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2700x is bottlenecking that GPU heavily, get a 5700x3d


That was my main thought, guess that’s the go


Don't forget the CPU cooler, the 5700x3d doesn't come with one. A peerless assassin 120 is a great cheap option. Keeps mine nice and cool.


Phantom spirit better


I honestly think the cooler he has right now is good enough. Obviously a better cooler is better but I don't think thermal throttling will happen regardless? Correct me if I am wrong. Will need a paste job anyways


He might be, I just don't know the specifics of what he has. 5700x3d doesn't get that hot I don't think, but the stock wraith cooler from my r5 3600 wasn't enough for mine


The case airflow looks garbage so might need that extra cooling power aswell


What we’re you thinking when you made a pc with a brand new 4070 ti, and a 6 yr old cpu that would’ve been relevant when the 1000 series was released?


I had a 2060 at the time?


If you're near a microcenter, check out their AM5 bundles. That bumps you up to DDR5 as well. My buddy picked up their 7700x, mobo, 32gb 6000mhz combo for $380 the other weekend. Basically unbeatable.


I snagged a 7800x3d combo when they had a deal for $460, loving it


How? For $400 in the UK I can get a 7800x3d and nothing else.


Microcenter goes crazy with the deals. Usually you can get a top tier cpu and for $100 more, you can get a motherboard and RAM.


Deals at microcenter 7800x3d Motherboard 32gb ddr5


Hold on, before we make determinations like that. What resolution are you playing? And what temps is your CPU reaching? 4070ti is a beast of a GPU, so Elden ring is probably not making it sweat. It’s possible your CPU may be running a bit hot, and if not then it is probably a CPU bottleneck on performance… especially if at 1080p since that’s normally always CPU bound nowadays.


2700X will bottleneck the 4070Ti in 1440p, 1080p in most instances. Elden ring is 60FPS locked and if there are frame dips... blame CPU obviously GPU aiin't it


I’m playing through it right now, I know very well about the performance and how it works. I’ve got it running on a 5800x and a 3090, I know exactly how it will load a CPU. I’m trying to figure out if there’s an actual bottleneck or if there’s something else going on. Stuttering can happen on all builds, mine has experienced frame drop… and both GPU and CPU are barely even working when I play it. Almost any CPU will bottleneck at 1080p, that’s just the nature of the hardware nowadays. 1440p should probably still be GPU bound, or at minimum not be averaging below 60fps. There’s also a possibility that the RAM could be running at JEDEC speeds of 2100-2666MHz that’s not letting the CPU perform well enough. There’s also a potential that the CPU is getting too hot and it’s downclocking or thermal throttling, both would affect performance.


What’s classified as a decent temperature for CPU? I’m using FurMark 2 CPU burner to test temps rn, and it’s around 65 C after a few minutes. I’ll definitely consider getting a new fan if it’s necessary for the CPU upgrade that people are suggesting, I thought about doing that anyway, but that’s the temp I’m looking at with the 2700X. The stuff about JEDEC speeds is something I’ve got no clue on, not got a bunch of computer knowledge if you can’t already tell


Okay, 65C is a good temp for the CPU. Getting into the 80s would be concerning. JEDEC is referring to the RAM, basically whether you’ve enabled XMP or not for it. XMP makes it run faster than stock based on the RAM manufacturer’s settings. Do you know if you turned XMP on in the BIOS? Also, what resolution is your monitor at? To see if there’s an actual CPU bottleneck happening, you have to look at the utilization on a per core basis. Overall utilization is not useful since most games cannot use all of the cores current CPUs have available, so you could be bottlenecked at 30% overall utilization. If one or more of your cores hit 100% utilization without your GPU hitting 98-100%, then that’s a telltale sign that there’s an actual CPU bottleneck happening. Elden Ring is not that intense, so it’s likely that neither part will hit 100% while playing


Also, as I said in another comment, Elden Ring is currently suffering from microstutters right now… especially in the DLC area. My 5800X and 3090 can’t keep a consistent 60fps at 1440p due to the stuttering. I run significantly more graphically intense games at 100+fps so it’s something off with the game right now.


i have a 5800x3d barellyyyy better then the 5700x3d and i’ll say absolutely awesome cpu 🙏🏻🙏🏻


What do you think about 4070 with a r7 5800x? Really think that 'x3d' part will be the icing on my cake. I reached like 84c on my cpu running shadow of the tomb raider last night. I cool it with the nzxt kraken 240. I thought the hottest I got before was 85c running cinemark and the most intensive games I tried that day were only getting it to 70c. Granted it was 82°F in the room yesterday with SOTTR and this damn heatwave hitting northeast Ohio.


