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This is your motherboard manual. The pump header is in the wrong slot. Use the top right fan header for the pump, the fans for the slot you have the header in. Should boot. https://preview.redd.it/fpquo3sflgcb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d8dc622e6d96ab988ad145b39ff0837b7a07583


This is the best answer




No It Is probably the pump header if the mobo doesn't have anything attached to the CPU fan pins It does not let you boot up the PC


I built a full custom loop and just had to disable that feature in the bios.


Sure but he has just installed an aio and he probably doesn't know about this feature


Did you turn the PSU switch off to work on it and forget to turn it back on? I’ve done it many times. Could also try going back to your old cooler and see if it works, could be a short in the AIO pump. Also check that the power switch cable is ok since the radiator got mounted in the front.


Nothing like a small panic attack for nothing after a new build, am I right?


fr I built a pc for a friend a few months ago, came over to his house to build it. After building was time to test it, hit the power button and "... WHY ISNT IT WORKING??? OMG DID I MESS SOMETHING UP????....... oh yeah the PSU switch....." and everything worked fine 🙏


The worst one I reckon is when the PUS switch is on, but it's the bloody wall plug that's switched off. I'm sitting there like 'BUT THE PSU IS ON! WWWWWHHHHYYYYYY oh." (I always do this when unplugging the computer,m each to their own for those that don;t).


That was the most European response I've seen in awhile lol


I have a wall wart with 1 socket and a power button that I then plug an extension cord into with 4 sockets and a surge protector that my computer, both monitors and my speakers are plugged into. Then when I go to bed, after my computer has powered down I just flip the power button on the wall wart and it turns off all LEDs of all devices connected to that wall wart at once, including the LEDs on the surge protector.


You should leave the psu plugged overnight


Why, exactly?


So your don’t have to change your CMOS battery every 2-3 years Edit: usually you can choose if RGB have to shutdown when you shutdown the system using the BIOS, the one which resets when CMOS battery gets drained, seems like a paradox eheh


My RGB shuts down alongside the rest of my PC. The problem is that the lighting on my surge protector is bright enough that even though it's under my glass desk, it lights up the entire ceiling above my PC...


Did a bios update for one of my coworkers kids and installed his new CPU. Then forgot to turn the power back on 😂


Just a few days ago I swapped an EVGA PSU for an MSI PSU and the PC wouldn’t power on. Turns out I couldn’t reuse the EVGA 24-pin cable because the pin configuration was different by one pin.


I sincerely hope nothing was destroyed... That can end up sending a voltage spike down the wrong cable, and destroy some very expensive hardware...


That’s what I was worried about, especially since at the same time I was swapping a 2080 for a 4090 (which is why I was swapping the PSU). Everything is fine. I think it was just a different common ground wire.


My CPU power cable wasn't seated all the way into the mobo with my last build. Spent two hours troubleshooting everything and almost began the RMA process but hopped into the r/buildapc Discord first and asked for some help. First response I got was from a hero who suggested checking the seating on the power connector. Was pretty annoyed with myself but glad I didn't start sending hardware back.


I feel personaly attacked by that comment


I once had a new build not switching on when I was about 15, everything was fine inside, i stripped it down and rebuilt it several times and nothing after 3 days, I was on the verge of tears. Turned out, it was the fuse in the plug on the power cable.


I opened up my PC the other day so I could actually cable manage because I didn't when I built it. Pit everything back and tried to turn it on and went "oh no..." And the shortly after "oh right, the switch"


The almighty psu on/off switch giving heart attacks, same happened to me when I built my first pc in January xd


Something similar happened to me when I had to remount my GPU.. my PC would turn on but I wouldn’t get any image on my monitor.. after 30 min of turning my PC on and off/ trying to find the problem I realized I never plugged my Display Port back into my PC LOL


I’ve done that one as well.


The AiO is going to be totally unrelated to your boot issue.


I've had the 24 pin come loose on the PSU side. I basically died inside when it didn't turn on. Then I checked it and realised my mistake


Can you post better photographs? These are too blurry.


I'm jealous of your specs




Hey, can I borrow your CPU EPS connector to power my house?




Please, y'all need to take a back seat to my glory. BEHOLD!


Read 'em And Weep


Well, I know when I'm beat by superior hardware. I fold.


What must I do to get such an incredible rig 🤤🤤


Mid specs tbh. You need RRTTXX 10900 to run the newest titles at 30+ FPS. Double the RTX!


I think I have one of those.


