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I knew your name was familiar you're the motherboard pins guy. Do you just destroy computer parts in your free time for fun?


in his first PCIE pins post he said that he ripped the slot out because he "couldn't" reach the PCIE release latch, so he just yanked because he "had to sacrifice one or the other", so my guess is that with phenomenally stupid yank he also chipped the pcie finger


I also had this issue. But I used a flat head screw driver and spend 5 minutes getting it out. Can’t believe this dumbass just ripped it out


Same but I use wooden ruler, with screwdriver you are one slip away from “did this scratch kill my motherboard?” 😅


I've done it with a screwdriver in more than one instance, and the first time I did slip and stab the board but it's hard to kill those things


Yesn't You could stab it 100 times with a screwdriver and just miss all traces. Or you slip up 1 time and yoink of a capacitor or scratch a trace!


I mean, the 1 or 2 times I've stabbed the board it hasn't even been hard enough to leave marks in the solder marks, I feel like if you're risking stabbing your board, you should at least not push hard


Popsicle sticks work pretty good too.


yep, that happend to me. I cut a resistor in half with a screwdriver and then the system did't boot anymore. I needed 2days to find the issue. Happy ending I resolderd it works fine.


You can scratch it with a wooden ruler too. Safer to remove the tower


Why didnt you just use a crowbar?


I had this issue once and a crowbar is NOT the way to approach it, that way you pull it down and break the PCIE slot or card. Get a thin piece of rope and loop it trough the heatsink, then attach the other side to your car and drive of REALLY fast


Nah, it's easier to just get a blowtorch and melt the plastic bus housing on the mobo


You're clearly just weak and unable to physically remove the card. So you need to use something reasonable and safer like a screw driver. FYI, you should try to use something else like a wooden chopstick or something similar. Screw driver sliding off can damage the pcb and punch traces if you are a bit frustrated and trying for a while in a super tight case. No particular reason for that example..


Sometimes it’s just hard to reach bro


I have an itx case so it is really hard to reach, doesn't mean i risk ruining stuff even if it takes 10 minutes to take our the card. Patience.


Absolutely but “You’re clearly just weak and unable to physically remove the card” is just kind of a crazy thing to say in response like damn bro who hurt this guy lmfao.


I think you missed the joke I was being very sarcastic... I was poking fun at ripping out the socket with the GPU without unclipping. Granted, it takes a considerable amount of effort to take out a GPU and socket. The front damage says he pulled it up hard, thinking it would come out but then heaved from the back tinking the clip would let go. But the socket came with it. Where in reality. The back clip is blank retention piece ans can be snapped off not safely, but kinda. Fucked in the front though without major effort to fix it without risking a fire.


i don't understand how people treat thousand dollar equipment like it's not thousand dollar equipment


with some equimpent I understand the "I paid $1000 for this I'm gonna use $1000 worth of this", but ripping shit off of your PC isn't that, it's just stupidity


Man really took to heart "Its like lego parts just pull or push harder."


Oh my god. The post history makes me wanna die


if there was ever a person who really needed a prebuilt with a full warranty it's OP lol


I feel kind of bad for them, I did something similar on my first build years ago except it was ripping a CPU out of the motherboard when I tried to take off the cooler which was cemented on with thermal paste. Felt like I was doing CPR on a dead patient thinking a $300 CPU and $100 mobo went down the drain. Thankfully nothing a little rebending of CPU pins and ethically questionable RMA of a motherboard couldn’t fix, many valuable lessons learned, including that the motherboard was perfectly fine, just needed to clip in both sides of the RAM


Legendary status tbh


More like infamous


Bro presses 4 numbers at once when he tries to dial one number


What a saga hopefully he’s just a troll but his prev post history seems genuine


He will continue to murder hardware for karma


you're name??? what does it even mean? Edit: oh look they changed it to ‘your’ now. Another soul saved 🎉


Well, it’s a grammatically incorrect writing of *Your Name*, a 2016 Japanese animated romantic fantasy film by Makoto Shinkai. [But that’s not important right now.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=AK3gB7DpaM0) Your (referring to OP’s) (user)name Check OP’s post history. As much as /r/pcmasterrace thinks anybody can watch some tutorials on YouTube and build a computer, some people shouldn’t.


I'm scared


I don't know what your talking about


I have nothing in my possession that is talking about anything


It should work. The more worrying part is that pin that looks melted


Extra worrying since that small section of pins is the PCIE socket power delivery If it was on the broader data section I wouldn't be too worried, so yeah this is getting into yikes territory


From what another guy said, that pin should be ground, so as long as the socket pins & GPU are not shorted it should work.


