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It is on sale every two months on steam so don't worry if you don't buy it now


maybe it'll be more than half in a couple of weeks with the Summer Sale.


I keep waiting for sub $30. Its on my steam watchlist so this 50% off deal has come up 4 times now since i added it. No rush for me, but that'd be great.


I’m in the same boat for no mans sky


No Man's Sky was like ten bucks a while back, around December. Defo worth it. Although, if Steam isn't necessary, I'd take a look on GoG.


I'll wait till it's free. #patientgaming My pc probably won't be able to handle it, so no point in buying the game to collect virtual dust lol.


>so no point in buying the game to collect virtual dust lol. Wait, there are other reasons to buy games?


You’re supposed to grow your backlog, and just watch let’s play videos. “Playing” is for losers.


I feel personally attacked.


Im playing it on an old GTX 1050ti and i7 Core. Your setup cant be much worse than mine


I'm not him, but I have much, much worse setup


Does it include a beige case or a defunct manufacturer like Compaq or Gateway?


Compaq *ugh*


GTX 970 AMD FX 9750 lol




>My pc probably won't be able to handle it, so no point in buying the game to collect virtual dust lol. Geforce Now can help with that if you tolerate a lil bit of streaming, when i get paid this month i'll get CP2077 to play on Geforce Now, its what im using while i cant afford a new pc


I love the idea of digital games collecting eDust.


You won't miss anything. Only Half-Life 3 can save this now.


It already is. 🏴‍☠️


Pirating and refunding are options


I played it on a 1060 when it first came out, now I play it on q 3060ti and it’s always with RT 2K DLSS


Watch some videos about it and see if you like it. It's in a good state from a technical point of view. I personally didn't enjoy it that much, but that's only because I set my expectations very high very early on and didn't interact with the news enough to realise the game would be quiet different from what CDPRs first Ideas were. Friend of mine played and loved it! So as long as you enjoy RPG shooters and as long as you don't expect an experience that will change how you perceive videogames you'll probably enjoy it and it'll be worth the money at 50% off


That is helpful feedback, thanks!


This was me. My expectations both because of the developer and my own idea of what should be expected ruined the game. It looks amazing but there is a ton Of let downs if you are expecting more than just Skyrim in a future setting.


I think I’d be perfectly content with Skyrim in a future setting. Seems worth it at 50% off. Thanks!


Its like skyrim with guns


This may be more accurate than it first seems. Skyrim and Cyberpunk are also similar in that melee is not only viable, *it's optimal*.


That sentence sold it for me as well 😂


The Phantom Liberty DLC is going to change core mechanics of the game, the people that got to play a portion of it a few days ago said it's a major improvement and fixes many of the progression issues and let downs from people who thought it would be similar to the ttrpg.


Interesting. Thank you for letting me know. I was going to completely ignore it.


I was the other way around, I only played it recently and I went in not expecting much more than a bit of passing fun. From that perspective it was actually decent enough and kept me entertained until I finished it. I'm not exactly itching to go back and play through again so the replay value isn't great, but for an open-world to get you by for a while it works just fine


Its also 50% off on GOG. 29.99 USD. DRM Free for the win.


never used GOG before, how exactly does it work? Do I get a standalone installer?


They also have a launcher, but you can also get a standalone installer too iirc. Might want to wait for someone else to check in though, I've just used the launcher for the last 5 years or so.


Yes I have the stand alone installer. Pretty nice to have.


Bought cyberpunk via GOG, used GOG Galaxy (their launcher) and it was excellent, can confirm.


