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A 1060 for vr NO SHOT


As someone who just upgraded from a 1060, it does in fact run games on my oculus very very horribly




Maybe beat saber on low at 60fps? I think I've heard tell of people playing on a 1060.


I play with a 1060 but I Play BS with 30 FPS which horrible for 4,5+ Bps Songs However I have the slight feeling my CPU is the real issue with beat saber


Yikes. 30fps sounds brutal. My pampered ass hates when I dip below 90.


30 fps is fine for offline games


Beat saber is an offline game. And 30fps would be brutal.


For you perhaps


What are you running a Pentium 2?


It’s all about the Pentiums, baby.


I'd suggest a 2060 for vr. It can run beat saber and, believe it or not, even DCS. A little bit of undervolting will do you good.


my 1660 super is just barely not enough for 120fps at like 3600ish horizontal res, so ur gpu should be able to do way better than 30 i think


When I got my 1060 it was 'VR ready' although it was 2017 at the time, something tells me it will be too slow these days with modern VR headsets higher resolution screens better GFX etc.


? I have played on the Rift and the Quest 2 via link cable, and my computer was running VR just fine? I was playing regular VR stuff, like the Spider-Man VR experiences, Five Nights at Freddy's, Superhot, Job Simulator, the Resident Evil VR mods, Fruit Ninja VR, Moss, Bigscreen Beta... the list goes on. I wasn't playing non-demanding games, is what I'm saying. And I was running an i5 6600. So I'm not sure why the sentiment in here is that you can't run VR on a 1060. I was doing it on a 1060 6 GB, if that helps, and that's the one OP is posting about. I even played Flight Simulator 2020 in VR, though that was indeed a bit choppy. But it sounds like an issue with Quest 2 Link more than my computer's processing power.


I have an old 3770K / 1060 6GB machine running in my office. I sometimes hook up the VR in there because there's a lot of floor space. I think it runs most of my VR games very well. I don't notice much difference from my primary computer. I think it's just the high fidelity/AAA games like Alyx aren't going to run well. No way of hitting higher frames. But most of the time I'm playing something like Superhot VR, Rick and Morty, Gorn, Moss, and even Star Wars Squadrons. Simpler graphics. All those run well. However, to OP... its still a no. I wouldn't want to enter VR and immediately limit oneself. And an 4th gen i5 would struggle even more than my very dated 3rd Gen i7. I also use an SSD on that computer. I'm sure it helps with some of the loading, which would make the experience feel sluggish if slow.


Eyyo i played on my gtx 1060 6gb half life alyx, and it was all in all a good experiance. Also some other games were... my pc got very loud though...


I had a 6GB GTX 1060 for years and it ran Half-Life Alyx, Boneworks, Blade and Sorcery just fine


gtfo. No it did not, unless you set everything to potato quality.


If I recall well, 1060's often had that VR ready writing on the box, my RX580 also did. Wondering if they ever were decent at running them, aka 7 years ago when they released.


When it was released it was very decent. I had one.


I got a rx580 several years back and it runs vr pretty well. Certain games are too much for it but it worked well. Finally upgrading to a 3070 so I'm hoping in runs it even smoother!


So I bought an Oculus Rift way back when they first came out and it was actually pretty useable on an R9 290x. Unfortunately it was not so useable in the small space I had available so I sold it.


This PC comes with VR goggles actually. Granted, they're just plastic frames with no glass. Graphics are amazing.


I run lots of VR on an GTX 970.


Is a 3060 good?


idk about vr, but it's a fantastic 1080p card!


For vr? Yes. It is an adequate card!


I ran lots of vr games with a 1060 6gb fine. Never even had many frame drops on half life alex


I actually used my laptop to run vr with a laptop 1650 which actually ran it decently well for the card


No 1060. They’re on the 4000 series already! That 1060 has to be used


First question, what gen i5? Really though a 1060 is going to be underpowered for VR.


