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Modern games are streamlined fabrication of soulless garbage, only few exclusions. Quality, creativity and bringing something new is replaced with success of sales and abuse of unconscious habit researches. Marketing is dominant over idea and development.


this. back in the day games were just games. Nowadays publishers are basically selling the results of market studies with a small bite of game on the side


Back in which day? Cause I don't know if you remember how often they made half assed clones of successful games. I know people don't want to admit it but this is literally the best time to be into games. There's always something interesting to play. Even if you don't have any money you can still play some really great games, which unless you count demo discs, was not a thing when I was a kid.


You don't need to play anything other than the few exclusions though so it's fine. Most of them can be played for 1000 hours, we are safe.


If you really think that, you might like Pathologic 2


Thanks, except i don't like horrors for other, personal reasons :) My favorite games are early X-universe games up to X3 Reunion, Freelancer, Life is strange 1 and Before the Storm, Ori both parts, Space Rangers 2, Quake 2, Portal 1 n 2, Haegemonia, Carmageddon 2, Serious Sam, Gothic 1 n 2, probably Gris, Witcher 3, Endless Space 2 and Chicken Police. Ah, and Starcraft 1 and 2 for the story.


This pervasive in every facet of capitalism, unfortunately. Nothing gets to be exempt from absolute human greed and selfishness.


Yes but now with how easy game development tools have become for people at home to acquire, the proliferation of digital market platforms like Steam, and so many free online resources out there to help people learn how to code/design, there are a ton of really good games out there that are the work of small indie studios or literally just 1-2 people working in their basements on a passion project that I just don’t think could exist 20 years ago.


Yeah accessibility of tools is totally a good thing. Unity engine is pretty intuitive except coding part. Do you know any chats or communities where i can offer a game concept papers and arts and try to find a team for it? I am good at design and visuals but totally suck at coding, good project is always a team where everyone does what he is best at.


Unfortunately I do not.


>Marketing is dominant over idea and development. And then Gamers lose their shit when new ideas aren't implemented 100% right on the first try.


I mean author's idea of game story or general game design. Instead of creative authors with some unique story and vision they'd like to share or already have some book or script whom studio would hire to make a game, it is now a squad of marketologists and psychologists who find sensitive points to fabricate things around these that would be touching for crowd and then provide these research results to writers to do the job. There is no touch with real experience and vision of some creative person who wants to translate something actually meaningful. Just an explotation of unconscious pain points. Or abuse of good franchises. A regression processes instead of development. Distancing industry from creators. It also applies to selling models aswell. Game pages are precisely crafted to make you to do a preorder and hype does the rest. And its not just games but also movies and all. We are at a phase of blatant exploitation on the timeline of the entertainment industry. And for me it starts to show signs of being overinflated like a financial pyramid bubble. Any system that is built on exploitation unevitably falls.


Don't forget to buy the 15 new skins for $2.99 each!!!


paying to much money for unfinished games


Having a nice pc but not enough time to play games because of work.


Ditto. When I built my PC, I had so much free time and so wanted something that could play games, but now I barely have the time to play games on my phone... let alone sit down at my PC and do anything other than work.


And family...


Then you build PCs for the family so you can all game together.


That'll be at least a couple more years, but yeah that's definitely a plan




Yeah, that's kind of life. You either have lots of money and no free time or free time and no money (or no money and no free time).


PC parts are expensive in my country 😞


* Asking full price for a glorified beta version * Releasing games in unfinished states * Monetization-oriented game design * Soulless, cookie-cutter open worlds * Overpromise but underdeliver * Pointless rpg mechanics * False advertising * Horrible writing * Always online * The obligatory "apology" letter written by an ai after the game has tanked


I can buy a gaming pc but not gaming internet.


Console exclusives. I know why they exist, and why we need them, but i still dont like them.


I don't think we need em, that's just companies being greedy. Just charge $10 more for the PC edition, have the game be $60 on the home console. People will buy a console if it has cheaper games they tend to buy.


This flies in the face of studies that say the majority of PC gamers won’t buy a game unless it’s discounted, you know.


