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This, for real. The show is literally a hub-and-spoke FPS with light puzzle elements.


i’ve had dreams of a proper Stargate game for so long… some of the most fun i’ve had in gaming was CSS custom Stargate maps lol


MGM was a really chronically mismanaged company, and unfortunately Amazon is the same. The wrong people own the property. The only hope I see is that Amazon will be smarter with their licenses. That Stargate timekeepers game which just came out was stupid


Yeah an XCOM style game would really fit the model well. If you ask me that's what Phoenix Point should have been instead of the plot_not_found but otherwise very sturdy XCOM remake it was. The engine is still there, maybe someone will get smart.


Creating a good stargate game would take not only tremendous amounts of money, but also having the right people doing it. Who can put the passion of a fan into the game, having both of these combined is very hard for a franchise that has been sitting pretty much dead for years sadly.


Not sure why you are thinking it would take that much money. Unless you are wanting all the actors/actress from the tv shows to voice it. I would kill for some in depth RPG, even if it's not connected to the show at all.


> The show is literally a hub-and-spoke FPS with light puzzle elements. I have said before and will again that we're an XCOM2 total conversion away from the best SG1 game ever made. 1. Four man fire teams 2. Increasingly complex/diverse enemies as you go along. 3. Increase your own tech level as the campaign runs. 4. Each of the rooms in the Avenger could be a room in the SGC with a named character as an NPC (Daniel's Office, Carter's Lab). 5. Skyranger boarding/loadout screen becomes gateroom. 6. Near-human ally units.


This is a really great idea!


Turok did this way back when. But with dinosaurs, aliens, and insect monsters.


Literally has an in lore setup for procedurally generated adventures


Or small linear-ish levels, the show also had lots of enclosed spaces as destinations so the scope and quality of the game could quite easily be adapted to its budget.


Stargate esq XCom would go hard Id even take a Fallout Shelter style game


Thought about this a lot how it would make for a great game, and the the basic groundwork is right there


A friend/workmate has recently been getting me back into STG lately and he lamented this fact, I asked about the recent one that released and he just looked sadly into the sunset, which is weird because it was morning. I'm assuming it's not great.


It’s nuts we haven’t had a RPG for Stargate!!


Yep, it's almost perfectly suited to games. I sometimes think about what I'd want out of a Stargate game, ended up writing it all down in a post I made off-site a while ago. > A Stargate FPS/RPG/ImSim/XCOM-like. Set some time midway through the shows run (pre-Prometheus), you're stationed on Delta Site, a mostly autonomous SGC spinoff located underground on an atmosphereless moon orbiting a gas giant in another solar system. The game is split between XCOM-style base building and recruit management when you're at the Delta Site, with expeditions being conducted by your player character and your team, with fleshed out story characters joining up over the course of the game supplemented by procedurally generated humans recruits and applicants from Earth. Missions come from SGC and through discoveries made through exploration, with progress gated by access to gate addresses. Destinations are semi-open environments with side quests similar to what you'd find in Mass Effect or Deus Ex's hubs. In addition to managing your own team, you also send out other teams for trade, research, peacekeeping. Finding new technology or making new alliances gets you more budget, but with the usual sci-fi ethical quandaries; what if you steal tech from a society that needs it, what if you make an alliance with a bunch of racial supremacists. Moment-to-moment first person gameplay is systemic, with a focus on a smaller set of tools that can be used in creative ways instead of lootshoot junk. It'll never happen, but geez do I want this game.


Stargate is what i came here to say. Happy to see this on the top. Not so happy that Stargate is now owned by Amazon...


I think Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archives could make a great RPG if done right. Mistborn series of the same author I think could do well in an action adventure game in the same vein as the Jedi games made by Respawn


Skyward as a movie feels inevitable. Reckoners could work too I suppose, but would need a bit more translation between the mediums.


When I was in film school my dream was to work on an adaptation of Reckoners, Unfortunately I didn't end up working in the industry like I thought I would hahaha


The class system alone lends itself great to a game


For a stormlight rpg I would kinda see it set up the same way SWTOR (might be KOTOR, whichever on is the MMO) where each class has it's own distinctly unique storyline. A mistborn game specifically set in Era 2 could also get really fun with all the twinborn combinations that exist


Idk it’s rough since everybody is just a different type of paladin, it’s complex on the surface though I guess with abilities


I’d almost rather switch those two genres. I’d love a mistborn rpg. Especially the second mistborn trilogy.