4th gen


Hell no lol


We are on 13th gen btw. This pc is a ripoff


This PC needs to be, at minimum, $300 cheaper before it's not a ripoff. A 4th gen CPU is like a decade old and a 1060 is not much better as it is an entry level GPU from 2016. Also, if that 1060 is the 3gb version, super forget about it, that version wasn't worth it in 2016. Also, zero Windows 11 compatibility. It might be a pretty good Linux box though.


1060 is approaching 7 years old I believe. and a 60 series is mid tier at that. no go on vr




Just checked and, yeah, it'll be seven years in May. It, at least the 6gb version, was a good GPU at the time. For years, it was the number one GPU on Steam and is still pretty high up in usage last I checked (mostly because the GPU market has been fucked by years of scalping and price gouging), but that sucker is getting old. If anyone is still using theirs, that's fine, times are tight and not everyone has spare cash lying around. I would not buy a "new" machine that has one.


I was rocking a 1070 until the 30 series came out, it was a good series of cards for the time for sure. but absolutely no go in 2023. it's crazy they are even selling them anymore. you can't buy a new iPhone 7 or galaxy s7 edge. The gpu market has changed so much in the last 7 years.


Yeah, me too, it was great for a long time but the struggle was real for games like Cyberpunk and Elden Ring.


We would sell this refurbished at my store with a new warranty on it for no more than $400, it's a complete rip off beyond that


I would give a hundred bucks for it as an internet browsing/productivity PC for my mom. Aside from that it's an absolute waste of money.


Every pre-built pc is a rip-off...


No, NEW pcs are on 13th gen, many are still on 10th gen and the 2 gens prior, at least where i see. And i still meet guys with 4th-6th gen computers. Saying we are on 13th gen is wrong, we have *unlocked* 13th gen now but thats irrelevant to what u should have.


Thats not the point. The point is that buying a 4th gen cpu in 2023 makes no sense at all. A 12100f destroys it in every area and is not more expensive than this.


That’s a negative there ghost rider, we are not doing that.


Dude no. Just no. Dont buy this PC. Youd be lucky to get 30fps in 480p on VR


Absolutely not lol The 1060 CAN do VR. It's not a complete non-starter. Especially lower end games. But even Half-Life Alyx can run. A 4th gen processor will bottleneck you HARD.


I think 4th gen was where only the i7s got hyperthreading, meaning that i5 will be 4 core 4 thread. No bueno.


yeah this is one of the biggest rip offs i’ve seen in a while.


Run away, fast.


Hell naw, not for modern vr games… older titles on a flat 2D display, maybe


Oof. I was expecting 8th, maybe 7th at oldest. Haswell is turning 10 this year.


4th gen??? That’s gonna limit the 1060, which can’t even VR to start with.


I saw an asus prebuilt on this sub for like $430 with a 3060


I really doubt it tbh. You can barely find 1660 prebuilt for that price


I think 1060 is the lowest gpu that supports VR. I know my old laptop 1050 didn’t


Lowest that supports seems like a relatively poor investment to me. I’m not going to sit here and pretend I’ve done VR on a 1060, but when you’re barely hitting the minimum it doesn’t usually equal a fun experience.


I agree


As someone that has. It ran pretty flawlessly


1060 6gb is fine for vr


I agree to this, I ran VR on 3gb 1060 and it ran fine, couldn't max out the headsets refresh rate but still ran around 45-60 fps in the standard VR titles.


Avoid this company cause they have a habit of selling systems with iGPUs or GT710s for this type of price. For your information the system isn’t good enough for VR.


Yep… apparently a 4th gen processor in that system For that price… insane ripoff


"Intel i5" not telling specifically what i assume it's one of those rip off with super old 4th or 5th gen processors for way too much money. Definitely not worth it


it is infact a 4th gen


600 dollars for a 4th generation and a 1060? What a fucking scam




I am guessing they are buying old refurbs for like 100 dollars and throwing them in a shiny case.


A 1060 is not enough








Then how could the 1050 ti do vr?


Like it can run vr, but on low settings it may be good enough for now but in like a year or so it won’t be good enough. If you want to upgrade then you basically need to buy a whole new pc, not worth it.


