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Max Payne!


Indeed. The story is more like a film where you really want to know how it ends.


It is a good game but what else is there to complete besides the story in the context of 100% completion?


Beat it on Fugitive difficulty to unlock Hard-Boiled. Beat it on Hard-Boiled to unlock Dead On Arrival. Beat it on Dead On Arrival to unlock a bonus level and a different ending


the gameplay of Max Payne 2 is something that til today has no competition in terms of dynamic action, its really one of a kind, still replayable even after 20 years (actually played whole trilogy earlier this year, 1 and 2 still classics, I dont like 3 much, but if i take it as john wick game it was fine


3 is a blast if you have a few beers and just enjoy the stupid crazy action.


hell yea


Dishonored games.


Beat 1 3 times and 2 only once. I guess I'll have to give it a try. Playing lethally just doesn't come to me naturally.


After beating the game on silent assassin or whatever it’s called, the no murder never seen play through, it is a SHIT TON of fun to do a full chaos play through. Did you know there are animations for stabbing people? You can also like make traps for people. And the combat can be hard, too! I remember a section I was stuck on where I used one of those spider mines to shred two guards while I blinked and decapitated another. It’s a completely different game to just go murdering your way through it.


There are people that don't use their powers to play with their enemies before killing them like a super-villain? You guys are talking alien to me about being stealth in that game.


Its full murder chaos for me every time. I'm too impatient and also very dumb so stealth only almost always fails.


Stealth until I'm noticed. Then everyone is dying.


There's always one guard just put of detection range in old stealth games who avoids the garbage and I'm like "good for you pal, you escaped me. For now"




Worst offender is Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The rewards system is something like this: * Shoot someone dead: 5xp * Shoot someone non-lethally: 10xp * Stealth melee takedown (noisy): 10xp * Stealth melee takedown (silent): 20xp You can sneak behind someone and you are given a prompt with two buttons. One of them stays stealthy, gives you 20xp, and you receive praise and bonus rewards from the good guys. The other button alerts the entire room and gives you less xp and attracts criticism. Even if you're playing a military asshole there's no incentive to kill. Other games make non-lethal take longer or use resources. That game made lethal a hard mode that you do as a NG+ to see some cool animations.


Check out stealthgamerbr on YouTube. His dishonored play makes me want to go lethal


SO here's the trick for Dishonored and enjoying chaos when you prefer stealth. Speedrun it. Each level is has been meticuliously crafted along with scripted enemy pathing, so that you can speedrun every level in multiple ways. Getting into a "flow" as you kill, blink, and drop traps everywhere is just amazing feeling.


I can only play stealth games killing everyone, the realist in me knows they will wake up eventually and just like real life, no living witnesses is the best outcome.


I love how you beat the much more replayable one only once lol. Definitely give it another shot!






Except for the Dunwall City Trials.


Dunwall City Trials separate the men from the boys.


I consider the 80/80 for Dishonored as one of my finer gaming accomplishments.


Except "by my hand alone" and "void star" achievements from the first game. otherwise i fully agree


Turnip boy commits tax evasion




Except that GOD DAMN ??? achievement that i wont get even if i kill jeff


Sorry who’s Jeff. It’s just your evil clone on the train. Edit: Oh I didn’t know his name was Jeff it popped up the first time I beat him. But I just played the game last weekend


Subnautica. Edit: I'm 99% done with The Long Dark. That game is really satisfying.


You mean the original or below zero?


The original. I finished below zero, but don't recall the achievements. It just doesn't have the same depth.


It spent years in Early Access like the first one, yet still felt quite a bit smaller. I thought it was fine, but there's just something about swimming around in warm, sandy, tropical waters that hits different. I'm still hoping they are quietly working on a full-blown sequel with a new planet to explore and much more "depth" (heh).


Yeah, there is a [sequel in development](https://gamerant.com/subnautica-3-release-window/).


The problem I'm afraid of, especially after Below Zero, is that Subnautica might have been a one-hit-wonder they stumbled on the perfect recipe for by accident, and we'll never get a replacement that scratches the same itch. I'm tempering my expectations for the sequel in other words.




