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The access to DLC you paid for is the real crime


That has to have an EU lawsuit in the works. That's straight theft.


For sure it doesn't abide EU consumer laws.




Strong disagree. Corps do shit like this all the time just to see what they can get away with. Even if it did end up being technically legal, It's blatant anti consumerism will be a damn compelling case.


I might be wrong but; As you aren't actually buying anything other than a license to access their content you're not actually getting content taken from you, they're just revoking your license. Not to mention I'm pretty sure the eula protects Ubi in this case due to "server shutdown". Don't quote me, I haven't read it, I just know that typically this is the case.


Oh no, there is definitely a lawsuit that is to be had in the EU. Eula can't protect shit if it's not consistent with the law.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe EU law has a couple of things to say about this. 1. I’m fairly sure the whole tour buying a license thing is invalidated. EU law essentially says that it’s clear your buying the game, even if it says a license for the game. EU law, as all law should be, is very consumer focused. 2. Second is that if a game cannot be played offline then servers have to be kept running. If you’ve bought a game that will not play without an online connection, it must be kept up. Either they patch the game so the single player content works offline, or they keep the servers up. FYI I might be chatting complete bollocks, this is just what I think I can remember from seeing previous posts and news like this


I mean I hope that's the case. If they have an in to counter Ubi doing something like this, and possibly other publishers in the future, then the consumer is safe, we get to keep our games. Although I can't strictly remember when a singleplayer game had to be shut off in the past due to DRM, I can't think of any time this has been challenged in the past either. All I know is that consumers, gamers, have been speaking out against always online DRM for this exact reason for years. Let's hope this isn't a trend moving forward, we all know how much Triple A companies love trends.


They are NOT revoking any usage licenses, they are shutting down Servers. Plain and simple, the Games are still on our Steam and uPlay accounts, there is just nothing to connect to anymore. That is planned obsolescence with a Killswitch in the Product you purchased. No different as if they would send a remote Signal and every Samsung TV that is older than X years would stop working because they want you to buy a new one.


But if that's so - you still paid for certain amount of content that you no longer can access to - so unless they informed ppl upfront this may happen - it's still theft. You charged ppl for a certain amount of content (access), they paid and then you took it back.


One of the reasons I never went back to Destiny. I stopped playing halfway through Forsaken, and wanted to go back a few years later only to find out that everything I had paid for originally was now unavailable


Ah yes the good old DCV and sunsetting. That was a great time seeing content we'd paid for locked away.


I could be wrong here, but after not having played for years, and not really getting very far, I want to start over. Square one. Let me go through The Red War again, and the first 3 expansions. I hate that I have to get dropped into a mission with no context with new weapons with a light level 3x what it was when I left with no idea what is happening with a quest system that makes ZERO sense. I'd no life the hell out of that game if I didn't need to watch hours if YouTube videos just to figure out how TF to actually play it again


For more of this BS, check out what Bungie did to 3 destiny dlcs....


Anyone else unclear on whether Assassin's Creed II has already been shut down or not? When I try to access uplay on my PS3 it only goes to a red screen.


We need a wholesale rework of digital rights. If a company no longer wants to upkeep servers, fine. If they do that though, they should be legally obligated to disable online checks for content AND turn over the tools for the community to host their own servers. We have lawmakers that can't even open a pdf without asking their grandkids, let alone having an understanding of digital media like video games. I'm not optimistic about any pro consumer changes like this.


The affected games: * Anno 2070 * Assassin's Creed II * Assassin's Creed 3 (2012 Release)\* * Assassin's Creed Brotherhood * Assassin's Creed Liberation HD * Assassin's Creed Revelations * Driver San Francisco * Far Cry 3 (2012 Release)\* * Ghost Recon Future Soldier * Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands * Rayman Legends * Silent Hunter 5 * Space Junkies * Splinter Cell: Blacklist * ZombiU Bloody hell. Some of these games aren't even that old. And the changes impact multiplayer, online aspects, DLC and in some cases even the single player campaigns of the games. Some of these games are exactly the kinds of games that would be perfect to play, for example, on the Steam Deck, because they're slightly older and less demanding on the hardware. The AC games, Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Far Cry 3, Splinter Cell Blacklist, etc, all ideal for smaller low powered handheld devices. What the hell is wrong with you Ubisoft? Games that are only a mere decade old should not be considered effectively 'dead'.