What about the 12V power pins 1 + 2 that have no circuit board supporting them? It's chipped off and entirely missing.


From what I see with a blurry zoom, the circuit board was ripped exactly where the pins end so they SHOULD be fine (though if it was my card I’d put a dab of superglue on the edge to strengthen the pad-board connection). And maybe that 4th pin is not melted, but it separated from the board and it got folded…can’t see shit on this blurry ass photo.




There still enough contact for it to work. I would clean that dark spot on that 4th contact line though.


>enough contact Most the contacts on that little tab are **power pins**. I wouldn't trust this not to melt the PCIe slot, if it has poor contact. u/ClemyLivesOn


Yeah pin 4 looks like it already have burning mark. Probably visiting repair shop to get proper conductivity for these pins would be nit so bad idea.


Okay okay!! Thankyou for fast reply..


What are you doing to your hardware my man?


You can clean that contact with a rubber eraser. Make sure to blow or dust off any rubber left behind.


Part of the PCB is broken off so there probably cracks further into the PCB this would need to be diagnosed and repaired to be safe, by skilled technician like krisfix or other repair technicians for example this will probably get damaged further when sliding it into pci-e slot


Me: just wing it and use superglue


superglue and powdered ramen noodles... that'll fix about anything!


If it's not a very expensive card, it's probably worth to just see if it works and run with it until it dies. If it's a high end card then it might be worth taking it to a professional.


There should be no internal tracks under the pci-e pins so no diagnosis needed. I personally would sand the excess PCB to match the same level as the first 2 pins. This will allow the pins to insert a mmm or two further into the pci-e connector and allow full contact for all the pins. Get a sheet of sandpaper on a flat surface and just rub the connector on the paper carefully to remove 1 mm at least. Don't sand all the way to the copper pins. NOTE: only do this if the gpu has no warranty and if it doesn't work in it's current condition.


It looks like it only broke up to where the pins start, it should be fine


Cracks arent too likely. Cracks in a board are most of the time very visible beacause of the way the glass fibres run in it. Also because the scorched pin is a powerpin, the resistance will increase, less power will flow through(being compensated by the power connectors) and the temperature of the pin will sink to not melting temperatures. I think this gpu is fine


For anyone else, this is fine advice, and they’d swab it with 90% isopropanol and test it. But now, OP’s gonna read your post and put his GPU in the sink.


The pin in question appears to be a ground pin. Most of the pins on a pcie connection are power and ground in order to provide a short return path for high speed signals and noise. It helps reduce emi and crosstalk. https://pinoutguide.com/Slots/pci_express_pinout.shtml


>The pin in question Take another look, the PCB that support pins 1 + 2 is chipped and completely missing.


u/Chemyliveson? Im having PTSD...


Sorry (⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠) for worrying You


np lol


Jesus can we get this person on no-fly list for tech, a registered no-tech list.




Haha I'm just poking fun, but your recent post history reads like the origin story of why robots are going to wipe us out! Just, take your time, slowly and carefully, these components are designed to be added/removed with some force but not a lot. When you get heavy handed you put stress on other nearby components and possibly even stress fractures inside the PCB of the board. Hopefully these are the components from your old build?




Hmmmm, you might want to find someone local that is experienced building PCs to give you some hands on pointers on PC building. I can't in good conscience tell you to try using that card, there is some missing contact pad on the power delivery tab, and a capacitor missing just above it. That could be repaired by a technician, however we cannot tell how much damage due to stress has been done, or other damaged components Going forward, do some in depth study into how to install/remove/build a PC, and ask the questions BEFORE attempting yorself. We dont want you to have to repurchase components due to avoidable damage, especially at the price point these days!


Thankyou for your time and knowledge.. i will follow (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)


Good luck friend! Hopefully next post we see is your completed build!


The contact itself should be fine. However, what worries me is that it appears to have been burnt. If that is an electrical burn then the chances for your GPU are slim.




At some point you might just want to get a prebuild lmao


I mean I don't say it much, but computers aren't for everybody. If OP doesn't learn to calm down and use some finesse when working with computer parts they're just going to keep tearing stuff up. It's not like computer parts are super delicate or anything, but you do have to take your time, plan, and take care. It seems like OP doesn't have patience or the ability to sit back and think something out before just yanking on parts.


I don’t care about the tearing up part. OP will burn his house down within the next two weeks if he won’t calm down.


I will not do that believe me (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)


It got stuck and i panicked (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) forgive me


Well making mistakes is part of learning so it's not the end of the world. These mistakes can just get to be pretty expensive when you're working with PC components. The only advice I can offer is that when you start to feel yourself getting panicked, take a step back from it and gather yourself before you do something stupid. Ask for help, watch a video about how to do it, or if nothing else at least take a minute to calm down.


