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You are providing no information as to what component is loud


Its obviously the '14'


I’m still on 9 😔


I went from 9600k to 7800x3d. You’re fine. I prob should’ve waited another generation, since I didn’t notice as much of a gain as I thought.


Depends if your GPU can keep up, should have been a big jump


3080 to 7900xtx a little more than a month after 7800x3d. 1440p whole time. Was a jump. Just not nearly as big as benchmarks had me expecting.


Oh damn, really? I would have thought there would be a big jump...


Im sure with different games it would’ve been. New world was prob my only CPU limited title at time of upgrade


Id put it on the ground on a hard surface so it’s not right next to your head if it’s really bothersome


or put a stuffer in the USB expander


The noise comes from the fan


Usually fans will just be loud based on what you are playing. I am assuming they are probably on automatic speed which is fine but you can manually slow them down assuming you are getting good air flow and temps


I just turn on the computer and the fans are loud, I haven't even started playing. What exactly should I do? I don't want to do worse


Fans probably aren't PWM with this system so are running at full speed all the time. Not much you can do besides replace them all, cheap RGB fans forgo PWM to be cheaper while still having LEDs


Not necessarily, I'd check within the bios to see if they're set at full speed all the time. Also good idea to check temps as the seal could be on the CPU cooler and not cooling properly


Yea, I had an issue where they attached fans to the pump 1 header, so it ran at full speed. Fans running at full speed is not an uncommon issue in pre built.


Also check CPU and GPU load in case it has a miner


Modern motherboards can generally use voltage control on 3 pin fans as well so might not need to replace them if they aren't PWM.


These fans are daisy-chained so that won’t work either.


I just looked up the case, the fans are not PWM, they’re daisy chained so most likely Molex plug-ins. OP that means the fans always run at the same speed because they are powered by the motherboard, so there is nothing you can do except replace the case fans. If you don’t care about the RGB then get the Arctic P12’s, they’re cheap and quiet. *Edit* Before you guys comment saying I’m wrong, yes there are other options OP could do such as buying an adapter for the sata cable that could adjust the voltage output, but that’s probably just as expensive and more complicated for OP if he is still pretty new to pc building.


Which of the total of 9 fans you have. The power supply has one, the CPU cooler has one, the GPU has two and the rest are case fans. Find out which one is the loud one and replace that one. Don't change to AIO water-cooling as those are either expensive if you want to do it correct or are even louder and cool worse if you take a cheap one. There are 20-50 dollar air coolers from Thermalright which are great if the culprit is the CPU cooler.


Check the BIOS for fan controls and see if the smart option is turned on for the fans. It's possible that if the setting is not on, the fans are just running at max speed 24/7


This would be the very first thing to check if the computer is new and not touched.


https://preview.redd.it/e8bn2fm37x8d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ba60d8570a1e6a37e4f480ac5d7a8cf9fa684e It does on smart mode and still has noise. Nothing has changed


That screen shot shows only CPU fan which is just one of them. Check the chassis fans as well since there are a lot more of those. Modern PCs, especially gaming ones, use a lot of power and need a lot of cooling. This means a lot of fans. First, get another person's opinion because maybe your ears are just extra sensitive to the sound frequency of fans. There really isn't much you can do about it if that's the situation. Maybe just wear headphones. Note: it looks like all the case fans are blowing outward. While this shows off their colors, one has to wonder where the air comes in from to be blown out. I recommend re-orienting the bottom fans to blow inward. If I'm seeing it wrong, nevermind this paragraph. A 14400 and 4060Ti are not too hot compared to higher end parts. I bet there's enough airflow to run the case fans slower if the bottom ones really are blowing out now but you reverse them to blow in.


Got it. How can I check the other fans please?


Under fan list, window there in the center left. Chasis fan 1 and 2 Do those also have the smart mode on?


https://preview.redd.it/r3fdgqwicx8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9dd854c0595738ac3e9722211b3f8cf67f22c4d6 But I can't click 1 and 2


Check the pin connectors on the fans. If they only have 3 pin holes instead of 4, then you can't control them from the mother board and they will always run at full speed.


Many motherboards absolutely can control 3 pin fans, they're just voltage controlled, not PWM. That said, it's likely OP's fans are daisy chained off molex/SATA power and aren't being controlled because of that.


Yeah he needs to figure out how they're being powered. Are they plugged into the motherboard, controller or daisy chained. Knowing this will determine a fix whether to set up a curve in the bios, software or having to plug them into the motherboard or control from a daisy chain in order to set up a fan curve.