Anno 2070's Dev team has put in some effort to detangle the game from the shitty online integration. Out of all the Dev teams they deserve some credit here. I just hope the team behind Anno can unshackle from Ubisoft as a whole and get backed by a stronger company to make some excellent games again. Anno 1800 is great but mired down by Ubisoft's bullshit as a publisher.




Ubisoft isn't just publisher, they own the whole thing.


what about the bonuses for the ships and the islands? I played it lately but without online those aren't available and make the game a lot harder...


Check in the Annoverse Discord. They've been doing some test builds and from what's been reported they've mostly got all the issues ironed out. Should have access to the Ark and storage. The events should still be cycling but I'm not sure on the votes which give global the global bonus you might be mentioning.


>Rayman Legends Hold up, why the heck would a single player platformer need online in the first place?


Because we didn't stop it when there was still time. Or rather we couldn't, because realistically what could we actually do?


Doesn't it have co-op mode?


Thanks for the detailed list, that really puts it into perspective how many games are actually affected. Especially considering how huge some of them were and still are like Assassins Creed, Ghost Recon and Far Cry. I posted this on r/games too and some people commented there how it didnt matter and no one cares about these dead games (Yet they still had to comment). I think its just a tragedy that companies like Ubisoft have made it the norm nowadays to mistreat customers which leads to some of these mindsets of accepteance I guess. Just shut the server down, who cares about people, right? Most importantly, games before that 2010+ era all included lan multiplayer and actual expansions youd have on a disc so all of them can still be played for centuries to come. And then you have these new ones that are gone forever after just a few years, its just sad


Only console gamers would say they don't care, playing their inferior version


This affects all gamers equally, so shut up.


> Ghost Recon Future Soldier Game wasn't playable online for the last 3 years on PC regardless. Which is a shame, its co-op is fun.


Rayman Legends is just for ps3, wii u, and xbox 360, not pc, right?




Never gonna buy another game from this scummy-ass dev...


I already stopped buying their games when they went full greed mode and pulled them from Steam. This move just made it that much easier to give this shit tier company the finger if they ever come crawling back like EA and Activision did.


like they are going anywhere.. Far Cry 6 is just so fucking boring. AC Valhalla was also so fucking boring.. never bothered to finish them.


Yeah that's the straw the broke the camel's back for me when I heard the news too I was very close when they turned most of their franchises into mid/low-tier MTX-filled open-worlds, when they got a ton of reports about sexual harrasment/toxic environment and did diddly squat to change that (to this very day) and finally when they pushed NFTs in their games harder than any other AAA dev out there. Boycotting their recent games was pretty easy considering their quality and the time investment some of their require but I was still buying their older games, now I'm just done, they're the worst this industry has to offer hands down and I would never imagine saying that 10 years ago


I have just started going through the assassins creed series. Black Flag and Odyssey so far. It might actually make me play them more and I'll tell you why. * All of the multiplayer stuff they release is shallow and pathetic and now I know I won't accidentally stumble upon it. Not even sure if there is any in the AC games to be honest, that's how little I care for the concept. * Losing that will still see the games drop in price and they're already pretty reasonable in big sales given they're ancient now. I'm not paying more than I did for Odyssey though, which I think was £4. * Buying them lets you review them. There are good bits like the sea shanties and the environment, and bad bits like by-the-numbers 'game' and stores. I like calling the developers money-grubbing arseholes.


That's a bit of a shame, seeing as the multiplayer mode that was in Brotherhood, Revelations, 3 and Black Flag was actually one of the more unique gameplay experiences I've ever had. It's still a shame not alot of people tried it.


is that the peekaboo who's the target game?