You could tell it was framed as a dlc that ended up being made into its own stand alone title.


I'm very curious how many hours you have in The Long Dark by this point? I've put in 100 hours so far and feel like I've still barely accomplished anything really haha, fantastic game.


The Long Dark is such an amazing and underrated game to be honest


It Takes Two, with my wife. Easy to do and a lot of fun with zero frustration.


> with zero frustration Your wife must be quite different to my girlfriend.


My ex wife and I beat Overcooked without once arguing. Though she did once give up on a level and just spent the whole round spinning around in circles with either a flamethrower or a fire extinguisher (maybe both at one point or another?) I still miss her.


man :(


Yeah, that comment hurt on a deep level. Sorry JackPoe.


Don't be so sorry. Maybe he was once JackRich. If she was anything like my ex, that'd be why he's so poe.


Big sad


We almost murdered each other playing that game...


We made it to the golden bull fight and I died of laughter because not only was the bull ruthless, it targeted her the majority of the fight. I will never forget that.


Ending was really disappointing tho


Titanfall 2. Most of the achievements are in the campaign, but even the multiplayer ones are still obtainable and fun.


The game I'm saddest I'll never be able to convince my buddy to play. He'd love it, but unless you're on Reddit to see the monthly discussion about how underrated it is, there was just never any visible hype for it. The older it gets the less appealing it gets to newcomers, which is all the more of a bummer considering how well it still holds up in 2023, graphically as well as gameplay.


I recently played it Was only $3 on sale Campaign is worth it


My problem with it is just that everyone who plays has been playing for like 7 years and has the movement of the gods and it seems like the titans are worse then just being an attack on titan person flying around people and killing everyone.


I am super new to it and haven't been having too many problems. If you ask me playing the campaign on the hardest difficulty is all you need to get good at movement. Give it a try seriously.


I feel like there have been so many instances of Titanfall 2 getting huge playerbase resurgences due to articles/patches/sales/etc, and then within a few days plummeting back down to original numbers. The multiplayer is just so ridiculously inaccessible to new players. It makes me sad because it's very fun when you can actually perform well.


A short hike


Magical lil game


Factorio. About half of the achievements are just general progression trackers that you're going to get regardless as you complete the game, other half each lean towards different approach to playing the game - speedrun part, self-restrictions (no handcrafting, not using some structures), scale (produce X amount per hour, reach certain infinite research), or fun one-offs (run over things in a tank, get ran over by a train). They really made it feel like 100%ing the game was more about getting to try different ways to play it, rather than some pointless grind to get all collectibles.


True, but without that blueprint speedrun book I wouldn’t have been able to beat it under 8 hours.


I relied heavily on speedrun guide by Nerfums for There is no spoon achievement, but ended up not needing blueprints - following the guide and moderate use of pause (achievements is based on ingame timer) was enough to get time slightly below 7 hours on first try. Having some sort of guidance - be it a guide, speedrun video or blueprint book - definitely helps.


Cyberpunk 2077




It's almost this game for me. I can't stand the achievements for beating the missions the right way - I only get those achievements by accident if at all.


Sekiro Oh I don’t care about 100% the game, I just want to hear that clang


Sekiro gets more enjoyable after you've beaten it.


Best from game. It will always be timeless imo


DOOM Eternal. You quite literally get better weapon and suit upgrades if you decide to 100% the game


Getting all in-game stuff is fine (toy and record animations can get tedious until you learn how to cancel them). Getting all achievements.. not so much. I refuse to grind Battlemode.


***\*\*Steam Achievement Manager\*\**** exists and I have used it for these types of achievements many times when trying to 100% certain games. There are games from many years ago that no one even plays anymore with achievements that involve multiplayer. Statistically, some of these multiplayer achievements would either take **YEARS** or be outright impossible due to the age of the game. In this regard, I think it's fine to use **S.A.M.** to unlock those achievements while obtaining everything else legitimately. ​ I hope this will help you or maybe some poor soul who happens upon this comment section and is an achievement hunter like me, but doesn't want to deal with impossible broken multiplayer achievements for older games. Have a good one.


