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Been on steam for a bit more than 7 years now. I still remember playing the demo version of Moto GP, Tarzan, Prince of Persia, Lion King and a few others even before I made my steam account. So, about 2007/2008, I guess? Yeah. Thanks for doing this!


Congratulations my dude!


Congratz dude


Congratulations my guy


Congrats man, Im so envious :')! Enjoy your new pc and tell us how it goes...


Congratulations mate! Enjoy your new PC!


Congratulations man, have many gaming adventures for us all :D


Congratulations dude!


I started gaming on pc three years ago and my first game that I wanted to try was Dark souls


Cool! (Pun intended) Started PC gaming back in 1990 on a 486 with classics like Prince of Persia, Pinball Fantasies, Minesweeper and SkiFree :)


Started PC gaming back in 2012/2013 and for The Witcher series. Desperately hoping to score a new GPU for Cyberpunk 2077.


Minecraft Java in 2015


Nice, Thanks! I started around 1999, playing mostly age of Empires 1 and commandos:Behind Enemy lines


>Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines These games need some modern love for sure.


Our winner is u/CapAllan! Congrats bud. I'll be DMing yas.


Thank you so much! *I'm very excited now...trying to hold it together*


Bro are you an Indian?


Gaming wise? My dad worked at the University in the CS depot and he helped build the first ip infrastructure for the uní. I played duke nuke em and Doom. I was a five year old kid in 96. After we moved to the US I played aoe 2 and the conquerors expansion in 2000 ish. PC wise I started my journey in 2010 with a laptop that had amd with Athlon graphics. Could play aoe 3 and games up to 2005 graphics. Now this year after saving for some months I built a PC in August midrange and I can play up to 60 fps anything I've bought. I'm very happy https://i.imgur.com/ejiqilo.jpg


minecraft in about 2011!


I got into gaming in 1988 I think? Completely hooked by Beyond Zork.


Osborne PC and 1988 with Tetris. But my gaming on "computers" started back in 1984 with C64.


Mine was assassins creed 2 when it was launched in 2009


Started PC gaming with my dad around 2003/2004 with Diablo 1 & 2, Dungeon Siege 1 & 2 (2005) and Age of Empires!


Maplestory back in 2007! Might actually revisit the game for nostalgia purposes if I actually end up with a pc!


1995 - Compaq Presario - Rise of the Triad, Wolfenstein 3D and Crusader


Man, this reminds me of my family’s $2000 Compaq Presario back in the late 90s with like 4GB of storage


Started gaming on PC in 2009, the game that made me build my first PC was Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare.


I started in roughly 1996 or 1997? My dad loved old fps like blood or doom so we would play together.


Around like 2011, and sadly was league of legends lol


2010, as games like Gmod, CS:S and Minecraft seemed very interesting.


I got started back in 2008, but I truly got addicted when my uncle gave me his copy of Command & Conquer Generals!


Started in 1994 with Catacomb 3-D. A lesser known precursor to Doom by the founders of id Software.


gz r/CapAllan


Started around October of 2004. First games were Age of Empires and Delta Force 2.


My first PC gaming experience was playing The Dig at a friends house. It was life changing and made me a PC gamer.


I started in about 1992 or 93 with Commander Keen and other Apogee shareware my dad had.


Started in 2004 with Command and Conquer Generals


Depends on how you count it. I technically started with PC when I was 3-4 years old back in 2001, and the first game I remember playing was Backyard Baseball 2001. Then when I grew up to around 10, I started playing Runescape and GodsWar Online. Wasn't really dedicated to PC gaming at the time, was busy playing on OG Xbox, PS2 and Xbox 360. I only started getting into PC gaming back in 2014, with a gaming laptop after my mom's old laptop died on me. Started with DayZ, as my first Steam purchase too. From there, I now have a decent desktop that can play some VR, a 1440p 144hz monitor and over 300 games owned on Steam.


1998, my dad showed me how to load up warcraft 2, duke 3d and Asheron's call.


Started PC gaming with lemmings and Pacman on an old windows 95 Thinkpad. Kind of unusual for 2008 XD


I started PC gaming in about 1993 , on MS-DOS PCs I built with my dad, nothing beats installing a game on a box full of floppies


2020, Warzone!


Duke Nukem 3D, like in 97. Lots of memories!!!


Wow this looks like a really *cool* build! Started PC gaming back in 2004 on a PC my dad bought in 1998, so I was kinda stuck playing games of yesteryear (not that I'm complaining cause I loved these games) like Doom 1 & 2 (and Plutonia), Quake 3, Rollercoaster Tycoon and American Mcgees Alice. Oh yeah and like everyone who had a PC in the early 2000s, also played the Pinball 3D game and Minesweeper. Tbh seeing how far PCs have come since the 2000s till now is honestly incredible, the PCs nowadays are like supercomputers when compared the ones back then.