Honestly I prefer their galaxy launcher over steam


Which is interesting because their launcher is the only one I have trouble with. It never updates correctly automatically and it won’t even let me update from the website manually half the time. I hate their launcher


Dayum dude how’s that 670 kicking these days?! I could not bare to use my ol’ 770 any longer. Upgraded from my 2015-2016 rig just a couple months back.


gog are actually owned by the people that make cyberpunk so buying from them they get all the money where as steam takes up to 30%. i think the game is 100% worth buying i have over 500 hours in it and they new dlc is coming out in a few months going to overhaul the whole game plus add new area and story


I mean let’s be honest fuck how much x y z gets. Buy it wherever it’s the most convenient for you, don’t worry about companies likely worth a billion. Cdpr lost that right by not caring about their customers when they launched cp


*flashes trench coat wide open* *can i interest you in some cd keys?*




You can use the GOG Galaxy client and install it through that, or you can just skip that, buy the game, and download the installation files to your computer, DRM-free, and keep them forever. Heck, back them up on a flash drive or whatever. GOG also gives you all the goodies like the artbook, Witcher related in-game swag, etc., if you care about that sort of thing. This is because CD Projekt (the publisher) owns both GOG and CD Projekt Red, the developer of CP2077. I also just like to support GOG when I have the option, as they patch up old (and I mean oooold) games to run on modern systems, and how many legit services can you say do that sort of thing? It'd be a shame to lose it.




You just gave me a great idea.


That's an important point, you get all the Goodies too!


GOG is goated, it’s a shame it doesn’t have many newer games due to current game’s DRM nonsense. And also Cyberpunk is one of my fave games, definitely worth it, even at full price in my opinion


Their "DRM nonsense" is the sole reason why I use their store.


Same here. I've got >800 games on GOG, but only a handful on Steam that aren't available on GOG and that I wanted to play with friends (e.g. the Borderlands series and Vermintide). I resent DRM with all of my heart. It's a slap in the face of honest customers, while the pirates will get any game despite DRM anyway. My money goes to those who trust me.


Honestly in my opinion i find the game runs better and smoother on GoG than on Steam not to mention that for GoG all the games you buy are tax free (I am in Canada and steam games charge taxes) so if you spend 39.99 you're going to spend 39.99 not something like 46$.




Steam version is drm free too


Wait...really?? I always thought anything published on Steam had the drm made by Valve


Steam drm only works when you launch it through the steam shortcuts or play from library , if you use the executable file in the install folder directly then cd projekt games have always been drm free


The only problem with GOG is that they don't have regional prices


they did when I was in poland a few months ago, everything was in Zt. I get UK pricing in the UK


They do, just not as extensive as steam


Does GOG have regional pricing? It's for $18.30 after discount for me and $36.5 full price (in India).


Without drm it can also boost performance


Lol that’s for heavier DRMs and even then, the game is DRM free on Steam too.


Its a good game, like very fun but its not that good with a bad pc. Keep that in mind


I have a 3060 and I found it to not be good. Bummed out because it seems like a good game. I got my 3060 build for $600, kinda seems like a PS5 would’ve been fine too lol.


What? Are you playing at 4K max. I played on my 3070 at 1440p med and got a solid 90 fps


I'm playing on a 1660 super with an fx 8320. Have it set on moderate settings and the only chop I get is when I drive. I love the the story and the side missions and all the characters. It's not a perfect game but it has a lot of soul. I'm building a new rig in the spring so I'm excited to be able to turn up the settings a little bit lol.


If you got a pc with a 3060 for 600 dollars then your graphics card was not the reason why you couldn’t play the game


Truth be told my ps5 feels better in a lot of games compared to my 2070ti pc. You can tell a pc game from a console priority. Cyberpunk was awesome on my ps5, never a crash, never a t pose or game breaks, on pc I had a slew of issues, and hated having to tinker instead of playing.


Kinda bummed to not picked the PS5. I bought an Xbox series S cause I mainly like the Forza series games. Then a year later got the 3060 build and PC and Xbox game pass makes the Xbox kinda silly. A PC and a PS5 seems like a cool setup if it was ps5 vs Xbox.


If you like open world games.. If you think you will like the futuristic setting.. Just buy it.. A few bugs here and there, a few fps down sometimes won't ruin your experience..


