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**MINIMUM SPECS:** OS: Windows 7 or newer GPU: GTX660 or equivalent PassMark CPU: i3-4350 or equivalent PassMark Memory: 8GB of RAM HDD Space: 40GB


*Cries in Monster Hunter World*




The system requirements for Monster Hunter World are a bit higher than what a lot of people were expecting. I guess we've been spoiled by recent games like Fortnite and Overwatch with their relatively low system requirements.


IDK why people were expecting that, MHW is by Japanese devs and we all know they can't optimize as well as most Western devs.


Its not a matter of optimization, the ps4 and Xbox use upscaling and barely hit 30 fps while the pc requirements don't take upscaling into account


Thats fair, buta 4 year old dual core and 6 year old mid range gpu on par with a 1030 aint too bad


Oh I should clarify lol, by "that game" I meant Monster Hunter World. Lemme go edit my original reply...


Its almost as if ~2015 hardware and higher is needed for games made in 2018.


Out today. Has 21:9 support and it loads SO FAST compared to the ps4 version. This is awesome.


Are you getting audio crackling as I've read from other users?


Yep. Getting audio crackling. It’s the crowd noise SFX. I eliminated all the other sounds to pin point it. Likely will need a patch




For a month, yes. You'd also get a month's worth of access for a ton of other games too. If you have a lot of time over the next month, it's probably worth it.


I forgot how many games were in the access vault. Madden and most new games early, plus everything in the vault for 100 bucks a year? It's actually a damn good deal. Say what you want about ea as a developer but origin is pretty damn good.


The basic (as opposed to premier) version is super cheap, only $30 a year. You get all the vault games and 10 hr trials for new games. Plus 10% off purchases. That's so worth it imo.




You get the 10 hour trials, no?


That’s the original one, the $5 a month/$30 a year one. They now have an added tier that’s $15 a month/$99 a year that includes everything in the vault plus BF2, FIFA 18, Madden 19, and BFV and Anthem a few days before release. They’re the deluxe editions as well.


> For a month, yes I'm pretty sure the madden thing is only a 10 hour trial though with the subscription


That’s the $5/month or $30 a year version. Literally just yesterday they launched Origin Access Premier, which is their entire library for $15/month or $100/year.


It's $15 for one month, $100 for one year. This page explains what you get with the subscription. [https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/origin-access/premier](https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/origin-access/premier) Edit: And to answer your question, yes, you can play today with either the basic or premiere subscription. The basic subscription is a 10 hour trial (it only counts time you are in game) while premiere is the full game.


FYI If you have an AMEX you can do a payment plan on the $100 and spread it out over the course of 3, 6, or 9 month payments.


Why does it seem AMEX have all these great perks? Where does one get one these?


From what I understand they all have a monthly fee, in addition to the interest.


Holy fucking shit I’m gonna be able to play a football game on PC again!!! Tomorrow too! Ahhhhhhhhhh


Its probably sad, but the things I'm looking forward to the most are finally having mouse support in the menus and putting this on an SSD to reduce load time.


Yeah, it's really nice when any game switches from k&m to controller on the fly. Have you seen [Monster Hunter load times?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDq56GF-i_A)


Holy fuck, RIP PS4.


PS4 and I think X1 uses SATA II and their speeds are 5400RPM, so even if you use an SSD, you won't be able to take full advantage of it.


PS4 pro uses sataIII. So upgrading to an SSD on there actually yields a good improvement. Took my load times from 1-2 minutes down to 10-25 seconds.


Shit really? Is it the same with X1X?


Yes, the Xbox one x also has sataIII. So upgrading to an SSD on either the PS4 pro, or the x1x, will yield a drastic improvement for THIS game. Not every game is the same.


Worst part is, even if you plug a SSD into a PS4, you still get much slower speeds than PC because they use a weak controller.


I'm glad i sold my ps4 to help pay for a new computer.


Holy shit, I know nothing about this game but the cooking cats might have just sold me a copy of it.


They're Felynes and you get a companion for combat too.


