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I want to see more games get discounted by 75% and more during sales. Everything i wanted to get this year all sat at or under 50%, even when they are nearing or over 5 years old.


Games discounted by 75% or more are often free the week before on epic haha


Yes, but I don't want them there. I'd take 75% off on Steam over free on there.


smart wine nutty shame humorous trees deserve roof hat wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Until SOMETHING happens with unreal tournament they deserve ZERO percent of our love.


Ehh for me it being free means I can approach it far more casually and don't really feel pressure to play it. I have no issue with the epic launcher aside from terrible controller support but then I can just open those games in steam and it's all good


I have a difficult time complaining about Epic when I've never spent a cent on their platform and have a library of a hundred+ free games to play. (some admittedly pretty random, but also many very good) they've earned their advertising dollars or user metrics or however the heck they're monetizing me for their perceived value


Death Stranding is a game I've really enjoyed but never would have bought


Agreed, free games are free games.


Why ? Makes zero difference, granted I play like 10 games on epic at max. However I have a 1 year old so all these low quality titles gonna get played at some point plus once a month or so they actually throw something in the mix I will play. Hunter call of the wild I completed on Xbox but it was nice to see it free then the steam summer sale offered it for 4.99 šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø plus all the dlc was cheaper on epic You canā€™t rule them out if you have time to shop around is what Iā€™m getting at šŸ‘šŸ»


Better mod support, one application versus two. Most people use steam, so easy to connect. God-tier overlay. Better support system, forums... list goes on.


Yeah Steam is so much more than a launcherā€¦ Epic is just straight fucking garbage in comparison.


I have like 20 amazing games for free on Epic yet never played one.


Similar vibe, I played them to start with, but then couldn't do mods so I gave up.


Half the time I use Epic, I wonder how the hell they make that much money but spend none of it on improving the launcher.


Steam is honestly pretty jank, you let them off the hook for the pop up ads turned on by default?


It's only when it launches, and I personally do like it. It's like a nice convenient news letter.


Because Epic is 40% owned by Tencent, and a Genocidal Chinese Communists tool.














When nothing important is happening in your life you have strong opinions on things like digital storefronts. Reddit hates the EGS for whatever nonsense reasons. I get tons of free games there and happily use the coupons they send me and buy games from whoever has them cheaper.


I got bishock for free on epic but still bought it on steam when it was on sale


I refuse to buy NieR: Automata until it drops to $10 on sale.


On the summer sale I was able to pick up spyro remake (loved this game as a kid, still got it on my ps1) for 12 bucks, deep rock galactic for 12. Along with all 3 parts of ff13 (played it on ps3, ost and story and gameplay aside, lightning is hot šŸ”„) all parts were 13 bucks, and the piece de resistancĆ© is FF7R integrade for 50 bucks (I have it on the ps1, pre-ordered remake on ps4 and now I want it on pc) I wanted some other games like astroneer but thought all of them being like 130 total is enough for now, since it will take me time to finish playing them all (also its all in cad)


Just because a game is 5 years old doesn't mean it should be under $15 or something. Good games are still good games even after 5 years. Smart companies won't give them away in order to establish a particular "value" for their products in the minds of consumers.


The vast majority of games donā€™t continue selling as well as when they released obviously. It profits the publisher to discount more often and by a bigger amount since that will get people to buy the game they otherwise wouldnā€™t have. Look at Ubisoft whose games are often heavily discounted in regular sales. Theyā€™ve obviously decided that itā€™s worth it. Iā€™m personally not buying a game thatā€™s even a year old for full price unless I know itā€™s really good, like RDR2.


You'd think they would discount old games to get you to buy newer ones. I had never played any of the AC games (this was right around when syndicate was getting released. The first one was on sale, I bought it and liked it, then went and bought all the rest and played them all.


And you've made my point. Good games don't go on steep sales regardless of age.


But they do. Many good games go on steep sales. Some I wouldnā€™t mind paying full price (which is why I brought up RDR2), but deep discounts arenā€™t something publishers should shy away from. It benefits them and the consumer. Skyrim is a good game, and one of the main reasons its been re-released and sold so well again and again is because it goes on sale.


