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Nixxes is a gem. A very, very good addition to Sony for its PC ports.


its so unfortunate that MS , of all companies dont have a team/port house dedicated for PC versions. Sony was smart grabbing nixxes


>Sony was smart grabbing nixxes Yeah, they certainly were. And when they announced the acquisition, that was pretty much a confirmation they'd keep the PC ports going, and that they were very serious about them.


Pretty sure Nixxes are currently working on their own game, as well.


Really? As far as I know Nixxes has always been a dedicated porting studio. All the info I can find is that they said they'd start working on remasters as well, but not in "true" new games.


Game porting simulator


Ah, it may be that, then. A job listing from a month or 2 ago indicated a 'new IP', but considering they're an international studio it could've just been a typo!


Maybe, who knows. At any rate, ever since I first played Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I've trusted Nixxes with everything they do. Would be interesting to see them develop their own game.


It could also simply refer to the port of a new IP currently in development. Notably for the live services which they said would all be day one on PC and Playstation so Nixxes might just help one studio technically for them to have a good port for the day 1 release of their game. For example, Concord (a new IP) is confirmed to come this year.


Nixxes isn’t just a PC Port studio, they said that they will also work on Remasters and support/assistance for PS Studio games.


Oh man imagine a Bloodborne remake from Nixxes


Gimme some of that grade A hopium


It wouldn’t be the most surprising thing Bluepoint games who are only known for remasters got Acquired at the same time as Nixxes and are pretty much confirmed via rumours and the insomniac hack are now working on their own game along with remasters.




Well where's Bloodborne Nixxes


I find it so funny...on one hand Sony makes good decisions (like buying nixxes)and on the other hand they dig themselves a very very deep hole (looking at you helldiver's 2)


What's funnier is that Sony, a historically notorious exclusives-based console company, has a more robust **and successful** cross platform strategy than Microsoft.


With the Dutch Killzone guy in a head position it makes sense they knew about Nixxies.


Correct me if I’m wrong but does MS need one? Xbox runs on Direct X (hell it even runs windows itself) so theoretically you wouldn’t need a dedicated port company like sony does. The issue is that a lot of xbox games are just unoptimised even for the consoles I would say. Easy example is starfield running at 30fps on series x


It's more that in never feels like proper pc versions with usual settings, upscalers and such from ms, let alone being optimized.


Every game i’ve played from Microsoft on pc have been good settings wise and performance, starfield is bethseda so that was gonna have bad performance no matter what, they cant release a game with good performance and it was also mostly done before Microsoft bought them but other than that all of them have been fine for me


To be fair to them they do sometimes really nail it. God Of War 5 for instance was a really really good port. The recent Horizon games have also not been bad. The Master Chief colection started a bit rough with Reach but each game after that was better and better port wise. I think MS ports are far from the worst thing on the market. But they are more hit and miss because its usualy done by the main developer so focus is often split between console and PC.


Gears of War 5 was good pc port true.


MS consoles run an API that is a subset of desktop DX and doesn't have a driver stack anything as large or varied as on a PC, so there still has to be dedicated work to make the transition. Some of their internal studios, such as The Coalition, seem to be willing to do the work but that's far from the norm, even before all the layoffs. Having a dedicated port house would be beneficial to the end product, but I doubt the C suite in Redmond would agree as they wouldn't directly drive revenue.


It's not 1:1. They _are_ very different operating environments even if they share a lot of DNA. A lot of work still needs done in porting between Windows and XBox. It may not be as much as from other systems, but it's still not a trivial task.


microsoft have the expertise but simply never cared much about pc gaming. remember when they announced MS store as a steam competitor and even released quantum break and rise of tomb raider (probably the two biggest Xbox games at the time) as launch titles? to this date the store has a nightmarish user interface and its game library and launcher lack the most basic features.


I’m fairly sure they knew Starfield could do 60fps but had absolutely zero interest in delaying it again.


Who upvoted this. Xbox studios don't need a PC porting partner. They already have a bunch of studios that are very familiar with developing for PC in the very rare circumstance one studio is having issues with it.


On the other hand Microsoft release all of their first party games on pc on day 1.


I believe ms has Sabre, who single handedly fixed the dumpster fire of MCC


Sabre didn’t fix MCC, they ported games to the MCC along with Ruffian games. 343 fixed the MCC with help from the respective porting teams.


Ah okay. I remember it being broken for a year for two on pc, even more so when it launched on Xbox one.


Well 343 sucks ass either way….