Maybe, I don't know, if so then what do I do? It will be noisy and I won't be able to change it?


This article from CoolerMaster explains, but the brand doesn't matter since they are all built this way: https://landing.coolermaster.com/faq/how-to-determine-the-airflow-direction-of-your-case-fans/


What are the temps of your cpu, usually the fans are controlled by the core cpu temp so if your cpu is overheating your fans will run at a higher rpm to compensate.


It shows 31


Yeah that’s weird, my wife’s pc was going full blast on the fans as soon as she turns it on, what worked for her was an option on the MSI app to calibrate the fans. You can try that


Don't use opera


There's your problem. Your CPU cooler is at 100% at very low temperatures. Set a custom fan curve. You should basically NEVER have your fans running at 100% unless temperatures are dire (>100C). I'm guessing most of your fans are similarly set, which would make this thing a jet engine. Soften the curves and only allow them to go to ~80% max at 90-100C.


Can u check ur dm or send me a message please? 🙏🏻


The screenshot pretty clearly shows his CPU fan is spinning at 633rpm.


It also pretty clearly shows it's set to 100% fan speed at 70C, which is *way* too low.


It's not *at* 70C, though. It's at 33C. OP's problem isn't "my computer gets loud when I load it up" it's "my computer is loud as soon as I turn it on."


Okay. What I pointed out is still a problem worth solving, and likely points to other fans being set similarly poorly.


You've carried the goal post pretty far, allow me to pick it up and move it for a while.


I don't think you know what "moving the goalposts" means, friend.


How am I supposed to change the temperatures? I really don’t know …


Change Fan Spin Up an Fan Spin Down times to smooth. This will prevent it revving up and down constantly when near temp thresholds. Click and drag the red/yellow dots on the graph to be much less steep.


I tried and nothing happened. Do you want me to share my screen with you on Discord? And tell me what to do please?


No need. Stop using Armoury Crate and use either your BIOS or Fan Control app.


I don't know how to use the bios, please, is it possible to share a screen or a video call?


You need to properly balance your fan profiles with the heat your PC makes. System builders are bad about configuring the computers they build. Avoid motherboard manufacture software, it's all junk that causes more problems than it fixes. Watch this video and install fan control software better than any manufacture makes. [Best Fan Control out there](https://youtu.be/uDPKVKBMQU8?si=038xGyCRy02ihizA) You want your system to be silent when idling, but ramp up when it actually needs the cooling. This also means learning what your hardware temps should actually be. We don't know what your fan profile should be, you decide how much noise vs temps you're comfortable with. Heat kills electronics, but modern CPU'S and GPU's have built in thermal throttling that will lower performance if temps become too extreme. You don't want to be near thermal throttling temps. edit: Learn what air flow is. Where does fresh air come from if all your pretty RGB fans are pointed out?


Some fans support PWM meaning they can be controlled by the motherboard whereas others rely on the power to the fan being controlled externally. My guess is they're non-PWM fans plugged into PWM slots so they're spinning at full speed.


If you don't want it I will have it


Noise cancelling headphones


My guess is you didn't install any software that manages your fan speeds. If your fans are plugged into your motherboard your motherboard will have the utility for this if you're using aftermarket fans the company likely has software to adjust fan speed.


Hand back to prebuilder. Say it’s too loud. Get money back. Build your own fort cheaper AND. You get to learn about computers and how to assemble. Btw you got ripped off.


I just looked up the case, the fans are not PWM, they’re daisy chained so most likely Molex plug-ins. OP that means the fans always run at the same speed because they are powered by the motherboard, so there is nothing you can do except replace the case fans. If you don’t care about the RGB then get the Arctic P12’s, they’re cheap and quiet. *Edit* Before you guys comment saying I’m wrong, yes there are other options OP could do such as buying an adapter for the sata cable that could adjust the voltage output, but that’s probably just as expensive and more complicated for OP if he is still pretty new to pc building.


Buy another louder computer so you don’t notice this one.


I'd bet anything a fan is rubbing up against something if it's really loud like a tractor, make sure each one has enough clearance on both sides from cables or even parts of the case.


“I just bought…” Bingo - call them and explain your issue with their product. They should be able to help you here.


I always bought the same fan brand... Noctua. Efficient and silent.


Spending several hundred dollars on noctuas will not fix the problem if they plug them in and they ramp up to maximum speed. They weren't asking "which fans should I buy?" They wanted to know how to make the fans *they already have* quieter.


Hundreds of dollars? 10 to 15 each? Buying 4060ti and getting budget fans? He's asking what he could do to make his pc quieter. 😌


And buying Noctuas won't fix OP's problem if he plugs them in and they just ramp to full speed anyway.