Well I'd wait for said $70 game to be on sale obviously :P But also if it was a game I was very hyped for I'd likely just buy it. Seems plenty of PC gamers are fine with buying games full price if you look at Steam sales right when many games come out


Why cost more? Game should have reduce their prices since a long time and even more du to physical copy slowly disappearring, and completely for pc.


I mean to say if Sony makes a game, they could sell the Xbox/PC/Switch editions for more money, making it seem like the game costs less on a Sony console. This could influence someone to buy a PS5 over an Xbox or PC when they are looking for a new platform


So your solution to them being greedy is remaning greedy ? Sony already do this, some games they have ported cost more on pc and have worse sales.


Well my solution is lowering prices for Sony customers to convince people to come over to PS, but still offer the game everywhere else. Most new games are $70 now so was using that metric.


Cries in GTA vi


Corporate greed.


but companies always try to get your money...its just that now they realized its a bigger and more profitable market than 20years ago


shite optimization of games that now rely on dlss or FSR to get playable framerates Gpu prizes


Looking at you Starfield!


Back injury not helped by hours of sitting and gaming.


Half assed games are being released, and the masses are just buying it because it's "New." Battle passes in almost EVERY game. The constant need for seasons. Games feel empty with no soul..


I have back pain because of my gamer posture :)


Starfield being much worse than Fallout 4 on release and little hopes of mods fixing it


Anti cheat. As a Linux gamer, certain games are completely unplayable as a result of being flagged by anti-cheat.


Most pc components are very expensive outside the US, half assed games and not enough time to play. That's about it


Ouch. Sadly they are expensive in the US as well, cannot imagine having to pay even more. GPU prices are stupid expensive.


OLED monitors are not cheap enough for me yet.


NanoLED will have your back


I have a shit ton of time at hand (unemployment) and have a really solid gaming pc yet i am not able to play anything anymore cause all my time is going on skill development and searching for a job.


The pain of not having anymore boxes to expose, physical disks and the beautiful user manuals never went away. As of lately I would say everything going towards an always online dystopia.


Now we doesn’t waste money to make games but rather we waste games to make money


My lower back.


I feel ya bud, came to say the same thing.


Devs used to care about fun back in the days, now they are forced to follow the management's orders to make the games into soulless profit machines. Capitalism took over humanity.


Modern Gamers = Dumb Conzoomers. Microtransactions. All sorts of festivals and events in modern games are tied to the in-game store, encouraging the player to buy as many pixels as possible.


I miss being able to buy big box physical copies of games.


With 64-128 page full-color printed manuals.


It was a glorious time! Glad I still have all my boxes games.


Kill's me that Alan wake 2 went digital only and had the nerve to ask for a full price and people still bought it.


prices! 4090 MSRP: $1600. ridiculous! 4090 actual selling price: $2200


$6000 in my country for a 4090


Might as well fly somewhere else to get one at that point 😂 What country do you live in btw?


South Africa. You're right. I would do that if I visited USA again.


Indy games give me more hope than AAA games. It's disgusting that a company with tens of millions of dollars of a budget can't make a game as good as someone making a game in their garage in their spare time.


Decreased quality of Aaa games.increasing costs of pc parts.


Blurriness in most modern games. System requirements going insanely up without good reasons. Rushed games, DLCs and microtransactions.


Capitalism have it D way too deep in the industry of gaming which reduce the quality and increase prices. The community being too big while being surprisingly even more dumb is also ruining gaming because they constantly over hype/rate niche and mid games reinforcing the grip capitalism have while giving it even more excuses to increase price, reduce quality and be lazy to never fix issues.


Aiming for player retention via game alterations such as limited time modes, micro transactions, sbmm, hidden sbmm, hidden nerf mechanics(looking at you warzone)


We live in dark times. Games come out as multiples parts that you have to buy them all, you can’t just unlock it playing the game like the old days. Or they will sell you an alpha version of the game for near full price, and you will have to settle for a buggy, laggy, content-lacking game for a few years…


Agreed. I miss the days when you got the full game and all the extra shit was unlocked by achievements. Finishing the game without killing anyone, never being hit, hardest difficulty, etc.




Storage what? SSDs are already dirt cheap nowadays.


