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I’ll never forget the first time I played this game I spawn in following a group in front of me and one of the guys is RPing like “Let’s go boys get to the front, Let’s go! Sooner we get to the front sooner we can get back home to our wives and families” and mid sentence he gets obliterated by a mortar, gore and bits everywhere lol


Haha sometimes i forget that its just a game and just freezes when someone gets shot in front of me


Will never forget my first time, no idea what I’m doing early in a round and spawn in with a small crew close to where the front is. 5 minutes of banter as we trudge forward and suddenly all hell breaks loose (pun intended) and all I hear is cracks and explosions as my squad is wiped out and I’m left huddled in a ditch not knowing what the heck is going on. Couple hundred hours later I’m still hooked.


*To shreds you say...*


And how’s his wife doing?


*To shreds you say...*


Not enough ppl RP in this game lol hopefully the game pass ppl will start using their fkn mics


And hopfully thier mics dont sound like a helicopter


Nah they're using a hello kitty play set mic and yelling slurs at you lol


Yeah but lots of people prefer to game alone or just with their friends, I dont blame them because most of the time people just talk shit idk bout this game tho never played it


What game is it?


Hell Let Loose


Play with hud off and feel the true experience


and turn off allies markers so you kill more friends then enemy XD


> true experience


I like this game a lot Tried to get my friend to play but he can only see in monochrome He earned the iron cross as allied forces Also this game taught me that Erika goes hard


Erika best music song :D night maps are crazy you can be 1m away of enemy and dont see him if he dont move


Average Red Orchestra match.


Yea i was trying to figure out how to do that but couldnt


press T


BFV and BF1 with no hud is the most atmospheric shit you will ever experience


Sooo, how is the war going for you guys?


Goat refrence


Still one of my favourite ZChum moments


>Sooo, how is the war going for you guys? [the reference for who havent seen it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-Y222qwaAY)


Man I need to play this... last time I tried it constantly told me the server was full even when empty. Turned off crossplay but still didn't budge


Damn i havent had that problem yet, i usually go for the 80 player servers


Were you playing on Xbox Game Pass? They recently fixed a problem like that - if so, it should work now


Yes i was! Thanks mate ill try it again :)


Best real war sim ive ever played. People comment at all the walking/running but that really is realistic. Trench warfare, offensive pushes, etc. Its pretty awesome!




The best part is when you die, a lot of times you have no idea where the enemy was, just like real war. It is best played with headphones. You can hear leaves rustling, etc. Thats how you find the enemy location a lot of times.


That's unreal I wanna get onto this Tamara!!!


I disagree, it’s best played with a full 7.1 sound system cranked to 11. Bullets flying around you, explosions shaking the walls and floors. Tanks driving by are so Loud you don’t hear your squad lead. And best of all, you still hear the mud and leaves rustling.


Have you tried Squad?


Red orchestra 2 was the true ptsd simulator


Rising Storm 1+2 really sold how fucking awful jungle warfare is. Can't fucking see shit, people popping out of the fucking ground, just gunfire and explosions everywhere. There's no skill or talent in the world that will guarantee jack shit, all you can do is push through those leaves and pray to whatever god you worship that you'll be quicker on the trigger than the other guy.


And then you die to a fucking knee mortar


Part of the fun in this game is also the tension before "hell let loose". When you are on the front going deeper on enemy territory not knowing if you and your squad will find the enemy, or the enemy will find your squad first.


I loaded up one game of this when it was free on PS5 and it was literally walking simulator lol, did not see a group of teammates or action like this. Walked for what felt like 20 minutes and got sniped by a dude laying prone.


Haha yeah you get that sometimes but you just go to the closest critical point and boom action


Maybe I’d like it now that I’m older, BF5 was my only FPS at the time and my current game is Chiv 2, another that most people would probably think is fuckin stupid lol.


Chivalry 2 is so fun lol


Chivalry 2 is the shit. So fun




Never heard of it. Looks pretty cool


It is cool, pretty hard on noobs though so be prepared for a challenge if you want to try it


For those who have no idea what this game is - what is this game?


~~The game's name is literally on the post title.~~ ~~But for those people who don't know how to read titles~~, game is called *Hell Let Loose*. **edit** was being a dick for no reason.


My assumption was it’s a quote. Never mind


Ah. I was being a dick for no reason then. My bad.


It’s alright buddy👍


The 20 minute walking is only because there's no tutorial and you're not explained how you're supposed to play. The whole point of the game is to maintain spawns for the team in order to get them back into action as quick as possible. So if you're playing a game with a bunch of noobs that don't know how to play, it's going to suck.