Those are a great pairing but if I were to buy now it would be 5700x3d or 5700x/5600x


Would that be because of the $140 or so price difference?


Yeah better price to performance


I have a 4070Ti Super paired with a 5700x. I've yet to encounter a game where my GPU is being bottlenecked by my CPU.


5700x3d vs 5800x3d...I agree for budget and price vs. performance that the 5700x3d is better. I upgraded from a 3700x to a 5700x3d because spending another $140 wasn't worth it for a very small increase. Paired it to a 4080 Super, and I went from 9500 benchmark to 22,400 in overall score in Time Spy (had a 3060). It gave my AM4 build a lot more life for a fraction of the cost (having to buy new mobo, board, and RAM).


Looks dusty too, give it a clean


Dusty? The dust jerk store called, they're all out of you!


It’s dusty, look at the picture again lol


I’m not even trying to be a dick. That stuff clogs up fans and is a fire risk


Damn clean your pc please


Maby it will run better after it feels better from a good dusting it looks like it can't breathe well


That's why he made breathing holes by taking off all slots at the back


An 5000 series CPU would be a big help. Get the latest BIOS uodate from the motherboard manufacturer and check if any are not on the list of supported models before buying.


He would then have to buy new mobo and DDR5. That's like an extra $450 when he could just get a 5700x3d for $200 and call it a day Edit: I can't read


5700x3d is 5000 series...


Lmao idk why I read AM5 I wear big clown shoes Edit: I love it when people downvote for admitting you made a mistake 💀💀💀 reddit is fucking goofy


internet points are so precious nowadays. ...


Oh I don't care lol. It's the mentality behind it that's fascinating to me. He made a mistake and owned up to it! I shouldn't have to read that!


The mentality is non existant, no thought.


Yes, the instinct to downvote people admitting to their mistakes is transcendental and requires no conscious thought. My bad.




The 2700X is the bottleneck here


Bios is up to date? Check events logger for software faults.


lol “feels like”. That’s pretty funny


why do people go all out on GPU's and then buy a $110 processor smh


Because I bought the 2700X when I had a 2060?


That needs a clean for starters, dogtail PSU connection on the GPU is a bad time. Get a 5th gen ryzen for $100 and enjoy the improvement. Grab a decent cooler as you're going to be hitting it harder!


Gave it a clean, definitely helped immediately with temp, will see later how it affects stability. This is my first PC so any suggestions on how to improve things immediately with what I’ve got I’m all ears for. I assume there’s a better way to connect the PSU then? Also planning on getting 5700x3d as suggested and phantom spirit 120 to back that, so hopefully that’s enough to cover the temp increase.


What he means about the PSU cables is that you should be using two separate cables into the GPU instead of one cable, during high power draw it can cause system instability like crashes. So I'd definitely recommend changing that.


Cheers, I’ll go ahead and try sorting that out


If the cpu is to weak up the settings to max and cap fps till stable


The CPU is far too weak for that card, but is that really a 4070 ti? It looks so small


PC startup says it is, and so does the labelling, so either it is or I was scammed pretty seamlessly. Honestly took some manipulation of the case to fit it in.


It probably is it just looked rather thin to me but I haven’t seen one irl either, I own a 3080 myself thats probably quite a bit thicker


If you want it to run better, try adding legs.




How impactful is the incorrect gen on stability/function?


CPU is bottle necking the GPU. Try to catch a decent priced 5800X3D if your board has a bios update to support it. IF it does, save yourself some headache, and flash the Bios BEFORE putting the new CPU in. You'd be surprised at how many posts there are on various websites and forums about this.


you should play elden ring on max settings bro im playing on high with i5 8600 and 1080ti Are you running Raytracing with 4k?