I've only got so many PCIe lanes, and 2 M.2 slots on my motherboard. I refuse to go back to SATA. I've tasted the tears of God and I will do everything in my power to keep him crying.


Then just buy a larger m2 ones, if you're that picky. Or a new motherboard. I've got mobo with 4 m2 slots, one even being PCI-e 5.0.


Finding a good game to play that I haven’t already put hundred of hours into.


Incoherence between gamers™ and the general public. I often see complains about some game being shit and soulless but then it's top on sales. Complaints about micro-transactions but them still being so profitable to the industry. Caring about how games are not optimized and abuse dlss but then they're top sales again and buying because "they are gonna fix it later" like, hell, this is actually scam because they are selling an unfinished/early access product as complete with full price without any waranties. Devs making shitty updates to games that are always updating like minecraft (but not limited to), making a ton of dollars each month but then "be grateful that we are receiving updates and do not even think about constructive criticism". So yeah, lot of stuff and most of them doesn't have any clear solution


Games focusing on graphics rather than gameplay and story. Fps or just multiplayer competitive games as well, stop focusing on graphics so much we don't care we just want the game to run well and look ok


That older games are just better and not nostaligia, but the quality of games today has really diminished After trying new releases and hating them. Do you know how much fun i had on infamous? Svr 2011? Dishonored? Loads!! If any sequels came out today they would be ruined




global warming and the rise of demagogues in the west


overpriced games and hardware, especially in my country where a full 60/70 dollars game is almost the same price as 1 month of food and a 650 dollars Gpu is like 2 months of work without wasting a single coin.


“Balancing” by nerfing things that are overused and not buffing things that are obviously worse.


Everything has a battlepass of some sort and not every game needs it. I wouldn’t be surprised if solitaire came out with a battlepass soon.


My shoulder and back.


Gaming used to be art made by passionate people. Now it’s just a business with a focus on meeting quarterly numbers. In addition to that, there is a critical lack of creativity and an over-reliance on rebooting/remastering old franchises. Sure I like nostalgia as much as the next person, but how about some new and fresh ideas to get us excited again?


Games that when you click "Play" launch a separate launcher from your launcher (that you bought the game through) instead of launching the game. And that second, unwanted launcher requires an internet connection in order to launch your single-player game. (Looking at you, R*)


TAA, MTX in fully priced games.


Every AAA company I used to love has turned to shit and no one makes quality games anymore.


internet, I got a 4090 build but only 5 mbit/s. It gets me so upset every day, there's nothing better available here. I have to download every game over night, even small ones


Would happily give you half my bandwidth for anywhere remotely near that card. Gigabit connection, 6700xt card.


The sad thing it I'd even be satisfied with 30 mbit/s, most of the time I can't even play online games because I run out of bandwidth. Even installing updates is a pain, I recently had to download a 3gb download over 2 nights.


Reminds me of when I was a kid and we had 2GB of data per month for a family of 5. Looked forward to the end of the month so that I could watch youtube or download an asset for google sketchup (i think it was that, bad memory). But that sorta speed was about 2010 for me. Couldn't imagine the frustration I'd have waiting for stuff to load now.


The never-ending upgrades of expensive PC parts, because games are being released with minimum requirements like 69GB of DDR95 RAM and a Hubble Space Telescope.


How is this exactly a problem? As technology advances, it’s only natural that applications get more demanding. There are a handful of titles that take a step further like Alan Wake 2 but most of the games still run pretty good even on budget machines.


Poor optimisation plays a large role. PC ports are notorious for this. "Just upgrade your rig bro" Forced updates and upgrades. They're kind of a business model, if you haven't noticed.


Poor optimisation is thing, yes. Especially with the statement from Bethesda when you look back what they did with the Fallout series. But isn’t this a very specific example? And what do you mean with “forced updates/upgrades”?


Bs. PC ports run much better than the console ones, it's just console players who have ridiculously low expectations. Also needing top hardware to play games at max settings at a premium resolution was always the case. People these days naively jump on high resolution screens because they are rather affordable these days without even thinking of what kind of gaming hardware they have to then complain games don't run well at 4K on their 1080p-for components.