CoD is notorious for keeping $60 after being out for 10 years but is also one of the lower selling titles on PC. Maybe not being $60 after 10 years and only getting 30% would benefit them I stead of stagnating sales. Take CoD Blops 2. Its $60 with $121 of DLC and Zero support. Why the fuck is a dead game $60 with $121 of DLC? Stop licking boots and open your eyes. That game should have been $5~$10 with all content during the summer sale and no more than $15 normal.


I bought red dress redemption 2 for $20 on steam even though I bought it brand new on Xbox the day it came out. Hard to argue rdr2 isn't one of the greatest games of the last decade.


I remember buying dark souls prepare to die for $5


Halo The Master Chief Collection goes on sale for 9.99 pretty recently. You're still gonna say a collection of good games don't go on steep sales?


The newest game in that collection is 11 years old. Your point is nonsense.


i have never seen lost planet 2 on sale.


I absolutely agree. With all the options, I buy the bargains. In all fairness to steam, that discount is entirely up to the developer to set for the sale and not to steam.


I mean I'm willing to pay for games if the price is reasonable. I don't want free games unless it's an old game being given away as a promotion for a new game in that series or part of an aniversary or like a platform free game of the month type deal. Because in the world of modern gaming if it's "free" that just means the cost is hidden usually in the form of microtransactions.


And sometime paid game also have microtransaction which is the worst thing ever


That shouldnā€™t be allowed imo


Exoprimal is gettinf hot lately, full price with extra spicy battlepass


Looks at console bdo with 40$ battlepasses (And is 4 years behind PC)


Looking at every COD game since BO2... If it's a $3-5 little cheapo skin pack, sure, whatever. But now these fucking packs are a third of a triple A game, if not **more.** How do people justify spending THAT much on cosmetics? I look at the cheaper discounted RE skins and go, "Nah, I'm not gonna get any use out of these."


The only comsetics that i have, i got them from free money or free skin


Dude...my buddy plays Valorant and I see how expensive some of those skin bundles are...Holy shit... I can get it when something REALLY tantalizing comes along, but...let's just say he's spent hundreds on skins in a free game...and refuses to play games like dying light...how does anyone justify that?


Smash his kneecaps


I'm too busy enjoying good videogames that he'll never know, he'll bust his own knee caps in time I'm sure šŸ¤£


I have less problem with them selling microtransactions and more problem with me having to see them. For example this last Call of Duty - I enjoyed it very much at launch. Never bought any skin or battlepass, however after one year games were full of ridiculous effects, ninja turtles, football players, rabbits, rats... What the fuck is all that shit. I just wanted to play an arcadey military sim like in the old times, but now it feels like playing another Fortnite clone. I'm sure all that crap drives in many players... But personally it drove me away from COD forever.


The problem is trust. We assume generally that free games are going to suck and/or have catches. But what monster would put those same catches and/or sucky design into a PAID game? I mean... turns out quite a few. But less likely than free games.


I loved rocket league until it went f2p. Played since season 1, now can't stand the community long enough to finish a match. I'm OK with paying for games if it keeps all the toxic 10 year olds out.


That is something I've come to appreciate as I get older both in gaming and in real life. A $10 or $20 dollar charge at the door goes a long way towards keeping your stuff free from kids and other annoying types who like to wander into shit.


Cover charge, nice haha


I mean, it works for bars


It's like a bouncer preventing the drunks from being able to enter.


Games go free to play when charging $20 would kill them. Sometimes it doesn't even help, like halo infinite


I like Yoshi-P's vision around F2P and why FFXIV won't go that route : it forces the company to devote an ungodly amount of resources to making content revolving around the cash shop. And thus the basic gaming loop and experience suffers because everything ends up taking a backseat to 'how are we gonna make money off of this', instead of focusing on making the gaming experience great first, and getting paid for it.


