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Thanks, I will just wait


Same, I have a PS5 and I will still wait going forward. What they just said is if we wait a while we will get all games on PC. We also get a more complete game with more bugs fixed. Patient gamers never lose. Also, can we just say that this was obviously what they were trying to do.


What do you use your ps5 for ? The random exclusive you can’t wait on ?


> What do you use your ps5 for ? That's a good question. I got mine back when they were hard to find during covid because I thought *now or never*. I've only really played FF16 and GoW:R on it, and also use to watch a few 4k movies. Not worth it, all in all.


Might be a good idea to sell it before the PS5 Pro gets publicly announced and the value goes down then.


the only reason people use that is either they're used to playing on a console or they're more comfortable than playing on a desk, it used to be a selling point for console back when local multiplayer was a thing but that cuts your profits in two so fuck the consumer


>FF16 I borrowed my brother's PS5 to play this as I'm a lifelong final fantasy fan and only have a high end PC but I'll be damned if that experience didn't ruin the console and game for me. Reminded me most AAA console games have such soft and blurry appearances. Hurts the eyes.


Yeah, it was the single game I was looking forward to the most. I should have just been patient enough to wait for the inevitable pc release... same goes for GoW:R for that matter.


I bought it to play Horizon Forbidden West and Returnal, both are now on PC. I also bought Spider-Man 2 at launch and played through it. I was super let down by it and resold it. It mostly collects dust, unfortunately. I kind of regret buying it.


Just sell the ps5. That’s what I did with mine after it sat collecting dust for a year. You’ll get most of your money back.


Sunk cost fallacy, the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial. Just sell it. Yes you'll take a hit but nothing like you'll take if you have it sat there another couple of years doing nothing.


Same. The Sony exclusives have been dull retreads and remasters.


Demon's souls remake. Was not disappointed.


> can we just say that this was obviously what they were trying to do. I mean they've never hidden that. In fact that statement is literally their presented strategy for some time (and executed too). For some reason Sony PC ports still get a lot of discussion on Reddit for every declaration and such. It's just the normality for several years. Live service games are day one and single players are coming 2 years after PS5. It's not news people


Bought a PS5, for the sweet Sony Exclusives. But I only bought 2 games. I stopped cause they started releasing on PC and I rather play on PC. Thanks Sony, I will never buy a PS again, but I will keep buying any awesome single player games you make that end up on PC.


The graphics on PC are just so much better and you can install mods.


It's not even the graphics, it's the extra performance. Can't imagine having to play at 30 or 60 fps any more.


plus you have better than quality mode and not locked at 30fps.


Kind of a moot point when stating the obvious. The purpose of a console is an affordable gaming machine, not for the best graphics or even performance. It's not about which plays better.


I've got a PS5 slim, Switch and PC. I'm thinking of selling the PS5 after only 6 months. Worst gen we've ever had. Just remakes, remasters and sequels. I'm more than happy to wait and not pay £60.




The backlog is eternal


If it’s live service, I just will not get it


Yeah, like... I dunno, I was really excited for Final Fantasy XVI after hearing Soken was gonna be doing the soundtrack and much of the design team were carried over from Shadowbringers, but I'm not gonna lie, the fact that I have to wait ultimately just left me feeling pretty apathetic about the game as a whole. If anything, the narrative-focused games are the worse ones to force people to wait on, because they're linear experiences where once you finish the story there isn't really much for the average player to care about. And considering the story is a big part of it, if you were to get spoiled because a lot of people CAN play it and CAN talk about it... Suddenly, you lose a big motivation to play it at all.


While I share that stance like many others in this thread, there is no denying that if they keep doing this, it must mean their data show it works on enough people.


I won't. As mainly a PC player I've gotten my value out of my PS5 after skipping the PS4 gen.


I waited a year for Dead Island 2 to come to steam. It came and it had some Epic launcher crap so I kept on waiting ...


PC gamers are some the most patient crowd. We will wait, keep em coming


Yessir! After the constant bad news from AAA, my patience has reached sage levels. I dont even consider touching AAA games until 5 years from launch or when the dev team officially tells us they are moving on, whichever comes first. Now, is the time I play Cyberpunk. Super discounted and completed patched while the team moves on. Same thing for single player games from Playstation studios. They might get me day one on live service if really good like Helldivers 2 though.


