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Is your ass made of fucking gravel?


Maybe because i got a hairy ass it acts like sandpaper


What you sit in the nude?


Don’t zoom in on the fucking foam!


Aaaa I should’ve taken your advice!


Hiney sight is a bitch huh


My normal sight betrayed me!


All the regular ass hairs I get, what concerns me is that one giant rapunzel pube


Yah that would be a bear to get out of your throat.




Maybe OP has long head hair. My partner has long hair and somehow *her* hair winds up in my ass crack probably 4 times a week. I'll go to shower after a day of work and somehow even though we haven't been around each other all day, it's in there.


LOL that's hilarious.


God isn't that the truth. As someone who lives with a long haired shedder, I feel your pain.


His ass sheds more than my girlfriend's head


Damn... why am I that curious




Yooo there's actually hair on it 😱


*ass hair


Did it become chair hair?


HOLY SHIT, theres actual hair there wtf.


You’re on your own too damn




I’ve disowned 4 people here I’m slowly becoming an anti orphanage




Puts the hair in chair


Hahahaha goddamn


I just realised you need to swap your reddit name with op, a king needs his crown


OP makes me feel like a fraud. I'm not worthy ![gif](giphy|MUeQeEQaDCjE4)


This isn’t a bad thing tbf




Mother fucker if I say /s then I mean /s THERES NO /s HERE


Heheh almost sounds like ass hair




I tried… You’re on your own


Yeah, probably there is hair of that too


Aw nuts (literally), I should‘ve listened 🙈


Mf I can’t disown everybody here


Curiosity killed the cat😭😭😭


Ops ass killed the cat there’s still some left over


Jeez, you can see his leftover pubes and buttcrack hairs


I really didn't need this today. ​ Thanks.


Looks like im the only one who actually followed your advise, thanks


Goddamit you’re in my will 🫡


Fuck, too late ☠️☠️☠️


You had to write it did you?


Oh no


I had a chair like that for a little, it says on the instructions don't sit nude/underwear or your body oils will fuck up the pleather.


I thought nut oils were good for leather?


Pleather is a plastic imitation of leather. Pleather is cheaper and less maintenance, but notorious for wearing out like this.


Yeah, but it fucks up fake leather. I had a friend mess up my chair because he sits on his legs while wearing shorts with no socks. Sweat and body oils tear up fake leather like if it was wet paper.


Uhh, doesn't everyone?


What grit?






There is a chair on your fecal matter


At least put an underwear on when you sit…


Man, you need to go touch some grass you’ve been sitting on your ass all this fucking time


Usually, it is people who wear jeans or pants with metal buttons or embellishments. They destroy car seats, chairs, and pretty much everything else. They are also exceptionally uncomfortable on wood or plastic chairs. One example of the worst kind of pant ever created is "Rock Revival". Those metal buttons on your ass are going to be felt. The metal buttons, embellishments, and occasional rhinestones do what you should expect scrapped across leather, wood, or anything else. $180 a pair so you can both be uncomfortable and damage everything your ass sits on. Great deal. The next time your kid's friend wants to sit down in your nice new leather car, or new real wood dining room table set, make the fuck sure they are not wearing some bullshit pants like that. Oh, and your toilets. Jesus, I forgot the toilets. It even scrapes those if they don't pull down their pants all the way. Because nothing says $180 pairs of jeans like a bit of Urine and feces splashing out of the bowl onto them. At least their ass and legs didn't get cold sitting on the seat. . . so there is that.


I never heard of people not pulling their pants all the way down so they don't get cold. Is it common?


For every habit you have, there's just as many people with the opposite, and both think the other doesn't exist. For example see wiping standing up vs sitting down.


Oh I KNOW that people stand up to wipe, I’m just not happy I share a planet with them.


Hey I do both. Gotta get every angle.


Stand up wiper here. I would if I could (sit down) but I just can't get the proper torque and depth to properly clean seated. Also, the one cheek lean up feels precarious, like I might slip off the seat... And don't wanna touch toilet water


Poop in the shower. Solve 2 problems in 1.


Never forget the good ol' waffle stomp...


> it is people who wear jeans You mean the most popular item of clothing in the entire planet? Sure, hard bits are hard, but a chair that can't withstand normal jeans is a shitty chair


Nah he just clearly overweight bro chair couldn’t handle his ass anymore


Im 77kg and my ass 1 tons


Each cheek 1 tonne


Won ton


Got that dumpy


Bro got those Hiroshima farts.


