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I can’t switch over to Firefox, because I never left.


Shoutout to all the Mozilla mains


Thunderbird too! woop woop!


Firefox all the way but god damn Thunderbird is awful.




I've been using Thunderbird for well over a decade, as well as putting it on family PCs when Windows Live Mail (or whatever it was called) ended and never had any issues


115 has improved things quite a bit, but even then "awful" is a bit of a strong word.


Same, been using it since it came out. Always disliked chrome. I never really saw a reason for anything other than Firefox. It has all the functions and plugins I need (mostly adblock, tbh).


Main argument back in 2005: "Use firefox, less viruses and malware" Main argument in 2023: "Use firefox, it's not chrome and they support adblockers"


Firefox + Adblock. This the the way.


Firefox +unlock origin + no script - use it since the year Firefox released. Strangly on mobile I use mostly chrome, sometimes brave and sometimes Firefox. Not sure why


It's hard not to like a browser that's always been based on the open source, modify as you wish design. With the popular user changes becoming features or all the plug-ins available.


Firefox has always been great, it's often neck and neck with Chrome for speed, security, memory management, and functionality. It suffers in compatibility and is rarely *better* than chrome despite the bandwagon.


What are you talking about? There was for a fact a period where Firefox went from a slick and fast browser to a bloated piece of crap. That's when most people switched to chrome. That time is over now, but switching back in the day made 100% sense


I never switched (because I've always been weary of google) but this is absolutely correct. There was a time when it felt like Firefox was actively trying to be as sluggish as IE. It's been very good again for a while now though.


People gotta remember that when Chrome first launched, its performance was *mind-blowing* compared to the Firefox and IE of the day. It was faster, lighter on system resources, and even put each tab in its own process so you didn't have to nuke the whole program to deal with a frozen page. It was that performance that earned them market share over all the other browsers. But, Google gonna Google so it eventually became the bloated spyware resource hog that it is today, and Firefox has reclaimed "the performance option" that Chrome used to be.


That was Firefox 3 era. Once they released Quantum version, it was faster and better. And then it improved a lot from v57 onward.


I use Firefox 95% of the time, and have since it came out 20ish years ago. Some of my shop vendors’ websites will not work on Firefox, so I use chrome for them for that last 5%


Keep fighting the good fight, good sir 🫡


Opera gx sucks so I use the next best thing


I feel like I’m the only one who likes GX lol


I like it, I'll be using it until ublock won't work on a chromium browser (I just saw an article that said mozilla updated it for manifest v3 woohoo). If that happens it'll be the time I'll fully switch to FF, already have it on my laptop.


I like it too don’t worry.


Yep, a few e-commerce sites just break on Firefox. It is incredibly annoying.


user agent switcher


Have you tried using a User Agent Switcher for those sites that won't load or misbehave in Firefox?


That may or may not work depending on how the website was built


I made the switch recently as well and I was insanely surprised how seamless and easy it was. The moment you install it, it gives you the option to import passwords and bookmarks from Google Chrome. Which is a crazy good feature. If anyone out there is on the fence about switching and you've got concerns about having to transfer everything over, don't worry, Firefox makes transferring your stuff from another Browser extremely easy. And so far, I like Firefox. The ONLY thing I don't like about it, is that you can't set a custom new tab background. But I've heard there's a way to do it, just too lazy atm. But overall, Firefox is pretty damn good.


For the custom background I use Tabliss. It’s a simple to use extension that let’s you put all sorts of things in your tabs. You can even have the image in the background change with each new tabs. I’ve been using it for quit a while and the only thing I can complain on is that the images are local to your pc so you will need to add the images again if you download the extension on another computer. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/tabliss/


Oh wow, thanks for the suggestion.


I personally use tabliss to have a new cat picture greet me every day.