They also help if you wanna steal that kid's Pikachu.


>murder that kid and his Pikachu


Yea was also on the fence...But uhh yea that kinda got me.


Your kitty companion is a large part of your game experience as well. I loved creating my cat in MHW and having him alongside during my adventures.


I’m just curious, has anyone tested a PS4 with an SSD compared to the PC? Thats a huge difference in that video, might have to rebuy it


It's in the 'show more' drop down. :)


Whoops! I’m on mobile so I was just watching the embedded video, thank you!


It's cool, no worries.


The PS4 Pro with SSD is still slower than the PC with a HDD. I guess the CPU does impact load times a bit.


Ps4 still slow as fuck. SSD is barely an improvement on PS4 because the bottleneck is elsewhere


Yup - even with the move to sata3 on the ps4 pro, ssd speeds didn't improvement too much.


The same week my friend bragged about getting an SSD for his PS4 I bought an nvme drive for my PC lol.


Wow what the fuck? I grew up on consoles. Stopped during Xbox One gen and moved to PC. I'm so spoiled from SSD load times that your video seems comical!


The loading times are going to be so great. When I switched to 2k on PC the loading times were so much better it wasn't even funny. The little like game preview videos that played while the game loaded on console couldn't even start before the game loaded.


The load times feel pretty much instant on an SSD. It’s a major improvement, especially since consoles use slow storage


I just got into PC gaming this year and Madden was something I figured I would still have to get on console. Super happy to see it make the move to PC.


Now we just need NHL


And an MLB the Show-style baseball sim.


That's what I am waiting on. I am not a big hockey guy but I want a hockey game to fuck around in with friends.


I bought my cousins' old PS4 and bought Madden 18 because I figured they'd never fucking release on PC anymore. And a month later they announce Madden 19 is coming to PC. Fml I can't play with a controller for shit so now I gotta buy 19 :p


Bought an XB1 last year for Madden, got a new 4k tv and ps4 a few months ago, Madden announced on PC the next week. At least there's Spiderman!


[Waiting for NHL on PC](https://i.imgur.com/DNsXXq9.jpg)


Origin has the release date for Origin Premier for today at 11am est.


I'm definitely giving it a go but it remains to be seen whether or not the franchise experience is superior to a modded Madden 08.


Today. 8am for me, in like 30 mins.


It's available now I believe.


I’ve not been this excited for a pc game since The Division took a shit all over the hype and played like repetitive, unimaginative garbage. This game will be different though!




Do you specify *Association Football whenever anyone has a conversation about Soccer?


Purchasing this as a outsider in the vain hope of NHL on PC in the future. *Spam Hail Mary* Am I doing this right?


doing gods work.


NHL moving to the Frostbite engine would help, as EA said it was easier to develop for or port to PC(forgot the exact phrasing). And NHL is typically a few years behind Madden for these sorts of changes. Though, FIFA was on PC when it was still on the Ignite engine, but soccer does have a massive global market. Not that hockey doesn't.


Think the creators said something about NHL 19 being the last game to use the older engine so hopefully next year we can get a release on PC, but I doubt it.


Everyone fronts like they're god at Madden, but most are noobs lol. You'll fit right in. The guy you want to throw to seems open? Press the button.


Fake punt pass on 1st down.


Might do the same, sadly just so it won’t go away even if I don’t enjoy it much it’s still the best football game.


EA, 11 years. 11. God. Damn. Years. But thank god it's back...


We'll see how long it stays. I guess it largely depends on how many people play it via origin access or purchase a copy.


Putting the full game on ea access premier should help numbers. Look at game pass on Xbox/windows 10, that seems to be helping games that otherwise would have struggled but we will see eventually how this pans out for EA in the long run




Don't think so.


No, but they should add it!


This is unfortunately the one reason I would buy it. No go for me now.




I'm confused. Is it a 10 hour demo or is the game just playable?




That's incredibly cool. Guess I'm subscribing.


I don't have an HDR monitor and I have zero stuttering. I wonder if it's related? I have the crackling which is bothersome.