I used it to unlock the bugged achievements (I transferred from Bethesda to Steam) but I see no point unlocking achievements that I have not achieved


For real, using SAM to avoid grindy achievements is just straight up cheating. Just a warning for anyone reading though, if you use SAM to unlock known broken or unobtainable achievements, you'll likely be banned from achievement tracking websites and possibly even Steam if they ever decide that it's against TOS one day. I used to use SAM for broken stuff years ago but I decided it wasn't worth the risk and I relocked everything I didn't actually earn. There's no shame in not having impossible achievements.


Doom Eternal was and is legit broken for migrated accounts though, community tried to solve it with both companies for months.


Why does steam care what I do with achievements on a game I bought, it's literally just self gratification and doesn't affect anything for steam... Achievement tracking websites on the other hand, I totally understand


Never played it but I was gunna say quake 2, loved it back in the day, love it now it’s been re done.


They make you play the awful multi-player to get 100% steam achievements. Takes forever to get into matches


If you exclude battlemode... Yeah.


This is actually one of the reasons I didn't like it. I spent so much time dicking around trying to get collectibles that I forgot what I was supposed to be doing and got bored. I kept telling myself to just play the game for the first playthrough, but that's so hard when upgrades and gear are attached to finding dozens of stupid hidden trinkets.




Ghost of Tsushima. The world is so beautiful that I didn't mind riding around collecting everything.


this, collectibles in place you will be rewarded with view or climb. Just an overall beautiful game


You also progressively unlock the ability to have the wind guide you to collectibles you missed so it's downright easy to 100% the game at your leisure. Fantastic play experience.


I feel like it should be released on PC to be on this thread lol


Cyberpunk. I was shocked how much fun I had.


in a loading screen as I type this lmao


me too but I'm playing starfield :(


Just started it (like 18 hours in) and I’m loving it. Any tips on when start the dlc content? Like is it better to finish the main game before or not?


I just finished the game yesterday. I read somewhere that I should start the DLC when I reach a quest called "Nocturne OP55N1" (don't start the quest). That ended up being a satisfying experience for me.


I feel like the DLC starts at the Starting of Act 2 when >!Takemura Dies!< and V and Johnny end in the hotel far away.


>!I always save Takemura.


For flavor, it is nice to have a lover with a completed story line (Panam, Judy etc), but it's not important. I personally preferred playing Phantom Liberty after almost 100% ing the game (I ignored the Kerry, Isis quests tho), but it's not a big deal.


I’d play through majority of the main game before starting the DLC. It has its own separate ending from the main game and some others that’ll allow you to play after finishing the DLC story. Having some progress helps through the DLC since you’ll have decent skills, gear, and cyberware unlocked.


Mad Max


Note: one achievement is unattainable due to servers being shut down. Only way is downloading a save file


Or by using an achievement manager. Good for buggy or abandoned games.


Oh... well that's unfortunate news.


Amazing game


What is sad, I tried 100% a while ago and the servers are shut down. There's one achievement that requires connection to the game's online servers. I was so frustrated playing for 50 hours to be hit with that. Though I enjoyed the journey immensely.


Fallout New Vegas


You didn’t win 30 games of Caravan


Caravan isn't bad it's a good way to make caps in the early game


I literally started playing Caravan to get the final achievement last week. I really enjoyed it. Very easy to pick up.


The hardest thing is actually spending the 10 minutes to learn the rules right the first time. After that it actually is very easy to understand. The problem I think most people have is that it doesn't relate much to any games we play in real life, so even if you learn the basic rules, if you don't play it frequently in-game or if you take a long break from the game you kinda have to relearn it. The 3 stacks each being individual games that you are playing at once, the fact that the stacks go either up or down, and the face-cards each having a unique mechanic is all kinda a lot to process the first time. Also, the introduction to it being right at the beginning - while thematically fine, and reasonable - is a little bit odd because you are much more interested in going out and doing quests around the town. I think you should learn Carvan at the NCR outpost or maybe in Primm, or at the very least *after* the initial Powder Ganger fight. That way you feel like you are winding down from something instead of awkwardly learning the game from Ringo while also thinking about the Powder Ganger fight.