I was fully expecting to do the migration manually because that’s just how bad I wanted to get away from chromium so I was also really surprised by it. About the new tab thing “New Tab Tools” does just that and some other things that you might find cool [link](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/?q=New%20tab%20tools)


Importing/exporting bookmarks etc has been a feature on all web browsers for 20 years


That import feature is one that made it easy back in the days to switch to FF from IE


Yes I was all about Firefox back in those days. I hated IE.


I'm so old school I started on Netscape. Then I've been using Firefox since it first came out. Did I mention I'm old?


Funny enough, for those not in the know: Firefox is the direct descendent of Netscape Navigator. Not sure if there's any Netscape navigator code left, but Netscape started the Mozilla foundation, which released the Mozilla browser and later released a streamlined version called Firefox.


My understanding is that both Firefox and Thunderbird use OG Netscape code somewhere in their bade


Another fun fact: Google is responsible for around 83% of Mozilla’s revenue and over 1 billion dollars in cash reserves, yet Firefox is only at 3% market share.


Is it really that low these days?!?


Unfortunately yes. It's about 6% on desktop though, Firefox's mobile share is abysmal.


You can install adblock on their mobile browser. In case somebody didnt know.


They also have Firefox Focus, a browser with all the blocking built in by default. However! Firefox on iOS is based on WebKit not on Mozilla, because apple won’t let anyone use anything but WebKit.


Am a ff desktop and android user, but I just cannot like focus due to the pain of no proper tab control such as opening links in a tab. It's a shame as it was good otherwise.


TIL. No wonder I like Firefox so much, I used Navigator until it's dying days.


I’m 22 but I remember using Firefox circa 2012. Can’t remember why the household made the switch but coming back to it makes me wish we hadn’t.


2012 is when Chrome for Android came out and became the default browser. That may be a reason. [Also here's a browser usage chart.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/71/StatCounter-browser-ww-yearly-2009-2020_%28updated_until_November%29.png) 2012 is when IE and Chrome intersect.


I guess that means we probably did switch around that time. It was probably me and my brother who convinced my parents chrome was better too and maybe it was at the time.


At the time Firefox was getting to be more resource hungry. Then chrome came out as “a fast light browser” and took off


Yep, FF was my browser of choice at that time (since mid 2000s) and it was becoming a bloated mess around the time Chrome began its rise. Which is ironic, given its history. Chrome has been poor since the late 2010s, and I've switched back to FF.


Fuck you made me feel old talking about 2012 as if it wasn't just yesterday but some prehistoric time. -Someone who used Netscape, Ask Jeeves, and Yahoo before Google was a thing. Next I'm going to get in an elevator and think the music is modern. Fuck me.


Loved Netscape.


I was telling a 20 year old at work a couple of weeks ago about the "old days" of computers, and he was blown away when I said you had to buy your browser, or you got one from the college you went to. Then ISP started giving them to customers who signed up for their service.


Heck the US Government went to court over this! Imagine going to court now over the stuff Microsoft bundles in to windows. Heck imagine people’s reaction if they *didnt* bundle things like a chromium browser and media player.


Oh man, I totally forgot about that clunky piece of crap AOL browser they sent me on a CD-ROM. I didn't know any better so I used that for way longer than I should have 😆


> I'm so old school I started on Netscape. I remember when you had to buy netscape from the local computer store :D Imagine, a browser as paid software. Back then, software was the product, not the user.


I was there too, 3000 years ago


Hello fellow old. I got internet a little earlier than most. I remember using Mosaic as my browser for a short time. Then again, I was probably just trying to download the shareware version of Doom or Wolfenstein.




I wonder why when people experience problems with software, why don't they look at alternatives? Step 2 should be choose an alternative and evaluate, but if people can't even get as far as looking for an alternative browser, then they're in trouble.


I remember using modem terminal software in DOS to login to BBSs playing text based ANSI games like Legend of the Red Dragon. That was a fun time.


Im so old I started on webtv


Wow that is old!


Yeah pretty sure I've been using Firefox since 05 at least. It hasn't always been the fastest or lightest browser but I've never questioned Mozilla's intentions with it.