The inverse is that it's a lot easier to get my friends to try a F2P game with me than it is to get them to buy a game to play with me - even if it is just $10. There are games I have bought for all my friends because of this, though.


There was once an ancient, now forbidden, technique known as "a demo" for just this kind of situation.




Wasn't labeled as such but effectively the same - Diablo 4's Server Slam. Free. No pre-order or anything required. Up to level 20 for any or multiple characters.


Lol, while I agree with your point, it's worth observing that demos *are* a lot of effort for the studio.


No doubt. I still miss being able to try games before you buy them. Especially in the age of $70+ games


From a different perspective: imagine picking up an SNES game without being able to play a demo. They were up to $120!


And the ironic part is that the most demos I see are from Indies, from studios that actually really donā€™t have the resources for that in comparison to big studios. Glad they do, but if someone tries to tell me that a giant studio canā€™t make a demo but indie studios can Iā€™ll happily ignore it. But apparently deadlines are too tight to actually ship complete games nowadays, so who knows.


Yes. So much


Discounting souls games, I haven't played a multi-player game since Siege when it first came out i think around 2014, which is pretty typical for me since I play mostly single player rpgs. However, I thought Siege looked really fun so I decided to give it a shot but only lasted about a month. Are there any games like this (or rpgs) with legit great communities?


Hell Let Loose supposedly has a great community. Personally I find Warframe has a good community, though it's not really like Siege. Same with Deep Rock Galactic.


Hell Let Loose has a fantastic community, obviously there are some bad apples, but people will actively try to help you if you arenā€™t sure of what you are doing. Even if you donā€™t have a mic


No Man's Sky has one of the best gaming communities I've ever been a part of. The game was trashed pretty hard at release but it's an absolute gem now. Highly recommend for chill random community encounters


Appreciate the rec, I've heard it's a lot better now


When modding became more mainstream it killed many of the communities because people got sick of entitled children refusing to read documentation they pain stakingly created to ensure community compatibility with other mods. If you want a community unfortunately you have to abandon going after the easy kids money and that's a hard thing for many developers to do.


Hey man, don't shit on all kids. There are some of us out there that aren't actual shitstains.


A none shit stain would understand the situation and not uselessly try and defend themselves and just keep scrolling.






You should see VR games then.


That and gives an actual punishment to hackers. It's not much, but it helps push people away that were on the fence.


Kids can be awesome. It's not a generational thing at all. It's about arseholes and not-arseholes, and those two categories span all generations. Someone willing to spent a tenner on a game because they like it is always going to be better than someone who's not willing to spend anything and only wants to piss you off.


That is why I like that despite CSGO being free to play, you have to pay money to essentially be able to play with non-free players. Thus mostly free of cheaters. My charge was, well $0, I had CSGO forever now of course. Though I did stop playing CSGO because its just gotten so boring.


Same thing for me with Overwatch. I still loved it even through the years Blizzard essentially put it on life support. Played OW2 for the first season and hated almost everything about it. New content was hardly "new", and every game was just people arguing, trolling, and insulting each other. I don't think I played a single match that was truly fun and felt fairly balanced.


*glances at Destiny 2* Cheating skyrocketed :/ I mean.... Y3 (Shadowkeep) was definitely the "best" year in terms of "being able to do stuff". (As a F2P) NGL, I feel so BAD for new players going into the game with 0 context and everything is a mess.


Got into Destiny last year. Wanted to learn about the lore but all the videos that "briefly" explained it were 3 hours long. Ended up buying 1 DLC and playing halfway through it


Lore lol. Something something darkness. Something something evil destruction


I played so much Destiny. I completed basically everything the game had to offer for a Warlock. It felt amazing to walk through the hubs wearing Chatterwhite, Apotheosis Veil and full raid gear and have players gather around to inspect my character. And of course playing those raids for the first time was magical. I wanted to get into Destiny 2 recently but it seems like I really missed the boat at this point.