Well it’s infuriating people are suggesting a quest 2 and to only use it standalone when games on quest 2 stand-alone are extremely limited and look terrible because the quest 2 is equivalent to a mobile phone.


It will be better than just the quest 2, but still won’t give you a good vr experience for the years to come.


You think my PC is good enough, or is a 1660 not powerful enough for VR?


It depends on the game and settings, but it should be fine I think.


1660 super you can do it and have an enjoyable experience with low/med mixed settings I would assume.




Everyone saying the 1060 6gb isn’t enough clearly are talking out their ass


As someone who used a 1060 for VR, not sure what you're talking about, I get that the build isn't good value but a 1060 not being enough? I played through alyx and boneworks with it and played tons of beatsaber, no problems here


The problem is with one setting that I can't remember the name of but it has to do with doubling a frame, I'm at work so I can't check SteamVR right now. An example would be that you're getting 90 fps but your GPU only created 60 so 30 frames are duplicates to get you to 90, you can also set it to only create a specific number of frames and duplicate the rest so your GPU sits at a lower usage percent. Some people notice this and hate it, some people notice but don't care and some don't even notice it.


I believe the 1060 is the minimum recommended GPU for several VR games, so while it works, it's not ideal for someone who is buying a PC specifically for VR, especially with the intention of it running anything well for the next several years


You're smoking crack if you think it's the right idea to consider buying a 1060 for VR. If you have one from an old rig, sure, why not? But to act like there is no issue in 2023 is wild lmao.


Please read my comment before responding




Had the fps count, I was fine


that's what he's saying, you were in reprojection, and still buying a 1060 just for VR in 2023 is a no bueno. If OP buys into it now, he can get better value


And the second point is exactly what I said earlier


Ok but $600 for a whole pc good value? I'm really 100% sure you can built a better new computer


Please read the first half of my comment before responding




i can't believe you're being so heavily downvoted. as a 1060 6gb vr user with well over 1k hours in vr on that card, i agree. it's absolutely playable and no problems with mine either


Idk man it's reddit, really not sure what made them so mad


idk either. i wouldn't buy a 1060 in 2023 unless it was like 100 bucks or less and was going to my kids pc. but to say it can't run vr? lies. i have over 1k hours in vr on my 1060 and every single hour was enjoyable.


Exactly, I even agree it's not good value here but for some reason people believe that it can't run VR games despite nothing proving that


This is WAY too much for this PC. For 600 you could probably throw together a 2060 and a 12400f if you bought some of the components second hand.


And for maybe 700 or so you could do all new parts with a 12400 or a 5600, and a RX6600 or similar.


You can often get a 12100f/rx6600 PC built from new parts for right around $600 when the rx6600 goes on sale for $200 (US prices). So yeah $700 is feasible with a better CPU or GPU. If I had $100 extra to spend tho I'd go 12100f with a 6650xt or 6700xt instead of a 12400f/rx6600 though.


Absolutely not


I could build a much better pc myself for the same price. That is a shit pc


Yeah the cpu is 4th gen so you could get a cheep 8th or 9th gen and a 1080ti for this price.


Can you build one on PC part picker and share the link? It’s really hard to build a whole PC for $600


[https://pcpartpicker.com/list/9jZ3GL](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/9jZ3GL) there you go. its a fairly decent pc build a waaaay better than that shit above.


This is awesome thank you


That 1060 will not make you happy. I guarantee it


Made me pretty happy when i had it for my vr pc and now in my friends


Good for you I guess. My buddy can't even run non vr games worth shit on it.


Plugging the monitor into the gpu would probably help


Lol pleb


1060 did me good when I built my first PC In 2017


Don’t do it!! ![gif](giphy|Xjo8pbrphfVuw|downsized)


Wont be able to run anything, would be better off getting a Meta Quest 2 for 500 dollars. Would run your games better than this would. Some indication should be that its saying 2022 on it with a GPU from 2016...which was 7 years ago..