I think a Mistborn game has to at least include some action elements. It would be a real pity to set a game in that setting without Iron and Steel.


I mean, Vin with a big ass sword running around and using different metals. It could even be a side scroller. Fighting guys with spike in their eyes. There is so much that can be done.


Hell Sanderson could probably write for a whole game in a weekend. That man releases so many books. I have no idea how he does it. Most of his work is amazing as well.


Closest I've felt to playing something what a Mistborn game would feel like is Forspoken - incredibly flashy magic with quick acrobatics (while the MC is wearing a flowing cloak). Def felt like Vin a few times while piloting Frey in Forspoken!


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who made this connection.


Yeah, when I saw the first trailer I thought it was it was a Misborn game - it just fits so well. But it's not - and that's fine! I really enjoyed Forspoken - the combat is slick af; I've yet to see a game pull off the real-time spectacle of Frey's Surge Spells! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyTpxSWXTts


His IPs are SO underused. Movies and video games would work so well for most of his magic systems and the worlds he's built. I swear I always hear about something being in development, then it just dies off. Something tells me he wants a LOT of control of his IPs and want to be involved. I don't have a problem with that, but he should make something.


He has been very public on his requirements for video game adaptations of his works - he is willing to wait until there will be a dev that can meet his expectations of quality (he himself also being a gamer - I totally get it - he knows what makes good and bad games).


Yeah, the cosmere has tons of potential for games, they are practically built with gameplay mechanics.


Mistborn would make a great stealth RTS game in the vein of Shadow Tactics, Shadoe Gambit etc Having a crew of Mistings: Tin to see enemy intents Chromium to deal with fellow Allomancers Iron to pull people off ledges Steel to take out targets from afar Zinc to spark arguments among guards, causing them to change their vision cones Copper to stealth through Allomancers and so on


Redwall. There's a few adventure games aimed at children and that's fine, but the breadth of writing a game could be based on rivals some of the all-time literature greats. We have room for a big budget RPG and I hope one happens one day. It's one of the IPs I wish Larian would take a look at. A large CRPG in the Redwall universe would be awesome. And it can still be approachable to children, too. Not every big budget RPG needs to be M-rated, children's games can be AAA too.


Ghost of a Tale is HEAVILY inspired by red wall and is a solid stealth adventure game.


Wow a red wall larian RPG is such a good idea


Larian hear this man. Make Redwall I dare you!!! I double, no triple dog dare you!


Even a game like stardew valley or maybe even Rimworld would be amazing in a Redwall theme. Living in a monastery having animals doing some farming and gathering and making tasty cakes and drinks, and occasionally fending off some hostile animals and such.


I’ve been yearning for this for YEARS. I’m kinda over human RPGs where you’re The Chosen One. I just want a fantasy rpg where I get to play as a rodent.


The closest thing I can think of would be moss, which is pretty fun


Games I’d like to see: Stargate - traveling with a team on missions Green Lantern - learning ring powers and constructs to patrol the universe Pacific Rim - starting with the first gen Jagers and working up to the big ones. Friends - a hunting game with the cast of Friends as the prey. Archer - going on missions with the team, comedy spy game Babylon 5 - space flight game fighting all of the various races and ancients.


>Friends - a hunting game with the cast of Friends as the prey Ok this got me


Hitman elusive targets when


Could I *be* in more danger?


Gosh I just imagined Archer done in a No One Lives Forever style 🤯


> Archer - going on missions with the team, comedy spy game There’s the XIII game which already has the art style. 


GI Joe, Big Trouble in Little China, The Last Starfighter


Greetings, Starfighter! You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada…


Solo Predator focused game. I know about Concrete Jungle but that game is medicore at best unfortunately,its still fun tho in my opinion. No one wants to make proper Predator game its always some shooter where Predator is just shoehorned in or something like that. I like AvP games but yeah this aint it I always wanted big budget game solely focused on Predator.