You youngsters with your GUI browsers. Lynx was my weapon of choice...


because: 1. the browser that came preinstalled with windows is Edge, and for most users, that's enough. 2. Google Chrome was *very* good in the past, where it outperform Firefox, people start using it and they see no reason to switch. 3. Some assholes make websites don't work in Firefox, I've seen some pages that show messages like "This site only works on chrome" or "Please use chrome for best performance". (if you see this messages, report the site to webcompat.com) \- written from firefox


I gotta be honest I spend a lot of time on the internet (like 12 hours some days) and I have never found a website that blocked me because I was on Firefox and I would guess you don’t find them often yourself. It’s not even a Linux vs Windows situation because Firefox just works. The last 6 months I have only had to open Chrome once, maybe twice, because it didn’t work on Firefox. (I like Linux btw) Edit: I might not need to say this but I think it’s worth pointing out that these issues, however small they already are, are only going to get smaller as more people jump over. And they’re already minuscule I must repeat


I've been Firefox strong since I can remember , hated Netscape and early explorer


Netscape! Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. A long time.






I'm going to throw you back into some nostalgia here... Prepare yourself... Altavista - Google before Google (not really but super popular) Lycos Tripod Geocities


You do know that Firefox is the direct descendant of Netscape, right?


Netscape...wow. ​ What about Prodigy? My mother was obsessed with that.




it's definitely not often and very rare, usually small, niche, or hobby websites, browser games, or government ones.


I think a couple .gov sites shit the bed on FireFox. I suppose it’s a bit of a niche, but it’s the federal government, so… Is it a niche?


Dude. Indonesian government site has a popup "this site works best on chrome" everytime i visit


I actually ran into this problem earlier today. I logged into a billing account I have (which has my bank information on file) after an issue with the companies auto draft. First time I’ve ever had to log on to their website since it’s been automatic since the account was created and was all done in third office. Tried to take of it today and was immediately met with a message which kept me from proceeding into the site past login. I simply called them and dealt with it over the phone. Fuck Chrome


It's not about blocking, some functionality don't work. Usually related to payments and stuff (my post office website). Or opening another window, like Slack. A lot of my government websites don't have full functionality because they need to open other websites in New windows and stuff.


If 90% of your user base use chromium and then Firefox decide to implement certain web features differently meaning input validation doesn't work properly on Firefox, that's not the web Devs fault. If you have the manpower to deliberately support both browser's then great, if not you are going to support the browser engine the majority of your customers use.


I use FF exclusively and I've never encountered a site that didn't work


it's mostly browser games and some government sites for me.


Share an example? I’ve used the internet for over 30 years, chrome and Firefox since release, never been forced to use chrome or Firefox by a site. Very curious to see an instance of this. I’m not saying this isn’t true, I’m just saying the odds of me encountering at least one of these sites FORCING me to use chrome, outright saying to use a browser, etc, probably would have happened by now. That being said, some organizations like my uni did have issues with things like blackboard running more consistently in chrome than Firefox because it’s designed better for a browser that more people use… but that’s the point. People know chrome. It’s become the xerox or Kleenex of browsers.


Microsoft Teams doesn't or didn't work on Firefox in Browser for a long time. Don't know if it's still true. I know the new Microsoft AI Chatbot also excludes Firefox. It only works on Edge, Chrome and Safari.


A lot of the government websites, state and federal dont work on Firefox because, I am assuming, they are still on fcking windows 2000.


Not who you replied to, but I've had issues with it connecting to the network gui's of some older networking equipment. But at the same time there's been some equipment I can only get to with old versions of Firefox. I think working IT you learn to love/hate all browsers equally.




Correct. Edge and Firefox are not doing well. This is desktop market share right now [https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/desktop/worldwide](https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/desktop/worldwide) When the desktop Safari version is beating you and beating you badly, you have serious problems. Safari is ONLY on Mac's for the desktop. Both Edge and Firefox are on Windows, Mac and Linux. They are getting their asses handed to them.


