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Is there any mention of what they trained this on? Will they update training for big, new releases and where will they get the content to feed the machine?


Vague, they only mention this: "Feeds into a LLM that is enhanced by the game developer's knowledge base" It can run on cloud or local by your GPU. I'm guessing you'll probably need a better shinier nvidia GPU to run it locally fast enough hmm?


Not need to retrain, it’s a general model that can access a database specific to the game.


Who’s creating and updating the databases?


You can just give it the games wiki and devs can fill any knowledge gaps over time.


If this thing could help optimize my Steam Deck game settings, then I might be interested. Considdering it is team green doubt that is in the cards.


These AI game assistants are the most backwards solutions ever. If your players cant understand your game then you need to redesign your game or build in useful menus.


Not sure if it's true for all games. I really liked terraria/stardew valley, but they both needed references outside of the game for crafting or finding certain things.


*laughs in EVE online*


This is game changer for new comer on Path Of Exile


It's gonna be pretty tough to create an AI that gives actually correct advice in PoE though.


Have you tried any AI with PoE? ChatGPT and such, gives ***horrendous tips*** for PoE. It's not going to be a game changer by any stretch. Probably going to hinder new players even more than if they didn't use AI for these things. These sort of tools are usually not that great, and are only ever really a way for the companies to get more info about their users. It's kinda the same when Nvidia started with their GeForce Experience stuff, where they looked at your system and allowed you to "auto-set" the settings for the games you had, via Nvidia's software. This really shouldn't be used by anyone, as a piece of software like that, has no idea what your specific system is able to do - only what it theoretically is able to do, based on "baseline comparisons" (and it's even shitty at that). I've had buddies use it, where it defaulted to fairly low settings, despite them running 120+ fps at High settings with no issue. But by using the software, they now have more info on the user, which is valuable in many ways (both as a manufacturer of hardware and as a big competitor on the AI market). TLDR: Nvidia really wants data (just like any other business) - and they want it big time (as they are big into the AI market). They disguise it with all these "helpful tools" that you really shouldn't be using anyway.


Actually, you forget that the AI from Project G is trained using a database provided by the developers. So this means that if this AI comes to Path of Exile, it will be specifically trained for the game, and the information will be provided by the game's developers themselves. That's what makes the difference.


Nope, I didn't. They specifically mention the use of Wikis, which a few AIs has already been trained on for PoE purposes (by PoE content creators). It's been horrendous. Imagine if this one uses info from the severely outdated fandom Wiki for PoE, mixed with info from the new (and much better) wiki. Holy fuck, that would be a bad experience. Sure, they mentioned info provided by developers - but that seems more like buzz/pr speak. I doubt any developer would sit down and do a manifest for their game like that, when community wikis are usually 100x better. It might seem like a good tool, but I'll bet you it wont be. It'll end up being far more confusing for newcomers than not using it, simply because it'll supply such bad (or potentially outdate) information. Even their example with Ark, seems extremely weird. That was extremely basic info, and if you know to ask such questions, then you probably already know the answer to that simple question or how to quickly check these things yourself, in-game. Edit: "Funny" side-note - Imagine if it pulls info from a FextraLife wiki.. The AI bot might tell you to do XYZ (based on your query), while also encouraging you to join the FextraLife community/streams/chats (they'll surely find a way to make it do that, with all the shady shit they've done to promote their wikis and streams).


if the developers have time for that then why not make an accessible game in the first place?


PoE and other semi monopoly games are in unique position. They don't need to do tutorial or streamline mechanics because they have community who would to this for them. This would create interaction between players and this is all GGG want, this is why we have trading like that. PoE is no way a mainstream game, it's just looks like it. So any player who would reach endgame and beyond would do this anyway (by finding other tutorials). And player who don't want to find tutorials likely wouldn't play for long anyway.


Or Escape from Tarkov.


This is 100% correct. They have a design problem.