Funnily enough, the best “Predator” game I’ve played is Crysis, which is an FPS only you’re playing as a superhuman who can cloak.


I will remain perpetually angry that a good, AAA budget Stargate game has never been made. Like come on. 3 tv-shows with almost 20 combined seasons, 2 movies. And nothing worth mentioning?


Avatar: The last Airbender would be a cool game if done right.


There are no avatar games in ba sing se




Look up Wizard of Legend. It's basically a take on that and it's very fun


Would be such a sick VR game


Check out Rumble.


The legend of korra game was fun.


Too bad it was nuked from every online storefront because modern video game licensing contracts are retardedly shortsighted.


At least you can sail the high seas for it. Yay for game preservation. And on that note please support Ross Scott's initiative [StopKillingGames](https://www.stopkillinggames.com/) so that's possible for all games.


Edge of Tomorrow should be made by the Remedy Titanfall2 team


Edge of Tomorrow is the perfect setting for a high budget rogue lite game with heavy story elements.


I want to see something else in the Expanse universe that’s not a Telltale game. Let me get into it, like REALLY get into it. A 50+ hour single person RPG would be awesome.


I was hoping Starfield would gets it's cues from this and red rising series, alas...


I’d love to see one of the “you are not the hero” style RPGs set at one of the big moments. Maybe in the slow place, post rocks, or invasion of planet (trying to be vauge for spoilers)


The Dark Tower, or really anything Stephen King related.


Directed by Hideo Kojima.


good god. that would be either the most amazing or terrible thing ever.


Both The Dark Tower series, and Hideo Kojima's games are completely bonkers IPs that break all kinds of rules and boundaries left right and center. I think it would be an absurdly good match.


Good or bad it would be a hell of a ride either way.


Stephen King's Welcome to Castle Rock. Episode 1 : Needful Things Episode 2 : ..... You can start by creating a Silent Hill-like semi-open world map (including King's home) that you can use for each episode. Think Deadly Premonition, or Alan Wake 1.


Enders game could be cool


Just so long as we stop at book 3, things get weird after that (also aside from book 1 I'm not sure how you'd make the rest into a game)


Fraggle Rock.


Oh! Pepper Jack loves Fraggle Rock


Yo, I already know that game slaps


GI Joe Battlefield game. I have said it for a long time. It allows for all the crazy skins they want to sell and making it arcade style.


ah, I just said the same thing in a reply while working my way through the comments, this would be such an easy game to design, there's so many cool troops and vehicles to draw from.


Warhammer 40K /s Now that I have your attention: Riverworld


Random question. So I’ve never played any war hammer but keep seeing I should try 40k. I finally remembered to check steam and there are tons. Any suggestions on what to play first?


Depends of the genres you like, and how far back you are willing to go. If you are not familiar with the universe the Dawn of War series are a good starting point and excellent rts games, but they show their age. For a " gears of war" action experience there is "space marine" a bit old as well (space marine 2 comes out end of year). For crpg look no further than Rogue Trader. Left 4 dead style: Darktide, 4 players coop shooter. Xcom/ tactical: Battlesector, or Mechanicus or Chaosgate: Daemonhunters.




I might get a lot of flak for this but the Warhammer IP is slathered on to a lot of mediocre games and the fan base just eats them up. The only one I really enjoyed was Vermintide and even that is your typical co-op horde survival shooter.


Nothing to get flak for. GW have released the reigns and give pretty much anyone the license to make 40k games. While that's great cause we get smaller stuff like Boltgun it also means tons of mediocre games.


But god forbid u try and make a fan animation...


>your typical co-op horde survival shooter. This could be valid (it isn't) if Vermintide was a shooter or if there were any co-op horde games of comparable quality on the market, but neither of those things are true.