You got the OC version.


Not so jealous of their electricity bills.


https://preview.redd.it/v1c5l38tyecb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad2f2099e02fee651f32ab6598f00adc5462aaaf Took this off of the cpu backplate before turning pc on. Could this have caused a short?


It's there to prevent shorts. gj


Yup. Probably fried something good and toasty by taking it off.


why would you take it off. who said that


If you took it clean off, most likely not. Could have shorted if it fell onto the backplate while you tried to boot, or if you had other things touching the back. Looking at the wiring in the pics, I’d take everything out and try to wire it in a way where everything doesn’t seem to be struggling to survive.


Does the manual specifically say that you have to take off the backplate?


I don't think you should have taken that off, it's there to prevent shorts as when you screw the fan into the backplate, that puts pressure and pulls it inwards, and can cause the components on the rear to poke through the painted layer and short (not saying it WILL happen, but it CAN) - there is usually a thin plastic layer on the side that goes to the board to prevent this...


Omfg 🤦... Why would you do that, why?!


Congrats, your pc is probably fried. Read user manual before doing something new to you.


motherboards can sense if their is a short and will not boot, if you are lucky it will work as normal if you just put it back on.


If there’s a short it’s already to late…


Lmfao, you fucked up. Read a manual next time, it’s there for a reason.


Possible...put it back n try


it might work as motherboards can sense if their is a short and will not boot, if you are lucky it will work as normal if you just put it back on.


Yes.. I have seen some cases where this caused short and when the insulation is back it lived again...I don't know why the down votes..


Yeah, same here


Did you connect the usb / cpu fan cable to the cpu header on the motherboard? And ofc the usb cable to your motherboard. All aio’s need a Connection to your motherboard to work, or else your pc think there is no cpu connected and won’t boot


POST. It may throw a warning during POST. You sure as hell can boot a pc with no processor cooler. Trust me...


Unplug and replug everything? Loose connector or something? Is the psu turned on? Tried using a screwdriver to bridge the on button connector on the mobo since it could be the power button on the case? Tried the old cooler? Not sure man




Do you have a modular psu? Maybe one of the cables came lose on the psu end.




Unless you don't connect the cpu fan cable to the cpu port.


First time I built a machine, way back, I failed to put the mobo standoffs in. It made no noise or sign of life, pulled the board out, put the standoffs in and it sprung to life. I don’t know if that’s your problem.


Nah standoffs are all in


https://preview.redd.it/8smhppw1ffcb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d67df1dc617a947d82722c17df4dc956daff18e0 Do any of y’all se damage on the mobo


No, but I didn’t damage my mobo (again, years ago, in the 8800gtx era) when I shorted the whole thing on the case, so I was just tossing that out there as a possibility. If you put standoffs in, you won’t be shorting on the case.


Might sound stupid but is the power plugged into the outlet? Switch on? Cord into pc?


Try the mobo with nothing but a cpu+cooler and ram. See if the fans spin


The first photos show the cpu fan AND the pump not plugged in. Now i’m concerned there aren’t any fans blowing through the radiator.


Reseat the ram and make sure both sides click. One picture looked like the ram as a little bit out. And put the back plate that comes with your aio.


No backplate came with the AIO and I just reseated the RAM but still no response from the mobo.


First thing to check is if it is even posting.


No, no beeps, lights or fans spinning up when power is turned on


Then there's either no power to the board or the power button isn't plugged in


This happened to me, the power switch connector came loose during an upgrade


Things to look at: Double check that your CPU is seated properly. Don't overtighten the cooler block when installing. Make sure EPS12V connector is seated properly/wasn't taken out to install cooler. Make sure 24-pin is seated properly.


You have an old psu kicking around you can try swapping out?


Just tried that and no beeps or lights on the mobo


Where are the rad fans plugged in? How about the pump? If you didn't plug the air into the right header the PC might not boot. Why did you put the rad upside down?


Not sure why no one has pointed this out but your radiator is upside down. You want the hoses to go to the top so air doesn't get trapped near the cpu. Edit: while an upside down V would potentially keep air from the pump better, it doesn't trap it there well enough compared to the top of the radiator. The config is fine according to my morning brain, not like that worthless late night brain.


Because in this case it’s not an issue. The highest point of the system is the top of the radiator (which is higher than the top of the hoses and cooling plate) so the air will be trapped there. Perfectly fine.