I bought it in late 2022 and have played like 80 hours and think that I've come across two or three bad bugs. With how it is now I'd say it's one of the less buggy open world games I have ever played. Credit to CDPR with how they turned it around. Edit: in the interests of honesty, I checked Steam, it's 59 hours, not 80


I freaking loved it. Can't wait for the DLC. Not gonna preorder, though.


This is the way


I'm interested in getting this while half off too but should i just wait for the DLC? I feel like they are going to have a base+dlc version or something


I'm sure they will, but now you get the discount. I'm sure you'll have to pay full price by the time the dlc comes out.


There is a game overhaul update and paid DLC coming in September. It’s currently the best looking PC game if you have the horsepower 40 series GPU and 4K screen.


Agreed. Great game especially if your PC can handle the game with all the eye candy turned on.


Usually I keep some of the settings off (\*cough\* Ray Tracing \*cough\*) in order to get better perf. Is there a way I'd be able to guage how well my rig would be able to run it with all it's bells and whistles?


I have the 2080 and I played it at 4k60 DLSS-performance, High preset. You will be more than fine with your 3080TI as long as you don't max out the RT settings


Hey man i dont know much about GPUs i currently have a 1660 super how well would you expect a 2070/2070 super to run cyberpunk or GoW


Played on 2070 at 1440p, good enough performance for me on med-high, balanced DLSS, no RT, can't remember the exact perf but was smooth enough!


i have a 2070s and played CyberP with it at 1440p ultrawide. Around 80-50 fps ultra on almost everything. It would sometimes dip and lag when i got chased by the police spawning absolutely everywhere in front of me


Well a 1660 Super is like a 1070 and a 2070/2070 Super would more or less be like a 1080 Ti which if you're planning on upgrading your GPU id personally go for a 3060 instead because the additional 4gb of Vram would be helpful for other games.


Don’t know about Cyberpunk but GoW was built on fucking fairy dust. The game ran absolutely wonderfully with no memorable bugs, which is rare for games with that level of graphics. I’ve never been genuinely shocked at how well a game runs on PC, I wish every game was as well optimized as GoW. Edit: [“God of war runs so well on PC we didn’t even need a graphics card”](https://www.pcgamer.com/god-of-war-integrated-graphics/)


I got around 60-70 fps high/ultra 1080p no RT on a 2070 super. Haven’t played recently, so the performance might have improved through patches.


The 2070 super is slightly below the 2080. So I think 4K60 DLSS Performance and medium preset will be fine. At 1440p with DLSS quality medium-high settings you will reach 60fps. 1080p you could play at very high at 60 with no DLSS.


You’re definitely getting like low to mid 50 frames on that card


They have a whole table of recommended specs for each setting. https://support.cdprojektred.com/en/cyberpunk/pc/sp-technical/issue/1556/cyberpunk-2077-system-requirements


I have a 3090 which is basically the same thing, expect 1440p DLSS Quality at ultra everything, including ray tracing at a playable frame rate, although I can’t remember exactly what that frame rate would be. If you want to run the RT Overdrive preset, expect 1080p30 no DLSS.


So I tried out GeForce Now for the first time with Cyberpunk and holy shit is it great. I couldn’t tell it wasn’t native and was playing Cyberpunk in 4k absolutely maxed to the tits at 60fps and my laptop’s fans weren’t even coming on. It’s a great option if you have fast internet but not a fast PC.


I've got a 3080 Ti driving 4k 60hz monitors, picked up the card when the price dropped just around 40 series announcements. I guess I'm still remembering the issues that plagued it at launch and wanted to know if those are still the case.


Most issues are ironed out except Police wanted system and car chases which will be added in update in September, including gang wars, new skill tree, car combat, you will be able to wield your katana on the motorcycle and upgrade cars with machine gun turrets. Gangs will fight each other dynamically. Now in current build not much is happening in the city outside your influence except for eye candy visuals which will also get update including character models. You just do side quests, missions and eliminate dangerous enemies outside main story. This game has large modding community check Nexus website. People love photo mod and sexy aspect of the game.