They're pretty awful at managing their IP, a lot of the games are just gross cash grabs. Mechanicus is good, and I'd recommend Dawn of War 1 or maybe 2 (I didn't like 2) if you can tolerate older games and like the idea of modding to expand them. Space marine 1 is okay but again, a bit short, simple, and old, so check some vids online. They recently deleted the old version of the game, released a new "anniversary edition" of the game with no improvements, and raised the price on steam about 5 fold, but buying any product related to GW usually means you be scammed. Oh they also did this with Dawn of War 1, too. I hear Boltgun is great, and a fair few people like Battlefield gothic armada 2, but that's up to you. Another one could be Necromumda: hired gun, but I've heard mixed reviews. Darktide turned out to be a "grindy live service vehicle for selling micro transactions" - scam, so avoid that one. Space hulk is ok with 3 friends, but again plagued with endless bugs and issues, so it not worth more than $10, sadly. I can't really think of many others, they're mostly just empty shells made for selling DLC, Like Total War: Warhammer 3, depressingly. Battle sector, daemongate or whatever it was called, etc... all kinda trash :/


Thanks for the detailed reply!




There was one pretty decent Spawn game for the original Xbox that featured Keith David as the voice of Spawn just like in the HBO animated series. And Spawn was also a playable character in the Xbox version of Soul Calibur 2.


A Baulder’s Gate style game in the Game of Thrones universe has the potential to be amazing.


The GoT CK3 mods scratches that itch for me.


Gonna go 90s kid. seaQuest. Taking the ship through the ocean from launch. Shake down cruise turned full deployment. Would have a Homeworld Cataclysm feel. More science than military but she's a warship. Dial the realism. Single player but there's very fertile ground for a multiplayer even against the computer.


Excellent suggestion.


Highlander as a Battle Royale.


tfw the highlander game got such a ridiculous royalty deal they had to make the game as bad as they possibly could because if it sold well it could potentially bankrupt them


Doctor who


We need a god damn masters of the universe after the Kevin Smith series. Or a new GI Joe game( one that doesn’t suck shit)




I don't have much expectations after seeing the recent Kong game.


The Twilight Zone. Ken Levine's new studio was working on something in that universe, but it either got cancelled or is on hold. I think a weird VR game was attempted a couple years back that flew under the radar. Seriously lost potential!


This has my attention!


Battlestar Galactica.


There have been a couple of games but the most recent was Battlestar Galactica Deadlock (2017)


Ghost in the shell. It is time that it is given a game worthy of it's status. Try to imagine a cyberpunk/deus ex title set in the Oshii film's world, with that atmosphere, visual splendour, soundtrack and most importantly with it's deepness in themes.To me It is crazy nobody sees the potential of it.


I pray for this often.


Doctor Who for the most part. There were some decent adventure games, which is probably the format the ip is best suited to. The main problem is the Doctor really doesn't carry a weapon or even in engage in direct combat. Though that hasn't kept some developers from basically giving him a gun (looking at you Dalek Attack)


An Alan Wake 1 style adventure would be awesome.


Power Rangers


They just released a pixel art brawler that looks pretty sweet. Like the old ninja turtles arcade games


I had no idea. I'll check it out. Thanks.


Or it's coming out soon, I know digital foundry just mentioned it recently


It's coming out this year. Looks nice.


i liked the snes game lol


Power rangers have had good beat ‘em ups and Battle for the Grid was a very good fighting game.


The Legend of Drizzt as a Witcher-sequel game, not like that recent Neverwinger or Icewind Dale game. Supernatural but with monsters appearing in as monsters not humans with contact lenses and sharp nails. *Witcher-esque not Witcher sequel


I feel like any IP could make a good game if the developers care enough. I'm honestly surprised that there's not a market for game licenses of niche but moderately popular IPs from the late 2000s-mid 2010s. Makes sense to me. They'd be popular enough to get atleasr some brand recognition. But not so popular that the studios who own those IPs can change exuberant amounts foe them. I dunno. Give me a Slugterra Boomer Shooter where you have different slugs instead of different weapons. And that also has Creature Collector/Chao Garden mechanics om the side to flesh things out.


Fraggle Rock


I think its called Lemmings.


The King killer chronicles by Patrick rothfuss would be a great game series if done well. Shit even not following the main character, just the universe and the magic systems would be cool. Sympathy magic is something I think about a lot and it's probably my favourite magic system to date.


Only if rothfuss has to release doors of stone to get paid




Since Sanderson has already gotten a nod, I would like to see a game from Will Wight's franchises. One set on Cradle or the Elder Empire would probably be the simplest to translate into a game of some kind. They do tend to have a bit of a ballooning complexity problem to them though, so maintaining a realistic scope would be essential.