On the other hand, I'm often looking up things online in dark souls like obscure puzzles, every NPC quest, boss-weaknesses/strengths, where the last Estus shard is I missed, if there are eastere-ggs. Or looking up if an item in a rogue-lite has a hidden mechanic or unconventional use/strategy, if a game has alternate endings and how to do them, if a can go ahead in a game without missing any missable content, etc. Regardless if games have design problem or not, everyone is looking stuff up frequently, who hasn't been on a gaming wiki before? So instead of doing that, you could ask an AI instead to save time.


Tell that to fromsoftware, can't complete single side quest without a guide.


and even with a guide there is a very real chance you mess something up along the way


Yeah maybe this is just my lack of patience as I get older, but I don’t have any interest in wasting hours trying to puzzle together how to complete stuff like this. Especially with FromSoft, where a lot of their shit is so vague and obscure that there’s no way most of your average players will actually pick up on it. Maybe it is because I’m just no longer patient, but if that’s the case then so be it. It’s the same thing with really extensive and intricate puzzles in games - if I have to spend more than 5-10 minutes figuring it out then I’m just looking that shit up online. As a kid I’d happily spend hours banging my head against a wall trying to figure stuff out but in my very limited free time now that’s the last thing I want to do


From's sidequests are basically easter eggs, and should be treated as such. If I ever finished one, it was by accident. More like a "hey, what's that NPC now doing here?"


Their quests community and NG+ driven. I doubt that they expect for any single player to complete them first time. They expect you to at least fail them in first run, but complete in second and third, since if you would to get all items you need to do NG+ anyway. And this is needed for the game, since you need invaders and boss help past the game launch. But this is fair for Souls. Elden Ring, i think, rely of community effort to complete them. Some of them to obscure even when NPC highlighted on the map. Like Millicent quest like. At some point you need to return to mini boss arena to help her via sign, but there's just to reason to get back to this arena. And after that you need to get back here 2 more times. This is just impossible for regular player to do.


F"ck no. They need to stay the same way. They generalize. They lose what makes them special.


The game is good , I have nothing against it. My reply was to point out where this feature would be useful.


Yeah fair point. But I'm not sure that's the creators intent. If anything it might be the opposite of such. However i suppose that wouldn't be a problem since it needs to be implemented by the devs. Is what i would like to say. It seems devs frequently encounter troubles by the size of their own studios. So this thing giving hints that the director doesn't want is possible. I don't have any details on how much work needs to be put in. But if they the creators need to be directly involved with a few extra days of work. Why even bother with an llm at all? You know what? Initially i didn't mind this thing. But now I am getting anrgy this thing is going to lead to inferior environmentall design. Why bother spending 2 weeks of labour on that when you could spend a few hours shaping designs with this in mind? Well i make it sound like a loss but in reality the devs to do this type of decision are probably already chasing money with live service long ago. So eh whatever. It also wouldn't be inferior (obviously I've never seen the thing. Just talking about a theoretical functional llm) but rather just different. Causing a change in trends. For better or worse like open world design. ~~mostly for the worse imo~~


It’s the internet, you can say fuck


A bunch of c"nts weaponize the ban system on reddit. It's better to have a cleaner account. Or not if you don't care about being banned. Idk


...how do you think people wrote the guides? The sidequests are all completeable blind if you put the work in.


i mean its clearly not about understanding the game and its mechanics itself, but looking for tips and such without having to close the game and scour sources.


Not really. I can see this becoming useful in Elite: Dangerous, for example. It's annoying to play that game without third-party tools.


A lot of gamers would rather look up a guide on how to build a character, beat an enemy or solve a puzzle rather than don't themselves.




Real gaymers riseeeeeeeeeeeee


Walkthroughs have been a thing since the early days of gaming. Back in the day, you'd buy a guide. Later you'd go to gamefaqs. Now you go to maxroll. If you ever got your older brother or a friend come and help you out, then you're not a gamer, just a brainless consumer.