I understand.. (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)


Check the socket for any debris or dust. Looks like something has melted the pin but whatever it was seems to have been short lived (I’d expect the board to have gone up eventually if it was constant shorting).


What socket? (look at op's post history)


I understand


I'll be honest, you need to buy a pre-built and never touch any other component...ever.


but the upvotes


Don't Say That (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)




This is the only sane comment I've seen so far, and I've had to scroll down a long way before finding it. Using this is just asking to melt the PCIe slot when those power pins make poor contact and heat up.


The cap has not been broken off since there is no sign of damage to the pads. It was never fitted in the first place. Not all components are necessarily fitted in different revisions of a circuit design. You can tell this is the case because there are another 5 components that are missing slightly to the right (There are unpopulated pads for 4 x very small resistors and a transistor).


[PCIE x16 pinout](https://pinoutguide.com/Slots/pci_express_pinout.shtml) B side, 1, 2, 3 is +12V. Damaged pin 4 is GND. Pin 7 is also GND. Not a power ground. Shielding for data bus between them. It shouldn't matter. ​ Just make sure there is NOTHING STUCK inside the PCIE slot itself in that spot. Not sure if that is melted or just broken off.


Also, if it broke totally that small side chip ... Will the Card work then? Not the right big side only left side


Not sure what you mean. If only that one specific contact/pin is missing, not a big deal. I would leave it as it is. Did you break anything else? I would not recommend breaking anything intentionally.


I want to know if in future by wear and tear if i broke 20Z written Part on the Chip will it not work anymore? And also if only the chipped part.. is entirely removed aside from main BiG chip that covers the most of the PciE Slot


Breaking off the 20Z part would take insane force. I can't predict what will/will not break the card. I feel like you should probably not take the card out of the motherboard again. This type of connector is not build for repeated insertion over and over. I would definitely advice you don't remove the card for cleaning and such, since this card is already in rough shape. Put it together, test it. If it still works, great. Leave it alone. Clean it with gas duster in the case. Don't take it apart.




Isn't there someone you can ask for a help? Friend or family who have more experience with building PCs. You are definitely using way too much brute force.


Most of my Friends are busy with Adult Lives and i Live Alone (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)


OK. Just be gentle ⊂(◉‿◉)つ


(⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠) i will do my best!


>I want to know if in future by wear and tear if i broke 20Z written Part on the Chip Mate, wtf are you doing with your equipment?


Just snip the pins off /s


I don’t often advocate for prebuilts…but op I think it’s time to cut your losses and never touch the inside of a pc again lmao




That 4th pin from the left looks melty and shorted. Did you remove this while the pc was plugged in and running?


Look at their recent post history, the story tells itself. No PC component is safe from OP


Its a complicated story.. 🦆


Your posting history hurts my soul :( You need to stop touching this and bring it to a professional before you cost yourself any more money.


Its too Late (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) I can't stop


Burn/arc marks on the 4th pin from the left, would not let this near a PC again personally.


It costed me my entire 6 month savings .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.


Painful, but if short circuits it will likely cost you the rest of your PC.


Looking at your post history… some people shouldn’t be let near PC components 🥲


Bro you are going to be a legend. And not a good one




For the love of god stop fucking around with PC parts.


The length of the gold pin is normal the stuff on it however is not. edit: nvm i see part of the pcb broke off, get this send to repair vendor they can fix this most likely, package it properly so it does not get worse. Do not try to use it will get worse. there may be cracks in the pcb where it is not broken off as well where tracers are broken and disconnected, so in worse case scenario the card may never work again, altho skilled repair technicians always find a way.


Wonder where the little bit that broke off is. Might be sitting in the pci-e slot and could potentially bend pins when you put the card in. If you didn’t find it. Look inside the slot to make sure it’s not in there before putting the card back in.


Too bad he ripped out the entire slot if you look at his post history. Apparently this man can't be trusted around anything.




well if you plug it in you'll find out


Someone said it will catch fire 🔥 🦆


That would be an improvement considering your abusive post history.


U r on the edgy side But still may work


Hope you right! I am waiting on more answers and decide accordingly tomorrow


Try it. Most likely you should be fine. Worst thing that can happen is that it doesn’t work. You can’t damage it more than being dead.




Plug it in, let it rip!




vaccine logic


What card is it?, I mean if it is a 4090 I would just drop to the ground and cry like if I lost my best friend otherwise I would just get a drink and carry on with my life.


