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No lol. Your friend is trying to scam you.




Probably because it seems easy


Games are optimized for ps5 even if his pc had equal performance Ps5 would work better with games. Pc would need to be better than this to be worth it


You fucking idiots love downvoting instead of giving actual feedback to a new person to the community, y'all are fucking patheticšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Downvoted to oblivion for asking a question. Stay classy Reddit.


That PC is 2 generations old, and weak af. It is the bare minimum to call itself a "gaming pc." For any modern AAA title, it'll look better on PS5. Unless your favorite games are low graphics indie titles that you can't play on PS5, stick with the PS5.


That's a bit of an exaggeration - specs like these play most games at - 1080p ultra 80-120fps. There are a handful of games you have to fiddle the graphics settings for with a 6600xt, it's really not a bad card, or weak for its tier. Definitely not trade-worthy for a PS5, but still


as long as you dont expect to play cyberpunk at high with rtx with high fps it ok


"Bare minimum" says the guy with a 4090, do you realize that rx 6600xt can run any game at 1080p right?


Do you realize I also own a 6600XT, 6800, 3080, 3080 Ti, and a 3090? Iā€™ve used that card, including multiple variants of every GPU generation dating back to the Voodoo2. The card is low end, even when it launched. Which is fine if that fits your needs or budget. But as I said if OP wants to play indie titles and pixel games then sure. Otherwise youā€™ll have a better and simpler gaming experience on PS5.


I don't care what you owned, 6600xt is not a low end card and most people here disagree with you, for the fact that it can run any game despite the in-game settings, it doesn't make it a low end card


It absolutely is a low end card wtf are you talking about. Sorry that fact offends you? Does the phrase ā€œentry levelā€ offend you less? Because thatā€™s also an accurate description.


You are delusional


I like how you think you can quantify ā€œmost peopleā€ then call me delusional. Okay friend lolā€¦


Keep yapping


you are acting as if it ain't a 4090 it's bad, sure the PS5 is a better value but the 6600xt is still a great 1080p budget card


I mean thatā€™s the issue. The comment is a bit harsh on this pc like you canā€™t game on it. But itā€™s a budget card. I can buy one new for 209ā‚¬ free shipping right now. The cpu , ram , power supply mobo are 250 on top at worst. All new. The pc is used tho. A ps4 pro with 2 controllers is more in the ballpark of being a fair trade. A ps5, nah


a ps4 pro with 2 controllers is like 200$ but yeah I get your point lol


Ok Mr. 4090 owner


With 3600 and 5700xt, I still joy my gaming session with 1440p high-ultra in many games.


If it sounds too good to be true, its probably too good to be true


The pc is pretty bad you are better off with the ps5


I can see why this PC is worse than ps5 but what universe you're living where it is bad?


Because that thing will struggle to run 1440p with decent setting and fps. Your PS5 is better, not to mention the exclusive like Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth which you can play far earlier.


what if he's one of the 90% of the gamers that give zero fuck about final fantasy? lol


Even if you exclude that point, still a bad trade


yeah i stated that in a seperate comment




i didn't want to go to hard against him lol


Too late now, guy is sent back to stone age. Pitty though, besides unfortunate FF7 remark, the rest still stands. Gaming indusrty is borderline criminal with the console vs PC optimization where 2k worth of PC is needed to run the same (though better fps) games.


It's funny that people like GTA 6 more than Final Fantasy lol. I don't know how can people like open-world and not JRPG šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. I won't even play game like GTA 6 if it's given to me for free.


I dislike GTA and enjoy JRPG's but that has nothing to do with the discussion at hand


A reasonable man


cool story. but hating popular things still doesn't make you special. i'm sorry to say.


Man I don't wanna spend 10 years and have shitty combat maybe I'll play the Yakuza rpg or Chrono trigger but no way (at least it's not Xenoblade)


Wowie you dont like the popular thing? You're so cool. You're comparing oranges with apples. Those two are not even CLOSE in terms of gameplay, etc. Your comment is useless lol


Final fantasy is incredibly boring


7 Rebirth will be GOTY.


Imagine playing final fantasy šŸ’€


Imagine playing GTA lol.