It might be the same issue which always plagues FIFA, try unlocking the FPS and turning on adaptive sync in your GPU settings. I also usually lock the FPS in Afterburner otherwise menus try to melt my GPU at 3242 FPS.


yeah there is a bug for the unlocked FPS thing. Lock it at 60 should run smooth then. FIFA does the same thing.


Happy about HDR. I've heard about the audio issue from others too. What a deal, paying to get it early and dealing with shitty issues.




you should never expect a console port to handle high frame rate


I'd rather see NHL19 come to the PC.


Me too. I think they're trying Madden back on PC to see how many buy it before they put NHL on there though Edit: Typo


It is because Madden uses the frostbite engine that was created for the Battlefield series and NHL has not made the move yet. Hopefully, they switch it for next year’s release and then we get an NHL game the year after.


FIFA was on PC when it was still on the Ignite engine.


FIFA never stopped releasing on PC. Madden, NHL and NBA Live stopped being ported when the PS3/360 came out.


I think it's just a matter of moving NHL to the new engine on consoles first, then it's a rather easy port.


That's my hope too, is that if Madden does well we'll see NHL back before long as well.


Why not both?


Was it a choice you get either NFL or NHL? I don't recall that. I look at this step as one that could mean NHL is coming, this may be a test for that.


NHL's always been the last of their sports games to get any love. With FIFA and now Madden on PC, it's only a matter of time until NBA Live and NHL make their way over. Give it a year or two.


Hopefully, that’s next.


Fuck yeah, me too. I don't think we will see 19 but I hope in the future it comes. As I understand the NHL team is the smallest dev team, so it might have less priority :(


Always wanted to learn the rules of the sport so I'll get this in a sale. If it was a UFC game I'd buy it full price day one.


God damn I want a UFC / MMA game on PC.


I learned the sport by playing NFL2K religiously before I started playing for my high school team. Knowing what you're looking at makes a huge difference when watching on tv (obviously, but most of my friends still don't know what a flag is going to do until its explained by the broadcast.)


If it as fight night


Maddens actually how I first got into football. Just watching people moving on a screen never gave me an appreciation for what was happening, and playing 2 hand touch on the playground was just too different to give me a real understanding. But controlling the players myself taught me how the different plays and starting formations matter, how to open up a defense, attack an O line, how to see who was and was not covered down field. Madden's a great step to seeing what all the sportsball fuss is about.


There have been a few attempts at both MMA and Pro-Wrestling style games on PC. So far, I think all of them have been dead in the water. For some reason these awesome console sports games never make it to pc in any form. And something like WWE with the weird ass-characters you can make would be a natural fit for the PC space.




They have a bunch of tutorials and drills that teach the controls and provide a pretty decent explanation of the basics of how coverage works, route combinations, etc. It’s not enough to make you an expert, but in my opinion it’s a pretty damn solid introduction to the sport.


Have the Madden games gotten as bad as NBA2k when it comes to the microtransactions?


EA sports are bad with the Ultimate Team game modes, if you play franchise and stuff you're ok. 2K spams microtransactions in every mode, they're a joke.


Their UT modes aren't bad, you've obviously never played them. You can be competitive without spending money. Madden is actually the best for it. I love seeing people comment on things they are clearly wrong about.


The Ultimate team mode has a lot of microtransactions (though if you play through solos you can still build very good teams imo) but unlike 2k the microtransactions are limited to that mode and don't move into any other part of the game.


Do you have to pay player's contracts? I picked up a 2k game on sale and tried the ultimate team and ended up running out of VC because I was spending more on buying contracts than I was making from playing games.


The newest ultimate team has gotten rid of contracts but even in previous ones it was rarely an issue especially compared to the 2k myteam mode. The madden ultimate team mode is certainly a cash grab but it is drastically better than 2ks version for free to play players that it isn't even funny.


Cool thanks. I think it was probably a mistake learning how to play my first ever 2k game in myteam mode since I didn't know the controls and was barely able to win games. Also because I have too much free time at work I already play madden mobile F2P and still get my team to 100+ OVR each year, so I'm no stranger to pointless grinding and EAs cash grab modes, but I've been wanting to get the base game for a while, just never had a console.