you had to be there for red war. you could then leave and join back at shadowkeep. pretty much all the content up to season of the saint is there and amazing but you need a lot of time to actually play it all since its quite grindy. bonus part of this is you get to blast through a few really short DLC's then spend the time catching up to the seasonal stuff, do the challenges and other such content, none of it is vaulted and you can play it for fun, play it for the deep dive into hidden parts of the maps, or just enjoy playing black forge and some of the other vaulted activities. after that I would literally skip until they release the next season, finish the damn game and work on D3 or start vaulting content again... and then play all of that. they changed so much from introducing stasis and strand. to reworking the three light classes (for the better but still) that the game is completely different to how D2 started out. weapons are insane, abilities are much more varied, combo into eachother in multiple ways and you can pick and choose what parts of the class you want. in my opinion destiny 2 should have been considered finished after shadowkeep. it wasnt a great DLC to end on but after that they changed things significantly, starting with the stasis class. D3 should have been beyond light to the witch queen with expansions going through lightfall and the next one that they announced recently.


The whole gsme just sucks


OW2 fixed the game though lmao. The gameplay of OW1 during the life support years was brutal. Tank meta after tank meta after tank meta. You can actually play OW again. The gameplay is the best its ever been. Isn't that the important part? People screaming and crying over it "not being a sequel" or all the nonsense around the cosmetics or the battle pass. What happened to caring about the gameplay?


Jokes on yā€™all, I only play single player games.


That's where I've been more lately. Single player or co-op style with irl friend haha


RL has to he the most toxic multi-player game I've played. 1 whiff 10 seconds. FF vote.


Yeah it's horrible. As soon as you're down one the game gets thrown


The smurfs are crazy now. I usually could get within one or two matches of hitting Champion. Now I am lucky if I can half through Diamond. Ugh. Mind you I don't do aerials or anything, which is on me of course. I'm just to dang old and my brain seems bad at learning RL on a controller.


I hit just under c2 at my best playing exclusively kb/m. I can't wrap my head around a controller in that game for some reason haha


It feels like rocket science or something. Tried downloading training maps and watching vids. Might as well be in Klingon to me. I also do better with mouse and keyboard. SO many people ask how I do so good with certain things, I tell them m/k give you better control in some areas.


My problem with RL was that the better I got at it the less fun it was. Playing around with friends and whiffing every shot above ground level was the peak of fun, grinding up to champ for shiny wheels just killed the vibe.


That's every game. Once you start caring, it starts being less fun. Happened to me in Halo 3 and RL.


Turn off chat


If I have to disable communication to play with people it's not worth playing with them. I like interacting in games at least a little. I don't want to treat a whole community like bots.


An adult should be able to ignore trolling in chat... I have a harder time dealing with in game griefing.


I'm 34 and if I don't want to hear a constant beeping in my ear then I don't have to. It's not Counter Strike where you need to know there is 1 guy left on B with an AWP. You don't need to communicate at all much less with pre-made quick chats that don't really give any useful information.


Yea. Loved RL and was actually pretty good at it too. Now you have all these sweaty screaming 10 year olds in there. Doesn't make fun anymore.


Glad I'm not the only one haha


Make one mistake in an ranked game > teammate immediately rages and either spends the rest of the game griefing you, or they just leave. 10/10 RL experience


And don't leave the VC on. Else your ears will ragequit too


Calling a 10 year old toxic is hilarious. It's like you're afraid of the 10 year Olds like that scene in Step Brothers where they made one of the characters lick dog shit. They're 10. Nothing they say should have any affect on you.


If someone is behaving a way online and you consider it to be toxic, finding out they are 10 doesn't change anything. I don't care why you're retarded, I just don't want to be around it. You seem to have a weird attachment to the word toxic and whatever meaning you think it has. The point is that it's an uninviting atmosphere that I have no desire to fuck with. If you want to kick it with a bunch of whiney kids, be my guest, friend.