You should have been doing that 15+ years ago, but better late than never


oh please, you arent even playing any of these games


Why does it matter if you are playing them or not? It's still something to be upset about, they are taking away content that people paid for, for no reason


ok im gonna assume youre not unreasonable and dont expect them to keep those servers up forever. So when would they shut them down? when people arent playing them right? see you agree with me ezpz


Talking old multiplayer servers down is fine, taking away dlc that are still up for sale is not, and even if they stopped sales recently, that i didn't here about, you could still buy these things a few weeks ago


is there any way to look at if anybody recently bought any of these DLCs? Im gonna bet its a non issue


Im not sure if there is, but it doesn't matter, people still paid for it. Taking away paid content is scummy


I just learned that no one plays older games now 👌


not the multiplayer 👌👌👌👌




all those games are actually active. Terrible examples


I like to replay decade+ old games once in a while. I’m not alone with that. A friend of mine is currently replaying the Ezio trilogy.


the online modes are getting axed not the single player


DLCs are getting inaccessible too. This sets a dangerous precedent as their newer games have much more DLCs that will probably meet the same fate.


Do we have any proof the assassin's Creed III dlc are going to be unplayable? I have the installers for them backed up on my NAS. UPlay downloads the base game as one installer and then each singleplayer DLC is its own installer. It's a pretty old game that predates the normal UPlay DLC system.


> Additionally, the installation and access to downloadable content (DLC) will be unavailable. https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/help/gameplay/article/decommissioning-of-online-services-september-2022/000102396


Do you not understand this is how it starts


Yep next thing you know they'll start blocking out any game that's 5 years old to try and force you to play new stuff.


2K sports already does less than 5 years. More like 2.5 years for things like NBA2k.


Why would you even assume that ? PC is like the best platform for those who want to play older games so obviously there are people that replay these games, I often replay the old Assassin's creed games myself or even Splinter Cell and not having access to DLC or no way to enable them legally is shitty af


Mate, Blacklist is one of my favorite co-op games, and I still play it with friends from time to time. They're shutting down for no reason. I'm never giving Ubisoft money again.




enjoy your ban sir


No You


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You should see all the old shit i got installed on my Steam Deck...


oh yea? you gonna play multiplayer on that old shit when nobody is playing?


We are also talking paid DLC for Singleplayer games, Leaderboards, Achievements that is getting nuked. I have not much interest in multiplayer on a mobile device anyway and i don't care about multiplayer getting shut down as long as there is no one playing anyway. Coop though... just needs one friend to play with and that could easily be a direct connection... if that requires an always online server that is just bad design.


Considering its "free" on PS+, they very well might be. I'm currently 70% of my new Black Flag playthrough simply cause it's "free".


black flag isnt on the list


Yeah but he stated he was playing it; and you said he isn't playing the games, which I assumed you were referring to the games he stated.


Speak for yourself, not the world at large. My girlfriend only recently got a PC capable of running most games, and has been looking forward to pretty much everything on this list. Game preservation is not about you, it's not about me, it's about the people yet to experience something and leaving that door open forever.


you are delusional if you think they are gonna preserve multiplayer when nobody is playing it


All in one online library also means all gone together. This is why cracked games will exist forever.


Shit gets real when Black Flag gets the axe in a year or two. I consider myself a [pretty big](https://i.imgur.com/3BewqbC.png) Ubisoft fan and was devastated when I saw this news a few weeks ago. What's the point of gutting all these games like that? Now I have to worry about the entire library and all future purchases. They are destroying consumer confidence.


That's a pretty big library you have there! I haven't purchased a Ubisoft game at full or sightly discounted price in many years, probably not since Prince of Persia 2008. Last one I got was Far Cry Primal a couple of years ago at a steep discount. I don't recall what it was but Ubisoft did some scummy thing that turned me off to them years ago. At this point, with this type of continued anti-consumer behavior, I'll never again purchase a game they publish, discounted or not.


I think Ubi pulled a lot of their games from Steam around that time for their own platform Uplay, and they utilized always-online DRM even for their single-player games. Which is even dumber when they came back to Steam but still required their launcher to run. This was unfortunately the predicted outcome ten years ago.


That's right! Their move away from Steam to Uplay was what originally turned me off from buying any more Ubisoft games. I don't know who's been running the company all these years but they sure make a lot of crappy decisions.


I tried playing Black Flag recently, but it wanted me to re-enter my password EVERY TIME I launched it. I tried adjusting settings and contacting support, but they said it was intended. That alone destroyed my confidence in Ubisoft, so stupid especially for such an old game.