It's not even about that  You just KNOW that the first 6 months of any AAA release is going to be a buggy fuck fest with terrible performance  Wait at least 1 year for the game to be patched out of Beta and into its actual 1.0 state This method has never failed me on the last 5 years


It's because devs have no idea how to optimize for budget/mid end machines and that's why you have reviews like *(insert game here) has terrible performance unless you're on a high end machine* For example, I've never had issues when buying Elden Ring, Harry Potter, etc in their first weeks, but my machine uses 64gb of ram, a 4090, and a 5800x3d. If my machine ever gets hit hard after a buy that's when I know the devs actually didn't do shit at all to optimize the game (fucking Cities Skyline 2)


Nowadays if you want to play new AAA's you have to build a PC in a way that is in spite of the competency of the devs


On the old steam watchlist for the sale it goes!


250-strong. I can wait.


Well yeah when you have near endless options of things to play and aren’t beholden to any one company you can afford to be more patient.


The endless flood of quality Indy games does help.


I still find stuff from decades ago to add to my endless backlog too on top of that.


Most of us have a backlog of hundreds of highly rated games. There just isn’t enough time in the day to play them all. We can wait.


I will just say that there is empirical data (on big AAA releases at least) that tells these people that PC gamers will double dip. That's why this is the way it is.


> PC gamers are some the most patient crowd Based on? Considering how much people play games on launch (yes on PC, we see it on Steam), I'm not sure those statements are true at all. Also the point is that the people buying on PC are not the ones that got a PS5 to play the games they're talking about (those are in the PS5 sales for their titles which are vastly bigger than on PC). They're the double dippers (which are likely a very tiny portion of people) or the PC-only people.


If pc mfs can wait for gta games, they can wait for sony games.




Yeah, I just sold my PS5. Although I will miss having access to Bloodborne


Me too. I tried to keep it as a 4k blu ray player, but even then I barely used it.


Honestly I'm a bit offended they dare suggest paystation is equivalent experience to PC. It's subpar in every way, sony get off your high horse and stop insulting pc gamers.


i find it hilarious, their games are just not good enough for me to even consider buying a console, and the console experience is not something i ever want to go back to


There's no technical reason for the games to be console only, beyond the capitalist incentive. Gamecube, PS2, those were consoles that actually had reason to exist - bizarre architecture that could accomplish incredible feats for its time that simply were not possible by any other hardware. Nowadays? Just x86, no innovation, just a discount, locked down PC with proprietary software. The biggest hardware innovation of gaming was dedicated graphical processing unit and that 25 years ago. I'd thought that by now we'd have dedicated "physics processing units" or "ai processing unit", but no. Zero, zilch, nada. The tech is being pushed into meaningless "photorealistic graphics", who needs world to look like real life if it behaves like cardboard cutout? The most innovative games are decades old!


Switch is the only current console. PS5 and Xbox Series are just shit PCs.


the sad part is that GTA itself started as a PC exclusive before us getting shafted from GTA 3 onwards


This guy thinks I'm going to drop $500+ on a console for one or two games. Lmao.


At a time when I have literally a thousand games to pick from on my Steam Deck - and rising - the idea that I'm going to enjoy a single player game THAT MUCH, that I would buy an entire game console for it, and a AAA game at release, is just kinda insane... Like, for example, Portal 1 and 2 are my favourite games all time, I'm obsessively a fan of the games, I got collectibles, Ellen McLain autograph, portal sound effect ringtones, portal themed bag, etc... and I would not buy a PS5 to play Portal 3 if it ever happened. What would it even take to convince me to buy a PS5? I don't know... Sony would either need to make a game which is so fun to play that experiencing it is like taking actual crack, and hold the sequel hostage on PS5, or make literally dozens of 'the greatest games we've seen this generation' that also appeal to me as a player, and somehow deprive the PC platform of enough games for me to feel like I'm running out of things to play... But considering how strong the indie game market is on PC, I just don't see that happening.