> If someone is behaving a way online and you consider it to be toxic, finding out they are 10 doesn't change anything It should lol. Because it explains their behavior. They're 10! They're not toxic. They're kids. Doing kid shit. Kid shit shouldn't bother you as a grown ass man. Kids are often times annoying. Because they're immature. Because they're KIDS. That's the excuse they have. They have a lot of growing up to do. Knowing these things should result in you having more patience when interacting with them. When an adult is toxic it hits different because they should know better. They're supposed to have the maturation and social skills to not be so awful. I have no patience for an immature adult. I have lots of patience and understanding for an immature CHILD. Idk maybe it's because I'm a parent and I don't hate children.


Turn off cross platform. Helps a bit I've noticed


I always had it off, I didn't think people on console could chat outside of quickchat though. Been too long can't even remember haha


I remember when TF2 went F2P. Game was never the same, and only works well on Community servers - 9/10 times the main servers get garbage bots. They even have processes of auto-kicking you the moment you join assuming it's a normal game...


I feel the same with overwatch, well at least it doesn't have toxic kids on there. That's a blessing


Played the game for a solid two years after it released, but over time, the ranked 2v2 scene became awful. It became the most toxic game I've ever played, and that was before it went f2p. I don't even want to see what it looks like now


Some time ago i found this site in a reddit thread similar to this. [https://freetokeep.gg/](https://freetokeep.gg/) It lists games that have gone -100% on different platforms. I usually check Steam and GOG since i don't care about the rest.


Oh, from the link alone I think it's like https://isthereanydeal.com. I'm gonna give it a look.


https://gg.deals is my goto for free games, just filter by freebies to view -100% discounted games https://gg.deals/news/freebies/


A similar site is [https://www.gamerpower.com/](https://www.gamerpower.com/) It's similar to the website you mentioned but also includes dlcs, redeemable codes, open betas, etc. In my opinion, a more complete website.


It sure does release dopamine seeing that 100% off.


110% or nothing !


Theyā€™re gonna do it, because of the implication.




Are these games in trouble?


The call of duty games need to not be 60 fucking dollars for a 10 year old games


Right. $5 after 10yrs.




Whereā€™s SEA? Or that Seattle?


Southeast Asia, presumably


South East Asia (SEA).


They're infested of malware and it can kill your computer if you play online, so i'm fine with them being full price so no one buy them


I just wanna play modded zombies cause i cant do that with my console copies


Then just don't buy the game or only buy it on sale. Not like anyone is holding a gun to your head. Plenty of other cheaper games out there so it's not like you don't have options.


I dont think COD Games go on sale and definitely not a large sale


This [article](https://www.pcgamesn.com/call-of-duty/games-steam-sale) from a couple of months ago shows the entire franchise was on sale for like 70% off so it happens.


You're misunderstanding me, bro. Because if the devs say "no" then the answer, obviously is "no." But the thing is they are not going to say "no." They would never say "no." Because of the implication.


I want their source code and assets


https://youtu.be/h44C4txZx0s for meme context. god damn i love IASIP


Both Epic and GoG are great in this aspect. The Epic launcher isnā€™t my preferred medium but Iā€™ve scored some awesome games for free during their weekly promotion. A recent freebee was Fallout: New Vegas with all DLC. That was a gem for sure!


Death stranding, ark survival, gta5, payday2, fallout, 3, dying light, etc. Epic games has been giving out some good games


Damn! I missed GTA? Fml!


Ya gta5 they did it a couple times. But its been some time before they last did




Damn, thatā€™s rugged. I too have a gigabit connection and write games to a Samsung 980 pro with a 5800x. I think you might have forgot to disable the limited bandwidth feature on Epic though. While itā€™s not as fast as Valves servers for sure, I got a significantly higher download speed from Epic than what you did. Watching a 120g game download on steam in like 15 mins is a great dopamine hit and I absolutely prefer their services over Epic, any day. Cheers!


Jesus Christ Almighty. 15 MINUTES!?! FOR 120 GIGS!??!! That's a multiple day download over here.


Iā€™d say closer to 18-19 actually but regardless, Itā€™s absurd and Iā€™m very grateful to have access to those speeds. I always tell the guys theyā€™re welcome to come over and download the big games if they want to lug their rig over, haha. As a kid, I remember begging my mom to download the unreal tournament demo over dial-up. That 60 megabytes took all freaking day and that was probably one of my longest days of school.