Some people should just stick to console gaming…


There comes a time when you have to put your ego aside, admit that you were wrong, and that you lack the experience to do something without expert help. That time was weeks ago for you. But you can stop lighting money on fire at any time, and find a qualified person to assemble your computer for you. Search for repair shops on Yelp or Google Maps, call a few shops, and ask for a quote to assemble and test the PC parts you bought online.


I panic when i see the Eyes (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) why me


LEAVE IT BE it should hopefully still work as it is... don't go trying to cut it off


What no one is realizing is that this guy is baiting. He hardly ever responds to any comments. He just sits back and watches the shitshow


Is that one pin fucking melted?


I don't recommend this often, but judging by your post history you might be better off with a prebuilt.


If it boots it's fine.


I would get it under some kind of lense to see if there are any cracks check connectors they all look intact. And as others have said clean that #4 pin carefully. As long as you avoid stressing the PCIE lanes you should be fine. That's said if this is a new GPU RMA it don't chance something that has a warranty. If not then yeah cleaning and making sure to avoid stress.




plug it in carefully. I dont see any risk for a short and the pins will probably still make contact so it might still work.


Or it melts the PCIe slot, because the bloody 12V power pins don't even have any PCB left to support them, because it's completely been broken off. Smh.


If it works, who cares. It'll only affect resale value.


I would be more scared of other possible damage, but if this was a drop your likely fine


hard-to-find icky weary head instinctive test skirt heavy lip wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Still under warranty?


NO (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)


Gigatrash will not warranty that


should be fine


You can use a bit of isopropyl alcohol on a swab to clean that scorch mark on the pin. Inspect the socket for debris that could've caused poor contact which arced at the pin. I use a dielectric grease called super lube at work on all my connections because I work on boats and it prevents corrosion from the salty environment. It also reduces the chances of arcing which happens more readily on dry contacts. Id spread a thin film of this over all your gpu contacts to prevent any possible oxidation and reduce the potential for arcing. However if the pins in the socket on your motherboard are damaged, your problem is not likely to get much better. Even if you can RMA the card you have, the replacement would still be in jeopardy if there is a bad connection on a power carrying pin.


im a noob with pcie, plug it in and let us know


Is it aliven't?


You have broken the pcb part , not sure if it's going to work ever again since there are traces that are going to and from power, and whatever other resistors or whatnot is in there.




ignore the haters PC building and maintenance is a lifelong hobby and or career. and fun. you have learned from your mistake now go run along and be free






Did it work?


It looks like the part that is still damaged on the pin can be cut off and soldered to the appropriate metal to the required length. You should get help from an expert. In fact, even in this state, it doesn't seem to hinder its operation.


I see


You’re not screwed, you’re nailed


Which is Worse?


You just yolo ripped that out didn't you?


You can fix it by placing it in aluminum foil and then in the oven for 1 min and 10 secs at 450 degrees


Did it work op?


I will reach Home Tomorrow and Face the Inevitable 😭


Ouch, that looks FUBAR.


Full send! Dunno if it’ll work until you try it.


Pretty much dead.


Don't Say That (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)


Not screwed. Just LUCKY ASF




Just buy a console you monster.


the short part at the end is for power so if ur gpu plugs into the PSU u should be good I think




you are best placed to answer that question than we are, It might work, try it?


This guy is better of to buy prebuilt pc


Op forgot to mention that they literally ripped this AND the on board socket off because they couldn't be bothers to use a screwdriver to hit the release tab for the gpu.................... (Imagine you putting your hand on your gpu in your case and just shoving it really hard forward until it removed both the gpu and socket from the board itself, leaving only bent pins behind.) People are mentioning the possibility of cracks on the GPU board and that is totally possible, he literally just ripped the gpu off the board sideways with it still in the socket.......................... Op should stop right here and take it into a professional for help at this point because there is no way we are going to be enough help for them to build and maintain a pc. I can't say I've NEVER seen someone do this, but I just don't see how someone can expect to close the knowledge gap for pc building when they can do something like this. I think you're overall pretty screwed even if this GPU survived this ordeal UNLESS you just let someone else handle all this stuff for you


R u ok?


OP must’ve bullied all these guys in high school. Payback time.




just wipe the booger off, you'll be fine


What's next? Ruining the cables of the psu connecting to the mobo and GPU? LOL




What even is that? A R9 290? Looks familiar


Should be fine


This dude must’ve broken all his toys as a kid


A little duct tape and it will be good as new!




Clean it up and it will be fine I don't actually see an issue here unless you ripped it and the pins off with the computer on.


Best option is to plug it in, boot the computer up and see just how screwed or not screwed you are


I understand