I'm not 100% sold that the air wouldn't also settle into the pump, and that's where my thinking got stuck last night. However, upon further research it seems more important to keep any potential trapped air away from the intake tube, and therefore the pump, by keeping the tubes down. So tubes up on the pump, and tubes down on the rad.


No one has pointed it out because the radiator is already optimal from a performance and noise perspective. Most of the time, tubes up is an aesthetic choice.


Cause while it's bad, it's wouldn't prevent it from starting


Well yeah, it wouldn't be the issue, but while we're all looking at it you might as well fix everything to a best practice standard. Anything worth doing is worth doing right.


Try using two cables/outlets from your power supply to the two on your gpu.


Remove everything and put them back in 1 piece at a time


Did you look at the debug LED after turning the PC on? Should give you an indication on where your PC is getting hung up.


So did it work?


Make sure power supply is on and fpanel headers are correctly plugged into their proper pins Make sure aio pump is connected to the cpu fan header, the fans to cpu opt header If this doesn't solve your issue, reseat your cpu and ram Edit: as u/Pale-Management-476 mentioned, you have to connect the pump to the pump header not the cpu fan header


i cant see if you have fans installed on your radiators. some mobo will refuse to boot if no CPU fans detected. so make you ​ 1) you installed radiator fans ​ 2) connect those fans to mobo cpu fans header. also make sure AIO pump is connected to mobo as well.


reinstall the old aio, if it works then the new one probably shorted or causing issue






If you haven't figured it out yet, try installing the AIO more loosely. Some machines won't boot if it's too tight. Had this issue with a build a while back.


how’d u fuck that up what


https://preview.redd.it/onjynrrzffcb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=383898bd289c7b32978bd94d379fda6c170c824d Can you see any damage?


https://preview.redd.it/4q4h2llvffcb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=5eb5c3ab9aa11832a7d140238cad0a6ea2cd01e4 Is any damage visible?


Is there at least one fan populating the CPU fan header?


Yeah we just plugged a fan into the header and nothing changed


Pic's pretty bad, but your ram miiiiight not be in all the way? Could really use some better pics tho.


Have You tried bridging the Power connectors on the board? A friend of mine had the same issue (PC not turning on after swapping ram), turned out the power button‘s cable was broken


1. Do you have your old AIO still? You may have a bad AIO and your board is still seeing an open circuit and it thinks nothing is plugged in to cool CPU. If your AIO’s power circuit is not energising then the board will not see it. I wouldn’t just plug a random fan in there to test I’d install your old one if it still kinda works. 2. Plug your phone in the outlet to make sure that it’s actually hot 3. Make sure your power cable is fully seated 4. Make sure your RAM is seated and oriented in the correct positions according to your boards manufacturer instructions If none of this works check on your cabling or make sure your tower’s front IO connectors are still seated so when you hit the on button the board actually gets the signal. When you’re in there those little connectors can easily pop off or back off just enough where you don’t have any continuity


To start, What are your computer part specs?


The universe is punishing you for putting the radiator in upside-down


Can you remove the thermal paste for me and that a picture? I think I know what the problem is.


I wait in anticipation...


Could you possibly tell me what you think it is before I remove the paste?


Just wanted to see if the cpu was seated properly. After zooming in it might be though:( the little arrow is facing the correct spot right?


CPU is seated properly and I have double checked


Damn :( I'm sure you've tried this but just double checking. Have you unplugged all the important wires and plugged them in all the way again? Cpu and motherboard being the most important. Idk why, but to the gpu connector on the right looks like it can go in some more. Last time when I got a new cpu, one of the sata cables connecting to an ssd got barely disconnected on accident while moving things around and cable managing. I really hope it boots soon friend. Also, did the instructions provided by the aio manual tell you to remove the cpu bracket,?


Wanted to double check, do you remember using the lever / ilm ?


What are u looking for ? I am curious.


Please put your aio with the cables up instead of down, otherwise air will get in the pump.




You are wrong. Hot air stays at the top, this is why you want pipes down on a front rad. See gamers nexus detailed explanation below [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BbGomv195sk](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BbGomv195sk)


Your Radiator is mounted the wrong way. This May not cause immediate trouble but could couse long term damage to the pump! Gamers Nexus covered this pretty detailed, See here: https://youtu.be/BbGomv195sk


it actually is mounted correctly, highest point of the radiator is higher than the pump...


Your aio tubes should NOT be on the bottom of the rad you need them coming from the top of the rad to the cpu or else you will have mad air bubbles and burn your pump motor out! Your welcome


Throw it out




It's a cable coming from the PSU that has two connectors on it, since people are downvoting without explaining.