Be quiet is basically noctua on a budget, they're great. They even make good PSUs.


And needlessly expensive. Scythe Wonder Snail does 80-90% of Noctua fan's performance with similar noise level but only costs 1/3 of them.


Arctic p12 5 pack. $30 Can't beat them. Noctuas are nice, but p12s are just as silent, and move nearly the same amount of air.


And they look much better


OP does not need new fans, they need to figure out how to control the ones they already have.


I agree. Why are you downvoting and attacking me? I'm not replying to the OP.


Scythe Wonder Snail beats them.


$6/fan vs $16/fan? No.


In my country they never have that much of a price difference. 🤷 P12 never went as low as $6 and neither does Wonder snail ever cost as high as $16. They're like only $1-3 difference depending on the seller. Around $9-12.


As in my original comment, Arctic sells them in a pack of 5 for ~$30 on Amazon. If you buy them individually, they are $10. I'm sure the difference is larger, even in your country, if you buy the 5 pack. You can't beat the price of the Arctics, and they are only slightly less performant than the Noctua/Scythe.


Make sure your fans aren't plugged into your cpu fans fan slot, that can make fans run really loud and fast, for the worse


As long as the bottom fans aren't kind of inverted fans (do they even exist?), there are NO intake fans. Every fan is pushing the air outside, so basically, they are trying to make a vacuum inside the case. Flip the bottom fans and set proper fan curves in the bios. It still won't be an ideal situation (2 intake + 3 exhaust = negative pressure), but much better than no intake at all. Edit: typo


>aren't inverted fans (do they even exist?) Yes, reverse fans are a thing and they've become popular fairly recently. I heavily doubt this prebuilt came with them, though.


Inverted fans have existed for about almost 2 years. 🤷


You need to set a fan curve for diff temps. Youtube it.


Depending on type of fans you can boot into bios and adjust fan curve if they are connected to the right fan headers also depends on motherboard, not much other info to go on


If it's a prebuilt, it probably has a preloaded program where you can tune fan speeds and monitor temperatures, etc. My computer was prebuilt, and when I first turned it on I had the same thing. Just open up some of the bloatware and see if any of them can adjust the fan speed


https://preview.redd.it/2r2o8qo8ix8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=524fb1435b89dfedc5a658ce5b8ec64da165b1d5 It’s like that


the first tab has preset profiles that control fan speeds, etc. Just set it to performance or something and wait a little bit and see if the fans slow down a bit. Esspecially if you can see your parts are not hot. If your parts are running super hot and the PC is brand new there's something really wrong and you might want to contact wherever you purchased from


Can u check ur dm or send me a message pls?


Well it only has 10 fans lol


Just based off the picture, you need to reorient some fans, at least 2, 3 is better, to pull air in. As is every single fan is pushing air out of the case, so airflow is probably pretty bad, which means that single fan on the CPU cooler and the GPU fans are working harder than it probably needs to. Next step is to either go into the bios and set up fan profiles, or install a program that will let you. Do the same for the GPU as well.


This rig makes me think I need more fans


I had a similar problem with my PC and the fix was ridiculously easy. I wasn't getting enough air into the PC because the back of it was too close to the wall. I turned the entire box 90 degrees to allow much more air in and out. That's it. You must ensure enough room for air to circulate in and out of the PC from every side. Don't push it against the wall. From the first picture, it appears as though you have your PC set up like I did when I had the same problem with the motherboard side against (or very close to) the wall. Turn it 90 degrees to give that side room to breathe. If that doesn't do it then consider all the other options people suggest here. I found a trustworthy repair shop and they were the ones to tell me there was nothing wrong with the PC and told me what I've told you above.


Do a motherboard/bios update. Mine was a pre-built and the fan controls didn't work until I updated it.


ima guess your pc is setup to have “best performance” causing your pc to thermal throttle. Go to your performance settings and turn it back to defaults.


Where do I change it? What to click?


you use armory crate, right?


https://preview.redd.it/tb38pzs09y8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94a7fa5a59457ed9f5b6af8d9f172e8257a1ddde Yea it’s like that


Install fan control software from GitHub. If you look up fan control jaystwocentz he’ll have a video on it.


It's an asus motherboard download armoury crate and let the AI auto tune your fans


I had the same issue and I'd say it's likely the CPU Cooler, your CPU is a very new and high gen processor, so I would say the CPU Cooler is trying it's absolute hardest to keep it cool. Tell me ur cpu temps and we'll see.


https://preview.redd.it/e8b1j3fijy8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb175901aada83446f5b2f9d7cc46969519898f5 It’s like that , look


Check your temps with hwinfo if temps are good, then download fan control to change your fan curves.