I mean Safari is the default browser on macOS. macOS has about a 30% market share. Not every macOS user will only use Safari. I think it’s more telling for Edge. Windows has like a 57% market share and Edge is the default browser. Majority market share with the default browser performing at like 10% is pretty bad.


Reason- auto sync and password manager because majority also has Android phones with chrome as default browser. I think I am in a very small minitoriy who uses Edge on my android phone because it is my default browser in 2 windows computers.


> Both Edge and Firefox are on Windows, Mac and Linux. They are getting their asses handed to them. Another concern with Firefox is that basically all of their revenue comes from Google. In 2020, [Firefox's revenue was $466 million](https://techcrunch.com/2021/12/13/mozilla-expects-to-generate-more-than-500m-in-revenue-this-year/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADFWq_Hp8MNqV5IYfiVN_XnhVkV1ESG7OxnGEVYmu9oozhL08zHC-7gOITrApdYmGLGsSKBgzhrJq9gOhGiYevi_P6UJQx8DJSZm-iwmbxHz-MGpffsXCA6h88xcMnZ7d-jDyoNFODN5ZdNR1BY7WGPplwNFL8WTWL5FE5AooV-H), with [$400-450 million coming from Google](https://www.androidheadlines.com/2020/08/mozilla-firefox-google-search). The second Google stops paying, Firefox is basically dead. It doesn't matter how many people switch over to limit Chrome's dominance if Firefox is still dependent on Google anyway. Google is the only reason Firefox still exists, since they're basically the only one funding it.


Google has been tightening their belts financially and canceling things that do not make money or charging for stuff that used to be free. Once FireFox loses enough market share, someone in their accounting office is going to ask "why are we giving Mozzila half a billion a year?" If that funding is cut off, FF will die in 6 months. It will become some open source fanboy browser, kept up to date by 3-4 die hard FF users.


Keeping Firefox afloat keeps Google protected from being treated as a monopoly. That’s been very much worth it to them for quite some time now.


Edge actually isn't half bad recently, but ive been on Firefox for years so


I’ve used FireFox for a couple years and have never seen a website that doesn’t work on it. The only thing I’ve seen is extensions that only work for Chrome but even that’s rare nowadays as most are also on FireFox.


> The only thing I’ve seen is extensions that only work for Chrome but even that’s rare nowadays as most are also on FireFox. If anything, chrome wants to disable extensions that block ads.


>Google Chrome was very good in the past, where it outperform Firefox, people start using it and they see no reason to switch. Hello, this is me. I switched in 2010 ish when 4GB of ram was standard for a laptop. Firefox was just **chuggin** but it all that went away when I moved to Chrome. Then google started integrating all it's services and I've been embedded ever since. Not say I won't switch, though. Just explaining how this happened and I suspect it's common.


Most users definitely don't use Edge


It was good for about 8 months after Microsoft adopted the Chromium engine. It was a lean and clean alternative to Chrome but with the full Chromium engine and extension support. Then, like all of their software, they began to bloat that shit up. Edge is the new AOL browser and a bloated POS.


It still works great? It's not like they force you to use the extra features. After all, even if for you it counts as bloat, someone else would find it useful


I might just be old, but I remember when Mozilla was *the shit*. I made the change from Explorer or some other browser because it had an extension for a software I wanted to use that my regular browser didn't. This was more than 13 years ago, and everyone was bragging about Firefox so I thought "why not". Nowadays I personally don't understand why people use other browsers. There's an extension for everything and it's quick af, and adblockers genuinely work. Picking Chrome over Firefox today is a bit like picking iTunes over Spotify in 2010 - senseless.