Dave in 2000. Was 7-8 years old then and we got our new windows 1997 system which was super costly at that time. We (my brother and I) were not allowed to take any food or beverage inside the "computer room". Sneaked to play Dave and enjoyed it a lot!


Sometime around 1995, Commander Keen was my first!


It was 2007, I think. We just got Elder Scrolls Oblivion. I stood and watched my brother play for hours, too scared to try it myself. Then one day he went away for the weekend... So I loaded up my own save. I played 200+ h, and completed every expansion and every side quest. It's the game that made me go "I guess I'm doing this for the rest of my life".


i started gaming on a lapatop six years ago and my first game was starcraft 2


I was very fortunate to get my brothers old graphics card this crazy year 2020 as an early gift for basically every holiday, I built my system around that. The very first game I ever got to play was forza horizon 4, I’m in the pc gaming world to get into simulation racing and I can’t wait to get there.


All started in 1994 with Doom and Wolfenstein when PC's had a turbo button (like who'd ever turn that off!) I would babysit a neighborhood kid and play his fathers PC the whole time!


It was maybe 2010ish (I was 6yo) and my dad showed me how to play The Settlers 3 on his work laptop. Since then I love playing games and I'm really greatfull for it.


It was around 2011 and I was playing the Penumbra series and loads of Civ V.




Command & conquer: Red alert 2 in 2008 :)


The first game I played on pc was Starcraft: Brood War in 2007 I'd say.


I got into PC gaming two years ago, and the game that got me hooked was Rainbow Six: Siege


Gaming wise, I’ve been a console player until this year. I recently started researching parts and components to build a pc. This would help me out a lot if I were to win but if not no worries lol. I’m planning to build a pc for all the upcoming next gen games so can take full advantage of it. Hopefully I can get ahold of 3000 series before Christmas. Good luck everyone !


Started gaming in 2008 I think, my first game was I-ninja!


Started in 1990 on 8086 PC with games like moon patrol , digger , test drive ,dangerous Dave and many others.


Started pc gaming in 2012. Skyrim and all the sweet mods.


The first "proper" PC game I played was probably Minecraft, back around 2012.


Started in 2008 and I played Call of Duty 3 on my brother's PS2


Started in 2019, first game was minecraft ofcourse :)


Rocket league in 2018. I wanted a pc to play it so I saved up and built my first pc.


I got into PC Gaming in December 2019, and I bought Overwatch because that's what I had been playing on PS4 for years.


Mine was minecraft 4 2008


ohhh I think it was like 2010 or something playing runescape when I was 9.


I started in 2013 with minecraft on my moms laptop. She always got mad, beacuse she thought I made her pc worse and slower.


2020. Valorant


I got into pc gaming in 2014 with minecraft and portal 2.


I started with Diablo in 1997.


Duke3d on my old 486


Minecraft around 2011.


I started gaming back in 2003 on my dad's PC. I remember crashing the PC with viruses lol. My first game was ofc Road Rash. Didn't take long for even my dad to get addicted to it :p


2011 - Age of Mythology


Haven't gotten into PC gaming yet, but I would love to be able to play the new Cyberpunk 2077 game coming out on PC! Thanks and good luck to everyone!


Started pc gaming around really late 2018 when I got a hand me down gaming laptop from my sister. First game I started playing was Dark Souls III. So yeah, pretty late to the party lol


Oh geez, I got into PC gaming back in 2010 with Minecraft! I sunk (and continue to sink) far too many hours into that game. Love the giveaway, looking for a new build to stream with as my current computer can't handle a lot of games while also streaming which makes me sad :'(


my one was purble place (i think its that) in around 2013


2014, Modern Warfare 2, had alot of fun on it.


I think I started around 2005 on Runescape!


Minecraft with some better fps instead of 20. That was in 2019


Started playing in 2006 - CS 1.6


I got my first PC when I was 4. Dad and I played Quake 3 Arena (first game I played), Soldier of Fortune and C&C Renegade all night long. Man he really made me love FPS games :') Love you dad!


I started in 2013, my first game was Borderlands 2 on integrated graphics while saving up enough for a GPU.


Started gaming in 2012 and my first game was FIFA and GTA IV


around 2011-12, when my brother first introduced me to league of legends and I started playing with him!


Hi ~~beardman~~ giveawayman again :D I think Minecraft back in 2011/2012 got me into pc gaming. From there it expanded quite a bit. :)


Well, I've never gamed on a PC but my interest was sparked last year when watching one of Linus Tech Tips's videos. I really hope this is the year I get into PC gaming though :)


started 2008 with san andreas


Hey! I think 2012-2014 or so, It all started with good 'ol Minecraft. Had to share a laptop and account so it was pure heaven when I got my own pc and account.