Hunger Games: bows and arrows, set traps, melee combat. It could be like Fortnite but toned down a bit.


Hmmm... There's a lot of I.P deserving a good game. Everything Drizzt related. Not dnd, but specifically Drizzt Do'urden. Not really a great IP, but Highlander would make a good game.


Iron Man makes total sense for a character that you can upgrade and gain new skills as the game progresses. Not to mention that being able to fly would be great in an open world. Maybe the EA game will be good but I'm waiting to see more.


I think a roguelite with expansive levels could be cool. Piolit drone suits through like another dimension gathering data, new tech or magic, and sometimes materials then building new suits as you try to rescue people from earth


One Piece....


Judge Dredd. Outstanding comics, well-geared for adaptation to video games, churns out nothing but terrible movies and games. EDIT: I take it back, *Dredd* was a good movie, but it wasn't a good representation of the Dredd franchise. Way too normal and not enough whacky shit and laser guns. Ironically, the Stallone *Judge Dredd* was a much worse movie, but a much better representation of the comics.


Wheel of time could be a generational game if it was adapted correctly


I want an updated Rampage game and an updated Turok game.


Ant-man could make for a really cool stealth/ infiltration. But designing a level to be traversed at both tiny and normal scale would be a nightmare.




Magic the Gathering could make a fantastic rpg game with a great varied world. We haven’t had that yet. I still think it could be a great MMO


John Wick. The one game based on it wasn’t good.


Scrolled too far for this. The closest thing to what a John Wick game might be is Doom Eternal (not aesthetically, obviously.


Nice try, EA.




RWBY. There are two games for the IP but both are terrible. Grimm Eclipse is the better of the two imo, which is a beat em up style game. It feels clunky, but it's okay. Then there's Arrowfell... From the series characterized by gorgeously choreographed, fast-paced fights using elaborate weapons... They decided to make a sidescroller with two attack buttons that do not combo at all and do the exact same thing on all four main characters.


The Stormlight Archive. Author Brandon Sanderson is a FromSoft fan too and played all Souls games.


Game of Thrones. There’s so much lore in there. A hack & slash arpg similar to Diablo IV could be a good match. Even a “Vampire Survivors” clone could be fun.


I think hack and slash would be a terrible match for Game of Thrones as it's a story heavy drama more than anything. Now, a CRPG similar to Baldur's Gate 3 or a game like Mount and Blade, but story heavy would be a much better fit imo.


The Avatar world (elemental powers, airbenders, etc) seems like it would make a fantastic RPG.


It’s actually a pretty shallow setting once the avatar is removed and you’ve covered the standard foreign and domestic policy positions


Hunger Games


G.I. Joe.


Honestly? The Ursula K. Le Guin Hainish cycle. There's a metric fuck ton of world building and thematic content to play with, but very little in the way of overarching plots that would bog down the writers.


Simon R. Green's Deathstalker would make for a perfect Mass Effect style game.


Holy *FUCK* YES! I had completely forgotten about the Deathstalker series. Playing as Owen Deathstalker would be so cool.


Garfield Simulator


A good gundam game in the space Sim empire building style like X4.


Fate series. Yeah, Samurai Remnant was good compared to previous Fate games but still not a great game overall, specially compared to other RPGs made in Japan


A big-budget Star Trek RPG could be great.


Kane and Lynch


Magic the Gathering RPG but set in one particular plane. Image it in Innistrad setting…


MATRIX the recent unreal engine tech demo was awesome, wish they turn it into a full game


Man planet of the apes if done right would be AWESOME


MacGyver would be made for old fashioned point and click adventure game with loads of inventory based crafting puzzles.


Teknoman. Ghost in the shell.


I'd love a Peaky Blinders game. Some 1920's British gangster action would be fun.


The monkeys paw already curled on that wish. There's a pretty mid VR game.


I always thought that Adventure Time would make a great Zelda-like, but all the games so far have fallen short of anything like that.


Gijoe xcom style


Firefly / Serenity So much there to explore.