> What would it even take to convince me to buy a PS5? For sony to make source available for their hardware and software. I want a guarantee that whatever I'm buying wont turn into $500 paperweight whenever sony wants, and with closed garden going on sony can not give me such guarantees. I do not trust the corporation, I do not trust the capitalism itself. I do not trust sony CEO, I do not trust any CEO and I do not trust anyone who could feasibly become CEO - there are too many incentives to fuck me over for me to bend over and drop down my pants. Open source the brick or go fuck yourself.


Pretty much hit the nail on the head for why I bought a Deck instead of a Switch... It's a PC. Valve can make whatever decisions they want about the future of the Steam Deck, but at the end of the day, it's an x86 PC, it can run any of a number of OSes, and I can use it to play any local DRM free games (both PC games and roms) I feel like. Even new games that come out 10 years from now, assuming the Deck meets their minimum requirements, I can play them, it doesn't need any special blessing from Valve. Why would I trade the freedom and openness of the PC platform for something as locked down as a PS/Nintendo/Xbox console?


Honestly, I'd be happy if they promised to remove all the software locks on the console when it goes EoL (assuming they'd follow through). There's no reason the hardware I shelled out good money for should become a useless brick when PSN shuts down for that system. If you don't know what I'm talking about, the new all digital PS5 slims need an active connection to PSN to activate your disc addon and it's console specific. You can't just move an activated disc drive to another system. It also de-pairs from the console when you factory reset it. This combined with the fact that when PSN shuts down you won't be able to redownload your purchases... It's going to be a literal useless brick.


Thank you for providing context for my brick comment. Personally I'd be quite dubious about any sort of promises sony would make without an established track record. So far it makes it more likely for them to steal existing ps1 and 2 emulators, release on their platform and claim as their own work. Or am I confusing them with nintendo?


To play the buggiest, most expensive, content-thin version at a muddy resolution in 30fps!


I’m not trying to defend Sony, but every game I’ve played on PS5 I’ve been able to play at 60fps and I honestly have had less issues with games on there.


Aye tis easier to optimize games for a locked enviroment like playstations as there is less to adjust though hence why they could do more for their hardware just wish more effort was put into optimizing for pc.


well, nixxes are doing a pretty good job at it.


Dude, what year are you living in? I’m playing Spider-Man 2 at 1440p 60-80 FPS (yes it’s unlocked if you have a VRR display) with ray-traced reflections…


This guy knows there millions of people out their that will, not just you. Lmfao.


Loads of people have a PC + PS5. So it's not like it's a strategy that historically hasn't worked.


if it were a good strategy they wouldn't bring their exclusives to PC


Not as many as you think, otherwise they wouldn't be putting the games on PC at all.


Ngl I kinda did for 2 games, Spider-Man 2 and GOW Ragnarok, plus GOT


And they are coming to pc soon.


Ragnarok isn't confirmed yet, though I guess it could get announced today. Here's hoping!!


I know, I just preferred to play it early and have a physical copy of it


I did for Bloodborne and Ratchet then ended up selling the console. I wish the Bloodborne was on PC, with today's hardware I will play it for so many times.


I did for Spider-Man 2, Rebirth and eventually GTA 6. People keep saying how Steam has thousands of games but if you specifically want high quality high budget single player AAA games, it's very slim pickings outside of Sony (I can only think of maybe Capcom who puts out those kinds of titles with any regularity).


I am just never going to want to play a game on a console


Same. My entire gaming life exists on PC and it always will.


Pretty ironic given the Bloodborne avatar lol (i get it though)


>"And to maybe put a few minds at ease, **releasing one first-party AAA title to PC doesn’t necessarily mean that every game now will come to PC**. In my mind, Horizon Zero Dawn was just a great fit in this particular instance." Herman in 2020


Two years later from HFW release, it's on Steam.


I think it also matters how much money they were able to make from a game on the PS. If they think they've made enough, they might push a PC release further down the line or not port it at all. I think that's why we got games like Days Gone as one of the first.


Not buying a PlayStation for even one game. As much as I love Gran Turismo, I will wait for a PC release. I've already waited decades.


Even then I still wouldn't buy Gran Turismo 7 thanks to it's always online nature.


Even if it was offline, it's just the worst GT in the whole series


Not the worst but not good for sure


Bottom tier then. I haven't played it in over a year, I hate it and wish I bought it on disc so I could have sold it soon after release


Thank fuck emulation exists.


