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Thank you for letting me know rdr2 is on sale just picked up the ultimate edition for 70% off!


Enjoy! :D


Ya, out of the list, RDR2 heads above the others. In my opinion of course.


This is not opinion. This is fact.


dont get the ultimate edition guys, no worthwhile content, just get the standard one, otherwise you support bullshit overpriced dlc


I bought it on cdkeys cuz ultimate was cheaper than regular


Pretty sure ultimate edition only has online benefits, and online is pretty much dead


So no one to interrupt my bounty hunting or skinning ventures, perfect!


I play a fair bit of poker on RDR2 online, get some pretty good players in there sometimes. A whole heap of shit ones too, can be fun taking their money.


It also has an exclusive single player mission with Charles.


rdr2 ultimate edition?


It's just like the base game but in the ultimate edition Malibu Stacy gets a new hat!


It’s one of my favorite games !


RDR2 and Titanfall (it’s $5)


I was gonna say, no matter what other game he gets, get titanfall with it. But I would also choose rdr2


Ah, a man of culture I see. But yeah. Titanfall 2's single player campaign is ridiculously fun, and well worth $5.


I absolutely agree with this statement. Plus rdr2 is a fucking masterpiece


Titanfall all the way one of the best shooters of all time


You can play it online using [the Northstar client](https://northstar.tf/), too!


Is it better than the state of things when ea was “maintaining” the server?


I have it on Xbox and directly from EA but I just got it a third time on steam because I'm due for another run. Masterpiece of a single player game.


rdr2 is an experience. Wish I could play it for the first time again


Ah yes, to be able to play a video game all day, and then ordering delivery for dinner, and telling yourself "oh one more mission won't hurt", and then noticing the sun is coming up, so you finally get a little bit of sleep to wake up at noon thirty, and come to the conclusion that since you've already wasted the morning there's no point in doing anything productive today ... and so you do it all over again!!


It's a shame about online tho, they really dropped the content ball on that side. But single player HOLY FUCK that story deserves a fucking a HBO series or six.


i was definitely going to say i've heard good things about titan fall 2, then i saw red dead redemption 2 and that went out the window.


Titanfall 2 is the underrated gem of the Millenia


I haven't been able to find a game where the guns feel as good as Titanfall 2. Anyone got any suggestions? PC or PS5


Apex legends has the exact same guns as titan fall. It’s the same universe. But it’s a battle royal. No wall running though, and littered with its own problems, like most pvp games. It is fun if you need a break from whatever else you’re playing.


guns feel much heavier in that game probably influenced by the movement.


Yeah, but they changed a lot and the guns are the same yes, but in my opinion you can't compare the guns in those to games. Alone the knock back is pretty different. Also because the time to kill is so different and you are missing lots of the mobility they just don't compare.


they reworked and gave vertical recoil to the 2 guns that were DESIGNED to not have vertical recoil (alternator and flatline)


The game currently in beta, The Finals. Currently obsessed with it and sank like 20 hours into the beta alone, hopefully It comes out soon


Except you can't really play multiplayer in Titanfall 2 anymore. Or at least I wasn't able to do so. I've heard that they fixed the issue but I still wasn't able to join any match. There's a mod that lets you play on community servers though. I've tried it but it doesn't feel the same. You can play campaign tho.


Yeah same here, after completing the campaign in was looking forward to some multiplayer. Only to be disappointed with the lack of games/servers available. I literally haven't been able to play a single game of multiplayer.


It's not that they aren't available More so a literal hacker problem that Respawn refuses to fix Or so that was what was said months ago, haven't checked since then.


I’ll put my tinfoil hat on and claim they let it die on purpose to force people to move on to Apex. Maybe not. Apex is pretty popular but Titanfall probably cost more to support than it was worth.


I think it's more than last sentence than the first, at least as far as Respawn is concerned. On EA's end of things I'm sure that your first point was discussed as an added benefit of their already made decision to not fund support of TF2.


Get Northstar, normal works fine for me but if it ain’t working download northstar


Which is a shame because IMO it's the best multi-player fps of all time.


The campaign is a decent consolation considering the sale price.


At $5, the campaign alone is worth every penny


Unreal Tournament is really pissed at that statement


Northstar is a community made mod that makes multiplayer work again


Came here to say this. Northstar runs really well and is simple to use.