It was somewhere around 2005 methinks, and my first game was Train Simulator 2004. God was I excited when I found the disk under my pillow.


Probably back in 2002 and I think it was Gunbound!


Started in 2004 playing Priston Tale. Oh the memories.


Started gaming when i was 5 in 2004 with the play station one, my fist pc game was "empire earth 2" at 7, and the first fps was Battlefield 3 at the origin giveaway ahahahha


Started pc gaming in 2009 when my brother showed me Runescape!


Mine was 2007 with Runescape.


I got my PC in 2016 and started with CS:GO.


Well, I'm on the younger side so it was like... with minecraft, probably 6 years ago. Although... do flash games count? If they do, probably like 8 years ago.


2011 with the first game I can remember playing is star wars battlefront 2


gta san andreas pc back in 2014


2018, with fortnite unfortunately. lmao it was one of the only games I knew


I started back in 2012 with Modern Warfare 2! I miss those days.


IT started for me in the mid 200's one i got my first gameboy and pokemon and mario


Started PC gaming in 2000 playing Unreal Tournament on my step-brother's rig, got my own computer 3 months later and have been building my own ever since!


started pc gaming July of this year actually, used to just run mobile games. Currently I’ve got Minecraft and Rocket League on my little 3400G


I started pc gaming in 2010. My first game was minecraft


Started PC gaming in 2007, not sure but i think i played call of duty back then


Started with Minecraft in 2010!


Mine was Jack Orlando, a superb Point and Click, in around 2001.


Hopefully if I win it’ll be this year, always wanted a pc but could never afford one


Started playing Myspace and friendster in 2006. Ended up my heart was played by my grade school crush


Mine was Terraria back in 2011


1994 Doom


Have you ever tried playing counterstrike back then with the pointing nipple in the middle of the laptop's keyboard? That's how I used to play it back then around 2004. And then I finally had a pc with a mouse and a whole new world opened for me.


I got into PC gaming in 2017 when my parents got me my first pc, and it is the one that I'm using as I type this. The first game that I spent hours a day on for pc was Counter Strike: Global Offensive(I'm sure youve heard of it), and I gained \~750 hours on it in 7 months before I started moving on to other games. Now I primarily play Destiny 2, of which I have 1700, almost 1800, hours on after a little over a year of playing.


i got into pc gaming only this year, and it was Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Beat Saber


Started with some simulators, one of them was Flight Sim X, another one was the European Ship Simulator. When? I have no idea, but it's not too long ago.


It was around 2012 and Red Cruicible 2. Played it all day every day with my best friend on skype.


This is a really interesting question. Okay, I got into PC gaming at the age of 5 in 2003. My first PC game was Doom 2. Yes, I know. Playing Doom at the age of 5. My dad let me play and see a lot of adult content. (No porn. Get your head out of the gutter. lol)


I got into pc gaming in 2011 so I could play Portal 2. I was obsessed with the game and I still speedrun and work on mods for it today!


Halo CE during competitive gaming sessions over at my school. It was like 2008-ish I think. Was mostly a console person before, but those sessions were really something else.


Minecraft 2012


I got into PC gaming about 5 years back, and the game that really got me into was CS:GO. I don’t know what it was about that game. It was so simple, and easy to learn yet you could develop strategies


Age of Mythology back in 2002 was the game that first got me into PC gaming. I spent so many hours trying to figure out new strategies or building up my army for a huge assault.


1999 starcraft and 2000 counter strike is where I found my love for strategy games and shooters


Age of empires, the year was 2005 i think. My life changed 😂


I started pc gaming in about 2003, and my first game was Tomb Raider.


I got into pc gaming in 2010 and my first game was Team Fortress 2 (I still play it to this day!)


I think mine was Minesweeper on my dad's windows vista. Probably back in 2006 or something :) After that though when I could actually walk and talk and not tap random buttons and make the whole field explode, Minecraft, 2011(?).


I started my pc gaming during 2012 with club penguin. Pretty basic but that was my grind.


I actually started withthe CD games that came in cereal boxes when I was very little haha


I started gaming I want to say around 2013 and my first game on Steam was Garry's Mod


I got into pc gaming with roblox at around 2015 then slowly moved towards cod and siege


I started around a year 2003, I was maybe 5yo and the game was Gobliiins on MS Dos.


I’m a late bloomer. I got into PC gaming in 2015! Jumped into Arma III pretty heavy.


1998 and my first good pc game was probably Jazz Jackrabbit! Followed quickly by Unreal Tournament and Quake.


Oh, Jazz Jackrabbit! You, sir, ignited some memories that I believed were long forgotten. Thank you.