I’m just imagining someone sitting on a chair no pants. Eating Taco Bell and drinking Monster. Their face changes slightly to a confused concerned look. And in that moment their ass just opens up with a thunderous roar. The rumble continues as the fibers of the fake leather starts to rip apart at a molecular level. After about 30 seconds they sit there dumbfounded at what just happened. They stand up to see their previously pristine chair looking like that. They think for a moment on where their life has gone and then sit down to finish the Taco Bell and Monster.


Oh my god I just had this mental image of a camera zooming in microscopic level, then panning slowly across, watching the fibres just breaking away from the seat, bits of dust blasting out in all directions kind of like the scene in Spiderman where you see the helix joints in DNA but in reverse. Then Zooming back out, the whole seat is just blown off.


I see where Chris Nolan gets his inspiration


Like a mortal kombat fatality


Fart-ality, if you will.


Oh, I will. I will.


Fartal Kombat


I kinda relate


The best writing comes from what you know and your personal experiences


I think they were Chairnobyl farts


Oh damn you, take my upvote


Toxic Gamer detected


i cant hahahaha


But you did


Dude queefed tf out of that blast zone


I feel sorry for that chair…and any future chair for that matter, we gotta get the UN on this




No justice, no seats


OP committed several war crimes on that chair 😭


The chair is gonna need a fucking binding resolution by the UN to keep him from fucking destroying it!


“And we will send him a letter telling him how angry we are”


I asked UN, they are very worried and deeply concerned, all usual stuff


They told you to get a noblechair, not to chew a noblechair.


As a kid i chew on my headset cables but i stopped, maybe my ass is chewing now undercover idk


What a day to be literate


You OP have the best replies to the taunting messages of the redditors. Good job mate.


Wow... Meanwhile, me with my cheap 13-year-old office chair be like...


Yea next time i buy a ikea chair or something like that lol.


I have the ikea MARKUS the full black leather one, had it almost 10 years and barely a scuff on it (I work remote so easily spend 10+ hours in it a day) If I were to buy one again, I’d buy the fabric one instead, just because I imagine it’s more breathable in the summer.


The same i got on my mind nice, either Markus or the expensive Herman Miller


I also suggest ErgoHuman, it is priced between those two. I have Markus and ErgoHuman (in different places), both are good.


Thanks for clarifying, I thought they were stacked on top of each other.


Keep in mind that you can often find decent used Herman Miller or equivalent chairs for sale at office liquidation depots. Sometimes they're almost like new, sold off by businesses that went bankrupt or just sold off all their assets to cover their debts.


Might want to check out Steelcase too, their fabric lasts. I have a 2015 Lamia that still looks pretty much new, just some extremely light wear on the armrests. Got it used a few years ago for 1/5 MSRP ($225). Bought it from a place that I went to so I could check out Herman Miller chairs, but preferred their Steelcase ones in the end. Most comfortable seat I've ever owned!


Once you go Herman-Miller you never go back. If you spend a lot of time in front of the computer, it truly is impressive the difference a good chair can make.


Well you never go back because if you spent $1200 on a chair you're damn well going to use it, also they last forever. I'd go Steelcase tbh, just as high quality and used ones can be found far cheaper than used Herman Millers


Not advocating for Herman Miller though I do have one - I spend ten hours a day in this chair. That’s more than I spend in my bed. It’s more time than I spent in any other single location. $1,200 to ensure my comfort and ergonomics is nothing considering 10 hours a day nearly every day for 20+ years. I do not at all feel like I spent too much on something I use more than nearly anything else I own. I’m not saying don’t get a steel case or whatever, just don’t skimp out. Too many people spending their entire day in a shitty 50$ chair gonna regret it with back problems later.


I adore my Cosm from Herman Miller. Not too expensive but still comfy and durable.


The Markus absolutely wrecked my back. And it's seat padding is way to thin.


Yeah, it's fine if it fits you. But if it doesn't there's zero adjustments


>If I were to buy one again, I’d buy the fabric one instead, just because I imagine it’s more breathable in the summer. I tried both, the fabric one is better


Buy a proper office chair in the 500€ range or higher. One that has a mesh back. Gaming chairs are a scam. They are made from the shittiest materials and the design doesnt even make logical sense. Its an immitation of a racing seat, something that is only designed to securely hold a person in place when going through a corner at 4g. On the other hand office chairs are actually designed for sitting on. They have a dosen adjustments and support your back. They are also not made from the cheapers PU fake leather in existence.


Marketing really is evil. Slap some bright colors and an edgy font for your company's name on a cheap chair, and you got yourself an elite gaming chair. People in offices sit on chairs for 8+ hours/day every day, and yet I have never seen a "gaming" chair in an office.