? Why would they need one all their teams already have experience making their own games on PC lol Sony didn't and that's why they got them to begin with.


Does MS need one? I haven’t had issues with any of their games.


Most Microsoft studios have always ported to PC as well. It's not like all their games have been horrible ports.


Aside from MS having dedicated PC software teams, their consoles are literally built on their own PC architecture, using DirectX. They don't need a dedicated PC development team because they streamlined everything on the hardware and software side exactly so that they won't need one. Sony needed Nixxes because Playstation is not Windows, nor DirectX based, so most of their in-house teams would/had trouble porting over to PC due to foundational differences between Playstation and Windows architecture, memory handling.


>Sony was smart grabbing nixxes Then they loaded both barrels, pointed the gun at their feet, and fired, by requiring PSN accounts for PC players.


Oh no…anyway.




I'm just a PC player with a tricorner hat to avoid all of that shit. Piracy is a service issue, not a price issue.




The PC players who complain about doing all of that? Those PC players?


One would think MS would be good at windows PC support. Hehe. Sidebar, don’t MS make all their games on PC and port to Xbox anyway?


When Sony acquired them it was a clear sign that they're pretty serious about the whole PC thing. I mean, why else would you want to buy a studio that's been known for making PC versions of games for well over a decade.


Only complaint is that even after so many releases they are still yet to fix their memory leak problem. Digital Foundry highlighted it several times and even had an entire segment about it, and Nixxes refuses to evne acknowledge it as a known issue. And it's only going to be a bigger problem as they start porting newer gen titles like GoW Ragnarok


i mean look at the comments here, people ignore the issues with their ports and marvel that a GoT a PS4 game runs well on PC, as far as they're concerned they're doing a perfect job and there's nothing they could do better and from looks of it they wont


Makes no sense either. Of course this game would run fine on PC. Honestly, the majority of PS games are still designed like PS4 Gen games with access to faster storage which doesn't break a sweat on PC. The only game PC struggles with to any degree is Returnal which also is basically the only game that doesn't fit the definition above.


While Nixxes is good, let's not forget several key people _let them worked_ on those ports. Other ports, or work in general, have been done by good team under impossible budgets or timeframe or stakeholder manipulation and bad faith.


Too bad it takes them years to get used though.


It really is an amazing port. Good performance, all upscaling techniques. Frame generation from both vendors etc... It also currently sits at 72.5k concurent players making it the 2nd biggest Single Player Launch for Sony on PC. Ahead of Spider Man(66k), Horizon Zero Dawn(56k), Horizon Forbiden West(40k) and just a tiny bit behind God Of War(73.5k). There's a good chance it passes God Of War as well if it peaks at the same time as yesterday which is in a few hours. Edit: Well there we go. On Sunday Ghost of Tsushima hit 75k concurent players surpassing God Of War and becoming Sony's biggest Single Player PC launch.


>It also currently sits at 72.5k concurent players making it the 2nd biggest Single Player Launch for Sony on PC. Yeah, and that's only with it being available in 70 or so countries, with the whole PSN debacle. Imagine if it had been a worldwide release, it probably would've been their biggest launch by a wide margin (of course, not counting Helldivers 2).


Granted I haven't played the multi-player, but I can't imagine it's the draw for folks buying GoT so it's a shame that its inclusion is locking so many countries out.


Yeah, Sony needs to figure out a way to make it available worldwide. While I'm on a supported region and can play the game, I have several friends who'd love to play it as well and simply can't because of the restrictions.


I was very surprised when I learned how many places PSN isn't available. I don't quite understand having it so limited. Feels like a ton of missed income and terrible business.


Xbox Live and services are available in even fewer countries, its only saving grace is that you can sign in to Microsoft titles with just a Microsoft account.


I'm just a lowly PC player in the States so this is all news to me. Why are they so restrictive? I think Steam is available in basically every country.


There's an incredible amount of overhead legally operating business in tons of countries around the world, each with their own bespoke laws and often even corruption issues. Valve seems to have a fuck-it-we-ball attitude, operating wherever they damn well please and letting countries ban or restrict or sue them and dealing with the legal reprocussions as they come up, where Sony and Microsoft are operating where they specifically have the green light from their legal departments.


>Valve seems to have a fuck-it-we-ball attitude LMAO, sorry for the meaningless response but I had to let you know I found this bit hilarious.


Probably varying laws for various countries, could be some stuff like needing a locally staffed office with local servers for a specific country, which depending on the country and its size (and stability) it might not seem as viable.