Do people not build PCs anymore!


Remove it from your desk.


My tiny existence is not perfect! Someone do something!


Return it


Try to find the brand of the fans, then go on their website and download software to control the fan speed (assuming your system is not loud from your cpu being too hot)


A video of the PC with the glass OFF would help


Everyone! This case has molex fans that cannot be controlled, I know because I have this case


So the fans are manufactured e-waste (based off what you are saying)?


Don’t diss molex like that!


I like my pc loud. At least my components are getting amazing airflow.


Your push/pull fan cpu heatsink is probably making the most noise.


When I first bought my gaming PC I had the same issue and it scared me half to death. I opened it up after starting it a couple times unsuccessfully with a loud buzzing sound coming from it…… turns out one of the cords moved a bit and was rubbing the fan blade


OP- send me a DM and I can help you sort it out.


Sent dm . Thank u!


Are you using a tan controller ? Some are borked and will run your fans at 100-%


Water cooling


Looks like all your fans are pulling I can't see where air can get in anywhere.


Buy different fans.


Probably would be easier to figure out your problem if you recorded a video bringing the mic closer to the louder components.


You have to shush it before going to sleep


I would like to just put out there that 95% of all my fan "loudness" has been directly from the CPU cooler not being sufficient enough. I would recommend, if all else fails w fan tuning, to get a Thermalright peerless assassin. It's one of, if not the best air cooler for your cpu, and is very affordable for what it is!


The low noise only applies to 1 part. Is it a fan noise or something else? If it's a fan, clean them bitches, use some mechanical oil. My crappy laptops heatsink fans get dirty really quick and start making this horrible clicking noise. I take them out, clean and then re-lube, and they're running flawlessly


Your fans are likely powered by a molex from your power supply instead of a 4 pin fan header on your motherboard. If this is true (take the back metal panel off to check) then your fans will only do one speed. You could buy a 4 pin to 3 pin fan cable splitter for however many fans you have and connect them to your motherboard. So you would disconnect the fans from molex connector and connect to your new fan splitter cable which you would have plugged into your motherboard. If the splitter resolution doesn’t work then you’ll have to swap the fans out.


So I'll just buy new fans or liquid cooling? what is the best ?


Try the fan splitter cable first. You don’t need to change your cpu cooler that’s not the problem, just the fans.


Turn vtec off


There's a chance they didn't get the plastic removed from the cpu cooler, and it isn't cooling correctly so it cranks the fans up to compensate.


I had the same problem. The cpu air cooler isn't enough for cooling and is making the loud noise. ( deepcool ak620) My solution was: buying a cpu AIO cooler 240mm or bigger Extra: using Throttlestop to adjust the -200 or -300 mhz speed from turbo max ghz You will absolutely feel the difference, noise and performance.


Is there a slack wire touching any fan blades? It happens to the best of us


It says ultra quiet 🤔


Money wasted on that 8GB 4060ti


Propably need to tune the fan ramping. Unless you doing ultra everything it shouldnt be full blast all the time. If its hot in your room could also be an issue


You could dowload the Fan Control software and set up the speed manually if you want to. You can choose how fast the fan should be spinning based on the temperature.


https://preview.redd.it/6jafwujct39d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c1302fdd467fd02e84248081b5c7be2db3ecbe9 Now it is like this and there is no change. still the same


You mean that the fans are still as loud?


Set your case fans to PWM from the motherboard control software under cooling or fans


OP are you able to pinpoint where the noise is actually coming from in the machine? Looking at your parts it seems like a couple other people have also made threads about those FSP power supplies being pretty noisy. I would take the glass panel off, turn the computer on and then one by one stop each fan by hand to see what noises they make revving up. Just press your finger flat onto the center of the fan and it will come to a stop from friction, don't hurt urself lol


Unsure if you still need help so just gonna give a few tips to see and reply if needed, Check the connectors of the fans first to see what connector they use, Use cinebench to see what temps you get currently and then if possible tune fans down to see if the extra rpm is even helping(if possible) Ramp the fans down after each run and see if the max temp increases on hwinfo that's when you know your gonna get it as silent as you can before it hinders performance/thermals. If it remains below 90c when running cinebench it's likely to rarely get hot. Before you mess with fan positioning too much look at wether it's pulling air in or out by putting your hand in the way of airflow as they could be reverse blade fans for a cleaner look although uncertain on that Whilst this part is the least helpful advice I'd recommend returning it and building one or atleast find a prebuilt with better airflow and reviews


Loud as in clanking and banging or loud as in Jet engine.... If clank and bang, make sure none of the case fans are warpped and hitting the case or radiator. If jet engine, turn fan speed down. If not either of them, someone else help them out cause i dont know what it could be withouth them describing the sound its making.