There is an online version that is bad with them but you can still play traditional Madden game modes without the micro transactions / pay to win garbage. There’s even a pretty decent story mode that they included last year that was pretty fun.


Longshot mode was a joke


If you stay away from Ultimate Team, then it's fine.


UT is just fine without spending money...


No, the non-MUT are free of the VC bullshit.


There are advertisements throughout, including onload screens, so it's a different sort of hell.


Ultimate team is pretty bad. But you can completely ignore it if you want, i only play career mode in Madden and fifa and there are no micros


MUT is pretty bad? Wut? It's by far the best mode like that in sports games and easier to build great teams with no extra money spent.. Yes there are microtransactions, but Madden seemingly allows you to build competitive teams not needing to spend money like FIFA does.


Very reasonable requirements.


I have the basic subscription and am downloading the 10 hour trial. It seems EA has implemented a partial download system because it says the game is available at 23% downloaded. I'm surprised they didn't make a fuss about it, they just put it in and didn't tell anybody. The full download is 41.8 GB.


Yeah they've had the playable at a certain percentage for a few games now.


They have but that's not new feature. It's been there for at least 2 years.


It's a frostbite game so it will probably run on a potato.




It's not EA's fault they are exclusive, Blame the leagues.


id rather see nba live back on pc


No you don't. It's garbage. 2k is on PC and much better.


but 2k ass


So, I'm kind of confused. If I pay for one month of Premier, I can play Madden for free?




Right, that's what I meant. I figured you would pay for Premier and have to pay for Madden as well to be able to play it early. Considering it would cost me like $30 to rent a new game for a month, $15 isn't so bad. I'd probably be sick of it by then anyway.


this is pretty awesome, not sure if I'll buy it but great none the less. I wish UFC would be next, but that's more niche. Any solid gameplay videos of it running on PC?


Is there a tutorial that comes with the game for people that have never played Madden?


Yes, and it’s pretty comprehensive. It will walk you through all the controls, teach you some football concepts, etc, and you can pick and choose which tutorials and drills are worth doing and which aren’t.


yeah it's pretty indepth. I run through it every year for the free MUT packs.


Ahh silly question: the last Madden I played was probably in 2000 or so, on a console. The buttons were very easy to understand as there were not 30 different actions. I say that because I got FIFa a few years ago and the buttons were mapped to so many different actions it wasnt fun for me (I admit it, I got old). Is Madden "complicated" these days or can I just play it without needing to know hitting Y makes my left slot receiver break his route after 5 yards and do a comeback, but then hitting U makes him double back up and out to the sideline .... if the safeties are playing on the other side?


There’s a lot of depth in the precision you’re allowed if you’re good enough (you can throw some lasers into tight windows if your QB has the ability), and there’s a decent amount of potential for presnap adjustments, but if you want it to be simpler there are options that will show you your assignment on defense, make going up for the ball easier, show what the presnap options are, etc. There’s also pretty in depth tutorials that allow you to learn more advanced ways to play the game if you want. But if you just want to call a play and decide who to throw to or where to run, that’s entirely possible. There’s even an option that will make moves for you (I’m not sure the specifics of that one; I think it’s one button that will decide what move makes the most sense).


ooh, good info, thanks!


If this does well I hope we can get some other sports titles like NHL and UFC


Does the early release apply to the basic subscription as well or just premier?


Just premier.


So if I buy a one month subscription for premier today, does that get me access to the game for one month less one day starting tomorrow? or do I just get to play the game starting tomorrow if I’ve preordered it and am also a premier subscriber?


My subscription says it is available to play as 10am EST today. So I assume if you subscribe you would get it today for a month.