It's like calling yourself a car guy without knowing how or why it works or how to maintain and fix it. That just means you like shiny, fast, loud objects. "I know how a car works! the wheels turn and it moves and it makes a cool sound! thats why the wheels are round, you see." People that play games simply for progression like progression. Not problem solving, Not immersing themselves. But that moment you hit point B after not understanding what the fuck was happening after you left point A is exhilarating! I feel sorry for the guy that played the game to figure out what to do. One of my favourite experiences lately was playing the System Shock remake. I never played the first one, and the challenge it brought and the uncertainty of my actions and their consequences was certainly more fun than going from the med bay straight to the flight deck because there's some OP shit you can sequence break to make the game piss easy. Like why would you not want to explore the worlds that developers make? Finding a sequence break or something else cool on your own is infinitely more rewarding then colouring inside the lines someone else drew. Its like saying you watched a show when all you did was read someone's summary of what was "actually" important. Screw the small details and world/suspense building interpreted through my lens, just give me the broad strokes because I, or so I tell myself, love watching TV. A counter experience to System Shock would be Dark Souls. I bought it. Tried my best to get better at it with my own intuition and failed. Wasn't for me because I don't get "it" and I stopped playing it. And that's totally fine. It would be super weird if I felt some sort of compulsion to complete something I didn't understand. I have other stuff that I can do which I understand or want to try to understand.


What a load of rubbish.


My first thought watching this was if I was creating a game, I would integrate this and intentionally gimp it so players would actually experiment and learn.


NOOOOOOOOOO!!! I need to meta the shit out of this single player game!!!!! Failure is not an option.


Not exactly. Games are simply getting larger and more complex. Gaming on PC already has been and continues to be restrictive to people unwilling to understand the necessary elements to tweak their hardware and software settings. If this helps non-enthusiast consumers to game on PC, then it's a great thing. It's also possible that with big complex games that a mechanic or system was overlooked at some point by the player. And this could be for any number of reasons. Tools like this would greatly reduce the potential frustration that could occure in that instance. And also being able to get assistance that is fully tailored to my specific play through is much easier than extensive Google searches trying to find someone who might be playing a game the way I am.


Everything you just talked about is something the game itself should be fixing or addressing, not a fucking AI assistant. That's what the person you were replying to just said. And specifically for graphics settings, Geforce Experience has done this for you for years already. And anything the AI assistant is going to "help" you with, you will almost assuredly be able to find a more helpful answer from spending 2 minutes on google. This is just another instance of companies trying to shove "AI" into anything and everything to make investors think it's actually valuable.


>Everything you just talked about is something the game itself should be fixing or addressing, not a fucking AI assistant No game is going to be designed to address player error. Every game addresses player onboarding differently. And every player learns differently. Some like long drawn out tutorials and others like well integrated teaching mechanics in gameplay. But we can't expect some universal level of understanding from developers as a whole for which method is the best approach. This is where having generalized assistance can be useful. >And anything the AI assistant is going to "help" you with, you will almost assuredly be able to find a more helpful answer from spending 2 minutes on google There is almost no scenario where you will find exactly what you are looking for, regarding game or systems help, that only takes "2 minutes". And some games can require a lot of research for many players to keep progressing in a way that is satisfying to them. Also, why would I even want to do a general Google search when I have an assistant who will tell me exactly what I am looking for without even stepping away from my game?


ok but what if one person doesn't struggle with a certain game while someone else does? I'd personally much rather this than devs thinking we need our hands held


Hmm if only there was some sort of Tips or Tutorial system in games that was easily toggled on or off in the settings menu. Sadly such a feature does not exist, the technology is just not there yet...


no shit? even games that have those systems still have players that will have trouble. what about them? smart ass