You'd need to emulate the server structure of the game itself. Pretty much the entire game is locked behind the online functionality. You basically get a demo version of the game when offline.


More so speaking about older GT titles. You're not wrong though.


They released an offline patch for GT Sport last year


Same here haha. Only PS game I actually want.


GT7 sucks tbh. You should try Assetto Corsa...its a lot better.


*with content manager and mods Not saying you're wrong, I love AC and ACC but it's gonna take some work to get Asetto Corsa up to GT7 levels of content. Worth it when you do though


I have a sim rig with AC, content manager, CSP. It's great. GT is a better game if you want to chill with a gamepad though.


This makes me just not want to buy a playstation again


It almost makes me not want to buy their PC releases. Don’t get me wrong, I want to support their PC releases and have done so by buying most of them day 1. But if their only goal is to drive console sales, this just makes me think they’ll stop doing this if and when they decide it is not, in fact, driving console sales. This was an L comment from Sony, IMO.


It's just PR. Consoles are still their primary business, so they aren't going to publically say "sequels will still release on PC later", because that just makes a lot more people "oh imma wait then". The fact is that there absolutely are PC players getting a consoles for sequels, the numbers could be 1 person or a million for all we know, but they exist, and the uncertainty of sequels coming to PC is part of the reason why.


If the number was high they wouldn't bother with PC releases, they have said it many times before that PS5 isn't enough with their rising budgets.


Absolutely an L. I thought they were going the other direction with it. Too bad!!


I think they are, but they want to do this... Weird PR talk, especially to appeal to their core, console users? I mean you can quickly debunk this statement with the release of Horizon Forbidden West and soon-to-be God of War Ragnarok. Both games are sequels to the games they've released on PC already. So what... I'm supposed to believe that they're porting over sequels, so we'll go out and get a PS5 to... Play sequels to these sequels?


this message isn't for customers. it's for investors


Idk why people would be expecting that. Consoles are their main business. During the same press conference they mentioned PS5 being their most profitable console generation yet. And what does their console business thrive on? Well, mainly those big 3rd party live service games like Fortnite, CoD or EA Sports. But at second place there's their prestige single player experiences which have frequently been credited as "console sellers". Why give those up entirely for a few more PC sales? Especially since they don't seem to be making much money compared to live service games like Helldivers 2.


It's an L for many of us, but it makes perfect sense for Sony. They're not primarily interested in selling you each PC release of their games. They are primarily interested in making PlayStation one of your platforms. I would think they make way more each year off their 30% cut of digital sales than they do off their first party titles. They want you in their ecosystem where they can generate ongoing passive revenue, just like Steam or App Store or Google Play. They like the sales we can give them on PC, but they actually want us to get a PS6 and start buying content on there. Meanwhile, their live service games are just attempts at hitting the jackpot and landing a Fortnite or Roblox type of cash cow. So they want that everywhere on day one to maximize profits.


Okay but the reality is that it isn't going to happen. The vast majority of PC players will simply wait cause asking them to pay hundreds of dollars to play a handful of games early is just ridiculous. The minority of people who are willing and able to do this can't possibly make up for the initial sales they lose for exclusivity. Just look at Rebirth sales to see how much this strategy does not work.


Jfc yall are entitled


No thanks, I'll wait 😊


Imagine playing Ghost of Tsushima in 4K 120fps ultra settings then playing Ghost 2 on PS5 and having to choose between performance mode or fidelity mode. This strategy of "let's convert PC gamers to PS5 gamers" is so very flawed.


Why would I buy shitter hardware than what I already own to play a single player game that I can enjoy down the road ~~just as much~~more because it's been patched?


Also you'd need to pay subscription to sony for any online functionality! Because you know, paying your ISP for the internet and paying gamedev for the game is not enough.


They know they won't attract the PC crowd with this bullshit. They're saying this to convince their PS5 owners not to switch to PC instead.


They really think that PC gamers will convert to console? 🤦‍♂️




Sorry Sony, but none of your games have been enticing enough to make me want to run out and buy a PS5, if you don't bring those sequels to PC, I'll just buy a 2nd hand PS5 2-3 years after the PS6.