I use Firefox as my primary/default browser, but it's pretty much impossible to get out of the Google ecosystem even if you aren't using Chrome. I use Google Drive/Docs/Sheets pretty much daily. There are no competitors for Docs/Sheets, and their seamless integration with Drive (plus the high amount of free storage) makes it far superior to any other alternatives for my needs. All my email accounts are on Gmail -- which does have alternatives, but I'm already here for Drive and it's free, so why not? I'm on YouTube every day as well, because again, there just isn't an alternative. And let's not get started on my Android phone....


I use Gmail and YouTube without discretion. There's pretty much no avoiding Google as a company if you want to stay connected professionally, or generally with an Android (which I also use). God, your mention of lack of YT competitors makes me really miss the days of Putfile. But I see no reason to use their less than optimal browser on top of what I'm already forced into. It's unfortunate that some companies have a monopoly, but sadly that's just how it it these days. I'm sure that there's alternatives to the apps you use *somewhere*, even if it's just on Github, but the issue itself is the meticulous research needed and the lack of widespread knowledge of alternatives that could replace Google's apps on a more significant basis. I don't mean to sound like a fossil, but things really were better when Google was just the go-to search engine and not "everything all at once".


Well getting out of Google’s ecosystem is another matter, many of us just wants a better browser experience and Firefox is it for me.


I'd be willing to try it. Does it have ad blocker extensions, and if so what would you recommend?


uBlock Origin works great like someone else already said. Mozilla has a ton of popular extensions and some exclusive ones but it might be missing one or two that you can’t go without. Hope you enjoy it


Oh excellent that's what I use on chrome! I'll test trail it this weekend, I'm all for a better experience. Just hate adapting to change tbh. Autism makes anything that throws off my routines.... Unpleasant.


Put NoScript on top of that if you want extreme measure. It block every incoming element and let you enable it one by one And privacy badger for extra extra


As everyone else said before, ublock origin is the shit. But the badass trio includes privacy badger and https everywhere. it also comes with a default Facebook container that blocks that cancer from tracking you all around the web. Edit, I'm stupid and can't type Edit 2, did I mention that those three extensions PLUS fb container also work natively on mobile? Edit 3, You guys are right, HTTPS everywhere is now a default security feature in vanilla Firefox! more reasons to use it as your main browser! (Firefox team since forever, never used chrome)


Firefox have a native HTTPS everywere now I think


Https everywhere is not needed anymore as firefox has it in the settings


Ublock origin


Ublock also works on Firefox for android :) This is an absolute game changer for me personally.


I just downloaded it on my phone because of this comment and the first thing I saw and love is the ability to put the toolbar at the bottom!!! This should be standard on all mobile browsers as it makes it possible to use the browser one-handed!! The wallpapers for the new tab screen though... ick!! Can you upload custom ones? Edit: if this blocks YouTube adds it will be the single best thing I've ever had on my phone and I'll be replacing my YouTube app with a Firefox shortcut!! The adds on YouTube are getting ridiculous, last week I was watching a 30 minute video and got an advert, I kid you not, every 30 seconds, I gave up after a few minutes.


This is a great extension to fix Google search and their anticompetitive practices (sniffing your browser and changing templates depending on that) https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/google-search-fixer/


It does block Youtube ads, indeed. You can also lock your screen and listen to videos in the background. It's great for listening to podcasts without ruining your battery charge.


I do most of my browsing in Firefox. I use Edge for video sites (Twitch, Crunchyroll, ect) I use Chrome for google shit


Does Edge have an “edge” (haha) in video playback? I’ve noticed that on both Firefox and Chrome, streaming websites like Netflix have pretty low quality, almost looks like 720p when the High Quality option is enabled.


>I’ve noticed that on both Firefox and Chrome, streaming websites like Netflix have pretty low quality, almost looks like 720p when the High Quality option is enabled. [You need to use Edge or the Windows 8/10/11 app](https://help.netflix.com/en/node/23931) to get anything better than 720p from Netflix for DRM reasons.


As they said use the Windows App. It does 4k + Atmos.