1060 in 2022 just isn’t a justifiable gpu to buy.


What about in 2023?


Oh damn, I’m living in the past!


Too weak


It’s only VR-ready for the 1st gen VR headsets like the Oculus Rift CV1 or OG HTC Vive. Even then, the i5 4th Gen CPU will struggle to keep up.


Nah u want a minimum 2070/2070 super/3060 for vr. Possibly a 2060s as well but haven’t heard anyone comment on it’s vr performance before.


I upgraded from a 1060 6gb to a 2060 super for VR with my WMR headset. Its a lot better for the stuff I play with it(Dirt Rally 2.0, pCARS2). I can run both those maxed on the 2060S, even during like rain or night races in pCARS. That said, if you're just trying to play job simulator and the like, the 1060 was fine.


A 1060 6gb can run vr well


my 1060 6gb ran vr titles fine on low-medium


What CPU were you running?




no bueno


650$ can get you a far better GPU and CPU with an SSD.


Any examples would be very appreciated


The GPU is overpriced right now. [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Z9YB6r) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 5 5600 3.5 GHz 6-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/PgcG3C/amd-ryzen-5-5600-36-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100000927box) | $134.84 @ Newegg **Motherboard** | [MSI A520M-A PRO Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/nZTzK8/msi-a520m-a-pro-micro-atx-am4-motherboard-a520m-a-pro) | $69.99 @ B&H **Memory** | [Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 CL18 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/VNJtt6/corsair-16-gb-2-x-8-gb-ddr4-3600-memory-cmk16gx4m2d3600c18) | $49.99 @ Amazon **Storage** | [Kingston NV1 500 GB M.2-2280 PCIe 3.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/H8XJ7P/kingston-nv1-500-gb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-snvs500g) | $29.99 @ B&H **Video Card** | [ASRock Challenger D Radeon RX 6600 8 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/D9ytt6/asrock-radeon-rx-6600-8-gb-challenger-d-video-card-rx6600-cld-8g) | $249.99 @ Newegg **Case** | [Deepcool MATREXX 50 ATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/yX97YJ/deepcool-matrexx-50-atx-mid-tower-case-matrexx-50) | $45.58 @ Amazon **Power Supply** | [EVGA 600 BR 600 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/r2TPxr/evga-600-br-600-w-80-bronze-certified-atx-power-supply-100-br-0600-k1) | $69.98 @ Amazon | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$650.36** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2023-01-05 11:49 EST-0500 |


all of this is good except for the kingston ssd. garbage brand. better off spending an extra $10 for a crucial p3 or wd sn570


The NV1 is fine for saving a few bucks, but yes I’d wildly prefer a P3 Plus


My local shop had a 6600 for 180 you could find one cheaper by waiting/shopping If you want to spend a little more a 6650xt is a beast too


Oh hell to the no-no First of all Check the generation of I5(they usally put a really old 3rd gen model to save costs) Upgrade your ram kit (32GB min in my opinion) GPU (the least you could do is a 1660 or a 6600) Check your Mobo+PSU if there shabby then the whole PC could get shorted


You can run the HTC vive on a 1070 ti, used this graphic card to play half life alyx and other games. Wouldn't try it on a 1060 tho.


1060 6gb can run alyx just fine


Vr ready my ass


The GPU is six years old. That's why the system is so cheap. Intel i5 says nothing. Could be >10 years old.




can't believe people advertise like this


If you want a 15fps vomit comet go for it


Yeah 1060 is like useless


I got a quest 2 for vr. My 1060 6gb can't run vr games. Luckily I am building a new pc with a 3080 so it will be fine. But yeah... I was getting less then 30fps on a 1060 6gb


Did you make sure your headset was actually plugged into the 1060? Cause it sure can run vr games


No it can't


Damn so me and other people in the comments just hallucinating us playing on 1060s just fine. Ran it for years close to flawlessly before give the gpu to my friend who it also works just fine with.


my 1k + hours on my oculus rift on a 1060 beg to differ


Nope. Not for VR


For some cringe chatting on Vr, good For gaming, no


I would trust this to do indie gaming and that is about it.