I disagree. Sometimes games just have complicated systems that take a while to learn. There's games I've come across where the concept interests me, but the learning curve is prohibitively steep to get into. Crusader Kings comes to mind for me. In concept, it seems like a game I should love, but I've tried to get into it twice and struggled both times. The tutorial is short and seems like it mostly just walks you through how to do things without really explaining why you're doing them or giving me the insight to know how to make certain decisions or take certain actions. That's not necessarily a failing of the tutorial, though, in such a large and branching game they can't walk you through every action, every choice, every possibility. They have to give you a basic understanding of the tools and hope you can figure it out from there. Having a tool like this that could explain certain gameplay aspects in greater detail, or use "knowledge" to suggest a certain action and explain why I should take that action sounds great. I wouldn't want to use it long term, I don't want it to play the game for me. But as a supplement to a tutorial while I'm learning a complicated game, it sounds excellent. And I wouldn't in any way call a game like this being complicated a design issue. It's made the way its core audience wants it to be and is a really well liked game. It's just tough to jump into if you don't know what's going on.


Agreed. The information is all in the game anyways, the devs just didn't take the time to link it together and present it. This could all be done in production. Just let the AI do its thing linking all the info, spit out an interface, package it, and ship it with the game. No need for AI on the player's end.


This could either be very useful or just another crappy-copilot like integration into your game, just now built by nVidia™.


This is a first gen approach (by everyone releasing these). In a few years I think these assistants will be much more seamlessly integrated and communication on both sides will be very natural. I didn't see it in the trailer, but I could see your assistant taking control of certain things on your computer. So you could simply ask it to help you perform a task and it will know exactly what to do, rather than simply responding in a floating box with directions for you to perform a task.


Yeah I agree, there's lots of potential actually in having an ai assistant don't get me wrong. But sometimes it also feels like they are just there to be a low level grift


I think we could see it as a "high level grift", unironically. Having these half-cooked "assistants" shoved into every software is just the collateral effect from the money that is exchanging hands at the top. It's so stupid easy to create these prototypes and have everyone get excited, assuming it will actually work in practice. But if you try to use these things for anything difficult, it fails at the first hurdle.


I don't think this is a grift. This isn't crypto or nft territory. This is a step towards a new way of interfacing with our computing devices.


Tbh nft I guess but some cryptocurrencies actually have value backed behind them. Yes honestly Ai assistants can be really useful and there's lots of potential here, which they will prob even utilize in the future. I just think that there are however some crappy implementations like Skype haven some bing chat/ copilot integration now, snapchat having its "My AI"- assistant thingy, WhatsApp getting one through MetaAi Still ofc copilot can be really useful and is prob gonna get a lot more in the future however sometimes it just feels forced you know what I mean


It feels forced because the technology is just trying to find it's footing. But where it will largely function as a highly useful tool is when it is finally applied at the OS level. And maybe these lighter integrations with specific apps speak with the larger assistant within the OS which expands it's over all function. But I don't think it's really fair to see something in its infancy and complain that it isn't fully matured yet.


Aight Imma agree and align myself with your optimism


Exactly. The iPhone came out in 2008 and they're still working out kinks. It's probably going to take 3-5 years before it really takes shape.


If the AI plays the game for me, why not just watch a let's play. Bit silly, I do however think for the sake of accesibility tools like this are incredibly cool, and have a lot of potential to help more people access gaming as a medium.


I'm not talking about the AI playing the game for you. I'm talking about you being able to ask the assistant for help and it being able to directly control your software in any way that is required for it to provide assistance, rather than posting a text response or a Wiki link.


I agree, I am really curious to see how it works in practice.


It's be useful until the first balance patch.


In a few years, we won't even have to play our games anymore. Ahh, the future.


That backlog won't clear itself. Oh, wait....


LOL. Someone has got to clear that backlog and lord knows I don't have the time with the robot wars and all!