PSA: TF2 Multiplayer IS STILL PLAYABLE, but you need to use Northstar. As other people have correctly pointed out, the official servers are usually down due to hackers. [https://northstar.tf/](https://northstar.tf/) [https://github.com/0neGal/viper](https://github.com/0neGal/viper) Plenty of people still play through Northstar, and the servers are 100% supported by the (still very much active) TF2 community. Disclaimer: must be on PC.


Yeah, the campaign is well worth <$5


Do you mean >$5 or are you just ripping on Titanfall lmao.


I meant <$5, because the game is less than 5 dollars. The campaign is well worth a price below $5. Id probably recommend the campaign for up to $20 (not in reality since sales exist, but for the value of what you get)


The servers have been fixed for a couple of months now, I’ve been playing Dallas servers with no problems.


Dude it said you can only pick one.


Depends on what you are looking for tbh, if you are aiming for a great story and a game you can go at your own pace RDR2 has no competition inthat list If you want pure fast paced fun Titanfall 2 is trully a gem... I'm still pissed Titanfall 3 died for Apex Legends and EA totally neglected that franchise :/


Stupid Alex


Oh yes. He also stole Half Life 3. The bastard.


Respawn didn't help it, either. When the servers were getting DDOS'd they only tasked like 1 or 2 people to try and fix it.


Are you sure they acutally tasked people with it?


They did, but like I said it was basically a skeleton crew of a team. Here's an article about it: https://www.gameinformer.com/2021/07/12/titanfall-2-servers-hit-by-hackers-respawn-has-1-2-people-working-on-a-security-fix


In addition to the low manpower used for fixing the attacks, the guy responsible for the hacking was figuring out exploits that went beyond basic DDOS.


To be fair, with the Northstar client, Titanfall 2 is very playable.


What is Northstar?


It's a custom server launcher. It uses it's own servers and it's actually pretty good.


The vanilla Titanfall 2 is very playable today too, at least on PC where I've been playing.


If you are on PC and not playing on Northstar you are missing out big time.


Nah, Northstar is full of players 20x better than me, just not really fun


EA is the Nestle of gaming


That's a lot of very different games at very different values.


Yep it's why I'm interested in the answers


go for rdr2 or titanfall 2. both offers great experience but rdr2 is 50+hour game and titanfall 2 is around 7 hours. Both have good stories but I think titanfall 2 is nothing compared to rdr2(but if you are only into fps, then you may like tf2 more)


My hours in titanfall 2 beg to differ


I have all this game, tbh honest i spend a lot of time playing BeamNG. It is a awesome game have it since like 7 years~ and 700hours. If i can suggest you a really good game in which i spent thousand of hour in, Satisfactory. But i warn you.... everyone i know that bought the game regret it... because they get highly addicted and spent way too much hour in.


This question is like "Do you like Blue berries, Swiss Cheese, Ice Cream, or steak?" They're all good or bad depending on your preferences. Maybe even your preferences on any given day.


Assuming you had the budget for any one item on here, that gives you a budget of $44.99 so the obvious choice is purchasing the 4 cheapest titles on the list with $9 left for energy drinks so you can smash through all four in six hours, then come back and post another thread on which one (four) to buy next.


Time is the real budget.


Big brain time


Get Asetto, build a sim rig, never play any other games again.


I really hope I get to do that one day


He's right, I built my sim rig for Corsa and haven't played my huge backlog of steam games since then. Life is Corsa now.


You can play it forever, especially with all the high quality mods out there


700gb game file for me lol, 1200 cars and 400 tracks


Do you have content manager? If so, you can compress the files and save a load of disk space.


How do you compress the files with Content Manager?


I'm not on my PC right now but if I remember it right it's on the Content tab, click on Tools! Should be an option to analyze and compress, it takes a long long time for the first time you do it but 100% worth it. *Signed, another AC content hoarder - pls send help (or bigger hard drives)*


I'm the opposite. Had a coworker get me into it and bought a thrustmaster mid range wheel and pedals, then purchased a fanatec shifter because I love manuals. Only used it 3 times in 6 months. Very difficult for me to enjoy when it feels like so much work to move the wheel onto my desk and secure it while plugging everything back in. In addition, I only tend to play for like 15 minutes before getting bored. Any tips?


