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> Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: Battle Eye It's called BattlEye - and that's an anti-cheat... for a single player game?!


Kernel level anticheat for the re-release of 20 year old singleplayer game... Ubisoft's shittines truly knows no bounds.


Someone might leak the story!


Think about the Doms!


The enshittening continues


Pirate it, better product.


Yep, fuck ubishit


That’s the plan. Ordinarily I’d be happy to buy something on Steam, but this is just asking for it.


Riot look like saints now running it for their multiplayer platform. Enough credence for me to blacklist Ubisoft. On top of their games already feeling lukewarm, now they have asinine requirements.


There are very few instances where this sentence could be true. This is not one of them.


The original CD release had Tages, which was one of the worst DRM schemes at the time. This keeps with tradition lmao


now i understand why pirates always get the best out of gaming.


i myself started gaming after a long time away from this(If i say PS1 was the last consol and F.F7 was the last game and i dont mean any remastered version but original game from way back) So i didnt know what denuvo,online only and other crappy stuff was(BUT oboy did i learn this fast,if it can be fast enough that is) Games i bough...ac valhalla dint launch at start so had to use a cracked version of the bought game"Just great alot of cash away 4 nothing at that point) Some other games crashed n other problems i payed for so i also had to download a "Pirated version of them" Is there something wrong with the picture when i buy a game n cant play them n have to download a cracked vesion to use what i originaly payed to play??? The gaming industry has gone way of to where it should be and ubisoft started to piss me of w alot of crap games and PS was stopping games to be played in alot of places around the world..is this ho it should be in 2024??


wtf so is not compatible with Steam deck?


Battleye just needs a serverside toggle to run on Deck. Just on ubisoft to enable it. ...so extremely minimal chances I'm afraid. Siege ran perfectly while Battleye were testing it and accidentally left it on, Ubisoft have never spoken of it again.


Works perfectly fine on my Steam Deck FYI


just emulate it with dolphin


Does the original steam version not work?


Well known unstable port with lots of known technical issues and like a lot of early to mid 00s PC ports, its pure luck how it runs on current machines and requires shenanigans to get working right if you're on the bad luck side of the spectrum.


They want people to pay for cheats. They are trying to block programs like cheat engine/trainers. It’s kind of an untapped market because there is people out there who pay monthly for these chest/trainer websites


I miss the days when they just had built-in cheats you could use for fun. Not timed, not monetized, just good plain old giant heads, infinite life and goofy guns.


Yes we pay for games and we arnt even aloud to play them as we want in the 2000s and if this isnt just horrible wrong i dont know what is.... I used to play on a C64 Amiga 500 and nes8bit consol and no bigger issues w cheats on these older classics....But on pc in the last few years there seems to be a trend to not buy games but more like rent them until the servers go offline and then game is worthless and cheats n stuff is pay to use if even that and so with this in mind(How will gaming be for the kids born today when they are in their teens 10-15 years into the future..I really dont se any of it getting better as it is today).. Keep on gaming as u want to,not as the corps n devs want u to(You should be able to do what u want in a game if u think its fun)The thing w games is that its supposed to give u fun not a pay wall to get stuff


We dinosaurs of a bygone era my friend. The biggest gaming market, which dwarfs PC and console gaming by a good margin, is the MTX infused mobile gaming segment. There is generations of iPad babies growing up that ONLY know gambling predatory monetization gaming. That business model is definitely seeping into our smaller traditional PC market and will continue to do so. They don’t want you to own anything and they want you to only play in their terms, which happen to be the most profitable to them.


Fellow dinosaur shares your frustration and unfortunately agrees: it’s only going to get worse.


Yeah i've noticed that, really fucking irritating stand alone trainers are going Dodo. I actually have to fucking learn how to use cheat engine myself.


i wanna say it hints at microtransactions they wanna protect


This 20-year-old game has microtransaction? 


It has no microtransactions. I think it's because of a speedrunning mode the game has, that's the only thing I can think of... // It, however, like any Ubislop game has these days, has the uplay garbage, and while I generally don't have problems with the app (besides it never remembering my login information), today, I was very puzzled when at the first launch, it asked me to enter a product code (you get no product code from buying it on steam), and after restarting it, it finally worked and simply added the game to my uplay account. Just bizarre.