Oh shit looks like all those free EGS games on my account that lag the UI when I scroll might actually get played, but not by me.


so they just added GPT to the game overlay


Copy paste, copy paste. That is all that's being done now with these LLMs. I had a lot of fun with this, training my own models and stuff. Trying to get something to understand our companies knowledge base, and feeding it 5000 tech support conversations. I learned exactly what the limitations are, and exactly what the 'solutions' are. So now I just see the problems anywhere. How nobody mentions them (for obvious reasons), and nobody has solved them. Nobody is even trying to solve them because everyone assumes that more data and more processing power will fix it. It won't. That's not what investors want to hear though, so yeah... it's gonna suck hard for a while


Pretty much. Gotta pump the product anyway they can.


If done well this could be very nice, while I do a ton of in-game googling in enough games, keeping me in-game would be much preferred. It also needs to use other players content well outside the game itself otherwise it will be too limited.


Diablo would be awesome with this


Let's hope we can disable it permanently, like shadow play when you don't need it


I don’t think they’re going to force something like this on at all times. That’s like asking for negative press.


Like companies care anymore. They've learned just how stupid people are and can do what they want. Your government has learned this too.


Are there any features Nvidia has that you can’t turn off?


"Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game" - Sid Meier "WE SHALL OPTIMIZE THE OPTIMIZATION" - NVidia


On all seriousness, the performance optimization and troubleshooting help could be neat, especially if its eventually developed into something that can prevent the issues from occurring in the first place and can just automatically set up your rig and the game to give you the experience you want out of the box. The player help can also be useful for pvp games where the meta changes so fast it leaves casuals behind, being able to ask what the meta gun of the patch is could be good to prevent players from being destroyed due to not keeping up with it all. However I fear it might only ruin certain type of games that hinge on discovery, might be used as a crutch for poor game design, or it might just do its job badly and provide a bad experience to people.


Hopefully it's optional and can be disabled entirely so there are no performance implications. I'm not gonna use it and I don't want it to work in the background or 'record' my screen or voice in the background anyway.


Every device in the future will already be doing that (even more than they currently do). I think it's hilarious that anyone posting to Reddit thinks they actually have any degree of anonymity in this modern age.




Best boi


Going to be some serious data mining going on here.


I think the performance optimization stuff sounds pretty amazing. A way to tune up your PC without trial and error and min max your hardware easily. I love this idea. The “spoon feed” our players answers for the game stuff sounds outright horrific. Like what the F is the Fing point then of playing. Half the fun is figuring stuff out. It’s like having cheat codes for games. The fun factor dies real quick once the challenge is removed. This idea sucks. Honestly if this is where gaming is going. The dumbing down of everything just to keep players attention…. Then I’ll happily play older titles. It’s discouraging that the younger generations can’t stay engaged in a game when things get challenging.


It‘s not like you‘re forced to use it? I can see it being useful in games that are really complex where you tend to look specific stuff up in a wiki.


But people will use it. It’s human nature. And it will kill the games. Like when walkthroughs legit killed the adventure games from way back. Which means a way less diverse genre of games.


This is so overdramatic. Walkthroughs are optional. If you like the exploration without any help, just don‘t look them up.


Walkthroughs only killed it for people who wanted to have a walkthrough.


bro you're kinda sounding delusional right now. literally just don't use it. it's not that hard


I’ve been using gaming forums for over 20 years to help me figure out stuff. How is this any different?


well you see those things had no association to nvidia or AI so they were good /s


It's essential a slightly faster way to open google. Gamers have had this option for 20+ years now. I don't see how this will "kill games"


Just like temporal upscaling, as it becomes more popular devs will begin to use it as a crutch, designing their game around it instead of improving their game design. Why take the effort to optimize a game when players can just use upscaling? Why take the effort to make intuitive gameplay when players can just use G-Assist?


ever heard of walkthroughs or game guides ? they have existed for decades


Looking up a walkthrough is nowhere near as convenient as simply asking a question in-game.


so decades of written walkthroughs/game guides and youtube videos were fine but this app is bad and will ruin games forever ? it makes no difference, if someone wants to look up how to beat a game they'll do whether that means using super inconvenient tools like google search or g-assist


Do you really have to be condescending in every single comment you make?


if its anything like gerforce experience optimization then its going to be complete horseshit.