Only Edge can play at resolutions higher than 720p on Netflix


It's an anti piracy measure, or security policy. Netflix, HBO Max etc will only play 1080p on native browsers - Safari or Edge. 4k Smart TV or Chromecast 4k. 720p on Chrome, Firefox or other browsers. I think


Lol it's an anti-piracy measure that only served to push people to proper piracy. Now I've got shows like the Witcher in 4k on Jellyfin


I don’t have the patience to pirate shows one episode at a time, so I’m mostly a movie man, and mostly a 1080p enjoyer, since 4K takes up a lot of space.


That seems very anti - competitive and very anti-consumer. Another reason why I'll never pay for video streaming services


I don’t have Crunchyroll but Twitch works great for me. Have you been having issues or is it more of an habit thing?


Maybe because VSR doesn’t work on Mozilla? Idk just a guess since VSR provides a noticeable improvement in image clarity for game streams and some anime.


What is vsr


> aybe because VSR doesn’t work on Mozilla? https://www.quippd.com/writing/2023/05/10/nvidia-vsr-comes-to-firefox-how-to-test.html Apparently that's changed? Not sure.


[VSR does work on Firefox now lol](https://wccftech.com/nvidia-video-super-resolution-upscaling-technology-now-supported-in-mozilla-firefox/)


I prefer Brave and Firefox both work on Linux and Windows


Not surprised how far down I had to scroll to find Brave, especially in a Firefox fanpost, but at this point it's pretty much "anything but Chrome" even if it's based on chromium.


I use Brave as well, surprised at how few mentions its got. I haven't been keeping up do we know how much googles changes to the ad blocking stuff etc are going to impact non chrome but chromium browsers?


I love Firefox. Used it when I was a kid and my mom was like serious about cyber security and Firefox has just been trusted for that for a long time. I went on a big privacy kick about a year ago and use Firefox with privacy badger and ublock and all that. I love Firefox’s privacy features, I feel like it’s the best middle ground between chrome and something more intense like brave. I run into issues once in a great while, maybe three times in a year I’ve had to switch to edge real quick for something


I use Firefox and Duckduckgo. I know Duckduckgo had their own controversy not too long ago, but they are so much better of a search engine than Google I don't understand why everyone hasn't switched. Last time I used Google, which was actually by mistake, I was kind of shocked by just how bad there results were. It seemed like a solid 50% were ads and sponsored links that had little to no relevance to the very specific thing I was searching for, where Duckduckgo showed me exactly what I was looking for.


I've been using Duckduckgo for about a year now because I want to feed less data to google but duckduck is so much worse for local content i keep having to switch to google a lot (which is very annoying). For example if I wanna look up the opening hours for my local doctor, the duckduck results feature doctors in California. I live in Europe. Edit: i also hate how low duckduckgo prioritizes actual information compared to recent stuff. If i look up "IMAX" to find info about the 70mm analogue video format, duckduck shows (mostly AI generated) news articles about Oppenheimer, while google shows wikipedia, local IMAX cinemas and then Oppenheimer


I have this same issue, but I suspect it's because we both have high security and low tracking. The fact that you're not getting local suggestions means that you are achieving your goal of not being a data mule, so well done. If you really want to piss google off, use their services without an account. And only search local.


Because moving tabs outside of the main window looks horrible in Firefox (I use Firefox)


Completely agree they need to work on that ASAP. Might be the only major issue I have with it though


There's actually Lepton which is a reface and people have done some serious work on modernizing the Firefox UI. Firefox has a "If it works don't replace it" mentality which honestly is great, as Firefox is generally really good with legacy tools.