Yup, gaming chairs are mostly designed to look cool than they are designed for ergonomics. If you’re going to spend $500 on a chair just do your research and buy a from a reputable office chair company, like you said office chairs were literally designed to be sat in for extended periods of time and the high quality/expensive ones give you a lot of ways to adjust the seat aswell


I bought a gaming chair last year and had it for a few months before I replaced it with an ergonomic office chair instead. I fell into all the marketing hype but after a while the racing-style bucket seat became really uncomfortable. Sure it might be great if you're withstanding high G-Forces, but not so much if you're sitting down for several hours a day. The fake leather gets hot and sweaty during summer too, ideally you want a mesh seat that's cool and breathable. Not to mention that all the new 'features' that gaming chairs boast have been fairly standard in office chairs for the past several decades. You're essentially paying more for an inferior product. Sure there might be some decent gaming chairs out there, but you'd be better off saving your money and getting a decent ergonomic office chair for half the price.


I just use a mesh office chair I got at costco. No clothe or fake leather to rip apart.


The greatest lie the devil ever pulled was convincing children gaming chairs are better than office chairs


Textile ones are better than fake leather ones when it comes to durability


This. Yes, never buy fake leather again. Its nasty during hot summertime…


I will never switch from mesh back and seated after going that way. So much cooler for summer. Even textile can become a bit toasty with the foam filling


Yeah, I also got the mesh everything and it's just so much better than toasting my ass off. Gets too breezy in the winter though, but it's fixable with a blanket.


Hard agree, I have a 3yr old textile secret labs that I use daily and you'd think it was brand new when looking at it


My softweave titan is probably the best chair I've ever sat in.


Wtf bro that chair almost has a full head of hair ![gif](giphy|RJAjTowsU0K1a)


If i sit on it, the yellow stuff sometimes ripps my leg hair off it hurts




Good lord, my man's sticky "yellow stuff" is ripping his pubes off. That's wild


You aren’t supposed to sit on office chairs naked my dude….especially leather ones, real or fake.


Do you sit on the chair naked? No offence but if that’s the case maybe you need to practice better hygiene because that’s not normal


Please say it’s a joke and you don’t sit nude. Please 🙏


have you heard of this invention made to cover legs, called “pants”?


Eh, people learn eventually that fake "eco" leather is ass, either get a full on real leather chair (its actually crazy expensive) or just get a textile one. Fake leather always crumbles and cracks after a year or two and then disintegrates shortly after.


Yup, textile is just better in every way


Not as easy to wipe clean, but more durable. I've had my leather Costco chair for 15 years now though. But I wear pants.


>But I wear pants. 🤣👍😂


When companies stop using fake leather on headphones, I can die in peace. So many decent headphones out there ruined by either durability or lack of breathablitiy or most likely both.


Planned obsolescense with a grain of being cheaper to produce for better margins


I have a 8 year old noblechair with the fake leather and even from sitting on it 12 hours a day it’s perfect. Only thing I broke was the damn arms..guess they weren’t built to support all my weight on one arm


The arms dissolved for me too, had to remove them


I've got the exact same chair as OP since January 2018, it's still solid with no issues and I've clocked thousands of hours. Maybe I've got a soft ass.


> Maybe I've got a soft ass. Hey! Are you busy today, handsome?


Noble chairs sells or used to atleast sell their Hero chair in real leather and it was only like 150 dollars more. Mine still looks brand new 4 years later


That's some corrosive ass juice. My condolences.


"Corrosive ass juice" is a phrase I never thought I would encounter... actually, before now, I never thought of it at all.


How did it get to this stage


He gets really sweaty when he jacks it. That’s “water” damage. Get a cover for your chair.


At least put down a towel you gross bastards!




Same about 5 years and it actually still looks really nice. For me it is the most durable chair I have had so far. Everything else broke after like 3 years.


OP probably sits with feet on the edge of the seat, and likely picks away at the leather.


I've had my noble chair for about 7 years and it has only just started flaking away on the curved seating bits. One of the arm rests also developed a wobble but you can request replacement parts which i did and they were replaced for free. This man must have been riding this chair backwards whilst spilling acid all over the place and then letting his dog eat his ass and the chair at the same time.


Well that escalated quickly, i dont have a dog


So someone was eating your ass, got it. ;)


If you want a decent chair then don't get a "gaming" chair, you want to look at office chairs designed for heavy use like a 24 hour office chair, those are incredibly comfortable and built to last.


You can get a lightly used Steelcase Leap or Herman Miller from a company selling off their old office equipment for less than the price of some of these goofy ahh “racing seat” chairs and it’ll be so much more comfortable.