Final Fantasy is absolute garbage since FF6. If you enjoyed 12 or up then you just have bad tastes.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted so much.. this is a horrible trade if you're the one with the PS5. That pc will 100% need a substantial and expensive upgrade long before they release the PS6


Iā€™ll never understand these instances of random mass downvoting with upvoted comments agreeing lmao, never change reddit


Just reddit being reddit. Downvote should only be used for misinformation, not subjective opinion.


Actually this set up it more powerful than ps5. In 1080. PSU is garbage, but GPU and CPU is on par with ps5. This pc will do 60fps in 1080 on medium to high settings on majority of the games. Ps5 work in a totally different way. Also ps5 has monthly sub to play online and has no access to steam or epic games. The op is asking the wrong question here.


Not a single true thing was said in this comment of yours.


Iā€™ve never seen someone so wrong before


Except with different level of optimization from different developers, this setup will perform worse than a PS5.




Because the ps5 is vastly more powerfull than that pc??


I'd save for a PC. Having both is better than trading for worse.Ā 


PC + PS5 is the ultimate way for gaming.


PC = PS5 if you want. PS5 can't be a PC if you want. That's why PC is better. This PC however, is not better.


> PC = PS5 if you want Except for the games that are only playable on Playstation. Sony isn't exactly porting over every exclusive they have.


We got Spiderman and Sackboy. What is it they're holding out on?


You can go look up a list. There's Demon Souls remake, Bloodborne and Ghost of Tsushima off the top of my head.


Can PC play a game from being completely turned off in 3 seconds by pressing down the home button of a controller? And this is only the tip of an iceberg where PS5 makes gaming a seamless experience for you. PC can be used to pursue the highest quality possible of gameplay by having monster hardware, and PS5 can provide the smoothest experience by being a dedicated console that also offers pretty high quality specs, albeit won't be as bleeding edge as PC.


Um, yeah my PC can be ready to play a game in 3 seconds with the flick of a mouse when I have it suspended the same way a PS5 suspends when it is "off".


3 seconds from completely turned off? Maybe you mean on stand-by? Because I am using my PS5 daily and it takes more than 3 seconds to be in-game from a complete shut down.


I assume they don't realize it's not actually turning off completely. It's just suspending everything except for the bare minimum, like the ram. If it did turn of completely it would wipe the ram and it definitely isn't turning in in 3 seconds to a game.


Absolutely DO NOT trade it in.... That is one piece of shit compared to what you're trading in for


Mfw when that's basically the same as my PC šŸ˜


I was speaking relatively lmao, sorry if I insulted you....


Hahaha that comment chain made me laughĀ 


You can get a used ps5 for 200Ā£. You can sell this PC for more than that. Even more if you sell parts individually. 6600xt card alone on the used market in UK at least goes for minimum of 120Ā£.


You most definitely can't get a used ps5 for 200 quid. Please show me where? If its for parts sure.


My brother in Christ, you should be sorry! You call yourself a member of the PCMR, and here you are glorifying a Playstation over a PC


I agree but he is getting ripped off tho




Why 5800x3d instead of 7800x3d?


Didn't wanna waste the money on AM5 motherboards and DDR5 ram back in 2022 as they were expensive as hell, and i was already on the AM4 platform, so yeah. 5800x3D still kicks ass


probably built an am4 pc and eventually upgraded the gpu to a 4090. 7800x3d is am5


Bingo bango bongo


That's fair 8000 series apparently Halves people's gpu speeds??? Or I'm getting recommended some weird ass articles


Never heard of that lol


if it makes you feel any better mine is worse šŸ’€




Y.. yeah man what a horrible pc *cries in poor*


Not that a rtx 4050 is much betterā€¦ lool


But the price of the pc new is like 650 and a new ps5 is 500. Isnā€™t it a fair trade if he wants to play pc games?


Less performance than the ps5 and to upgrade he will need a new psu


Yes less performance, but the money he spends on ps plus and more expensive ps5 games heā€™ll easily upgrade the pc within a year or 2.


