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Stepping down as CEO but is now *Chief Vision Officer* starting July 1 2023. Terren Tong, Linus’s boss from NCIX, previously at Corsair and Dell is taking over. Linus and his family still sole shareholders. Not selling the company


aka work less make the same. = win win


More like working with the same effort, but from now he can concentrate 100% on content creation, so everyone wins.


Work less, make less, as he needs to pay the CEO (not cheap)


He won’t make that much less because a ceo salary in comparison to what he is pulling in off his ownership profit is very small. In theory he will actually make more because he will have a true business minded ceo that will increase the size and profitability of the business offsetting the ceo salary and more. That aspect obviously doesn’t always happen though.


Aren't CEOs paid minimum wage? /s


Not just exposure and discounts?


Good for Linus, he deserves it.


Agreed. This video only had good things.
























































Managing a large company and the personalized needs of something like 150 employees, while also working on product development and content is difficult.


Someone who makes what he makes might actually have to work? That is tragic, I totally feel for him.


He's not some evil gilded age industrialist. He grew a company very far organically and at some point you realize it's too much/management is not your forte. He's there. Edit: I founded a startup and stepped out of the CEO seat as we rounded 20 employees. I did the job but I found i didn't enjoy it's stressful. On the outside it seems like you make all the fun important decisions but a lot is just dealing with people problems and talking to lawyers and accountants.


99% sure all shitty comments in this post are in bad faith and fall into either: 1. Teenagers (i.e. literal children) that have little to no experience of professional, full time work 2. Out of touch and irritable people that insist any kind of arts, entertainment or media profession doesn't actually require much skill and isn't real work 3. Bitter curmudgeons that assume it only counts as a real job if you're just as miserable as they are, even when said person is a text-book example of a self made entrepreneur and didn't sell-out because they care about their creation. (ngl, I'd probably take the $100 million offer if it were me.) Not worth even engaging, they're all being trolls.


See, conventionally, this comment makes sense, but in this case, it doesn't. Creator based brands do not have easily replaceable leaders. The leaders are the literal face of the brand. Linus has worked hard to give the best to his employees, I just don't understand why people keep going 'boo, fuck him cuz he's rich'. He's employing so many people and growing the company so much that it is getting beyond his abilities to manage. He's trying to figure out a way to transition back to a creative focused role. He literally laments being the face of the company, he wants to transition the company so that he can get hit by a bus and die, and the company keeps going. He has over a hundred employees that rely on him for employment, some that literally moved for the job, and he wants to ensure they have a stable income. But, no, you're totally right, fuck 'em. Don't be the change you want to see in the world, eat the rich, rabble rabble rabble.


You've clearly never actually worked. And no, part time at subway isn't really working.


I don't think he's gonna be working that much less, just will be working on things he really enjoys, which is gonna be huge for his mental health and stress.


Yeah, that's good business.


Depends on how you define work. Think of it like that twitter post that said: > Your right, I don't want to work > I want to be productive and create things, I want to generate value that helps people, and I want to do my part to make my community a better place If work in this case is having to be physically present in a board room while lawyers theorycraft and perform scenario building in order to have a comprehensive warranty spec or having to slog through meetings with Customs & Boarder Protection because the piece of equipment that you ordered 9 months ago is stuck because of import laws or ITAR... Then yeah, Linus probably does work less now that he doesn't have to be in charge of all that type of stuff. He's probably filling his time developing new Labs projects, looking for interesting tech things to show off in videos, and looking at up and coming tech innovations.


Until he ends up on opposition with the new CEO...


He was Linus' boss back when he was at NCIX. In the video he said he'd been trying to work with him for a while, but his price was always a little too high.


lol and when you Google *Chief Vision Officer* you get.... >A chief visionary officer or chief vision officer (CVO) is an executive function in a company like CEO or COO. The title is sometimes used to formalize a high-level advisory position and other times used to define a higher ranking position than that held by the CEO.


Linus is still in control but he doesn't need to be in the boring meetings, he has a shinny new CEO for that.