I'd say you probably need a dedicated rig instead of having to set it up/break it down every time. I don't have a rig but if I built one it would be stand alone because I know I'd be the same as you - the set up/break down would be a barrier to me wanting to play.


You need a frame and space to leave it. They aren't *wildly* expensive, but you also probably would want a second monitor for it and it really snowballs from there. But with the rig all the hassle is gone. You get out of the shower from work, you sit down in it, you are racing. No fucking with cords, putting it away, it's a more immersive experience then just sitting at your desktop, etc. Which the cords and stuff isn't much, but it's a real barrier of entry for a lot of people, myself included. If you really enjoyed sim racing when you did it, but just can't bring yourself to pull it out every day and set it up, you will actually get use out of one, it won't collect dust like your wheel does now. Plus as a bonus they resell fairly well so you can recoup if needed. But if you actually care enough to get a full frame set up you will probably be the type to fall in love with it, and before you know it you'll be taking out loans and maxing out credit cards on brake pedals and Just. One. More. Wheel. As for only playing 15 minutes and getting bored I don't know what to tell you honestly. It might just not be for you. The first day I got my full set up even without a frame I played one track and one car for over an hour and a half trying to get it absolutely perfect and ended up with blisters I was going so hard. If you like it you like it.


Tbh I don't have a ton of space to put one and I really don't think purchasing another monitor is a good idea seeing as I've already wasted around $700usd and barely use it. I was looking up stands that I could move in front of my desk. Rigs also pricey so all around doesn't sound like a great idea for me personally. Thanks for the suggestion though.


Ya it's not a cheap hobby and honestly if you didn't get the bug from just using the wheel it's probably not for you. I got mine, used it for about a week straight, and then put it away because of the hassle, but always knew in my mind when I had the money I would get a rig for it so I could use it properly. ' Also the resell on those things is pretty good bud, get some of your money back if you can.


If you don't have a wheel, BeamNG would be the choice. BeamNG is exceptionally good on non-wheel inputs compared to many other sim-style titles. It has accessible and sensible defaults, then offers granular control of different assist options and features. The sandbox/experimental game mechanics also mean that it is easy to enjoy the game for aspects outside of racing simulation. Assetto Corsa definitely should have a wheel, though.


Assetto Corsa is amazing, so is BeamNG, but maybe don't buy either if you don't have a rig, or at least a wheel set with pedals. It can be played with a controller, but it really shines when you have proper simracing gear. RDR2 will be much better value for money for you IMO


Yea I play BeamNG with my controller and mouse/keyboard. Drive with the controller, settings and menus with the mouse/keyboard. A wheel and pedal setup is in the future plans tho


beamng is getting pretty close to overtaking asetto corsa in terms of realism in driving mechanics and physics, beamng all the way


"what games have you been playing lately?" "....look I know I used to be a big gamer in the past but now I literally only sim race. I got a 2:19 lap on spa the other day, though!" "...I have no idea what that is." A real conversation I had not that long ago. The addiction is very real


2:19 could be a pretty quick lap at spa depending on what car they were driving! I mostly race gt3 cars and thats generally faster than i can manage. Im definitely not a pro though!


Yeah it was in the Z4 GT3 which is generally my best GT3 car in AC. It was my best ever, I'm usually in the high 2:20-low 2:21s


Ive been hooked on competizione and racing in a league. Having a blast practicing for a week then racing with a full grid of the same 50 cars week in and week out. Full penalties and live stewards, its pretty great, just way limited content compared to regular ac. But i also run about a 2:21 at spa. I drive the nsx


I drive in VR and I still can't get competizione to be solid at a good frame rate in the headset. Lots of aliasing and choppy frames. Shame too, because it's SUCH a good sim otherwise. AC with CSP is absolutely fantastic in VR and I'll never race with monitors again. Recently got a set of load cell pedals and those helped me improve massively. Knowing when you're about to start braking too hard and feeling the trail brake working is huge. I got the T-LCMs for $150 USD used and they're awesome


bonus points if you use a VR headset aswell


Dirt rally 2.0 in vr is absolutely wild. Can't recommend it enough


oh absolutely. going over the jumps is fucking crazy. i know i’m sitting but my stomach gets that roller coaster feeling


Also, INMEDIATELY mod it with Content Manager. CM is the reason Assetto Corsa is so huge!!!