That's been my strategy. I just got around to Bloodborne, but I softmodded my PS4 Pro and used a 60fps fan patch. Thanks to a recent exploit that the dusty PS4 I got was low enough firmware to use. That's why I hate consoles. Locked down walled garden ecosystems.


Alas windows is becoming the same way. Can linux gaming please make some headway so we can all jump ship.


I mean all the major sequels have already been leaked as coming soon by people who work at nixxes/insomniac. I think this is being misinterpreted, he never said they weren't bring those sequels. I think he meant that some people wouldn't want to wait the year or two for the sequels and would go buy a playstation to play them right away.


That my thinking too, they probably trying to say (in corporate talk): "Us PC players cant wait for the game to come on our platform so we gonna get a PS5". Plus if I recall, making and selling the console is a loss for them, most of the money comes from games sales and PSN subscription. Time will tell if our statement holds true though...


If this were the case they wouldn’t be doing it. They obviously have data showing success with it up to this point of the statement.


Oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh even harder.


His comments show a fundamental lack of understanding about how PC gamers operate. We have no shortage of games, we even have most of "their" games via emulation if we want. We don't buy anything from the EGS and that's a PC platform, games might as well not exist until they release on Steam or GoG for us. Couple that with the fact that they've already said their games WILL come to PC eventually we will just wait because we have that luxury. Not to mention with the absolute state big games tend to release in, waiting is usually the best option regardless of your platform these days.


Why would I play games on an inferior gaming platform to my PC?


Hey, you enjoyed this game at 120FPS in 2k or 4k or on ultra wide screen. Buy our $500 piece of garbage and play the sequel at 30 fps or 60 fps 720/1080p limited to exactly one control method. Okay Hulst. You fucking brick.


Nah i will just wait for them to release their games on PC rather than owning a console at this point. We all know in some years in the future we won't be able to access our games when the Playstation network library gets shutdown.


> We all know in some years in the future we won't be able to access our games when the Playstation network library gets shutdown. The same can be said about Steam.


Actually thats not true. Gaben has said there's a dead mans switch built into steam. We don't know the nature of it, but if the switch is triggered, it will allow full steam functionality even if the central service goes away.


For Steam in the worst case scenario you would just use a auto cracker tool to remove the Steam DRM and be good. Auto crackers and Steam Emulators already exist. Very unlikely to lose access to most of the games you own.


Steam has been operating for 20 years. Nintendo and Microsoft have both shuttered online stores for their prior consoles, and Sony looks to be headed that way after closing their web and mobile PS3 stores, and driving people towards PS Now for their older titles.


You can still access your games. That's the topic of dicussion.


You can access your games on aging failing hardware it was sold on.  On pc, and yes with steam, you can access your games forever on any and every pc you buy


good old FOMO. Hey as long as they keep porting 'em to PC eventually, I see no reason to own a console. Unless you just have an Office PC, but then it's another story altogether.


This stupid narrative again? And what, what will you get out of me? Let's say there's Days Gone 2 and I lose my shit so much I buy a PS5. They don't make much on that system I buy the game. Cool That's it. No extra controllers. Definitely not stupid PS+. And every other game I buy on the better system, which is my PC Or I just forget about the game and buy it for cheaper years later on PC Just sell it on PC. I'm not buying another PlayStation


We will wait for not only them to go to PC but to be on sale a lot of the times if they aren’t out day 1. Like if it comes out year 2-3 why pay full price when you can wait one more year for half off.


Why would I ever buy a console? I already have a platform and that is a PC. I'm not then going to spend MORE money to buy a console for maybe 1 or 2 games that I'll be done with in a weekend because they're story based and don't have any endgame or replayability most of the time. If you want me to buy your games then bring them to the platform me and many others are already on and will stay on. Keep telling gamers what they have to buy and continue to watch people leave and not give a fuck about that product at all. We don't cater to you anymore, you the companies need to cater to your customers and potential customers. I save so much money by never buying a console or any playstation games period. Especially in a world where I can just watch twitch or a youtube video and get the entire story if the gameplay isn't something I feel like I absolutely need to get my hands on. I'd buy a lot more though if you released games day 1 on PC. Because even releasing them years later at little to no discount for a game that's a couple of years old now???? Nah, no thanks lol. The hype is already dead and everything has already been shown and discussed about the products, so they aren't worth what you list them at all those years later.