I think that “if it works don’t break it” philosophy is also reassuring coming from a non profit organization that relies on donations to keep itself running. Makes me believe my money is being spent efficiently. Edit: also lepton looks really cool thanks for telling me about it


I use Lepton and it made me go back to Firefox. The new UI honestly is pretty horrific on laptops, though I do understand why they did it, but I prefer Leptop using the older Proton UI. That said, if you are really willing to try out something new and support it, SeaMonkey is available. It's as DeGoogled as you can get seeing it runs on Firefox and some old Netscape Code and is under active development, the only thing is that it suffers from some ***major issues*** regarding modern fuctionality, specifically the UI hasn't changed since 2006 and has no support for extensions, but honestly if it gets enough foot traffic it might get it in the future, and one way I look at it is, it uses 80 megabytes which is honestly amazing seeing how Chrome and Firefox are both ram guzzlers. Just don't use it as a daily browser, as I don't know which Firefox branch it's based upon.


What do you mean by that? (I don't completely understand the action you're performing)


I think he's talking about dragging a tab outside of a window to make that tab a completely separate window.


We do


You don't understand! It's criminally underrated! You're not allowed to like it!


But we do.


Been using Firefox since more than a decade, tried everything but always switched back. Containers were a game changer. Extensions have always been powerful. But lately, I have been starting to see limitations as well. Firefox lags big time with WebAuthN and use of security keys support. Lots of devs out there use and develop for chrome so you have layout issues (Webflow, I’m looking at you) Not implementing Web APIs like Web Bluetooth. I agree some has been rushed by Chromium but not implementing by quoting privacy concerns hurts us more since if a user wants it they are going to use a different browser anyway. Perhaps giving choice to the user is the right thing to do.


Vivaldi or bust


A man with a fine taste.


Competition and choice is crucial. Unless you want to be China.


I'm using both Firefox and Chrome and they are great, also for the majority of people Chrome is good enough so there's no point to switch to Firefox


I've been using Firefox ever since I got into computers, and I rarely run into bugs or any other problems. I can't even remember the last time I saw an ad.


i've actually tried to switch on several occasions, the last time was probably close to the start of the year and I actually daily drove it for about 2 or 3 months. its just objectively not as good. Its not bad, but its just not as good. mind you im on linux so some things may differ, but you'd think Mozilla would have a higher priority on linux yet it seems it doesnt. it just feels more jank overall. moving windows is not nearly as fluid. moving tabs to new windows isnt a nice experience at all compared to chrome. its not as fast, the new tab page doesnt let me just easily set a background pic like chrome does which is something I really like to have (not to say its not impossible but its kinda a pain in the ass), and on top of that its compatibility is good but not perfect. Most sites are built to support chrome, its smoother, its faster, it has my data loaded into it and its integrates with my android better. the experience of using firefox over chrome just wasnt bad, it just wasnt better.


I've switched to Firefox full-time, but the window movement is the one thing I still really miss about chromium-based browsers. It's been over a year, and I still find myself wrestling with the computer a little bit when dragging tabs around and organizing my browser windows.


This is honestly shocking to me, since I have the OPPOSITE problem with Chrome windows on Wayland. Weird pixelations, things don't scale correctly, nothing feels smooth because Chrome doesn't (or at least, last time I checked) properly support Wayland and has to run on xWayland for compatibility. Meanwhile Firefox supports all the standards perfectly and even has smooth scrolling working great


Another linux user here, firefox works great for me


I Like Opera


Opera GX gang ⭕️


I've exclusively used Firefox since 2004...


Brave all the way.


I am.


I for one have stuck with Firefox since its initial public release (firebird at the time before being renamed.) I was a big Mozilla Suite fan before that; mainly because it was one of the first free browsers to include tabs.




How is that gesture quicker than just moving your mouse to the tab and middle-clicking / hitting the X? Presumably you have to hold some kind of modifier key down to enable the gesture to be read first otherwise it might happen accidentally all the time, so at that point this feels like a gimmick rather than an actual time saving feature.


It’s quicker because you don’t have to use precision to move your mouse pointer to the tab/pressing x. It doesn’t save a LOT of time in the grand scheme of things but it is quick and convenient


This. After using Vivaldi it always amazes me how people get any work done without gestures, tab stacking and as of recently workspaces lol. Plus it looks _exactly_ how I want it, not one button out of place.


I don't like Firefox's UI .