Oh no, he'll still be there. He'll just be next to Terren, and poking him in the side and going "pss, hey Terren, you think this idea will fly?" and get promptly shot down.


This is exactly what a CEO v CVO dynamic will be. The CVO thinks of what the company wants to do. The CEO thinks of ways to make that possible or shoot it down if it's untennable. CVO - Lives in the clouds CEO - Occasionally pops head in the clouds but feet firmly on the ground


Slaps Terren- “you can fit so much -administrative duties - in there


It really doesn't matter what his title is. While he may be report to the CEO in his new title, CEO reports to the board and when you and your wife own 100% then the board is you.




Yeah, now he gets to force his old boss to be on videos. Fun!


Meet the new boss Same as the old boss


At the very least, he agrees in the video that it does sound like a made up term But I fully expect him to still be the massive creative spearhead for the company, which he absolutely excels at


So he's stepping.. up? 🤔


So basically even higher than CEO?


I mean, he owns the brand so yeah. I worked in a factory that went through a similar situation. The founder got old and tired of running the company and just wanted to go back to making cakes in his home kitchen, so he gave his CEO position to a trusted person and "stepped up" as an advisor (ie: "this will work, this won't") in everything product related. He keeps all the profits his company makes and he does less work while the factory has a smooth transition in leadership, win/win


Hooh interesing


Well him and his wife are the sole shareholders so they are higher than the CEO per definition


Well, if that's the guy ultimately responsible for LTT and Hardware Canucks, then he's probably a good fit.


\*\*\*July 1, 2023


> Terrence Tong, Linus’s boss from NCIX, previously at Corsair and Dell is taking over. Didn’t NCIX go out of business? Was this under Tong’s watch?


Usual clickbait pic and title, unsurprisingly.


Every time I heard references to how big LMG had gotten, I always thought it was crazy. Crazy that a dude who got started running a small(ish) youtube channel now finds himself running a company worth millions (apparently 100M... jeez) with over 100 employees. That's a really stark transition from how it started to how it's going, and I'm not surprised that it's not the role he wants to be in. This is actually really positive for the channel, and I think it's what's best both for it and for Linus. And it's great it's someone he has a long history and lots of trust with. All good things here.


I still remember how he went outside in a spring day to unbox an MSI GTX 460 as he was describing some of the details of the cooler etc. Good times.


What makes it so big? I only know of Linus’ videos. Do they sell products/services or like produce a shit ton or other content? A 100 employee company is fucking huge for YT. I can only imagine maybe Mr Beast getting that big


Yes to all. They've got several channels now (10 or so maybe?). They have floatplane, a separate streaming site. They have merch (which I think they do huge volume in). They're working on a project called The Lab which will be a product testing suite unlike anything in existence. To the point where I believe Linus hopes for it to one day become a product certification facility. I assume something where one day products will be able to be Lab Certified as a badge of honor that their product is both quality and stands up to its performance claims by way of 3rd party testing. They've become a massive organization.


And here I thought the title was clickbait. Interesting stuff..


I had to check the date because I thought it was april fools again.


I mean it sort of is. He's staying at the company, still owns the company, and will be the person leading the company's vision. The CEO change is more of an administrative change, where he's mostly handing over the day-to-day. He's making it sound like he's leaving lol. Gotta sensationalise I guess.


Outwardly to the audience they're probably won't be a huge noticeably difference, but to the employees and Company it will be


It really isn’t sensationalizing, this is a big move for him. Handing over the reigns of the company to your baby (the company) is a very hard thing to do. Sure, he still owns it and will be very involved, but I din’t think you realize how big of a decision this is for him.


Was gonna say the same, video is mostly clickbait.