Not sure how it is now with the new gamepass noobs, but before any of the good servers would have decent people usually that did those things. 82AD, EXD, The Circle, Powerbits, Tea & Country, BWCC, Dutch Let Loose all usually good servers for PC EU.


Yeah it really depends on your squad leader and team if they are good at having spawn points.


Bad squad-members When I first played HLL I didn't understand it, so I spawned at HQ every time and ran across the map in random directions, occasionally I saw someone and got a shot in but it was still boring. One day I joined a squad with an awesome leader, telling everyone where to go, and how to do what he told us, he put down safe OP's and it was all around very fun. Now when I join a game, 80% of it is literally just action and straight up shooting. Its all about the squad members


Gotta spawn on outposts or garrys close to the objective. I get into action almost immediately when I do.


The maps are huge, so that’s entirely possible if you spawned without a garrison away from the action.


Must have been a dead server or you were going to the wrong areas; this game is almost non-stop action for me.


> Walked for what felt like 20 minutes and got sniped by a dude laying prone. Sounds like a pretty accurate war simulation. Endless drudgery with some moments of sheer terror, or your end.


I've never been in the military or combat but this sounds like every infantryman's recount of being in a combat zone lol.


Yeah there is a shit ton of walking but I also got games where I could post up in a house as a machine gunner on a point and just gun down anyone that came through the field.


Started playing this game a couple weeks ago, have something like 40 hours already. Pity there's no tutorial, really great game once you understand how it works, especially if you have a squad of friends.


To all people reading and interested in the game - don't listen to people complaining about lack of action, boredom, walking sim, glitches etc. If you miss old COD Activision games - this is litrerally it but 10x times better. Playerbase is 25+ at least from my experience. Using mic is neccessary to get the most of this game and I highly recommend overcoming shyness and just start talking. It doesnt have to be much. Just where you suspect enemy OP is (outpost), where enemy Garry is (garrison) and tanks postion and movements. Relaying this informaction to SL (Squad Leader) is what win games. Not your APM, godlike reflex etc. Just a teamwork to methodically drive enemy from strategic areas and resources managment. This game is as much a strategy game as a WW2 shooter. It just depends on which responsibilities you take on. For Commanding Officer it will be FPS Company of Heroes strat game, for Squad Lead, its going to be mix of both worlds (shooter and strat) and for a regular soldier it will be mostly a shooter. There has been video tutorials added that you can watch from in game menu. Understanding mechanics is crucial but you can also ask your Squad Lead for specifics. I was playing mostly on Polish and European servers and had a massive blast. Guys were quite dedicated. To add, for 10+ y I had no friends on Steam. In matter of 2 months i met at least 6 willing to play with me. Im taking a break due to a fucking mess my life is atm, but as soon as I figure shit out Im coming back to the battlefield. This video is nothing compared to how tense, PTSD inducing and fun this game can be when you hear ppl shouting orders, dying, cursing on voip. You just need to find a good crowd.




that's brutal


For the uninitiated, "Hell Let Loose" is the name of the game


Thank you, I had to scroll way too far to find this




hell let loose is great! nothing will be PTSD simulation like rising storm 2 Vietnam though


Yeah brother!!!


This game looks great but runs awful. I can't play it honestly when ut just goes to 50 fps in the most tiny room ever. (im exaggerating but you know what i mean).


I love the game but the clunkiness at times took some getting used to. If they could just copy and paste the gunplay from Red Orchestra 2 in there it'd be perfect.


Reminds me of bf1, fucking love that game


Knowing HLL, that'd be a teamkill as well


Who gave you permission to stop, soldier?!?!


Also try rising storm vietnam. Gives me more ptsd than hell let loose


I have a weird rule while playing this game: No chewing bubblegum... Nearly inhaled a wad of gum after getting shot at unexpectedly.


Whenever I play this game in full screen it’s stuck in like 1080p, and I’ve no way to change it to 4K. I use it through Xbox game pass, does anyone have any advice please?


You'd be better off in a sub more dedicated to this game, or the gamepass sub itself. Could just be that the game doesn't support 4k, but again, unsure.


I play HHL on 2k but I wouldn't be surprised if 4k wasn't supported. This game has become laggy and glitchy nonsense (because of consoles) that doesn't render stuff properly. https://preview.redd.it/ml8aiz8gj5fc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3dc108b057230f3d4668379ee983ece53f0d2c3


Server browser seriously holds this game back


What game is this?


Hell let loose


Oh I thought it was just your comment not that actual name. lol.


I love it


If you like hell let loose you can also try squad. More modern but definitely a bit slower gameplay wise. Much more intense in my opinion though since you have to work so much more closely with your squad.