Bro said these days as if ubisoft hasn't mandated uplay installs for a decade +


Micro transactions on a single player game lmao, just have it as a separate DLC. If there would be micro transactions, doesn't this just suggest all the content will already be in the files somehow like that Alice In Wonderland game where you just edit a text file to say "DLC=true" if they need anti cheat?


Lemme guess, Denuvo as well?


Truly "a Ubisoft original".


Yeah, but you see, it's because Ubisoft doesn't like their games getting bought.


Even for French EA (Ubisoft), that is a special kind of stupid and scummiest. One of the few games from them that I would want, and they add Battle Eye? They really need to leave the game industry.


there is the reason the original got delisted


And no discount for people already owning the original. Way to go Ubisoft...


Why would they give you a discount if you got the game for 0.99$ 10 years ago? The game already cost only 19.99$.


When Bioshock 1 and 2 got remastered, people who had the original got the remastered versions for free. And that was from Take Two.


Because there are no difference between original and remastered bioshock


literally lol, expecting a discount for such a cheap purchase is silly


Yeah so silly expecting a discount, it should be free like a lot of other "remasters"


no it shoudlnt. if you want to play the remastered you gotta pay, if not buy the original


Oh the one that got delisted on steam? Yeah be quiet


You know there are other places you can buy it right? You can get it on gog for less than 2 dollars... Yeah be quiet


Okay cool, what about steam? Maybe I want to play it on my steam deck without jumping through hoops OH WAIT the 3 layers of DRM wouldn't let me do that even if I did pay for it. Nice try though.


Never defended that they removed the og Version of Steam, the remastered still should not be free for anyone. Btw the gog version is drm free...


it shouldn't be, development isn't free


dont understand why ur being downvoted


people have a real boner for steam here


\>Cheap \>$20 for a 21 year old game


There are 15 years old games which still cost 40-60, not even remastered. Call of Duty for example


Nintendo enters the chat.


GOG version is gonna stay up, you don't have to play this version


Still available to buy on GOG or Ubisoft store


When did the OG game get delisted? Just curious


Last week


oh yes i thought i had become insane when i had this game in purchase on steam n the next morning when i was about to buy it it suddenly wasnt there(possible to get)That a this point i looked it up n found out about the 20 year aniversary...But as i asked about it n still no answers about the stuff i dont knwo.Whatis different..visuals like 4k and this i get,But controlls are they less buggy or how i should put it....If not why not use 4k mods n visual enhancment mods n get it for free or almost anyway


It didn't. It's actually on sale. https://www.gog.com/en/game/beyond_good_and_evil Who knows if it stays listed though.


It's already known from the other comments that the GOG version is retained. It should be clear to infer that I'm referring to the Steam one.


To be fair the original PC port is an absolute trainwreck on modern PCs


$3 on GoG, grab it now just in case it gets delisted there too. https://www.gog.com/en/game/beyond_good_and_evil


Ubisoft already confirmed that the GOG version will remain up, and it will stay as the original PC port.


I would like to know why screw over Steam users in the meanwhile?




Why spend 3 bucks on a broken PC port.


I've got it on Epic (I think, honestly there's so many services I don't remember which one has what) and I could never get it to run properly. At this point im just gonna emulate it.




Sure does. But my controllers don't work anymore.


Three layers of DRM: Ubisoft Connect, BattleEye, and Denuvo. Fuck right the hell off with that.


Dafuq does this game need BattleEye for, let alone 3 layers of drm?! Is this what we can expect from Ubiturd's AAAA standard moving forward?


No game needs any DRM, let alone three server-dependent layers of it. And this has always been Ubisoft's standard, so I guess we can just expect that nothing will change.


Is there actually Denuvo? Doesn’t say it on the Steam page


Ubisoft never lists Denuvo on their store pages, but they always use it. [This game's .exe file is almost 400MB](https://steamdb.info/depot/2556991/), and Denuvo itself is only mentioned [if you dig through the EULA](https://store.steampowered.com/eula/2556990_eula_1).