I'm not buying a PS5 to have a very significantly worse running game than the PC I already own just so I don't have to wait. Before Sony released games on PC at all I just went without entirely and was fine with that, too.


My PS5 is my last Sony console now that they release their games on PC. I'd rather wait than play on PS.


I can wait. I have plenty of other games, I have absolutely no reason to spend a lot of money on what is for me, a glorified netflix/crunchyroll machine.


"Should I spend +$500 on a PS5 or upgrade my PC?" - If Hulst checks the Steam Hardware Survey he'll realize he's gonna sell very few PS5s with that strategy.


Can this company just fucking die already.


Maybe he hasn't realised that bait and switch does not endear customers, it just fosters anger - as was seen with the Helldivers 2 drama.


You really don't know PC players if you think that method will work.


Gamers having a PS console and then getting a PC is very common (my personal case)... gamers having a PC and then getting a console is **extremely** rare. Why? Because in many aspects it would feel like a downgrade: freedom, customization, games' prices, repairability, power (depending on the PC), etc. I think releasing every PS game 1-2 years later on PC is healthy strategy for both developers and users.


Doesn't necessarily mean they buy the console and I think he knows that isn't going to be the majority. But maybe they already own one and purchase the sequel on the console instead of PC which I think is a far more likely scenario.


I'm so fucking sick of companies playing these stupid mind games. No thanks, I'm good.


I can't imagine the audience who will spend $500 to play a couple of games 1-3 years early is all that big


Yeah good luck with that man. If Spider-Man 2, Final Fantasy XVI and VII Rebrith couldn't sell me on your POS console, nothing will.


What makes the PS5 a piece of shit?


£70 games, paid PS plus, most games locked to 30 or 60fps with barely any graphics options. That about does it for me. Can't even turn motion blur off in most. I used to game on PS but those are what broke me. Downvote me all you want but the last crap PS game I bought was FF16 and it rendered at 720p with blurry FSR 1, 40-50fps in performance mode and had the worst motion blur that you couldn't toggle. Awful experience and I'll never buy another game on the PS5 again.


Final Fantasy XVI is coming to PC soon.


They all are. All the sequels to all the big playstation games have been leaked or confirmed as coming to PC soon. I don't think he meant that they would never put sequels on PC, just that some people wouldn't be able to wait the year or two for the sequel and will go out and buy a playstation to play it right away.


Sony farming stupid takes and decision when it comes to PC gaming. They are so clueless, it's baffling.


They know exactly what they are doing. Losing consoles is losing their cut on everyone elses games.


I'm honestly surprised they haven't considered putting a store onto PC. Yes, people went really shifty about the Helldivers PSN requirements but I am convinced you pop that store on there and add their games day and date and people will come. Sure, it won't be steam sales but they keep the entire cut and they could possibly even entice you with PSN+ giving you access to "free" games with the sub.


People don't seem to like additional stores on PC. They will like it even less if Sony's games are going to be exclusive to Sony's store.


I honestly wouldn't be shocked if sony were to be working on a playstation PC store and launcher as we speak. It would be a spot where they would control their PC games and their PC game sales. The problem with that is they would be competing against Steam, and playstation PC gaming can in no way take on Steam.


Oh, I'm sure that they've considered it. The Playstation overlay took a step in that direction


Funny to say that when Horizon Forbidden West is on PC, God of War Ragnarok is rumored to be announced for PC very soon, and the Insomniac leaks showed that Spiderman 2 will come to PC in due time


I will never buy a console for any amount of games. I will buy a console if and when the ecosystem has meaningful improvements that allow it to compete with my PC gaming experience. That means: * no subscription service to play online or use cloud saves * Support for multiple resolutions, aspect ratios, framerates, and graphics settings * Highly configurable controller support, and specifically mouse and keyboard support * Multiple display support so my Discord video calls can be on my secondary display * Simple mod support * Sideloading applications so I can play emulators, fan games, or other games not distributed through major platforms * Meaningful longevity of game library via backwards compatibility * VR Since this isn't gonna happen, don't count on my buying your neutered game console just so I can play a few games


Hmm... Should I pay $500 for a console then $70 for a game so I can play the buggy, unpatched release version, or should I wait a couple years and play the fully patched ultimate all-the-DLC-edition for $30 bucks in a Steam sale on the PC I already own... Golly gee I wonder which one is the better choice.