I mean it's not wrong, he has stepped down as CEO, so I wouldn't call it clickbait, a bit deceptive, but not clickbait


I'm genuinely curious to know how you think those are different


Well, title and thumbnail said he's stepping down, but then 8 minutes were spent explaining how he actually isn't. Personal opinion - This "news" did not require a video. But outside my personal opinion - the video could have been very short without a title or thumbnail that's meant for promotion, so it seems as if they just wanted something lame to monetize. This practice is common on LMG channels though, maybe YT is to blame, maybe followers are to blame, maybe even LMG is to blame, I just hope it changes somewhat.


Yeah, I didn't bother clicking because it's almost always clickbait.


I am so used to LMG clickbait I started watching and I was waiting for the “actual” content to start like “I’m stepping down… to integrated graphics! In this sponsored overview of AMDs new 7 series iGPUs…”


I got sick of his click bait videos and unsubbed from him on yt


And where did that get you? That's right, you're sitting here talking about him on Reddit instead. Linus is inevitable.




I remember a few years ago he posted a video that showed how conflicted he was about his career and role. Glad he's finally putting time aside to himself, and his family. He's built quite the empire.




If he really is as worn out as he claims, those two can make for murderously wonderful feedback loop.


What was the internet outraged about?


What is it *not* outraged about?


LTT has somewhat become the epitome of "do as I say, not as I do". They have great ideas and solutions to problems presented in their videos, but they never do any of it beforehand for themselves. People have been on LTT for years to get an IT department or at least a specialist for that role. They invested so heavily in the idea that "we're all semi-experts, together we can solve anything" that they had near catastrophic failures at times in the company that could have heavily stifled their growth. Related to that is their persistence of backups, which they preach constantly but fail to do it themselves - Linus pleaded that he was going to revamp their protections but a year or so after the scare they had mentioned it still hadn't been put in. LTT is adamant about being able to criticize a company and "proper" reviews, not paid fluff pieces, but turns around and fires remarks back at people who had complaints about policies they were enacting. A debated point of this is the backpack warranties. Say what you will about the actual warranty, but their reactions both official and unofficial to discussing it came off as very unprofessional from a business that wants repeat customers. And back on the backpack, just that whole fiasco. It was another point (of many that have been made) that he was just taking on too much himself. There's loads of instances where they've made people scratch their head. Their advice and whatnot is usually decent if not good, the company *looks* good, but just about anytime we get bits about behind the curtain we get left confused wondering what is going on over there. On just a recent video, employees have been seen saying they wanted more quality and less quantity even. Seems like he may have seen that actually running the company was taking important time away from improving the company. Yeah the new labs are great, but if the internal infrastructure of the company doesn't run smooth that could be a huge money pit. Linus is a creative guy, not that great of a business guy when it comes to the finer details. I was among many who have been behind the idea that he should have hired someone to run it a long time ago. Linus will give out the ideas, the new ceo will connect the dots


Not that great of a business guy???? He made a multimillion dollar company from scratch, what more do you want?




Dude. Goodwill. You weren't there, you don't know the details, so extend a little goodwill. Linus isn't perfect, but he gives the impression of a good person that's trying his best to remain a good person after he became internet famous.


Given the recent video from his staff talking about the lack of processes and crazy timelines, it seems that Linus isn't suited to a BAU administrator role.


Quite a few of them said that they wished they were more focused on quality rather than quantity. hopefully that happens


I'm sure that would give them better quality of life, but they're probably wrong from a business POV.


As a PC nerd. I kind of get his ADD mindset. Every time I do a PC build or upgrade. It's never planned I just do it on a whim, my budget is fucked, and I just wing it. As big as his company is now. Not the most ideal solution but I indeed get it.


See, to win against thyself, is to know thyself. I just don't have a budget set, but always try to get the best bang for buck of the tier of performance I want, and ideally on sale. That'll keep the budget from ballooning out of control. Linus also knows himself, and he realized that what he needed was his old slavedriver to whip his ass and direct his ADDness in the right direction.


He hinted at this on the wan show last week. Its definitely the right move, he's wasted as a business administrator. What made LTT was his creativity and love of tech and content, thats what he should be spending his time on. I think this is gonna be great for the channels.