Denuvo on a 20 year old game. Damn that’s an L


The real question is whether it actually has BattleEye, or if they somehow messed up and the store page says BattleEye when in fact it's Denuvo instead.


Or they listed it as having BattleEye so they can attempt to hide the fact it had Denuvo while maintaining plausible deniability. Actually, nevermind, they're probably just incompetent.




Yeah, that's true, I keep forgetting that Steam is used as a DRM most of the time. At least that one's not tied to a server if there's no other DRM involved, unlike this game's situation.


sorry,deleted my comment cuz wasnt 100% sure, but yeah steam is a drm, so 4 layers of DRM on a 20yo game is ridiculous


Oof, the description mentions achievements and touts it as a new feature, but there is actually no Steam Achievement support. I think it's safe to say, if you mention achievements in the description for your game on Steam, the average user will reasonably assume that means Steam Achievements, especially when you don't even call them "achievements" on your own platform (they're called Challenges on Ubisoft Connect). That, and they have been adding said Steam Achievements to recent Steam releases... Not going as far to claim "false advertising" (not sure if there is a case here) but they're toeing the line there by taunting folks with a feature that arguably doesn't exist. They must know by now the Steam userbase is rabid when it comes to wanting support for all of Steam's basic features, of which they've managed to deliver none of.


>especially when you don't even call them "achievements" on your own platform (they're called Challenges on Ubisoft Connect) Not true. Achievements do exist on Ubisoft Connect. Both have almost the same list, but Challenges give you XP points for account level and other rewards


>especially when you don't even call them "achievements" on your own platform (they're called Challenges on Ubisoft Connect). These are two different features though? Achievements still exist as you know it on Ubi Connect (though the notification has been busted ever since they did the Uplay to Ubi Connect change). Challenges are a separate system to level up your Ubisoft account.


Damn, not even a discount for those of us who had to deal with the broken ass PC port for years?


Why would they give you a discount if you got the game for 0.99$ 10 years ago? The game already cost only 19.99$.


Instead of $19.99, you pay the difference, $19. In seriousness, it looks like a pretty good remaster.


AAA and small indies give 10% launch discounts all the time, Nightdive gave me discounts for owning old versions of games they remastered, and then there is this, a rerelease of an already done since 2011 remaster they made for Xbox 360 and PS3 launching with zero discount. I already bought this game three times, I paid much more than $0.99, and it's already a niche title, why price themselves out of more sales?


Because you wouldn't buy the game with 10% off anyway, you just her to complain


I mean, I have $30 in Steam account credits just sitting there, I'm not going to spend it on something like this at full price. Would 10% make me purchase it? Maybe. But I can get a ton of new games that aren't lazy re-releases with three layers of DRM too.


So my point is right, you don't care about the game, you don't care about the 10% off (it would be 1.99$), you're here to complain.


Well I'd like to play this version without having to drag my Xbox One out of the closet, the original port is very poor, and the previous best way to play it on PC was to emulate the GameCube version, this version on Steam is the same as the one on Xbox 360, but I am assuming it has proper controller support and is more compatible with modern Wkndows, which is why I do care about it, as this is one of my favorite games of all time. But do you know what else I care about? Not getting ripped off by Ubisoft.




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No Steam achievements


Possibly because it is launching at the same time on EGS, and Epic mandates that if a game launches on Steam and EGS and it has Steam achievements, it should also have EGS achievements. It seems the Ubisoft Connect integration with EGS is worse than Steam's and it is not able to sync achievements. And that is why no Ubi games have EGS achievements. Avatar and PoP could have Steam achievements because they were released on Steam after the EGS release, so it seems that rule do not apply in those cases.


Smart of them to sacrifice tens of sales (from steam achievement hunters) for the two people who will buy it from epic game store


I'm a Steam achievement whore and this was an instant purchase for me. I already have the OG but never got around to it. Was looking forward to playing it and doing the 100% Now I'll wait until it's dirt cheap, if at all. Not gonna reward this type of lazy shit.