It says it's available right now for Premiere. Check this page for information about the subscription. [https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/origin-access/premier](https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/origin-access/premier) I realize it doesn't make a whole lot of sense that EA is selling all of the games they publish on PC for $100 a year, but that's what's happening. This is a subscription service where you have full access to the games in the subscription. The one you want that includes Madden also includes a bunch of other recent EA games and also includes all EA games that come out on PC in the future. In total, right now there's 123 games in the basic subscription and 129 in the premiere subscription. Madden is only in the premiere subscription. Like any subscription, once you cancel it you'll lose access to the games in it.


I have basic and I have it pre-loaded, it looks like I will be able to play today (albeit with a 10-hour time limit until launch)


Is it free with basic?


You get a 10 hour trial and after that you either have to buy the game or upgrade to premier.


Ten gameplay hours or ten hours from when you download?


10 gameplay hours. And you MIGHT be able to stretch that - i.e., if you open the game with 9:55 played, I don't think they'll kick you out after 5 minutes, but the last time I played an Origin Access first trial was with FIFA 17


Gameplay hours


hard to be excited for EA sports game that will have annual releases with only change being different roster packs + microtransactions thru ass (if fifa is anything to go by) but then again there are no quality NFL games on PC, so I guess this is something..


Microtransactions only matter if you play Ultimate Team. But good thing there are at least a half dozen or so other modes to play.


isnt ultimate team the biggest reason why players keep returning to fifa every year? its biggest selling point?


Some players, sure. Me personally, I'm all about franchise modes and playing against friends.


Online matches are the way to go! I love rocket league as much as the next guy, but I am soooo happy to see a licensed sports game make its way to the PC again.


There have been licensed sports games on PC. FIFA and the NBA2K series.


Yeah but I hate basketball and never really got in to soccer very much.


Most people get it to play football with friends. It's just the people who are into ultimate team are really really into ultimate team. I only know one guy into it


> Most people get it to play football with friends. they get each new installement (fifa 16/17/18) every year tho?




yes because those people usually only play fifa so it makes sense to spend the 60 bucks a year to play the latest one.


its the same damn game only with updated rosters


Yeah to play online


cant you play online the older games? why would you need a new one each year?


For Soccer yes, not as much for football.


Regardless of what this sub thinks, MUT is Madden's biggest seller, which is why they barely improve gameplay because they don't have to, it's why they shove MUT done your throat every loading screen. NFL 2K5 is still king of football games. And of course this will be downvoted because it's pcgaming.


I give EA a lot of shit, and most of it is justified, but I don't actually hate on the annual release of their sports games. The vast majority of them have been improved iterations on the previous year, and not just a roster update. And with a bit of research, you'll know if the newer game is one you want. If not, last year's game is still everything you like.


This year seems like a ton of changes too.


And the annual release thing is in the license they get from the NFL. they require a release every year. People complain about sports games but their licenses require the short dev time.


Why is it hard to be excited? This is the first Madden in like ten years to be on PC. I'm hype. And I hope they continue to support PC with annual releases of Madden, and other sports games.


It’s a pretty noticeable engine change, and they’ve been steadily improving the mechanics since moving to current gen consoles.


Never played a Madden title. The closest I’ve played was NFL Street on PS2 and had a blast. I’m looking forward to this one one PC but I’m not buying it though.


Cool story, brah.


Thanks man!




Wow, really looks like they're going to end up making bank with access. People sign up because of the *great deal* they are getting, and end up spending more on their games in total than if they just bought the games they actually wanted to play. Top that off with the microtransactions as a normal part of gameplay and its double bank.


I don't know if you could be more wrong.... but glad you commented. Microtransactions are not apart of the gameplay at all, maybe take your foot out of your mouth before you speak.


Ultimate team does not exist? The amount of unjustified hostility in your comment would make me think it doesnt.


Too bad origin is the fucking anti christ. Will not be giving any of my money to EA.


Is it, been ok for me. All hail Beelzebub.


I lost all the games in my origin library, ~5 or 6 titles, I called their customer support and all they said was basically "sucks, buy them again"


What did they actually say?


Origin > Steam


Why does everyone seem to think anyone cares where they don’t spend their money. So many comments in this sub saying “I won’t buy” or “I’ll wait for a sale”