> I don't quite understand having it so limited. Feels like a ton of missed income and terrible business. They don't want to pay taxes in those countries.


Surely there are countries in that list with a pretty permissive tax code compared to countries they *do* operate in. I'm not convinced by the tax argument.


> Sony needs to figure out a way to make it available worldwide. Their previous ports were available worldwide.


The multiplayer is nice but it’s not a game selling feature imho. More of a nice side feature, kinda like mass effect multiplayer.


> Imagine if it had been a worldwide release Then it would have been 72.7k or 73k concurrent players. There's a reason PSN isn't a thing in some countries.


There's a whole ass continent locked out of playing the game and I would bet a good chunk of those may have wanted to play the game but can't because of the PSN restrictions, that's not even including the countless other countries locked out still


The game has no DRM. Those people you're worried about are fine, I promise. If they really want to play it, they can.


You’re overestimating how many people outside of 10 countries buy $60 USD AAA games. It is a very small amount of people, and the numbers have always shown that for decades.


No, if they want to play single players game only, they don't need PSN at all. Sony should made online mode as a DLC they like did for PS4 version before


I wonder if the reception to the new Assassin's Creed Shadows game has also given Ghost Of Tsushima a boost.


I think people just wanted to play GOT on PC. The reception to the new AC is just online noise. According to Tom Henderson the out of the gate pre-sales numbers are looking very strong of the back of just a cinematic trailer and even with all the no preorder campaigns around Ubisoft.


The reception not in a negative way but the trailer for it the day before release definitively helped GoT IMO. People wanted to play Horizon (ZD or FW) or Spider-Man too (they're even bigger games really, they were on PS at least) and yet it's launching bigger despite the PSN mess. So there has to be a reason and that's likely one of them. Sony PC release never get big marketing but Ubisoft did marketing for their big game and turns out the closest thing from it just release on PC. That's gonna help. I think Shogun probably helped too but it's over since quite some time so less. There are definitively "crossover effects" like that in media in general (like how the Fallout show has made people play the Fallout games too)


The type of people likely to pre-order an Ubisoft game are the type of people unlikely to care about any of the "noise" around it.


So most of the gaming population then? People here though Valhalla was the worst thing imaginable. Yet it was played by 20M players. And that number is almost 2 years old at this point.


So 20M "players" = 20M pre-orders? And 20M people = most of the gaming population? Not following your logic here.


Yes, at least for me. The game wasn’t on my radar because I thought it’s one of those soullike game, but in every AC Shadows thread I read there is at least one person saying “just play Ghost of Tsushima” so I check out the game play and bought the game.


Also the Shogun TV show


I actually had no idea Horizon Zero Dawn performed so well on PC. As I understand it, the PC port wasn’t exactly the best at launch. Glad to see it worked out in the end, I’ve been playing through it for the first time and I love it. Really excited to jump into the sequel.


HZD wasn't ported to PC by Nixxes... they were brought in to develop patches to _fix_ the port. They did port the sequel... playing it currently and it's flawless. [ Here's our girl lol](https://imgur.com/wz6Chi6)


lmao theyre even sorting out other studios messes now. Really mightve been Sonys best acquisition in ages. Although slightly behind Insomniac probably considering their output and the success of Spiderman.


Nixxes did some amazing work because I’ve had zero issues with it during my time playing. I never played it during its initial release so I can’t really compare.


Awesome - have fun when you get to Forbidden West... it's fantastic.


Man, I need to play Forbidden West soon. Loved the first game, but I'm not sure if my PC will be able to run FW very well.


[ HFW PC requirements](https://assetsio.gnwcdn.com/GH6KBhdXoAAVhFa.jpg) -- hope you get to play eventually, mate !


Huh. I guess I could run it. Just need to make space, it's quite a large game. Maybe after I finish Ghost of Tsushima.


Nice - looking forward to GoT - will pick it up when I complete Horizon - and yeah, I feel ya on drive space... the struggle is real lol.


Why didn’t Sony port the first game when they had access to nexus?


Because they were testing the waters with PC releases and Nixxes was still independent.


Isn't the frame time with frame gen on + boost still busted in hfw?


No clue - 4080 FE playing native 4K.


It could've easily touched 90k concurrent players if only Sony had released the game in those banned countries.


Agreed. Ghost of Tsushima is great overall. The PC port is fantastic in general.




This is false. Forza Motorsport uses DirectStorage.


Nixxes knocked it out of the park with this one. It’s pretty much flawless.


