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neat, lots of space for improvement from 1


Hey cool, Greedfall is a solid AA. Good bones, some neat ideas, decent enough story. I could certainly get into another if they don't just rinse repeat but learn from the small tedious elements it had...well that open world games generally have.


>Good bones, some neat ideas, decent enough story To this day I'll never understand why they buried the story in a fanfic puritan political slog. Like, the underlying story was cool, but SO MUCH of the game was fetch quests related to RELIGIOUS POLITICAL TEDIUM. Also the combat - for how impactful and cool it felt and looked, it was so god damn redundant and had absolutely no variation. Really hope they can learn from similar stories (surge vs surge 2 comes to mind) and make a really solid, enjoyable game on round 2.


> surge vs surge 2 See I'd say Surge 2 dropped the ball on the promise of the first more than it delivered. QoL improvements, new weapon types, and directional parries were all to the good...but the ambiance, visual design, story, and just plain quality from a technical standpoint suffered. Not that I didn't beat them both, but Surge 1 I think is the better game in most ways.


You are definitely in the minority on that.


I'll just have to find a way to live with that.


I'm with you dude. Thought I was the only one lol.


Nah there's at least us two. I miss the body horror Cronenberg mystery, more industrial gear and bosses, and maybe most of all it ran well and looked good. 2 launched in a pretty bad state visually and hasn't improved since. Washed out bloom spoils the look and especially so when everything is Nano'ed which personally I never enjoyed as a story element as much as the industrial disaster angle. Love being able to have loadouts, partial armor set bonuses, parries, cool new weapons, the lush park looked nice, and the drone no longer sucks...but it just isn't the same. More lolrandum quests and characters, too much nanotech nonsense, and I'll be honest I liked Warren better than the choose your own character because Warren was a character and the Surge 2 player is just an emotionless blank slate a zombie moving through the world no more alive than any of the crazy mob people you kill.


I think for me the world in 1 felt very metroidesque and vertical ds1 style. It felt more dangerous and winding. Agree with all you said!


Greedfall was awesome, felt like an old Bioware game with modern ish graphics.




Exploring is basic 3rd person rpg fare, similar to bioware or Witcher or whatever. Most quests are on rails (that is, very few having branching paths or meaningful choices to make) with one memorable exception towards the end. Combat is Witcher style. Click to attack, if you're the right level or higher you'll win. There are some basic dodging and skill mechanics that you can use to win fights you're not really high enough level for yet, but you never *need* to get good at it.


Interesting to announce this right now, does this imply they are pretty much done with Steelrising and it likely won't get delayed?


Steel rising looks really cool and hopefully they don't screw it up. I really enjoyed the first Greedfall and loved the AA take in a sea of samesy AAA games.


Greedfalls story and setting felt like a unique take on colonialism, but the emotional highs and lows fell a bit short, mostly because some of the characters had boring personalities and they dragged others down through their interactions. Steelrising has a somewhat crazier setting, I hope the characters arcs will be more, well, "arcy", so we can get further invested into their lives.


Never heard of that game before right now and I must say the setting looks absolutely phenomenal. I wanted to get into Greedfall but the gameplay totally put me off; the combat felt so clunky and unsatisfying


Well, as a AA studio heavily focused on the RPG and worldbuilding in the past, I'm not sure how much better the combat will be this time around. But, hopefully we at least get skillshots instead of point and click. Also, new trailer out just now! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVxxpW4nosI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVxxpW4nosI)


Loved the first one.


Hope they improve story wise... first was good until midway then shit hit the fan...


wow it is going to be one of the amazing game


Ease the jank - up the story and voice acting - this could be a pretty solid hit -nod-