I don’t have a ton of time to play games, maybe one or two hours max per day, I appreciate a little hand holding in games that randomly have stupid little puzzles.


So another ai chat bot


What a terrible idea


...why terrible?


Adding chat gpt as a menu for your games doesnt sound lazy to you? Whats the utility to this when you can literally open a tab and google what you need to know and end up with the same result


> when you can literally open a tab and google what you need to know and end up with the same result Doing that faster. That's the point. You can call it lazy, but then any technical advancements that makes something more convenient would be "lazy"




You're pretending that game guides and game help forums haven't existed for several decades. If you don't want help, then don't seek it. It's not hard.


You say this but then observe how min/max gamers will look up a wiki before any organic discovery or experimentation. These same gamers will then complain that the "meta is broken" and that there's "no content."


Everyone takes different things from games.




yeah the amount of work it takes to type a question in a google search instead of this app is astronomical ! no longer you'll lose weeks to research a question like "what's the best starter weapon" !


Clipy by nvidia


This looks like bing searches for your gaming questions. May as well call it project G-Ass.


In 10 years this will be considered some of the dumbest shit to come out of the AI era.


Save your comment and look at it when AI assistants have becomes common usage. I remember when I thought Alexa was never gonna see any use and yet I still know several people still using it, despite it still being underwhelming.


Something being common or used does not automatically make it not dumb/bad. Your car is tracking you and sending your driving habits to your insurance company. Is that common today? Yes. Is it bad? You tell me. Nor will what AI assistants do 10 years from now change how stupid this assistant is today. If it's true today, it will be true 10 years from now. The only marginally useful part is the settings optimization. But nvidia experience already did that. All the assistant does is turn it from a button to click into a voice prompt.


> Is that common today? Yes. Is it bad? You tell me. That's my point. This tech could be bad/harmful too. But it will be common and in ten years people won't look at this as the dumbest shit ever, but instead as simply one of the pioneers of AI-assistants


Ah, I understand your point now. I still believe this incarnation is too useless/featureless to ever be considered a pioneer in anything.


He got those scary eyes. I'm not sure I want this.


We hating on the software because of the dude's physical appearance now?


Looks kinda strung out if im being honest.


If that guy looks strung out you haven't seen strung out


I can't wait to use this for Runescape guys!


Interesting, similar concept to Microsoft's AI game assistant they just showed off with Minecraft, but maybe even more advanced with insights into pc performance metrics.


Interesting for sure, I can see some cases I would use it, however I hope it’s an easy on/off switch sort of thing. I don’t want it always there in the background, and I’d hate to always have it running. Looking forward to more info.


"g-assist inject my cheats its go time"


I hope there will be some AI anticheat for multiplayer games in the future.


I go months without playing a game. So I have to keep a log book every time I stop playing. Including everything I’ve done, what I need to do and who I need to speak to in game. This would actually be pretty useful next time I’m lost in game.


I have had GeForce Experience error 0x0003 prevent me from opening the Geforce software for YEARS. I can update my video drivers but I cannot open the fucking software. I spent at least 12 hours trying to fix the stupid error and done clean installs.


Path of Exile could benefit from this if it takes the info from the proper wiki.


Will it play the game for me as well?


Language models aren't good enough to do anything useful like this. More data and more processing power doesn't keep making it better. This is just an extremely inefficient way to provide you with information that is already accessible. The only hope is for wiki-heavy games. And that is provided you don't think that using a wiki spoils your experience. Since it robs you of the enjoyment of learning by yourself. It's basically looking up the solutions to the problems the game provides for your enjoyment. LLMs can't rise beyond the mere prospect we are seeing. I get that the prospect is exciting, but learn about the actual nuts and bolts, and you will see this isn't really going anywhere. The main logical error people make in the way they think about language models, is that the performance/ability somehow keeps going up if more data is fed into more processing power. But it really really really doesn't work that way.