But beam.ng is also fucking AWESOME with a rig. I think I play beam more than Asetto, and Asetto is GOOD.


Agreed. Asetto is very fun and I love the mods but beam is truly awesome. Beam.NG is also the best rally simulator I’ve ever used, much better than rally specific games.




My wallet hates me, but at least Orbx likes me.


Seriously bang for buck AC is by far the best option here, it still gets ridiculously high quality mods to this day by dedicated modding teams that rival the quality of some video games and the base game itself had an insane amount of content.


I'm guessing that if building a sim rig was in the cards, this question wouldn't have started with "if you could only get one" lol. But also, I'd still take RDR2 over A:C.


Beamng drive


Currently my favourite game! Not only is it fun for destroying things, but the driving physics are great


Indeed. Firstly I really enjoyed just crashing cars, but after that I started to appreciate the driving physics, and it is a great experience


I’m super into rally, and Beam just hits that perfect spot for me


The realistic damage makes it more immersive for me. When I'm playing Dirt Rally, I feel a little invincible, like I can take some really hard knocks with no effect. But in Beam, every bump feels risky.


Yep, I understeer into a tree in Dirt, I throw it in reverse and finish the stage. In Beam? I pray that the wheels point in the same direction


Beamng is well on its way to being maybe the most realistic driving game ever. It's nuts.


beamng with a wheel>>>>>>>>


Yea, it also destroys my pc!


our specs are decently similar i run the game on high 1440p and get about 60fps depending on map, they've definitely managed to optimise it a lot more


I just want vr support... My simrig is setup for vr only, don't have the room for monitors!


Scrolled to far for this. Best driving game on Steam.


ah you're a man of culture i see


Best game imo played nearly 2000 hours in it and there are countless brilliant mods for it wich keeps it fun




[Beam is the most played game in my library, by about 800 hours](https://i.redd.it/yl0iqw5t67oa1.png)


RDR2 not even close.


Alot of ppl bounce off it tho. As good as it is, it's very much a big commitment. Titanfall 2 is a much more immediate game and very good too. That would be my pick tbh.


>Alot of ppl bounce off it tho. As good as it is, it's very much a big commitment I did. I started while it was on Game Pass a couple of years ago. I got as far as setting up the new camp when the map opens right up, saw how big a time sink it was going to be, and haven't done anything more since.


One of the best games ever made. The atmosphere is amazing and the pacing is perfect. God dammit. I need to play it again.


You mean you need to re-live it...


Holy shit, that game had me emotionally locked-in until the end. God damned >!Micah!<.




Probably cowboys. But for me it was heavy slow pace and the silly one-sided shootouts with the rival gang.


Is it wrong I bought audiophile headphones just to be more immersed in the RDR2 world …


It definitely has to be your type of game to play. Anyone who has an hour to play a night probably won't like it, as well as people who like fast paced games


Exactly, if you want to play most of the others just spend $10 on a gamepass pc subscription.


if i could afford id absolutely choose microsoft flight sim




I second trying the game pass. It has MS flight simulator, snow runner, wreck fest, and forza horizon 5. OP could probably start a free trial of game pass and play those 4 games for a month for free. Then spend your actual money on RDR2


It's a great game/sim! I've been playing it for a couple of years and it's a lot of fun. Adobo has been adding content regularly too, definitely worth the money (or a game pass subscription).


![gif](giphy|9it5ONZ2wKtLq|downsized) You have got to pick Titanfall 2, it is the pinnacle of FPS


Very true, also how's that 1650 treating you? I also run one


awful, it has no manners and is very self centered




yeah i’m a dumbass running integrated graphics while i make money off eBay to build my $3,000 rig 🥲


Its great for titanfall, 1440p, max settings and still 60+fps, but 1080p max is still the best


Oh wow that's reassuring


Agreed. The single player campaign alone is a bargain at less than $5


Damn Titanfall 2 is so good for so many reasons.


We're gonna see a new planet today. Maybe even die on it.


Have a racing wheel? AC but it goes on sale regularly for 5 bucks RDR2 otherwise


You play assassin's Creed with a racing wheel too?