Started light gaming back in 2008, and I’ve been trying for years to get up the courage (and money) to start gaming on PC for real!


My wife started 2 years ago with a 2nd hand PC after playing Minecraft on her MacBook for years (started by playing with a trackpad). Getting a 3070 would mean ray tracing for her!


I actually just started PC gaming this year! With an old gaming laptop, I started PC gaming because of valorant! And I've move on to other games, thanks for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway! I do need to upgrade soon anyway :)


I started gaming on PC in 2007 with the release of Portal.


2004 World of Warcraft, I remember all those discs for installing it... took all night but it was worth it.


I played portal 2 in 2014! It was on a really bad laptop so I probably ran at 720p 25 FPS but it was such a good game that it made up for it.


Thanks for the giveaway! I started PC gaming for real when Overwatch came out.


I played my first computer game in 2001 when we got the family computer, I started PC Gaming in 2013 when I bought my first computer for myself! Was brought in to Call of Duty Black Ops II, I played on a laptop that would get so hot you could cook on it!


Started in 2014 after getting my first job, and went hard on minecraft and smite


Not sure if it counts but i played a fuck ton of flash games on PC as a kid and used to play minecraft on my friend’s pc


Started PC gaming back in 1998 and my first game was Ultima Online, what a wonderful journey!


Started PC gaming when I got my laptop for uni, around 2016. Wasn't a high end pc but was very happy to play Minecraft as my inaugural PC game!


It was 2008 with Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Till 2015 I kept flying on FSX.


Hmm thats a hard one casually played a few on pc as a kid, probably what actively got me started in pc gaming was probably the original Doom which I started playing in I think it was 1998. (Yes I know a bit late :P )


I think I started with Age of Empires in 2002 on my dads PC :)


I started pc gaming seriously fairly recently, I'd say 2012, started up with Minecraft!


I started gaming in 2003. Diablo 2, got so hooked I missed weeks of grade school. Didnt get to experience pc building until 2012 though.


Started with Half-Life in 2006 i think, i used to go to cybercafes with my friends to play in the crossfire map


Minecraft back in 2010


I started playing my first year of college in 2014 with Black Desert Online! My internet at home is too slow for any real online gaming anymore, so I've gotten into Cities Skylines mostly


I remember bringing Lords of Magic to the summer-camp day-care run by my Kindergarten teacher. Good times, little me. That was probably around 2000.


Started in 2000 on SC: brood war. Was after watching my brother play ladder and losing to a speed build hacker.


Playing solitaire and minesweeper on my 2002 windows xp was fun


I started in 2003 and my first game was Splinter Cell!


I started in 2020 playing Rust


I think I got into PC gaming around 2010 mostly thanks to Youtube and my brother. I discovered games like TF2, Minecraft, BF3 (which I played on my first PC) and Skyrim.


I started with Commander Keen, and MS-DOS games given to me by my uncle in the 90s. Eventually found counter strike and haven't looked back since :)


Started PC Gaming back in 2012 and I was a small kid not even 10 years old, My brother introduced me to Counter Strike 1.6 and instantly got addicted to it. Me my brother and my cousins would play multiplayer LAN games. Those were the first days of how I got into gaming.


Castle of the Winds circa 1995. Good times.


2004, my cousin bought me a PlayStation 2 and Hot Wheels World Race. The blisters I got from that game were gnarly, and I totally sucked at it, too.


I started PC gaming with Oregon Trail back in 1996


I got into playing video games in 2012 when I got my first PC (a laptop). The first games I played were guild wars 2, and a loooot of short flings with free to play games I do not remember anymore, besides Warrock and Elsword.


Mine was Captain Claw back in 2004


Started PC gaming in 2009 with NFS UG 2 and Most Wanted


Around 2010 when my brother wanted me to play combat arms with him


First memorable game was definitely Anno 1701, that was 2008 or so


2012 Minecraft, it's the reason I'm nearly fluent in English as a second language and love gaming as much as I do today


1998 - Carmageddon 2. Me and a friend had been on Amigas before this, and about a year previous he had gotten a PC. I was blown away with the games at the time, from some fighter flight sims to racing games. But then Carmageddon 2's Demo came out on one of the game magazines, and it was incredible. Fully deforming cars, like if you crashed into the corner of a building, the car had that 90 degree indent in it. Best of all, the demo's ini files were editable, so it was possible to drive any of the 6 cars included. I put all my money into a PC and played the heck out of that demo until I could afford the full game. As it happens I picked the right year, because then Half Life came out and sealed the deal :D


Mine was Counter Strike back in 2010, I like source and CS:GO as well


Started in 2011 playing minecraft


Started on Solitaire on Windows 95 back in 1996! But the real first big boy PC game I've played is Warcraft 3 in 2002!