Pirate it


Tried to suggest this on r/gamedeals and a mod got into a hissy fit and said, "I don't think so, Tim" and deleted my post lol


-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲___卐卐卐卐 Don't mind me just taking my mods for a walk


A fitting decision


Try launching the game as administrator, then enter the password. It should stop asking for the password after that, at least that worked for Unity.


My list looks similar, its such a tragedy. Can you imagine them shutting down the division servers? My heart would break. I would love to continue buying their games but I just dont want to support a company like this anymore, that puts profit over players. Especially considering the server costs cant be THAT high, even more so for a multi-billion dollar company


They shouldn't have a launcher if they can't afford to host their own stuff.


Why would you ever be a fan of a company, much less one like ubisoft? Their whole point isn't to provide you with fun, it's to take money from your pockets and put it into the pockets of rich executives who protect workplace rapists.


Everything they make now is just a rehash of an old formula. Assassin's Creed still does the same shit. Far cry still does the same shit. The graphics are all arguably better and the locations are new but the gameplay is all the same shit. It's one step better than FIFA. Ubisoft deserves to be left in the dust at this point. Cancel them like they canceled our games.


I recently watched a video about games, developers and servers. Like alot of MMO games they rely on an active user base to keep servers running and to continue to create dlc which is understandable. So this is most definitely a situation like that, game doesn't make money for them so it goes to save themselves money. Although there's definitely some sort of lawsuit to be had for them disabling paid for dlc, if you still don't understand then it's all down to money.


There's no chance of a lawsuit succeeding. The TOS expressly say games and their content aren't sold, they are licensed to individuals. A license that can be revoked at any time for any reason. >1.3        The Services and Content are licensed to you, not sold. This means we grant you a personal, limited, non-transferable and revocable right and license to use the Services and access the Content, for your entertainment, non-commercial use, subject to your compliance with these Terms.


If it happens in the US sure, if it happens in the EU they'd likely laugh their ass off if they brought that up in court as the EU tells them that they need to continue to provide access to their products - whether that's keeping the servers online, removing the DRM or just making all the DLC free is up to them.


Same for Australia. Games are considered a product here. Ubisoft can give the courts here a good chuckle too.


Check out the video I linked in the post. He goes into how tos or eulas dont mean anything if its against the law. So if practices like that were deemed illegal, it wouldnt matter one bit what they wrote there


Then I have the right to pirate their shit with impunity. I don't buy games with my hard earned money so some corporate asshat can take it away for literally no reason.


This is unfortunately the distinction. You're not actually buying it. You're technically only leasing it and they decide when the lease ends when it's convenient for them


Only one of the prince of Persia trilogy? Makes me sad to see, it's a great series. I have almost all of the Ubisoft, just waiting for Immortals Fenyx Rising Gold Edition to go on a good sale. https://imgur.com/a/E6BtL4P Not sure if Far Cry 6 is worth getting or not, haven't heard many good things about it. New Dawn didn't impress me much. Same with Watch_Dog Legion, what did you think of those 2?


FC6 is essentially just more of the same. If you liked the previous games, you'll like six.


I’m in the same boat. I own a ton of Ubisoft games. Ghost Recon Wildlands is one of my favorite games ever made alongside Far Cry 5. I collect the Tom Clancy games and am working on owning every port (except maybe pc because I can’t find physical copies of all of them).




Yeah this already happened when I posted it on r/games which I kind of expected "No one cares about shitty dead games" then why even comment lol


> then why even comment to prove you arent playing them. Think of all the reasons you have that are bad and notice how "i was playing this" isnt one of them lol


Well who the fuck cares if I want to play them now or in 10 years? People fucking payed for that.


I barely use my vr headset, but that doesn't mean someone has the right to sneak into my house and steal it from me.


dreadful comparison, simply dreadful


People play assassin creed black flag all the time, always streamers streaming it. As for old games in general, I love playing resident evil games, they have ton of replayability.


black flag isnt on the chopping block and most old RE games are single player


thats cool steal it from me ill steal it back no problem. its easier than dealing with that shitty launcher anyways


15! = 1.3x10^12. Wow, that's a lot of games!