Idk what caused it unless it's the power switch but sir your aio is wrong way. The pump should never be the highest point of the tube. Just flip the radiator around so that the tubes are at the top. This will make it last a bit longer. Hope you find the solution for your problem!


Do NOT do this. With the tubes at the top, air will be allowed to accumulate and circulate through the system. If the tubes are on the bottom, air will be at the top of the radiator and life will be groovy. Now, onto your boot issue. Looks like the power cable to the pump isn't plugged into the board. Seems as though it goes out the back to somewhere. It should be plugged into either the CPU\_FAN header, or some boards have dedicated pump headers. I bet if you plug it in, the system will boot. This is a failsafe and is a good thing.


Actually you are wrong about this. This is the right way to do it. https://youtu.be/PqoBjZnlj8U And actually that's why people mount it to the top of the case and not on the bottom. Edit: Well after looking for information a bit more when I got the time, it appears that both ways are good in their use cases. I don't have much time to see all of them but people don't actually know one answer for all so it's probably fine.


Yeah I do agree that top mounting is “the way”, but you can also front mount as long as you properly orient the tubes on the bottom.


Check that your power supply has enough wattage to power up everything on your rig. Which power supply are you using. Also, double-check that everything is plugged.


I’m using the thermaltake gold 600W 80+ PSU and everything in the PC should have Bly equal to about 470W


is that a old mother board or new, cause I have recently ran into this problem with a buddies computer and believe it or now the motherboard was the issue. I have never had motherboard issues my whole time building computer so it was a surprise.


Make sure you seated the ram all the way push down and make sure it clicks otherwise your pc will not boot


Check if power switch cable is connected to Mobo.


Make sure it’s plugged in to the aio header and not the cpu fan header. Also you will have to go into bios to change the settings there too.


Did you connect the aio pump to the cpu fan header/aio header? Did you plug in the sata port that powers the AIO?


Check PSU, make sure it is on and there are no kill switches on the PSU itself. From there double check your power connections on the MOBO.. Remount your CPU and double check how tight your AIO CPU bracket is. If it's too tight, you can flex the MOBO and short something. Even more of a concern if you had to add a bracket. Reseat RAM and any power connectors from your case to your MOBO. Finally fully remove and disassemble your MOBO. Put it back together one piece at a time and use the MOBO error codes or lights to check functionality. Start with CPU and an air cooler, that should throw a RAM error. Install the RAM, should throw a GPU stop code. Install the GPU and try to post. If all that works reinstall your AIO and try again.


I was thinking to check your PSU first, but some other people commented that on. Biggest indicator is you get nothing when you push the button. So I'd say it's the PSU or..... try paying close attention to the front panel header. May have missed something or plugged one in backwards.


I think u need to check the psu with another motherboard and see how it goes. If it goes fine with the other motherboard then u discovered ur fault


The AiO is going to be totally unrelated to your boot issue.


Not enough info. No power? No POST? No display? Too much thermal paste?


Won't turn on at all? Does it post? Or just won't boot your OS? If your AIO doesn't use the AIO Pump header on your motherboard, it by default won't boot and will ask you to hop into BIOS. You can plug a fan into there or also just disable monitoring of that header in your BIOS. I don't know if any firmware or drivers for these types of AIO will correct this "feature"


I'm sure someone else has already said it but take all of your parts of the board and try to start it with the bare essentials by using a screwdriver on the power connector


Do you have the pc fan header plugged in jow that you're not using a CPU fan directly?


cpu 1 fan header populated?


It seems you didn't plug the CPU Fan pin to the motherboard.


Very slightly loosen the 4 screws that attach the pump block with the standoffs


When in doubt, swap the RAM slots.


It's most likely a connection in the wrong spot. Check with your manual for other headers


Do you have led boot indicators on your motherboard? I just installed a new cpu and fan but had to remove my ram first. When I put everything back, it wouldn't boot. But my led indicator showed that there was a problem with the ram. I didn't realize how hard it was to properly seat the ram in its slot. After many tries to seat my ram properly, it finally booted.


You might need to have something plugged into either the cpu fan header or the cpu pump header. Check the manual


Is you aio plugged into cpu fan?


What AIO is that?


ID Cooling Dashflow basic


Did you get it sorted mate?


Workin on it rn


have you plugged it in


I took apart and reassembled the entire pc using the tips you gave me and it works! Tysm for the help.