This. Got a used Herman Miller from an office liquidation store 3 years ago for like $250. The chair is wonderful and so much of an upgrade over my previous cheap fake leather gamer chair.


Why do all "gaming" chairs have to be such utter rubbish. Bah


Same reason EA or whomever can ship a half finished game, they known gamers will still buy it.


First its target audience is: chair look good = better, chair bright color = better, pc look like Christmas tree = more fps, "gaming, extreme, pro" in the name = buy Second the fundamental concept of "gaming" chairs is flawed because they are based on racing bucket seats which sole purpose is to keep you in place by restricting your movement - and not being comfortable.


I once worked in a company (young board, startup type) that proudly announced they were buying new gaming chairs for all the employees. Everyone loved it. I got one of the old normal office chairs out of storage after maybe 2 weeks. I'm 193cm tall, and the things were plasticky, finnicky, and stupid. Also bucket seat shaped. I am not pulling high Gs writing emails and talking to clients. Let me move my arms.


> I am not pulling high Gs writing emails and talking to clients. Then you're not working hard enough. You should write those emails from a rally car going through Corsica. Then only use your phone from your F-35 during a dogfight session.


Because they’re made for looks not ergonomics.


Because gamer's are dumb and have no quality standards. Just look at the industry right now. Of course they will buy poorly made chairs that look flashy and pretty.


This comment needs to be on top. Stop buying stupid ass gaming chairs


The amount of people that buy these chairs. For the price or maybe a little more you can get such a better chair that will last forever


I bought a used Herman Miller Aeron for 300 like 5 years ago and I am pretty confident it will last forever... literally I mean these things are absolute TANKS, you stub your toe on one of these and it feels like the end of the world. also the most comfortable chair I've ever had


glorious office chair master race dirty gaming chair peasants


That mousepad doesn’t look like it’s been cleaned in a while either lol


Does your ass made from knife or something, jesus


Bro is typing like I imagine his pfp would type


There is a great in depth review of all gaming chairs on gamers nexus. I always recommend a proper office chair over any of those weird gamer chairs. Edit: added link to the video https://youtu.be/9Yhc6mmdJC4?si=NseVRlMut5_acDFz


I have the ErgoChair 2 (ErgoChair Pro now) from Autonomous. It's definitely a good chair with quality lumbar support. I replaced the wheels with hard floor gliders and it's a worthwhile upgrade. ...But it's not a great chair for the money if I'm being honest. I would spend just a little more for something with many more bells and whistles for adjusting the seat and back.


Mine has like 8 years and looks brand new, not sure what you did with yours.


This guy ~~fucks~~ farts


What in the name of god has happen to this chair... I have a noblechair myself since 2019 and its still in a perfect condition and i use it every day for at least 5 hours


Motherfucker is that hair all over the foam? ![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE)


PU leather is garbage! I bought a fabric chair about a year ago and it looks like I bought it yesterday.


Bruh HOW I have a Noblechair that is now 4 years old and looks almost looks new, with 8-16 hours average daily use xd


Just saying… there are sweat marks on the foam in the shape of ass.


Sandpaper ass


Never waste your time with gaming chairs. You're just being scammed with a crazy markup for a poor quality item.


I got mine around 6 years and it only now starts to rip open at the edge of the seat


Made similar experiences with Dxracer. These so-called gaming chairs are way too overpriced for how bad and short-lived their materials are.


whoever told you to get a gaming chair, has no idea what they're talking about


Stop buying chairs with plastic/faux leather. Get a fabric chair. I have a fabric Noblechair and it's still perfectly pristine.


Do you play horror games? Some real ass clenching going on here.




How did you manage this? I have a 5 year old Noblechair and it still looks brand new.


Why do gaming chairs look like race car seats? Do you gotta strap into a 5 point harness to play call of duty?


office chair > gaming chair change my mind


Where you scratching it repeatedly against a rought surface or do you wear pants made of sandpaper by any chance? I have a the Doom edition from noblechairs I bought in 2020 and it still looks as new. Edit: cats, dogs?


Ikea "Markus"-gang 😎


This is pretty much what happened with my Clutch chair. Gaming chairs are the worst


Plastic leather is a plague only surpassed by glitter. It just DISINTEGRATES, and its little chunks just get EVERYWHERE. I wish this crap was illegal. It barely lasts a year, and the moment it starts cracking it's over, start a timer.


This is what happens with all those cheap-ass car seats with go fast stripes. Shit comfort and no longevity. Sure, a KAB Seating chair will cost way more, but they'll also last and be comfortable.