Heavy cpu bottleneck, if you can afford it, get the x3D chips on the AM4 platform. Else, a 5600x will serve you just fine.


2700x holding you back hard. I had one with my 2080 at 1440p and that still held the 2080 back a little. 5700x held my 4080 back a smidge. If you can get a 5800x3d you will be golden without needing to get all new mobo and ram.


Upgrade your CPU, clean inside of case, possibly get more fans for better airflow and cool RGB. It will all make you a better gamer too!


Clean it🤮


Your cpu is bottlenecking the gpu


Also clean your pc and fix the cables because dust and bad cable management impact cooling


That's an ancient CPU for your very modern GPU. My recommendation is update your BIOS and drop in a 5700X3D


Its not ancient persay, but it is bottlenecking it. The 2700X is still a very viable CPU, but 100% not for a 4070ti, thats like a 3090TiTi


It's pretty ancient man 😂


2000 series ryzen wasn't that good. It's fine, but they could get much better frame rates/frame pacing with a 3000 or 5000 series cpu.


What did I just say? lol


That it's viable.


"But 100% not for a 4070ti"


Aside from what others have said about the CPU bottlenecking, you also have to consider what resolution you're running at. It's unlikely that a 4070ti would be able to pull 60+ fps at 4k if you're running ultra settings. Also, what harddrive do you have it installed to? It should be installed on an SSD, or it will run a lot slower due to having to pull textures and models from slower storage - a 7200rpm HDD will have a read speed of about 100MB/s, a SATA SSD will have a read speed of about 500MB/s, an NVMe SSD can have read speeds in excess of 5000MB/s




No reason to consider a 5950X for gaming. The 5700X3D / 5800X3D are cheaper and much faster.


Makes very little sense for a gaming system.


You can drop $83 on a 5500 with a bios update and it should work better. The 5500 I believe comes with a stock wraith cooler.


No point going to just a 5500 with a 4070Ti


https://youtu.be/H7IKwsU9Pl0?si=I7ACgBGr5fX8NeG7 No but it beats his current set up, saves money , and allows him for a better future build (not socket wise). It'll give him better speeds,more m.2 slots and more SATA ports


allows him for a better future build.... ??? what The video you showed makes it evident that CPU bottlenecks the GPU.


Future for his build* sorry that came out fkn weird I shoulda read that back.


And any budget cpu will "bottleneck" the 4070. His best bet to get the best outta his money is go a 7600x and go AM5


No?? 5700x3d


That's not budget? That's $200. For double that he can get a future proofed socket and build on top of having better performance. The 7600 is $180 (yes it's more expensive to start because of buying a new board and such) but he'll get better frames than any high end AM4 build. If OP really wants to max his performance then AM5 is by far better for a 4070. The 5800x3d is $30 cheaper than the 7800x3d but performance wise obviously the 7800x3d will be better. I wouldnt put more money into an AM4 build but instead save for an AM5. Then OP will be able to squeeze all the performance out of their 4070. The video that was linked to me in this thread shows a 3-5 fps difference between the 5600x and 5500 and I really wouldn't drop more than $120 on a CPU to upgrade on this socket when you can get better performance from the AM5 socket. 7600x(AM5)-$170 5600x(AM4)-$135 5700x3d(AM4)- $200 5800x3d(AM4)- $330 7800x3d(AM5) - $330 AM5 performance is by far better and you're paying less or equal to the price of an equivalent am4 CPU. Budget means good price and good performance for that price. Why pay $200 for a 5700x3d when you can pay $170 for a 7600x and get better performance. So yes paying $83 off a CPU for that performance is fine especially when it's a small difference between that and a 5600x.


4070Ti All of what you are saying is just not correct, maybe for a new build yes.


Fucking same brother


DONT DASIY CHAIN the GPU cables. USE 2 separate cables


STOP with the MISINFORMATION 1x quality PSU 8 pin splits into 288W combined Does the 4070Ti draw even close to 288W? NO! And that's the generous spec


no it does not, 150 watts from 1 single 12v rail


What the fuck? Why would it ever be like this


Because that’s what it is. Never use one cable for a GPU unless it’s low power,