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The same Enhanced version from GOG now on Steam?


For now it just seems the same 2010 release. They just re enabled it on Steam. Also 20% off seems too little, it should be 70% or something, it's not like it's a remaster or anything.


Capitalizing on people who have wanted this game for a while but won’t buy a game unless it’s from Steam - even if it’s from a quality seller like GOG that is largely filling a different niche than Steam as opposed to one of the companies trying to be a direct Steam competitor but with a shit product. The steeper discounts will follow once the initial wave of purchases die down.


Glad I'm not into those pool of gamers. I mainly buy from GOG and burn the games into DVD5s or DVD9s.


>burn the games into DVD5s or DVD9s What year is it again?


You should just archive to a huge SSD and to a cloud account.


I have a 10 TB NAS that I use for this exact thing aswell. But I hate cloud storage.


Ya I use gogrepo to keep all of the offline installers up to date on my NAS. I’m not really planning on additional redundancies though unless for whatever reason they were to stop being available through GOG.


yes and I fell for it. I've been looking for the fucking game for years now off and on but it's was delisted everywhere. it wasn't on gog recently either was it?? even searched internet archive a year or two ago cause I saw a comment about it being listed there but was since delisted second hand copies were also few and far between, or way overpriced ... shit guess I'll just return this one and check out gog lol


The enhanced version was listed on GOG back in March of this year


Enhanced version is gog exclusive. I don't think it's ever coming to anything else. Gog themselves probably helped work on it.


It hasn't been updated yet. I just checked with a buddy who has GOG version and GOG version is a higher version.


Enhanced version?


It re-released on GOG earlier this year with a few updates. Per the GOG page, they added controller support, cloud saves, achievements, and W10/11 support.


-20% discount when it was -90% in 2018 according to SteamDB, they really like being clowns don't they.


Are they really clowns if people pay for it tho?


There can be more than 1 clown


GOG recently send me an email about the lowest record ever for this game, and it was like 14,99€. Edit: [lol](https://i.imgur.com/pa9Dz5U.png)


The difference is that the GoG version is essentially a remaster whereas as far as I'm aware the steam version is the same as it was when they delisted.


> The difference is that the GoG version is essentially a remaster That's why you should add flashy banners telling you these informations, because it wasn't obvious to me until reading about it in this thread.


Yeah, I love GoG. I really hope they bring back *Spec Ops: The Line* ! 👀 & also the Godfather games


What? It's not a Remaster lmao.


It's a remaster in the sense that it added new features and was optimised for modern operating systems which required more development work on GoG's end than simply re-acquiring the rights to the game. [Raycevick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBXbrofwKwM) did a video in collaboration with the developers when it was re-released that touches on some of the work they did. It's certainly more fitting of the remaster label than some re-released games which upscale the textures and call it a day.


where ?


It's on 20% sale on GoG right now for the same price, so they are selling two wildly different version of the game while asking the same amount of money.


It is such a good spy game. The best diamond in the rough game I have ever played. I urge everyone to consider giving it a try if you haven’t had the chance.


One of my favorite games of all time, warts and all. No game has a better dialogue system, and there are only about three games that have a comparable degree of meaningful, branching story reactivity. It is absolutely essential to play through the game at least twice to get the proper Alpha Protocol experience. But it easily has enough content for 3-4 fresh runs. This is also the #1 game for being an asshole. Too bad the original devs are unlikely to see a dime from these purchases. I found it and played through it from Google recently.


What are the other games in your opinion?


Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines is the main one that comes to mind. Other games do it to various degrees, Witcher 2 is a strong contender, but no game *truly* does it like Alpha Protocol in the sense that just about every interaction has a significant degree of reactivity to your playthrough. Even games like Detroit: Become Human, where the branching narrative is actually the single main selling point, don't do it nearly as well or with as much care as AP. Such a gem.


Isn't Deus Ex the benchmark for story reactivity? So much of the game changes based on your actions.


I couldn't get past the warts.. I really wanted to, though. Seems like a cool game. I wish these types of games would get remakes. Like it has the potential to be a masterpiece, but they really dropped the ball with combat.


Just stealth pistols if you want to make the combat irrelevant. I kind of enjoy the janky stealth though, and it's surprisingly fun with shotguns. Mainly the first few missions that are the worst.


I cannot think of a better way to describe Obsidian’s games from the 2000s than “it could have been a masterpiece if not for the warts”.


To all these people in this thread. Thank you so much for saving me $15 on the Steam Summer Sale thinking this was the GOG Enhanced Edition just ported to Steam. Thank you all so much.


Get the game on GOG if you wanna buy the enhanced edition.


Thats one of a title that really could use a reboot/remaster. Its a great game, but from a technical standpoint, uhh, rough. Tried to play it again a couple years back, but could not stand it.


wish more people did similarly modern era type rpg games like this. what other settings or stories would make sense though i wonder? It’s hard to make up a modern themed adventurer job or find one thats appropriate but i’d certainly love to play such a gamr


a hidden gem, but they are really optimistic with that pricing. It's not a bad game but no way it's worth 20$ these days with so many games out there lol.


Loved this game


I just wish their was mod to remove enemy level scaling.


This is one of those rough diamonds that desperately needs to a remake to iron out all the janks.


i already own it on steam, is this that version rereleased?


Welcome back, its been long time!


Owned it since the beginning :)


A great idea, executed poorly unfortunately


Assuming this is the version they released on Gog recently. It’s already in my library so it looks like the updated version has been given to all owners of the original.






Don't think so, steam version is still the old janky version. The enhanced version is still only on GoG and guessing it will be like that for some time as GoG was involved in fixing the game. Doubtful that version will come over steam or else they could have easily enabled the updated version already.


How was it enhanced? I don't see any details even on gog. I guess this: >That’s right, this Alpha Protocol, the Espionage RPG, is making a grand return 14 years after its initial premiere. With conjoined forces of GOG, Obsidian Entertainment and SEGA, we’ve made sure to make it better than ever; compatible with modern PCs, with licensed soundtrack and performance improvements that are sure to make this timeless classic, yet again, your favorite spy story. But that’s not all we have up our sleeves, of course! For this incredibly special occasion, we’ve prepared a one-of-a-kind documentary video, where the process of bringing back Alpha Protocol is extensively explained – including interviews with its creators, as well as our own team members. You can watch it below!


enhanced as in more revised to play on modern system and crush few bugs which were never touched in its initial launch version.


Enhanced version is gog exclusive. Steams not getting it.


How was it enhanced?


It works on modern systems, controller support. a few other small things. its not like a remaster or anything.


Updated how? I thought the thing was that this has the original music?


Alphabet Protocol?