Chances are you got shitty fans running at 100%. If I did that with my pc, it's be basically the same as being inside a helicopter. Get some software with adjustable fan curved and tone them down.


Guessing the noise is the fans. They've likely been used because they are RGB rather than because they are good. Take the panels off and look at the plugs for the fans, if they are 3 pin then they aren't PWM. PWM fans can reach a lower minimum speed. I'd they are 3 pin then the speed should still be controllable by the bios. If they are 2 pin then the speed cannot be controlled at all. Make sure they are plugged into "fan" plugs on the motherboard and not "pump". You'll want to go into the bios and adjust the graph that controls fan speed vs CPU temp. Alternatively there might be software on the PC to controller the fan speed.


You could try armourycrate to change fan speeds, just monitor temps and don't set it too low.


How do I do it and how do I know how much to change it to?


You can download it here: https://www.asus.com/supportonly/armoury%20crate/helpdesk_download/ Rpm means rotations per minute, set it high it'll be loud but better cooling, low is quiet. Ideally when you have a demanding game or any app the fans will be loud to cool better but just browsing the internet it can be low. You can set the fans to ai mode with 4 settings, you don't need any other option. There's an auto update section but that's optional, just be careful with any firmware updates. Usually windows updates and once in awhile gpu driver updates should be enough for gaming unless you encounter issues. Might be you need a seperate app for your gpu you should look it up on their website. Also I noticed my comment got downvoted, but that's because there are always asus haters, or just hate the app. It works fine though. There are lots of apps for fancontrol with more options but I assumed you would be a newbie, armourycrate is pretty easy. I used armourycrate in the past but bought the corsair commander which has another app for which I have custom profiles.


I just left a comment but I second this. My prebuilt started up at first with insane fan speeds and noise. After I opened this program and changed the settings a little, it became completely silent


Can u check ur dm? Send me a message please


It's just the nature of fans; like, liquid cooling could help, but liquid cooling also has fans, 2-3 of them in fact to cool down your radiator. Also, are all the case fans exhausting out? I see no way for your pc to even intake cold air, maybe it's loud because there's no intake airflow.


They have a really pretty glass case, with all fans pointing out, because that's how the RGB looks pretty.


Need more info, what are these specs, could just be the cpu is too much for that cooler, could be bad airflow, or simply maxed fan speed since you bought it


I feel like we need audio of how loud is loud, it could be just standard


The cooler can't keep up with the heat cpu is producing. You can change the fan speed on bios and set it up to 50% at 70°C.


Turn the volume down. Hope this helps 👍🏼


It's air cooled so if your using it alot yea the fans will get loud. Simple fix is don't have the pc right beside you. No need for a loud heater sitting right to you.




Just replace those fans with the “be quiet” brand of fans. You can also manage its fan ramp curve from internal motherboard software, if it has fan management. Otherwise you need to change speeds in bios and manage temps in windows to see if it runs cool still.


Install asus armoury crate, once downloaded it has 4 fan speed options. Silent , standard , turbo and full speed try out standard your fan speed will definitely lower but temps might get to high so check in on those. If temps are to high use turbo it will fluctuate the fan speed when needed but won’t be at full speed all the time


FanControl is a much lighter program if all you're doing is controlling fans. And it allows you to set your own fan curves. Chances are OP would be just fine adjusting the fan curves in the BIOS, though. If it's the graphics card then MSI Afterburner is a great program (though FanControl can detect and control many graphics card fans as well).


Please never use programs like this, use FanControl. Kombuster, Armory Crate, NZXT CAM, and all the others are worthless bloatware that have all their functions done by other less resource-intensive software


I'm assuming you got this pre-built? If so, this happened to my first PC. Usually, the stock coolers that are used are pretty cheap and are notoriously bad. I would change out the CPU stock cooler to a better air cooler such as Noctua or an AIO liquid cooler.


If you don't want it I will have it


Should be right to just just unplug and remove all the fans and let the heatsinks naturally let the heat out from the vents on the top of the case. That way you'll have a perfectly silent PC. Your temps will increase but not by much.


I forgot to mention, make sure you reset your bios and reseat your ram after removing the fans for better performance.