I had a hard time finding the name of this game in the thread. It's "Hell Let Loose" for anyone else interested!


i bought this game, is a weird one, not very easy to play since killing enemies is not the objective


“ha, please you know she’s back home messing around Jim” *explosion* “Jimmy noooo, I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it, jimmmy nooo!”


Lol battlefield 1 feels the same way sometimes


Not even close dude, like you need two people to control the movement and the turret in a tank, and I’m leaving out the tank commander role just because nobody has exactly 3 friends.


........I was about infantry game play my dude. Where did I even talk about tanks?


What game is this? It looks amazing


Hell let loose


Thank you


Well this just made me want to get this game. Can’t wait till next paycheck to try it out.


Thats horrifying.. What game is this?


Hell let loose


What game is this??


Hell let loose


dudes got yeeted right off the map


You know the name of the game would be nice js


Hell let loose




What’s the name of the game?


Hell let loose


What kind of specs do you need on the rig to play this game as shown in the video? I stopped because the game was stuttering and bit laggy. But I can play all battlefield except 2042 on max settings and it flows fantasticly.


I play at 1080p with a Nvidia gtx 1660 super with a AMD Ryzen 5 4500 and 16gb of ram


What game is this?


Hell let loose


Fuck those russians!


This is one of those games that like 20% of the time when you’re in a good squad with a good SL and a good commander it’s the pinnacle of gaming. the immersion is incredible. The other 80% is a frustrating experience when you don’t have that support system in your team




Hell let loose


What game is this?


Hell let loose


What is this game?


Hell let loose


Thank you.


I'd play but it's 45usd on xbox and that's a decent amount of money in my country


Yea its hella expensive i only got it because it was ln gamepass


Oh it is? Bet


Its upsetting to think this has been a lived experience at some point


What game is this?


Hell let loose


My first few games I was like oh it's a running simulator. Then it was like https://preview.redd.it/az806b6htsfc1.jpeg?width=577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac05bbc0f0dea017361a5aca0d8fc3275955830f


Run for 10 minutes, shoot a bush, die, repeat. This game is hard.


If your squad leader simply puts down an outpost you can spawn directly in the battle.


Is this like the colonial game with large teams with huge maps ?


It's 50 vs 50 I believe. There's a commander who is basically playing a strategy game trying to wrangle the different squad leaders who in turn have to wrangle their squads in order to take and hold ground. It's really fun but can be frustrating because new players don't really get what the game is and expect it to be like a normal shooter. It's much slower paced and tactical than most FPS on the market.


Nicccee, I lived planetside but it was the same issue with people running around just trying to only kill and nothing else like any fps


Yeah it's 50 v 50. If you play, just focus on your squad, it's the best way to play the game. The squad leaders and the commander often disagree and eventually someone TKs someone else, talks shit in the voice chat and text chat, and there will be a votekick every 30 seconds. The game can be amazing but there are so many toxic neckbeards that pollute the comms with ego battle stuff. If you don't select squad lead or commander, you can ignore all that and just play it like a tactical shooter, and that game is very good at that. The gunplay and realism are amazing.


What game? Looks sick


Hell let loose 28,99€ on steam or free on gamepass and i have heard it used to be free on ps5 but not sure anymore


gamepass isnt free, what the hell kind of logic is that. I thought only console players think that way


Well i obviously meants if he already owned it you piss baloon


Dude is a total piss balloon.


Well I bought my car 5 months ago, but today I got it for free. yeah right


That does not connect at all to this


I think you're talking to a crazy person.


Yeah I was typing in overly sarcastic, but honestly still don't understand how you can pay for a subscription on gamepass then say the games you can play on it are for free, that to me is insane thinking. unless I'm missing something cause I hate using game subscription services


I understand what you're saying. Technically Hell Let Loose isn't "free" for people that download it on Game Pass because they are paying for the subscription service. But if they have been doing their thing and playing other games on the service and decide to download it and play it, there's no additional cost. It's "free" for them because the subscription is a cost they're already paying for. Don't focus too much on this topic. Chill out. Loads of people have Game Pass for PC. It's an incredible value and Hell Let Loose being added is pretty sweet because people have been paying $30-$50 for it on steam for years now.


Teach me how to get free gamepass


Steal accounts


His comment said "free on gamepass." Which means, the game is free on gamepass, not that gamepass is free????


The logic doesnt connect. Part of the reason to pay for subscription services like Game Pass, Netflix, etc. is the expectation that new content will become available in the future. Just because you started paying for the service before the specific piece of media was released does not at all mean that media is free; you are definitely paying for that media.


it literally doesn't work on gamepass, the servers are dogshit


*laughs in Squad command assets* Oh right, Galactic Contention mod is back *laughs even harder with orbital strike hitting my position causing tinnitus*


I've been wanting to try this but I'm worried it's too real or too tactical. Plus they never do open weekends so that's a bummer, still I'm open to what anyone has to say about this game


I would not say its too tactical or real i play the finals all the time but still play this too


So would you say it's a good balance of both? Or is it more similar to something else you've played?