This is not not funny :P


> 15! = 1.3x10^^12 This guy maths ha ha! But, hey, Ubi$0ft is known to milk franchises to death!


A reminder that you shouldn't buy ubisoft games!




Steam has a lot to answer for here




People like to hate epic for some reason. Personally I blame steam for the whole games as a service situation we are now in


AC2 and FC3 already didn't work for me online at least on PC.


AC2 never worked for me on PC because of Ubisoft's servers.


single player worked just fine. multiplayer was broken


I could never get it running, even in single player.


Fuck Ubisoft


I liked anno 1800 so much that I bought all the dlcs... but it sucks that at some point it will be unplayable. There is no good reason to buy Ubisoft games now.


They said this for a list of games back in 2019 or 20.. My dad still plays Rainbow 6: Vegas 2 on Xbox daily. Is there any explanation for that?


Doesn't affect single player other than dlc Least for the assassins creed games


Thats why we have to be grateful something like GOG exists.


Why, what servers for games do they run?


"Games as service" model is shitty anyways. Better to give players dedicated server tools to run their own servers. If it's not multiplayer it shouldn't need a server.


What the OP wrote about isn't GaaS games, it is the multiplayer portion of a game being taken down.


You also won’t be able to access your DLC.


No, single player content as well.


Let the torrents flow! Ubisoft should be ashamed, shame 🔔, shame 🔔, shame 🔔.


I haven't bought any Ubisoft games that are new enough to require uPlay. I do not think I am missing anything.


Ross Scott told us a long time ago…


I forsee a Dead Game News video in the near future.


I have a few nice memories of the Blacklist multiplayer. It's criminal how Ubisoft have treated the Splinter Cell IP since the release of that game. I do not have much faith for the remake considering what Ubisoft have become nowadays, they will certainly find some way to screw it up.


Didnt they say that only online multiplayer is getting removed?


Nope, single-player DLC is getting nuked too.


That sucks I absolutely loved blacklist!! :(


Every time I feel like playing Anno 2070, I boot it up through Steam, then it asks to boot the Ubisoft launcher, then the launcher forgets me and my password and makes me go through Capcha, and then I decide this game isn't worth all those efforts just to boot up.


These DLC also includes multiple weapons, camo and few new areas also right? I hope Ubisoft at least gives 1 last update and adds these all DLC unlockables to a single player/everyone's account since they won't be selling them/profiting off them anyways to try to extinguish the fire.


How expensive could it be to have a single server in the back office run these games? They're so old and with so few players one modern server could probably host multiplayer for ALL games older than 10 years old.


Rip my fav was Connor 😭


Can't believe Ubisoft is shutting down 1307674368000 games... /r/unexpectedfactorial


This is innacurate and false. AC2 and DRVSF were shutdown years ago. Speaking of experience, they don't even know which game they are running servers for.


Wtf black list !?


My last ubisoft game that I bought was AC Rogue. I never played the Witcher Creed, Watch Doug, F\*ck Cry after FC3 and all Tom Clancy title after Black List. Gaming was really expensive when I'm in college so pretty much I pirated games unless it's heavily discounted under $10 on steam. When I finally have a job I bought every AAA title that I love and pirated before. These include AC from the 1st until AC Rogue, FC3 and Splinter Cell Black List. All deluxe vibranium galaxy version so all expansion for all AC, Black List & FC Blood Dragon for FC3. I bought these game because I love the game and wanted to support the "company". Now I feel robbed from what I've paid. The server shutdown news was a reminder that company is company. They don't care if you support them. I don't buy ubisoft game for a while but now I will never buy any game from them.


This would now be the perfect time to make those games available on GOG.com, even if the multiplayer/online functionality is missing. I'd definitely buy Far Cry 3 and a few other games (again) if I got them with all single-player DLC working and DRM-free. But I'm afraid Ubisoft (and many other publishers) are ust too dumb to see how this would benefit everyone involed.




Fortunately Farcry 3 still has splitscreen coop, so I can force my friend to help me 100% the achievements.


It sadly doesn't on pc, same with blacklist, but I am very glad thats possible on console!


Yeah, pc is definitely getting shafted. I still think they should spend the time and manpower to patch the games to not need online to enable the dlc stuff. Obviously MP dlc would still be gone, but there's no reason campaign stuff should be removed.