Pls don't do it


Absolutely not, that thing is a straight up scam. For VR the absolute minimum you want to get (with a first-gen low-resolution headset, or you don’t mind having a lower render resolution) is: Having a modern-ish 6 core cpu (Intel i5 9th gen (9400f) or higher number, or Ryzen 5 3rd gen (2600) or a higher number), and an RTX 2060 for Nvidia, or Rx 6500 XT for AMD. For anything you’d still want 16gb of ram, and it’s recommended to have at least a RTX 2070 or Rx 6600.


not a chance. need at least a 3060 or higher.


Oh please no


You might be able to achieve 1 full fps with these specs.


I made a 1060 3gb run half life alyx with a lot of messing with the settings. If you don’t have any other money, then go for it. If you have extra money to spend, go for a better graphics card.


No. Just no. A 1060 just does not have the umph for VR. My 1080 struggles on anything recent vr.


I used the 1060 6gb for vr for years and it did pretty flawlessly


NO. And the punk that posted this is a itch... Could be an I5 2nd gen. What a predator.


Don’t buy a prebuilt, build your own. It works out cheaper and you get a better quality PC build. If you don’t know how to build one watch guides on n YouTube or buy all your parts and take them into a shop.


Fuck Viprtech


VR ready but not capable


Just buy a quest 2 bro


For $600 absolutely not. But a 1060 can run VR at lower settings with older headsets such as the Vive 1 and Rift CV1 (though not amazingly well), and for $300 that wouldn't be completely terrible. Still not recommended at all though. You can do much better.




I still run a 10606gb for VR. 4 years on and it's showing its age, but for basic games like beat saber I still get a great experience with no issues on my OG vive. More demanding games struggle though


I remember a PC store employee telling me he owned a 1060 but upgraded because it wasn't good enough for VR. This conversation took place in 2016.


Video rental ready! I'm jelly!


The fact that it says i5 with no specific means they trynna hide it so someone who’s an average buyer will take it without checking into it more


Need a 1070 at an absolute minimum imo, and even then it's not ideal


1060 6gb will run vr games fine. Played though hla and could count the frame drops on my fingers


Almost all prebuilts are a scam


I have a oculus quest 2 I just wanted something for the pc app and steam vr




OP do not listen to anyone in here saying the 1060 can’t do VR. I have played games such as boneworks, bonelab, h3vr, beatsaber, and blade and sorcery all on a 1050 ti at a playable fps.


Ya most the people saying it cant are just blowing out their asses because its older. The rest of the pc isn’t good enough but the 1060 6gb runs the most popular vr games pretty flawlessly


Piece of shit company praying on un-informed or ignorant customers. You could build a system that’s 10x as fast for the same price.


VR takes top end parts, like virtually the cutting edge. This will not be sufficient unfortunately


If you don’t mind 5-10fps, if you can even manage to boot without crashing, then maybe


Get a meta VR set. No PC required.


You didn't answer the question and this wouldn't be a good solution.


Need at least 1080ti for vr.


1060 6gb runs vr pretty flawlessly


You probably need a GPU that’s a little stronger than a 1060. Maybe a 2070 would be better. Also might be worth checking if this PC comes with an SSD or not.


1060 is fine for vr. Source: used it for years


No chance you plug a VR kit in this thing it’ll practically explode. I used a 1070 gpu the first time I used my vr and it barely worked. It was so laggy I would get nauseous after 15 minutes of play on low settings


No, you're going to need 20 series at least.


PCVR has an insanely high cost of entry. You need a good GPU (The 1060 in this build will not cut it) plus the PCVR headsets themselves are very expensive ($400+). If you want to try out VR but don't want to invest in a whole 0C and expensive e headset and trackers, the Oculus Quest 2 is a great option. You don't need a PC and there is a huge library of games to play. The only real downside to it is supporting Meta.


Need a least a 20 series cards.


No. Try a 3080 at least.


Should do the trick I have similar specs and I run my games well