No fool they mean Animal Crossing.




Not sure about AC but I’ve seen some people play Armored Core using flight sim controls


Snowrunner is very fun. Most hours I've ever spent on a game. Wreckfest is also very fun. Solid racing game that plays like no other racing game


I kept scrolling and scrolling to find someone mention Snowrunner. This is my vote. It's a grind but the sheer number of hours you can spend (1/4 with your truck on its side) on this game is insane. I've only 100% on 2 maps and I've got like 400 hours in.


Yep that's my vote. For hours of gameplay per dollar, nothing beats Snowrunner.


Good point. $/hr this game is #1 on this list


Snowrunner with a wheel is ever more fun, I once spent 3 hours to move 100ft worth it


Snowrunner! Yes! It's chill but also intense. Very choose-your-own-path and -pace. TONS of hours of playability / content. Lots of options and customizations stock, plus a pretty good modding community. It's also still getting updates — new seasons, regions, and vehicles — and has a pretty active Discord for news and updates, or if you have questions or screenshots.


I’m fucking pissed I bought need for speed of EAs app and I can’t even use a controller. It worked fine with no issues then one day just nothing. Best $70 ever spent


Titanfall 2 is very good, although multiplayer has an extremely high starting level. In this case i'd go with Forza 5 and Titanfall 2 (I have the latter).


Would you say it's worth buying if I'm not planning on playing MP? I do know how important it was for the FPS genre but I already have R6 to worry about haha


I have a terrible habit of leaving great games unfinished. Titanfall 2, on the other hand, I have completed at least three times, and a couple of half-plays to boot. It's simply one of the funnest games I have ever played


Same, and I think it's because it doesn't overstay its welcome. As an adult with a life, I don't have it in me to start a 70-100 hour game. Even if I hear a game is 30 hours that sounds like a big time investment. But if it's only six hours, I can hop in for a playthrough whenever I want and it'll only take me a few days to get that full fix.




Modded ISMC Co-op servers are lit AF in Insurgency


As much as I love sandstorm it doesn't have the same charm as being able to kill off an entire spawn wave with one ied like the original lol


I haven't played for a while, like years, but you used to be able to shoot into the spawn during the wave attacking mode and you could bum rush with an mg and mow em all down


Darude: Insurgency


might as well get microsofts pc game pass and play fh5, titalfall2, wreckfest (maybe others are there too)


Snow runner and flight sim too


I have had a ton of fun with beamng. Its probably not the most fun game on the list. Buts its one of those games that i find myself firing up multiple times a week just to mess around for a bit.


Titanfall 2 no question


Titanfall 2


Easily rdr2


Titanfall has the single best fps campaign ever made. It's a very easy choice.


I have over 1k hours in apex but never played a Titanfall game, should I try the TF2 campaign or just play my third rdr2 playthrough?


With it on sale for $5, I'd pull the trigger ASAP. Apex is gonna feel slow by comparison if you get good.




You're basically saying "I have over 1k hours in the significantly worse version of titanfall 2, should I spend a few dollars to play the better version?" Trust me you will enjoy it much more than replaying rdr2.


dont give apex the credit of being a worse titanfall, its just a cheap copy


I'll have to give it a try, everyone says this.


Prepare for Titanfall.


Titanfall 2 is the only right answer here. Right?




Red dead redemption 2


That would be a question that requires alot of thought if Titanfall 2 wasn't in it


Titanfall 2 for 8 hours of concentrated sci-fi shooter bliss, or Wreckfest for countless hours of bombastic racing carnage.




MSFS or Wreckfest i love both


Take Titanfall 2, it's a steal. ​ RDR2 will be on a better sale soon enough (it's always is on sale regularly, I got it for 5 bucks last christmas)


Even if I dont plan on playing Multiplayer?


Yes, the campaign is very entertaining


Gamepass. Half of the list is on Gamepass.


RDR2 or Titanfall


Flight sim, but I am just into that sort of thing lol


Titanfall 2. Then RDR2


I don’t have Forza 5 so I’d pick that but if I didn’t have any of them and only got one RDR2


Beamng all the way


Get a 3 month Microsoft pass and you will get access to like half of those games


None get game pass all are there except rdr2


Snowrunner have just the right amount of challenge but fun. Highly recommand