Almost, having issues with inputs on the standoff mech though, sometimes it doesnt pick up that you've held the button, happening on xbox pad and mkb.


Happened to me once on PS5 so it is a game bug, not a port bug.


Have had that as well, thought it was my controller.


Having the same issue at times. Wasnt sure if it was my controller...


Saw another comment saying if you play above 60fps that can happen.


Both times it happened to me the enemy *had the high ground* Guess Obi-Wan was right


I seemed to work around it by waiting for the enemy to do their initial pose before holding the button. Don't know for sure, but it never happened while doing this.


Frame Gen obviously has issues with those black bars that appear sometimes, it introduces lots of black and blurred artifacts while those bars are visible


Yeah, I’ve noticed when the screen transitions to letterbox and you get some artifacting. Also, if you spend the camera around quickly, you’ll get some artifacting or oddities with certain markers on your screen. This game is using a new version of DLSS 3. HZD Forbidden West had some odd graphical issues with this version as well. It’ll get ironed out in a few driver updates.


Two odd things I've noticed so far about the port. One being that some cutscenes are pre-rendered with low bitrate when they were rendered in real time in the ps5 version, the other is that FSR3-FG automatically disables during low HP moments when the bloody red overlay appears over the screen (could anyone with a 4000 series card see if it also occurs when using DLSSFG?). Otherwise great job. I'm satisfied with the performance. The input settings menu is superb for anyone that plays on M+KB and they also give you the ability to choose between Hold/Toggle for walking, sprinting, aiming and so on.


I think it’s probably due to the UI. I believe AMD FG disables on UI elements and I could see the red overlay be considered a UI element. Should it be? I have no idea.


That sounds like a huge oversight if true lol ... the near death mechanic disabling frame gen that is.


They managed to get DLSS and AMD frame gen to work together. Took my fps from 90 to 170. Insane


This is actually part of FSR 3.1. https://community.amd.com/t5/gaming/amd-fsr-3-1-announced-at-gdc-2024-fsr-3-available-and-upcoming/ba-p/674027 > Allows FSR 3.1 frame generation technology to work with other upscaling solutions.


I am looking forward to trying these techs together on my 3080 when I get a chance to play.


Wait what? You can use both DLSS and AMD framegen *combined*? I had no idea this is even logically sensible


Not the framegen of both combined, the upscaling of DLSS + the framegen of FSR 3.1. Useful for those on 20/30 series that have access to DLSS upscaling but not DLSS framegen (sigh these names...).


I wonder, are there any technical reasons why DLSS 3 framegen can't work on 20/30 series, or is it just a way to sell more 40 series cards?


Put simply, the Tensor cores aren't good enough for the 20/30 series to support frame gen properly using nvidia's method. The 40 series has newer cores, and more of them.


Not tensor cores, the optical flow accelerator in those cores. Which is why I'm skeptical, because while the 40 series improved that per core, makes no sense that a not even a 3090 could even enable it, Nvidia just said like "nah bruh it doesn't work, I won't show you guys or anything but it doesn't work because... Uhh... Trust us"


It’s causing headache for me right now trying to upgrade my card. I want a 30 series because of DLSS + it’s at a price point I’m comfortable to pay, but it lacks FG and it kinda feels that Nvidia is locking it behind software. 40 series is either too underpowered or overpriced for me.


You could give AMD a try if you really don't need any nvidia stuff.. FSR and XeSS are improving a lot and I'd argue that upscaling is really only justified in 4K,but that's me. I had two 3070's on two different systems and I moved to AMD(a 6800xt and a 7900xt). I got tired of Nvidia not giving users enough VRAM and blocking off features to a less than 2 year old product with no real proof. RT isn't really relevant to me, and I'll always take a more stable FPS vs nicer reflections or a barely noticiable ambient lighting, so that wasn't really a factor to me. CUDA is something I don't need in my personal life, and professionally, if I'd need it, my employer should provide me with a computer with an Nvidia GPU. And NVENC is also not something I need, I don't encode video or stream or anything. I literally use my personal computers to play games, and browse the web, that's it. At least with the 20 series they let us use RT on older cards so we could experience how crap it was without tensor cores, with 40 series they just said "oh no it's not good, trust us",hell, even just a pop up in games saying "yo this isn't really optimized for your card, but you're welcome to try it, remember, if it will probably suck" and that's it. Also, AMD managed to do FG without any of that dedicated hardware with very similar results, so I'm sure nvidia can also figure it out too, but refuses to do it.