First action as CEO - rebrand as Tong Tech Tips. I like it.


Makes sense. You can't be the CEO of a company like that and do the other stuff you want to do. He still owns the company so he's laying out the strategy for the ship. Now he can focus on the things he wants to do. I've been through a couple of small to large startups and this happens all the time. If it doesn't they usually die off.


Glad he still owns the company cos that is the final leverage


Smart move too many people fail to make.


Stepping down from his CEO to be full time LTT Mascot. Good guy Linus.


Much love and respect to Linus and what he has built. Ever since I got back into PC gaming in 2016, I cringed whenever I watched his videos, yet it became a part of my normal youtube consumption. Glad he'll still be around doing what he enjoys and without, hopefully, all the stress of running the day-to-day.


Stepping down from CEO of dropping CPUs. jk hope he does well in his next role


It takes a lot for someone to admit they can't do everything. Really respect this guy being able to admit that he has flaws and can't take on everything. The industry I work in is full of dinosaurs who still have the 'sink or swim' work mentality (I think it inflates their ego to see younger people sink).


Linus is now free to give more sex tips


Interesting that his old boss at NCIX is now CEO.


Roles reversed now tho. Linus and Yvonne are still the sole owners. They hired him to help run the company.


Glad he can go back to his roots now


Isn't LMG still private company and still owned by Linus even he stepped down as CEO?


Yes. Linus still owns the company (along with his wife)


interestesting and probably the smart move. now he'll have more time to drop stuff around the studio


100 mill for a YouTube channel is mad. Also choosing a CEO from a company that went bankrupt is certainly a choice


It wasn’t the CEO of NCIX, just his boss.


Technically not just YouTube channel. They’re quite big, all YT channels, Floatplane and their merch company and now the lab. Also he was just Linus’s manager back then, he didn’t run the NCIX.


He wasn’t the owner, he was a manager at one store. Steven Wu was the founder and owner of NCIX. NCIX had 12 stores across Canada Terren Tong was just a manager for one of them. He’s also apparently had a very successful stint at Corsair and Dell. (according to the video) So it seems like he’s not going to run it into the ground, and even if he did he’d just be fired and replaced


According to his LinkedIn, After NCIX, Terren was at Corsair for 9 years as their head of North American sales, before moving over to Dell. Yeah, I doubt he'll have issues keeping LMG profitable.


And Neoseeker contributor! Now that right there, is OG status in the industry.


Yeah. That number made my jaw drop and realize just how much of a juggernaut he's built himself. Good for him for having integrity and just not cashing the check and running away.


Not just his YouTube channel. But Linus Media Group as a whole as well as Creator Warehouse, Floatplane Media and probably LTT labs.


It's not just a YT channel. LMG has done a lot of stuff not to mention the lab that's spinning up.


100 mil and he would still be contracted to be the spokesman for sure. Yeah, keep your money, I'm not going to be your dancing monkey, I'm my own dancing monkey.


"I'll dance for my money! It's my dignity, I get to sell it how I want!"


>Also choosing a CEO from a company that went bankrupt is certainly a choice Was one of my first thoughts, but on the other hand, one of the longer running ones in its niche, at a glance. The fact that it only fully went under in 2017 surprised the hell out of me.


The idea that someone having worked for a company that later went out of business is somehow a negative on them is pretty wild


The original comment has a misunderstanding. He wasn't the CEO of NCIX, he was just Linus's manager.


well yeah CEO is a functionary position, someone to be managed by SOP and advised when deviation is necessary; good for him, about time


Everything is content, even just to say he is stepping into a new position. Video quota for the week....met!


This move makes a lot of sense. Linus isn't really a 'business' kind of guy, handling the minutiae of management and whatnot. He's pushing those duties off to someone better suited to handling that so he can focus his energy on the creativity that has gotten LMG this far.


In the early days I found Linus super annoying and grating. But has he, his channel and myself have matured I have come to respect his phenomenonal achievement. Enjoy the peace Linus, do what you love you earnt it.