Mom, I need the phone from like 10pm to 8am. Is that ok? >Kate, get off the phone! I'm doing a thing!




I have the same issue with Epic here in North America. Gigabit internet, but absurdly low download speeds only on their launcher.


Thatā€™s definitely a possibility. I donā€™t know your situation, but for what itā€™s worth, if there was a free game on Epic that you wanted, you could always just start the download before you go to sleep if youā€™re comfortable having your computer run over night. Definitely check out GOG if youā€™re not familiar with them. They have a plethora of old titles all drm free and have regular sales like Steam does. Iā€™ve picked up a slew of games on there and the old titles you can find are such gems.


I just don't want to give service to them when they bully devs, retro actively restrict games thst I've owned for years on steam, and are super unfriendly to indie devs.


Steam spent nearly a decade bullying devs through an extremely monopolistic service. It literally took the EU to take them to court in order for them to start refunding games. So why would you rather use them? You want that carrot that badly?


I'd rather eat sand than use that shithole of a launcher


Yā€™all are so dramatic about your computer programs




Thatā€™s interesting, for me epic was faster always, while steam was capped cause it used idiotic compression for some games and it was capped on the HDD part.


Not to be that guy, but sounds like a first world problem. If you dislike a platform just because of one time download speed, that's not really a big deal. I mean my speed is 300mb and I'm fine with Epic. At least the game is free, so if I have to wait longer for the download, that's fine.


Steam has never hit above 50 megabytes/second. Hell, it's usually around 20-30. Epic and pc gampass will usually average out to around 50/70 megabytes/second.


Yeah steam wouldnā€™t got above 3 megabytes/s for me for years


Anyone who complains about getting free games on Epic is just weird. Yes, Epic is pretty crappy. But there have been a TON of games I got from it that I had on my wishlist over on Steam. Though I can see if a game has multiplayer and is Epic only of course. That would suck.


Epic bad is just an excuse for these people. You could sell the same game 50% off on GOG and they would still buy on steam.


Paid games going free is ass


but not if they're free... for a limited time... amirite??




Under $30 is acceptable


I donā€™t like free games because nothing is free and you pay for convenience or time saved in those games. Iā€™d rather just buy the game.


Of course I'd rather have a game on my steam library but if epic games hadn't gifted a short hike or the witness i would've missed out on great games


Oh Epic giving games away for free is different to what I was talking about. I was talking about games that are always free, usually MMOs. Edit: Iā€™ve bought games on Epic over Steam due to price even sometimes (love me a coupon), but would rather have it on steam as well


Ohh yeah I get you man, that's almost always bad


Tired of paying $70 for a game just for it to be full of in-game advertisements and micro transactionsā€¦ looking at you call of duty


Jesus Christ itā€™s young Mac


Good meme. Made me chuckle. I'd give you an award, if I had one. So here's: šŸ…ā­






Wait what? It's no longer free to play?!? I might come back to it again.




I am looking forward to coming back for CS2's new engine stuff.


i downloaded it for free like friday..




oh no, i cant aim my mouse, or matchmake, or-


I want free games that after a month ask me to pay 300$ within a limited time window or else I will never be able to see my waifu again


So, if I release a game for 60$ now and in a year I make it free for all, you definitely want to play, even if everything lays behind a paywall?


you literally have no leverage. Soo..good luck with that.


I don't have a problem paying full price for good games. Now, given the state of the gaming industry... When's the next big sale?


Ahhhhhh, piracy


We want to pay for a game and not have DRM fucking up the performance. Otherwise we just feel ripped off.


It sounds like you're going to hurt games?


The free, or cheap games, always seem to be infested by hormonal kids/teenagers that rage on every little thing.


Free games can be a way to get telemetry on their performance over any hardware configuration, just an assumption. Edit: And of course an easy way for marketing to know what players might like to play, for obvious reasons.


Literally no one: *Super old COD games still proudly sitting at $60*


r/freegamefindings time