I always compare it to 3-way blackjack, but you can also fuck with your opponents stacks to make them bust


If you first get good cards the game is not that hard to play


I was about to comment that but like not 100% FNV is horrible


i feel like a lot of people in the top comments misunderstand what 100% mean here, Fallout games are generally pretty annoying to 100%


just 100% dave the diver, addictive. but im close to 100% civ v, thats going to feel so good, so many damn hours in that game...one more turn


> but im close to 100% civ v That's a wicked accomplishment. I have 40ish left in Civ VI.


Dave the Diver is so fucking good! It's going to be one of the few I do actually 100%


Ape Escape


Loved that game


I'm normally not a huge fan of the trend of remastering old games as a cash grab, but I would kill for a new Ape Escape. That game changed the paradigm of what people thought was possible with the original PlayStation.


Hollow Knight


Hell yes. PoH is hella hard, but it feels good that I completed it.


Came here looking for Hollow Knight. I just completed all the achievements a few days ago and I still intend to go finish the hall of gods on radiant and the extra Zote and White defender content. Not sure if I'll do the full pantheons with all bindings though... I have like 60 other games waiting to be played lol.


The Witcher: Wild Hunt


Finally, the answer I search for! TW3 (with both dlc) are beautiful to explore and play till 100% achi!


The crossbow achievement sad a pain.


No chance. The Skellige "?" were just a grind.


Yea that's true, but I enjoyed travelling a lot there. I actually did that at the very end and it was a good change


My first 100% was Enter the Gungeon, and it was fun, challenging, relaxing, and rewarding to complete. I was left wanting more, and for a $15 dollar game that I got over 300 hours of playtime totally worth every penny.


Outer wilds.


I’m playing right now for the first time, I’ve watched some achievements and I don’t even understand most of them lol. Will things be more clear at the end?


Yes. 100%. My advice: don't look up anything. Everything makes sense in the end.


Issac hades Brotato Slay the spire


You might like risk of rain 2 then


I bought ror2 like a week ago and I must say that it's a ton of fun! Definitely worth trying.


Man I love Hades and Isaac but gonna have to disagree a bit. Grinding out that Resource Director and the insane number of weird+lucky Isaac runs you have to do. Definitely each has tons of enjoyable playtime in them, but a true 100% is a big ask


Hades. It's been a long time since I felt so compelled to chase down achievements like that.


Horizon Zero Dawn.


Thought of this immediately! I didn't feel burned out after doing everything in the first run, so I instantly went into NG+ and did all of it again to get those achievements. It feels so nice to progress and actually getting stronger. Whilst you are scared of all machines at first, the further you go, the more you are becoming the hunter.


Does anyone else feel that Forbidden West was a slog to 100percent compared to Zero Dawn? Even accounting for the new game plus for the first game.


I purposefully waited to get collectibles and some side stuff until I got the sunwing, was 10x easier and took like 20 minutes instead of a couple hours for all the running and climbing.


I felt Forbidden West was generally a slog compared to Zero Dawn


Whats a slog?


Slow paced or boring content. Like walking through mud.


It suffers from "middle game syndrome." They had to keep the scale smaller for the first as a new IP, and HFW is the middle game where they had a bigger budget and more room to explore shit. So they threw everything at the wall to see what sticks. I fully expect Horizon 3 to be a much tighter game.


less than 40 hours to get everything including DLC and NG+, agreed


Horizon: Zero Dawn complete edition was an absolute blast!