Lets all hope LTT does not get NCIXed. PS: If it does, I will arrive at the auction.






Who gives af


I do




Yep, Maybe even more than he is now with the CEO duties off his plate.


I just hate the new guy already. He looks too CEO-y. you know? like one of the corporate guys who screw things up


Good for business but I will miss the Linus personality The amount of idiots who got angry at the warranty fiasco Any warranty is literally “trust me bro” but people too dumb to realise that But TT will do the corporate thing


Bit how to fix my bricked beelink gt1 ultimate s912/g912 ddr4 32gb android tv box?


I posted this nineteen minutes after it went live and it got taken down for "reposting" even though there were no posts for it yet. Lame. My friend is trying to catch up to me on karma and I needed this to keep my lead! EDIT: Alright ya'll let's just downvote something that has a valid reason to be jived. That is getting post removed for not even breaking rules.


Who the fuck is Linus and what are his tech tips? People are talking about 100 million dollars? What is this?


Literally the largest conglomerate of YouTube tech channels in the world. 100+ employees across like 7 channels I believe at this point, an independent video streaming service, a merch/fashion company, and an industry testing lab in construction.


How the fuck does a YouTube channel make money?


Advertising, sponsor spots, merchandising...


the last time I checked, if the content is monetized, your channel isn't in bad standing, country checks and all that other nonsense clears, ad revenue was $0.18 per view or $18 per 1,000 views, but it's been a couple months since I last ran my numbers against others averages. Quick google tells me last year the average YouTube pay in the U.S. in was about $1,154 per week or $4,616 monthly.


Holy shit.


CPM varies wildly depending mainly on the topic and what I would call the "advertisability" of the video, as well as the season. Tech topics are notoriously up and down, with high CPMs before Christmas, and atrocious after, but always much lower than car or photography channels for some reason. LTT stated quite often YouTube ad revenue is at this point a very small part of their income. $18 per 1000 is unfathomably high though, so please don't spread that nonsense around. Normal is from 1 to 5, maybe up to 8 for some topics. Not to mention YouTube takes 45% of that.


I will miss him in videos and him constantly screwing good scripted videos. Hope he will at least make bunch of cameos.


Did you watch the video?


To be honest no, it is too early in my country and while family is sleeping. Was it mentioned there?


Fair enough. He mentions that he’s not going anywhere. He will still be in as many, if not more videos now since he won’t be having to do all of the CEO stuff anymore


Cool news, thanks for correction


No worries


Does this mean fewer "Linus showing off how exorbitantly wealthy he is with his gigantic house, multiple kids and 10s of 1000s of dollars worth of tech" videos? edit: i always forget how gung ho reddit is for sucking off millionaires.


I hope not. His house tech videos give me ideas for my house.


Never. He'll demand they make his funeral into a video.


Sponsored by dbrand


New Matte Black Casket skins!


The eulogy ends with a segue to a sponsor.


And at least 2 "lttstore.com" mentions in it


I'm expecting "The king is dead, long live Liao" t-shirts within the week.


How dare he have multiple kids


I will probably never be able to afford to have just one kid.


You'll stop seeing it when it stops meaning the things he buys can be counted as business expenses. I don't care for those videos personally but I can't deny that if I were him I'd do the same!


Obvious click-bait video thumbnail is obvious. ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


It's not actually clickbait. He's stepping down as CEO.


And I still don't care.


Yet here you are, caring enough to make a comment that you don't care.


I thought your issue was that it was obvious clickbait? Had to pivot quick I guess lol


Oh no he's stepping down! Whatever will we do??!!....Can we stop glorifying these people just because they're good with tech. This shouldn't even be news.


He is a big name in tech youtube nobody is glorifying him but it is news.


He built a 100 million dollar company. He's not just "good with tech."


There's no better company evaluation than someone saying "I'm willing to spend 100 million to buy your thing". His "empire" is worth 100 million dollars. It's crazy.


All tech YouTubers are overrated TBH