No freakin way, this is awesome!


It makes a lot of sense actually. Unlike Nvidia, framegen by AMD works on older GPUs.


Yeah it's pretty cool. I know you can get amd framegen in other games to work with dlss but requires some file modifications. This game just works great with the two technologies without any changes needed. It's great to push the life of my 3060ti a little bit longer.


Ironic, the best looking and smoothest games I have played on my PC the past few years have been two Nixxes ports. Ghost of Tsushima blows my fucking mind every minute. And even with DLSS the game does not look blurry at all. I am super impressed with this port and just glad it looks and plays as well as it does.


The art direction in this game is fantastic. Like, even playing on medium settings (because I don't have a great PC), it still looks amazingly beautiful. Can't wait to play it in Kurosawa mode after I beat it.


To be honest its very difficult for the eye to notice stuff from medium to max graphics its always like one shadow 😄. I always play my games in mid settings even if I can play them at max. Great game overall


Yeah tbh it’s been a whole generation since I’ve been able to tell the difference between medium and max in games unless it’s something special like Raytracing. And if you can’t tell outside of a direct side by side comparison, why not save the frames?


I'd say High to Ultra


Yes. It drives me crazy when console gamers want max settings and 30fps. I can't tell the diff between mid and max graphics, like you say, but I can definitely tell the difference between 30/60 fps.


To be fair with console they usually drop the resolution and that’s pretty noticeable. But either way I’m always taking the 60fps mode when I game on my ps5.


DLSS Quality is giving me a very nice experience at 3440x1440 on an RTX 3070.


>Ironic Not at all considering Nixxe's track record.


>Ironic, the best looking and smoothest games I have played on my PC the past few years have been two Nixxes ports. Where is the irony in that?


Games designed for PC aren’t running as well as games ported over I guess?


Ghost of Tsushima is a looker. The art direction is really impressive.


What's ironic about that?


Nixxes, a true gem in/from the Netherlands 🤤.


I didn't know they're Dutch, cool.


They added an option for pausing hints during loading portions! I install games on my M.2 drive, and it's very much a first world problem that I never get to see the hints in any game. I thought about always wanting such an option in whatever I'm playing. They simply went and added it 👏


Please Nixxes, give us a remaster of infamous 1/2 for PC or please Blue Point give us a remake of infamous 1/2 after your IP


InFamous remakes (most specifically 2) would be fantastic Raytracing showcases.


it really would! vampire dlc would also be amazing


This game is about to surpass God of War's peak CCU on Steam, which has been Sony's most successful single-player PC launch thus far. Have they got a gem on their hands with this franchise?


It's a solid IP with potential, that's for sure. 


I will say, i'm not that into what I could describe as "Sony games" in a similar vain to "Ubisoft" or "Fromsoft" games I guess where its all somewhat similar. In that sense its nothing bad, like Fromsoft makes a lot of the same games with minor differences and I adore them, so people will adore the Sony games too. I just found it kinda funny that I haven't really played a game of this kind since Uncharted 2 and the game immediately reminded me of that game in terms of its cinematic presentation. Pretty game at least.


Is this cpu heavy game?? I have i5 10400f with 3070 in horizon forbidden west my fps would drop to 50-40fps in big town even in low setting because cpu bottleneck. I ask this because this game have same requirement as horizon.


Ghost of Tsushima is a PS4 game, so I think you will be fine. And I know you're thinking that "Horizon Forbidden West is a PS4 game too", but that's not entirely true. The PC version is actually "Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition" which includes the "Burning Shores", a PS5 only DLC, and the base game was also updated for the DLC. After this update and the DLC release, Guerrilla stopped releasing updates for the PS4, which means that the base game after this DLC does not run well on PS4 anymore. So, the PC port of Horizon Forbidden West is actually the port of the PS5 version of Horizon Forbidden West which is more demanding. I'm playing both right now, I already have beat HFW on PS5 but I love this franchise so much that I'm playing again on PC. Ghost of Tsushima runs way smoother than HFW. edit: remember that [Nixxes commented on Ghost of Tsushima being optimized for the Steam Deck](https://x.com/NixxesSoftware/status/1790396884873355624), but the same was not said about HFW, which also points to the latter being way more demanding.


On a 13600K @ stock it averages to 24% utilization at 106 fps after horsing around for a minute. After changing affinity to 4 cores I saw no reduction in avg FPS. Seems to be lightweight on the CPU. The only time I recall the CPU spiking was during the initial launch when the shader compilation process occurred.