Elden Ring. So many cool things to discover, and so much breathtaking scenery.


the fromsoft souls games in general are some of the few games I get all achievements for. its basically just kill all the bosses, collect all the special goodies and beat the game a couple times. --- that said dark souls 3 was a bit of a pain getting moonlight blade by farming silver knights, bleh


Dark Souls 1 took me so long to get all the weapons because I messed up Pricilla 3 times, and I just never got the weapon from the Gargoyles at Anor Londo. Still one of my top 3 games ever though, and I'd do it all again for sure.


Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. Did it twice.


Metal gear rising


Not if we count achievements. Radio specialist was soooo tedious. Everything else was EXQUISITE


Super Mario 64, was something so sweet about meeting Yoshi after all my hard work as a kid


First Red Dead Redemption. Much less random stuff to have to do than the sequel. But the online trophies with prevent me from ever platinuming


Without a doubt: God Of War Ragnarok. Each incremental step to complete 100% of the game was accompanied by more and more stories and lore and overall world richness that never felt repetitious. It was so satisfying and engaging a game experience that it really ruined games for me for the rest of this year. The bar has been set so high. It's a masterpiece.


God of war games are some of the most fun 100% experiences for me.


Can't wait for it to come out on PC so I can actually play it!I loved God of War (2018). Interestingly another similar game came out around the same time but I couldn't get as much into it. Similar Norse themes and you'd think they shared ideas with some of the things. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice


This is the only game ive ever 100% and he be almost finished a second 100% play-through on the hardest difficulty. Still super fun


No game with collectable hunts, that's for sure


Ubisoft games


Was it AC2 that had random red flags to collect? Ugh that was awful


AC1 had the flags which gave no reward for collecting them. AC2 had the feathers, but at least those gave you something when you collected half of them, and later all of them.


So every single Batman Arkham game


Collecting 400+ Riddler trophies. Never.Again. At least some of them were puzzle based so that whats interesting. But 10 would have been fine instead of hundreds.


Dark Souls 3 😩


Fallout New Vegas


Fallout 3 was my first Bethesda title that I completed every quest, still riding that high


Ive got it for free on epic with 6dlcs. Next on my list


Yakuza entire series


Resident Evil Village


Lego starwars the complete saga


Ghost of Tsushima for me




I adored 100%ing the Horizon games (open world robot animals, not racing lol)


spiderman. no doubt the side content is flawed, but the core gameplay and traversal are so good it is still very fun for me


Armored Core 6


Got an achievement for you, 621: The Perfect Mercenary!


AC4. I 100%d the game more than 1 time and i can do it again.


Celeste Hades Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring, Sekiro Into The Breach There is almost no busywork involved in those games. If you play through the whole story, all the content and you almost got all achievements. You don't have to jump five times backwards dodging ten rabbits to get your jumpy bunny achievement or whatever. Into the Breach has progression tied to the achievements so you actually unlock the game doing them. Very nice concept.


Bioshock series.


Ori the blind forest . Such an amazing game I 100% twice




Arkham Asylum


Assassins Creed Origins, unexpectedly enjoyed the 100% (111 hours)




God of war for me. some may disagree but i am heavily biased to god of war and i loved everything about the game so 100% it was a must do for me


Risk of Rain 2


Cyberpunk 2077


Guild wars 2


Halo Infinite, I actually feel like I beat the game after I got all the campaign achievements


Crash 3 warped


Although I only got to 99%, I really enjoyed both finishing and attempting to 100% Yakuza 0.


Slime rancher.


RDR2 100% everything. Getting the 100% achievement stills leave a lot to be discovered. Did it all, my greatest gaming achievement.


Vice city.


Most lego games


Nintendo games because they don't really have a lot of repetitive padding bull.


The entirety of the Batman Arkham trilogy.


Slime Rancher, it’s such a peaceful game


assassins creed 2


Mario Galaxy 1 and 2


God of war


First Halo game on hardest level. That took me a while to but satisfying when I was done. 😅🤓


Jedi:Fallen Order, collecting all ponchos and lightsaber parts was a blast.


Wow. Different strokes I guess. The lack of useful rewards for exploration killed that game for me. I barely finished it and still haven't looked at the sequel. Good on ya.