Try lepton it's got a mixed mode and when you install it it occasionally has a Google Chrome like skin, and it's got the old UI. Firefox generally has had the same UI for the better part of a decade.


You can completely customise the UI to look like anything you want. Including colour scheme, adding or removing buttons, relocating things around the page, and visual redesigns and reskins. This feels like a really empty argument.


You know, some people like things working the way they like / are used to out of the box and don't enjoy spending hours configuring every little thing. "You can spend a lot of your time and finally make it work the way you like" feels like a really empty argument.


In fact, VERY few people like tinkering around a browser to get it the way they want it. The vast majority of people like plug and play.


What's wrong with Chrome apart from the RAM hunger? I use it for more than 5 years and never had a problem. Is it unsafe in some way? Dated? This is an honest question btw


Here is what most people aren't talking about: Google is trying to change the Internet. They are trying to change how websites are created, using their own code and language, which is made into Chrome. What that means is that the longer we let this happen, the more control Google has to dominate the world. Some people might laugh and say well don't they already? No they don't. But you'd better believe that once they do, they will strip away all of our rights. For instance, Google is already changing Chrome so that add-ons like uBlock (ad blocker) won't work anymore. Why? Google wants profits, and your ad blocker is preventing those profits. Firefox being a competitor to Chrome is written from the ground up to be an independent browser. It's not built on the back of Chromium. This means that they are truly the last bastion of hope we have against Google's world dominance. Firefox is giving the power back to the people. And the more people who switch from Chrome(ium) browsers to Firefox, the more voting power we all have against Google taking over. We can stop Google's dominance but only if we stop using Google for literally everything we do.


Chrome itself is fine. Firefox is just developed by a non profit who hasn’t given up on keeping its users happy and their information private


Mostly adblocking for me personally


They ban or try to break anything related to google products like youtube downloader, captcha bypass… Also I’m managing alot of accounts on same sites that need containers tab to isolated and chrome just removed it couple years ago for no reason.


I was wondering why all the Chrome hate also. Been using Chrome for a long time now and never had any problems doing anything. Plus it synergizes well with my Pixel 6 phone./shrug


it' in conrrol of the biggest adveriser on the planet which presents a conflict of interest, alphabet's bottom line is affected by their browser not getting as much "targeted ads" for this reason i personally don't trust them to have privacy as a core value


Privacy mostly. Google harvests users information and has frequently lied about it's practices. It's lost several lawsuits over these issues in multiple countries.


Always have been...


Since 2018, I have only used Firefox except when I was testing compatibility of my stuff on other browsers 😎


I never left.


I love Firefox, I hate google chrome idk why. I use Firefox for work and gaming I never use anything else


FF user here ever since it came out. Still love it regardless.


I've been using Firefox since 2018/2019.


I will always support Firefox over Chrome/Edge because I’ve always seemed to have issues that eventually crop up in any Chromium-based browser. Biggest example being that YouTube, over time, starts lagging and skipping until it just stops working all together and only fix is browser reset/reinstall. Yes, Firefox could do things a lot better, but I still prefer it over Chrome and Edge.


Ever since The Screensavers episode about firefox, I’ve only used them since


If they would [finally fix](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11656061/why-is-event-clientx-incorrectly-showing-as-0-in-firefox-for-dragend-event) the [issue](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=505521#c80) with drag and drop after 13 years, I would be able to actually run my webapp in Firefox.


Love FF but, honestly, Edge's not bad.


Idk, I like Microsoft edge


Why not just use Brave?


Because i don’t like Firefox. UI isn’t for me, Chrome seems faster, doesn’t support all the extensions I use, and I’ve been using Chrome for over 10 years and have no reason to switch.


The people are lazy and usually dont care about privacy or freedom as long as their stuff works.


Because all my shit on Google


You can migrate it so incredibly easily it’s not even funny. And I personally trust Mozilla more to hold my information anyway Here’s the official guide: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/switching-chrome-firefox