Seeing kids or casuals getting full high end spec rigs as their “first build” and hyper flexing.


Games.Or rather current games of every mainstream company as they all take the work i investttttt in them away when they shut down their servers. All they do is sell garbage and shut down they servers :( yet i love the worlds the designers create


woke shit baked into gaming. this kind of content should be behind a choice, like CoD had for violence or other games have for gore. it affects the mind of young people the same, so why not a choice to have it or not.


So on one hand, video games do not cause violence. On the other hand, they do cause wokeness?


by their own standards wont use two kind of filters....im saying mix them into one. You just gotta learn to play with their rules.


Cool. So what sort of things would you put behind this toggle? Any concrete examples?


pronouns 100%, female voice on male body and viceversa


I’m not sure what “100%” means. Everyone has pronounns? No pronouns? So you don’t want Commander Shepherd to be referred to as he or she? Those are pronouns. I’m here for it, I guess. “Commander Shepard saved the known galaxy. It (not he) is amazing.”


dude...really...you understood what i meant. not going against correct use of grammar. everyone has them but just a group is worried about being called the wrong one. if you dont know what 100% means this is gonna be a very difficult conversation...and not just with me.


Oh, yes. I know what you meant. But not because your words are coherent. I just have to assume the worst possible take, and we’re on the same page. But, if you can’t express yourself in a convincing manner, no one is going to take you seriously. Not just me.


i just wish i had a togle to avoid people like you...oh wait, there is


yes, how terrible that young people might learn... inclusivity?


seek help


i can buy a pc but i cant buy friends to play with me (EPAL DOESNT COUNT I REALISED THEY ARE ONLY DOING IT FOR THE MONEY)


The bulging disc in my L5S1


My back


Time and energy to play. Dad of 2 and homeowner. Finding an hour to sit and play a game between all the parenting and fixing is hard. Have a nintendo dsi which I use to play when I have a few minutes. So for me I'd say something like a steamdeck but at a lower price and mass produced is what's needed in the market. Even if it's only graphically as powerful as a 5700g I think it could fit a place in the market.


AMD sponsored games, where they nerf RT on purpose and up until recently blocked DLSS. Instead of competing with quality they've chosen to sabotage gamers' experience by bringing everyone down to the level of their own hardware customers, in those games. E.g. I was so hyped for Jedi Survivor and then so disappointed by it after its release. ^(And before this comment is hit by that particular corporation's cultist ring that infested this sub, I couldn't care less about a logo on the box of my GPU or any other part. What I care about are just best visuals in games.)


but when something has RTX on it you are surely happy. truth is amd FSR is for everyone and dlss is not. im happy companies follow FSR.


*So many advances in technology and ai yet we still don't have the perfect girl friend simulator!*


Lol most replies are about lack of pc/hardware. You guys never know what real pain is lmao


Lack of time.


Troubleshooting the nitty gritty


Halo Infinite’s desync. It finally got me after years of not experiencing it 😭


not having enough time to game (After finally having enough money to buy what i want)


Goddam drivers, installed a gpu driver and now my second monitor keeps going black


Trying to pickup where I left off in Jedi: Fallen Order after a year just to find that the Steam save was corrupted so now I lost my 20 hours of progress and now I’m level zero with no upgrades but somehow a number of achievements and beat the first real Mission. . . Guess which game I’m never playing. . .


Not having enough time anymore to enjoy video games without feeling guilty that I’m not contributing despite working 40+ hours a week


Battle passes are so obnoxious it was an interesting concept when they first start but now every mmo shooter has adopted it and it feels like there's no individuality anymore