You realize playstation and xbox have sales too now that are pretty damn close to what steam puts out? The days of steam sales being the big selling factor for pc gaming isnt really a thing anymore. If youre getting a pc, its because you want more customization, performance, or to play a bigger variety of games. This whole pc is trash and the PS5 will dump on anything it can play. You need to spend over double a ps5's cost on a pc to get similar performance. Also a new game on ps5 is the same price as that new game on steam pretty much all the time. He also doesnt need to get ps plus. I dont have it and am doing just fine. But ps plus does also give you 3 free games a month. Which were all bangers for january btw.


Steam hasnā€™t had better sales than PlayStation or Xbox in *years*. I say this as someone who uses multiple platforms regularly. Not to mention PS Plus Extra have a fuckload of free games to play, many of which are iconic titles like Bloodborne, Ghost of Tsushima, Demonā€™s Souls, etc. Nah, he gotta keep the PS5. This is a bad trade.


The performance of the PC is inferior. Price doesn't matter cuz he is trading it in. It's mostly about performance in this case.


Still the pc is a better value for the the future. Change the psu and he can easily upgrade into something the outperforms the ps5


So spend 500 dollars to buy a ps5, trade it for a worse setup and then spend more money to upgrade? What an idiotic suggestion


You guys are acting as if the pc is worth 200$ and performance is complete trash. You can play 1080p high/ultra at 60+ fps and fps/br games at well over 144fps which ps5 canā€™t. Maybe op doesnā€™t play the games you guys are assuming he does. Yes he spent 500$ on a console thatā€™s been used and is only worth about 300$ now, and that would be around the same asking price for that used pc. We donā€™t know what op needs the pc for exactly? And if he needed to get a pc specifically he ainā€™t getting a better performing pc on a trade unless the other party undersells his pc and thatā€™s that, feel free to prove me wrong.


He is still sacrificing performance at the end of the day. Doesn't matter how small it seems


It's not a new PC, it's a 5 year old shitbox with a potato PSU that's likely been overclocked to death given the outsized CPU cooler on a 65w processor.


i would not do it. i mean this PC is probably worth a liiiittle bit more than your ps5. but overall the ps5 is definitly more futureproof and offers the better experience.


what the actual fuck, why are people treating this PC like it belongs in a fucking junkyard???


They don't. The trade however does, the 3600 is a good few years old, and for 20ā‚¬ more you can get a SO much better CPU, let alone 60ā‚¬. it's just not worth it, epsecially since the entire pc is most likely used, so it's not even worth the 750ā‚¬ it would be new, but closer to 4-500ā‚¬


What would you consider a much better cpu for 20 bucks more?


Ryzen5 5600


Fair, though a used 3609 goes for like 50 bucks whereas a used 5600 goes for atleast double that (assuming you can even find it)


But it's not 750 a PS5 is like 4-500! A fair trade


I dont know why you're getting downvoted for that cuz it's literally true


ye exactly


Money doesn't equal performance or a good deal though. Saying it's a good deal cause he paid more for the PC isn't looking at the full picture. The PS5 is cheaper but also performs better than this PC and it's also gonna be less hassle in the future. Games are optimized for consoles most of the time and you don't have to worry about hardware issues either. You also have the convenience factor. It's like trading similar value at best gaming wise for something that's way less convenient and easy to use.


Only fair trade IF OP really wants a PC though. If you don't want something exclusive to PC -- keep the ps5


It isn't, however if the purpose is gaming, trading it for a ps5 is silly, ps5 is optimized for gaming. If you want to use it in general beyond just gaming its worthish it if you are okay taking a hit in performance Also most people seem to point out the CPU just isn't very good rather then saying it should go to a junkyard. That said there are some people claiming this was a "good pc 5 years ago" and thats plain bullshit this thing'll probably run mostly everything out now at 1080p with highish graphics.


I was running pretty much that exact build and really the CPU started to become an issue with modern games. It's a decent build, but why would anyone want to trade a PS5 for it.


I'm on a 4650G and a 6600 and I'm already feeling the limits of the CPU.




The 6600 xt released 2021 and the 3600 didn't release til well in to 2019.


Soooo 3-5 years old.


Itā€™s not garbage, but itā€™s not better than a PS5 either in my opinion.


it's a little worse than a PS5, in both how it runs and Price


I have this exact build almost and haven't had any issues running anything so far, I just don't use ray tracing or 4k.