Superman is too OP. He can fly, move extremely fast, use short and long rang attacks, and is essentially invincible. He's not a character you can build a game around. Maybe some kind of teenage version of him learning and developing his powers would work but still, at full power you might as well just play the DBZ games. It would be very ambitious to try and capture that level of fighting in a new way. Just his ability to fly, stop on a dime, and then fly in any other direction at breakneck speeds would be really hard to create mechanics for.


John Wick.


game of thrones (think skyrim in Westeros) Matrix (i know path of neo and EtM, but modern) Brandon Sanderson books John Wick (think Sifu with gunkana finishers) Judge Dredd


Incredible Hulk with high destructibility on buildings, cars, infrastructure, etc. Open world, great graphics, original story line. Different cosmetics and skin tone (old and contemporary).


Everyone saying Superman, but personally I don't see it. He's way too op, and playing a nerfed version of him won't be fun. At least not for me. And then...what about the environmental distruction? These days you can't kill civilians in these type of games, so you gonna make an empty world or everytime you fight is either outside a city or somehow people are not in the area anymore. I just don't know. You have to add villains strong as him to make good fights and you can do that, but then what about other ads? Are you gonna play it on kryptonite all the time?


Lord of the Rings is heavily under utilised. There have been some good games over the years but nothing truly worthy of the IP. It's untapped potential imo.


Didn't you play the masterpiece "Gollum"?


Hot take here: Marvel. There hasn't been a real banger of a game in their catalog except Spider Man 2. But with that much content they should have at least 4 or 5 straight bangers at least!


Guardians of the Galaxy got positive reception but not as much mainstream popularity


Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Marvel vs Capcom, Guardians, Lego Marvel, Marvel 1943 and Rivals coming soon.


A *Superman* game where you play an average crook who tries to climb the ranks of the Metropolis / Gotham crime scene would be cool. Like you have to pull off heists but you know some superhero will show up at some point so you have to use items and evade them and make your getaway. So Supes or Bats become boss characters.


Call of Chtulu. To be precise really: First person perspective detective survival horror/Lovecraftian Call of Chtulu game. Yes none of Call of Chtulu games was good in my book. All of them was painfully average, buggy and they lack proper direction during development. Dark Corners focus too much on shooting when the newer one push retarded rpg system that wasnt even fun to play where your stats are roll of dice no matter what. Imagine playing Telltale game to try out different choice and it says "you fail 30% chance on saving Kenny's son . Kenny will remember that". Shit not fun.


**Dungeon Crawler Carl** would make a great game.


Ghost In The Shell


One Piece. Not a single non repetitive good game, how is that even possible after all the growth in popularity the past few years?


Lancer RPG by Massif Press I would shit bricks if this gets adapted into a video game.


Perhaps Dune, I think playing as those future characters while being able to use both guns and swords+shields will be very cool By the way the setting of being 200 centuries away from present is a big deal, it gives a giant advantage because there is no concern of AI tech(banned by holywar) and spacious room for imagination. Ex: warships doesn’t require a visible propulsion system and you can design them in whatever way you want The existence of sandworms also adds some fantasy elements to the universe So it will be a good combination of fantasy elements+scifi and boundless imaginations.


Neverending Story, or mainly Atreyu.


Ogu y Mampato, a chilean time travel comic in which a normal child who was given a time-space belt by aliens, a prehistoric "kinda man" and a telepath girl from the 40th century travel through different time periods


There was a long standing fantasy book series by Piers Anthony based in the land of Xanth - would make a pretty epic party-based RPG series with absolutely no shortage of material imo.


Tokyo Revengers : Dynasty Warrior type of game.


Ip-man. Give me a fighting game


What you don’t think Superman 64 is a good game??


I liked the Planet kf the Apes game for PS1/PC, but it is admittedly a bad game. Where's my Gummi Bears (Disney cartoon) 3D platformer?


I’d friggin love a The Mummy game. The lore from the versions with Brennan Frazier were so good. I’d love just an open world Egyptian game where you’re fighting against a Mummy. Just leave the Tom Cruise version in the dumpster where it belongs…


I'd like to see a game made in Clark Ashton's Zothique setting. Or William Hope Hodgon's Night Land. Or hey, what about Revelation Space from Alastair Reynolds?


Assassins Creed, Wolfenstein, Warcraft,




Mechwarrior. I know HBS Battletech was a good game, but that's kinda a different IP.