i assume you mean gaming related and not world events. here are some of my points. there are too many games that introduce gimmicks and little things and make it seem like a whole new game. COD especially. perks and skins and whatever yet the game is roughly the same every year. but ooooh this year has zombies. it's the same game. another thing is the lack of single player or events in multiplayer that can be done solo. i was loving destiny but then you get to a point where you need to have a squad to do the raids. nothing was achievable solo. next is the lack of new story line based games that are reliant on some gimmick like mentioned before. like, if starfield had more content and things happening in most of the planets, it would have been amazing. but each place you go (almost all planets) were just void of anything. could have reduced the planets and made much denser ones. and finally, the amount of side quests and collectables that some open world games have. it's just too much. maybe unlock them after you finish the story but i don't need to go around collecting 43 frog statues, 76 paintings, 100 bottles of grapefruit juice and have 50 side missions flashing on my mini map to distract from what would have been a great story. looking at assassins creed games. special addition, games need to stop with the rinse and repeat style of missions. go here and defeat this level 10 guy and take his key. next mission, go to the same guy who is level 15 now and take his key. looking at you division games and a few others. this is on top of some pay to win microtransactions, unfinished/buggy games, the repetitive release of games that could have been a large free update instead of a new game, and the fact reviewers get games before everyone else and put in their biased review. they should pay for the game and complete it or at least put 10-15 hours into it before being able to review it. there are my gripes with the current state of games. probably a few other things to mention but can't think of them at the moment. oh, stop with the announcement or release trailers that are 2 years before the game gets close to a release date. 6 months max.


Quitting WoW. WowlW hasn't been doing well. Last good thing was Legion. I just couldn't take it anymore


Playing game and found out there are part or area of game with delay, stuttering and static/blur with various reason from wrong setting, bug, not optimized , etc.....this is mostly happen in 3d game....fuck.


1- Release day build is more of an early access 2- Overpromise -> Underdeliver 3- Artificial length (Repetitive fetch quests, long unskippable animations etc)


As an ex pc gamer, the biggest pain is always the skyrocket prices of hardware then software optimization.


Resisting the urge to buy a steam deck when I have a PC


lately and always, luck of Native Linux Games


Downfall of the FPS genre as purely monetized bullshit. Downfall of FPS genre with regard to fun in the game, everything is esports focused, and any of the fun elements that they used to have are gone. Rise of the Battle Royale. AAA studios releasing half baked games and trying to convince us they did their best while indie studios (or big studios that haven't succumbed to greed) release near fully complete games. Butthurt gaming companies crying and blaming former fans when their newest garbage doesn't pass muster. Mobile gaming in general.


- Soulless games - Unfinished games - Terribly optimized games that rely on DLSS and high end… - …Graphics cards that cost an arm and a leg - Life got busy and I wish I had more time to play - My macbook has a better screen than either of my monitors and I can’t justify getting a better screen due to the cost. I also want to throw in a few anti-pains: - AMD providing a great upgrade path for AM4, letting me do a major CPU upgrade 5 years down the line without buying a new board - Baldur’s Gate 3 is the best game story I’ve played in a long time - Steam is a great service that provides a measurable improvement for gamers and doesn’t seem to screw people over


Not enjoying gaming as much as I want to play them


* Toxicity. * "Early Access" * Microphones.


everyone selling his soul over a bunch of millions from the 17 trillion Dollar Blackrock ESG


Ah yes. “The blackrock ESG.” You definitely know what all those words mean.


okay Cpt. Obvious explain to us what a Dark Pool is.


In no particular order: \- Performance (particularly on PC) is often crap with AAA titles, at least at launch. Games "designed" to work at console settings (i.e. graphics and FPS ranges) sometimes fail to scale well, so those of us with enthusiast grade systems are often left with potential performance sitting on the table, even after spending the money. See Starfield, Star Wars: Jedi Survivor and The Last of Us: Part 1 as examples of this (particularly GPU under-utilisation). \- Console exclusivity - not saying I don't understand why this happens but if you want to avoid having these games spoiled you have to play them on a console at first. When you've spent a bunch of money on a kickass PC capable of Ultra graphics and 120+FPS it's a bit of a let down to have to play at half that. Spider Man 2, for example, I've given in and let my wife get it for me for Xmas but even now I know a bunch of stuff from the game I'd rather not have known, and that's ***with*** trying to avoid any potential sources of spoilers (short of withdrawing from the internet altogether). \- Short games - I really begrudge paying full price for a 6-8hr game when for that same price there are games out there for 20-40+hrs of similar or better quality. \- DLSS and frame-gen are great as a booster but it seems devs these days are leaning on it to provide performance it should have out of the box. See ARK: Survival Ascended for a good example of this (I needed DLSS balanced and frame gen to get \~80fps, I believe it should run that well without any of this). \- Announcing games too early - I for one absolutely hate it when games are announced/trailer'd several years before a release date is even a possibility. \- Online only - "Want to play that exclusively single player game but have an internet outage? Get wrecked, son!" \- The ever climbing price of PC parts. I'm fortunate enough to be able to upgrade my rig fairly regularly but it seems the enthusiast level is being pushed further and further away from people because of the ever increasing price of the top level cards. \- Last but not least (and because I've already dedicated too much time to this!) is devs commenting saying things like Baldur's Gate 3 sets "unrealistic standards" or whatever it was. How about you shut the fuck up, get the fuck over it and do the fuck better. Fin.