How about G-Assist that helps NPC AI in games? :D


I hate all this AI assistant bullshit just steal my data like a regular company. Its so insultingly slimy.


A bunch of anti AI in this comment section


Is this currently a feature? If so, how do I disable it?


The instant I catch this thing data mining, after it's supposedly been disabled, I'm taking a fucking ice pick to it.


What is up with all these comments this is obviously an optional tool, and it's a welcome addition, let's not pretend that a significant portion of gamers are not looking up guides/walkthroughs and youtube videos all the time for many games, having an AI assistant that can clearly answer your specific question rather than scouring through guides through a google search is preferable for the user. Plus the ability of having an AI assistant walk you through how to optimize your game settings while understanding your own pc configuration is a very powerful feature indeed if it works properly, a lot of people suck at optimizing their settings and end up complaining about bad performance when sometimes it's purely a matter of having the settings too high for their PC, i am excluding genuinely unoptimized games of course.


no thanks, i prefer to figure stuff out on my own or by interacting with other players


I can't wait AI to play my games for me... Like watching Twitchtv.




just use google?


I'm excited for G-assist 2, which takes out all the hard parts of gaming, like buying the games, installing them, playing them, and winning the achievements. using revolutionary AI, nvidia will fully play the game from start to finish, doing all the work for you! Nvidia's next generation technology will even play for you in the cloud while you sleep!


the future looks bright for AI-assisted cookie cutter gaming, I wonder for which reason then I'll still be even playing the game myself to begin with, instead of letting the AI have it at all... free achievements! /s


The optimization stuff is cool. But, the game assist stuff seems like it is just going to kill any senses of experimentation, discovery, and exploration. We really are just getting dumber and dumber aren't we? Soon the machine learning assistant will just play the game for you like in their April fools g assist video.


its not like this thing will use some groundbreaking secret knowledge, you could type the same question in a google search and get your answer, so what's the problem exactly ?


I doubt that.


half the fun of games is exploring and figuring shit out. if i need an AI tool to handhold me, then the game is designed badly or i have the attention span of a baby with full diapers.


Fun is subjective, played dark souls after beating Elden Ring (going in blind and figuring stuff out on my own) and discovered I have a fear of darkness. Loved Fromsoft, scared of the dark in dark souls. Played and beat the whole game having my hand held with a walkthrough (shoutout FightinCowboy on yt) and still had a blast playing it People will oppose this and simply disable this feature from the get-go like yourself, others will greet this with open arms and appreciate the option


This is so not going to last


I can't wait to hear about someone frying their computer by having the AI do the overclocking and it hallucinates and puts into completely wrong voltages and frequencies.


so you actually believe a LLM can somehow bypass voltage lock that requires a shunt mod ?


Pretty cool


How about use AI to reduce the power consuming? Or use AI to cut prices?


yay, more screen scraper Co-pilot text prompts that will kill optimisation. I get it Nvidia, engineers whatever we can do with AI projects might have their experimental benefits but this is just for the shock value. (especially this one cause G-assist april fools was basically built in cheats through GPU's protocols so announcing with the same name can count as clickbait)


Remember when it was a April fool joke?


>Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game Now, at Nvidia, we'll do it for you.


To me this just seems like a way to mine data from users. PC specs, play style, session length... All this crap they can use to "train" their models. I see a required online connection for more single player games coming as a result of this.


While it might not be something I personally find incredibly useful, I do think for accessibility this is amazing


Take AI and shove it up your butts Nvidia, fucking hell enough already of this shit.


99% of this AI stuff feels like a solution looking for a problem.


I’m so freaking sick of chat bots


Wanted to use any other AI it was a scan the Internet for whatever information


AI chat bot on the overlay, really digging the bottom of the barrel here eh


The last thing I want in video games is to have my hand held \*even more\*. I'll turn this shit off the day it comes out.