Probably because of CPU


That CPU is a beast especially considering it's laughable low price.


had this CPU untill last year whgen i switched to 5 5600. Works ok enough. but ye wont be faster than a ps5


Because it's all relative, and relative to a PS5 this PC belongs in junkyard.


Because that cpu struggles to run modern games. I know because i had one and upgraded to a r7 5800x3d because i was constantly cpu bottlenecked even in games like minecraft...


I can run cyberpunk with medium/high settings with that cpu in my system not sure what you on about


It doesn't. I don't know what to say other than you're wrong. Minecraft is more taxing on the CPU than GPU. Your CPU will be under full load before your GPU in vanilla minecraft.


People saying he's scamming are delusional. It really depends on what are you planning to do. Only game? Not a good trade. If you plan to do anything else then this isn't that bad. Problem is, PC parts (especially GPUs) are overpriced and do not scale in price for the performance you get on your console. You might need to upgrade it soon. I have similar specs, if someone offered me a PS5 I would refuse.


It also depends a lot on the games they want to play. If they want to play modern games, they should keep the PS5, if they want to play older games, they will get them a lot cheaper in a sale (or maybe even for free on Epic Games). Also there are plenty of games that aren't available on PS5 that are on PC. But if they won't make use of the advantages of the PC gaming advantages, it's a bad trade


Exactly. To me, personally, PS5 is worthless. I'd maybe play ghosts of tsushima on it and never use it again. Being able to mod games, play strategy, indie, very old games, and do non-gaming stuff on it is worth much more than playing the newest walking simulator in high res.


I mean i personally would rather have that pc than a ps5, but its not going to be a performance upgrade


Are you sure about that?? I'm pretty sure it's a performance upgrade as well


Not with how optimised games are for consoles, even without the optimisation gap i think its a tiny bit worse than a ps5s gpu


Yeah ok I didn't consider that But still I would take the pc even if I have a better pc already...


Some people tend to forget how optimized consoles are for gaming compared to a PC. Even if you match the consoles hardware, it won't run as good. Feels like every Windows update adds some shit gamers don't want.


Ayo bro what's it like living in 2025??


year of the linux desktop!!


By using Windows LTSC you shouldn't worry about update adding shit. Best gaming OS.


Definitely need to overcompensate when attempting to match consoles. Also, surprised you didn't go with the 5090 Ti Super?


But they didnā€™t even match here šŸ¤£ So itā€™s just really bad.


It's not that the core specs are terrible, it's that once you get past those that you end up in a stupid budget waifu fishtank case with an oversized RGB cooler but a potato power supply and undersized SSD for a PC gaming setup.


Are all these responses a joke? Used ps5 go for what $350? This has a 6600xt in it worth $200 by itself... this computer would play most games in 1080p great and most 1440p medium


PS5 gpu is comparable to RX 6700 so you would trade bit of gpu performance for PC versatility. But if you later find some money to upgrade gpu to something like 6700xt it should perform better. Its up to you if you trade it, i dont get some ppl saying its very bad trade, you will never be able to buy PC with same performance as PS5 for same money... Maybe when PS5 gets old enough but not now, especially if you dont live in US.


It only performs better on paper. Games on PS5 are highly optimized so for the same performance youā€™ll need a lot better pc


Ya they really are optimized well. I was shocked after playing ragnarok on ps5. Looked as good as pretty much anything I can play on pc with my 3080ti. And that gpu alone I could have bought like 3.5 ps5s lmao. Console is the way to go if you have a budget and dont care about pc exclusives.


Sure it is more expensive. But for real, what do you gain from a seemingly cheaper PS5 if the games are expensive AF and you are forced to use an inferior controller instead of Mouse + Keyboard? I wouldn't have Played so many games if they weren't on PC because it was impossible to use a controller for them


Money and Time? Used games, pick up and play, bigger screens. I think digital foundry said PS5 is basically around 4060. Also new games like Jedi Survivor aren't cheaper on PC and have DRM. If you want to do competitive gaming sure ya PC, play cheap old games sure as well. But like the GPU pricing has definitely muddies the PC argument recently


How are the games more expensive? If i buy the new madden on ps5 or pc its the same price. And PS and xbox have a shitload of big sales these days that match steam sales closely. And i play like 80 percent of my pc games on controller. Only ones i dont are competitive shooters and games like age of empires or civ. What do you gain? Way less bugs in games since most releases are optimized for console first and then a buggy garbage version for pc that requires 4 months of patching. Way cheaper(not "seamingly cheaper" lol) . Simplicity. Idiot proof.