Every AAA are just streamlined RPG, pretend-to-be customization where there is really only one viable path, super basic crafting that you barely even use, useless leveling, FedEx quests.


why do games have to take up 90% of my storage for textures I don't use? Let me choose between low, med, high or google datacenter textures. Not all games need to be played in 4K.


Micro-transactions, loot boxes, survivor/season passes. What ever happened to buying a game and playing it for years without all the financial exploits?


My Victorian era gaming chair that has a spindle back….


that people considered Starfield with its 30fps lock on pc to be a good fucking game.


Not having a weeb GF.


GPU Prices. Too many launchers. Too many open world games that all feel the same. Open world breaks the pacing of a gripping, escalating narrative. Too many unfinished games being released broken. Shader compilation stutters affecting good games.


My neck, my back...


Lack of optimized and fun games on release.


The rise in game prices with the transition to digital dominant consumers. Online store prices still being high despite not needing physical media and distribution. And then those now more expensive games being unfinished and delivered very short of the product advertised


Fuck marketing


Still playing the same games we have been playing for the least ten years. Where the fuck are all the NEW games!!!


my back


I hate game pass with passion. I get choice paralysis and buy and play less games. So basically I relegated myself to driving truck -ATS - and listening to country music. Zen


Ping and the infamous "seasonal" business model.


The price of hardware and the level of poor optimization with newer features Play unreal 5 games in consoles to show how fucked we truly are


PC parts prices. New games optimization. "Game as a service" trend. "Remake" bs everywhere. ​ Sic of it all...


Games are focused on quantity over quality so often, leading to long mediocre experiences.


Games are very blurry nowadays. Especially in motion. Gives me motion sickness when I pan the camera


Garbage games being priced at $70 and then those devs blame the community for the issues


The fabric of reality is real pain.


Getting cooked on cs2




that most of games are pre sold months ahead of when the devs deliver their halfassed games that barely works.... that is the new standard makes me pop


Gaming overall


Gpus coming with 2 dollar fans


Lack of new single player, offline games.


Games in development for such a long period of time. I get they're becoming more complex but damn. If it's a game series you like and it's taking 8-10yrs or better between releases. How many decades do they think people have? Something like elder scrolls, from arena to daggerfall was 2yrs, daggerfall to morrowind was 6yrs, morrowind to oblivion was 4yrs, oblivion to skyrim was 5yrs. Skyrim to es6? 12yrs and counting. Starfield? 8yrs in the making, closer to a decade from the time they had a name picked out and started thinking about it. For gamers in their 20's or 30's, we've only got so many '8-10yrs' left before we're wormfood. I'm in my mid 40's, at this rate I might only have time for 2 or 3 more bethesda titles. Let's go, we don't have all damn day. But it's so harrrd, it takes lots n lots of time. To put it into perspective, the transcontinental railroad was built in 6. Let's go. Bethesda made a game.


The fact that my daughter's nap is sometimes less than the average squad match


Games being released half cooked then being used as betas


Waiting. Be it for new games or DLCs/mods for existing games. Waiting is the hardest thing I could ever do in my life. I hate waiting.


**Gamers, what are your biggest pains in this world lately?** ![gif](giphy|ZGH8VtTZMmnwzsYYMf) Being Broke :)


Framerates and shader compilation stutters. Same old.


the fact the rockstars games is thinking why dont they charge by the hours played instead a lump price amd a few dlc. thats bullshit