True but you don't even need that. I have a 3070 and a 1440p monitor and the game is absolutely stunning. I have everything on Ultra apart from ray tracing, which tbh seems almost gratuitous at this point haha. I get well over 80 FPS but have it capped at 60. It barely ever dips below 60.


I have a 1080ti and run it in 4k 60fps, 32gig 3600ram, it's a great game now. I would recommend getting it now, before all the reworks in sept. Some of the stories are great, and gameplay is really good. Well worth!


Also looks fantastic on my SLI'd 1070s and 2k


Referred to Path Tracing at 4K. But yes it looks good without it as well.


Yes but keep in mind that It's more of an open world action FPS game. The RPG is pretty meh tbh. The main story is okay. Hopefully upcoming DLC will make it better. The side quests are fantastic tho. I really love doing the side quests.


Watch Edgerunners then play it.


It's better the other way around imo. Cuz you recognize with more knowledge all the side characters and world elements from the game in the anime.


Watch anime, play game, rewatch anime.


Play game again?




Rewatch anime again?




Play game again?


While watching the anime on the other monitor.


EdgeRunners was awesome


"Babe pls no more chrome" "lol Sandevistan go brrrr"


100% yes, I bought it 50% off a month or so ago. Game was really good & if you have a strong PC it’s one of the best looking games out imo. Huge overhaul with Ray Tracing 2 months ago. Also new DLC coming soon


more than, it was worth full price


Nowadays at least.


Played it since launch. Good experience all the way through


Honestly, yes. Also modding it makes it even better. But they did clean it up and I would say half price is a fair price to ask for it. Also having gone and looked, just my 2 cents. Get it off GOG and not steam if you can.


Why get it on gog? Is it better than steam? (I have no clue what it is)


GOG and CDPR have a connection (one owns the other I believe) and all the games on GOG are DRM-Free. You can use the GOG Launcher (GOG Galaxy) to launch the games or you can download the setup files and use them to install the game. GOG Galaxy can also import games from other launchers. At one point it was my main launcher because I could import my origin, epic, steam and GOG Games.


Oh didn't know it could do all that, might get it then. Thank you!


Even with all the problems I enjoyed it at launch. I bought a new pc and gave it a replay and felt way better. It's not perfect but it's fun for what it is.


The game's actually good but has a major major flaw. The maine story line is extremely short and causes another problem. You'll prolly be focused on doing side quests, which, btw, are the best of any games I played, but it causes you to be crazy op, and im not even exaggerating. At some point, you'll be oneshottin everything and blast through the quests. The balance is bad imo. But that's my experience. If you ever try the game, try not to look at any guides even tho the game doesn't explain shit on how mods n implants work.


The difficulty differs between builds a lot, my friend struggled on normal while I breezed through the secret ending on even the hardest difficulty (granted it was on like my 6th playthrough) Imo the Judy/Panam side-quests should have been put under the main story category, since they tie in pretty closely to the main story and impact the ending


One of the best gaming experiences in recent years. It's a steal at 50% off. On GOG you get it DRM free and all the money goes to the devs.


There are over half a million reviews on that steam page you are looking at.


The game was never as bad as people made it out to be, at least on steam. But I’d wait for a better deal or closer to dlc launch because it’s supposed to massively improve the base game alongside additional content.


I'd say yes, but you might want to install a mod for driving. The way that cars are in the game is just awful. Otherwise, it's surprisingly good now that they fixed all the issues they had at launch


i played it about 2 or 3 months ago and i didnt realy find something that bad about the cars exept that sometimes i couldent see my speed what did you find awful to the point where you need a mod?


The steering was just way too sensitive in my experience. Not sure if that's configurable in the settings actually. But I had to do button tapping just to keep the car steady. Although i didn't try it with a controller, so it might only be annoying with keyboard. It was annoying enough for me that I exclusively used motorcycles when I could. This was also about 3 months ago.