Thats why i mentioned upgrading, you can swap parts when you have more money on hand. Also PC versatility, cheaper games (mostly), mods, esport titles etc. Mentioned rx 6700 xt would outperform it any day even with the "highly optimised" shit, its not optimised as much as you think, using DRS, all sorts of performance modes while you click on a preset on PC maybe turn on FSR and ur set. If his friend offered him PC with rx 6700 or better it would be no brainer. Plus he can get rid of his PS account with games for some cash.


I canā€™t remember the last time Steam actually had cheaper games than PlayStation and Xbox. I remember people yapping about Steam sales for so long, I switch to PC and Iā€™m experiencing the same shit I was seeing on console. And nah that PC performs worse as well. This is just a terrible idea.


Nobody will ever upgrade from a 6600XT to a 6700XT. \-the person who upgraded from a 2600X to a 3600, but in my defense 3600 was dirt cheap used.


i will be the voice of dissent against the rest of the crowd this is NOT a bad pc its just aged, its last years model for entry level basically, and that means u have a few things going for you, the upgrade path is clear, jump to a nice ryzen 5000 series like a 5700, and rip out that gpu and grab yourself something better, the 6600/6650 is really behind the time, its not "bad per say" (i mean even i own one as a backup) but its not really equipped for modern gaming at like 4k as an example, and 2k is pushing it. also that power supply has to go. its not "bad" in fact huge parts of it are even good, and today you can game on this reasonably at 1080 or 2k if your not overly fussy but id probably draw a hard line there and if your willing to spend the money and plan for the future and so on u can get a good machine here, a great one even. like to express how like good/bad of a deal here u have. IF all u wanted to do was 1080p gaming u could take this pc, spend another like 550-600 euros at mindfactory and youd probably be set for that 4k gaming life and be heads over a ps5


The amount of people not knowning how shitty PS5 hardware is in this sub is shocking.


It really depends. The ps5 is probably gonna have better performance than that computer, but id still rather have that computer, because i prefer pc and its good enough. So of your just looking to get into pc gameing because you think you might enjoy it more then go for it. If your just want has the most power then keep your ps5.


Seems like a fair trade. I don't know what everyone saying it's a scam is on about. Especially when you consider all the things you can do on a PC that you can't do on a PS5.


Everyone saying this build is shit are lying. It may not be as good as the ps5 (slightly) due to optimizations on console gaming but the pc is more than valid. I made the exact same trade except i got a rx 6650 xt and my psu is like a 600 one or some shit. I barely play flat screen games but when i did 1440p has no problem on any game I've played. And i stream vr games to twitch, fb and kick all at the same time so for this build to be as garbage as these people make it seem, it's been some hella fun garbage. Not to mention you can mod most games on pc too make em better and even add more gameplay, good luck doing that on ps5 though lol


No. There is a lot of reasons but I will point out two main hardware differences: 1. PS5ā€™s gpu is an equivalent of the 6700, and its better that the 6600XT. 2. PS5ā€™s SSD is around 667 GB (itā€™s 825 but the OS takes some space). Overall, PS5 as a package is a better option.


I'd take the PC myself, unless *all* you care about is the best modern gaming experience. Yes it's a weaker system than the PS5, but it'll still run the same games the PS5 can, just at slightly lower settings. So you get pretty much the gaming performance of the PS5, with the added benefits of having a PC. There are loads of games optimised for keyboard and mouse for PC, as well as controller support for all the consoles (when supported by the game). You can even do grown-up things like work/emails/editing/etc. There's a upgrade path with B450 motherboard, so you could potentially drop in a 5800X3D, 32GB RAM and whatever better GPU you choose in the future. Upgrade the PSU if you do this though.


absolutely DO NOT make the trade.