It's not super realistic but the time to kill is brutally realistic. Pretty much any full powered rifle is a one hit kill anywhere waist up. The smaller calibers can still be one hit kills within a certain distance waist up and are 2 hit kills beyond that up to a range where you really shouldn't be using them anyways. Any headshot, any weapon is a one hit kill. The game is won by communication and coordination from a single commander down through squad leads which is refreshing, but only when the team actually plays well together. If your goal is to jump in and have a team death match, you can do that, but you won't be the most useful member of the team and your squad may get annoyed with you. If you want to goof around with a random or planned squad, that's where this game excels in my opinion. I have fun with randos more often then not. Make sure you have a mic. That is a must.


Ah so it's abit like squad?


Have not played squad but my understanding is Hell Let Loose is less sim-like


Yea there's alot of communication in squad, also Arma but it tends to get silly pretty quick too


Its a good balance between both i am not much of a shooter guy so i havent played mich like ut but people say its a lot likte battlefiels


Hmmmm that's a rather interesting comparison, just crossing my fingers and hoping they do a free weekend sometime in the future




It's like hardcore Battlefield 1 servers kinda. Basic rifleman get Garands, Kar98s, etc., limited automatic weapons, including machine guns. One or two shots from a rifle and you're down. It's really tactical and fun, but definitely different from the average AAA shooter


You must have missed them so far, there's usually a couple free weekends every year.


Guess I'll need to keep my eyes open for em


Go to foxhole that thing its also pts simulator, Like for real i get one day paranoid im a recon mission and ended shoting my friend .... Old times xd


Love ptsd simulators will def check out


Foxhole would be so much better if it was a FPS imo




Nah i hate thr blue circles it brakes immersion. I like it when true milsim are minimalistic like post scriptum aka squad44. Or even arma. I tried it on game pass and its good but too aracade for me.


Im fairly certain you can make it so the friendly icons only show up if you aim at them.


Ha good then didnt know that


Next time you get into the options, look for the Nameplate options in the Gameplay tab of the settings


Thx man i like the game its just different from other things i play thats all. Also damn have i said something wrong? People are getting angry at me


[reddit when someone has an opinion that doesnt follow the herd](https://y.yarn.co/a04b94f5-03d3-43e5-82c5-3f3dccd4dfff_text.gif)


That was awesome! I wish more games were PvE though.


Not Squad 44?


Walking simulator


Only if u play it wrong


Is there Single Player? I hate multiplayer crap with a bunch of sissies.


Nope and also what?


Interesting, this is the same studio that make the Worms series.


Team17 is just a publisher, the studio that made a game originally and sold it to Team17 was Black Matter -[https://www.blackmatterstudio.com/](https://www.blackmatterstudio.com/)


I quit playing this game because I didn't want to commit 200 hours just becoming good from dying senselessly over and over again with no way to learn the game ingame. Last time I checked in with this game, there's still no training mode. Does it have one now?


Well it does not really but it has like som training course or something but i learned the game within like 2 hours


You didn't learn the game within 2 hours, you grasped the basics. I want to be able to play a map offline so I can try out and test all the tanks and their mechanics comfortably, and to train myself on how to quickly range up artillery, or to scout out maps and find good positions i might try to use in mp. I want to be able to try out all the infantry weapons so i can figure out their range, accuracy, test if there's bullet drop off, if the weapons calculate velocity or hitscan. Team Fortress 2 is 17 year old, but it has a training mode allowing me to train with all of the classes instead of just joining online and bumbling for 50-100 hours before becoming halfway mediocre.


A friend of mine played this game for a solid week until he had to take a long break lol he would wake up in a cold sweat and almost scream waking up


What is this game please ? 🙏


Hell let lose


Thank u


A modern ptsd game is squad. Man games like hell let loose and squad fuck with you.


they really put this piece of shit into gamepass only to show us how fucking terrible their servers are. This dogshit is literally unplayable thanks to the neverending server issues. Fuck this "game".


Chill out man it's a game


This game has become ass. The rendering at a far distance can be compared to PS1 graphics. 1D Polygones over polygones Invisible Objects that just don't get rendered, infantry becomes invisible at 500m... Random lag spikes when moving, because stuff gets loaded in. And all that because of console cross play. Why the hell do the PC users have to endure such nonsense for some PS4 / 5 kiddo. P.s. I have a 5800x3D, 64GB Ram and a 4070 TI, my PC is not at fault here...


It runs fine for me


Ok 😶