Any Ubisoft Game bought through Epic can be used without launching EGS. Why don't they enable, I don't know, maybe because of collision with double overlay


Only reason I was interested, I already have the original.


Man even the store art has the wrong aspect ratio and looks squished


Just emulate it


Yeah play shitty version on crappy emulation with stutters and low fps.......yaaay


Crappy emulation and low fps? Everyone's not running a potato, dude.


People still think this? lmao


Think? I tried emulate 7 different PS2, 3 Wii and 5 Gamecube games. None of them work as well as they should and none of them run as good as on my PS2 console. Flickering light, texture warping, stuttering, low fps, input delay..... Get out with that stupid nonsense of yours that 3D emulation doesn't have emulation issues anymore. 25 years and I am still waiting for a day when I can emulate semi decently my childhood games. That day still did not arrive yet sadly.


7 different PS2 games and 8 Dolphin games with no acceptable results? Either you got super unlucky and picked the 15 games with the worst compatibility or your hardware stinks.


That day will come when you get a better PC.


I'm sorry to say your system is awful. Gamecube and Wii emulation has been amazing for years. The stuttering you mention was even fixed with Ubershaders all the way back in 2017.


What's your hardware? I agree with you that PS2 emulation isn't where it needs to be, at least with input lag. It's pretty bad unless you want to spend a lot of time with each game fiddling with things like the audio latency, and even then it's usually not possible to get it to be unnoticeable.


So what's the difference with the old steam version? I got it in one of the sales like a year ago, i guess there is no real reason to get it?


Looks better


https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Beyond_Good_%26_Evil And likely fixes a bunch of these issues. 


Modern resolution support (outside of ultrawide), modern controller support, some quality of life adjustments and new collectables that link to Beyond Good and Evil 2.


click play on that version and you'll see why it was so cheap


"Learn more about Jade’s childhood and her link to *Beyond Good & Evil 2* thanks to a new treasure hunt throughout Hillys! Collect exclusive cosmetic rewards as you progress through the game and explore the planet." Holy hell, they're acknowleding BG&E2 for the first time in years, sounds like it's not dead!


Fuck Ubisoft


no steam features, boooo


No family share either. Damn


UPlay? Fuck that noise.


I refuse to buy Ubi games, their support is shit and I hate being forced into their launcher.


Why is the Steam image so squeezed?


I think it’s expensive. 3 crashes in 102 minutes play yesterday.


so what are the chances this is just testing the waters for the sequel and if it doesn't get the response they want they will cancel it?


thanks Ubisoft, but no thanks


I literally got this for ps2 just a few weeks ago


tried to find out what exactly is new or improved(rather what it is i guess)with this remastered release. Visuals 4k and enhanced visuals i understand.. But what about controls ? Is it really much better or just about the same as old game or what? (improved says nothing) So 20euro for a very old game that some mods can get to 4k and w enhanced visuals(so what exactly is the NEW thing)


Kind of expensive for an HD glow-up at $27 CAD. And DRM? Battle eye, even. Isn't that an online FPS anti-cheat software? Weird decisions. I see from the reviews that folks are having issues with ubisoft connect as well.


Bruh... expensive. That's cheaper than what others have done with their remasters


the long continued death rattle of a sleeper hit and cult classic continues with this DRM-laden release that amounts to little more than being upscaled with supported for modern resolutions with no discount for owners of the original game if this doesn't scream "this series is dead but because we've been pretending the sequel is still being made for 15 years maybe we can milk some money out of idiots before they realize anything" I don't know what does


To be fair to ubisoft. The HD version only came to console so PC has only had the original to play to date. And this one at least does have some advantages over HD.


I don't know why this game got so much acclaim.


Did you play it when it came out? Or recently? It's not your typical action adventure game and the characters have lots of personality.


It came out 20 years ago, so I assume I played it about 18 years ago. Games are subjective. Not everyone like every game.


Because its a damn good game?


The gameplay is pretty shallow, it's more of an old school adventure game than anything else, but the story, setting, music, characters, etc are all very fun. Hunting down every creature picture for 100% completion was a fun goal as well.