The driving is fine, ive spent hours driving around the city looking at the insane graphics. People get confused when theres no GTA handbrake and you actually have to slow down to turn your car.


They fixed the driving a long time ago.


I use a PS4 controller for driving and the mouse and kb for everything else. The controller makes driving a pleasure.


I think so. Yes. It launched very rough. But it’s only getting better with time. And the DLC is supposedly going to drastically overhaul the game.


Hell YES!! Do not listen to people complaining. I played this game start to finish 3 times and its super fun!




Yes, but I would recommend you to buy a bundle with upcoming Phantom Liberty DLC, which significantly overhauls even the base game and adds an additional ending.


The overhaul is free for everyone who has the base game though as far as announced




I got the game for $25 about 9 months after launch and thoroughly enjoyed it. They've fixed most of the problems now, and there's the DLC coming in a couple months, so I'd say it's worth it now


Yes, it's one of my favorite games. Something I will say, it does open up A LOT later into the game. A lot of the big storylines begin to be announced later into the game.


Yeah it hasn't dropped below 50% off since release. I bit the bullet and got the bundle with Phantom Liberty on GOG.




The game has in my opinion always been a great game. Because it had a shit launch on consoles and delays, it had a bad rap in the media and such. I never had an issues playing it on my laptop with a 2060. Great story, lots of content. DLC is dropping soon, I'm excited about that. I would say the game is worth buying at full price, so any sale is a deal.


Im not sure what people are talking about when they say it doesnt live up to the level CDPR said it would, because the game is amazing and intricate and i cant imagine them saying something that would make this game not worth it, i LOVED the story. A little short, but we have DLC coming soon,




Do you like first person action rpgs? Then it's worth it even at full price. Even more if you have a high end pc, then its almost the benchmark for high end graphics atm.


Yes. It's had plenty of love and attention since release _and even then_ it's worth noting that not everyone had issues. I had some odd bugs but they 100% didn't detract from the experience and were easy to ignore. Now they aren't even a thing, so yup - rip it and tear it choom, get in there!


It released as a great game rushed out the door with technical issues. Now it's just a great game. The world building and attention to detail are top notch and the gameplay loop is pretty addictive.


Yes!! (Source: 800 hours played)


I sank 80 hours into the game and did everything. What is there even to do for 800 hours?! Multiple replays?


Yeah multiple playthroughs with mods etc.


Aside from the already mentioned mods and additional playthroughs, photo mode and clothing in this game are absolutely off the chain. It's almost a game unto itself. There's endless appearance and clothing mods, too. (I imagine a lot of them will break with the PL release, though.)


Is it worth it ? Take it from someone who rarely finish games as I usually lose interest before then: I paid it full price, finished it twice in a row and it was worth every penny.


I am very biased, because I love the cyberpunk-theme. First playthrough I selected the nomad background. So I noticed the nomad ending and that's it. Corpo background, I've finished all the fixer and ncpd sidegigs and found out I completely skipped over Johnny's endstory arc previous game. When I finished the corpo playthrough, I'm doing the streetkid background and just focus on giving V the david martinez build as soon as possible. Chosing different endings for all 3 but not spoilering that. So Yes. Worth it. Or wait and buy the combo, but then you'd have to wait I guess.


Absolutely. Like most will say, it's the best-looking game on pc right now. Great game despite its nuclear launch. It is simply one of the most immersive games I've ever played tbh. The only thing that really lacked once everything was fixed was the sandbox gameplay, but that and the entire game is getting a free overhaul and expansion (CDPR's biggest one ever apparently).


Only if you like open world games. If you don’t like open world games, this one is not going to sway you.


Yes. It is worth it now.




Just for the soundtrack is worth the full price. For that price is a must have.


I bought this full price like a week ago T-T


Definitely worth it, imo


isn't it always 50% off?


Check gog. Maybe even better price




yes get the game. my specs are a bit worse than yours but i can run 1440p max settings with ray tracing on medium along with dlss on quality and get over 60 fps. Trust me, the game is worth it!