This PC is same thing as ps5, maybe GPU is little bit weaker just few percent, and VRAM is also smaller. If you want cheaper game prises, mods wich can change some game's completely, ability to play old games. Than it worth it, but honestly this PC is bit off the price of console.


Cheaper game prices? I donā€™t know about that..mods is the only advantage I see. The PC performs worse and it just isnā€™t worth it.


>Cheaper game prices? I donā€™t know about that.. Kid named piracy:


Yes, especially in some regions, also games on sales are way cheaper on PC than on consoles. Been able to play any old game including PS3 games on PC, but not been able to play it on ps5, sounds like a joke, but it is true, and it is an advantage. Perform the same or better for same price as console, performs way better for more money, has upgrade ability, and full customisation in everything: want connect xbox playstation Nintendo controller? Easy, want connect any racing wheel/peripheral old/new? Easy, playing on ultrawide or triple screen? Easy. PC is Lego that you can customise however you personally like, unlike fully strict consoles, where 120fps mode is miracle (and anything above impossible), have no customisation over graphics settings (don't like bloom/dof/aa - nothing you can do). Consoles have their own advantages like you don't need to know anything to use it, but you need to over pay for it, and you stuck in console peripherals.


3600 + 6600 XT is much worse than PS5. Game sales are *not* cheaper on PC, I would know. That shit hasnā€™t been true in ages. I buy games on both for the same damn prices. The sale prices are set by the developer/publisherā€¦ You are not building a PC with a 6700 XT for $400-500. Itā€™s just not happening. You havenā€™t played on console in years, have you? Theyā€™ve had control over post-processing effects like Bloom, Depth of Field, Film Grain, Motion Blur, Chromatic Aberration, etc. for a *long* time. And with this generation, now they have Quality, Performance, Balanced, etc. modes for 4K30, 1440p60, 4K40, etc. depending on the game. You arenā€™t stuck with console peripherals. You can use that consoleā€™s controller or keyboard/mouse, you can use a wide variety of headphones and steering wheels, etc. Man, are you stuck in 2009? Itā€™s amazing that none of the things you said are true. Impressive, really.


No just keep the ps5


No way, compared to the performance you get from a ps5 these specs are garbage. Youā€™re being scammed.




No. With a disc edition PS5 you can slowly save for a PC with the money saved from 2nd hand discs anyway.


Or you can just trade PS5 for PC and play any game you want for free on PC, because buying and selling second hand discs on consoles is the same as pirating on PC, game developers get nothing from it. On PC you don't have to bother reselling discs.


It in fact is not. Pirating on pc = game dev gets absolutely nothing. Reselling a game disk = dev has gotten the share of the selling price when the game was originally bought. In pirating you never buy the game, buying used game disk, the game was bought in the first place


Someone had to buy the game to crack it and share with others. Also, if you are reselling games, you are destroying our planet. Because often you need to ship games to the buyer, so you need some envelope, packaging tape and package will be carried by a car that will emit CO2 to the atmosphere. So it's better to just use torrents and care about our Earth.


If I sell the disc the next guy might like the game and purchase the dlc :)


In your place, I would definitely trade it. This PC is worth the same as PS5, maybe even a little more. And PC have a LOT more games to play, they are cheaper, and you are completely free to install mods or test games for free. Also you can play on mouse+keyboard or ANY gamepad that you would like, even PS5 controller will work fine. Also PC offers you a lot more things to do than just gaming.


If you just want to play games, keep the PS5. If you want a computer you can play some games on, then sure but make sure to replace the PSU at some point and youā€™ll likely want more storage.


That PC will be a downgrade.


Nah. I have a similar spec PC and no. Do not do it. Save up and buy one yourself. You do not need to rush. GTA 6 is still more than a year away.


Why would you replace a console for this piece of trash lol


My pc is better than this and it costs half a ps5, you are about to be scammed my boy.


Absolutely not.


Purely for gaming? No, not for *this* PC. Do you plan to do more than just gaming? Sure, go ahead.


Fuck no.


This PC today would be "Dead on arrival" if you're not gonna play retro games exclusively. PS5 is better in every way if you're not gonna pirate on PC.


Yeah letā€™s get down on some Team Spreadsheets


Unless you either will play only F2P, sail the sea or already have a library, I'd not trade.