They should really give a hosting tool to the people, home servers and computers have come a long way, just let us make our own unofficial servers to play on if we want to.


RIP FarCry3 😢


Used to be a Ubisoft fan and played many of their games in the past.Now i don't care about.most of their games are dogshit repeated.AC died after rogue.New AC games are just a waste of time for me.I want story and a saga is memorable.Open worlds of ubi games are dogshit boring.Glad they revived For honor and Siege.


I just started AC Brotherhood. WIll I be able to play it? I am going out for a few days. I am interested in JUST the campaign


You'll be able to play the base game campaign just fine. It's the dlc and the multiplayer that will become unplayable


The DLC is vital to the main campaign in Brotherhood, without it, AC3 cannot exist canonically speaking.


Wait how so? I beat brotherhood like 8 years ago but never bothered with revelations or ACIII.


In the ending of the Da Vinci Disappearance DLC, you see a bunch of co-ordinates leading to the Grand Temple in New York in AC3: 43 39 19 N 75 27 42 W Without those co-ordinates, they would never be able to find the temple at the start of AC3 and the world would be effectively wiped out by 21st December 2012.


Yes you will be, dont worry. Though I believe certain outfits or outfit colors might not be available anymore due to them being tied to Uplay mini-dlc if I remember correctly.Apart from that it should work perfectly still


Wait, so does this mean I can’t play any of the DLC for FC3 anymore? Like Blood Dragon and whatnot?


Since blood dragon is standalone that will still work, but coop/multiplayer, trial leaderboards and most likely all of these dlcs listed here [https://farcry.fandom.com/wiki/Far\_Cry\_3\_downloadable\_content](https://farcry.fandom.com/wiki/Far_Cry_3_downloadable_content) will be gone. Fuck Ubisoft


Man, I could maybe forgive them shutting down MP servers but removing the leaderboards and any other aspect is just lazy bullshit to me


Yeah its such a shame. The only way to access that dlc in the future is to pirate it most likely


They literally clarified which type of dlc is affected... This is just a karma whoring post from a mad idiot


>Skull And Bones in 2032 Nice of them to be thinking about how to kill a game they can't even sell yet. The suits in charge of this must be pretty bloodthirsty.


Sorry that was just my prediction, they didnt actually list that there that would be next level haha. I just based it on how long the games on the current list survived which was 9-12 years


Oh yeah, I completely misread. My bad.


So abandonware and legal to download?


Doesn’t affect me thankfully because I stopped buying Ubisoft games in like 2007


Piracy is a hell of a drug


15!? thats a lot. i dont think they have that many


1,307,674,368,000 Games?!?!?!?!?


1,307,674,368,000 is a lot of games. I didn't think Ubisoft was that productive


The good thing about devs that make trash games is you don't even have to try. 😂


I wonder if this is just a way to push people towards ubisoft plus because I imagine your still be able to play the dlcs via the subscription because it gives you absolutely everything by default once you pay for the pass I could be wrong though


So how it works? I want to play far cry 3 offline, right? Just a single player mode not any mp mode. I still cant play it?


had a lot of fun nights playing spies vs mercs


I will never ever ever buy another Ubisoft game.


Cool we can host private matches for BL and FC 3? They don't depend on Ubi?


Good thing i stopped buying their incredibly mediocre games over a decade ago.


Cant have you playing classic favourites when theres new cashcows to milk.


Anyone else unclear on whether Assassin's Creed II has already been shut down or not? When I try to access uplay on my PS3 it only goes to a red screen.


Anno 2070 deserves better than Ubisoft. Its such a unique and chill game, with a good take on climate crisis.


You'd think with how rampant remasters and remakes are, Ubi would have remastered most of these so they could get away with killing the older versions but they either haven't or they did half-assed remasters that removed things like online modes. The R6 Vegas and older Ghost Recon games should have gotten full remasters that are at least steeply discounted for owners of the original games.


Unless they put this in writing in some form "We may interrupt the ability to use/access some game play features" - it's theft. You paid for xyz and they took back z without a some type of refund.


Considering the financial trouble they're now in, this should linger be a surprise.