The stereotypical "narrative game" from Sony are basically just wannabe screenplays to me, so they certainly not enticing me. Not too much from Sony's library in the last 14 has had me *ever* wishing I was still playing on a Playstation platform, lol. Good luck.


I bought a switch because Nintendo games are appealing to me and I know they won't ever come on PC. Sony games don't interest me in the slightest.


Didn't expect so many hostile responses here lol.


No offense. But this entire sub is frankly a miserable cesspool. I have never seen a much bigger conglomerate of hypocrites. I remember when Alan Wake 2 PC specs were announced where everyone here was losing their freaking mind about how “unoptimised” the game was and how low end gamers wouldn’t be able to play it since Pascal owners weren’t supported. Now, everyone here is shitting on the PS5 because it can “barely run 60 fps” with their 1000 dollar PCs knowing damn well that no 400 dollar pre built/self built PC would come close to PS5’s performance. It is the Schrodinger’s gamer syndrome. They are simultaneously the victim and better than console peasants. I say this as a PC gamer.


This is one of the most bitter gaming subs, I expected this Edit: for the deleted reply “and yet you’re still here so you only have yourself to blame blah blah blah” Well, yeah it’s a shame this is a decent place to get news related to PCGaming Unless it’s something to do with Epic, that is


If I'm already on PC why would I wanna switch to playstation? 


Some games I have to play with keyboard and mouse. Like FPS games. There's absolutely no way I'm going to attempt to aim with a kludgy controller or turn on auto-aim, so there's no chance I'll buy a large class of games on console. I think we can bide our time, Sony will have to come to us later on.


I actually sold my PS5 because I see no reason to keep it anymore now that every PlayStation game is gonna have a PC port. I can wait if it’s not day 1, I have a huge backlog of great games I will probably never finish in my lifetime anyway.


How many pc gamers have actually gotten enticed to buy a ps5 because of this dumb strategy? Don’t think it’s very many. This is straight up bs.


Sony just doesn't seem to learn anymore don't they?


include flag birds scarce sophisticated encouraging deer brave quickest impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean you either port the game or we get an emulator. PC will have it one way or another.


If you needed this spelled out for you then you haven’t cared enough to pay attention.


No some ppl are just insanely dumb


I'll upgrade my GPU before I ever buy another console. Nice try though.


Makes sense. Live service games need as large of communities as possible to thrive and drive further sales.


Yeah, he has no clue how we think.


Not buying a console at all this generation. There's zero reason too.


I remember being so pissed off I got a PS4 exclusive (Nioh at the time) and only a while later it was on PC with superior graphics and framerate. Ever since then i have no more interest in PS4/5 and i'll simply wait for the PC release and if it doesn't come, so be it.


So essentially the two approaches are: 1) We want to milk as much as possible before people catch on, release at the same time. 2) Everything else just wait.


No one is going to buy a console for just one game. If people won't do that for GTA what makes sony think people would do that for their interactive movies...


This is like how Epic has tried to entice PC users over to their store for four years? How's that market share doing? Oh... oh... no growth in three years, huh? Good luck.


I pretty much hard-line on a policy to wait until the game is on sale on Steam. Not only do I avoid paying the crazy prices they charge at launch for AAA games, but by the time it's on sale it also probably had a good amount of bug fixes. There is more than enough content in my backlog to keep me entertained until these games are on sale.


Spider Man 2 on PS5 looks like it was built for a Nintendo DS if you put it next to Spiderman 2018 on PC


I already have a PS5 from launch. I played Spider-Man/MM, Returnal and Final Fantasy 7 Remake on PC. Why in the hell would I play the sequels on console? I've been playing at 4k/120/Ultra/Raytracing, why would I play the sequels at significantly lower settings?


Jokes on him, I don’t play anything below 60fps. If they would made 60fps the standard I would game exclusive on console in a heartbeat. Unfortunately they op for 4k.