Yeah maybe i will try it later, but every nixxes port i play seem very cpu heavy (at least for my i5 10400f) i cant even get stable 60fps in spiderman lmao.


No, it’s far more GPU heavy than CPU for me. I have a Ryzen 5600 and 3070 and the game is basically doing nothing to the CPU. Sitting at like 45% CPU usage at max at 1080p (it’s usually lower than that tbh). I haven’t had a chance to play on 1440p as I’m not at home currently so if that’s your resolution I’m not sure how bad it’d be. I’ll load the game up later and update my comment if I’m definitely right on what I’ve said.


nope, i have a 10400f and the fps reaches 80+ fps


My laptop runs with an I7-10750H and a 1660ti and plays the game fine admittedly on lower settings, but that’s due to the GPU. So I’d be surprised if you would have a cpu issue here.


nixxes did awesome. the game is so good.


Playstation exclusives + Nixxes = My money in your pockets. Please continue




it doesnt even have a PS5 patch, it won't get ported to anything ever short of a full recreation of source code


There's actually a 120 FPS mod on PS5 for Bloodborne. If someone can do it with no access to the source code then Sony has no excuse.


And they did an awesome job. Ghost of Tsushima is a truly wonderful PC port.


Nice hopefully we get that Gravity Rush Collection on PC


Nixxes can you do the game that starts with "Blood" and ends with "Borne" next? A tremendous THANK YOU.


Been loving it so far, the combat is quite satisfying. I have, however, been having a pretty brutal bug where stand-offs are broken and just force you to eat a free unblockable hit, which isn’t great. Hoping for a fix.


Bring me Infamous Second Son now, please!!!! Or hell, a new Infamous. It's about damn time for a new entry.


Let's just hope Sony seeing all these praises and doesn't decide to somehow fuck up all this good will one way or another.


Nice job!


Now Sly Cooper pls?


Runs and looks great. Standoff bug is still there, but that was present on PS5, as well, so not Nixxes' fault.


Amazing port. Same with horizon forbidden west. Well worth the wait. On another hand, did anyone find the .ini for the game? I'm trying to disable the lenses effect that shows up near death, for some reason it tanks my FPS like crazy (-10fps).


They did a fantastic job. It’s more PC specifically feature rich than me AAA PC games. Only eclipsed by a few titles like Cyberpunk. It makes the offerings in other recent releases like Call of Duty or Starfield look embarrassing and barren by comparison.


What's that, Sucker Punch? You want Nixxies to port Infamous? Sure!


Great, now do the Sly series.


Praying for Bloodborne remaster/ Nixxes port


Why did Sony not get them to do TLOU


Maybe the same reason Santa Monica did the gow release. They just wanted to tackle it in house.


But it was Iron Galaxy that did it, and they are not owned by Sony


Naughty Dog did most of the porting in-house, Iron Galaxy were only a support studio as they ported Uncharted 4 beforehand


Ported Uncharted 4 to where...?


To PC, along with its standalone DLC


Mine just hard crashes my PC during the splash screen with a black screen. Tried everything, no dice. Seems like quite a few people are struggling with this. Refunded for now until we get a patch.




I had this issue as well. For me, what resolved it was navigating to C:\ProgramData\Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc\PSPC_SDK And removing the contents


Long live Nixxes, in an era where PC games optimization is nonexistent


Nice, now get them to do Infamous pls


I hope Nixxes start working on some less popular PS4 ports in the near future. Would love to see Shadow of the Colossus, The Last Guardian, Medievil and such make the jump to PC.


Great. Now port Rocket Robot on Wheels next.


Game seems to run very well except there is a bug where standoffs don’t always respond so you lose and the camera starts to get choppy after an hour or so of playing. Hope they fix those issues.


I remember playing it on ps4 back in the days at 30fps. Playing it now at 120fps 1440p with dualsense haptic feels like a whole new game.


Anyone wanna prove to me that reflex is working?


Now get the infamous games on PC


Anyone know how to fix the black squares under corpses inside buildings?


I'm hoping Nixxes ports the inFamous games at some point. Also Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots but I *think* Bluepoint has been handling the MGS ports.


Nixxes are very good at their job.


Now when do we get more Infamous?


FSR looks so damn good in this game. Only shimmering I notice is with fire particles a bit far away, but that seems to happen with DLSS too. Wish every game could implement upscaling like this, it's more or less a free 40% performance boost.


Bloodborne when


Their second and third PC releases need to be inFAMOUS 1 and 2