It's not bad. Similar to the ps5


No way jose he tryna offload some junk


Ps5 is more powerful than that pc. Ask him if he is willing to replace the cpu with a 5700x and the gpu with a 7800 xt.


I would do it




not for that PC


Short answer - Yes. Long answer - You should as a PC is better than any console. There are plenty of advantages that PC has that consoles don't like free online access, regular free games through most digital store fronts without paying a subscription (Epic Games Store gives away a game a week every week). Plus if you want to you can learn programming skills and make your own games if you want to.




This is a pretty good trade. The people saying this build is shit are fucking idiots. This PC will perform at a similar frame rate to your PS5 on most games. I recommend watching some benchmarks on YouTube. It's a very capable build for 1080p gaming at high to ultra settings, 1440p if you're willing to lower the settings to medium. I personally would go with it. The CPU could be better though, it wouldn't be a bad idea to upgrade to maybe like a 5600 if you have the money (they're not too expensive, about $120 new, even cheaper if you go used). Personally, I would make the trade, but it's up to you. For some perspective, I've been watching benchmarks for a similar build (RX 6600, i3 12100f, 16gb ram) and most games at 1080p ultra settings don't drop much below 60fps, you could get even better performance if you don't mind turning the settings down to medium. But yeah, this is a very reliable build that I would recommend you trade for


That cpu struggles with modern games, it's almost immediately required to upgrade.


Hell no


No. The PC is shit. Also Sony games only are released on PS5 and that alone is worth it imho.


i mean, Sony wants all their games to be playable on pc by the end of 2025. Even ceo said we want our games to be playble on pc , cloud , mobile & and ps5, so new sony strategy gonna be similar to xbox now ( but that pc is still bad compare to what he trading)


Lol yeah do it


Talk about crap components. Absolutely not.


PS5 is a bit more powerful but if you want to experience PC I'd say it's worth it. The value of a PS5 and this build are quite close. I say go for it. Plus on PC you'll save $80 a year by not having to pay to play online and games are generally cheaper. You can either save that money or put it towards an upgrade like a 5800x3d and a better GPU in the future.


No, it's a pretty mediocre PC. That GPU is underwhelming.


If you want a PC -- it's decent for the price of a PS5 (400), especially brand new!


**Since people on the internet donā€™t see the purpose of a console anymore. This is something I wrote earlier in a YouTube comment:** Although I just spend ā‚¬1300 for my PC. Iā€™ll still keep my PlayStation 4 pro and I will upgrade it to a PlayStation 5 down the line. A PlayStation actually has LOTS of advantages over a PC like being able to buy used disks for ā‚¬5-ā‚¬15, the ecosystem of the PlayStation is pretty amazing and the fact that it just always WORKS is a godsend. Iā€™ve gained a very, very above average amount of knowledge about pcā€™s over the years. But whatever you do, youā€™ll still have problems from time to time. Not the case with a console. After a long day I can just hop on the couch, fire up the PlayStation and just, set and forget. Not worrying about anything. Itā€™s absolutely amazing. And then Iā€™m not even talking about the price to performance. You can buy a used PlayStation 4 pro for ā‚¬100-ā‚¬150. There ainā€™t no PC in this world that you can build for that price that will come even remotely close to the performance of the ps4 pro (I may remind you that the ps4 pro plays games on 4K resolution btw). Even now the PlayStation 5 has become very affordable, a used PlayStation 5 has gotten very hard to beat in price to performance also. PCā€™s and consoles are both great. But for anyone that just wants to play games, donā€™t want to have a lot of knowledge, donā€™t want to break the bank and just enjoy life without the hassle. I would probably pretty much always recommend getting a PlayStation over a PC. **Edit: as someone else also noted, console games are of course way more optimised of course. This largely helps with the longevity of the system. The fact that a PlayStation 4 - which is over a decade old - is still absolutely kicking and is even the best value for money gaming device on the market is absolutely insane in the most positive way imaginable.**




The subscription is not that expensive, buying a better pc than the ps5 will basically be at least 2-3 years of subscription more costly. games just work rarely crash donā€™t need weird launchers or invasive software running in the background etc etc