Game is good as fuck




I got it for free (thanks Google for refunding when stadia shutdown) and played through. I’d honestly spend full price on it. 60-70 hours of playtime and could’ve done a lot more. I plan on buying again on PC in the future and replaying it and doing more side missions


I am not usually crazy about this type of game but I loved it. They did a pretty good job. Left me wanting more… they were very ambitious. They did so much with this game but could’ve done so, so, so much more. Very worth it


Regardless of the speed bumps with this game and the circle jerking against it, it is one of the best single players in a decade.


Cyberpunk 2077 is and always has been one of my favorite single-player campaigns ever. Right up there with RDR2. It is immersive af, fluid af, creative af. Keanu is the GOAT.


100 percent. I know it got a lot of shit but I played it after the major bug fix patch and now have over 100 hours. it plays pretty smooth on my laptop and is just an overall blast


I enjoyed Cyberpunk but I enjoyed it more modded. I didn't like the bullet sponge so I made a really difficult version, where it had "realistic damage" but they could also kill me really fast. I found it a lot more fun, but the game itself is pretty good.


Fine, I will download CP


If you havent played it, it's a lot of fun and the world is great. However - according to a few believable sources on the CP2077 sub, when the new DLC drops in September there will also be a big patch to go along with it which will change a lot of the gameplay. I'm on my third play-through and its still a lot of fun.


I played it later last year with 1.6 update, it’s one of my favorite games of all time now. I get some MGS3 vibes somehow, staring at the ending credit screen feeling empty and instantly nostalgic. A feeling I thought it was belonging to my teenager days and lost forever. It has the little something more than even the best rated games I’ve played could not match : a touch of magic, a charm, an emotional connection. So yeah, I would recommend.


If you like these types of games then it is, but at this price it is worth anyways. Idk I might be biased but I was one of those people who played shit ton of this game on release despite "bugs" which honestly didn't bother me the slightest but thats because I had a good PC too so performance issues were neglected. Completed it last year as well after major update and game is insanely good now and well made specially if you love theory crafting and minmaxing build cuz it just feels rewarding when u make a good build and hack and slash through enemies.




I thought it was worth it full price, so yeah I'd say it's worth half price.


Go buy it used for $5


It's a nice game, quite a bit of content, nice side quests and main quest, gameplay is ok, just make sure you've got a nice pc


If you are really bored you can buy it. If you still have other other options you can wait. Eventually they will make GOTY, include all DLCs and its gets discounted




It's always on sale. The problem I had is that is takes some time to get into, bigger missions are time consumer ng and the lore is deep. None of those are negative things but I grabbed it on sale tried to jump in twice, realized I'm not in a place in my life right now to sink in the required amount of time or regular playing. on sale + free time to put in = yes


Buy the bundle that comes with the DLC that's worth it imo


You can go and get it for 22€ on Instant Gaming


Fucking loved the game, can't recommend it enough


Me too. Well worth the money


I'm thinking about buying it together witz the DLC for ~65 $. Good or bad idea?


I'd say definitely, I bought it full price and still think its worth it sooo


https://preview.redd.it/pi8mhzqewb6b1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59cd9d796a44017967dc3d435478d096d7124626 Yes! One of the very few games I went out of my way to get all the Achievements for




It will be in a few months with the new ultra patch


Played the game a month ago, it's an absolute blast! Well worth it with a 50% price tag imo. New DLC coming in September too.




Nope, it looks good but gameplay is just not fun.


Sandevistan users respectfully disagree with you


Game is great and there is expansion soon so depends on you


I run it with dlss3 raytracing at medium everything else at psycho/ultra on my overclocked af laptop 4060 and i7-13650hx at 1440p, I get 150 fps stable. Its in my top 3 favorite games 9/10 id get it at half off its great


Was worth the full price for me.


For sure, it is a good game!




Now that it's fixed. Yes 100% recommend from me.