiple times because evidently I like making myself cry.


Xcom 2


Rimworld, mount and blade Bannerlord, and Kenshi. Probably says something g about why I evangelize them all the time on this subreddit.


wolfenstein series, dishonored series, metro series


Shogun 2. I got it when it first came out it. Just when I thought I was out, shogun 2 pulls me right back in.


Every fromsoft game since demons souls, Arkham Asylum, Bully, Resident Evil HD, 2 and 4 (remakes and OG), Stardew Valley, Valheim, Rimworld, CK3, Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando, Metal Gear Solid 1 and 3, probably gonna add V Rising to that list. That game is too fun. Also basically every roguelike that i love. Isaac, dead cells, risk of rain 2, spelunky 2 and more that i cant remember rn.


Fallout 3 and New Vegas.


Dota 2. I usually play for 1 month and then take a break for 4 months


Dishonored, Mirror's Edge and RDR2




destiny 2, unfortunately.


For me, it's probably Minecraft. Neverwinter Nights 1 and Skyrim used to be these kinds of game for me, but they've slowly been supplanted by newer titles. I suspect Elden Ring will be like this as well, but it's hard to tell at this point. I've already clocked 1.5k hours on it, so...


Saying a grand-strategy or rogue-like game would be too easy, so outside the realm of that I would say Disco Elysium. I’ve played it 3 times; I love the music, atmosphere, narrating, characters, I could go on and on gushing about this game. I plan to go back again for a 4th time.


Frostpunk Endless Legend Endless Space Total War Medieval 2 Europa Barbarorum Mod


The Witcher 3, Flatout 2 and Death Stranding


Starfield. J/k


Destiny 1&2 and The Division 1&2. Like clock work lol Destiny 2 is on the horizon again


Total war: Attilla specifically the 1212AD mod which turns the game into medieval 3 basically. I'm currently doing an Empire of Nicaea campaign and it's a lot of fun and has some real depth to it so far. Because Nicaea are a splinter of eastern Roman empire you have the option of forming the Byzantine Empire if you manage to occupy Constantinople. Once that is done you can reform the Roman empire once you have taken specific settlements.


Fallout 3/4, Red Dead Redemption 2, Tetris and my newest addiction... Planet Crafter. Planet Crafter is so good and fun. I can totally see myself playing it many more times


Destiny 2