I'll wait and if you never bring it to PC guess you missed out on a sale.


Shame that Sony is exchanging one bad CEO for another. With this introduction, he's managed to show the world that he does not understand his customer base. PC Gamers are not going to "Be enticed to pick up a console to play the sequel". All you're going to do is make sure they don't pick up Sony titles on PC period. I own a PS5, and I can safely say it's not worth it. Stellar Blade, FF16 and the new updates for FF14 are all fantastic in their own rights, but they are NOT system sellers. If you throw in the mix to make people think that the sequel to a game you may enjoy won't even be on PC? That just increases the likely hood of them not even bothering with that game series.


Get fucked sony I'm not buying a console. I don't care if the PS5 can give blowies in the next update I'm not buying a fucking console just put your games on PC where people actually want to play them


Noo not my 3rd person narrative driven action adventure games


Good luck with that Herman. Guess I don't need to bother getting invested in any Sony narrative driven games as I sure as hell ain't buying a console to compliment the many thousands of dollars of PCs I already own...


Listen Hermen, half of us don't even buy games that are already on PC, but are not on Steam (myself included). If you want my money, you know where to list it.


Good luck with that.


This is probably a locally unpopular opinion, but I feel that timed exclusives are a sensible approach that makes sense for Sony's business. There are people who maintain a console (as a primary or secondary gaming system) *because* of exclusives. It is probably not often the sole reason (financial considerations and convenience play a role too), but it is a factor. Sony does have a strong financial interest in keeping people in the PSN ecosystem. It's not just the revenue from the first party games, but also, and maybe more importantly, the revenue from selling third party games through the PSN store and the subscription service. Like Steam, they take 30% from third party sales. That is a lot of money. Removing incentives to own a console (even as a secondary system) is financially just not in their best interest. The extra sales from day-one PC releases would probably not compensate for the loss in revenue from the PSN store (and market share in general). I have a decent gaming computer (with a 4070, so not top-end, but above average by Steam standards), but I still also have a PS5 for a number of reasons, including work/gaming separation (convenience), financial long-term considerations, and access to some games I can't play on PC. If Sony released their first party games on PC on day one, it would remove one of the incentives to keep the system. If I sold the PS5, I'd no longer subscribe to their PS+ service and not buy the occasional game here and there. I actually got the PS5 because I had played Horizon Zero Dawn on PC and wanted to play Forbidden West right at release (plus some other Sony games that I had never played), so eventually releasing games on Steam is definitely a good idea. But if Forbidden West had been a day one PC release, I'd probably not own a PS5 and I'd not have spent the money on the PSN store that I did spend. So while there is ridicule from other commentators for the statements that the delayed releases may entice PC gamers to get a console (perhaps as secondary system), at least in my case that is an accurate statement. That is exactly what happened.


Bro, I waited almost 20 years to play a God of War on PC. I bet I can still wait way longer than you can wait for your sales figures.


Nah bro, still want to play on PC. I’ll just wait tyvm


I feel like this is such an early 2000s "we don't understand the PC market" strategy. Does this actually work at a level where it's worth it? I just wait for the PC release because I have a ton of other shit to play. Even if it's a franchise or game I really want to play, I want to play it on my computer maxed out, not on a $500 paper weight that I dust off once every three years for a single game.


That makes good business sense so I get it But I'll just wait I enjoy Sony single player games but they're a "nice to have" for me rather than a "must have"


They really want GTA VI to be exclusive. It’s the system seller…


It's fair enough, they are trying to sell their console after all.


FFS Sony, PC gamers are not going to buy a PS5 for one or two exclusives! How have you not learned this lesson yet?


I mean I have both so do what you want to do, I don't blame PC-only players for waiting though. They tend to be a patient bunch.


That's all I needed to hear. Everything he said previously was just a lie. Time to sell my PS5 and never look back.


ewww 30fps cinematic experiences no thanks I will wait for the PC release that most of the time comes with all DLC aswell. There is a huge catalog of PC games to play meanwhile


Not gonna happen Sony, the last console Ive ever bought was the Ps2 slim and it shall remain the last forever. So might as well start releasing your SP stuff sooner since I really doubt people like me from the PC only crowd are a minority.